HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-31, Page 41..
Cbl Wanusets rot,
THURSDAY, MAI' 91, 1906.
A Flue Convention.
The third annual Sabbath School
Convention of the three Methodist
circuiteohoola on Ethel held
aharob at Ethel on Thursday afternoon
and evening of last week and was a
mast su0oeastal and helpful dooaeioe,
Notwithstanding the busy Beason of
the year and the abueuoe of some en.
joying the holiday there was a good at.
tendanoe end a marked intereet maul.
tested throughout.
Appropriate deooratione bad been 'ar-
ranged in the shape of flags, flowers,
plants and maple leaven.
The President, Rev. E. F. Armstrong,
000apied the °hair and did maoh in
pleasaotIy (tarrying oat 1110 exoellent
program prepared.
After devotional exercises Mies Shan•
10a gave a good paper on "The piece
and power of memorized Boripture,"
Many good things were set forth in it.
It Will show as our trete selves ; it will
make ae help others ; fb assures as of
aomtort ; it tea eategnard from temp•
bation ; a great power is the appropriated
word of God ; 'its plroe is in toe ohild•
hood of the Nation ; its pleas ie in the
heart, ite power in the lite, Pau,'e
and Peter's farewells were earnest ap-
peals to the people of that day, Tbe
Scriptures are a developer of life,
Ignorance of the Bible makes a weak
epiritaat life and Leede to Borrow and
deepair. Have 11 hidden in the heart
as an enricher and developer of the life
it 1s needed in daily life. Gather the
preoions Truths and weave them into
the warp and wool of lite. It ie the
Light, the Rook, the Water of lite, The
paper should prove a blessing to those
who beard it. Io the dleoaeeion L. A.
Mason, J. K. Baker and Rev. Mr. Arm-
strong took part. The two important
thonghte empheeized were memorize
correctly et least one verge a day ;
parenle have a great reepeneibility in
this work.
A letter was read from Robert Mo%ay,
who is now in Henry, South .Dakota,
expressing hie good wiehea to the people
in Oonvention. The Secretary was
inatracted to reply returuiug greetinge
to Mr. McKay who was a famous worker
here. A verse of "Rescue the Perishing"
was heartily sang.
"Child Uonvereron" was the next
topic, which was introduced by Mre.
D. Meehan. It dealt with the import'
once et toohiug and training the youth.
Present children at the hoaae of God
and let them receive the blessing of the
people of God. Teeth obedienoe and
lndoetry. Take Jeans ea the great
Exampler. Make the home a training
ground. The Jew took a great interest
in incarnation to ohilldbood. In the
dieoneeion Mrs. I. Taylor, J. K. Baker,
S. Chambers and the pastor expreeeell
their opinione on this very vital eabjeot
eo well introduced by Mre. Meehan.
The hymn "Bring them in" was given
by the audience,
"How and what to read" took np the
time of the Convention profitably and
was praotically dealt with by J. K.
Baker, It is not the quantity we read
but the quality and retention. Read
the Word of God daily. The newspaper
is the eooyalopaedia of knowledge.
Everybody should read Tag BRUSSELS
Pan. The Grits should take the Em.
pire and the Tories the Globe, ao ae to
know the other aide of the g0eetione.
The Gbrieticfn Guardian should be in
every Methodist home to secure aharob
news. Have a Bible Dlotionary end
Concordance to aid in solving problems.
Yoang ladies should not read the Billy
love storiee but etady the cooking re.
cines and fashion notes, so ea to aid
in home making. Dime novels ere
as injarioa8 see cissas and oigarettee.
Get good literature and be loyal to oar
owu abaroh papers, libreriee, dm., by
patronizing the Book room at Toronto.
