HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-24, Page 8•4
Rubber Balis
soft 1(11 lrflorleligent tibtralalle°: Base Balls
Catching Gloves Foot Balls, Shin Pads
Tennis Racquets and Tennis Balls
Lacrosse Sticks Fishing Tackle
It you are thinking of getting ma EXPRESS WAGGON
come to ue. Our rail waggon, with strong wire wheels, at
51,50 and the G. T. 61. Truck 'Wagon at 52.75 are leaders,
WALL PAPER—We still have
a splendid assortment of pat-
terns to ohooee from.
OAUSTIO SODA for making
your own aoap-5 lb, tins
for 40 cents.
ilOuzultati EITEN91014 W. 0. & B.
Train leave Brue9ele Station, North
ena. South, se follows:
G0I00 8013T0 Goma 59on00.
Moll 7:06 a.m I Nixed 000 a.m
1020 a.m 21 091 p.m
xpress....., 942p.m Express 8:61p.m
Korai stius gtems
A ohiel's amang ye takir ' notes,
An' faith he'll prent 18.
FINE pasture.
SEND Ile the news.
Lentz frost Friday night.
TRUMAN a Bank holiday.
Co. Oottoom Tuesday, June 5th.
EXCURSION to the West on Tape 6th.
Lentos' glove found. Ask at Tao Poe.
Sao local news on page 5 of this issue.
ear. BAEXER sent a oar of wheat to
Stationao people have been laid up with
Beeman at Bronele Friday evening
of this week,
2 OARS of oats were shipped to Tileon.
burg by R. Graham.
Pont:ammo Inure on Victoria Day will
be 9 to 10 a. m. and 5.30 to 6 p. m.
Tao Salt Works shipped a oar of salt
to St. Eugene and another oar to Point
FOURTEEN riga have been disposed of
thie setterta already by R. Franois, oar.
riage builder, Brussels.
Sotto oases of a mild type of scarlet
fever are in town and the anal plaokard.
ing done by the Board ot Health.
TEE PosT ie published a day earlier
than usual tbie week owing to Thureday
(Viotoria Day) being e. public holiday.
A mom, headed enbsoriber who reoent-
ly changed his address. writee 9—Send on
THE Pon ea we cannot do without it."
ON amount of publishing a day earlier
thie week oorrespondenae from some
quarters is not to hand when we went to
Purd, cherry and early apple trees
are in biosoom and, if their appearance
ie indicative of fruit bye and bye there
should be large returns.
BituesaL8 G. T. R. seotion men have
been esoiating to pat in new switches at
Lietowel, the men !going on the morning
train and returning at night,
THE Metropolitan Bank has opened an
agenoy at Poet Elgin. A. E. Mellish, of
Brussels, ie the noting agent in the mean-
time. He le quite a hustler atter basi-
AUCTION Sale of Aaron Lindsay'a
household furniture on Saturday after.
noon of thie week at 3 o'olook, two doors
North of Knitting factory. F. S. Scott
WASTE PAPER.—Old newepapere, mita
able for peaking or wrapping, for Bale
at ane cent per pound, or in quantitiee
for lees. Apply at Tato POST Pablish-
ing Home.
Da. W. L. E(Manse hen been ap.
pointed G. T. R. physician for the
dietriot from Wingham to Listowel.
Dr. MoNaughton, now of London, was
formerly in obarge.
Tan hone owned by jamee Elliott,
Mill etreet, adjoining his reaidenoe haa
been mull improved by a oemant veneer.
Dr. Graham ie idea having the double
house he ovine, on the same etreet similar•
ly kneed. Tbie ehould improve its
looks materially.
TEE Bowliug green le in fine shape and
on several evenInge during the past week
two looal rinks have been proving their
ability to locate the kitty. Arrangements
will be made for games with neighboring
dubs. There are some exoellent ephere
trundlein Bruseele.
EAST Homo Lioense Commissioners
met at the American Hotel Brussels, on
Tueeday of this week. All the onembere
Present excepting Wm. Watson,ot Wrox-
eter, who died after a short Innen of
pneumonia, on Friday. 610 only sat
al one meeting einoe hie appointment,
Da. OVONS, DEL D., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug
Store, Brneeels, on the first Tuesday in
eaoh month. Hours, 8 a. 80,90 1.30 p. m.
