HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-31, Page 1,re
Vol. 34. No, 47
W. H. KERB, Prop
New Advertisements.
Strayed—C. Pollard.
Tenders—W. H. Kerr.
Poste for nate—A. Cook,
Strayed—A. Oars ioheel.
Summer comfort—F. R. Smith.
Plaine and Flowers—Mies Kelly,
Men wanted—Niaholoon & Bennett.
.Rzstrxct B.th m.
J rot It It rook.
60 onto gets Tea NAT to January let,
Next Sabbath afternoon B. Gerry, of
Brueele, will take charge of the eervioe
in the Methodist obarob in tide plane.
The speedy paper owned by Jacob Long,
will be developed fora time on the Lieto-
wol race track, As the equine le well
bred it may dhow a etreek of upeed that
may earpriae people.
A. Reymann hue erected a Woodetook
windmill for Wm. Patterson, 14th con.,
Gray. This is the right mill as i1 lo
Made in Canada. Jno. Campbell, 15th
con„ will ales have one put up,
This nelson the township grading
mao11ine will be ander the management
of Meeere, Reymann & Cameron, of
Craubrook. They commence work next
Monday at lot 20, cons.9 and 10.
MAToIMONIAL.—Baturday, 19th leek„ at
9 a. m. iu the Adeliado street Baptist
ahurob, London, Joseph Alvin Reymann,
youngest eon of A. Reymann, of this
place, and alias Della Bettie, daughter of
C. W. and Mre. Smith, of London, were
united in marriage. They will reside at
375 Lyle street, London, Mr, and Mre.
Reymann have many good wither) es
pressed by old 'Heade of the groom here
for a long and happy life.
John T. Douniooa Met a valuable horse
lees week from paralyoie.
Invitation oarde are oat for a wedding
on the Leadbury line next week and
others to follow shortly,
David Boyd and David MoOutobeon
have been shingling the former'e booed
and the latter hie barn.
Some of our youug people [pent the
2401 at Mitchell and Goderiob. Needles()
to say they eujoyed themeelvea,
B. 0. SHINOLEB—Jaet received a oar.
load of Braude Columbia ehiuglee, X
XX and XXXX et the Walton eaw mill.
The 12oh eouceeeion ie [aid to be the
beet line in McKillop for rubber -tire
baggies bat never mind Soya we wont
coy the beet 1 melee,
Henry Hamilton and wife intend leav-
ing next week for a few months visit
with their eons in the Northweet
We with them a very pleasant time.
The foaadetione have been built for
the new toupee of W. Kneobtel and A.
McCallum. The work woe done by P.
MoDouold's mon from Brueeele and wen
done with credit to them.
McKillop Townehip Council met ae a
Court of Revision on May 29th, 1906.
Tho Aoeesemeete of Erneet Eligeon and
Aaron Rally were each lowered $200 00.
The Aeseaement Roll was finally revised
and Court of Revision oloeed, and
council met and minutes of preview[
meetings were read and adopted. A. By•
law for raiding $210.50 Mo$illopo share
of (mete of aonelraotiug a drain in the
Township of Hibbert known se the
You will And at Brueeele Greenhouse
any quantity of Tomato, Cauliflower,
Celery and Cabbage Plante. Tomato
Plante 100 a box or 8o a doz. loose. .
Fine collection of Flowering Plante.
A ohoioo lot of Geraniums and An.
nuala for bedding.
Cut Flower() [supplied.
Floral deeigne made to order.
Downey drain woe read and provieionally
adopted. A. Diokaou and J. Shannon,
Auditor°, were required to audit the
asoounte of the late Teammate acid lay
their Report before the Oouuoil on Friday
evening, Juoe let, when all books eta., be-
longing to the Townehip and which were
in the hands of the late Trououror will
be handed over to J. K. Holland Treaeur•
er. The: bonds of G. B, Holland were
aooepted. The olorh was required to
have By-law No. 61 amended eo a° to
retie° suftioieot famie to pay for oouotruot•
iog Barrou drain. Aaoouate to the
amount of $120.32 were paid. Next
regular ineetiogof Council will be held at
Dublin on June 12th, 1906, at 10 o'clock
a. m. M. MOaDIE, Clerk.
Jae. Lee has returned t0 Walton.
E H. Jordan spent Sunday in God•
W. M. Roaemond spent Sunday in
Viotoria Day woe gnietly but loyally
observed here,
J. W. and Mre. Morrison visited Mende
ten Hallett last week.
11,J. Oundiok, manager of the Bank,
visited at Monkton on Sunday.
The foundation of E. H, MoLaaohlin'e
store tae been commeuoed this week.
Work will be rushed on the building.
B. C. SnINOLE9.—Just received a Dior•
goad of British Colombia ebingles, X
XX and XXXX at the Walton sawmill.
VV roxetter.
Mimm C. Motdiohael returned from Bel.
graveon Priday.
