HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-31, Page 2+ (44: +3CE -A+A•f s, +KE+ro-o+o+3 +'i f+ ,(+)*m+ 3 k+):(+ •.f 0 A A TALE OF SOUTHERN CHINA. • course, you declined to grant his favor?" WeeeteseeseefopeseiseessessesereWelyeery How Confidently he said this!. The other'noticed it and showed hie plea- sura, 181 1 IJ 6 1� N' "You may be certain 1 did, He tried specious arguments to prove the doeu- monts belonged to him; they failed to work. Then he showed mo a commis- sion from the Dowager Empress, giving him full authority to seize those docu- ments wherever found, and confiscate thein in the name of the empire." Larry emitted a low whistle. "Carried It pretty far, I should imagine," 'Correct; my boy. IIe found me stubborn, and began to use violent threats. I gave him one minute to apologize or bo thrown from the door." "That cooled his ardor?" -1•Xt+3ere'he+ i•4E+eeE43 +0E -A-fA+ 3:E•'P0FienEt'gkii:HetE+A f+0 "Like a bucket of ice -water down his hack. When he saw me start to take off my coat he came' to his senses and with- drew his offensive remarks." "Ohl if I had only been there to see it all." "We went Into argument again, and he necame heated once morn, though careful to refrain from personal insults. I snapped my fingers in his face and told him that was all I eared for nny CHAPTER IR. When he throw away his priestly dis- guise Larry Kennedy had no intention of letting his caution go with it. The knowledge that he had enemies without number in this imperial city of China was a fact that could not be dis- counted, a fact that haunted the little man day and night, so that he was not likely to let it pass out of its mind even when apparently in the midst of friends. Those who are best acquainted with Chinese ways have the greatest respect for the cunning of the Celestials, and Larry's experience thus far had taught him that when dealing with such shrewd schemers no one was really safe until he had thoroughly cleared the woods. but I have my own private lodgings," returned the other. Larry 'thought, he detected a graiby in his manner that was unusual—at any rate, after his recent exciting exper- iences he was just In the mood to lance the alarm, "Do you know—are you aware that she Is under this roof?" he asked, pointedly. "Sbie told me so herself, you remem- ber," replied the other, composedly. "AYH then you may havo come here with the intention of seeing my fah' cousin?" Lord Sackett glanced hurriedly around, and there was enough of mys- tery in his action to set that valiant little heart of Larry's thumping at an unusual rate against his ribs. I -Ie scented action In the air, and mentally groaned to remember that whatever was coming he must meet it Mone, deprived of the sturdy arm and daring spirit upon which he had been so accustomed to lean. "Pardon me for soling as I have done, but it seems to me es though there is danger in the very air we breathe, and When he entered the hotel, it was with the idea of bodily taking up his quarters there, thus giving his enemies to understand that he no longer had cause to fear tiheni; they could draw whatever conclusions they pleased from his action, he did not care the snap of his finger, though naturally they would consider that fibs new course was i brought about by his having jettisoned lin China it is never safe to assume that his cargo—relieved himself of the papers' the very walls themselves have not which were the cause of his troubles. ears.' The very first person Larry set eyes Contusion! you alarm me, you do, by on after entering the hotel was the Eng- Jawve, now- But, pway, do not hesi- Ifshman to whom they had intrusted late, Lord \\ ackett, but proceed. the documents but a couple of hours be- \\ h fare. Thhat al ccoovee red the whsle quesllon, as Lord Beckett was comfortably it were, in a nutshell—what was up? "I became anxious and thought. it stretched out in a chair and smoking a only right I should see Mrs. Evans prime weed. again. You spoke of her resolution to He looked the picture of contentment. again enter the Forbidden City in order Larry, though not at all suspicious by to look upon the spot where iter bus - nature, could not but wonder what band was cut down, and to assure her - brought him there. self, as it were, that