HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-6-7, Page 1ru Vol.34. No, 48 IIMPIMMIMINOINW New Advertisements. Local—Mre. Oakley, Strayed—Wm. Lowe. Help wanted --Eli Bmitb, Sealed tenders—Fred. Patinae. Men's dress shoes—I, 0, Rioharde, iijistrirt /Ion. Leactburn,. J. J. Irvine hart moved to the vaoant hoose an Jamb Barrows' farm, John and Peter Robinson are engaged building the atone work under Richard Robinson's barn. Samuel Forbes has purohneed a shed from David Crawford whiob he intends moving to his farm. B. 0, Bnooaoou,—Juet reoeived a oar• toad of British Columbia shingles, X XX and XXXX at the Walton caw mill, Alex, Gardiner ie away thie week at Loodou attending the General Assembly, He to a representative from Duffle Ohurob, Walton. A garden party will be held under the aaepioee of Walton Methodiet oharob at the fine residence of J. MOGeviu on the 20th. A big time ie expected. Mien Jennie Love is speeding a few days under the parental roof. She hag taken a situation us clerk with R. W, Clark, general merchant, Conetanae. W latex ©tee•. Mee. R, T. Miller returned to Toronto on Friday. Inepeotor Robb vieited the eohool here last Thnreday, Anson Spotton, of Harrioton, spent Saturday in the village. Robert Miller, of Toronto Junction, wag in the village over Sunday. B. T. Carr preached in the Gorrie Methodiet church Sunday evening. The briok-work ou the Howiok Mutual building was oommenoed this week. Mre, W. Greer, of W iartou, is the greet of her pgrents Jas. and Mre. Paulin. Mre. Match hae returned Ito her home having tally recovered from a severe illueee. Mise Mand Stewart, of Brussels, spent e. few days with her anus, Mre, 0. 0. Stewart. Mre. MaLennan and eon, Will, of Lon• don, are guests of the former's slater Mre. R. Black. In the abeenoe of Rev. J. H. Oeterhont there was no eervioe in the Methodist ohnroh Sunday evening. Brussels Greenhouse PLANTS AND FLOWERS You will find at Brueeele Greenhouse any quantity of Tomato, Cauliflower, Celery and Cabbage Plante. Tomato Plants 100 a box or 8o a doz. loose. Fine collection of Flowering Plante. A choice lot of Geraniums and An- nuals for bedding. Out Flowers supplied. Floral desigue made .to order. MISS KELLY John and Mre. Robinson, of Tarn, vieited for a few days with the lntter'e parents, Thos, and Mre, Smith, C.q aexefuroole. The report of Craobrook (reboot may be read ou page 4 of title ieaue, Mins Mina McRae ie visiting her sister, Mrs• John Ferguson in Brueeele. Will. Seel and Baleen Kuight, of Cad• illao, Miele., arrived here on Saturday for a holiday, Both boys are looking fine. The exoureion to the Model Farm will bo ran ou Jam 28rd and tiokete good till Monday, Special brain will leave Bre eels at 8 a. m. and Ethel at 8.10, Return tiokete meet $1.15 from either etation. Walton. Robt. Humphries le holidaying at home Mise Ida MoDouald ie epenning a few days at home, J. W. Leonard and P. A. Peterson paeeed through town on Toeeday on a Mar of ioopeotion over the railway, B. 0. B0Ix0LE9,—JUet reoeived a Oar• load of British ()Mumble ehinglee, X XX and XXXX at the Walton sawmill, Our citizens offer oongratolationa and good wiebee to Frank and Mrs. Klein, who were married on Monday. Both parties were web known and popular in Walton. Rev. R. S. Baker was in Windsor last week attending aonferenno, ooneegaontly no eervioe wan held iu the Methodiet church last Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Baker moves to Ailea Oreig for the next Ooo• femme year. Bel grave. Harry Kirkby, V. 8., opened op hie office here last week. Rev. A, E. Jonee attended Conference at Windoor last week, Dao, Geddes' new house looke very fire with a neat pillar verandah. Rev. J. J. Hastier ie attending the General Aeeembly at London thie week. Mies Belle Clow, of Wbiteobnrob, has taken a partition in Dao. Grantee' tailor Mop. Henry Broaden ban added greatly to the appeara,roe of ala house by ereoti019 a beautiful verandah. Rev. W, W. Rivers, will be the new Methodist minister on the Belgrave