Mrs. N. White and Mre. H. Armstrong
spent Monday iu Goderiob.
A new platform and reline is being,
erected at the Gotten House.
Fred, Barlow, of Guelph, renewed
twquaintenoeo here last week.
R. T. Miller, of Toronto, ie the goeet of
hie mother, Mao. T. F. Miller.
Rev. J. H. Osterhout boo gone to
Chatham to visit for e. few weeks.
E. Lewin occupied the pulpit in the
Methodist church on Sunday evening.
Mica Forsyth, of Blyth, spent a few
days recently with Miee E. Sanderson.
Jae. Alien has had a granohthia walk
planed from Otto sidewallt to hie residence.
Miee Paul and Mies Henry spent the
24th at the former'° home near Bloevale.
Mr. and Mre. Carr, of Toronto, were
gueete of their eon, Editor Carr, teat
Mrs. 0. 0. Stewart has returned from
Woodbrigo where ole has spent several
John Bernard, of London, is epending
Boveral days with hie parent(' and other
relatives here.
Miss Nellie Ball, and James Bull, of
Howiek, spent the holiday with relatives
near Teeewater.
W. Adair, of Stratford, is vieiting in
the vinage. He parpasee rotoruing to
the Worst ehortly.
'1'be Hewn* Annual Sunday School
Convention will be held in the Metbodiet
church horn on Jane 27th.
Oar junior football team played in
Gerrie Satnrday atternuon, The amore
was 4-0 in favor of the home team.
Mre. 0. Cook and daughter, Ola, of
Heoeall, visited last week with the for.
mer'° parents T. and Mrs. Hemphill.
J. D. end Miller and two children of
Morrie, left for a two months' visit
with friends and relatives in the Weet.
A few from here attended the reception
given to Gideon and Mre. Parke at the
Snell homestead, in Turnberry, lamb Fri,
day evening.
Word wart reoeived here on Monday of
rho eerioes illness of Reeve Harris at
Calgary, where he had gone with a load
of horeeo.
Oral Raptor's horse took a run Mon.
day from the South end of Main street to
hie own stable. Not much damage woe
done, however, to the rig,
A. Lecture was given in the MFitbo.
diet church on Wednesday evening, May
8001, by Mies Rattan, an eeoaped nun
from a convent in Quebec.
James Ireland, of Durham, F. W. and
Mrs. Gibeou, of Toronto, were i❑ the vil
lege loot Saturday attending the funeral
of the late Mre. R. Diekeou.
GRIT.—At "The Willows," the reaiden
oe of her eon, T, V. Dickeoo, Mre, Robert
Dickson passed away early Tbureday
morning, May 24th, at tbead vanoed age of
86 years. Mre. Denison wee well known
being one of the early eettlere in this
vioiuity, her late hnoband having had
charge of the postoffioe for a number of
Turnip Seeds
Always get the best as it costs no more to grow GOOD than
poor Seeds of any kind. The success no doubt depends largely on
the preparation of the soil, but not lees so on the QUALITY of the
Seed sown. Impressed with this fact we always procure our Seeds
from one of the most reliable firms in Canada. We now have in
stook the following varieties of Turnip Seeds, viz. :—
BETTOR'S NEW CENTURY—A Purple Top Swede, resembling the Westbury, of
splendid uniform growth and fine quality, It is the best Swede wo know of to
resist mildew and is a heavy cropper.
NEW KANGAROO—A vary hardy Swede similar in size and growth to the Ele-
phant and increasing in popularity each year.
HARTLEY'S BRONZE TOP—Small neck and single top roots, vary rich in quality
and a good keeper.
BALL'S WESTBURY—A well known.Stand[rd variety and one of the best.
B4.NGHOLM—A largo and handsome variety and a popular Turnip.
WHITE SWEDE—Remarkable for its nutritious properties, hardiness and long
GREY STONE—A white fleshed Turnip ; early, hardy and of good quality.
Our Customers Highly Recommend these Varieties
yearn. She loam one eon, 'T, V. Diok•
eon, with whom elm had always made her
home, to mourn her lose. The funeral
took Witco on Satnrday afternoon, eorvioo
being °ondaoted by Rev. L, Perrin, The
pallbottrero ware John ,Davidson, W. M.
Robiaeon, Dr. Brodie, Alex, Munro, Robs.
Blaok and Alox. Gibe,n.
Wroxeter Boar of last week Bayo :—Death
claimed for i10 own, twit Friday evening,
nee of our oldeet eitizene, in the permit of
William Wilton. Deupitoall that medic
al akin could do he passed to hie reward.
'Pte muse of hie midden death, whish
wee a great [hook to the community, was
pneumonia. He was down town on illon•
day morning preview) to hie death and at
noon he was taken ill. Ho will be groat
ly miseed ou our etreete and in the dif-
ferent politione which he filled at the
time of hie demise. He was a member
for eeverul years of Wroxeter Commit.