Oataraot, squint, failing eyesight,
deatnees and nasal catarrh treated and
glasses properly fitted. Next visit,
Tuesday, May 29011,
Tam week S1111011 Grant has taken
obarge of the Brueeele and Wroxeter
nage line and will continue to look after
the boniness until the rettirn of Edward
Lowry, the proprietor, who has gone to
808980 hie brother Will., who is caterer at
the popular Sommer resort known ae
Springheuk. Mr. Lowry hae held the
lease at SprIngbank for several yeare, the
beet kind of a recommend as to the eatie.
faction he give&
PUBLIC L1BUAUX Henos.—Oommenoing
on Monday of next week the time table
of the Public) Library will be AS fol•
loWs O—Tueeday. Thunday and Bator.
day open in the afternoone born 2,80 to
5 &Moak. Tuesday and Saturday even.
Inge treat 7 to 9. This rule Will hold
good until ()camber 1st nett. Pereone
interested in or oalling at the Library
bed better olip this notice out and
pailta it up so tat to be 000y Of acme.
It may wade handy and gave you from
Mallen climbing of the deb.
a. Otani forwarded a oar of cattle to
Montreal this week.
A. OAR of nutohinery wee received by M.
M. Cardiff this week.
Soo the foot ball manta Friday evening
on Viotoria Park, Brueeele,
A. 0. DAniele ehipped two °are of cattle
to Toronto mod 0800 of hogs to Oohing -
hie omits to see how the gleaning op has
been done,
BAzAall Tharaday atternoon of this
week in Town Hall. Entertainment in
the eatne place in the evening,
FRED. fdoOnAokan hoe pat a cement
walk from his residenoe to Turnberry
atreet. Be calls hie home "Erinleigh,"
Bloom tare rata on the G. T. R. for
Viotoria Day. Good going on Wednee.
day and ieturuiog Friday of this week.
GERRY BROS. have their new hardware
stook opeued up in Port William and are
hustling basinees, They will no doubt
do well.
VARIOUS departments of the Public
School were fumigated by &oratory
Skene to avert danger from Scarlet fever
THE Toronto Daily Star and the Daily
News have been inereaeed in price from
01.00 per annam to 01.50, new rate amn•
ing into effect on June 180,
TUESDAY afternoon Leelie Turnbull
gave one of his thumbs 8 gosh on a saw
in the Antent factory. We hope he will
soon be o. k.
To the list ot second year successful
students at the Guelph 0. A. 0., just
published are the tames of 0. G. Salkeld,
of Goderich, 13 ; Middleton, Clinton,
34 and N. M. Ballantyne, Stratford, 43.
BAYPIELD will play Football with
Brunetti on Viotoria Park, here, Friday
evening, game at 6 p. m. Aa both teams
are hustling for first place in this Die.
trim and are closely matched, a red hot
game may, be expected. Go and see 11.
AT the meeting of Grey Branch Agri.
cultural Society Direetore last Friday
afternoon the report of the Building
Committee was adopted and Secretary
Kerr was inetruoted to go to Listowel
and arrange with Architect Binning for
plane and epecilioatione and advertne for
tendere. The new buildiug will be nen.
ed nearly on the old Bite with a little
more room between it aud the riles EMS.
PEON SYDNEY 0. B.—Thursday of 1080
week Tao Posy received a box of beauth
NI May flowers from Mise Lizzie Fergu•
son, formerly of Brussels, and Mies
Zetta Forgone, of Teeewater, both of
whom are at Sydney, Ocipe Breton.
Although the flowers were picked on the
14111 inn., they were in good condition
when they arrived from the far Ent.
Oar thanks an due to the young lediee
for their remembranoe.
market 18 open for the Beason of 1906 in
Breese's with three bayere, R. Graham,
A. Baker and J. T. Wood, who are pre.
pored to pay the very best prin the mar.
ket will allow. Ur. Wood, of the Ex.
oelsior. Knitting faotory, will allow 2
cents additional in trade. He handles
bisulfate, yarns, honors', onderware,
sheeting, tweede, eto. The market opens
ei 24 and 25 oente per pound which is
oerrainly a good price and worthy of the
ooneideratiou of people having wool to
BAZ0411.—Don't forget the Renner.
