The Brussels Post, 1906-5-24, Page 7R
My' palm has a little sign,
Printed In black and gray;
It's only just a single line;
this Is My Busy Day!"
And sometimes when 1 creep to look,
He's writing with a pen;
Or quietly reading In a boob: -
11s cans that busy Uheni
Why, when I'm busy I just race
Downstairs then, like as not,
1 fly back to the other place
For something t fo'gotl
Than 1 slide down the banisters,
And from the porch 1 spring
(rhaps I tumble In the burs)
'hen go and take a swing.
then I race Jack Smith to town,
climb the garden wall;
though I'm sure to tumbia down,
obody minds a fall..
ut 1f I sat still in a chair,
11 wouldn't be my way
Tu say with such Important air:
"This Is My Busy Day!"
"Mamma, is it fifteen minutes yet?"
called Dick from the piano stool.
"No, dear. Don't talk, but practice,'
answered from the otter room.
"But, mamma, my shoe hurls my foot
and I can't think what Pm doing," said
Dicic, appearing at he door with a very
for'lor'n look on itis face. "1 guess I11
lave to take the shoe off."
"Richard, you have lost Ave minutes
now. Go right back to the piano and
play your exercises. You will have
plenty of lime to look after the shoo
atter a while," Mamma's tone was firm,
so Dick gave a sigh and went back to
h'• task.
Ones two) three! Bangs bang! ban('b
Pick was getting down to work al. last,
Just outside the window a boy shouted
and he had to run to see who it was,
"Hello, Charley," he called cheerfully.
"!'m pretty neer done with my playing.
Watt a few minutes and 1'11 be out."
"Got to go to the grocery for my
mamma," said the boy. "Won't take
me very long."
"Richard!" said the warning voice
' from the next r000m, and Dick sat heav-
ily down to hunt up the place in the ex-
orcise book once more.
When the clock struck three a very
smiling litho boy appeared at the door
• M say, "Now my time's gone. You pro-
mised to read to me, mamma, from Rob-
inson Crusoe for half an hour alter 1
finished my playing."
"All right," said mamma, taking up
tbo book. "Where was 1? Oh, yes,
where Crusoe finds his man Friday! I
believe 1 want a drink," and she put
down the book to go out to the dining-
rcom. Dick sat patiently waiting for
her and when she came it took a long
time to find the place once more.
After she had read a few lines she
raw a lady passing and said, "1 must
speak to Mrs. Page a minute. Don't
lose the place." But when she got up
took Dick a
flew o0
the book shut and It
longtime lo find the picture of Friday
es he did not know the page.
"Let me see," said mamma when she
had reed almost a pago, 'Isn't this the
a(lernoon for the boy to call for the
"No, he comes on Tuesday, and this
is Mondny," said Dick. "Please do read
very fast, mamma, for I am anxious
to hear about Crusoe."
"I'll begin just as soon as I look ofepr
that shoe that hurt your fool," slid
mamma. "Which one—"
* "IL doesn't hurt a bit now mamma.
Honest it doesn't. ,Please read."
"Time is up," said mamma as the
elocic struck the hall hour. "I was only
to read twice as long as you practised."
"But you haven't read two pages,"
said the disappointed tittle boy. "You
host ever so many minutes of the fialf
hour, 1 wonder—Are you doing this
mamma, to show me that I lose time
"What do you think about it?" asked
the mother with a smile.
"I'm going right back to play fifteen
minutes and see whet happens, said
Dick. "I think I know what it will be,"
When the honest fifteen minutes were
gone, mamma was waiting with a slice
of bread and jam for Dick and the open
book in her hand. Dick thinks the
time goes ever so much faster since Ile
doesn't whine and askquesttons and
waste the moments, and I really believe
he is right about the matter.
Can Obtain Now Health Through the
Use 01 Deo Mains, Pink Pills.
Anaemia means bloodlessness, Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills actually make new,
rich, red blood and thus cure anaemia.
