HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-6-7, Page 3Y4UNCi
1t was lois sotto first noticed 11. She
began to sniff as soon as site come In
Iron' school,
"What is Jt smells so good?" she
asked. fed, W;t
1 r
a you cooking?"
"Nothing but pottoes," her mother
answered. "1 gimes ICs the wood in the
oven. The Meetings seem damp this
morning, so I put solve in to dry."
"I never knew any wood small like
that; it's delicious I"
"Oh, what arra we going to ;lave for
dinner 7" cried Elliott, bursting into the
kitchen with a clatter and a bang. "I
should think it wus sassafras soup by
the smell I"
'Sassafras soup 1 What ahoy 1"
"Well, it would bo good! What is it,
anyhow ?"
"It isn't sassafras, for there isn't a tree
on the farm, laughed Lois. "I wish there
"Who's eating wintergreen candy?"
asked little Sophie. "Give me some—
do 1" and the outer door opened and
shut, letting in a whiff of hash alr.
"1 declare I believe I smell something
now 1 It must be the wood." Mrs. Al-
ton} sniffed at the oven door, "I don't
know whether It's here or not," she
concluded; "but I must broil the steak -
1 know that I"
"Dinner smells good 1" said the father,
taming in breezily. "What is it this
time—Banbury turnovers or orange
ehoake 7" c
The others laughed.
"We've all been fooled," answered
Lois. "It's just beefsteak and potatoes
tnd apple pie. Somebody has been per-
fuming the wood, I think. It ought to
be the first of April."
Alter dinner Elliott inspected the
oven. "I have it I" he exclaimed, tri-
umphantly, inhaling the odor up and
down the length of a small stick. "It's
this birch I"
The rest crowded around him, and th
wood passed from hand to hand.
"It smells just like wintergreen candy,
anyway," insisted Sophie, 11 you did
laugh at me I"
1 remember there was a small black
birch in the corner of that swamp we've
been cleaning up," said Mr. Alford,
"and Ihis must be a piece of It,"
"And Sophie isn't so far out of the
way, alter all," put In Elliott; "for Mr.
Thrall told me once that essence of
wintergreen was often made from black
Well, I'm not going to have a bit cf
that burned up I" declared Lois. "We'll
keep It to perfume the house. We can
put it in that little oven on top of the
parlor stove, and make everybody won-
der what it is smells so good. It will
be fun ! Come on out to the woodshed,
Elliott and Sophie, and let's pick out all
we can find I"
Occurrences in the Land That Reigns
Supreme in the Commercial
The managers at Poplar Sick Asylum
on't slake, eggs that weigh less Wan two
After 41 years' service Mr, John Phil-
lips itas retired from the postmastership
of Manchester ,
A Carlisle fish dealer cut open a cod
and found in its stomach a large pocket
knifewith open blade.
Bournemouth Town Counell has de-
cided to erect a now town hall and
municipal buildings at, a cost of R.100,-
Nottingham Town Council has decided
to black out all betting news in the
papers taken in by the public libraries.
Mr. Witham Price, who was known
throughout Monmouthshire as Mr. Glad -
stone's double, died the other day at the
age of 90.
Th volunteer strength, although down
from last year, is still 10,000 higher than
in any year previous to the South
African War.
The sum of £164,000 per annum Is
paid by the country in salaries and fees
for the services of Cabinet Ministers and
subordinate members of the administra-
The Lord -Lieutenant of Gloucester-
shire, Earl Ducie, has issued an appeal
f over 48,000 for
r the restorationof
Cathedral, the fabric of which
is being seriously damaged by the
It has been suggested to the London
Johnson Club that a better memorial to
"the doctor" than a statue would be the
purchase of his house, still standing, and
Rs fitting up as a literary museum.
On the roll of the new House of Com-
mons Mr. John Murphy, M.P., has sign-
ed his name in Gaelio. This is the first
time that a member o1 Parliament has
e I signed the roll in other than English
There are upwards of 90 lady students
t the Horticultural College, Swanley
nd some men are also employed, ye
he ladles take their full share of the
ork, even to stoking the fires and Mk -
ng Sunday duty.
Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, the secretary
1 the Labor party, was born in 1866 at
ossiemouth, where his father was an
gricullural laborer. He is now one A
he two Parliamentary representatives
f Leicester,
The Basford Guardians have dis-
overed that a man who hits been re-
eiving outdoor relief at the rate of
avast shillings a week for two years
a shareholderein the local co-operative
Neely to the extent of nearly £50.
The death is announced of William
Snaith, locomotive and stores superin-
ndent of the central division .01 the
ortli-eastern Railway, His death severs
n Interesting connecting link with the
Ely days of railways..
The Parks Committee at Iiiddermins-
r are proposing to gran`6 ten or twelve
lotments M Brenton Park ,tor the
aching of gardening under the County
ouncil scheme. An application has
een made for a grant and the services
the county gardening expert to give
According to the annual report o! the
over'nment Inspector of Workhouses
Lancashire, there is a gradual de -
ease of pauper labor used in the sick
ards of the unions, the number having
creased from 260 to 170 during the last
en years.
There is no salary attached to the
ffice of Prime Minister, The head of
e Cabinet, however, usually under-
takes another office. In the last. five.
vernments the Prime Minister has
o'acted in the capacity A First Lord
the Treasury, deriving an Income of
0from the latter.;ofliice..
The police are taking exception to the
newel of he license of the Bell Inn
Exha%, in Warwickshire, which has
en in existence over 900 years.. At ono
Mod the premises did 4'131' duty as
blit -house and school, and up to the
delle of Jest century they were. par-
y located in the parish churchyard.
"Please, Mr. Jones, there's a little boy
at the back gate to see you."
"At the back gate? Bring him in,
"]le won't come in, sir; says he's aw-
ful busy, and hasn't got time."
"How big is lie?"
"About as big as my fist, sir," said
The good-natured gentleman went out
to the back gate. "Well, countryman,'
he said, pleasantly, "what can I do for
The small boy—for he was a very
small boy—took off a soft, dirty hat, and
held 1t behind him. "I've come to tell
you, sir, that Bray's got to be killed."
"Bray, my big Newfoundland dog?
And who sent you here with that infor-
mation?" asked the gentleman, losing
all his pleasant looks.
"Nobody sent me,". the boy answered,
stoutly, I've come by myself. Bray has
tanned my sheep' for three days. He's
got to be killed."
"Where Ad you get any sheep 7'
asked Mr. Jones.
"My sheep .are Mr, Ransom's. He
gives me fifteen cents a week for watch-
ing 'em."
Did you tell Mr. Ransom that Bray
had been running ,them?"
"No, sir; I felled you.".
"Ah, that's well; 1 don't want to ,kill
Bray. Suppose:d give you fifteen cents
a week for not telling Mr. Ransom when
Bray runs his sheep; how would that
do?" • ,
As soon es the little shepherd"got -the
Idea into his head he scornfully rejected
It. "That u'd be paying -me for a ale."
he said, indignantly, I wouldn't tell
lies for all the money 1n the world."
When he said thls, Mr. Jones took off
his own hat, and reached down and took
the small, dirty hand in his. "Hurrah,
herdsmanl" said lie. "I beg your per -
don for offering you a bribe. Now I
know that the keeper of Mr. Ransom's
Cheep is not afraid of a man four times
his size, but that he is afraid of a lie.
leurreh for you I I am going to tell Mr.
Ransom that 11 he doesn't raise your
wages I shall otter twice fifteen cents
and take' yeti into. my servile. Mean-
time, Bray shall be shut up, while. your.
sheep are on my side of the hill., Will
that do? All right, then. Good morn-
ing, countryman."
A Britfsb Monument for an African
A handsome monument, consisting of
e granite pedestal and a bronze statue
of the late King .Ja Js of,Opobo,'Niger-
ia, will be shipped from Glasgow to
Africa next month.
The Dost of the monument is being
defrayed by the King's European
blends, arid also by many o1 Isis rela-
Itis son, now KingFrederick S. Jo, la
of Opobo, was educated at Glasgow,
while his grandson, Prince .Eugene S.