the very last How could he help it if his mind went chance for hope in his case had become baste some years to stirring scenes in exhausted. I have determined to ac - the harbor of Valparaiso, where this company you to Pelting and share your sante bold Briton, furious because Dr. venture, it you will alloy me.' Jack interfered with his plans for a Larry was struck In a heap by the un - fortune, and stung with Jealousy, since he had been a suitor of Avis Morton be- fore she ever met Evans atter the bull fight at Madrid, had done his level best to make her a widow, and failing in tis laudable endeavor, had even des- cended to the miserable work of having her kidnapped and carried to his steam yacht, from which she had been rescued only through the gallant endeavors of Dr. Tack and his friends. Yes, such stirring scenes, together with others equally as exciting, in which the English bulldog had had a hand, flashed athwart Larry's memory as he saw milord comfortably installed in the building where Avis, secretly mourning for her lost husband, had taken up her abode. Could it be that Plympton—. No, perish the unworthy thought! The Bri- ton had professed such devout contri- tion for the pain and trouble his con- duct in the past bad given Avis, and was so zealous in his desire to make the amende honorable that Larry was com- peted to believe him sincere. Perhaps, as was quite natural, he had lodgings at the hotel himself; or it might be such a common centre proved the attraction for many foreigners after the dinner hour, a sort of vantage ground where they could meet and ex- change views upon the grave questions of the time concerning Russian, Ger- man and British concessions in the awakening empire; or it might be the In- ternal affairs of China, connected with Li Hung Chang, the weak Emperor and that most remarkable woman in the case, the Dowager Empress, in relation to whom new and startling surprises were of daily occurrence. So Larry throttled the first feeling of distrust that caused a fluttering of his pulse. Friends were too scarce under the flag of the yellow dragon to despise this hearty good -will offered with such ardor. Lord Hackett chanced to set eyes on him at about this moment. Down came his feet from the chair where they had been resting, Yankee fashion, and immediately he sprang erect, advancing toward the other with eager, outstretched hand, and a broad grin upon his glowing face. "By Jove! now, this is a pleasure) It was difficult for me to place you, in that beastly toggery of a yellow -jacket mandarin, but now I have no trouble whatever—only your appearance snakes me squirm, d'ye know, as I remember some very deucedly unpleasant facts connected with the past, which I had hoped to entirely forget" tarry accepted the proffered hand, but with the caution of one whom exper- ience had taught wisdom; these giants had such a grip and seemed utterly un- eonseieus of the pain they caused in squeezing a set of tender digits. Larry was a two-faced fellow—that is, he had a way peculiarly his own et picking up his affec,Lation at will or tossing it aside when the occasion de- ' mended manly qualities. It seemed to be an amusement for him to pose as a little Piccadilly swell; nor did he often neglect a favorable opportunity to strait and pose in this attitude when he had nothing better to do. So now he cocked his monoole into his right optic, and gave milord his hand in the most excruaiatbng as well as the latest absurd high grip, all of which quite tialtled Plympton. "By ,Tavvol glad to see you, my doah fellow. Assure you 1 am delighted to assume my ordinary attire-widiculous garb, that mandarin affair—beastly feeling—solemnly declare I felt un- - one of the mummies ye 0f>Rwunonly like , know, eueh a5 name fi!om iia Pyrae ids. t wasume you put up tet this ese Qi bl mon,quite uite an honor to Lin lieh � t b . e byJawvel" "At n bullyou sal it Is sorrletlin of a bog fax' 11 ib pato at the tauntryi expected offer, it was so generous, so noble, for no man could be better ac- finishers this game. I tell you, it relieves quainted with the danger than Lord ole to know those papers are safe." Rackett, who showed such a willingness "You value them highly," to take his life in his hands. "Why not? They are worth