(thief and apron Bazaar in the Town Hall
Brnesela, Thursday afternoon of this
week, under the anopicee of the Ladies'
Aid of the Methodiet ohuroh, No ad.
mission tee in the afternoonwhen artioles
will be on Bale. In the evening there will
be a musioal and literary entertainment
to oornmencie at 7.80 o'olook.
Ladies Quartette, instrumental by
Orohestra and soloists, eta. Admission
only 10 oente. 108 008000, fruit, oake and
oonteotionery will be on sale,
SAD AOOIDENT.—Tueeday afternoon in
coming home from ocbool, at what is
koown as Shine's ethool house, llth eon.
of Gray, Arthur Wheatley, a lad of about
8 years of age, and hie brother, whose
pareute live South ot Brueeele, were
running behind the buggy of Wm, Perris,
of Oraobrook, who with Hire, Perrie, was
coming to Brussels. In some way the
former got his left leg entangled in the
hind wheel and received a terrible wrench
at the knee, nearly pulliog the lower part
of the leg off. When Mr. Parrie heard
the boy's ory he stopped the horse and at
mule weut to the lad's relief. The buggy
had to be beaked up to release the leg
whioh was almon wound round the axle.
Had the injured youth not caught on to
the buggy top he possibly would have
been dashed to the ground with the re.
volving wheel, Mr. and Mrs, Perris toolo
the two boys to their home as speedily as
poeeible and after doing what they could
to help the mother arrange for his oom.
fort hastened to Brunets fax a dootor,
50 was found on arrival of the physioian
that there was no poesibility of saving the
limb owing to the badly injured knee,
00 when the father arrived home from
Walton, where he woe working, it was
decided to amputete the leg about a of
the way between the knee and hip, Tone
donors did the work and the patient
Came through the operation with good
nitwit and we hope he will non regain
his etrength from the great shook it moat
have been to hie eyetem. /t was a meet
anfortnnitte aooident but no one name to
be blarnable in the matter, The family
le deeply Sympathized with in their
Standard Bank of Canada
:218.1,..A.28=848113= 1872
SIIRPLUB, OR R8192RVI0 F059L 8. 1,000,009
TOTAL 488200 OVER 10,000,000
A. Gettitiereti 13iallaking )1318ta1lleticiet TranSft etod
.a.corned Interest in added to accounts every six mouthe and b000mes prluctipal.
Joint Depoolt Accounts—A SPECIAL OONVBININNOR in use in our savings De.
partment is the "Joint Deposit" account, Aloney may be depoeited or wandrawn
by either of the two members of the household. This system is 0 great ounvon-
Jamie to inany residing in toRe. hut more partioalarly so to Airmen, L413 In the latter
ease whether anonaswite nines to town either eau attend to the Banking, 4/1.
other feature 01 0119 eyetem is that in oaae of the death of either party the .naouey
eau be withdrawn by the survivor without Goat. We will ten you more about our
80000040 16 you will kindly cub or write,
Married 'Women and Allmon may make And withdraw deposits without theta.
tervention of any person.
only for which no obarge ia made.
YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive our oareful and aourteone attention.
Mune. Warn; & GILLESPIE reoeived a
oar of cement this week.
Joe. TAIT fell at his 11080e on Tun
day evening and snack hie tome aud
bead splint a atone wall giving him
blaok eye and quite a shaking op.
He is able to be about however.
A. TIE GAAIE.—Last Friday evening
a fine and °Many contested game of
Intermediate League Foot Ball was play•
ed 01 Bayfield between the home tweet
end B0088910. Although the Wore,: wan
0-0 there were oome alone calk, for goats.
Bayfield is a, strong, aotive team and
Branele did well to hold them down on
their own gronude to a tie. Eel. Karl.
oy had hie nose injared by a collision
and had to retire for the balance of
the game, McLennan going on to even
up. Brown Jackson umpired the game
with the usual eatietaatiou. Bayfield
will be here ou Friday evening of tbie
week for the return game.