He aloe performed the duties of Treaenror
of the Presbyterian Church very efficient.
y. At the time of hie death he held the
twofold position of member and Secre-
tary of the School Board which latter
poeition he tilled moat ably, being an
excellent peumun and compo00r. The
Public, Sohool was atoned out of respect to
hie memory and work, on the day of the
honored. Mr. Wilson wee born in Glue-
guw, Sootlaud. He mune to this aoautry
m 1885 end settled near Hamilton for a
short time. Tbeu for five years he now
minted bueioees iu Leproie, near Barrio.
He thou move to Delmore where wee a
merchant for aeimlitic period, after which
be retired to Wroxeter, where he reeided
ap to lbs time of hie death, The tonere!,
whiob was held on Monday afternoon,
was largely attended, thus beatifying to
the eeteom in which he was held.' The
pall bearers were Jobn Sandereoo, John
Hamilton, J000ph Cowan, Jae. Rae,
Donald Ember and Guetavue Barton.
The eympethy of the community goes oat
to the bereaved widow in her irreparable
Li 1 rl e v aLl*0.
Mre. John Bargee() visited in Toronto
Wet weak.
Clifford Pugh was home for the boli•
day last week.
Mrs. anti Miee Saodereon, of Toronto,
were here for the 2411.
Ilies Gill, of Wingbam, spent Viotoria
day with Mre, Anderson.
Harry Meftardy, of Goderiob, visited
Bloevale triende over the holiday.
Mise Henry and Mies Maud Paul, of
Wroxeter, spent Viotoria day at S.
R.N. Duff attended Ole Liberal gather•
nig in Brueeele on Tuesday. He was re.
elected President of the Riding.
Rev. George Baker and Viotor Jermyn
are away to Windsor attending the
,Methodiet Conference in ee0010u there
chis week.
David Pattoreoo jr., went to Clinton
mast week to undergo an operation for top•
peudioitie. The operation bee aline been
auooeeefnlly performed,
sed intelligence was received here of the
decease of Bert, oily Dun of W. G. Duff,
of Crystal Oity, Manitoba, and nephew of
R N. Duff, ot Bloevale. He died on the
17th inst., of inflammation of the bowels,
after a abort illueoe of one week, aged 25,.
yoare. Deemed had learned butler-
makiug but dropped that and
went engineering for a while in
British Columbia, bat for some time he
bad been employed in hie father's office
at Crystal City. Bert. was a flue epeei•
min of manhood, physically, mentally
awl malty regrete are implore over hie
curly departure from !hie lite. Mr. Duff
woe unmarried.
Oun0T or RevtetoN.—Minotee o1 Court
of Revision held in the Clerk's office,
Bloevale, 00 Monday, May 28th, 1906.
The member() of Council baying each
eubeeribed to the oath ea membere of
the Court of Revision, the Court wet0
duly opened at 2 o'oloak p. m. Moved
by Mr. Moffatt, aeoondod by ear. Kelly
that Mr. Muegrove be chairman. Car•
read. The following jndgmeute were
give. ate the appeals laid before the
Court :—That A. Patterson be streak
ot roll and Hugh Casemore inserted in•
stead. That Wm. Fergaeon be etrook
off roll and John Rogers inserted inebead.
That Judge Doyle be streak off resident
roll and property aooe,sed on non rase
dent roll That Albert Welker be se
eeeeed, M. F. Lot 3, Oon. 6. Moved
ty Mr. McMichael eocooded by Mr.
Rutherford that the (Mart of Revioioe
be now oloeed and the Aooeeomeut Moll
as revised and corrected be the roll for
the year 3906. JOHN BaaoEeB, Clerk.
00 t otL TOWNeHIP OF '1'aaNnEnot,—
Alinatee of Cannoil meeting held May
28t1. Ala members present. Reeve iu
the their, Minutes of teat meeting
read and adopted ou motion of Meeere.
Moffatt end MoMioheal. Moved by
Mr. Rutherford, eeoonded by Mr, ala.
Micheal that the furnish Mooers, Ma.
Lean and Whelaue with tile tor drain
near brioltyard, provided they draw, the
tile and lay them in drain eatiefsotorily.
Carried. Moved by Mr. Rutherford,
eeoonded by Mr. McMichael that the
Clerk be inetruoted to notify John Gil•
loepie to remove hie fence and gate
off peblio road on C. Line at one). Car•
tied. Robert Hogg applied to Coattail
to have hie forme on eideroed tit B.
Line bridge straightened. The Council
decided to tape uo notion at present,
a) the Bait fence hue been for 20 years
where it- now ie and to etruightoo it
would 'pause sideroad to be dosed.
