HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-31, Page 84 ,.war yr+..411. wOR SUMMER COMFORT This time of year, perhaps more than at any other time, you to enjoy yourself—perhaps some of these things will help to better your health and in- crease your comfort. want Nothing bettor for Tired or Aching Feet than Foot Rest Powder or Foot Elm Effervescent Phosphate of Soda Citrate of Magnesia are bracers. Aromatic Cascara the best. For Prickly Heat Use Talcum Powder. We leave a eplendid kind at 15o, a oan. Also have Euthymol, Colgate's and Men- neu's. Fresh Hellebore Blue Stone 4-myi,ig 11111111.11110, DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brunelle Station, North and South, OAfoliOWe: GOING BooTR GOING NORTH. Mall 7:06 e.re I Mixed 000 a.m e,.m 1 Mnll ....... 1.44 pan Express 8:62p.m I Express ,„... 8:61 p.m f7Cct t, .0 Us J ,ern A chiefs among ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prone it. Tse Pose gives the news. LIGET frost Monday night. Tae pia-nio eeaeon is at band, MARKET your wool at Brussels. EM MY inhere in the month of June. Samoa Board will meet Friday evening of next week. Coupe of Revision and Connell next Monday night. A. 0. Danes shipped a oar of hogs to Toronto this week. Soren fest time is being made by Lhe local horses on the half mile track here. THERE are five appeale to be heard at the Court of Revision next Monday evening. ELECTION of Offlaers in Western Star Lodge, L 0. 0. F., Brussels, Thnreday of this week. COUNCIL meeting and Court of Revieioo will be held on Monday evening of next week at 8 o'Mioots. WINGReat and Bayfield played a tie foot ball game at Wingham on Taeedey evening, the eoore being 1-1. GARDEN ease has made great progress daring the poet 10 days. thaoke to the warm weather and treg00nt showers. GEoaae Moniednee was off work this week owing to getting a splinter of steel in hie floe while working on the G. T. R. eeation. CONSTABLE OLrvna gave the gypsies a call Wednesday evening and they took the overland route Thursday morning, going southward. CouNOILLoe BABEeE had a mare colt, by Monbere, arrive on Monday. This gives Mr. Beaker two Moubttre Spring cone and both are likely lookers. L, 0. T. M.—Next Monday evening, June 4th, the regaler meeting of the Lady Maccabees, Hive No. 315, Beneuels, will be held in the Lodge room at eight o'clock. r Gunn Bateau bee oompleted the cement platform for the tire engine at the river bank on Elizabeth meet. The old eland was used up. This one ehoald last for many a day. Fames of this week the Intermediate Football team of Brussels will try eon- elasione again with Wingham club, this time in the latter town. A Moue game will likely be the result. Tee G. T. R. will ran 60 day Exonr• Bions to the West, going by boat from Sarnia, on June 4th and 20th and July 4th and 18th ; via North Bay, rail route, June 6 and 19, and July 3 and 17. Jowos THUeLL ie tearing down emotions of the old house an hie lot on Turnberry street, opposite Si. John's church rectory. He may creat a new reeidenoe on the property. The old hoagie has been up many a year. TRE annual meeting of East Huron FRrmere' Inetitate will be held in Brae. eels o0 Friday, June 22ad, and will be followed on the came day by a Pare Seed Institute, which ehonld be of interest to many. Farther partioolete will be given in oar next twee. CARD or TRANRe.—We wish to thank the many friends for their sympathy and many helpful vote in connection with the short illness and enbeegnent death of Russell Hafete, oar grandson. It wee most highly appreciated and will never be forgotten. Oouwrx Oonnoil will meet at Goderiob on Tuesday afternoon of next week, MODEL Farm Exooreion Saturday, June 23rd. Make your errengemente to at. tend. THE Street Committee has had a nom. ber of holes on the roads filled with gravel. A LABOR number of new thee ate being pat in position by the motion men of the G. T. R. on Brussels eeotion, Wo,. Goanote has bad a oemeot walk put down from Flora street to hie reeidenoe. He ealle hie home "Waverly,” Two loads of young people drove over to