When the blood is poor fico nerves are
starved and irritable. 'Then comes by
s1011a, neuralgia, sleeplessness and
ether naive disorders. Headaches, back-
aches and skdoaciios wear out and do -
press the poor pale victim. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills soon bring ruddy
Leann and lively vigor. They soothe the
jangled nerves and give now strength
to every organ. Miss Winnie Allen,
Montreal, says; "I was so weak and
run down that my friends thought 1
was going Into consumption. I was
as pale as a corpse, had no appetite and'
did not sleep well. Tho Ienst exertion
Med me out, and If I walked a few
blocks I would ba almost breathless,
My sister advised me to take Dr. WI111-
ems' Pink Pills, end after using then
for a few weeks t am again enjoying
good health, and have good color. I
think every weak girl should take Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
1)r, Williams' Pink Pills will cure
any case of bloodlessness just as surely
as they cured Miss Alin. The pale
anaemic needs only one thing new
blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make
new, rich blood with every dose. That
is why they cure all common diseases
like anaemia, indigestion, neuralgia, pal-
pitation of the heart, headaches and
backaches, SL Vitus dance, partial par-
nty'sis and the secret troubles that make
the lives of thousands of women miser-
able. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from
The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Big Black Dog -Mink and Hawk in a
Death Struggle.
Silent as an owl in the black of night,
the hawk glided low on whist wings
across the little open space cleared by
the fallen maple, paused an almost im-
perceptible instant, above the unlisten-
ing squirrel, and then, wings closed,
dropped upon him with unerring talons.
But for some strange reason Lbe har-
rier seemed powerless to bear away his
kill; white his angry, frightened
screams drowned out the dying squeak
of the squirrel, though of this, because
of the blur of his whipping wings, I
could not be sure. In a moment he had
toppled forward, and then, like a huge,
broken -winged partridge, he flopped
about among the tangled coils of roots,
uttering meanwhile shrill screech on
screech that seemed fairly to lascerate
his throat. In but little more time than
it takes to tell it a dozen kingbirds had
gathered, and were buzzing round the
struggling harrier like gadflies round a
horse, adding their spiteful cries to his
harsh din; now a crow appeared out of
nowhere, and searched deep in his
throat for his hoarsest cry; blue jays
across flashed e ro s the clearing and back
again in a frenzy of clamorous excite-
ment; a swarm of chattering blackbirds
rushed into the tree above me till ts
branches sagged and creaked like those
of e. laboring tree overweighted with
fruit—all in an instant bedlam was let
loose round that old wind -wrecked
Under cover of tee uproar I crept
nearer and saw that a big black do -
minlc, his bulldog jaws clamped on the
upper leg of the harrier, was grimly
lighting to pull him down from behind,
while the harrier, with the speed of ter-
ror and hate, sought desperately to
reach its assailant with his beak. 1t
looked as if the mink must win, for the
harrier was perceptibly weakening in
his vain counter-attack; but a sudden
1111 with the harrier's long wings half
tore the mink from his hold and swung
him for one brief moment within dis-
tance of that rending beak. Rip; a big
red gash gaped open on the mink's
writhing flank, and he let go and tum-
bled back among the roots. Up leaped
the hawk, hls pearly -white breast
streaked and blotched with blood from
his wounded leg. Like the magic the
cries of all but the kingbirds were
hushed, while, still screaming with rage
and hurt, the hawk rose heavily sky-
ward and marked his course athwart
the wind for the shelter of the woods.
Australian Diet Became an Orchestral
An extraordinary scene occurred at
Laibnch, Austria, at the silting of (110
Ca'ntola Provincial Diet. There was a
debate on suffrage reform, and the
Sioveilten party, who feared that the
Ciericals would gain if the proposals
were carried, determined to prevent the
a debate at all costs.
They armed themselves with musical
and unmusical instruments, and on en-
tering the Chamber played thorn with
, great enthusiasm. Some rang cow-
bells, one beat a great drum. two clash-
BO cymbals, another worked a loud
gramophone, ethers sounded motormcale
horns, bicycle whistles, and used rattles,
so that the party looked like an orches-
These Instruments were played for
four horn's uninterruptedly to prevent
Mete opponents speaking.
After the adjournment of the sitting
for lunch the distttrbanea began again,
the Mayor of Laibaeh. acting as cnn-
auetor. The friends of the demonstra-
tors, including ladlee in the colliery,
yelled and sang. -
The Presbdent of (114 Chamber passed
the time in reading newspapers. The
Liberals decaro they fnlend to :continuo
these taches throughout the session.