Ja Ja, the twelve -year-old son of the pro -
sent king, is now being educated in an
academy in the west of Sootland.
Tho pedasttil Is being prepared by a
Glasgow firm of sculptors, and the coin.
misslon for the bronze statue was
e in the hends of a Landon fir
Miss de Muh' "Were e yau ever hype
hand, Mr. HeOtor ?" ' Hector (sadly) :
"That is my' only OM* for being mar-
Larks are Frequently Caught 'In : Their
Far up in stile mountains 01 'Ceyon,
there, is a spider that spies a 'web 11k3
bright yellowish, silk, the•centraf net of
which is five feet In dameter, white' the
supporting linos, or guys, lie they.,,aro
called, measure sometimes ten or twelve
NIL The •spider seldom• Mtes'or••stingriS
but •should anyone try to catch.. him,
bite he will, and, though ;not'venornousl.
his jaws are as powerful as 8 bird's
The bodies of these spiders are very
handsomely decorated, being bright
gold or sparlet underneath;while the
upper part is covered with the most de-
licate slate -colored fur, .
So strong are the webs that birds the
size oe Larios are frequently eaught•there=
1t1, and even the smell but powerful
scaly lizard falls a victim. • .A;lvriter•
says that he has often set and 'Watched
the yellow monster—measuring, whets
wafting for his prey, with his legs
stretched out, fully six inches—striding'
across the middle of the net, end noted'
the rapid manner in which he wends'
his stout threads round the unfm'luna e'
captive. •
He usually throws the collo abetlt the'
head until the wretched victim isfirst
blinded and then choked, 1n many int.
frequented dark nooks of the jungle yid
come across elteletons of small 'birds in
these terrible snares.
A man who is fend of working out
statistics and astronomical cel solations,
figures that the ootton factories of Lan.
cashle° England, at present spin about
155,000,000.miles 01 thread a day, so that
in sex seconds they make ouotlgh to go
around the earth. In one month they
spin enough to reach tram hero to the
Moen. The
rdu t of eighteen days
would rea. fromthe Bun to Neptune.
Counting 910 working days. In the year,
it would take them, at this rate, 600
years to Eason the nearest star,
Three Doctors Baliied But Of. WiLiamg'
Pink Palle Came to the Rescue,
Just a few months ago tiro borne of
Mr,. James Rears, of hnlerson, N. IL,
wus 111101 ,whit sorrow, 14 seemed that
death would claim the lite of their
bright littleirl, '1'o -day this gloom 10
changed to joy, The tittle one is no
longer 111, but is now bright, active and
happy. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
brought tilts change alter three doc-
tors !a d s I
bad led. Concerning ill-
ness and cure Mrs. Boers tils says:— "At
the age of six, my little girl became very
111. At different times for the next
y ear and a half three doctors treated
her without benefit. She was terribly
run down and her blood was nothing
but water, 'Then dropsy set in, She
would swell so that her clothes were
much too small for her, Icor legs and
feet were nearly twice their natural
size. To make her torture worse rheu-
matism set in. Her state was pitiable.
Sometimes we thought she could not
hve much longer and for three months
she could not walk a step. To touch
her was to cause her the greatest ag-
ony. The doctors were baffled — they
could do nothing for her and as a last
resort wo began the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. She took the pills several
weeks when wo saw there wos 0
slight improvement. The improvement
gradually became more marked and by
the time she had taken twenty-one
tuxes her cure was complete. it is now
nine months since she took. the ptiis,
and she is now air well as she ever was
and goes to school every day. 1 can-
not speak too highly In laver of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for o i feel ee
ed et m
Y little girl'slife."
Watery blood
is the cause of over half
the sickness which prevails to -day. To
have health, strength and happiness
you must have rich, red blood, Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills make this rich, red
blood, that is why they cure anaemia,
indigestion, loss o1 appetite, rheuma-
tism, neuralgia, nervous troubles, heart
palpitation and all the ailments pecull-
er to growing girls and women. Sold
by dealers in medicine or by mail at
50e a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
{ t.
