HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-24, Page 5WI NQHAM
le a Hieb-grado Commercial School.
Three Coarsen t
Commercial Stouograuhy Telegraphy
Write GEO. BPOTTON, Principal.
i A Great School
'0,V Students from hilted) Columbia, fl
`►I Saskatchewan and Mauitobn on tbo
Woot to Now Brunawlolt on the Want
aro in at/endauoo thio your. Distance
y ie no hindrauoo to those who wish to
get the beet. Our graduates are al -
y ways s❑cceaafel Our Facilities are un-
oerpaeood, COMMENCE Now. No you.
mous. College open entire year. Mag.
niaoent eatelog¢uo tree.
yJ W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinolpal.
ffYY�e1l iloa, YONOR AND ALERAN900 STs. aJ
tal=4:5 S.3.4t.5294111FPgtt''eFfre!F
auecessor to lir. J. A. MoNaughlon
Rrueseie, Ontario
Vred❑ate of Polyclinic Pont Graduate
Boheol of Medicine and Surgery, New York.
member of College of Phyniclauo and Our.
aeo❑e of Outurlo.
(Mice and 0eeidena0 AMMO ae formerly oc-
cupied by Dr. MoNaugbtou.
Woomera of woman a specialty,
'Phone No. 21,
• Ioeuor of Marriage Llconeoo. 01
nee at Grocery, Turnborry street, Brusaelo.
Onlee In the Poet OBlec, aahet. 80.4
C. 0. F.
Court Poi0000e Alexa,Urla, No. 24, 0.0. P'.,
Brueeole, meets lo their Lodge hoom, e100 -
hill Block, on -the end Sod hunt Tuesdays of
ouch mouth, at 8 o'clock. Vleltfug brethren
always welcome. Jas. BU1ttisds, 0. It.
A.E. MELLISH, 1t. S.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
• ann, will nett for better prices, to
butter mon, In leas time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at thle office or by
pernona0 application.
Auctioneer for B uron County.
Terme reaoonoblo. Salon arranged for
at the office of TRU Po1T, Braseole. 22tf
G • Honor tireduare of the Ontario Vet-
erivary College, la prepared to treat all din.
muses of domesticated animals in a compet-
ent manner. Particular ottentiou paid to
Veterinary D00(340ry mud Milk Fever. Calle
promptly 0tt00ded to. °Moe audit/emery
—Four door. North of bridge, '1'nrnberry et.,
a Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto.
buca•oeor to G. F. Blair. Otaoe over 8tau-
dard Bank, Brunelle Solicitor for Atetio-
polttan Beek,
t T o Hurrl°t•r, solicitor, ,Oonvoyeuoor,
Notary Pnhllo, &o. OHlno—BLewart'6 Block
2 door :North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. PaovurooT, K. C. R. 0, Have
4, F. HLAm.
Of1000—Those formerly occupied by Masora
Cameron,l: Holt,
409730100, Caeran10.
DR. R. P. FEiLD,
G o a w
l college of
raduata [ the R g
Ontario and Firm-classHonor
Graduate of Toronto IIu10000lty.
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
B[tUH9001 B,
Our chime aro much larger than
whey wore a year ago. The public
have learned that this is the beet.
place in the Province to obtain a Coro -
Inertial Moulton or Bhorthaud
Training, Students aro entering web
week. All 90640atee get good post.
tions, Write now for catalogue,
1r7 /3f 1�" 1 Sf
.,e,11.11,41.141.0011,614140.11A4616412.431111,,11.011‘.1.1.0111610.. bro.
��BrewerTMoso who have laden other laaativae
a® A Y L va ro �� rw without setiefaltian end those wbo have
Wilson emit)quantitioe of other laxativoa
that they have loot their effoot, will find
a ploaoont surprise in LAX EPS, There
i0 usually no pain, gaping, nan0ea or
dleoomfort even in 00ver0 0use0. Thio
omudy bowel laxative. LAX 111S iu
only 5o nod sold by F. R. Smith.
part Studio
Headquarters for First-class
Life Size Portraits, Crayons
andWatercolors finished
A 1 style.
Family Groups a specialty.
Call and see samples.
ac 1. gthis tem
If you prefer to tape medicine In tablet
form you can 0010 obtain Dr. Shoop's
Reet0r6tiv0 Toblete, Absolutely no
01anee hail been made in the medicinal
iogredionte. Sold by F. R. Smith,
DIt, Bonen, London, will be at the
Amerioeu Hotel, B00 88010, on ;—
Elmira 7;30 a. m. to 2 p. m. Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat 0uu0ultatione. Eyes
touted fur gleam,
Hewn County S. S. WEI 0. E.