"Is Miss Strait)ace circumspect 9" ask-
. ne
sk-.,, ed Miss Port, "Ch'eumsnect9" cried
Miss Caustic, "Why she won't accom-
peny.a young mbar on 41,0 fibeno with-
eut a chaperon."
ilappenings in the Emerald Isle 81
interest to Nish,
The last thno Irish war pipes were
played "In tuition" was during the ad-
vance of the regiments forming the
Brigade at Fonlenoy.
AI'. Wm. McCord, of Slewartslown,
retires on a well-earned pension after
a service of 44 years In the postal ser-
vice on the Ardt'ea route.
A bank of earth fell on the Keady
b Armagh Railway, in course of con-
slrueliou. Four men were seriously
injured, of whom one subsequently
There being no criminal business for
trial at the Limerick City Quarter ses-
sions on the 27th ult., Judge Adams
was presented with a pair of while
Al Belfast Assizes on the 20th ult,,
In the broach of promise action by Miss
Robinson against a Belfast clergyman
named Smith, plaintiff was awarded
:2270 damages,
Gout is rarely known among the
working classes 'of Ireland. Their int.
munity from Ibis complaint is • thought
to be due to the fact that their food con-
sists largely of potatoes.
It is stated that the residence of
Thomas McInerney, situated midway
between Ennis and Limerick, was et-
tocked by parties unknown and several
shots fired through the doors and win-
dows. Luckily, none of the inmates
was Injured. Iviclnerney is a farmer
and land bailiff on the Going estate.
The police are investigating the mate
Mr. Justice Johnson, at the opening
of the Cork Assizes, commented on the
fact that, while the general condition of
the county o1 Cork was favorable, there
was a considerable increase in the num-
ter of persons under special police pro-
tection. lie characterized as disgraceful
the conduct of the tumultuous gathering
which, within a few miles of Cork city,
ostentatiously assailed an officer of the
court while engaged in serving the
Icing's writ, and dared him to come on.
John Desmond, aged 76, a farmer re-
sitting near Kinsale, recently visited
that town and purchased half a pint of
carbolic acid and half a pint of whis-
key, both being contained in exactly
similar bottles. 1•le put the bottles in his
pc.ckets and proceeded home. After
hie arrival he took a drink from what
he supposed to be the whiskey bottle,
but discovered, when too late, that Ire
had swallowed a quantity of carbolic
The Marquis of Dufterin, who was
40 the other day, has given fete signs
as yet of inheriting his father's brilli-
ant abilities, although he made a good
start in the Diplomatic Service. He
entered that service in 1801, and served
aL Constantinople, Paris and Stockholm..
He is now an assistant clerk in the
Foreign Office. Until a few years ago
Lord Dufferin had little prospect of
succeding to the title, as he was the
second son. His elder brother, however,
was killed at Ladysmith during the
The report of Mr.Drury,Local Gov-
ernment Board auditor, on the audit of
the accounts of the Dublin Corporatiiin
for the year ended 81st of March last
reveals an extraordinary state of ra-
bies. The auditor states that expendi-
ture is steadily mounting up. Without
aligan ns, arent proportionate
age sr had risen from £53,000
in 1885 to 4+81,500 in 1905. In acoord-
arae with a decision of the King's Bench
Division, the auditor disallowed the
.sums paid to the Lord Mayor during
the year ended Mach, 1805, for his own
and his secretary's salary.
No mother would give her little ono
poison if she knew it, and yet all the
so-called soothing syrups and many of
the liquid medicines given children con-
tain poisonous opiates, and an overdose
will kill. When a mother uses Baby's
Own Tablets she has the guarantee of
a government analyst that this medicine
dons not contain one particle of opiate
a" narcotic that it cannot possibly do
harm. This assurance is worth much
to the mother who cares for the safety
of her little ones, Mrs. Chas. Me -
Laughlin, Defend Station. N.S., says: "I
have used Baby's Own Tablets for colic
stmmech troubles and other ailments of
childhood and nod them so valuable
that I would not be without. them in the
house." Sold by medicine dealers or ny
mill at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Old Gape Colony Custom Recalled by
While excavating for the new raihvays
buildings at Capetown recently soma'
workmen found a considerable number
of the curious old"post-office " stones,"
In years gone by it was the regular
practice with the commandoes of the
English and 001511 East Indio Compan-
ies' fleets to leave a large package of
letters under large stones on tine shore,
to be to Europe by the next home-
going fleet.