RUSSELL Betsz.—Latit Sunday night
about 10 o'clock, J. W. Romani, eldest,
eon of W. E, and Mre. Haiet, of Atwood,
died at the home of hie graudparenta,
Albert etreet, Brunie, with 08110171 he
made hie home, aged 12 years, 6 mouths
and 15 days, He bad taken 111 on the
previous Monday while going to school
and despite all that Gould be done for
him he passed away ae above stated,
Peritonitis was said to be the canoe of
death. He was born in the room in
which he died. Russell was a sturdy,
active boy and the pioture of health on
the Sunday previous when he wae 09
Sabbath School. The funeral took place
on Wednesday afternoon to Braseele
cemetery, Rev. T. W. Oosene conducting
a suitable service at the hone and grave.
In addition to flowers from relativee and
Mende a beautiful wreath woe aontribut
ed by the Publio &hoe!, a floral oroae
from the Junior Epworth Leave of the
Methodist church and a boquet from the
S. S. elan iu the same oburoh. He was
rarely an abeentee from either. The
relatives will be Recorded einone sympa•
thy in their bereavement.
PROPERTY Boron.—ltet week W. W.
Hartle bought the 4 aaree from John
Oober & Bons, commonly known ae the
Ronald Fire Engine works property.
The fire of a year ego deetroyed the
large brick factory on this lot aud at the
same time wreaked the hopes ot the
proprietors ae far ae rebuilding and
continuing the business Dlr. Harris,
who ownee the Oheeee and Butter factory
North of town, will pat ap a building on
his newly acquired lot and will move the
basineaa into town. The brick -Brooke
stack now mending will be utilized as
will the betook walla of the moulding shop
the latter coneattitiag stable, drive house
and Me house. Proposed new location
for factory will be more convenient for
proprietor and employees, handier for
shipping boater and ahem, 80000109 ice
no., and we think Mr. Harris made a
very wise move. Purohase price of land
is said to be 0400. The preeerm factory
will be taken down and the material need
in oonetrnotion of new modern premises.
Tao Poem wishes Air. Harris the beet of
manse in hie new move, and we hope he
will have everything in miming shape for
the next season'e butter businees.
People We Krtow.
Peroy Riahardeis holidaying in To.
Mre. Samuel Wilton ie visiting at
E. 0. Danford was in Toronto during,
the poet week.
Miss Nora Holmee is visiting relatives
at Port Elgin.
Mies Lizzie McNichol has gone to
Strathaona, N. W. T.
Mies Edith Adams, of Fordwioh, wen a
visitor in Brawls thie week.
S. T. Plum, Pare. Plum and children
bre holidaying with relatives at Lietowel.
George Haiste, of Obeoley, ie bare at.
tending the funeral of the nephew, Rueriel
J. Leokie ie now takingin the eights at
Edmonton. Be may gel home inside of
a month.
Mrs. (Rev,) M. J. Wilson, of Teas•
water, vieited Dire. T. Friendship for a
few days.
S. and Dirs. Again, of Teeswater,
are renewing old friendothipe in Brea.
eels and tonality.
Dare. (Rev.) N. S. Brorwaah of Wing.
ham, 200009090109 Dim Paul, Panacea
street, on Wednesday,
Will, and Mrs. Orawford have gone to
St. Thomas to visit while en route to
their home in Winnipeg.
Mr. Harris. of Viotoria, B. C., hae been
a goon at "Dunedin," the home of Dr.
Holmes, William street, Brueeele,
Editor Shapin„ of the Gerrie Vidette,
Was 0 caller On THE Poem Thuraday of
last week. He drove the Bishop over
from Gorrie.
Peroy, the little eon of Rev. George J.
Abe)', of Preston, formerly of 'Brownie,
hae been very 111 with pneumonia but we
trued be will non be all right.
Eddie Lowry hem gone to Boasevain,
Martitoba, where be will be employed al
his trade as au expert at lathing. Be
will show them bow to nail the mope on.
Harvey Buohanatt, of Brunetti, bee
taken the Normal oonree at Winnipeg
and is now teaohing near Wapella, Sae.
katahewen. Hive a good teacher too and
we Wish him Well,
The latest nem from captain (Rest.
too'e Mater, Mee. ()email, of Uxbridge,
is not manuring. She woo Operated
upon Ion Pall for mune but the trouble
wee incorporated so innola in her eystero
that medical help ia nemvailing we are
warty to hear,
George and Walter Lowry are away to
Loudon for Victoria nay.