oir• (suit for the next Conference year. Rev. G. M. Donn, of Whfteohnrob, 000upied the pulpit in Kuox church lest Sunday and preaohed a very imprassive ovum. Wm. Wigbtman and Hugh McLean left here Tueeday morning for Manitoba where they antiolpate taking np•lend if enitable. The members of the Mieeion Band of Knox ohnroh were entertained by the W. F. M. S. on the oburoh grounder last Saturday. Ohms. Bell and Chas, Proctor, who have neared positions on the railroad at Durban% left for that plane on Monday of last week. Mee Mabel Bloke, (Elooubioniei) of Alma College, St. Thomas, spent a few daye with Mr. and Mre. Sproat last week. Mre. George Brandon, of Portage la - Prairie, Mau., ie spending a few weeke with her mother, Mrs. Owens, who is in very poor health. Meeere. Bell and Proctor have moved their household effeate to Durham whore they have secured good positions on the Grand Trunk eeotion. D. Sproat, tbe well Ituown storekeeper and postmaster here, left last '12hnrsday on a Out to the Old Oouutry. He is as oompanied by hie nettle. "-'1,111111[IftII1111fy1114II1W1111114mi1ifli-tt- t ,.-. • �•.itw w:,,.toueunntnntunrnmauunnngnp i 'rte'• I PIat1;1 plow: I ,I�i ' �� 4• . II, 7'litfi'g=%%' % �-7 2+ ,11111illlii (iiil Ih�llt,..: A1i11i11111Jll jrten's 2ress Shoes must be fashionably correct. Ours are. These shoes are comfortable because they fit inside. The outline is handsome and the shoes are made to keep their shape and appearance till worn out. a Prices are right for right goods vat And the reason you will find our goods right is that we buy from right Manufacturers such as the J. D. King Co., George. A. Slater and firms having a reliable name, and our prices are always the Lowest. In our Harness Department will be found a fine choice ofe i }� 1 able Harness, Single or Double. Also Dusters and Rubber Rugs, Trunks and Satchels. I, 0, RICHARDS IMINIS118.1.0.1111(01.11•011911.MINIVII, "1011001t.3410.11.1001.1•114 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 7 Rev, A, 11. Jones has been appointed to Auburn oirouta He hoe done good work here, and both himself and Mrs, Jonas are very highly esteemed. Auburn circuit ie gettingalive, earneot,worker, Rev, W. A, Finday, who is well known in this vioinity has been appointed 10 the Wbitoohnroh oirouit, fene[tdorCei. The Mayoralty election Monday, caused by the resignation of W. W. Willie, be. tween J. M. Beat and M, Broderick, resulted in the election of the latter by 96 mejority. The by-law to grant the W. H. Willie Slice Company a loan of ten thoueand dollars to establish a shoe factory to mooufaature ohildren'e oboes will be voted upon on Monday next. Cnnam Conte Wrro Snrarm.—The fol• lowing Le the result of the mneketry competition, open to the oadet corps of military dietriat, No. 1, which took plaoe at London on June 1. The ebooting was for the Beak shield, The excellent more of 175 oat of a poaeible 200 pointe, was made by Seaforth. Ligerooll wan second, The acorea were as follows, 200 being the poeeible : Seefor0h 175 ; Ingersoll 170 ; Artbor 146 ; Arthur 145 ; Strathroy 145; St. Thomas 138 ; Sarnia 129 ; Guelph 129 ; Mount Forest 119 ; London 92, k thel. Noble Milne had a valuable heifer kill. ed with lightning one night last week. Nice rain here Taoeday night wbioh was badly needed as the orope were look. ing in bad shape. Mr. Mason, Wm. Stemmer', G. Oxtoby, Mrs. Stemmon and J. Brown left Toes. day evening for Manitoba. 