The tenders for the drainage work
en the 12th Con, were laid before the
Council. Moved by Mr. Kathy, eeoonded
by Mr. Rutherford tbat as the tender
o t
of Deft & 1 Stewart ie the ory a , that
the °entreat be awarded to them provid•
ed they sign agreement for the temple.
tion of the world by the firer day of
November next and that 25% of the es•
timate° be held by Ole ,4lauteipality until
the work ie completed Oe mouthy for
the taitbful nerformanae of Olio work.
carried, Moved by Mr. Rutherford,
eowuded by Mr. Moffatt, that the Clerk
be inetruotad to sell the Coasoil of ca.
rove 00 forward to our Treaearer, Peter
McLaren, Wiugham P, 0., the amount
of Culroee' share of drainage work, an
the oontraotore will require monthly
peymonte of eetimatee, Carried. Eel,
lowing0000nnte were palmed and ohequeo
on Bank of Ilamilton issued
H. 13. Elliott, advertising $ 5 80
R.'Vanotone, legal advioe 1 00
W. dr W. H, Elliolt, ,filo 5 76
Joe. Kitohen, removing indigent, 1 00
David A. Breen, rep. culvert1 25
Hugh Tooker, rep. culvert 3 00
John MaTaviah, rep. bridge 190 00
John S. McTavish, cutlery and
postage 75 00
Moved by Mr. Moffatt, Bemoaded by Mr.
Kelly that Ghia meetiog do now adjourn
to meet in the olerk'e office, Bloevale,
on Monday June 26th at 10 o'oiook a.
m, Carried. Joao Bottum, Clerk.
.) 1Lttleei to Wel
Mre. E. Hoggartb is rieitiag at James
101onday'e frost will spoil the fruit crop
for tide Beason.
Mise Maggie Riohardeon has been on
the sink list for a few days.
Wm. Wright left tide week for McLean,
Saebatohewan, being ticketed by the G.
T. R. agent at Brueeele.
The beet•riog ie again it tall awing for
the coming season. Oar farmers oaonot
do without their fresh meat Bnoply.
The general assembly of the Presbyter•
tan oburab, meets in London next week.
Elder John 8tiaohau will attend from
Mre. John Straoban and Mioa T. E.
spent a few days at Pine River on the
bauko of Lake Huron Iant week. They
returned on Friday.
E. E. Bryane, who was home for a
brief visit, boo returned to Winnipeg.
He will practice hie profeeaion as an M.
D. in the Went and hie teeny friend-,
here hope be will climb to the top of Ole
Hrntssetn.—A wedding took place
on Wednesday evening of last week at
the borne of the bride, let con. Grey,
when Gideon Parke, of Tnroborry, and
Mise Eliza, only daughter of Mre. Saran
Reid, entered into a matrimonial alliance
Rev. O. P. Wella, B. D„ of Gerrie, per.
terming the ceremony. Their many
friends wish them a long, happy and
prooper0ae serried life. They will live
io this locality, we anderetand, on Mrs.
Reid's farm. There were about 50 gneet0
at the wedding and a mast enjoyable
time was spent. The bride was
becomingly attired in a steel gray
drew with a perdition silk blouse
and orange bloeeome in her hair.
presents, nomerone, meal and well
chosen were presented. Ample javtioe
was done to the wedding sapper which
was eervod in Mre. Retd'e beet style.
The officiating minister propoeed the
health of the bride in a pleasing manner
and the groom made a fitting response.
Friday evening a reception was held at
the Snell farm, whish is rented by Mr.
Parke, and an enjoyable few hoar° were
pot in.
Council met here laet Monday.
Joo. DeWolfe visited at Wm, Cook's on
Viotoria Day.
G. W. and Mre. Pollard visited in
Belgrave on Sunday.
ee Jno. Watt ha[ gone to bie home in
Clinton for a few weeks,
Jae, Inmos, ot Moorefield, wee a visitor
in Ethel on Viotoria Day.
Janne and Mre. Lake, of Hamilton
were here for Viotoria Day.
Miee Jean Anetin, of Listowel, visit.
ed Miss Shannon here last weak,
Joo, Watt ie at Clinton tido week
combining bneinese and pleasure.
S. S. Cole and his men have floiehed
the foundation of the McDonald store.
Wm, and Goo. Eckmier, of Stratford
Boeinesa College were home for holidays.
Mr. Slemmon and mother are going
to Manitoba Tnesday for a holiday trip.
Mies Maude Q[erin, of Brneeelo, was
visiting friends in Ethel for a few days.
Report of oho Babbatb School Oon.
elation may be read on page 4 of this
A gravel sidewalk will be put down
to the G. T. R. it ie Baid, It is badly
Dr. Whitfield, of Fort Soott, Kansas,
U. S,, arrived here lead week for a holi.
day visit,
Mre. R. Laing wee holidaying 10101100
daughter, Mre. E. ()ober, at Moorefield
Iwo week.
Mica Lillian Simpson intends going
toToronto moon to panne her atelias
in music.
Mks. Nioholo and daughter, Mrs.
Duncan, of Brnoeele, visited friends here
on Tuesday.