Eleven Natives Eaten by Herd of Hun-
gry Animals In Africa.
Word from Blantyre, British Central
Africa, states that a herd of hungry
lions attacked the town of Chorumo,
British Central Africa, and not only
killed eleven natives, but put the rest
cd the population to flight and demol-
ished many of the huts. Between fif-
teen and twenty lions made the raid at
dusk. They first attacked two natives
cn the outskirts of the town. One of
the natives escaped, and while the body
of his companion was being torn to
pieces he ran to the government butld-
mThe watchman on duty refused to be-
lieve his story, and while the frighten-
er' native was protesting the lions sud-
denly dashed into the main street. Three
watchmen were struck down before
they could reach their rifles, and the
native who had previously escaped was
likewise killed. A fourth watchman,
who fled to an inner root', was pursued
by two of the brutes, and torte to pieces.
A child was seized in front of one
of the huts, and when the frantic mo-
ther attempted to rescue it she was like-
wise attacked and eaten. Three other
natives were killed and eaten.
The lions killed a large number of
goals and other live stock, and after-
wards roamed through the town, prowl-
ing round some of the huts, in, which
the inmates hand barricaded themselves.
A large number.of natives, who man-
aged to escape from the town, got into
their canoes apd paddled to the tali fie
of the River Shire, where Wee spent the
night. They could distinctly ]rear the
shouts of the besefged.
Chorumo is situated near the Eteehnnt
,Marsh game reserve, wh3.d filly ele-
phants lived last year.
Eaten by Horde bt agate in the Dublin
' Post -office.
"A horde at rats as big 'an rgbbits"
,ha}ints the Dublin' General Poet -Office,
according to statement of -an official
reported in the irish Independent,Which
MN; art. amusing story Of;,a wedding
cake dispatched from Dublin for Can-
ada,, . .
The wedding -cake. was ;peeked. JIl a
box and duly,, posted at the Dublin
post-ofiloet In the night the rats et -
locked the parcel and ate not only, the
cake but the box itself.. Nothing was
left -but the string and part of the ad-
dress label, and with these slender
olues,th0 sender of the wedding cake
was traced. ,
A' fresh wedding -cake is now going
nut to Canada at the expense of the
Postmaster -General.
,;,A...medicine which keeps the ,bablos
end.,ehildren well, or restores them to
health when they are ill, is a priceless
.boom to humanity. Such a medicine is
Liaby's Own Tablets. These Tablets
Curer all stomach and bowel troubles,
allaythe pain of teething and give
sound healthy, refreshing sleep. And
the mother hasthe guarantee of a goy-
er0ment analyst' that this medicine
does, not contain one partfolo of the
oothing mixtures and most liquid meal -
Ones. The Tablets are equally good
for *e newborn baby or the well grown
child, Mrs. Rabt, Currie, Loring, Ont.,
says— "1 have found Baby's Oivn Tab-
lets a splendid medicine tar curing con-
stipation and other ills oftittle ones."
You Can got these Tablets from any
medfcino dealer or by mall at 25e ft
('ox by writing The IJr. Williams' Medi.
Atte Co., Brockville, Ont.
Agent : "I have called, sir, ,to show
you aur new patent cash -register; pre-
vents all peculation, sit; makes 11Utter-
ly impossible tar any assistant to stent
a penny." MI'. Stowe(); "Don't want
it." Agent: "You don't?" Mr. Slowgo:
"No sir. The man next door put in one
of them things loft Monday; end before
night the whole staff had etre k for
higher wages."
Some Druggists State That Application
of Leeches Is Not to Be Re-
Leeches are mostly bought by people
who have had a blow or fall, causing a
blue spot to appear where the blood
has congested. They apply leeches to
take out the blood from these spots.
The best leeches are known as the
Mediterranean leech and oome from
,San Gulguela, Spain. They are about
three inches long, with a soft smooth
body tapering to each extremity, and
are marked with from ninety to one
hundred line annulatlons; their backs
are olive green with six rusty red long-
itudinal stripes. The ends are termin-
ated by suckers.