These stones all bear rudely -carved
inscriptions asking the passer-hy 10
"look hereunder for letters." Then fol -
IoW the •na les of the commander of the
ship, 'with Lie dates of arrival and de-
!'hero hundred years alto there was,
of canna, no sotllement of lsuropenns
00 the shores at Tebic trey, but our olsh
fleets and those of the Dutch Niel India
Company called there regularly to re-
fresh themselves at ilte plonsnnl, foun-
cIaihv ystation.
l llthe
The Direct Cause of Ills 'Trouble Was a
Strain In the 5Back Which Affected
His Kidneys— Dodd's Kidney Pills
Cured Him.
Ardoch, Ont, May 14.—(Special).—
Mr. Anil Jeanneret, of this place, gives
a vary interesting account of his exper-
ience with Dodd's Kidney Pills. 110
nl hurt my bacic and strained my kid-
neys and for 18 years I suffered on
and off intense agony. I was subject
to attacks of Rheumatism and Lumbago.
My joints were stiff, my muscles cramp-
ed. I lost my appetite, my flesh began
to fall away, my nerves were shaken, 1
could not rest or sleep at night and 1
was sinking into a deplorable condition
when I was advised to try Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills. I used six boxes and I am
now as Atrong and healthy as ever 1
was. I am certain I owe my cure wholly
to Dodd's Kidney Pills."
Ma'ryat—Hello 1 old man, you're look-
ing prosperous.
Munniman—So I am. I'm in the lea-
ther business now. I tell you, there's
nothing nice leather--
Ivlaer'at Think so? Say, come up
and take dinner with us Lo -night- Ivry
wife's baked some pies , for dessert.
The first package of Dr. Leonhardt'e
Eleni -Bold (the infallible Pile aura) that was
put out want to a small town in Nebraska.
It cured a ease of Piles that was conaid-
ered hopeless.
The news spread, and although this was:
only two years ago, the demand prompted'
Dr, J. 8. Loonhardt, of Lincoln, Nob., the:
discoverer, to prepare it for general use„
Now itis being sent to all parts of the world.;
It will euro any case of Piles. There is al
month's treatment in each box.
Sold for $1.00, with absolute guarantee.
It ie for sale by druggists, or by The.
Wilson-FyLe Co., Limited, Niagara Falls,
How the Natives of Bast Africa Are Civ-
The Hamburg correspondent of The
London Daily Mali sends this story to
lit paper of the triumph of civilization
m German East Afriaa:—
A stirring account is to hand of the
valuable assistance which an English
elephant hunter, Mr. Southeriand, gave
the German troops in their fights in
East Africa.
A certain station was in great danger,
when the defenders determined to at-
tack the oncoming Wagonis. The ht -
Ile exepedition only consisted of two
German officers, Mr. Soutller'land and
thirty-two -native warriors. The next
morning the enemy, 700.10 800 strong,
were encountered.
The enemy badly armed, but with fa-
natical courage, attacked undaunted.
Captain RishLer felled filch leader with
a woll-aimed bullet, and the natives on
the. German side with their Are created
gr eat havoc, • but still the savages swept
The situation was most critical, when
the Englishman, a splendid shot, began
to use his heavy No. 12 elephant gun,
with expansion bullets. Every shot,
aimed rib the head, told with fearful et-
fect. The enemy retired, but only to
attack again and again. -The English-
men, however, stayed at his post until
the ground was Covered with his victims.
Tho rest of the savages then fled,
A.nunber o! the rifles had fallen into
iia hands of the rebels, but by a ruse
of Mr. Southefinnd's they were destroy-
ed Forty highly-rxplostve cartridges,
toe henvily loaded for the rifles, were
pieced so that they fell into the rebel s
hands. When used they exploded, and
seve'ai rifles Were found later bearing
evidences of the violent end of those who
bat fired them.