Mies Seem Pearson lead in au interest-
ing dieaaeeioo. There le a olase of good
Ration that eboald be read. Parente
should guard the youth by supplying
good literature. Cementer is often
iriflaenoed by whet we read. 8. Cham•
here recommended the Montreal Wit.
nese se a fair h0038 paper everybody
ehoald read. Mr. Mason thought it a
pity to see a home without good books
and papers. Books of travel, eaienlifio
reeearoh and religious biography ehoald
fill our shelves and be well read and
appropriated. Don's let oar reading
crowd out the Bible. Banyan's Pil.
grime Progreee obould be teed by every•
body and the ahuroh Hymn book ooald
be memorized wibh profit.
Atter einging the hymn "Let the
Master in" Jno. Pearson took np the
Mealy question "The value of system.
atiu giving in the Sabbath School."
System ig neoeesary in any business
and n0 where 08000 en than the ebnrnh
and Sabbath eahool. We are stewards
and what we have,ie only loaned es.
Study the Bible to get the etandard.
The Lord's claims come first. Bye.
tematio giving is a blessing to onreelvee,
It brings God's bleeaing upon us, The
Forward Movement in Mieeione Lae
beau a decided advantage to the young
people and the Sunday School is 8 good
training eebool for tbie good cause.
Study some Mission and lel the ooutribm
Hon that day go to that field. The pastor
said Ethel eiroait is third in Missionary
giviage in Wingham Dietriot this year,
148 of an inareaae was reported. $276
WAS received in alt. 6600 le the motto
for next year. He Orged ell to keep in
this grand work, W. H. Kerr, of Tmo
POET, gave an ailment of Mieeionary
work in Brueeele Mathodiet Sabbath
Nootinating liommittee was appointed
ae follows :-Meeere. Jaokeon, Aryans
and Baker, acid Mieeea Meson and Peer-
A moat intereetieg and instructive
eeeeion wee oonoluded with "The Glory
Song" end prayer,
Bides were ohoeen tot it football match
in N. A, 141ilne'e field and deepite the
great beet a lively game was played,
Lunob wart served in the Township
opened at 7 80 O'olook by Singing "Aft
Hail the power of Jesus nameend
prayer by W. H, Kerr. There watt a
crowded house and wide interest ward.
tested. The report of the nomipetipg
Uorppoiltee was read by Mieo Julia
Praia giving the following offioere for
the current year :-President, 13ev, E,
F. Armetong, 13, A. B. D, ; Vice Pres
dente, J, H. Baker, Jno. McDonald
and Jno. Bryana ; Bearetary, Niue
Emily Mason ; Treeenrer, S. Chem.
bere ; Organist, Mies Bernice Biemmun,
Committees were aleo appointed, Re,
port w8e adopted as given,
Ethel ohoir Seng with good effect
the anthem "Joy to the World," Mel.
vin Slemenon reoited, "I'll take what
father takes," in good style preeentiag
the aeceeelty and advieabilty of parental
example. "In that day ehell the o00g
be sung" wa8 the table of the anthem
given by the oboir of R"e'a aharob in
a pleasing manner. R. 0. Davies favored
the audience witb a oboioe eolo.
The queries from the Qoestioa Draw.
er were answered by W. H. Kerr, the
President reading the gneetione,
"Bleat be the tie that binds" was
sang with a heartiness that was re•
treehieg on a warm night, "Union"
choir Bang "In heavenly love abiding"
in a most pleasing manner indeed and
showed the training they sae receiving
to good advantage.
A Male Quartette, oompoeed of Will.
Spence, Dtek and R. 0. Deviee end Rev,
E. F. Armstrong gave "Sweet Sabbath
Eve" in 8 way that pleased the audience,
Male geartettee and °berceee are always
weloome and ehoald be e000nraged.
"The Boy Problem" wan the impor-
tant topie dealt with by Rev. Mr. Arm.
strong. It was a fine addreee, brief
and to the point. He offered many
eaggeeticne along the line of the eabjeot.