A peculiar medical law provides that
a druggist roust not apply a leech. He
may sell them to persons, but only a
doctor is allowed to apply it, One well-
known druggist told The Slar that he
once applied a leech to an abrasion on a
man's forehead, because a doctor could
not be got as the hour was late. "After
the Leech had gorged itself end rolled
off the mark left y the leech bled so
profusely that It look me over four
hours to stop It; and then the man's face
was ten tines worse with the marks
lefty he act hnd l acids id louse."
The favorite method employed
oto in-
duce a leech to fasten itself to the part
whence the blood Is to be drawn is to
drop its tail first into a narrow bottle,
and then Invert 'tile bottle over the spot
where the leech is supposed to go to
work. If it does not attach itself readily
a little sweet oil rubbed on the spot will
sometimes be effective. The leech near-
ly always balls off after It has gorged
Some druggists put salt on a leech
after It has been applied to e. person,
and this makes them sick, and they
emit all the blood. This practice .is very
dangerous, es the leech may have been
applied to a person who was suffering
from some infectious disease, and no
matter how long after it is applied the
second time there Is always a danger of
blood poisoning.
They are very excitable, and may be
seen stretching their bodies along the
glass side of the bottle or bowl in which
they are kept. At times you may see
them writhing excitedly through the
water, atter the tiny animalculae that
constitute their diet. They are only
fairly good swimmers, but have extra-
ordinary vigor.
Leeches possess wonderful power in
extending and contracting their bodies.
One moment they are stretched out to
three inches, the next they are purled
up in a tiny ball.
Some druggists state that the applica-
tion of leeches is not to be recommend-
ed; the cure is almost as bad as the dis-
ease, The leech has three small, sharp,
semi -circular teeth that radiate from a
centre. They cut deep, and always
leave a scar of the swim shape as them-
selves. On the common leech the mouth
where the cutting teeth are found is at
the anterior sucking disc. Just book of
this, and on the upper side, are ten
small black spots that serve for eyes.
The usual quantity of blood drawn by an
average leech averages from one drachm
to half an ounce. It is digested very
slowly, and after being gorged in this
manner, the leech lies for several days
before it regains its normal size and ap-
Leeches are mostly imported from
Hamburg, and are also collected largely
in Spain, France, Italy and Hungary.
How to Cleanse the System.— Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pills are the result of
scientific study of the 81100 s o1 extracts
of certain roots andherbs upon the
digestive organs. Their use has de-
monstrated In many instances that
theyregulate the action of the liver and
kidneys, purify the blood, and carry off
fah morbid accumulations from the
system.. They are easy to take, and
their action is mild and beneficial.
'.tourists and others staying in Bel-
gium have probably noticed certain
nickel coins with a hole drilled neatly
through the centre. At first the stran-
ger •naterally thinks that the hole has
been pierced by some Industrious lndt-
vlduhl to pass the time or "to bring
luck," ,and he is dubious about accep-
ting'such a coin; but ho soon finds that
his . notion is incorrect. In the first
place, the hole is made In a workman-
like manner; it appears to have been
cast with the coin, and not to have been
drilled afterwards. The hole has rather
spoilt the appearance of the emgy of
Ming Leopold, but no one is indignant,
Band the coins pass freely—!or the tour-
ist finds that there are many about.
Further, these nickel coins appenr to be
somewhat larger than the majority of
coins of the same value. These coins
are for the Congo natives, to be worn
as ornaments, it so required, • Bul they
are actual coins, and intended to be
used as such; they are trade with a hole
in order to accommodate the natives,
who have no clothes worth troubling
about, and consequently no pockets.
They thread the coins on a string and
Wear them round their necks like a
row of beads.
Spain is still a greet country for bull
tights. Tho season starts on the first
Sunday after cont and•coni.inues—with
a ;short interruption at the height of
summer—till the month of October,
Saville and' Mpdeld aro ]ale great oelntreg'
of Tauromaohia. In Spain no bull leaves
the ring alive, neither do any of the
horses. Tho expense of supplying even
the poor hpeke which are chosen Is
enormous, ankh) some poverLy,•slrIeltert
townships Horses are omitted from the
performance when the corrlda becomes
a geed deal more palatable to the sleets -
ger, though less se 10 the native.