Trowbridge on Victoria Day and bad a good time at the home of Mr. Moore, 50 CENTS, in advance, will pay for TAB POST to the let of January 1907. Yon should not be without it. Only 7 oeobe a mouth. A TASTY portico has been built over the front door at the residence of Wm, Martin, Flora street. Mr. Martin has a ooey, tidy home GEORGE ROBB'e Costumer mare present- ed him with a dandy Estelle colt. It is ears to be a goer. R. LEATNERDALE & Soto have Bold three Heiutzman piauoe within the last month. The purchasers were A. MoDonald, Oran• brook ; Reeve Fraser and Thos. William- son, of Grey township. Leer week Fletcher Roe and 0oneoillor James circulated a eabeaription and col. leoted aboat $70 whish was preeented to the Wheatley family ea an expreeeion of practical sympathy in oonueotioo with the recent accident to their little coo. THE following is the standing of the three teams in Huron District won tie lose to play pie Braesele 2 1 0 1 10 Bayfield 0 2 1 3. 4 Wingham 0 1. 1 2 2 TAE Congregation of Dunara oharah wish to thank tbeir many friends down East who eo kindly contributed through Mee. George Forrest to their organ Fund. The organ we are pleased to say is paid for. Again thanking you all for yoor great kindness. Years sinoerely, M. MAY FousTER, Seo. Treae, RUNAwax.—Baturday afternoon a broncho, owned by Dan. Denman, 5111 Hoe Morrie, and driven by Mre, Denman, took fright, upset the baggy and ran away. Mre, Denman was thrown oat of the rig in front of the knitting factory and received some severe brnieee. She was helped into the faotory where she had an opportunity of recovering her composure. No damage wae done to the ig. It was very fortunate that the am aident had no woree features to reoord. PRESIDING ExAMINEee.—FOE the Mid• Sommer High Sohool Examieatione for East Heron Inspectorate the following will be presiding examiners_—Clinton, W. R. Lough and John Hartley ; Sea. orth, A. Scott and W. J. Moffatt ; Wing - ham, J. H. Cameron; Blyth, A. H. Musgrove ; Brussels, Inspector Robb. The Eotranoe candidates will be presided over by:—Olintou, John Houston and W. R. Lough ; Seaforth, G. F. Rogers and T. G. Shillioglaw ; Wingham, H. D. Long ; Blyth, Mies K. Wilson ; Braesele, Inepeotor Robb and Mies J. Ritchie ; Wroxeter, Mies Brook ; Fordwioh, W. P. Dobson. Eotraooe will be held on June 27, 28 and 29, and the High Bobcat Exams, will commence on Jane 80th, SUDDEN Denim—The cad uewe that Mra. Time. Ballantyne had died, after a few hours' Meese, tell like a great pall epee Btaeoele Tneeday at noon. She had been busy in the garden after break. fast and between 8 and 9 o'oloak, and while chatting with her daughter, Mise Millle, was otr,oken with paralysis and lapsing item aoaaneaioneuese never rallied, paeeing away ebortly before 12 o'olook noon, Deoeaeed, whose maiden name was Eleanor Archer, wile born at Douglas, Iele of Mea, nearly 60 years ago. Along with her parente the came to Canada when galbe a child and took up residence at Loudon, afterward removing to Mit- chell. Here she wae united in marriage to Jao. Grewor, who predeceased her by 10 years, lacking a day. The young couple located at Brueeele and although in Pennsylvania, U. 8., Mitchell and Derides, still Brussels appeared to have magnetic iufloenoe for them and ae a oonsequenoe they spent a goodly portion of their adult life here. Deoeaeed wart the mother of 9 obildreu, 7 of whom survive her as follows :—Wm. A., of Brueeele; Mre. R. N. Barrett, Wingham; Mre. J. D. Warwick, Broetele ; Oharlie, at Fort Wi111am ; John, at Roatiland, Mich. ; Edward, of Alameda, Saab. ; and Mice Millie, of town. About two years ago Mrs. Grower married Thos. Ballan• type, of this plane, who wee a lite•Iong friend of Mr, Grewar, the two of them coming from the same looaliby in Soot land, Mr, and Mre. Ballantyne were very welly situated and the sudden oall• ing away of his light hearted wife will be keenly felt. Moe, Ballantyne was votive, indaetriuue and kindly and bid fair to enjoy a good many years of life as elm knew little of bodily ailments. She had a wide oircle of