Some of them were: Study the boy ;
Teach by the illoetrative methods ;
Express sympathy with him ; Take
your olate to the woods and give 108800o -
tion along the line of Nature Study ;
Invite the boyo to your home end pro.
vide innocent amusements and prove
the happiness there is in a religious lite I
Hold up a manly religion and seek for
early conversion. In the Sabbath Sobool
Maw organize it with a set of officers,
making them realize That maoh is de.
pending on them ; Give something de.
finite and manly to be done each week ;
Keep the 10180881 up in the study and
teething of the leeeoo ; Betio your mind
polished up ae well year shoes ; Yon may
have a bald head bat don't have a bald
mind ea well, There ehoald be tenderness
in dealing with the sensitive moral
nature ; patient kindness le needed with
the mieohievoee boy 1 the elow going in.
duotriooe boy should be tenght by
giving him work to do that will develop
Mia powers of mind and heart ; the
self-centred boy meet be taught to tbiuk
of others and to get away from selfish-
ness. Brighten the surroandinge of
the neglected boy ; visit at hie home,
cheer him op, 001Se hie ambition. Ta
keep the big boy in the S. S. make
it interesting, Use everything that
is legitimate to help him. Organize
a young men's Bible clew wherever
you can. Some ot these classes could
support a missionary and have definite
objects in lite and thereby develop them
for the great work of the church in years
to come. One of the beat thioge about
this eplendid addreee is that the pastor is
making a vigorous effort to exemplify
the practice of it by deede and is succeed-
A solo was given by Miee Olive Ray•
nerd in good voice.
On motion of Meeere. Baker and jack.
eon a vote of thanks was tendered to
those who took part in the program.
Tbe oloeing musical Dumber by the
male quartette waa "Until the dawn"
and waa moat appropriate.
"God save the King" wee Inetily Bang
and the Benediction 3)000001800/1 °losing
up on Viotorte Deg one of the most in•
Wresting Oonventione held yet,
uslliu� Business
Ewan & Co.
are busy these days pushing the Carriage bud -
nese, In addition to our own make of Rigs,
which are A 1, we handle Buggies manufactured
by the Canada Carriage Co., Brookville, and the
Borelaud Factory, Stratford.
Wood Work and Jobbing a Specialty
Painting and Repairing attended to with neatness
and dispatch. The celebrated Harland English
Varnish need in our paint rooms.
If you want a new Rig call and see us an we have
a large display and sell at close margins. We
can save you money.
EWAN & Co.
Meeere. Hey% and Davie of the Grand
Trunk have gone to New York to attend
a meeting of the reale/el men endeavor.
in to avoid a rate war.
The maeioal program was a treat.
There was not a poor paper on the
A livelier dieouseion would help the
Miss Buckle Slemmon rendered good
9ervioe as organist.
People who did not attend missed
inspiration and possibly perspiration
It would be difficult to find a more
efficient preeidiug officer than Rev. Mr.
Armetro0g, the President.
Rev. 0. P. Welle, B. D., of Gerrie,
a former pastor, was expeoted to give e
Temperance addreee but illness forbade.
"1200 for missions" is Ethel 0iroa;t'8
motto for the coming year, The For.
ward movement is working well in the
Mies Laura Spence, Mre. Jno, Bryana
and Mre. Wileon preeided at the organ
for the reepeotive choirs and Mice Alice
Davies and Min Lily Bimpeon were
accompanists for the solos and quartettes.
A good movement was eet on foot,
ander the direotion of Rev. 0, P. Wella,
B. D., then pastor, when this local
Convention was instituted. The in.
tenet mauiteeted in i0 and the good re -
BMW aoaruing are the bast proofs of its
If your child comes in from play Dough•
ing or showing any evldenoee of Grippe,
Bore throat or eiokneee of any kind, get
out your bottle of Nerviline, Rub the
cheat and neck with Nervilioe, and give
internal donee of ten drops of Nerviline
in sweetened water every two hours.
tide will prevent any 0801008 trouble.
No liniment or pain reliever equals
Poison's Nerviline, whioh has been the
great family remedy in Canada
for the past fifty years. Try a 25o.
bottle of Nerviline,
Quite easy to euro it with Putnam'a
Oorn Extractor, Ouly takes twenty (our
boors -No pain -dead sure cure. Try
Poivam'e ; ice ter the beet.