J. Leslie Kerr is ma the siok list Mlle
week and under the clootoe's oare.
Mre. George Beaker will epend Viotoria
Day with her son, Roth in St. Marys,
Miss Clara Simmone le book from a
visit with ber grandparents at Wroxeter.
Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B. A , of Wrox.
eter, oohed on 'roe POET last Friday.
George Biehop has gone to Woolseley,
Manitoba, leaving Brueeele on Tuesday
Mrs. jag. Fax hoe been on the sick
lief but we hope ebe will soon be fully
Mre. Jas. 9Pitylor, of Moffat, near
Guelph, and little Royoe, were the gueate
of Min Stewart, Church etreet Brineele.
A. W. Bernard, travelling Auditor of
the Bell Telephoue Oo , made hie official
vieit here Ian week and was well pleased
with tht progress made.
Mise Addie Lott, who has been at
Lindsay for some time, is here on a
holiday visit under the perinatal roof.
The East evidently agrees with her.
Mre. Elsie Quirk and her brother,
Archie Commiug, of Buffalo, N. Y,, are
vieitore in Brunie with Mrs. Oakley
their grandmother and other old friende.
D. A. Lowry left for Winuipeg where
be will work at hie trade as bricklayer,
He is a good bond with the trowel. Hie
family will oontinue to reside iu Brne•
Leslie Bailey is home from Stratford
for a holiday bopiug 10 0000291 hie health
which is hardly as vigoroue e anal.
We hope the net and change OE air and
therm will invigorate him.
Tuesday Bert. Megaton left for Ken.
ton, Man., where he will take a position
in a drug store, He is a good student
and should be of real value to hie employ.
er. Hie many young friends in town aud
looality with hint thanes.
H. Ball, bf Wingham, wits renewing
old friendships in Brunelle thio week.
It is si years Mon the Bali family re-
moved from this locality. Mr. Ball ie
nearly 79 yeare of age and atands it re.
markably well for a man of hie years.
There is a possibility that Mn. and Mre.
Bali and daughters may go to British
Columbia to live. They have a eon and
two daughters now living in the Weet.
*12008,2.61. Fanis, of Manoheater, Eng.,
ie the gent of her Meter, Mre. P. Stret.
ton, /3raesehi, arriving about two weeks
ago and will epend 3 or 4 months in
Ontario. It is 7 years ,,einoe she—then
Mioo Marie DolcQuarrie—went to England.
Dir. Pattie, who ie engaged in the oil
biminese, will come to Canada and will
return with his wife. There ie 0poesi•
bility that they may remain in title land
if the boeiness opens up to anit Mr.
Pallis. Mies Entylene MoQuarrie, of
Detroit, eiater to hire, Stratton and Mrs,
Faille, is also here on a short holiday
and may go to England with her deter
on a 60 day trip. We are sure ehe would
enjoy it very muoh. The three ladioe
mentioued are daughters of Hector and
Dirs. MeQaarrie, ith con., Grey.
We notiee by the Arizona Blade that
mining busmen at Kelvin, Arizona,
is on the boom, Looal interest is ad-
ded to this item from the tact that
James Elder, brother to Mre. George
Brown, of Beaune, and Adolph Nairn -
anti have bonded the Hamilton group
for 560,000 and Mr. Elder and Mn.
Shaw their Elephant group for 020,000,
The Hamilton group of claims in
thie deal, bonded by Adolph Neiman
and James Elder ie an old gold prop.
arty on which a large amount of de.
velopment work lute been done and
has van bodies of low grade ore, large
quantities ot which have already been
sipped. There wes at one time a five.
stamp mill on the property but it has
long einoe been torn down. The Cop-
per Belle and Elephant group are
copper mimes and indications are they
will become good produnre.
Business Locals.
Now calved oow for Bale. Apply to
GOVERNNENT proof ()levee eeed at Mo.
Boor Wyandotte eggs for bantling,
51.00 per 15. JAS, BALLANTYNE.
Do not forget McGregor is tuning
lawn mowers now on Mill lib. Brunele.
Han DBESSING.—Bwitellee made out of
combinge and out hair.
Mae, R. RiNGSTON, Diill et. West.