0. Eokmier fa baking a load of 'adieu bo the annual meeting of the Women's In. elitate in Gerrie, today, Monday, Jae. and Mre. Livingston are home again atter a visit of two weeke with their daughter, Mra. Driver in St, Marys. J. R. Brown, salesman for oor cheese factory, states thatithe cheese was gold at 11 and Iljk 0en1e instead of Mae report. ed. last week. The Molesworth League of Christian Endeavour visitedtheEthel League laet Friday night here when the borne League entertained them in right royal fashion, Geo. (line, of Wingham, was here Monday distributing programs for, the cantata in Broseele next Tuesday even• Mg. Ethel will be well represented et i t. Gr e.v. School reports may be found on page 4 of thio issue. Mutates of (Donnell meeting may be read in another column, A. and Mre. Gallager sod family visit• ed Mre. E. Bryane last Sunday. Oounty Councillor Bryane is at Gode rioh attending County Connell. Mre. J. Day and eon Omit, of Gorrie, spent Sunday with her brother, L. Frain. John Savage and R. Docket have jaet fiuiebed burning their kiln of lime al lot 26, oon. 4. S. S. No. 1 will hold their annual pita via on Saturday of 111e week in David. eon's grove. Mise I, Bagshaw, 0f Toronto, is spend• ing a few days with her friend, Mies Lottie Jaokeon. The rain on Monday evening was just what the farmers have been looking for. It certainly freebeoed the crop np. Mre, W. Beacom, of Harlook, daughter of Mre. Robb, Pearson, ie epending a few weeke with her percent on the 411 oon. Ben Jackson, Gib con., took .charge of the services at Roe's appointment last Sunday in the absence of Rev, Arm strong who ie attending Oonferenoe at Windsor. Towoahip Clerk Molntooh inrorme Tum Poen that if the "Ratepayer" of James- town locality will Bend hie addreee to .Ethel be will be supplied with copies of the Finanoial Statement and Anditore' Report, East Huron u Farmers' Inetitate • and Pure seed institute will be held in Bruit eels, an Friday, June 22nd. The field meeting will be held on Jae. Burgess' farm, Beet of town, to be followed by a meeting in the Town Hall, The farmers of Grey should not mise them meetings, Mr.;Rennie, a well known Beadsman of Toronto, will be there to address the meeting. In a letter recently received from Will, yoaugeet 900 of J. D. McNeil, who ie ant at the scene of the eartbgnake in San. 1''ranoi000, he ant's he had a narrow es. cape. Fifty people were killed in the boarding house where he molly stayed, bot only one woe killed in the hoose where he boarded that night. He soya it was a terrible eight, and that vie lone in about $100, Better come baok to oannda Will, as we don't have earth. gnakoe bare. BonooL Ravonc.--The following ie the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 3 for the mouth of May.—V olaes—Jeeeie Mo• .Donald, Sr. IV—Harold Wilbert. Jr. IV—Hugh Smith, 75 ; Renal Wilboe, 45. Sr. III—Ernie Cardiff, 62 ; Cecil McKinnon, 60 ; Thou. McDonald, 56 ; Burnet Smith, 50 ; Jr. III—Jean Smith, 70 ; Oliver Doll, 60 ;• Milton Lowe, 66 ; Minnie Edwardo, 50 ; John Cole, 46. Jr. II—Jae. (liver, 76 ; Katie McDonald, 67 ; Edna Lattimore, 92 ; Fred. Cole, 56, Pt LI—Edgar Lattimore, 78 ; Beeeie Smith", 73 ; Garde Shaw, 70 ; Marion Smith, 64 ; Millie McFarlane, 62 ; Joe. Smith, 60. Pt. I—Stewart Grant, Liza Bishop, Jae 141oFarlane. S. B. Lntroxo, Teacher, Ammon Pmrymtt0 Goma—Monday, May the 21st the spirit of Jobn Batten paeeed to that bourne from whence no traveller returns. Dammed was born in Devonshire, England, in 1838 and came to Canada in 1860, He resided in Lower Clanade for some lime. Mr. Batten Was United to hie now bereft partner, Mies Jessie Robertson, of Steel ford, in 1859. They moved to Lot 28, Oon. 14, Logan, when it woe but a wild• ernese and where by their indnuity and thrift made for themselves a comfort. able home. There wee been to this union eleven children 1—Mre, Gotightly and Mre, Claimers, Monkton ; Mre, D, Lindsay and .Mrs, Smith, Belfinet ; Mrs, Wells. Walkerton ; Mre. Dnweoe, Hamllbon; Mrs. Rickard, Stratford; George, James, Draper and Mise Joan et home. De0eoeed was a generous neighbor, o kind huoband and loving father and will be greatly missed for his kind deeds and eooiable manner, The (sympathy of a large oirole of frieoda go out to Ma sorrowing widow and family in this their rad bereavement. The floral offerings were beautiful. Tho pall bearers were Geo. and Wm. Brown, D, and Wm. Mol'hereon, D. Harrison and Alex. Campbell, Interment was made in Mitchell oemetery. MLorrIne, Minoteo of Ooarioil meeting on page 4. Reeve Taylor has purohaeed a band. some new