millions In dealing with such a man, Larry to Avis, and represent what Dr. Tack could no longer maintain his studied gave his own precious life for. I endured affectation, which he cast aside as considerable rough work myself in their easily as one does a top coat when the interest, and feel a decided concern in sun shbnes toward the zenith. their safely, as should you and every "That is good of you, my dear fel- other Anglo-Saxon in China. They low. Years ago you tried your level stand for our victory over other foreign best to make my cousin a widow, and interests." now that she seems to be one through no fault of yours, by Jove, you are ready to risk your life in the endeavor to find Dr. Jack, if perchance he may still be in the land of the living. Demme, it's simply remarkable, that's what it is!" "At any rate, that's just what I mean d'ye see. I'm unable to understand what to do. I told you words were cheap, and this fellow could do to secure the that deeds spoke louder. That devilish papers." past has given me many a pain, and I'd `Being outganeraled in regard to force, be beastly glad to wipe it all out, and he will next try diplomacy—these Cos- sacks are great on sly tactics." "But we are not babes in the wood, that he can play with us. With force a dead letter, how could he lay hands on the documents?" Larry threw up both hands. "Ask 'the wild winds or the sad sea waves, they can tell you as easily as I; but, all the same, I feel, I know, Petos- key is never the man to stop at trifles; and something tells me it won't be long before we discover he is far from hav- ing gone to sleep. Here comes a yellow flunky looking for you, I imagbne, Lord Beckett." "011 yes, the fellow who brought up a card a deuce of a time ago, with a re- quest for art immediate interview." He turned and spoke with the Celes- tial servant of the caravansary, and when Larry once more set eyes upon the florid face of the Englishman ho instant- ly discovered signs of new apprehension there. (To be continued). 1 "There goes a man who draws groat houses every day." "Is he an actor?" "No; an architectural draughtsman," UI WHY POULTRY FARMERS FAIL Of all phases of tanning shone are aoe countable for so many failures as what aro termed poultry farms, writes a far- mer's wife. Hundreds have conte to OM through them, A poultry farm has rather a fascination for some. The position must be in the country : nil is an attraction to mealy, A very great amount of capital is nut needed, which allows of those who could not invest in a stock and arable farm to go In for this form, The work eonnecled with poul- try is not very laborious, and the idea of seeming endless eggs and choice fowls for the table In abundance causes those in search of an Ideal life to infer that this and this only is their forte. A villa, collage, or bungalow, will set'- eml acres of land,. are included, and what more could anyone wishful of a threats—the papers were upon British quu'l, easy and remunerative existence, Weiler, and would be defended against d�`sire? The desire is cornntendal+lr. and any and all confers. Ho went emery all right, but what of the accomplish- rnighly hot under the collar, I assure accomplish- ment? Ah, this is the question, and [t vow is, as a rule, disregarded, and it 10 here That Lord Beckett rather enjoyed the the mischief is played. The accomplish situation, the brood smile upon his fano utent implies conducting everything testified; it is not every day that a successfully; mere money will not secure sturdy Englisiunan finds a chance eo this. Practical knowledge alone will get in a fair blow at a representative o1 carry one tltrotlgh, and it is from abso- the mighty rival power that crowds the lack of this that 00 or indeed 90 per interests of the British empire In China Dent. of the failures in poultry farming and along the Indian borders. occur. I know of poultry farms at the "But—such a desperate man, backed present time, conducted by both men by the authority 01 so bold a ruler as and women, from which they not only the Empress of China, might not hest- secure a good living, but the profits tale to even sack the consulate—of amomt to more then that. Il was not course concealing his hand in the to ample funds originally or the special