friends and acloainteboee who wilt einoerely sympathise with the bereaved relatives. The subject of this noticeae t i t b two e e ere (Mre. vv, Colwell, Ofallao9 W burg, and Mre, (Rev.) Johnston, of South Berta), and one brother (Ildward Archer) living, The foment will take pleoe from her late reeidenoe, Church street, to Brueeele cemetery on Friday afternoon at 8.80 o'olodk, tervioe a half hour earlier, DAVID AND MRS. HAISTE, DURING the poet week good work has beau done in trimming off the lower branohee from a number o1 the shade keen on Taroberry street South. This will give the roadway a better chanes to dry atter ehowere of rain and also gives the eleotrio lighte a better show to illam• Mating the darkness. FOOT BALL LEAIME,—THE POST offers a new Foot Ball for the winging juvenile Fool Ball team in Braesele, the members to be under 16 years of age and residence. Teams meet be regularly organized, Het of players registered with Tug POST and winners mast score 8 out of 6 games, one match to be played mob week. Bohedule to be arranged and referee chosen byjolnt ooneen6. Organization mast be 0omplet. ed, before June 71h at 8 o'clock. Now boy' get buoy. TENDERS are asked for tba erection of a new Agrioaltnral Hall on the Grey $rauob Park, and will be reoeived up to Jane 18th at 1 p. in. by Secretary W. H. Kerr. Building is to beve lower etory of dement oonarete with dement floor and frame upper story with tbingle roof. Plane and apeoifioationa may be seen at Tun Poer oh and atter June 6511, Con- tractors are asked to state price they will allow for present Ball. The work is to be completed eo as to have everything in readiness for the Fall Fair, wbioh will be a bummer, Building will be 40x70 feet With two ,wings. W. 1, Binning, ter. obiteot, of Listowel, is preparing the plans, Standard Bank of Canada Sa>7e.®.2ET 2:35}79 1072 TOTAL 96SSIDT8 0,108 E FUND X11,000.000 A General Banking Iiu>ainegs Transacted —'•)ZSAVINGS d3ANKif' Accrued lulerest le added to accounts ovary six months and becomes principal, Joint Deposit Accounts—A SPECIAL OON V0ONXENGE 111.1113Q in our Savings De- partment i8 the "Joint Deposit" 80ooaut. Money may be depoalted or withdrawn by either o1 the two members of the household, This system is a groat eenvon- Jamoe to many realdiog 1n town, but more partloularly no to farmers, as le Ole latter case whether mus or wife comae to town either eau atteurl to the Backing. An- other feature of the BYerem is that fu ease of the death of either party the money can be withdrawn by the survivor without cost. We will tell you more about our methods if you will kindly pall or write. Married Women arid Minors may make and withdraw deposits without thele. terveutron of any person, SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for wbioh no charge is made. YOUR BUSINE88 will receive our oaretol and courteous attention, G. P. SOHOLFLELD, GEN. MANAGER. J. F. ROWLAND, Lono. Adm. 100 eubeoribere wanted iu Jane. 50o in advance will eeaure THE POST to Jan. 101, 1907. A CEMENT outside eniranoe has been hailt to the cellar at Wilton & Gillespie'e bardware store. Fon run WEST,—W. Henry, G. T. R. agent, ticketed E. E Bryana, Jamestown, to W innigeg and Wm, Wright, Morris- bank, to McLean, Sauk, A 00N700000T Of Brueeele Odd Fellows will go to Listowel on Wednesday even• ins of next week to take part in the open ing of the I. 0. 0. F. mew Hall. Onr Degree team will exemplify the 3rd degree that night. Femmes who eat bananaae ehoald make Bare that the thine are not dropped on the sidewalk. We know of three people who got either tumblee or bad jerks by slipping on a peeling that some oareleee body had dropped on the walk. Don't do it. BAtnetzzes.