Fort William will apply for incorpora-
tion ae a city.
Brantford Horne Show opened with an
attendance of 5,000.
Local option was repealed in the man•
iiidpality of Btrath000a by a vote of 234 to
A eix year•old eon of Mre. Booth, of
Gilford, tell Off a raft near Newmarket
and wee drowned,
St. Oatherinee polioe station was badly
damaged by fire, resulting from flreoraok•
ere being thrown on the roof.
The King hoe decided that the wife of
the Governor•Generel of Oanade is en.
t ed Her Exeeiloo ,
titled to be styled H q
Fear men belonging to lnkermen, N.
B„ were drowned by the npeetting of
their boats while Melting the lobster
Maria Ulmer and the eeven.year•Old
daughter of Mr, alitbaraall were burned
to death in preiele tiros in the vicinity of
Needed, Sauk,
(Continued from last issue.)
Branae question wore also dealt eith, two
of which was a more rigid enforcement
of the Liaenee law and the deoirebiiity of
pnebiog Looal Option.
A cordial vote of thanks was paned to
Rev. Dr, Gordy for the capable and
kindly reenter in which he had perform.
ed hie duties ae obairmieu of the Dietriot
for the past year. Dr, Gandy replied in
appropriate terms,
The hospitality end cordiality of Broe•
eels was vetoed in a reaolotion before the
very interesting and busy day was closed
by the Doxology and Benediction,
The general session opened et 130
o'clock, p. m., Rev. Dr. Gandy preeidiug.
After devotional exeroi8ee the miantes of
the forenoon 9008100 were read and adopt-
Rev. S. V. R. Pentland, wee chosen
080001ary and Rev. W. A. Smith, aeeiet.
ant. Rev. M. J. Wileon, statistical
eeoretary ; Revde. Messrs. Blatchford and
Jooee to examine eabednles and John
Kerr and D. 0. Taylor to audit them.
The following laymen were reported
from the varioae obergee in the Dietriot
as representatives :- Wingbam, Jno.
Kerr ; Kinoardine, Jno. Hiles ; Laoknow,
D. 0. Taylor ; Brueeele, W. H. Kerr ;
Teeawater, W. Taylor ; Etbel, Joo. Mo.
Donald ; Fordwiob, Jae. Downey ; Gerrie,
Jae. Leech ; Wroxeter, John Brethaaer ;
Blnevale, V. Jermyn ; Aehfield, D.
Agnew ; Salem, D. Stattere ; Bethel,
Geo. H. Humphrey ; Ripley, J. 8.
Robertson : Bervie, F. Colwell ; Tiverton,
H. 0. Foster ; Whiteohareb, J. H,
Taylor ; Belgrave, Wm. Wray.
From the circuit eohedulee interesting
and eu0onraging etatietioe were gleaned
of which the following is a summary :-
No. ot Oirouite 18 ; total membership,
4601, a gain of 112 atter many removals
and deaths are deducted.
1906 1906 Inoreaee
Missionary ..$4,196 $3,773 $423
Salaries, .... 13,777 12,889 278
W. M. 8„.... 822 685 137
Ednaationel.. 269 285
Temperance,. 80 60 20
A11 porpoeee.. 37,689
Epworth Leagnee, total memberebip,
1060, rained for Mieaione $951, an in•
oreaoe of $48. Sabbatb eoboote total
membership, 3,708 ; for Missions $232,
The question of supply at Kiuoardine
was referred to the Contingent Fund,
and WbiteOhureh deficiency of
$200 to the Boetentation Fond.
A. 0. Hames was recommended to .Se
oontinaed at College. A. V. Walden, of
Ripley oiroait, applied for admieeion to
Election to the 0001008 Conference
Oommitteoe remitted as follows :-
Stationing Committee, Rev. T. W.
Canoe, alternate Rev. R. Millyard 1. to
visit weak circuit°, the Chairman, Rev.