Meagre. Hemeworth and Eokmier are
hustling the Bement abatmeule tor the
Co. bridgee near Dublin.
A number of our young ladies oalled
on Ole Rev. Mr, Armstrong laeb Friday
and epenb a maoioal evening.
A nice young man wanted. Good at
running a lawn mower, meet bo a tin.
smith. Apply to the evenings.
J. K. Brown hag been elected Noble
Grand for the coming term in Woetern
Star Lodge, I. 0. 0. F„ Briesole,
Viotoria•Dsy maw a number of picnic
parties in Maitland grove here. It is a
lively place and could be easy improved.
One of our ladios who takes a prom•
inent part in Women's Institute work is
now experimenting with eeodlese potatoes,
Our Young ledioe have organized a
a Baseball club. Playing nighto aro
Mondays and Fridays in the eabool
Rev, Mr. Armstrong i0 attending the
anneal Conference et London. Next
Sabbath's evening eerviee will be conduct.
ed by B. Jackson,
G. Hurn and wife, of Seatorth, were
visitors at Jno. and Mro. MotJallom'e
born over Sand -ay. Mrs, Barn ie a Die-
ter of Mre, MoOallnm.
Ethel eheeeo factory sold the May
matte of cheerio to Bodeen Bros„ of
London. It ;vee [hipped on Tuesday
the price being 10e. per pound.
Several pi0010 parties were here on tho
24th from Listowel. Atwood and Brno.
sole, Wo have one of the fioeot grounds
to bo found anywhere and people ap-
preciate it,
Walter Macon bee gene to Ole North
west to attend the duties on bis borne.
[teed. Three eons are in the West,
Some of oar villagers took in the foot
bull [natal] at Atwood Thtruday of loot
week between Monkoon and Atwood,
We are sorry to state that L. A. Marion
io not enjoying hie canal good health.
He i0 bothered with a nervous ailment
that will ueoeeeitate rest to remove.
Hie many Mende hope he will goon bo
all right.
Goo. Oxtoby intends going West nest
week, probably to Edmonton, where
be thinks he will take op land. Mre.
Oxtoby, who bee been laid up with
tyboid [ever, we are pleaeed to say, is
now able to be out again,
ltlo rrter.
Townehip Ooenoil met on Monday of
this week.
Frank and Chas. Garnier) have left for
New Coterie.
Joseph Churchill ie recovering atter a
very serious Unmet).
There are only 4 or 5 appeals against
the aseoeoment roll this year.
Frank Garoiee,of New Liskeard, hue
heap visiting hie easter, Mre, Jno. T. Bell,
David Pipe ie here after a visit with
Halton Co. friends. He may take a trip
to New Liekeard where two of hie Bona
are now living.
Loot week Thos. Emmell, 6th line, had
the misfortune to lose a splendid brood
mare for whiob he had refused 6300.
Elbe was a great boast.
We are pleased to see Mise Sherrie,
41b line, able to get about atter her pro.
longed illness and her many Mende trust
that she may speedily regain her old time
The usual preaching serviooe in Eben
azar and Johuetoo't churohee, Bloevale
circuit, will be oauoelled nest Sabbath
owing to the peetor'e abeenoe at Windsor
attending Conference.
Last Saturday ori Wm., eon of Daniel
McLean, 7th line, wee operating a sawing
machine in some way hie right hand
name in contact with the eaw and he had
the miefortune to lose the ends of three
Began, The accident will lay him off
work for come time.
Drainage Referee Rankin has allowed
I. Farrand $400 damages io 0000eotiou
with the law Boit over the question of
mill dam privileges interfered with by the
Lamont drain, We have not learned yet
what the ooete are bat obey will be a
tidy sum without any doubt. ,
Gr e. v.
Geo. Whitfield wears a emile, I00
another eon.
Townehip Council met on Monday of
this week at Etliel.
Mro, David Ritchie, 13th con„ spent a
few Jaye with relative° in Stratford last
The foundation for William Work's
new brick roeideaoe, lot 1, non. 8 is com-
Marshall Smith, of Palmerston, made
a holiday visit with his uncle, Jno.
Smith, 16th con.
R. J. Hoover's reeidenoe, 901 con., bas
been improved by a cont ot paint and
new shingle roof.
Mre. George Patterson and Mre. Will.
McKay have been on the nick list but we
hope they will soon be better.
James Mitchell and Meter, of Wing.
ham, and Miee Sietereon, of Toronto,
were visitors at Teasdale Whitfield'°,
1301 con.
The iron superstructure for the bridge
over the Maitland on aide road No. 1,
1011, con., is on the ground and will erten
be completed for use.
Hugh Cunningham, 1001 eon,, received
a kiok in the knee from a horse he was
nehitobing and was compelled to walk
with a limp for a few days.
A pig bowie and straw shed will be
built at John Hollinger'° farm, 10th con,
The work ie already under way. Mr.