WANTED.—TIgge 20o. Pedlars Revised
Tariff -100 tuba ohoiae grass Butter
wanted at onoe, GEO. B. KINO, Wingham.
Locianee attain found. Owner may
have it by proving property and paying
for thie notice. Apply to joint Moons,
Lot 26, Oon, 6, Morris,
filotraz Paows.—Fartnere wiebing to
bey the beat plow made oall on the
undersigned. Plow repairs and pointe
kept at Robt. Fennel& work ahop.
The mailer of Louis Riot died at Win.
nipeg, aged 86 years,
Rev, Canon Gribble'e golden jubilee
wits celebrated at Niagara Valle.
doe bronze tablet bearing the rlamee
Of the Mx St, Cathaeinee men who lost
their lion in the Boer wet was unveiled
Eti, the rieV., 0011400100 at St, Catharines by
Lord Aylmer,
The golden jubilee of the Roman
Catholic Diocese ot Hamilton was eel°.
heated Friday. St. Mary'e Cathedral
was dedicated by 'Bebop McEvoy, of
London, and mar. Shareetti celebrated
High Man,
7 -
VAPP111.—AutliorlSedl $2,900.000
CAPATAL—Pald op 1.000.000
RESERVE and Surplus Profits: 1,1331138
5.2., 20001110. 0. le. TROMPBOR, 10,0,
President. Vico.Preaident,
10108.11EAD001200, 11.0.A. 010 noNon Mn, W. MAMMA 009.000, 00.0, 19.8. 1000502
20099 PliorrEitooN
W. D. ROBS, • General managert,
TEtB aillentOPOLITAN BASH le open to receive the accounts ot
Farmers, Blerobants aud Business Community generally and to give
5008101 oonaideratiou to all proposals submitted to it,
It relies upon its past record for 00111.06011e treatment of its Cus-
tomers, and will extend every oeusiderabion consistent with sound
banking to those who may desire to transaot business with it.
6417 Axes BirraiegrAMYT
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all Immo of 51 and upwards
The Transoontinental Railway ffigni•
minion are inviting tendere for 55,000
gran tone of eighty•poond steel raile.
The Railway Commission have iooned
an order allowing the Grand Trunk to
oonetruot a aiding on the Esplanade from
East of Churoh onset to a point East of
Soon street in Toronto.
Mildmay defeated Walkerton Int week
at Football in Mildmay by a eoore of
Meaford defeated Owen Sound by a
soon of 2-1 in the Intermediate aeries
W. F, A.
Dundee has notified tbe W. F. A. that
they are willing to take a bye in the
Scalar series.
The first game of the W. P. A. Inter.
mediate group No. 4 between Ayton and
Holstein resulted 1 to 0 in favor of
Joseph Seagram'a,iSlaughter, won the
Ring's Plate on Saturday at the Wood•
bine, with Coartmertial second and
Karuko third. Time 2.11 3/5,
4eThe Intermediate W. F. A , match
between London and Tavistook, played
in London last Frfday evening reeulted
in a eaore of 2 to 1 in favor of Tavietook.
The firet football game of the sermon
for the Hongh cup was played at Clinton
last Saturday between Seaforth Collegiate
and 0110010 Collegiate teams. At belt
time the nore was 0-0, but in the Int
halt the Wotan boyo pot op a good game,
the final note being 8 to 0 iu favor of
IRVINO.—On Monday, May 7111, at Mieer.
ioordia Hospital, Edmonton, to Mr,
and Mre. J. E. Wentworth
M. D,, formerly of Walton, Ont., a
LOWRY.—la London, on May 2204, to Mn,
and Mrs. W. Lowry, a daughter,
McVittno.—In Morris, on May 22nd, to
Mr. and Mrs, Milton DiloVittie, a
Deues.—In Welleeley, on May ard,
eldeet Ben of Oberlin Dames
formerly ot Cranbrook, aged 25
BAIBT.—In Brneeele, on May 20th, J. W.
Russel, eldest eon of WilIlam E.
and Anuabell Elotiat, of Atwood,
formerly of Brunele, aged 12 years,
6 months and 25 days.
Ievioo.—At Misericordia Hospital, Ed
mouton, on May Elth, the infant
daughter of J. E. Went worth Irving,
D. S. O., M. D.
SANG8TER.—At Moleaworth, on May 191h,
Sono, wile of John Sangster, aged
29 yean.