M. J. Wilson and W. H. Kerr; Conting-
ent Fund Dom., Rev. R. Millyard and
W. H. Kerr ; Suetentation Fund Com.,
Rev, E. W. Edwards and F. Omwell ;
Temperauae, Rev. H. W. Looks and D.
0. Taylor ; Memorials, Rev. 8. 0. Ed.
monde and J. Hiles ; Sabbath Obeervaeoe
Rev. A.E. Jones and John Joynt ; church
Property, Rev. T. W. B.ateford and J.
Downey ; BMA of work, Rev. J. H.
Oeterbont end V. Jermyn ; Nominating
Oom„ Rev. 0. P. Wells and J. 3. Taylor.
Laymen elected to attend annual Oon•
1008008 at Windsor were :-John Kerr,
F. Buchanan, W. Wellwood, Joo, Hilae,
Jno. Kaake, John Joynt, W. B. Kerr, B.
Gerry, Thos. Farrow, J. Downey, Jas,
Leech, J. Brotbaner, V. Jermyn, J. J.
Taylor, D. 0. Taylor, Geo. H. Humphrey
J. T. Robertson, F. Colwell, W. Kellum,
Geo. McCarty, H. 0. Footer, Robt. Mo.
Cloninghan and H, Hopper.
It waa decided to hold the next May
Dietriot meeting in Luoknow and the
Fall Dietr(eb meeting at Gerrie, the latter
to preoede the annual Epworth League
Dietriot ('convention.
The 00001081088 committee, oonaieling
of Reside, Messrs. Pomeroy and Millynrd
and D. 0. Taylor, presented a report
complimenting Alma Young Ladies'
Oollege, St. Thomae, on tbeir successful
year, and varietal plumes of the Temper.
Report of the W. F. M. S. field on
Tuesday, May MO, 1900.
Taeeday, May 15th, a large number of
repreeentativee from the different aux
Merles aesembied in Knox church, Kin.
oardine, to bold'thetweoty•oeoond anneal
meeting ot the Women'e Foreign Mtaeiou•
ary Society of the Maitland Preebyterial.
Repreeentativee Dame from Molesworth,
Wroxeter end Teeawater and all inter-
vening pointe.
The afternoon meeting opened at
2,30 and eontin0ed 0uti1 nix o'olook.
Mrs. Marre.y, of Kincardine, preeided.
The Report of the yeac'e work from the
different officers was moat encouraging.
The eeoretary'¢ report showed a year of
interest and aotive work. Three new
eooietiae have been added to the Het
during the year, two mission bande and
one auxiliary.
The treaenrer'e report showed a oon•
tribation of $2190.00, an advance of
nearly $400 over the previous year.
Olothiug valved at about $600 had been
contributed and eentto the Indiana of
Lizard Point Reserve, Man. There are
425 copies of the Missionary Tiding8'in
Space will not admit of mentioning a
large number who took part i0 the
meeting The two oatetanding addreeeee
were delivered by Miea Rath, of Tema
water, and Mee. McLennan, of Tiverton.
Mies Rath spoke on the French Evan.
gelization work in Quebec and Mee.
MaLeonan on "The manners and one.
tome of Chinese women," Both these
addroseoe were very iutereelieg and in.
spiring• Mies Miller preeided at the
organ. Mre. Andereou Bang very sweetly
the Bolo "I'll go where you want me to go
dear Lord" and the Kincardine Mission
Band oontributed a chorus. Mrs. Tait,
Pd"pular Stallions. iiimmoorsionommommommomokamenommenompakommilim
The following will be the rontee et the
Morose named for Season of 1000 i
SYLVESTER 3'. (No 820199)
The Highest Market Price
will be paid in Cash for any
quantity of Wool delivered
at my store, Brussels.