"Yes, I'm in the lecture business," said
the long-haired passenger, "and I'm
making money. I've got a scheme, 1
have, and it works like a charm. Big
houses wherever I go." "A scheme?"
"Yes. I always advertise that my lec-
tures are especially for women under
thirty years of age and men out of debt.
'You just ought to see the way people
come trooping in."
Why go limping and whining about
eour corns when a 25 cent bottle cf
Holloway's Corn Cure will remove them?
jf3ive it a trial and you will not regret
"But 1 do not love you," objected the
young women. "Then, why;' howled
I tite indignant youth, referring hastily
!to divers memoranda in •hiss porlceb diary
' Ilic1 you teat a total of slxlyflve boxes
1 of chocolates 1 bought you during the
' pest year 11 you didn't love mo?" "B0;
,tease," she &ofd, with a rapt expres-
sion no her lovely features, "I do love
A. girl thinks she isn't being treated
as site. should be if the matt she IS en-
gaged to recuses to gob jealous.
A000ding to indications, it takes a
quart of liquor to drown a spoonful of
Pellet- the Curse of the Tropics. In slow
tedious r000vertes from this and allother
nett Etw
disease ata ,l'"FRE is the bolt tonic. Remom•
her the ammo, "BitRROVIM."
The Retakes Md Suicide of Hindu
The stringent efforts of the Indian
authorities havo.aot succeeded In stamp -
Mg out suttee or widow burning.
According to Hindu custom a widow
must Memento herself upon her late
husband's tuner) pyre end meet death
by fire, Two crises of suttee have been
brought to light in India within a
month, A young Hindu widow at Cawn-
pure stole awuy from her home, satur.
alert her clothes Min kerosene and sat
Are to them in lin heart of the civil star
tion. Site was found with her jaws
bound as if for burial and at the point
of death.
AL the Punjab Court five men and a
woman eppenled against the judgment
of the Sessions judge at Deihl who had
senleneed theta to ten years' imprison-
ment for laking part In tie immolation
of a widnw aged twenty.
The suttee was performed in the pre-
sence of a great crowd on the banks et
the Jumne. Two villege chiefs endea-
vored to dissuade the woman from her
purpose, but she calmly moulted the
funeral pyre, her relatives piling fuel
around it. Then, at her request, they
gave her a lighted brand and she set the
pile Mire. Straw was strewn about the
pyre and in due course the body of the
widow was consumed. The ceremony
lasted six hous.
Tho four relatives and the headmen
were arrested and admitted the main
Signals of Danger. — Have you lost
your appetite? liave you a coated
tongue? Have you an unpleasant taste
in the mouth? Does your head ache and
have you dizziness? 1f so, your stomach
cs out of order and you need medicine.
But you do not like medicine. He that
prefers sickness to medicine must suffer,
but under the circumstances the wise
man would procure a box of Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills and speedily get himself
in health, and strive to keep so.
When angry repeat the alphabet three
limes before you speak. If very angry
count 250,000 in a slow, calm manner.
This will give you a chance to cool eff
end will also give the other fellow a
chance to get out of the way if he wish-
es to.
Itching, Burning, Creeping, Crawling
Skin DIseases relieved in a few minutes
by Dr. Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agnew's
Ointment relieves instantly, and cures
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ec-
zema, Ulcers, Blotches, and all Erup-
(Ions of the Sicin. It is soothing and
quieting and acts like magic in all Baby
Humors, Irritation of the Scalp or
flashes during teething time. 35 cents
a box. -159.
"Miss Sillye, what do you think of
this automibile scorching as sport?"
"I think it is just perfectly killing."
A Liniment for the Logger, — Loggers
lead a life which exposes them to many
perils. Wounds, outs and bruises can-
not be altogether avoided In preparing
amber for the drive and in river work,
where wet and cold combined ars of
daily experience coughs and colds and
muscular pains cannot but ensue, Dr.
Thomas' Eciectr'io 011, when applied to
Its injured or administered to the ail-
ing, works wonders.
Even the men who objects to stepping
on tacks would like to walk all over the
tax collector.
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow dirsotions.
Miss Katcher — "You can always tell
a woman who has enjoyed the benefit's
of higher education," Mr. Crabbe—"Not
much) You can't tell her anything; she
thinks site knows 11 all."