game," spluttered the troubled Larry, facilites of their farms that the credit is But the other continued to simile. due, and experience alone enables 1150111 "Ahs yes, that same thought occurred to start and continue to me, d'ye know. Strange how great ON THE RIGHT LINES. minds move in a similar aha net—eh, This is the only highway to successful Larry, my dear man?" poultry farming, and with such a os - Then you took precautions?" eager- p y g+ t sesslea the very often asked question : ly"That I did." "Does poultry farming pay?" may safely "And locked the safe?" be answered in the affirmative. This "Better even than loaf—called upon has been my conviction for long and is the esplain of Her Majesty's gunboat so still. It is not very often one meals Hornet, who chanced to drop in, having with country people starting poultry business at the consulate, for a gtfard farming. 11 is mainly those retiring and of marines, and there is a cordon al leaving towns that have a hankering blue -jackets stretched around the build- alter it. Some of them will tell you they ing that will hold it against any force were born and reared in the country, Petoskey could bring to the front." and, although theL never had Hutch ex - Larry waved his topes wildly above perience of poultry keeping then, they his head. fancy it now. Others are wholly town "Goad for youi—Ihates 010 ,rue spirit— reared, never kept fowls, but they feel checkmate Petoskey, my boys I think pretty sure if they did they would be a he will have to go to school again and success. Now, I would ask if a mere take a few more lessons before he idea like this can possibly qualify any- one to run a poultry farm, either re- muneratively or otherwise? Just ima- gine what kind of figure a ploughman, shepherd, or myself would cut dumped in the centre of a great city under the pretence of conduefing a successful drapery, grocery, decorative or some other business. We would all be sub- merged from the start; and yet this is only a parallel position with that token up by the inexperienced when they at- tempt poultry fanning. I do not write now or at any time to discourage poul- try farming, neither do I agree with those who imply that success is not the question under all conditions; but I consider those who are qualified to speak end do not hesitate to warn the inexperienced are doing a public duty. That there is a vast demand and urgent call for eggs and poultry for beyond all this country produces or is likely to pro- duce under present conditions is well known to all. It is not the poor demand that favus failure, neither is it low prices, but, I come to it again, "Well, worry no longer abort them, since they aro safe from any attack," "By level now, I mal glad to hear you say that; but we should continue to he on the alert. It was Jack's policy never to underesltmate a foe." "And deuced good policy. too; but, feel myself clear of the stain." The glow of manliness In his eyes touched a sympathetic chord in Larry's les rt. They shook hands again. "I accept your offer and appreciate the motives that urge you to make it. God willing, we shall know the worst before long. It is useless trying to influence Avis against undertaking this desperate move—she 1s a woman who dares any- thing when the man she loves is in question. But I have felt the need of a strong arm, and I welcome you as a comrade in time of necessity." Which was a very clever speech on the part of Larry, more given to saying ridiculous things than words of wis- som. Lord Reckot showed positive signs of satisfaction his blooming countenanoe took another shade of red, and there was a firm look about his mouth that spoke well for his newly -made resolutions. "That was one of the things I came here to tell her," he remarked. "Then you had another?" queried his companion. Yes. After you left I had a visitor— perhaps you can guess who he might be?" "Ahi yes, the Russian, to be sura 7' "Count Petoskey It was. You see, it was already known that she had been at the 011105 of the consul, and they jumped to conclusions as to her mission; he al- so mentioned you, and this gave me an idea they had penetrated even that very clever mandarin disguise." "Quite likely," murmured Lorry, as his hand involuntarily toyed- with