Alf. Baeker
Sired by Allis Wilke' by Red Wilkee by
Geo. Wilkee, Dam Lady Anglin by
Wilkes Boy by Geo. Wilkes; 2nd Dam
Rosa May ; 3rd Dam Lilly Gay. Byl•
veeter J. ie a dark bay horse with blank
pointe and good Leet, etende 16 hands
high and weighe about 1200 !be„ baa good
notion and a Naive trotter. This horse
was formerly owned by Mies K. L.
Wilkes, Galt, Ont„ and hie collie are some
of the moat promietng at the farm. Terme
e$15 very to mean. e
veryThtlredaynight at CentralHotel,
Brunie, daring the enation.
R. WALLACE, Owner, Gerrie, Ont.
Scotland's Hope
This season, as usual, I will
pay the Highest Market Price
for any quantity of Wool deliv-
ered at No. 1 Storehouse, Brus-
sels. Also for all kinds of Grain.
Itch. Graham
n va gU,Hgr, i� mtro•••.aa'•iW••a tr
a2w^$np°mn0S8ppp,! ey "o e.E ���r'7b�,fd
Pe,m ." DO191
85ee•riga ,05,0S
by 'cswDeam= 4
No. (13180) Vol. 28
GEO. MULDOON, - Proprietor
Tbia Imported Clydesdale Hares
will make the season of 1906 at
Terme-$15.00 45-4
of Teaewater,ge.ve helpful khanghte in
the olomeg words.
Retreehmeuta were served in the lecture
room both at the noon hour and after
the meeting and a large number partook
o1 the hospitality.
At the evening meeting Rev. Dr.
Murray preeided. The Presbyterial
report was read by Rev. L. Perrin, of
Wroseler. Rev. Mr. Tait, of Teeawater,
moved and Rev. Mr. Oraw, of St. Helene,
seconded ibe adoption of the report,
Rev. Mr. Wioebeeter, of Toronto, gave
the missionary addreee of the evening.
Hie eabjeot was "Mina and hie work
among the liiioeoe" As Mr. Wiecheoter
had spent a number of years among
these people he was able to speak from
personal knowledge and thus to make
his addreee more vivid and interesting.
Moeio wan furnished by the Soo: church
It was decided to hold the next meeting
in Luoknow on the third Tuesday of May
The following enure were elected:
Mre. Petrie, Wingham, tree. ; viee.prea.
Mre. Murray, Kiooardine, Mre. Perrin,
Wroxeter,Mre. MOKerroll, Lookoow,
Mrs. Battle, Belgrave ; treat., Mre,
Chadwick, Teeawater ; neo„ Miss blather,
Kincardine ; sea., of supplies, Miee Link.
later, Wingham ; Tidings eeoretary, Mre.
Ferguson, Belgrave.
Weak, Listless, Sleepless Men and
Women Cared Every Day by Dr.
Hamilton's IPilie.
The physical suffering and mental
anguish that victims O1 eleepleeeneee
endure is indeed a sad story. Bot in
Dr. Hamilton's Pills there is awifi re•
lief from this awful ooudilion. Those.
ands have proved the merit of this
greed mediaine, among them Mre. G.
T. Lyons, o0e of the beat known reel.
dente ot Geneva, who writes : "My
health ran down and I wee enable to
Bleep, I had headacbe and pains in
different parte o! my body. In the
morning I was weary and exhausted -
no rest or comfort name from the
snatches of eleep I got.
"Dr. Hamilton'o Pills braced me at
once. After the first night I got re.
treehing Bleep, that extreme wearineee
lett me and I recovered very feet.
"No mediaine I ever used gave each
telling termite as Dr. Hamilton'e Man.
drake and Butternut Pills,"
Don't lel eleepleeenese drive you
crazy; take Dr. Hamilton's Pills and
get well. You will iooreaee in fleeh,
your appetite will be vigorone, torte
and energy will be instilled into your
nervosa system,
By nouriehing and purifying the
blood and by stimulating the action
o! the kidneys, liver and stomach. Dr.
Hamilton's Pills accomplish wonders.