Woon.—In Howiek, on May 150, James
Wood, aged 74 years
WIL8ON.—In Wroxeter, on May 18111
William Wilson, aged 70 year&
0OV21010090 '082,
Fall Wheat 70 76
Barley 42 43
Peas 70 71
Oate 34 35
Batter, tube and rolls14 15
Eggs per dozen 14 16
Hay per ton 6 00 7 00
Flour, per bbl 4 50 5 20
Hoge, Live 6 90 7 00
Wool 24 25
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Potatoee per boa 40 45
Apples (per bbl,) 1 50
A.: aural Bowe, from imported dam, six
months old, aud two hogs from same litter,
for sale. 86 Lot 10, 000. 8, Morris.
46-08 328. BPEIR,
0'-.7 premises of the undersigned. Lot 28,
4th Line, Morris, on or about May 160h,
Owner is requeated to prove property, pay
expensee and take her away.
4041 ALBERT OROO109,
Huron County Council..
The COuneil of the County of Huron will
meet in the Council chamber in the Town
of Ooderich, on Tuesday, the Otto day of
June next, at 1 o'olock. All miounte again-
st the County requiring settlement must be
placed with the ulerk before this date.,
W. 12592, Clerk.
Wall Paper ie a dominant
feature th the decoration of your
rooms. It is all about you and
remains for years to fuer or
adorn. Why not have it appro-
priate and beautiful ?
Wall Papers
that Decorate
are our specialty. Pretty papers
at every prim are here and only
pretty Papers at any price.
Scores of artistic patterns ; hun-
dreds of rolls to ohooee from.
We will be pleased to help you
aeon it you wish
—AT— r
Fox's Drug Store
flovvvvlswrgiot obertesokeesesee
The Highest Market Price
will be paid in Cash for any
quantity of Wool delivered
at my store, Brussels.
Alf. Baeker
This season, as usual, I will
pay the Highest Market Price
for any quantity of Wool deliv-
ered at No. 1 Storehouse, Brus-
sels. Also for all kinds of Grain.
nobt. Grab.ato,
pescrtiontoseteittoetemvarWeviso adoloWiestestaoreorearseesetearatestoWtoWestatemeintostestrotienraeleteaeweAtetWeeWlesal
Brussels Daylight Store..
, G. N. McLaren
Seasonable Goods at Less
Than Regular Prices
We have just received 26 dozen Men's Shirts, a manufacturer's clean-up,
bought away below the regular values.
1.25 & 1.00 Men's Soft Front Shirts for 75c
—26 dozen Men's fine quality Madras and Cambric Shirts, light, medium and dark!colorings ;
all sizes from 14 to 17, with detached cuffs ; perfect fitting goods ; regular 175
prices $1.00 and $1.25. Sale price
25c Children's Brownie Belts for 10c
—5 dozen Manufacturer's Seconds in Brownie Belts. They come in red, green, blue and
white. Some are slightly soiled or checked, but are a bargain at the price. 10
Your choice for .
— ••• ... ... ... ...
—120 yards Fancy Cretonnes, Crepon finish, in red and green shades ; regular 06
value 9c. Sale price ... ''' ... ... -
—15e and 20c Fancy Cretonnes, in green, red and fawn shades ; 30 and 36 inches 121
wide ; reversable ; regular prices up to 20c. Sale price ...
25c Children's Fancy Lace Collars for 17c
—3 dozen Claildren's Fancy Lace Collars in
cream, butter and white ; reg- 1 17
ular 25e. Sale price, each ... •-1. 1
Men's Strong Working Braces for 10c
—8 dozen Men's Strong Braces, leather
trimmings, assorted colorings ; 1 n
regular price 25a. Sale price... ...i,.‘a
Complete stook Ladies' and Misses' Summer Vests.
The newest in Fancy Collars.
Cotton and Cashmere Hose for Ladies and Children.
Men's Summer Underclothing, all weights and sizes.
We always Pay the Top Notch Price for Proauce.
roam Noma, ISPEAMINSUP 1P MP Wear IA
Yours for Next Door to
Mutual Benefit G. N.Laren
111/14a American House