the treacherous litre puffs of blonde hair deep sot on his jaws, and wheel' lie had reason to believe had been the means of his betrayal; "in fact, I am positive that what you say is true, for a howl- ing mob congregated In front of Kai Wang's door, and shouted themselves hoarse in demanding that I appear and have my hair cropped in the prevailing Chinese style—the hand to go with it." "Ali! I see; and, declining this favor at their hands, you pieked up your bed and walked, which showed remarlcably good sense on your part. But, as I re- member, you were always able to take care of yourself, as well as do some thinking for others" This throwing of bouquets at each other was all very well, and doubtless had some effect in drawing the two strange comrades closer together in the bonds of friendship, but all the same it was not business, and .shrewd little Larry know it, So he "returned to itis mutton," and Look up the case at the point where it had been dropped. "What did he want, this minion of the Czar?" "The papers, of ceutlse." Larry uttered a cry of alarm, 'What cursed assnrancel. But (hero Russians would not hesitate to claim this sun by right of first discovery. Of • Tor Your Protection wo place this label on every package of Scott's L)nulsion. The man with a fish on his back to our trade -mark, and it is 0. guarantee that Seott's Janlhl- sion, will do all that keel/timed for It. Nothing better for lunge throat or bronchial troubles in infant or adult, Scott's Mout- Mon is ono of the greatest flesh, builders known to the medical World, Wa'Il gond you 0 snifppla free. ltl<M187'Y SCOTT & BgWN , oo'moac",Oat, THE WANT Ole KNOWLEDGE. No amount of energy and good inten- tions will compensate for this, and the best advice that anyone can give to all contemplating poultry forming; who lack experience, is to place themselves in the hands of the successful, becoming thoroughly acquainted with details, when there need be no hesitation in In- vesting. Those who cannot see their way to do this have two methods open to them. One is to go in for poultry farming and meet the inevitable failure which is almost the universal experience of those who attempt things they da not know anything at all abut, or the other way is to shun the business. In other lines apprenticeships vary from three to half a dozen years, but a so- journ in a good poultry yard from March to November will give all con- siderable qualification, as s in breed- ing and rearing, which is now going on, that a painstaking system must be close- ly followed, and minute details are in- dispensable. Apart from the want of practical knowledge as to how to treat the chicles and fowls, there is a very ruinous pro- cess going one setting up a great col- lection of poultry houses and appliances generally before there is any actual de- mand for them. Not very long ago a man who dealt in machinery took it 'n his Tread to go in for poultry farming. As a alert he bought a dozen pens end runs which cost him $250, and In less than a year they became my properly at $25. They were worth more, but their size and construction did not ap- peal to buyers; they were practically cf little use 10 the origbnnl owner, but they fully verify my con10nt10n that 11 is very desirable that money should not be lock- ed up, or, should I not say, be thrown away, an fancy appliances, before it Is actually known what is wanted. SWINE NOTES. Sows, of all animals, require the least help during parturition, and i.he wisest course is to leave them to themselves. never g so well es when they en fill their smolt -ohs with sellable food and Ile In the warm sett on a dry hod. A s',n' wl(1 rear n litter of pigs when •:h+• hail the non of a good pasture on ',elf Ile• f'l'ed she will require if she Is deprived of this Important, condition. 111 managing the brood Sows it is never 11 good plat In make a radical elemge of food just before or after fav - rowing. It is not so much of a question, as Mo cplicl<ly to one side, belt before I had as prod is concerned, Thew much a pig time to move, the bushes within a yard will weigh when dressed as how much el me parted and a gigantic bear burst out, growing furlusty, and with a look BECAUSE 01 Its Absolute Purity and Delicious Flavor CEYLON GREEN TEA IS RAPIDLY TAKING THE PLACE OF JAPAIJ. Load Sachets only. 40o, Boo and 600 per 11. At all Cr000ro. BIGGEST AWARD ST, LOUIS, 5904. COBALT -The World's Richest Silver Mining Camp THE COLUMBUS COBALT SILVER CO., Limited. Authorized Capitol Sleek, 6150,000, Shares 01 each. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 55050 RIORARi HARCOURT, President, JAMBS TUnnoPE, Esq„ hf.i',r., head of Direotor of the Ontario Bank, cad for- the 111m of Tudhoge liarrigo Go., Limited, morly Treasurer of the Preview of Ontario ODAN1101, Simpson, Esq., M.E., Managing 301HN FLItTT, Egg., Vtro-Prosident, Road DirectorCobalt, Ont. of Ole arm of Mete, Lowndes Ss 0o., Dlr• JOSICPIL 'COLUMBUS. Esq„ Explorer, odor of Ontario Bank. Ilailo1bury, Cut. SOLICITOIRS--Clark, McPherson, Campbell ,5 Jarvis, Toronto. Tho company owns as a mining elfin, free from ally oncumbranoes, the favorably and well-known Columbus Mine of 10 acres, which has a B•foob vein one foot being hiy,h•grado cobalt, with good savor value, at only four foot depth, located In Coleman Towelling, near Giroux Lake, in a most favorable location nearby e, ny of the big paying tellies, sooh es the Drmnmmmd, Jacobs and others, and only a few foot from the famous Chilies timber limit, wItloh is so rich 1 silver that the Government decided to develop it for the benefit of the public. The undersigned personally ollors for sale at par only a limited number of sbarou, as itis expected that in a short time it will greatly advance. There is now mina force of minors derolnpiog the property, Soled for full particulars. Mail your order, with marked cheque or oxpreseunler, trip the order of DANIEL SIMIPSON, P. 0. Box 129, Cobalt, Ont. TIIS� i<,.�N and no vehicle on the calmer ar equal.+ ilio bicycle as. a tine saver. A. prominent doctor says:— "Nothing can replace my bicycle. It stands in the hall when not in use, and when 1 get a hurry call, I literally grab my hat with one hand and my bicycle with the other and I'm off." ACK TO THE 9CVCLE The vehicle of utility and health and when you think of bicycles you naturally think of one of the following bicycles as all that is best and up - to -dale CLEVELAND, SILVER RIBBON IVIASSEV, PEF FEf T, BRANTFOFfD. Made in Cushion Frame or Rigid Models. Up-to-date Equipment — Sills Hygienic Handlebars, Morrow Coaster Brake. CANADA CYCLE AHD MOTOR COMPANY, Limited "Makers of the Worlds Best Bicycles." GENERAL OFFICE AND WORKS - - TORONTO JUNCTION. Write for catalogue. more. They are larger when born and sudden appearance that I stood stock never lose this advantage. atlil, a fact which very probably saved The longer the pigs can be made to my life, for bears are not very quick stretch out, the deeper the sides, the with their eyes, although exceedingly more muscular the hams, end the firmer so with their noses, and this one, scent - I' legs, the better meat they will ing man, missed nt0 but mdrle sirnight for Jenkins who was len yards away. malts. lie it Is always best to market Ws fired almost simultaneously, and slue) in a good condition, it is of no ad- Bruin went down like a stone. vantage to feed for excessive fat. Mar- "I was so carried away wIlth the ex- ket when fully ready, as soon as pos wi- tationlat fha+ ng helpthe ed moment, danti a dth ex- sible. bon of our bear, that with a whoop I ran forward and was about to plant my foot, like a sort of conquering hero, upon the shaggy carcase, when to my horror it got upon Its feet and named a terrific blow wbth its fore -paws at rey head. Instinet more than presence el mind cnused mo to dodge this end jump aside, and a second bullet from my companion's rifle put an end to any further efforts at my destruction on the part of• my adversary. "Even this adventure was mere child's play compared to one which befell ole a few weeks later. ' "We came to a piece of rocky rising ground, across which, direct in our path, a large tree trunk had fallen. 