Hollinger has e. good form and keeps it
In the abeenoe of the pastor at Oon•
fereuoe next Sabbath B. Jaokeon will of-
ficiate at Roe'e ahuroh in the morning and
Geo. Bateman will take the serviee at
The Sabbath School meeting in the
school Imaee in S. S. No. 3 has resumed
operations after the Wioler vacation. P.
A, MoArtbar is the painstaking Super.
Viotoria Day wee celebrated at Alex,
D. Lamont') 9th oon., by the presents•
tion of a choice mare foe' by hie "Roolt.
er" mare. This Dolt eboald bo a dandy.
It is a "Monbare."
There are 89 Pathmaetere in Grey
township and 3,847 days work et their
diepoeal. If modern road making
mothode are generally adopted the reawlte
should be much in advance of the pant.
Mise Mabel Coates, of Ethel, was a
Peter uo e'e Pe r 1H°Neil last
at her n I
week, We regret to say that Mr. McNeil
ie on the eiok Het with an attack of
bronahitie, but hope he will soon be o. It,
Mies Eokmier, who formerly lived near
Brnseele and who ie a eie0er to Mre.
Glassier, llth 000., was reoently married
to A. J. Wyld, of Detroit. They bave
taken up reeideuce there. May their
joys be many. _
11IIUtt01k II111ML1S.
Next Sabbath Mr, Lind, of Artbnr, e
probationer, will campy Melville church
A special meeting of Maitland Presby
tory will be held at Ripley on Friday
afternoon of ibis wank.
"Sell what tbon beat and come follow
M0." was Rev. Mr. MODoogell'a text in
Melville ohnroh last Sabbath morning
from wbioh a thoughtful dieoouree watt
given. Chine was dwelt [mon in the
evening coo a missionary addriam.
Rev. T. W. Oooene proaohed from "The
mare of the Syoo•Phoenooian woman's
daughter" in the Methodist ahuroh boat
Sabbath morning and from "Tho riot)
man and Lazarus" et the 0veoingeorvioe.
Ho will preach at Amheretbarg, Eagos
county nest Sabbath morning.
ManvmLn Outman SELEcxo a PASTOR,—
The pluming of a pewter i0 a very impel. -
tent and responeiblo charge upon a cow
gregation, more especially when these
oceaoi0ne are separated by 25 yearn.
Toeeday afternoon Melviile congregation
was oalled together to expr000 their opi0-
ion, by ballot, eta to Whom Rev. Dr. Rose'
s000eeeor would be, Rev. D. B. McRae,
of Oranbrook, Moderator, presided and
there wan a large attendance, Atter do.
aiding that they were ready to vote there
were three ballots taken bo[uro Rev. A.
0, Wisottart, M. A., of Beaverton, wee
decided upon. The first vote dealt with
9 men and the last gave the ohniea a
majority. Fourteen ministore in all were
heard during the vaoanoy and the non•
greg0tion ie to be 000gratalated that they
were able to come to a deoieion ea epoed-
ely and we truer oatiefautorily. A goodly
portion of the °congregation had a strong
prefereeco for Par. Lai bat they 00 doubt
will concur with the notion taken by
hearty oo.operation in oompletiag Ole call
and looking forward to the indnotion of
the new pastor. Rev. Mr. Wioobart is
spoken of very highly by those who have
had an intimate acquaintance with bis,
The annual meeting of East Heron
Liberate wee bold in the Town Hall,
Brussels, on Tuesday May 28th. Pree-
,deot Duff 000apied the chair and gave
a few appropriate remarks at the opeoirg,
Minutes of teat meeting read and con-
firmed, on motion of Wm. lobietor and
A. Hislop.
Treasarer'o report wee preeeoted and
adopted, Jae. D, Hinehley moving to
that effect with Wm. Henderson 00
A Resolution Committee was appoint -
td cousietiug of F. S. Scott, M, Y. Mo.
Lean and J. T. Rogerson, who presented
the following resolutions :—
Moved by F. S. Scott, seconded by
Alex. MoLangblin that we, the Reform -
ere of Baas Huron, beg to expreee our
continued and increased oonfidenee in
our Provincial leaders, Hon. George
W. Rose and Hou. Riohard Harcourt,
end we do moat heartily approve of
their moires in the Ontario Legislators
and the polioy they have advooated dar-
ing the poet two 000010ns and eek that
the Secretary aced copies of Ohio ream.
lotion to Moneta. Roes and Harcourt.