—Thie eplendid Oratorio will be produced in the Town Hall, Brue eels, oil Tuesday evening, June 12th, under the direction of George Cline, of Wingham. Over 60 vetoes will take part. Lovers of good m0Bi0 should not 80160 this opportunity, We moat have the Herne of the writer of oorreepoodeuoe as a guarantee that is Ma booaflde, Reoently copy hbeen re • oeived with fictitious names and some times the eiguatnre omitted and oonee- g0ently the aorreepondeuoe goes to the waste paper basket. DR, Bonen, London, will be at the Amerioau Hotel, Broaeele, on THURSDAY, - JUNE 21eT THURSDAY, - JULY 19Ta Hours 7;30 a. m. to 2 p. m. Eye, Ear, Noce and Throat consultations. Epee tested for glaseee. WM. MARTIN bee received an invitation to attend a meeting of the "Old Guard" Pact Grande, of Harmony Lodge, No. 115, I. 0. 0. F.,. Brantford, on Tuesday evening of next week and will probably attend. We know of no Odd Fellow who will take more good out of each a fano. tion. BAZAAR.—On the afternoon of Victoria Day a Handkerchief and Apron Bazaar was held in the Town Hall, Braesele, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodfet church. A large portion of the many and varied artiolee was disposed ot. A comicial and literary pro. gram wee rendered in the evening, Rev. T. W. Omens presiding. Ohoioe solos were well sang by Misses McKinley, Cardiff, HLegatee and Gerry, and Ohms. Richardson ; Miens Getty, Hiugeton, Sharpe and Baeker gave a vocal gear - tette by special request in good voioe 1 metromentale by H. L. and Mre, Jaokeon and Oraheelra ; cleverly rendered realm. tione by Mrs. (Dr.) Borne and Mime Minnie MoNangntou. The talent was thanked• for their kind aeeietanee and highly appreoiabed help. Refreshments were provided in the shape of ion cream, cake,00bfeotionery and fruit. Financial pro:eede cleared $28 00, which will be applied on the 9100 the Ladies' Aid are to liquidate on the ehnrob debt next Fall in the debt removing effort of $1200. Pow coiner% programa are better than the one presented Thnreday evening of last week. BRUSSELS Woo,.—The Bayfield Foot. ball team arrived here Friday afternoon to play the return match with the home team in the intermediate eerie,. They were a trifle cooky over the praepeat, The Aeaooiation with speed that would oompare favorably with the running of molasses in Winter, had decreed that Frank Ardelt was enepended in response to Wiogham'a protest and Eddie Bryane' membership forfeited, Added lo this J. Leslie Kerr, the goal keeper, was laid op with quinsy, eo that the locale were rather shorthanded with Ellie active trio off the field but with a plunk that givee a loug way toward victory they filled the gape and pat up male a battle that they kept the visitors busy all through the the game and toward the latter halt had them about "bushed." Na goals were eoored in the first halt, although there were a few aloes calls on both eidee. In the seamed half Willie Forrest planted the sphere in front of the goal from the wing sad despite the energy of Peak, the goal defender, between the flags it was placed and a great cheer went ahyward. No other snoring was done, both teams played good bail and a bettor game is seldom Been as there were no disputes and little roughness. Bayfield is a etrang aggregation, made up of old piayere who do not rattle in trying. situations. They have P1ok,the Seaforth Senior team goal keeper, tletween the etakee, and be is a good one, and Mr.Oreneton, of • Clinton, on one of the wings. He is a very lively forward and has the knaok of getting beautifully off side when the referee ie inolined to be lenient. Braseele did exoeptionally well under the oiroumetano• 0e to gain the victory and the drafted pluyore did themaeivee oredi0. Brown ,laokeon, of Seaforth, was referee, while his deelsiooe are eometimea queetioned it would be a diffionit mutter to get a man who trice to be squarer and gives ae genial eatislaotiou, The lineup Friday evening was as followe DRUBBELB BAYPIELD Andereou Goal Pook Anderson t Backe { Wanleeo MoDonald J. Mustard Stevenson.. ( Sheppard Brown � 3 Backe 0 Mustard ardiff McLennan 'Cranston 8traoban Pollard( Bryan° ForwardsBrownlee Earley Wlddow Perrot- ,,1'. MUBf and Norse.—With three Mustards on the tram Bayfield will always put up a hot flight,—Gate reoeipte were over 980.00, Brueeele will play the return match with Wingbam in that town on Friday even. ing,--That "mumps" carpet bag from Bayfield mast have been a hoodoo.