'If a bear carne down on us while we were getting up here,' Jenkins whispered to me, we would be in a pretty pickle,' I agreed with bin entirely, but had scarcely limo 10 soy so when we reached a position which enabled us to sea some dark object of 'the other side of the tree trunk. It was the very bear that we were after. After raising his head end staring us straight in the faro he gave a sniff and, turning tell, made off et hull speed, For a moment I utterly fn'got the danger 01 our position, and i lot fly at him a bullet which struck 111111, we afterwards discovered, rightin tiro tank. "With a perfect bellow of rage he turned around, and, after raising him- self for ntonent on his hotmcthes, made straight for me. I was standing made Wight for me. 1 was standing al out three yards behind, the tree trunk when I fired my shot, and he could not have been more titan twelve yards away when he started to charge. Notelet' of the others could fire for fear of hitting me, for they were directly behind, and although 1 had lime to shoot again, my Nand wens so unslcndy and I was se excited, that i missed him nllogclher, end he had reached the tree before 1 fultly realized the danger 1 wtls fn. I turned tail and started to bolt down the h111 for deer lite. Almost my first step, tlntortunn.tcly. was upon a loose Alone, which thing Inc upon lay fere, and set. me rolling downwnrde with the beer corning after me nbinut twice ns inst. it was et thbs..manhant 11111 17 Jenkins tank Action. Knowing flint the beer having nose, inroad lots tal.cnlbon to 1110 would telt, 111118 noise of nnybr5y else, he While b11 I e assed 1 Whiled t t p him within five ynrde, end Ilion fired point-hids at his head, killing Minh en the siert.'' PUMPKINS FOR SHEEP, We want to bespeak a good pumpkin crop for 1906. Nothing better for sheep. You can raise a few loads to every arum of corn and raise n0 less corn. A load hauled out on the back grass pasture every day or two next fall will be a great boon to the flock. You can burst them in throwing 1110111Isom the wagon and the sheep will oat the seeds test and then scoop out everything but hard shell. The seeds are the best worm medicine you can feed. Be sure to slake arrangements for tlso planting of the pumpkins, They are good for sheep, they aro .good for pigs, they are good for cows, and pumpkin pies are good for boys. TO START A BALKY HORSE. Talce a rope about 15 feet long, pass around the foreleg and lot drop down below the fetlock joint. Take one end in each hand, walking ahead of the horse while the driver starts him. This will cause the horse to jump Willi one leg on the ground, or talcs a step, and when he dors this he will forget to stop again, and if the rope is dropped he will likely walk over it without further trouble. If treated this way a few limes he will get so he will start at sight of rope and it won't be necessary to usett in case he balks, - TIIr BEAR'S STRATEGY. The Deceit Which It Practsed on' the Unwary hunter. A writer describing sono bear -hunt- ing experiences in the Rocky Moun- tains, says:— "We cane to some dense undergrowth which my companion thought was a hhely place for Lite bear Lo be found, Hardly had he expressed this opinion, and as I was pushing my way foe - ward, there was a sudden rustle among the undergrowth in front of us, which was accompanied by a savage growl, Jenkins yelled, 'Look out,' and jumped It has cost. An old sow does not roll. as much for, keeping as tr young and growing ono, and her pigs_ are worth considerably In his wicked little oyes which 1 shall never forget. "I was so utterly Laken abasic by this tee:sceen-o-oeso-o-oo-n-serosseesieseoseee01 4 YOUNG 1 FOLKS 3 0600•G•0*O004000 o C-10 0ol>19ti WHEN MOTHER IS A\11AN. The 1101150 is such a dreary place when mother is away ; '111010 isn't Ion lir anything, no matter cabal you play. The doll., Just sit as stupid, and act so Still and queer— They always say such firmly things when mutter's by to hear. Tice little china tea set looks so lone- some wailing there; There's n0 fun playing party and eating only air 1 IL Isn't Alm the lovely lungs you most believe you sec Upon (he plates and saucers, when mother cones to tea. There's no use doing up your hair and dressing ftp bn style, You know it's just pretending, and you're 'Bolty all the while; You never blear a whisper from the chairs against the wail "Dear me, what splendid lady now is coming here to call l" Tho pictures in the picture -books aro never half so fine, '1Ise storks won't conte out and talk for any petals of mine; An hour goes so slowly, it's almost like a stay -- The house is such a lonesome place when 100111er is away. 