Moved by Adam Turnbull, emended
by Joo. MoTaggert that thin annual
meetiog of Reformers of Beet Huron
desire to ()spread their continued 000.
fidence in the policy ioaagurs00d and
parried out in ilia Dominion by Sir
Wilfrid Laurier and bis able oolleaguea,
rseolting as it baa in the enormous
development of the reeonroee of tbie
oonntry and in oorreepoudingly in•
oreaeing it0 prosperity. We would
however, earneetly urge that the reoe0t
Indemnity and Pension Bills, whish
are Bo dietaetful to the people of this
country be et once repealed. We also
desire to expreee our approval of the
notion of Government in appointing a
tariff commission to meet and receive
the testimony of people engaged in the
'ince of Caoadiau industry, upon mot•
tars pertaining to the tariff, and in view
of striking revelations whiob have Dome
to light reepeo0ing unhealthy and in•
jnrione combination in trade, wo strong.
ly urge that m any re•adjtotment which
may he made, the prinoiples of a tariff
for revenue purposes and preferential
treatment of the Mother laud will be
borne in mind ; that the true interests
of agriculture will not bo forgotten ; and
that ae tar se possible the welfare of
the great ooueumi[g ola[eee of this
country be reepeoted intending to make
Canada a cheap country in which to live,
The Secretary be regaeeted to Iran.
emit a copy of tide resolution to Sir Wil-
frid Laurier. Carried.
Moved, seconded and (tarried that the
date of the anneal meeting be changed
from May to December, the exact date
to be lett to the Eseontive.
Moved by Wm, Iebioter, s000nded by
Wm. Henderson that the present of•
fioero hold office until the nest meeting
of the Aseooiation in December, Car.
clad, They are ae tallow[ :—Prow
ident, R. N. Duff ; let Vioe, W. M.
Sinclair ; 21od Vioe, M, Mordie ; Seo..
Treas., W. H. Kerr ; Auditor, F. S.
Munioipal and polling qub•divieion
Chairmen :—
Howiok—Alas, MoLaughliu,Fordwioh,
Div. No. 1, Inc. Gowdy, Belmore ; div.
No, 2, John Darroob, Lakelet ; div. No.
3, Jae, Haetie, Gorrio ; div. No, 4, Alex.
Gibson, Fordwiab ; thy. No. 5, Jae.
Edgar, Gerrie ; div. No, 0, M, Aldrich,
Wroxeter—Jno. Douglas.
Grey—Jno. McTaggart, Monorieff.
No. 1, Jae. Tarnball, Jamestown ; No. 2,
Jim. Crerar, Brueeele ; No. 3, Oliver
Turnbull, Walton ; No. 4, Henry Mo.
Naught, Monorieff ; No. 5, C. Bernath,
Ethel ; No. 6, R. Close, Ethel ; No, 7,
Wm. Cameron. Oranbrook.
Turnberry—Alex. Kelly, Winghttm.
No. 1, to bo appointed ; No. 2, David
Moffatt, Jomeetown ; No. 3, P, Mo.
Deegall, Glonfsrrow ; No. 4, R. Muir,
Morrie—Geo. Taylor, Belgravia No.
1, A. Laidlaw, Blyth ; No. 2, R. Bewley,
Brunel/3; No. 3, H. Johnston, Detente° ;
No. 4, Molooleo Blank, Brussels; No, 5,
Wm. Iobiater, Wingbom ; No. 6, Geo,
Turvoy, Bluevale.
Bruesele—F. 8, Scott.
W Ingham—R. Clegg,
Beet Wawanoeh—J. T. Currie. Np, 1,
R.,0, McGowan ; No. 2, B. H. Taylor ;
No. 8, John Sbiell ; No, 4, John Gil
leepie. Polling cub division chairmen
to be the Dame as than chosen for Weet
Huron riding as Eaet Wawanoeh ie in
both oonetituenoiee,
Blyth—Wm. Campbell.
Flullett—Thos. McMillan, Sealorth ;
No. 1, Geo. Sbopboneon, ()anatomic ; No.
2, Jae. Watt, Harlook ; No. 3, Inc. Car.
bort, Clinton 1 No. 4, Juo, Kirkoonnoll,
McKillop—Jno. MoDowell, Sooforth.
No. 1, Jea. -Evans, Beeobtvood ; No, 2,
Jas, Kerr, Seatorth ; No, 3, Jno, Murray,
Beechwood i No. 4. 11, Archibald, Lead -
Short addreeeoe were given by A,
Hislop, A4, P. P. M. Y. McLean, W.
11. Kerr and othore on the Provincial
queotiooe of the pact simian, Dominion
parliamentary ollaire and the outlook
for the time to Dome.
Dr, !McDonald, ex•M. P., was not able
to be present, owing to his departure,
a000mpsnied by Pare. MacDonald, on
a trip to the Old Land, The Dr's.
health has not been as vigoroae 00 in
former yearn.
Before the meeting oonoladed a re.
solution wee paseod espreseiug the beet
waahee of East Huron Liberate to Dr.
McDonald end his good lady for safe
voyager), an enjoyable day and reoraiied
Presbytery of Maitland,
The Preebytery of Maitland met in the
Methodist church, Kinoardine, on the
1401 of May, and diepoeed of a ooneider•
able dookat of bosinee0. The Revs. Dr.