"My Stomach gave out entirely and I
suffered untold agonies." This was the
experience of Mr. D, G. \Vhidden, Post-
master, East Wentworth, N,S., after'
three attacks of La Grippe. Doctors and
doses gave him no permanent relief, but
Dr, Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets had
-the permanent virtue that 10011 him back
to perfect health --pleasant and harm-
less but powerful and quick. 85 cents.
Silo Describes the Death of Her Missing
"Your daughter! Is it possible? Why,
you look more like twin sisters." "No;
I assure you she is my only daughter,"
replied the pleased mother. And the
polite old gentleman spoiled it all by re-
marking, "Well, she certainly Looks old
enough to be your sister."
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
is a speedy cure for dysentery, diar-
rhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sea
sielmess and complaints Incidental to
children teething. It gives immediate
relief to those sawing from the effects
of indiscretion in eating
unripea fruit
cucumbers, etc. It acts with wonderful
rapidity and never fails to conquer the
disease. No one need fear cholera if
they have a bottle of thismedicine con-
An unusually intresting instance el
"second sight" is reported from Accring-
ton, Lancashire, England. A young
woman on her deathbed, not only an-
nounced iter father's death, but describ-
ed the spot where his body lay, the fact
of his death not being known to any-
body at the time. The mart in questa
1058 Isaac Marsden, ally -three yea's old,
who lived in Stevenson Street, Accring-
ton, ills slaughter, 25 years old, had
been wasting away with consumption
for months.
About a week ago Mr. Marsden dis-
appeared from ionic under mysterious
circumstances --that is, no renew was
known for his going away, end noticing
could be learned of his whereabouts,
Arise Marsden was deeply dlshre&sed by
This event. On Thursday she told Mese
who were et fur bedside that she had
seen her father's form.
"You will find his horsy in the weber
et ,Aspen Bridge, Oswnidtwislle," she
About nn hair later MIss Mm'sden
stied. Mr. Mnr:sdeni s bodywas founds
in the canal; nt 1112 spot named by Ids
daughter. ...
When a man gets the worst of an ar-
gument he always tries to act as if he
had merely been drawing tine other man
Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap
are cleaner and whiter than if washed
h any other way.
Chemicals in soap may remove the
dirt but always injure the Fabric.
Sunlight Soap will not injure
the most dainty lace or the
hands that use it, because it is
absolutely pure and contains no
injurious chemicals.
Sunlight Soap should always
be used as directed. No boiling
or hard rubbing is necessary.
Sunlight Soap is better than.
other soap, but is best when
used in the Sunlight way.
Equally good with hard or
soft water
$5,000 WARD w�enrsob�a paid
r to an7 ersoif who
proves that Sunlightmi� Soap oontaf m
any irrl,1urions chomheale or any toren
Lever Brother Limited. Tomato
Mirrors are a nuisance in the house of a man
whose face is branded with eczema. Hie own
with Weavers Coate and purify ills blood with
Weaver's Syrup•
Contributor : "You see, I followed
your rules and wrote only on one side
of the paper." Editor : "You can do
still better." Contributor (eagerly) :
"How ?" Editor : "Don't write on
either side." , y�
A modern weapon In the battle for
health.—If disease has taken your cita-
del of health, the stomach, and is tor-
turing you with indigestion, dyspepsia
and nervous prostration, South Ameri-
can Nervine is the weapon to drive the
enemy from his stronghold "at the point
of the bayonet," trench by trench, but
swift and sure, it always wins. -4.
Prospective Guest — "Do you set a
good table here?" Hotel Clerk — "Well
rather. Why' folks come stere perfectly
healthy, and go away with the gout and
The Most Popular Pill. — The pill
is the most popular of all forms of medi-
cine, and of pills the most popular are
Pavnelee's Vegetable Pills, because
they do what it is asserted they can do,
and are not put forward on any 1etl1i-
ous claims to excellence. They ere
compact and portable, they aro easily
falcon, they do not nauseate nor gripe,
and they give relief in the most stub-
born cases. •
Little Tommy eves very quint during
tiro nest courses, and everyone forgot
h: '.vas there, As the desert was being
served, however, the host told a funny
darer, When he had finished, and the
Laughter had cited away, his 11018 eon
exclaimed, delightedly, "Now, papa,
tell the other ono,'
Oshawa " Steel Shingles
!lollop!, OKI
I Ottawa, OM. Toronto, 0111. ( 011, 0m. tnning>g, Baa, Yancanvr,B.C.