'POODLES ANDTubi OTHER BABY. Tootles wasn't a curly -hatred puppy, RS you might think from his name, but n dear 111110 baby with big blue eyes and a head covered with soft yellow ring. Ile wasn't quite old enough to walk, hit oh, how fast he could creep ! IIo would scuttle about over the floor just lisle a little crab One morning he woke up with a muf- fle In nils little button of a nose, and Doctor Papa said he must slay on 'tile bed all day, for fear of draughts, w mamma looked around to find some- thing to amuse him, for he was such an active little fellow that it promised to be hard work to keep him contented In such a narrow space. Nov, mothers have a great many bright ideas, and presently, one came to 'b'oodle's mamma, and pulling down her work, she went to call Bridget. Soon they carte back together carrying some- thing between them which they pissed carefully on the bed, and what do you suppose it was? \Vhy the other baby l 01, how pleased Toodles was I ile laughed and waved his little fat band, and the other baby laughed and waved back. IIe was a friendly utile fellow, that other baby, and smiled every lilno !'oodles loykes at him, and that was very often. had W1hat a good time those two .pabbes 'I hey played peek-a-boo, and looked 'rt picture books metier, and every lime that Toadies picked out a favorite pic- ture, lite other baby would pick out the same one. When 'they built block houses the other baby would never build higher than Toadies did, and when 'Poodles accidentally lenocked his tower clown, the other baby obligingly tipped Itis over, 1.1y0001 Then tplayed "Pease Porridge hot,' Somehow, 'Poodles never could play it quite right with any one else, but the other baby seemed to know just when to go to Lhe right and lest, and 11 was great fun to watch the game, and seo tie four ]idle pink -cushioned palms conte together, with a soft little thud, rbght every tine 1 Gf course, lllaunrna sat near to sea that they didn't hurt each othher, but there wasn't a sign of a quarrel all the mning. By-and-uy 'tk nap together, ,a oldorwhenbToodlesheytoohad his bottle the other baby had one, too. The moment !'oodles wake up, he looked around for the ocher baby, and when he saw him he was so glad that he leaned right over and kissed him on his little pink mouth, and the funny thing about it was that mamma, who doesn't approve of much kissing for babies, only smiled, and called to Doc- tor Papa, who had just come in, to come and see the prelly sight. When six-year-old Francis came in iron school, he wanted to play, too : "Why, mamma," Ile saki, ebbs Just like 'lbodlos was twins,'isn't it?" and mam- ma thought it was. Just, then the bell rang for luncheon, and while mamma lustily slipped to eleatn dress over Toodle's yellow head, Doctor Papa lifted the big mirror off from the bed, where it had stood all the morn(ag, and carried it back to fns place In the next room, and with It went he other baby 1 A PRINCE OF SILI'SNCY'. Sir Henry Peyton was famous a tgen- eralion or two ago for his gray team and his lack of small talk. It is related, in the 'Life" of the second Earl Granville, that Sir henry once honored a pretty Englishwoman with the seal, on the box of his coach for a sixteen -mile drive. Halt way he opened his lips for 1.11.0 first 11010: "'sVoolly weather tor coach horses, my Indy," ho remarked. On another occasion he fairly outdid .t httnself, Ills health was being drunk enthusiastically at an agricultural meet - .in gy eet-.ing. !'hanks," snid he, and 'drank their health in return. Sitting down, he kicked his neighbor, Lord Tersoy, and muttered : "I didn't say too much, did I?" A BISHOP ON SUNDAY RECREATION, The Bishop of Bath and Wells, speak-, inggat 'Taunton; England, said ho was not, going to lay down any rule as Io what should be done with regard to fhb observance of Sunday, for what waft right in the an of One Was altogether wrong In the case of another. It. wee quite wrong for the 1(01 man who had all the week In whish to amuse himself 1^ talco Sunday for pleasure; brit It was not at all wrong for a hard.warkedman, who neveroes out except on Sunday. Io have a kind of recr0etion on that flay which would hs absclulaty wrong In go era" *e furs Xenia. c I