Try a 250. box, or five bo:ee for $1,
at all dealers, or N. 0. Polson & Co.,
Hertford, Con„ U. S. A., and Kingston,
George Miner waa streak by a train at
railway orosaing near Fort Erie and kill•
An investigation is to be made of the
iron ore, eine depoello and water powers
of Oanada.
The Woodstock Bxpreee established ae
an independent paper Ina deoided to Bap•
port the Coneervattve.
William Dyker, 8 08rp88180, working
on the Grand Trunk elevator at Mid-
land, fell 85 feet and wee killed.
Ernest Gerrard, drive foreman for
Eddy Bros„ Lumber CO. at Mud River,
was killed by a falling tree.
undersigned will keep for service on
hie promisee, North Howiok Boundary, an
English Berkshire hog. Terme, $1:00, with
Privilege of returning if ne0eesary,
010E 0. JA08LIN,.
d4-tf Proprietor,
undersigned will keep for service 0u
Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey, the pure bred Aber-
deen Angus bull, "Lord Thomas B;' aired
by "Godoriob Oh10f," the oham1)lon bull of
Canada. Pedigree may be seen on applica-
tion, !Caine 8890 with privilege of rottirn.
ing if neeeeerry, J. M, 88810881,
113.tt Proprietor,
1 s -
Be like the Hindo who, for Pants,
made his skin do, but go to
Dodds &
and get a pair for $5 that will do.
Also nice Summer Suit or Light Overcoat.
All the Latest Novelties now in stock.
We Guarantee Fit and Workmanship.
undersigned will keen for eervloe on
Lot 21.0011.12, Grey, the Improved Berk-
ehire hoar, 'Fairview Goldfloder,' No. 15485.
Pedigree may be seen on applleatloo.
Torms-$1.00, or 81.25 eaeh for two or D101.0;
Berkshire 00800 83.00. A11 who are interest•
ed in raleing the Ideal Baoou Rog and the
bog that will make the meet money should
toe this beg before using any other,
8781 J, P, MaINTOBH, Oronbrook P.U.
Rno0E ISLAND Bane, handsome fowl
and great layers. nettings from pen one
81.00, pen two 81.00 atter April 1918. A few
eooherele left yet for Sale. Supply limited,
WM. J. BHIELB, Ethel,P, O., Out.
Ie prepared to give 168eene on Piano
or Reed Organ. Terms on application,
Poetofaee addreee-Broseele. Roeidonce-
Lot 8,Oob. 10, Grey. Pupils may have their
Lessons at their own homes 11 preferred.
Bale on which ie large brick bowie,
stable, drilled well, cistern, fruit garden,
dm., 01 aures of laud en John and James et„
Brussels. Terme reasonable. Apply to
JOHN MOFADDEN on premises or F. S.
S00TT. Brussels.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
The noderelgned offers her 100 acre
being Lot 20, Con. 7, 0 rey,
to rent. Comfortable b0uee, bank baro,
orchard, wells, A:c. Farm 18 Duly 9 of a mile
from the stirring village of Ethel. For fur-
ther particulars l apply to F. B. 800tt, Brae -
eels, or MRS. BATF HOLLAND, 79 Minter
Street, Toronto. 37.3m
undersigned offers hie house and lot,
situate en 3til1 street, Brussels, for Bale.
It is well located, a convenient and cornier.
table home. Possession can be given at
once. Will also sell the vacant lot, corner
of 01111 and Elisabeth streets, which would
make a ane building alto. For further par -
Coulon' as to prion, terms, &o., apply to
FRED. ADAMS. Hardware Dealer, Ford -
W10/1, 30.9
Notice I
The (Mutt of Revision on the Aeaeeoment
Roll for Me Village of Brussel') for the year
1908, will be bold at the Town Hall, Brno.
sale. on the 4th day of June, next, coin-
meacing at 8 o'clock p, m. All parties
heyleg bneineeo at said court will please
take notice and ant in:wordingly.
E.% SCOTT, Village Clerk.
Notice to Debtors.