O'Shea states that 2,400 bulls are killed
annually aid 6,500 horses,
One miner is killed' for oVery 1111111of1
tans of goal produced.
is better than other Soaps
but is best when used in
the Sunlight way. Follow
to bee washed t nt6aa tub of
lukewarm water, draw it
out on a washboard andrub
the soap lightly ma It.
Be pamcular not to mire
soaping all over. THEN
roll it in a tight Edi, lay
in the tub under the water,
and go on the earn. way
until all the pieces have the
soap rubbed on, and are
roiled up.
Then go away for
warty minutes to arm
hour and let the "Sun-
k(.ht" Soap do Rework.
NEXT.—After conking
the full time rub she clothes
lightly out on a wash board,
and the dirt win drop
out; turn the gamest in-
side out to get at the seam,
but don't use any more
soap; don't scald or boa a
single piece, sod don't
wash through two suds. If
the water gets too din?
poor a little out and add
trash. If a streak is hard
to wash, rid, some more
soap on It, and throw
the pieta 1.,aek into the
suds fora few minutes.
RINSING which is to b.
done in lukewarm water,
taking special care to get
all the dirty suds away,
then wring out and bang
up to dry.
For Woolens and Flan-
nels proceed as follows:—
ollows:Shake the articles free from
dust. Cut • tablet of
shaving, pour into d gallon
ofbolang water and whisk
into a lather. When just
lukewarm, work arta. in
the lather without rub -
bits,. Squeeze out ditty
water without twisting
and rinse thoroughly in two
relays of lukewarm water.
Squeeze out water'without
twisting and bung in the
open mr.
0r -The most delicate
colors may he safely
washed In the Sun-
light" way,
"'se. -es
v 'rtes
$yr 0(1/1 REWARD will be paid
r to any person Who
pmvea that Sunlight Soap con-
tains any injurious 01em1cals
or any form of adulteration.
Your Money Refunded by the
dealer from whom yon buy
Sunlight Soap if you and any
cameo for complaint.
"John, dear," said the invalid's wife,
"I'11 have to run away from you for en
hour or so to -day. I have to get the
material for a new dress that the dress-
maker--" "But," complained the sick
man, "do you think it is right to le
thinking of dress while I am so 111 7"
"Why, John, it will be all right, no mat-
ter what happens. It's a black dress,"
Not a Nauseating Pill,—The excipient
of a pill is the substance which enfolds
the Ingredients and makes up the pill
mass. That of Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills is so compounded as to preserve
their. moisture, and they can 1* carried
into any latitude without impairing their
strength. Many pills, In order to keep
them from adhering, are rolled 1n pow-
ders, which prove nauseating to the
taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills ' are
so prepared that they are agreeable to
the most delicate._
Mrs. Clubwoman : "Alf the lecturing
in the world doesn't seem to improve my
husband a bit." Mrs. Homebody : "Per-
haps you'd get along better, dear, if
you spent your time mending his clothes
instead of his ways."
must' mato* rr
Thousands of people throughout the
country know that tho ordinary remedies
for piles—ointagats, suppositories and
lip anoee—will not cure,
e beet of *Isom only bring passing relief.
Dr. Loonhardt'e Hem•Roid is a tablet
taken internally that ronlares the cause of
Piles, bonne Cho anro is permanent. Every
package sold oarriee a guarantee with it.
It is perfectly harmless to the most:deli-
oate constitution. A mouth's treatment in
oath paokage. Sold al$1.00. At any drug
afore, or The Wilson•Fyle Co,, Limited,
Niagara Falls, Out. 5
Knickor : "Strange they didn't name
the baby after its rich uncle." Docker
"No; he looked at it, and said he'd give
them $10,000 not to."