buggy. Mr. Charles has oompleted the ereo. tion of a bent to hio barn. Ohre, Proctor ie enlarging hie barn by adding one bent to ire iengeh. Samuel Jordan's house ie being int• proved ip ire exterior by the eatietet brneh. Wm. Armstrong has purchased a Lamy driving bone for Mr. Moore of Brussels. The Court of Revision will meet again on Jane 25th et 10 o'olook in the Town Rall. R. McMurray ie cutting his barn and widening 10, thee incoming its size from 40x70 to 80x70. Commit meeting next Monday when the Engineer's report on the proposed Kelly drain will be read. Mrs. J. H. Vaaoamp, 501 line, woo very sncaeaefol in her first experience with an incubator ; oat 01,120 eggs elm had 102 fine ohiokene, .The excursion to Guelph Model Farm will be ran on Jane 23rd, all tiokete good to return on Monday, June 25th. A epeoial train will leave Brussels at 8 a. in. The 8rd and 411 linea of Morrie foot. ball boye defeated the Jamestown boys j on Jae. Bowman's farm on Wednesday night by a more of 3-0. Jae. Straoban, of Brussels, refereed the game. A epeoial field meeting in the interests of produatioa of good Beed will be held on the farm of Jae. Bargese, Beet of Remote, and also in Town Hall, on Friday, Jane 220d, to be addressed by Simpeon Rennie, of Toronto. Farmers of Morris and their boye are asked to attend. Mas. JOHN MoOAtn Pewits Awes.—It was a great blow to the relatives and friends of the tete Mre. McCall, when they learned On Wednesday morning that ale bad paid Natare'e debt at her late home, lot 10, oon. 9, aged 29 years, 9 months and 8 days. She had been Mak for 14 weeke, suffering firet from typhoid fever and later with pleariey. Decedeed died on the farm on whiob ehe was born, her husband having bought the plane about five yearn ago. Mre, MoOall'e maiden name was Sara Elizabeth Mar. shall, Me being the youngest of five daughters of Wm. Marshall, formerly of Morrie, and now residing with hie only daughter, Mre. Wm. Rath, of East Wa. wanoeh. She was married to her now bereft husband 8 years ago and leaves two children, a girl aged 7 years and a boy aged 3 years, to bold in loving memory a true wife and a most indulgent and big hearted mother. Previoue to moving to the Marshall homeetead Mr. and Mre. MoOall lived for 3 years at Holyrood, near Lnoknow. In the past 8 years eix members of the Marshall family have paeeed to their reward. The funeral takes plane on Friday afternoon at 2 o'oiook, service halt an hour earlier. Interment will be made at Brussels oemetery. The bereft family are deeply sympathised with. . Grey Council Meeting. The Municipal Council of the town. ehip of Grey, met at tbe Township Hall on Monday 2891, 1906, as Oonrt of Revision ofthe e sea nt A e me Roll,or. p anent to advertisement. All the mem bers were present and having enbeoribed the neoeeeary oath, it was moved by Jobn Brown seconded by Daman Jobo• eton, that the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll do now open, and that the Reeve be chairman of said Court. Carried, The following appeale were decided a0 follows, John Gainer's Resentment on S of S ?, 28 and 27, Con. 10 redacted $29000 and that Wililiam Holt'e as. interment on Lot 9, Oon, 1 be not changed. There being no other business before the Oonrt it was moved by Jobn Cott, emended by John Grant that the Oonrt of Revision be now oloaed and the Aa. sentiment Roll ae revised be adopted. Oarrled. The donnoil then met for general bnei• nese. Minutes of last meeting woo read and paeeed. Petition from Andrew MobOee and others for a Municipal Drain read. Moved by John Grant, seconded by:John Brown that the petition be approved se there ie a majority of tax payer(' intere00• ed on same and that a bylaw be paeeed appointing John Roger, engineer, to examine and report on same. Carried. Petition of John Ewen and others for a Mnnioipal Drain read, Moved by John datt, seconded by John Brown that the petition be approved art there 10 a majority of the ratepayere interested on the game, and that a bylaw be paeeed appointing John Roger, engineer, to examine and report on same. Car- ried, Moved by John Grenb, seconded by Damao Jobneton.that thie Gounoil spend $150,00 on Bdy. Grey and Morrie provid- ing Morrie Council epode a similar amount. parried. Moved by Duncan Johneton,seconded by John Grant that the Olerk notify the Canada Co. t0 have their portion of the John MoNangbt Award Drain oompleted at an early date, tarried. Moved by John Brown, emended by John Cutt, that the following amounts be paid. Carried. Hemsworth & Eektisier extra cement for Bremner bridge abutments ,.