Coovooliun will bo held io Olintou
Juno Nath and 14th. Rev. Elmore
Harris, of Toronto Bible College, bite
boon scoured to give readings ou both
days of the Convention and C. B
Sooleyside B. A. of Loudon will also
give addreeeeo. Stirriog addreeeoo
will al So be given by active workers
of the eou0ty.
Often times in the sadden illnoae of
ohildrer if a reliable remedy is available
fetal consequences eau be avoided. For
these omergenoioo parenle aro urged to
have at hand ready for immediate use
Dr. Shoop's Diphtheria Curo,Dr, Shoop'!
Croup Care, Dr. Sboop'e Worm care,
and Dr. Bboop's Paiu Panacea. Child-
ren's ailmonte demand prdmptoaeo above
ail alae. '1'uere is wattling barob or that
0(031 poeaibly harm in any of lheoo excel-
lent household medtomee. Bred by F. R.
W. H. \Vitals, wbo baa been Mayor of
Seatorsh 03000 Jaumary lent hoe placed
Vie reeignotiOu in the hands of the Coun•
oil. Thin wane was ueoauuit6led by the
taut that Mr. Willie Mae a manufacturing
propoetttou to place before the ratepayers
and l0 tusking certain 000000eio30 in eon,
Station therewith. Bylaw ie being I•re•
pared asking fora loan of $10,000 for 20
years, he agreeing to make payment et
$600 oaob year for 20 yeoro, and to em•
ploy 50 bend/ in bio oboe 320100y. Dar-
ing Inn service as a 000001llor and darn;
the short time in which be uaoapied the
5leyor's chair, be proved himself to be a
most enterprising and moat progreeelve
servant of Lite tows. Mr. Willis' 80000,
tier will likely be M. Broderick, wbo bon
been in the 00031111 for mime time.
Da. ROLLINS, ot Exeter, an honored
and highly respected ea Warden of the
uounty of Harou, 3000 bauquetled 03331
preeeuted with a gold Beal, gold•headod
0000 004 pipe, previous to hie departure
fur the Week. Warden Spuokmoo 00.
oupied 1110 chair, and the whole affair
was befitting the 0000tion and the Mee of
nock a good 031320n. Dr. &Aline, who
will likely locate at Soeket000, Said there
were two conditions o0 whieb be might
return to Exeter, extreme poverty or
io, opondeot wealth ; the one bocouae he
knew that in their kindoese they would
taro for him ; the other because there
was no better place on earth in which to
live. He left for his new home on Fri-
day, 11th fMet. The Dr. is a brother•io•
000 to Mre. (Rev ) J. Holmes, of
Dorohester Station, formerly of Brussels.
The Winnipeg Free Prue of May 10th
neak00 the following reference lo a former
well known Bramealite : J. R. Grant,
manager of the Federal Lite Loan depart
mans, who bee been abeont from Winni•
peg for the past five months, returned to
the city yesterday, looking in fine fettle
utter hie Winter's holiday. Mr. Grant
had ensiled California for four or five
Winters, but last year decided to make a
change, and went South to Florida,
the Bahamas and Cuba. In the latter
Ieland he found many 0auodiene in
tereeted in land trod railways. Ho
thinks Cuba is one of the proltioot
Ooantriee i0 ire natural elate be ever eat.
Tho lands ere gouorally of good quality
with a very prodootivo soil, Dud he
thtnko that about 80 per cent of the
entire inland could be cultivated. Mr
Grant soya he ie pleased to be bank in
Winnipeg again, and ie oatiefied that it is
to day our of the moat progressive oitiee
on the (manumit.
Tac Mitchell Advocate speaks of a
former Broeeelite as follows ;-Mitchell
loot ono of her very beet citizens this
week when Dr. H. S. Anderson left for
the Weet. He was a resident of our
town for 14 yeare, daring the whole of
which time he was on the Qaorterly
Board of the Methodist ohoroh, for 13
yeare be taught in the Sunday School,
and served a term as town 00na01il1r,
6 year! was a member of the Public
School board, three of whittle he acted as
chairmon. The Doctor is a graduate of
the Toronto Dental College, Hud a poet
gradnato of Chicago. He i0 well up in
his profusion, and did a large baoiueeo
here, but caught the Western fever with
the hope of doing better. He is a men of
red ectad
/ hakeOtOr,
the ver tui •Mea o p by
everybody, and carries with him the
but wioheo of the whole oommmtity.
He 1000 aoeompmnied by Ica brother, Dr.