All parties e8111 indebted to the eetato of
Moore Bros., insolvents, must satisfactorily
arrange their accounts with me en or be-
fore the let day of June, 1900 Accounts not
arranged by that time will be placed In
suit, A.13.M4a OONA LD,
Solicitor, Brussels,
Tenders I
Tandem will be received by the Under-
signed up to June 4tb,1900, for the building
of all cement aidewelke to be built In the
Village of Brussels in the year 1000, tender
to state at eo much per square toot, Speo-
iacatione same as for D nes formerly buil t or
can be seen on s plreation. Work to be
done in Juno and July.
F. S. BOOTT, Village Work.
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed for the supplying of all gravel re -
mitred by the Connell of Brussels for 1000,
Up to June 400,1000, Tenders to be eo mu0h
per yard and to be for eoreoned and uu-
screened gravel and for each of the follow-
ing pito: Walker's, Seri's, Oakley's and
Duncan's, Gravel to be satlafaotoey to
Council or inspector,
F. 8. SCOTT, Village Clerk,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANT even numbered section of Dominion
Lando in Manitoba, Saekatahewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by any person who is
the sole head of a family, or any male over
18, years of age, to the extent of one.quarter
aeotion of 180 acres more or loss,
Entry may bo made personalty et the
local land oaioo for the district in which
the land is situate.
The homesteader 1e required to perform
100 ooadlllooa 00088081088 therewith under
ono of the following plans:
(1) At least six months' residence upon
and onitivatlon of the laud in oath yenta for
three years
(2) If the lather (Or mother, if 'the father
le deceased) of the bompetoador reeldek
upon w term in the vicinity of the land
entered for the requirements as to reel•
donee may be eatieOed by etidlo person
elding With
the father or mother,
(9) Ithe settler Mab hid Permanent resi-
dence 111)00 farming land °weed by him
!n the vicinity of hie homestead, the re-
quirements ae to resldeneemay, be satis-
fied by r0eidonoo upon the said land..
Sixteenths' notice in writing should be
given to the Commissioner of Dominion
Lando at Ottawa Of intention to apply for
• w .w. eons.
Deputy of tbeMinister of inferior,
N,13. Unauthorized publication of th10 ad.
vertieemeut will nut be paid for,
Oranges Lemons
Spanish Onions
Dates Figs Fish
and Oysters
High Grade 5c. Cigars
High Grade Chocolates
The Home of Good Old
Cheese and 27c, Tea
To Liverpool
Triple Screw Stemmata -
Turbine Engines -No Vibration
From Montreal
Ionian May 31 June 28 Aug. 23
Virginian June 7 July 5 Aua. 2
Tuuielan 10008 14 July 12 Aug. 9
Victorian June 21 July 19 Aug.10
Rates of Passage
First Oabin-$70 and upwards. according
to steamer. Second Oebin-$42.50 to 947.50,
aocordiug t0 steamer, Third Claes- 927.00
and 528.70.
For further pertioulat•e, rates and tickets
apply to
Agent Allan Line, Brunets.
Toronto Rag and
Metal Co'y
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Hides, &c., &c,
Highest Prices for A!1
Mill st. West, Brussels
Winnipeg $62.00 Strasburg $U,20
Souris • 33.60 Saskatoon - • 17.25
Brfnden . U.68 Primus Albert 33.00
Nootemin • 34.20 65. Battltferd $t 0
Arcola • 14.60 Iltoeleai • 40.Ob
Estevon Dillow, • 40.00
Vorkton� f60A Red Deer • 41.80
Regina • 95.75 Stottler
Moose Jaw • 36.00 Edmonton} 42,60
Got NM
Juno 6th, good to return untll August Sth..
June 19th, " " August loth.
July 30d, Sept. 3rd.
July lnh, " " Sept. 11th.
For :Otos to other pointe and complete In.
lormatiml apply to noareetCanndianPdoifie
Agent, Or write to 0. 13, 10018098, Dfatelot
Passenger Agent, 71 Y'Onge 8t., Toronto.