$ 6 57 Hemsworth & Floktnier, bal. on abatmonte Bremner bridge,..,848 14 1906 W. H. KE R R, Prop Intermediate Footbaall. fel The deciding game of Football in this District will be played on Victoria Park, Sruse sels, Friday evening, 8th ins' , between Wingham and Brussels Game called at 6.15. Hemsworth & Eokmier, exoavat. ing abntmente Bremner bridge.. 14 77 Andrew Melnnco, township and ooutra0tor'e portion for inepeo. tion of •Bremner bridge abut menta 18 12 Jae. Dololongh repairing bridge on 14th Oon. Drain, Lot 10, Con, 13 8 00 Henry Al000k, repairing bridge o0 1411 eon. drain, B. R.2 12 00 Gerry ck Walker, spikes 50 8, T. Plant, rag bolts and email bolts GO John Stevenson, filling South ap poach Mi1ohe11 Bridge 123 60 Henry Alcock, repairing culvert, S. R. 2, Oon, 14 50 Duncan Johnston, phone to Wal ton re Guelph Junction Railway 25 Jno Heibioe, filling waebont at Dake'e bridge, Lot 34, Con. 4`8 00 Job° McIntosh, phone re Jaak,in and Bilver tornere Drain De benlures 65 Riohard Mills, repairing and gravelling S, R. 6, Oen, 4 4 00 Robert MoTaggart, farm bridge, Howard Mon. Armin 16 00 Robert Miller, inepeoting Mitchell bridge abntmente 16 25' Moved,eeoonded and carried that the Connell do now adjourn to meet on Monday June 25th, at 10 a. m. Joan Malnzoea, Clerk. LONDON CONFERENCE. Over three hundred delegates attend. ad the twenty third session of the Lon- don Conference, which opened in the Central Methodiet church, Windsor, DA Thureeay May filet. The ohief bueineee of the day was the eleotion of President, the honor -falling to Rev. David Rogere of Thorndale, who reoeived an overwhelming majority. In all nineteen candidates were voted for, but some of them only aeonred one vote each. The candidates reoeiving the highest number of votes were :—David Rogere, 130 ; W. J. Ford, Glencoe, 60 ; A, H. Going, Exeter, 42. The morning session was given over to the pastoral address by Rev. R. D. Hamilton and the after. noon bneineee wee chiefly of a routine character. The ohuroh was filled at night, when the Temperance reform were under diooneeion,the proceedings being notable for a vigorous address by Rev. 8. D. Chown, who denounced the modern tendenoy to put the greed of wealth in the foreground, irreapeotive of other ooneiderationa. Incidentally be made a somewhat startling assertion in regard to the Governor-General and promotions of Woodbine bookmakers, At the afternoon emotion the retiring President, Rev. Joseph Philp, thanked onterenoe for the asci fan 0 e art accorded o to him during his term of offioe, and briefly alluded to the work done during that period. He wished hie enooeeeor a pleasant year of office. Rev. Mr. Rogers on taking the chair expressed some sop prise at the honor conferred upon him and quoted a remark wbioh he credited to some Toronto orator. "Had I known what was going to happen I would have bad an impromptu speech prepared." (Laughter,) He remarked he had been 31 years in the ministry, but hoped the andienoe would not meaenre his cranial cations by the length of time he had taken in attaining the Presidency, (Laughter.) Rev. J. B, WRlwin, of London, was eleoted Secretary ; W. Maelnllen, of Alvinetan, First Assistant Secretary ; W. H. Kerr, of Brneeele, Second Aoeiebant Secretary, end F. J. Oaten, of Belmont, Statietioal Secretary. R. J. Garbutt. J. W, Hibbert, J• W. Baird, Anderson, end R. S. Baker were appointed a oommittee for distributing memorials. Keen competition