D. A. Anderson, who resided in Exeter
for 14 yoare, whore ho was very papular.
Their wives will follow later. At the
regular meeting of the Quarterly Board
of the Methodist church heed 'Tuesday
evening the following monition wag
paned by a unanimous vote :
Board hereby oxprossee in regret toot
Dr. H. S. Aodoreon io about to sever his
connection with thio church and town.
For the pant 14yoaro he tine been a valued
and ooueietmlt member of both the
Quarterly and Trueleo Boards, ao well ne
an ootivo worker in the Sunday school.
Dr. Anderson watt also a prominent
oitsizon of the town, being for 00v0011
yeare chairman of the Publio Sohoot
Board. Our beet wishes go with him for
prosperity in hie now home in Weetorn
Jae, Cutaniteh io veneering his house
with brick,
Mrs. Gray. of Toronto, ie visiting her
pirates, Thos. mud Mrs. Buoeton.
While Haab Hutobineon, god con. seas
driving etukoe with a0 ave, hie little boy
about four !mare old, ran op behind the
fatter and received an ugly pelt in the
Several from born attend(d the aonllr•
motion servi080 in St. Stephen's (March
Gerrie, on Thursday morning of last
week, when about thirty oondidatee
received the ancient rito from
Bishop Williams.
L7t1ll10 w.
Mimes Brydgeo, of Goderioh, were the
game of Mre. Hum.
Jitme0 Fmcklater, who has boon olork•
ing for D. R. MoIntoeb, left for Detroit
where he has oeoured a good po0(1ion.
Oontraotoro Jardine eb Robertson
commenced operatioae on John Joynt
end A. T. Davieon'e large block of stores
cod are poebing the work ahead ata
rapid rate.
At u meeting of the Qaorterly Buerd
of the Aohaeld Circuit, held at the Ae13•
field pereonago on the 5311 lord, after the
regular bueinoee had been oompleted,
David Agnew, wbo had been Recording
Steward for the Aehfleld Circuit for al.
mart twenty -Iwo years, wee made the
r0elpient 0f it Bet of Books 000etetiug of
00000te031 volume and a aomplimentoty
They gripe, 00030 burning pains and
make the constipated condition even
100080. Phyeioian0 soy the ideal luxetive
Is Dr, Hamilton's of Mandrake and
Butternut ; they are exeesdingly mud,
oompoeed only of boalth•giving vegetable
extracts, Dr. Hamilton's Palle restore
regular movement of the bowels, strength
en the Stomach and purity the blood.
For 0000tipo1ion, eiek boadaohe, bilious•
oaee and disordered digestion no medicine
on earth makes such remarkable cerise
as Dr. Homillou'e Pine. Try a 25 0.
box yourself.
lily tit.
Dr. J. N. Perdue porohaeed a team of
white nonie0 at Underwood.
Blyth rifle slob will compete in the
county louroament et Goderioh on
Victoria day.
Blyth lawn bowling (lab havo leased
the groande of Elias Curring ou Din°ley
810001, and are at present having it put in
shape for a bowling green.
G. M. Stuart hen been eooceee(al in
peening his final examination at the
Winnipeg medioal college. He will
00ete in Dome Western town.
Theodore Moe!, who yeas sent before
Judge Doyle by Reeve Sloan for eenlenae
wee fined $30 or 30 duye in jotl. He
went to jail not afterwards paid the fine.
His brother, Jamoe MOSS, was
uaught at Grand Bend mud taken to
Goderioh for trial also on a (barge of
e.saault. Police Magieirate Humber im
cowled a fine of $2160, including 00060.
ODIT — John O. Wilton, who has boon
a'reapected 00eide01 of our village tor the
pain five yeare, end a man well known
0 this community, died at hie reetde000
Wileon street, on Saturday evening 12613
met., rut abs age of 76 yearn and 3 months.
lIr. Wileon wee born in the County of
Duwo, Ireland, tied sailed for America in
1851, landing at New York and remain.
Ing in the; e1610 for emit One year. Ho
Icer moved to Perth county where he
remained a short time, after which he
cook up land oil the 3rd concession of
East Wawanosh, where he lived 6i11
November, 1900, when he came to Blyth
where he resided autil hie death. In the
year 1867 he married Mary Jane Bell, of
East Wawonoeh, who eurvivee him.