Witter: "These are hard times, .Why,
I heard of a man the other thy who
couldn't raise money even on Govern-
ment bonds," Slimwit : "Indeed]
What was the reason?" Willer :, "Well,
you sou, he didn't have the bonds."
" Keeping Conateutiy at it Brings ilueassa tf
iese4. ow:
' C!(il);1�t1 i
mi0vit.� ,t�nr, fawn:01! Of
PEDLAR'S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36,000 fir. press (the only
one 1n Canada) one corrugation at time, and is guaranteed true and
straight to size.
We carry a 600 ton stock in Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and
London and can ship ordinary requirements the tame day order Is received,
Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheets any length up
to 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and .Galvanized.
This class of mater'101 is most suitable for fireproofing Barns, Factory,
Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is water and wind proof.
Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers and Galvanized Nails carried In stock.
Send Specifications to your nearest office for catalogues and prices.
Mona!, Oat. I Nan, OatTornio, (111. tonna, Ofl. �f�npi J , Man VOOCOUVer,B4O.
707 Craig St. 125 Sussex et. � It Colborne st, 69 Dundee at,I 28' Lombard a/ els Ponder
Write your Nearest OH)ce,-0BAD 01,1109 AND WO9itS-OSHAWA, Ont
Largest makers of Sheet Metal Building Materials under the British Flag.
in Hastert) Canada . s, aldeo6
ed lands U
only n 5 miles.ifrom two railways, ' , p.pnit, n t slougoz,ph', Stroal 1511, ll per cant. plod -b Let, opting ozonic, no doaora
IPelto 15 males N.E. 01 Indian Mad. 1rrs.ud i30.li0 pec sora
Writs ler mar and loll parslonlats. .• .
R- PARSONS, pr Wellesley Ittroet, Teroate, Canada.
The Military Knights of Windsor are
en exceedingly ancient institution.
They date from 1349. The pensions
vary from $125 to $650 a year, and are
supplemented by free quarters, in which
nine months' residence out of the twelve
is compulsory. Their duties are nomi-
nal—attendance in St. George's Chapel
on saints' days, and at royal weddings
and funerals, and supplying a guard t,f
honor when foreign royalties visit
Windsor Castle.
The latest treatment for the preven-
t,on of Hay Fever prescribes systema -
11c and continued exercise taken in
lamely advance of the season for the
appearance of the complaint. Special-
fats in the disease do not understand
its nature. 11, is not now thought to
be a form of catarrh and local appli-
cations have been largely abandoned.
The theory that it is rheumatism of
the mucus membrane is not accepted.
A more favored Idea attributes the in-
ception of Hay Fever to sluggishness
cl the liver and bicycle riding is recom-
mended to keep this organ In an active
and healthy condition. After Hay Fever
has arrived, the sufferer will find nei-
ther comfort or relief in bicycling, but
systematic and easy wheeling during
the preceding months is warranted to
greatly modify the severity of an ap-
p attack, or to entirely prevent
"My wife is very fond of trout, so the
cther day I took off and went fishing."
"Not yntil catch anything?"
got home."
We have no hesitation in saying that
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is
without doubt the best medicine ever
introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea,
cholera and all summer complaints,
sea sickness, etc. It promptly gives
relict and never fails to effect a positive
Ore. Mothers should never be without
a bottle when their children are teeth-
Master : "You'll find when you got
your cheque, Mr. Pennink, that I hay
added $5 a month to your salary. 1 be
Neve you didn't make a single misiak
in your figures during the entire year.'
Bookkeeper : "Yes, I did; just orae.'