took plaoe in the minietertal session in oonneotion with the eleotion of delegatee to the General Conference, iced at the outset there was a somewhat brisk disputation on the matter of discipline, as to whether Reve. John A. Agnew, Christopher Baker, William 13, Barrie and Frederiok W. Langford, who on Friday piglet were reoeived into full oonneotion es ministers of the Methodiet rhumb, wore eligible to vote in thio particular matter. It was oon. tended that until their ordilntion they were not entitled to do eo, bat the onbjeob wee not pressed to divtsioo, and it is understood the young minietere in gaeetion recorded their votes. The ministers balloted twine for their delta gates and eleoted fifteen, leaving roar more to be eleoted. On the first ballot the following were eleoted ;—Rev. David negate, Thorndnle, 1881 Rev. Joseph Philp, Aylmer, 108 ; Rev, Dr, A. Lente. ford, Stratford, 106 ; Rev. Jasper plileou, Leamington, 103; Rev, J. H, Oliver, Se nim 100 • Rev, W. 3, Ford,Glenne, Sarnia, , 91 ; Rev. A. K. Birks,Sealorth, 84 ; Rev. Dr. J. R. Gandy, Wingham, 81, and Rev, A. H, Goi09, B, A, Exeter, 79. On the eeoond ballot the following received euffoient votes entitling them to eleotton :--RIv, R, J. Garbutt, Wallace. burg, 82 ; Rev, G, N. Hazen, Goderiobe, B0 ; Rev, Jae, Livingeton, London, 73 ; Rev, R, W, Rumilton, Petroloa, 73 ; Rev. Stephen Bond, Foreot, 72, and Rev, W. G. MoAIlteter, London, 68, The laymen at their session eleoted the following u0 delegates to tot General Conference :—J. 0, Hay, Lielowol ; J, Rayoralb, Ridgetowo ; W. F. Lawrence, Sarnia; A. W. Horepbrlee, Parkhill; E, B, Hunt, Sootoville 1 W, J. Fmwoett, Brneeele ; W. I[. Kett, Brueeele ; J. H. Hume, Watford ; W. Kerby, 80. Thomas; William Lewis, Orediton ; 0, B. Keenly. side, London ; G. W. Brown, Dresden ; R. W. MoKonzte, Goderioh ; E. J, Beale, London ; 0. E. Naylor, EBaex ; T. B. Shillington, Blenheim 1 D. 0. Taylor, Laokeow ; O. M. Elliott, Goderiob, and Isaac Hord, Mitchell, In the event of any of these delegatee being enable to attend their please will be taken by Tbomae Magwood, of Stratford, William Riedon, of St. Thomas, or R, M. Calder, of Petrolia, At the laymen's 'minion the following omoere were eleoted:—Preeident John Obapman, of London ; Vioe•Prss„ W. J. Fawcett, of Braesele, and Seo. Treae„ W. H. Kerr, of Brneeele. Goderiob was fixed as the next place of meeting on invitation of North Street and Victoria street obarobee, and the last Ththe ndate.reday. in May was deoided upon es A very satiefaotory report wag present• ed by the Statistical Committee showing that the total valve of property in the Conference was $2,310,166, with a total debt of $2,490,081 ; unpaid snbeorip• time, $82,860 ; debt unprovided for $165,221. The report stated the total membership was 60,413, an inoreaee of 949 during the year. The missionary fund showed an increase of $3,816. Rev. A. Birke complimented the cam. minae on the remit of their efforts sod said it was AA excellent thing that with property worth over two millions their was only a debt of $166,000. The report was unanimously adopted. The Epworth League committee re. ported the general standing of the so• aieties throughout the Oonferenee very eatiefaotory, both ae to membership and seams. The total octave membership was 9,817, being a net increase of 756, and imamate membership 4,439, a de. crease of 359. Thie lett a total net in• armee of 897. The stationing oommittee of the Metho- dietoburoh London Conference in there final draft matte are as followe: Stratford dietriat—Stretford— Central, A. Langford ; Trinity, Jobn 31, Kirk. and ; S0. Mary's, Humphrey A. Grabam Mitchell, R. J. Garbett ; Listowel, David N. Mo0amae ; Milverton, Frederick J. Oaten ; Trowbridge, Albert 0. Tiffin ; Wallace, Jamee B. Kennedy ; Atwood, 8, Bond; Monkton, William Peahen ; 8taffa, Raine L. Wilson ; Fullartoo, Richard W. Knowles ; Harmony, Ja113e3 E. Hunter ; Encino, Frederick W. Lang. ord ; Welborn, Wm. H. cooper; Kintore, oeeph W. Ribbert. Wingham