—It looks ae if Braeeelo might capture this DIstrict. Business Locals. GOVERNMENT proof olover seed al Mo- OraokeD'e. Bina Wyandotte eggs for hatobing, 81.00 per 15, JAIL BALLLNT$NE. Do not forget McGregor ie taming -lawn mowers now on Mill St. Brueeele, 100 ROUND cedar poste for Bele, aleo a single buggy, Apply to A. Ooox, Bros. eels, North. HAIR DRESSING.—Switohee made out of oombinge and out hair. Mae. R. HINGSTO , Mill el. West. WANTED.—Egge 200. Pedlars Revised Tariff -100 tube choice grass Batter wanted at once. Geo. E. %ma, Wingbam. LOGGING obain found. Owner may have it by proving property and paying for this noti0e. Apply t0 J000e Mama, N Lot 26, Oom. 6, Morrie. Future PLowe,—Farmers wishing to bay the beet plow made call on the undersigned. Plow repairs and points kept at Robb. Frenoie' work shop. Jose Lena, PERSONA', PtRAb1RAPhIS. Mre. R, McAlpine bae gone to St. Marys, Mre. jewel; Sharp Was at London for a few days taut week. Alf, Beaker took in the races at Mitch- ell oo Viotoria Day. Percy Sperian waa home from Goder. Lob for a short vieit. Mies Mand Querin was renewing old friendships at Ethel. Robert Beattie, of Wingham, was in town on Wednesday. Herb. Cunningham, of Stratford, waa home for a few days. Mime Mary MOOlare ie holidaying with relatives in Mo%odop. Wm. and Mre. Moffatt called on Bine vale friends lett Sunday. Mies Norma Lowick, of Fordwiab, is vieitiog Mende in Brunelle, Mise Pearl Leatherdale spent a few deya In Fordwiob last week. J. T. Roes 'cream Victoria Day with hie brother Tom in Cheeley. Mrs. W. H. Kerr ie 010101ng at Wind cor, Detroit and Amheretbnrg. Mre. Geo. Muldoon and Mre. Sholdioe were at Gowanetown for the 24th. Barrister MacDonald repent Victoria Day on the old homestead in Aebfleid. Mies Carrie Edwards is away on a visit to Stratford, Listowel, and Elmo. Mrs. Mors spent a few days with relativem in Monklon during the past week, Naree Thomeou and Mre, W. Revile were visiting relatives in Brace Oo. Met week. Will J. Stewart, manager of the Sten• dard Bank, at Ailea Craig, was home for Victoria day. Misses Glebe and Dickson, of Seaforth, were holidaying in Brussels with relat• vac and friends. Arthur Wheatley, whose left leg was amputated Tuesday of last week, is making favorable programs. George Howe and Mies Jennie, of Wroxeter, were renewing old friendships ite Brueeele on Tneeday. Inepeotor Robb ham been bothered daring the past week With an attack of lumbago but we hope be will eoon be o. k. Mre. Edward Lowry ated children were visiting in Wingham with her tattier who has been ill. We hope he will goon be o. k. Dr. and Mre. Cavanagh and ohildren, of Owen Sound, were Visiting relatives iu Brussels for a few days daring the past week, Mica Barbara Mo%elvey is home from the University at Toronto having nom• plated her firer year. She is a good student. Mre. A. McGuire enjoyed Viotoria Day holiday by a visit to Preston where her eon Norman bolds a position on the Preston Progress. Misses Rose and Graoe Oaeb, of See• forth ; Mise Olive Wood, of Kincardine ; and Mise'rbomaoo, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mre. A. T. Currie. John Andrew Taylor, M. A., Beet Wawaooeb, Principal of Dalton High School, has been appointed Principal of Wiugham High Bohool. The opening will take plane Sept. 106, Jno. Flatland, who has been at Preston taking advantage of the ealphur bathe for rheumatism, i8 ooneiderably improv ed and returned to hie home in Ripley on Monday. He was a former resident of Braseele. Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, was wit• nese of the Brussels and Bayfield Foot• bail match here last Friday evening. We believe he was not sorry to see Brno. eels win, George Robertson, of the "Hob" was oleo a %leiter in town on Friday. J. D. and Mre. Ronald were here from Stratford for a 81011 of. a few deya Met week, Mre. Ronald'e sister Mre. Jae. Stever, of Ohioago, 10 in poor health and Mr, and lYlro. Ronald's oontemplated visit to the Old Country may be delayed in aoneegaenoe. Th following s e item was taken from the London Advertiser, of May 20111, epeake of two pereone well known to people in and around Brneeol0 :—John Mitchell and daughter, Mrs. Balleneyne, of Byron, left to day (or Dundee, Soot. land, for a three months' visit. METROPOLITAN BANK CAI'1TAL—Authurizedl 92,000.000 CAPITAL—Paid up 1.000,000 ;RESERVE and Surplus Profits; 1.1811,188 Directors D. E, THOMP80N, E. 0. Vioo.President, HIB HONOR Mn. W. MORTIMER OLABIS, R.O, JAB, RYRIE JON PIRBTDROolL W, D. ROBS, - General Managerr B. J. MOORE, President. TR00, BRADSHAW, P.L.A. THE METROPOLITAN BANE Is open to receive the accent/to of Farmers, Merchants and Business Community generally and to give oareful consideration, to all proposals submitted to it. It relies upon its poet record for courteous treatment of its Ous- tomere, and will extend every eouslderatiou ow/Miatoet with soiled bauktog to those who may desire to truueaot beelines with 11. Sap/wag RaMir Di'!41 r. Jz yr Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all eume of 91 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANCH A. E. MELLISH, Manager. Dr. and Mre. McDonald, of Wingham, sail on Thursday of this week for the Old country where they will spend a few mouths. We hope the voyage and ohange of air and eoene will prove invig• orating to the dootor'e health whioh bee Mu not been as robust as usual. Berlin defeated the Guelph Bootie in the W. F. A. Tuesday by 2-1. Wingham temple Leafs won a oleao, fast game from the Brace boys of Kia• oardiue et Wingham on Victoria Day. The score, 9 to 0, does not indicate the play, as the Brume Boys pat up a good, Hard game. To Wingham belongs the boner of the tint team securing a Ani- ma this osmeon, A Stratfordite who witnessed the St. Marge juniors vs Seatorth intermediates play laoroose at Mitobell on the 24th, etatee that the Stone Town boyo will oleao up everything in their dietriob, Between two and three hundred in• dignant ratepayers of the township of Morniogton aeeembled at the scene of the Guelph and Goderioh Railway oroating diapote on the fifth line Satter. day, and after viewing the proposed deviation of the highway, adjoatned to the eohaolhonee nearby. Many were unable to gain admittance. J. G. Ham• telco was appointed Chairman, after whish representative men of the town• ship strongly denounoed the motion of the oompany in attempting to grade over the roadway. Resolntione were nnani• measly parried and ordered to be pram anted to the Railway Commission at Strafford Monday, strongly condemning the action of the oompany, and nrg. ing that the probability of lose, of life be held paramount to the expend. ibare of a few thousand dollars by the railway company, also that the road be not diverted at this very dangerous plane. The meeting broke op with obeere for the King, Reeve and Counoil. HORN- GRANT.—Io Howlett, on May 22nd, to Mr. and Mre. Thos, Grant, a eon. B30100.-10 Detroit, Mioh., on May 26, to Mr. and Mre. Wm. Hewitt, a eon. M090aoOE,—In Howiok, on May 17111, to Mr. and Mrs, J. Musgrove a daugh- ter. Panna—Rein.—lo Grey, on May 23rd, by Rev, 0. P. Welle, B. D., of Gorrie, Mr, Gideon Parke, of Turnberry, to Mica Eliza, only daughter of Mre. Sneau Reid, of Grey, RAYMANN—SMITN,— In the Adelaide street Beptiat oberab, Loudon, Ont., oc May 1911, Mr. Joseph Alvin Rey mann, formerly of Craobrook, to Mies Della Hattie, daughter of Mr. and Mre. 0. W. Smith, of London, alga_ BALLANTYNE.—In Brueeele, on May 29611, Eleanor Archer Grower beloved wife of Thome Ballantyne, in her 60th year. Dtoaeoo,.—In Wroxeter, on May 24th, Anne Van Every, reliot of the late Robert Diokeon, aged 86 years. Dere.—In Orystal City, Manitoba, on May 17th, Bert., only eon of W J Duff, formerly of Heron Co., aged 25 yearn. 101RTT3SP17-eS S611.MU=2+8. Fall Wheat 78 78 Barley 42 45 Peas 68 70 Oate 86 36 Butter, tuba and rolls14 15 Eggs per dozen 14 16 Hay per ton 6 25 7 00 Flour,per bbl 4 60 6 20 Hoge, Live 7 00 7 00 Wool 24 25 Sall, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Potatoes par bee 40 45 Apples (per bbl.) 1 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ANTED AT ONCE—A NUM. BBB of atone ola000S and brlok-lav- cre.to work on Wingham High Sobool. Good wages will be paid, NICHOLSON de BEN - NETT, Wingham. 