Master t "What was that 7" Bookkeep
er : "I figured on a bigger advan'de."
p g� anay�a�lL 41aispde�oyfnhousa1tangiats, also
yenta tou. about your,
111510t AY0af0AN 0801140 08., nes 160, M.ntroa$
5 months old Rufus Rod Belgian Hares, 52 ai
pair for 15 days only. They have been bred fop
heavy watchband exhibition for many years au&
cannot be duplicated for near twine the moneys
elsewhere. Can chip safely to all parte to that
Uulted States or Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed
Huguenot, Orange County, Now Yorla
r. rihercva Pw
'SENA PoRCA17LO>a0Esr 000(Roo,l5k?uigca3inritYk
2001Ven Wanted at Once
In various parts of the Dominion, al
whole or spare time agents, to sell t
high grade stock of hardy and well
grown trees and plaints. Go-ahead and
energetic men can make a very profit
able business pf selling .this stock, which
its well known. Liberal feet's and a
coulpiete outfit. Commission paid week.
ly. Apply at once to
Hetderleigh Nurseries,
Winona, Ontnrio
Established over a quarter of a contury4
The Artrn6tt Method is the
only logical method for the cure
of Statnmering. It treats the
CAUSE, not merely the HABIT,
and insures natural speech. Pam,
phlet, particulars and references
sent on request. Address
SEWN,. l)T1tA1uo.
"Do you buy your music by the
' sheet?" inquired a young lady • of the
- deacon's daughter. "Oh, no,' she re-
pliad, "I always wait until Sunday, and
then get it by the choir,"
dreett'.GOIbbisatiila, ".rerrodm" the atm
lenge io, ft shenld lie taken b" ' all 'invalids, 'b5
sdl who Oe ran down et oat of aorta. It builds
np, gins new life.
Is there anything more annoying
than having your corn' stepped upon?
is ! there anything more delightful than
getting rtd of it7 Holloway's Corn Cure
will do it, Try it and be convinced.
IBaa'ur&t Soap tsoeroer tante cause ems,
hits fe hal when used in the basnight wry.
Buy eaniight soap sue fallow directions.
"To what do you attribute the Sultan's
long life despite his illness?" asked the
prominent Turk, 'Bad marksmanship
principally," answered the Court Physi-
cian, brusquely.
Worms cause feverishness, moaning'
and restlessness during sleep. Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator is pleas-
ant, sure and effectual. lI your drug-
gist has none in stock, get him to pro-
cure It for you,
Real leery billiard balls that are crack-
er} or useless are bought up and cut into
dice or other small articles, tar there is
a constantly growing demand st old db.
lntnishhng supply of the heivory(
Ivory is sensitive to weather. Exposure
to cold soon cracks it and renders bit.
ltard balls untrue. They are easily
knocked out of shape, too, if not we)/
seasoned or, not well made. The centre
of the tusk .should go through the centre
of the ball to preserve best a true spier•
tea} form. The best ivory come3 from
Zanzibar, the Atrioan elephant being
More highly prized than the Asiatic on
OW account. Little ivory nuc1 carnes
from India, where the animal is so
highly prized as 8 boast of burden that
Only the tusks et oieeh'ants that have
tiled a natural death Ore obtainable.
The tusks of trio walrus acid sea -horsy
torsi but a small part of the world's
product, se, that the African jungles 010
scoured to keep up the demand. London
Is the world's ivory auction mart.
'It is the Farmer's' Friend. -The fare
Mer will find Dr. Thernas',Eelectrie 011
a. potent remedy for :wounds tor' ,.pains
in ;the bodyorfor affections of the
respiratory organs and for,. household
3.8$0. generally. 'He will able fled• ft, a
convenient driend in . treating inhered
horses, ca'ttle,.. eto.s. or relieving "them
when attacked by Colds, -coughs or any
kindred ailments to which they are sub-
"There are many things in thti world -
to which we must shut our eyes," said
the paternal Gibson. "Yes, pa, and
soap is one of them," chinned in the
pride of the family,
Many Thanae,are due frota:the proprietors of
WooeraCerato to friends who ha, • written to
fAll'or the Corate'egood word in oaring scrofulous
humors, scald head end otlaeraltln diseases.
Ethel: "How did you like the new
curate, Maud?" Maud : "He made en
Indelible impression ' nn me." Ethel
"How so 7" Maud : "He emjitied a cup
tI Lea on to '1ny new white silk dress."
1lueo ,ltnidred Nmol beb
t:or tinea sticky paper..
BoId by rill, Draggtab Wlfd Go8teOal Bleats.
and by resit,
nasal No, ilk—ag.