787 Craig at. 428 Sussex et. 0 Colborn se 80 Dundas, t, 76 Lombard at. 818 Pander M.
Head Office and Works, - - - Oshawa, Ont., Canada
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from 82.85 to $5.10
per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov-
ering on the market, and Is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele-
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A
hammer and snips are the only tools required.
We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British
makand ing have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada,
We rise mann, acture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and
METAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or atone.
METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 140 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write
to -day.
°MIME 3E1 701E317:3 111.-2EZ 2PIES CA IP
In Western Canada
Two cornering
sections select.
ed lands fa
Saskatchewan, onlyS miles from two railways, C.P.R. &
Strong soil, 90 per cant. plough land, spring week, no alougba
About 40 miles N.B. of Indian Bend. P,;ioe *10.60 per acre.
Write for map and fall particulars.
R. PARSONS. pr Wellesley Street, Toronto. Canada.
LIrITED number of Founder's Shares
for ante at 26 cents par share, par value
81.00. Fully paid and non -assessable. Bost
value on market. PROPERTY, 40 soros
Patented Mining Lands, Perfect Title.
BOOKLET " Millions in Cobalt" tree on
The S. S. Nesbitt Co.,
Confederation Lite Building, Toronto.
..i. 0 'r.+s0v�
"What do you think of that appoint-
ment?" asked the statesman.
"It doesn't seem like an appointment
to me," answered the disapproving citi-
zen, "it is a disappointment,"
Monter Graves' Worm Exterminator
is pleasant to take; sure and effectual
in destroying worms. Many have tried
It with best results.
She — "Mr. Flaxman Is unusually
stingy." He -'I should say so. Why,
he wouldn't laugh at a joke unless it
was at somebody else's expense."
"Thought It meant death sure."—Mrs.
James McKim, of Dunnville, Ont., says
of her almost miraculous cure from
heart disease by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart: "Until I began taking this
remedy I despaired of my tire. I had
heart failure and extreme prostration.
One dose gave me quick relief and one
bottle cured me. The sufferings of years
were dispelled like magic." -8.
People usually imagine that their
bones are of solid mineral construction,
without any feeling in them. As a mat-
ter of fact, there are blood vessels and
nerves inside the bones just as there are
outside. During amputation 01 a lin1h
much more pain is felt when the bone
is attacked than when lino flesh is being
Out through. Through the marrow
witch is inside the bones ran the nerves
and blood -vessels, entering' the bones
from the flesh without by - little holes.
Nature adapts the bony structure of
various animals to their llablis'in a very
interesting manner. Sluggish creatures,
lace the sloth, have solid hones, whereas
the bones of the deer and the antelope
are comparatively light, so that they
may rum fast., and the leg hones of the
ostrich nr0 'hollow, Yoh 101)1 and. in the
bones ol arty skelainn the application of
mechanical principles which have only
become known to man through the pro,
messes of laborious and Song -considered
YOUR gala,
,t arm In otirt1000. 00(00kdtreatr roat, nos 168
EyERBOR0116,„lekT .
^, .., , S •r<vra
5140 FOR510005 AN082T GENIUS ,n 113m
Plans and Specifications prepared, for
Parks, Cemeteries, Public and Private
Grounds. Home Grounds a specialty.
Asir your dealer for samples prices and
tostimsnlals, or address
Eetabtisbed 51 Leicester, Eng'
in 1600
The cook was. giving the new house-
maid her impressions of their employ -
era. "You'll find them just about the '
meanest people alive," she said, with
conviction, "Regular misers, that's what
they are. 'You' must be economical;
that'salways the cry here. Why, do
you know, it isn't more than two clays
since 1 see the master and. misses both
playing on the same piano at the sante
timet What do you think of .that, nowt"
Title ONLY
P81500 TEAT
POLLS T fiyiNC' ALti
Sold byiDin
sus ad Goode
tow bywag,
ISSUE NO, 20-01.