dietriot—Wingham, Wm. 0. ROWaon ; Kincardine, Hugh A. Looks ; Laoknow, Reuben Millyard ; Brneeele, E. 0. Powell 1 Teeewater, Martin J, Wileon ; Ethel, Egerton F. Thompson ; Fordwioh, James Harmer ; Gerrie, 0, P, Wella ; Wroxeter, John H. Oeterhont ; Blnevale, George Baker ; Aehtdeld, Will. 0m A, Smith ; Salem, Simon R. Font- anel ; Bethel, John 0. Pomeroy ; Ripley, Thomas W. Blatohford ; Borvie, Peter Myers and E. G. Matthews; White. hurah, W. A. Findlay; Belgrave, W. W. Rivera. Goderioh dietriot— Goderioh— North Street, George N, Hazen; VietorieStreet, William H. Graham. Clinton Wesley hurah, William J. Johffe; Ontario Street Wesley E. Kerr ; Sealortb, Alexander K. Rieke ; Holmeeville, Frannie Swann ; Blyth, Selboarne A. Anderson ; Dungan - on, John W. Robinson ; Nile, J. Galvin Reid ; Benmiller, Jobn G. Yenned Auburn, Albert E. Jones ; Walton, to be n held • and r pP L eebo o H, E. Onrrie Ba field Th t as. A Badman ; am Allan $, Brown. SV a, J. R. Gundy, of Wingham, goes to Grace chorale, St Thomas ; R. S, Baker, Walton, to Ailsa Oraig; E. Medd,' Henson, o Foreet ; T. W. Omens, Brussels, to Wellaoebnrg. Chairman of districts were eleoted as allows :—London, David Rogers ; Strat• ord, Dr. Langford ; Wingham, R. W. illyard ; Goderioh, A, K. Birke; Exeter H, Going; Strathroy, S. W. Mex. orthy ; Sarnia, J. E. Oliver ; Windeor, neper Wilson; Ohatham, J. W. Holmes; idgetown, W. J. Ford ; St Thomas, Joe, hitp. The following were appointed to the oard of Examiners:—Rev. A. Birke, Worth ; J. Philp, Aylmer ; Jasper ileon, Leamington ; W. G. H. Mo. Rioter, London ; Rev, G. N. Hazen, fugaloderi.ob ; Rev. 0, P, Welle, Gorrie ; A. Going, Exeter, and A. L. Raeeel CHURCH U11IIMES. Rev. T. Wesley Covens, wife and eon, will move to Waliaoebarg in a couple of weeke as the London Conference has planed the reverend gentleman on that Marge, Rev. Mr. Leing, of Arthur, Was the preaoher in Melville oburoh last Sabbath and gave thonghtlnl dieoonreea, Next Sabbath Rev. Mr, Somerville, of Toronto, will take the eervioee, Maitland Preebytory will hold an ad- journed meeting in Melville ehurah, Beaesets, on Tuesday, 19th inst., at 3 p, W. to deal With the ball to Rev. Mt. Wieohart, M, A„ of Beaverton. The Howiok Sunday School0onvention will be held in Wroxeter on June 1411. R. A. Hardy, of Toronto, the Teacher trainer of the Provinoial Aeeooiatlon, will be present and 9100 to addreeoee. Intereeting and profitable die000reee were preached in the Methodiet church last Sabbath by Rev, A. MaoNab, M. A., of Walton, in the morning and Rev, D. B. MoRae, of Orenbrook, in the evening. Mena/Jere or the 0oagregation affirm that the reverend gentlemen preaohed $rat.. elan Methodist sermons, Rev, T. W. Corms will 000npy the pulpit nest Sob' bath morning and 0veniag. New topic oarde have been issued for the Epworth League of the Brussels Methodist 0huroh, TAD 8. S. can 0. E. Coxvttxxroxs,- Sunday Bohol and Young Poople'9 Soaioty workere are reminded of the two Conventions which wilt he held in Wrigley ohareb, Clinton, on Tueoday nud Wednesday next, June 12 and 33, The programa which have been dietrib. bated to every eohool and society in the ooa0ty show a list of onbjeots which should be both Jntereoting and prodlable to all who attend. In addi. tion to well known workere and quite a number of the olergy of ibe empty, 0. B. Keenleyeide, of London, will conduct a oonferenae on Missions and give two addressee, one each day, and Rev. Elmore Barrie, the well known preeident of the Bible Study Soho01, of Toronto, will give three addreeoee, - one at the 0. E, convention on Tom day and two at the S. B convention on Wednesday, Both these gentle. man are too well known to need any special recommendation in their re, speedo epeoial field, and the Go. Eine. waiver( are to be oongratalated on be - able to secure their attendance, The Olioton friends of all the de. nomination(' are preparing to do their part iu entertaining delegates and helping to make the gatherings pleas- ant and eooneeofal. Every