47-1 L'OUR IMPROVED YORK- ,.MILEe0we, from imported dam, six menthe old. and two hoge from same litter. for sale. Sl Lot 90, Con. 5, Morrie. 48.11 JAB. SPEIR. BEAUTY ON YOUR WALLS Wall Paper le a dominant feature in the deooration of your rooms, It is all abgpt you and remains for years to mar or adorn, Why not have it appro- priate and beautiful 7 Wall Papers that Decorate are our opeolalty. Pretty papers at every price are here and only pretty Papers at any price. Scoree of artistic patterns ; hun- dreds of rolls to choose from. We will be pleased to help you choose if you wish Fox's Drug Store C'TRAYED FROM THE PREM - I. I808 of the ondoreigoed, NI Lot 80, Don. 8, Morrie, on or about May 1st, a black 2 year old heifer. Any Information loading to her recovery will he thankfully received. 47.15 0. POLLARD, Brueeele P.O. ('TRAYED PROM THE PREM- ISES of the undersigned, Lot 20, Con. 17, Grey, on or about May 18th, a two-year- old heifer, rod in oolor with white on legs and under part of body and a white spot on forehead ; dehorned, Any information lead- ing to her recovery Will be suitably reward- ed, A. CARMICHAEL, 47-t1'. Oranbrook P.0, Huron County Council. The Oonnoil of the County of Huron will meet io the Oonnoil Cbambor in the Town of Goderiob, on Tuesday, the 6th day of June next, at 9 o'elook. All accounts again- st the County requiring settlement must bo placed with the Clerk before this da6e.1 W. LANE, Clerk. Tenders I Whole or separate tenders w111 be receiv- ed by rho uaderelCued until Saturday, Juno 18th, ate p. m. for the erection of a new Ag- ricultural on Grey Branob Agrioultoral Park, Brussels, the lower story to be cer- e0t concrete with oomeot floors, and upper etory frame with shingle roof. Contractor to etato price he will allow for lumber in present Hall. Plane and opeoifoatioos may be seen at THg PORT Pnbliehing House, Bruese'a, on and after Ju00 8th, or at the *Moo of W. E, Biuning, architect, Listowel, Oootractors will be required to give aeonr- ity for the completion of the work. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. W. H, EBRR, Secretary. Brussels, May 28th, 1006. Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren 'ufurerhrh'4dV,el,'m'helrtN�W't,'tPldWYit14P4P4rt.'b'V,'W'U'Y,'4r" t� hPhPtiVJhdhd4fh�e'Ui'4PInV,AnraeNdb'4AdePemJtlt,'h,'hi OlA'e, hitPOPt'4,n1,'q; hPa+`tNdV'trry,'h'''rlugo'1'9 Seasonable Goods at Less Than Regular Prices We have just received 26 dozen Men's Shirts, a manufacturer's clean-up, bought away below the regular values. 1.25 & 1.00 Men's Soft Front Shirts for 75c —26 dozen Men's fine quality Madras and Cambric Shirts, light, medium and dark•colorings ; all sizes from 14 to 17, with detached cuffs ; perfect fitting goods ; regular prices $1.00 and $1.25. Sale price / 25c Children's Brownie Belts for 10o —5 dozen Manufacturer's Seconds in Brownie Belts. They come in red, green, blue and white. Some are alightly Boiled or checked, but are a bargain at the price. ... .1O 006 6" Your choice for .. 90 FANCY CRETONNES FOR 60 —120 yards Fancy Cretonnes, Crepon finish, in red and green shades ; regular value 9c. Sale price .06 —15e and 20e Fancy Cretonnes, in green, red and fawn shades ; 30 and 36 inches •'1 L71 wide ; reversable ; regular prices up to 20c. Sale price ... •„ ... 2 25c Children's Fancy Laoe Collars for 170 —3 dozen Children's Fancy Lace Collars in cream, butter and white ; reg- 1 t7 . ular 25c. Sale price, each •1 Men's Strong Working Braces for 10p —3 dozen Men's Strong Braces, leather trimmings, assorted colorings ; 1 •'1 O regular price 25c. Sale price... Complete stock Ladies' and Misses' Summer Vests The newest in Fancy Collars Cotton and Cashmere Hose for Ladies and Children. Men's Summer Underclothing, all weights and sizes. We always Pay the Top Notch Price for Produce. rem atoms? SNIOnvWsA 110' Pao T AIVZ° ,Er. Yours for Mutual Lielfefit G. . McLaren Amer anto rHouse Next a ,"