MacLennan and Dr. MaoDonald of the
Presbyterian aharolt, and ,Meseta. Smith
and Looks, of the Methodist church, be.
ing premieres, were invited to Bit ae come.
ponding members,
Th Seeeion Record» and Rolle of
Colvin rhumb, East Wawanosb, Wrox-
eter, Dungannon, Part Albert, Moles-
worth, Walton, Brueeels, Kincardine,
Pine River and Craubrook, were examin.
ed, and attested ae caretaby and correct•
ly kept.
'tun names of 16 minieter0 of other
oharohee, on whoa° behalf application ie
being made by various Preobyteriee to
the General Aesombly for permission to
reoeiv0 them into the Presbyterian
ahuroh were read.
A call wee presented from the congrega•
Lima of Knox charades, of Ripley and
Bervie, in favour of the Rev. W. Cooper
Mercer. The gall WAS largely eigoed, and
was a000mpauied by a guarantee of
stipend for $1000.00, with use of Manse,
end four weeks holidays. A. Mann,
John S. McDonald, Wm. Henderson and
Robt. McCormick repreeeoting one con.
gregation were heard. They spoke of the
boartmese and unanimity of the call,
which on motion duly made was eaetein-
ed ae a replier gospel oall, and the Clerk
w00 inetru0ted to forward it to Mr.
Mercer. It baying, been discovered
that Mr. Merger was willing to sooept,
10 wee arranged that his au:Motion take
plebe in Knox church, Ripley, on Friday
June let, at 2 p. m., Wet the Moderator
preside, Mr. Craw preach, A. Miller ad-
dress the minister and Mr. Mo$errotl,
the people.
The Treasurer reported that all the
oongregatiooe had paid their aeeeeemen0e
to the Presbytery and Synod Foods, ex.
oepting three, and wee iuetraoted to
notify these.
The Clerk reported for the Committee
appointed to revise the Presbytery's
Standing Orders. The reaommendationa
were considered seriatim, and a few
amendments having been made the Re•
port was adopted,
Mr. MuKerrol reported that it had
been found impoeeibie to make Batista°.
tory arrangements for the proposed Sutra
rner School to have been held in Laaknow
in Jane, ee many of those expected to
take part, owing to other engegemeute
were not available, and that the Sabbath
School Committee had deoided that it
was better to drop the matter for this
year. It was agreed to approve the
motion of the committee,
Mr. MoKerroll reported that as he had
had to move oat of the hones formerly
occupied by him, and no other wee avail-
able, the Managing Board by the author.
ity of the eeeeio0 and congregation of
Laoknow had bought a bonde to be used
as a Manse, and bad ieaued a morlgago
for the Hanle. The Preobybory 1000
pleaeed to know that the Luaknow Con.
gregation had been so prospered Oe to
lead them to take thio forward step.
They aro vary mob to be commended
for the recall of the effort pat forth by
them not very long ago, when they pat
over three thousand donate on the plata
ae w oontribntiou towards Ole reduction
of their Motorail debt. There ie every
likelihood that it will not be long before
they will be able to free themeelves from
the additional bardeu they have amen fit
to beer. It is worthy of note that tido
treneaation game a Menai to the only
pastoral charge in the Presbytery that of
mate hue been without one.
A hearty and unanimous vote of thanks
was extended to Rev. Mr. Locke and Otto
ORioial Board of the Methodist Church
for their courtesy iu granting the use of
their Cherub building for the meeting.
The Presbytery afterwards met in
Knox Church, when on motion of Mr. Mo.
Leod, eeoonded by Mr. Ohieholm it was
agreed that the Presbytery express cop.
provel of the remit from the General ,As.
nimbly re the travelling oxpeneee of nom.
mieetonero t0 the meetings ot the As•
It 10ae agreed to diepoee of the Report
on Statletioe at the adjourned meeting in
Ripley on Juno let.
At the meeting of the Maitland Proeby.
tonal W. F. M S., Mr. MoKerrol mado
the following 'Motion which was duly
eeoonded, and parried by the vote of the
mombere of Presbytery present. That
we, the Presbytery of Maitlead expreee
our high approoiebiou of the excellent
work that ie being done by the Maitland
Presbyterial of the W. F. 14,. 13., as mani-
Leet by your Report tonight. Wo note
with gratitude that with God'e grime you
have been permitted to achieve during
the poet year the greatest mamas in year
history, 00 far as material oontributione
own be taken to symbolize this. But
above and beyond ibis we desire to ex-
preee our appreciation ot the widening
spiritual influence that emanates trona
your organization to the various congre.
nations ot this Preebytery. We trust
and hope that your future may be Wedged
with still greater steam, and that your
members may individually have the joy
that Rowe therefrom.
The Preebybory adjourned to meat in
Knox Obnroh, Ripley, ou Juno let at 2 p.
ANAonw M.00Nse,
-Clerk of Proeby0ery.
Walton, May 28th.