S. S. in the county and every Young People's Society 10 asked to send one delegate for each 60 of their numbers, and it is earnestly hoped there will be a general reeponee to this invitation. People We Talk About. Mies Vero Barrett, ie vieiting in town Jno. Beattie, of Ohealey, was in town this week. B. Gerry and wife spent a few days at Blyth last week, E. Vaughan, of Toronto, was vieiting with Maude in town. Alex. McKelvey arrived home from Toronto for the holidaye. Mre, A. Lowry and ohildren were visit. ing near Gerrie tbie week. P. Monroe has gone to Blyth where he Will be for a couple of weeke. Fred. Rayoroft and Frank Ardell spent Saturday in Wroxeter and Gorrie. J. Leckie ie home from a abort but very enjoyable trip to tbe Northweet. Mines Olive Mooney and Lenra Leatherdale are vieiting in Fordwioh, Mica Clara Bryaus was the greet of Mies Aguee Walker during the past week. Will. MoLennan, of Winnipeg is visit- ing with his mole at the American Hotel. Mica Mina McRae, of Oranbrook, is vieiting her Meter, Mrs. 3. Ferguson, in town. Miss Jennie Sellars, of Blnevale, is staying with Mre. Wm. Cameron for a few days. Mrs. David Relate and Mien Sara, vieited in Atwood for a couple of days this week. Mre. M. Woodley wart vieiting with relatives at Egmondville and Seafortb this week. Mise Maud Stewart, was vieiting her aunt, Mrs. 0. 0. Stewart in Wroxeter for a few days, Mise Bailey, nurse at Gete1p1, ie viett. iug with her parents, S. and Mre. Bailey, Tnrnberry street. Mre. Robert Oaatee and two little eons, of Seaforth, ere the guests of Mo. Goatee, Mill street. Edward Grewar, of Alameda, Beek., arrived here on Tuesday and will remain in town for some time, Mrs. Oceans and DeWitt have been in Beaforth for the past week visiting her father, Mr. Govenlook. Capt. MoTaggart and Ool.Sergt. Man. dog of 33rd Regt. were in town Saturday looking after the reorafts. The Blyth Standard of last week eaye :—George and Mre. White and son, Stephen, opeet Sunday in Bromine. R. K. Rose, of Listowel, formerly at Braesele, WAS ordained and indooted into the eldership of Knox ohnroh last Sun• day. Jno. Bradwell, of Clifford, wa0 in town on Thursday. He is the yoaogeet eon of Thos, and Mro. Bradwell, formerly of Brussels. Mre. Flabt, John et„ wbo has not been enjoying very good health lately, hae gone to visit friends. We hope the ohenge will prove benefioial. Jno. R. Miller, Preeident, and Robert Boort, of Fulton's Mille ex.Direotor in the Howiok Mnluai, were oalling on old friends in Brunie last week. The Boron Expositor of Met week says :—Frank Smith, druggist of Brae. eels, vieited David and Mre. Moore, of Egmondville, on Victoria Day. Editor Thompson and wife and family, of Kemptvills, visited the former'0 mother and eietere this week, They also vieited the latter'e parents at Fordwioh, Dr, J. A. MoNaughton, of London, ill vieiting fA towu ,this week; The Da'e, health is now fully restored and he ex. poets to be back to town in three or four weeke. Mre, (Rev,) Johnston, of South Zorra, and Mts. E. Harrison and Mise Jo. fol. well, of Wallaoebnrg, were in town last week attending the funeral of the late Mre. Ballantyne. The ladies were eieter and nieoee to Mre. Ballantyne, Capt. 8tretto0 hag returned from Ux. bridge where be has been visiting hie sister, Mrs, Oroxoll, who is afflicted with canner. Mre, Oroxall underwent an operation Met Fall, but ranee then hae been steadily getting worse. Mr. Stret• ton was away three days. We are pteooed to hear that D. M. Soot', of Hamilton, oldest eon 0f F. 8. Boot', of Brunets, wbo has been a 000. Modal general agent, of the Northern In. eurnnoe Oo., hart been appointed. to the memagem0nt of the bueineso in Saekatoh• wan Provinoe with hie beadgnartere robablat p y at S ao k oon, Mr,Bco6tehonld fill the ,bill to a nicety and will absence hie dutloo in the neat notate, Tan. Poen voioee the oentimente of the people of Bromide and community in wishing hirci the very beat of 0000000, Mre. Scott will not go Woof in the meantime. •