Besides his widow be name to mourn
his 1000 a Meter,— Mrs. T. F. Oollis, of
the village ; m brother—Samuel, of
Philadelphia, and five children—James
1'. on the homestead in East Wowanoah ;
Mre. Robert Vint, of Morrie ; Mre. Jame°
A. Ororar, of North E8°tbope ; Susie, of
Toronto ; olid Martha at home. All the
oh ldren were prteent at the tuuoral
which' took plaee on Tuesday, being
very largely attended. Mr. Wilson had
not enjoyed the very beet of health eiuoe
being inflicted with a etroke of partly/We
about u year ago, and from the emend
tarok°, which befell him on Sunday, be
never reeovored, paging away ma above
F. Blutoh(ord has oaw0eefally paeoed
hie 11ret you'd slams. at the ()etude
Dental College,
The entorpriee which our oitizens aro
putting into improvement etagere well for
the future of Benson.
The first coat noder the Hary manage-
ment wee made at the !eternity on Mon-
day afternoon of last week,
J. E. MODouebl and Mrs, F. MoD.onell
Feat to London, owing to the seri000
illness of their brother -in law A,
The a00eeeor pate Heneall'3 population
at 825 which, doepite the narebere wbo
have lett for the West, leaves u0 22 of an
increase over Inst year.
1', Welsh intends erecting a henchman
residence on the lot be recently purchased
adjoining W. Colwell's. He has sold the
house at present on the property to
Owen Geiger.
Confirmation eervioe was held In 8t.
Pnol'e obur0b, Bengali, by the Bishop of
Huron, Friday afternoon at 2 30 o'olook
Ho alo held a similar service in
Exeter on the evening of the Name day.
"While working in a saw mill" writes
C. E, Rooney, from Ottawa. "I strained
my book and Bids e0 severely I bad to go
to bed, Every moment Oanwed me tor.
tare. I tried diOerenl oils and liniments
bat wasn't helped till I Deed Nerviline.
Even the first application gave oonoider-
able relief. Iu three day° I war) again at
work. Other men in the mill use Nary!.
line with tremeudoue benefit loo." Au
honest record of pearly fifty years has
established the value of Poluou's 140evi•
Councillor Oreeob is nursing a gore
hand, oauaod by a scratch while he woo
working among berry bushes,
The Oametory board sent a oommani•
option to the Oonnoil recommending that
W. D. Weekes be op910101 d on the board
iu piece of Dr. Anderson wbo reeiguod
before leaving town. It was granted.
The Exeter Gan Club hoe Forehand
from Mre. Geo. Eeoreet a lot on the South
aide of Mill street, Weet of the railroad,
and moved the traps to the new grounds.
The pleb Mae a very good membership
and intend vary Boon bolding another
A team of home belonging -to Geo.
Moir, and driven by John Piper, took
fright while meeting an automobile going
North. The hareem turned aronnd, up
Betting the 06800 anddriver in the 133806.
The team watt capered !boot a mile up
the road.
a v r bowels skip Wh ne er yon e k p a day
without a movement -take a LAX ET.
Whenever -your breath ie bad, your
Elkin waxy or sallow, your tongue coated,
your breath foul, take 0 LAX•ET, only
So. Bold by F. R. Smith.
The market gardeners are already sop
plying early Spring vegetables.
There are (tome half dozen appeal('
only entered against enurement, none of
them very important.
Mr. Mitchell, of the Nswe•Reoord, was
called away from town leet week owi0g
to the Darlene inoses of hie mother.
West and South Heron Farmers' In-
stituto exeureion0 to the Model Farm,
Guelph, will take place on Friday June
Heber Archibald, a well known Winni•
peg lawyer who has been on the Oontin001
to visiting hie 0303806, Mre. W. W. Farren
and Mies Archibald.
Mise Lily Butt, eld•ot daughter of E.
Batt, of the base line, lett lent week for
Omaha, where oho taken o position se
oaehier i0 ono of the large e0tabliehmente
of that city.
Rev. G. M. Kitty, so well known and
deservedly popular in this !cation, is
eeri000ly ill at hie home in Granton.
That he may he speedily reeeored to
good health will be the wieh of all who
know him.
Rev. W. Wads received word of the
death of Mre Marr, of Morkdale. De
ceased woe the eldest nailer of Mrs. Wade
being aged 82 yeare, and died at the home
of her eon•in•law, Her Beeth was the
result of an unfortunate accident. In
£ctdies' ,rine
Handsome to the eye
Artistic in design.
First-rate workman-
Made to wear and
keep their shape.
Beautiful finish, easy
comfort, very durable.
When you discard
hemjust like
you want anotherJ let the last ones.
Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of
the buying,
Here are a few:-
-Nice, fresh, new Spring designs, from $1.25 to $8.25.
—Will bo pleased to have you call and exanine goods and
compare prices whether you buy or not,
Harness Department
--Special prices on Single Harness for 80 days also a nine
stock of Dusters, Lap Rugs and Rubber Rugs.
—Trunks and Satchels.
7, I
Q. I \ , C I ■ A R b e
ettomptiog to ail down 0he slipped, brook•
int; her lop bone,
Dr Freeman, who baa praotieed hero
as a Vele inary for unverel years, boa de•
oided ou removing to Goderioh, and will
leave bete about the lot of June, He
hat already rented a hoose in Goderioh.
Wingr ham.
Wingbam borne races ea Wednesday
and Thursday, June fifth and 7th,
R. Barrett has recently had lila barber
shop ufoely fitted up by potting in 8 new
StJomeo Welker purchased the store
property at present 000upied by Walker
Bros. & Button.
M. Lamont cold hie farm properly of
thirty ales acme, South•emet of the town,
to Thoa. Forbes.
Minerva Encampment, I, 0, 0, F. lc
melting arrnogemeulo for bolding its
annual exoersio0 to Sarnia and Detroit
on Satarday, Adguet, 11th,
Goo. A. Phippen made a reoord for
binned in paper hanging on Tuesday of
lest week. In 00000 and th000.quarter
hours he planed eighty rope of paper on
the wolfs of Dr. Agnew's offices.
Rev. E. R. Fitch, pastor of the Baptist
ohoroh has passed hie linolexaminettons
at Monaster University and the or0iu0-
lion 0ervieee will be held in the church
here on Friday evening, May 251h.
Rev. E. R. Fitch, B. B., cantor of the
Wiogham Baptist church bac token
charge of Toeewater Baptist ohuroh for
the evening year and will hold service
every Sunday aheruoo0 and on There•
day eve010ge,
r.iraCO nvr,t.
The Banner has iaotalled a new Camp -
boll prase in its office.
Will. Spears, who learned the barber•
ing buelueoe with F. 8, Howe, goes to
Virden, Man.., where he will have obarge
of a obair in Arthur Ioergor'e shop.
Alex. Rae of town has reoeivod word
that Mr, Drummond, a remain of his, 10as
killed by lightning in Michigan on Sun-
day last. The deceased wan from Milver.
ton, cud had been in Michigan for a
number of years.
The Mende in town at Mies Lizzie
Godfrey, daughter of W. and Mre. Ood•
itey, of Moorefield, will bo glad to kuow
that she ie improving after a serio0e
illness of five week,, else having under.
gone an operation for peritouiti0.
The Royal Templar° District Council
held in Palmeretan on Tuesday of last
week wag the largest ever held in North
Wellington district The Over medal
co/Iwo in the evening was very swami.
ful. 'The neat Coonoil will be held in
Liatowef on the 10th of Sept, at which
time a number of silver modoh0te will
compete for a gold medal.
Mre. O. Be❑uott and family arrived
here on Saturday evening, May 121h,
coming diroot from Sydney, Auetrolls,
wean they have been residing. Owing
to Mr. Bennett's death, which occurred e
few months ago by accident, the family
decided to return to Canada. They came
over to Vaaoouvar in the 0. P. R.'e new
boat, "Maheoo", which made a record
trip, oroeeing the Paoi0o in twenty -throe
days, taking jolt four weeks to reach
Listowel from Sydney. Mre. Bennett,
who to a daughter of R. and Mrs. Sutton,
Trowbridge, will visit with her pareote
before deciding upon her future plane.
Not quite sick,— bat robbed of am-
bition to work—find it herd to think
clearly. Not ill enough to think of dying
nut bad enough for life 10 be pretty dull.
There ie a remedy—Ferrozone— that
quiokly lifte half dead feeling. Graoioue
bat Forrozone makes you feel good ; if
nharpene the dollen appetite, maker) it
kaon ae a razor.
Blood I Ferrozone makes tote of it, the
rioh nourishing kind that vltaliaee the
wbole body. You'll be wonderfully
gniekened, imme00ely strengthened,
feel hearty end vigorous atter neing
Forruzone. Buoyant health, 00rp(a0
vigor wed reserve energy all name from
thio great restorative. Fifty menta- boyo
u box of fifty tuble0e at all dealers.
ASW 0041.
Football oelobralioe in Atwood on May
24 h.
A oemont walk be being laid down in
front of the English obdroh.
Robt. Cleland, sr., is recovering nicely
from hie recent severe aooidenl.
Mal. W. Price is able to be op and
around again abet her accident.
Two new men wore added to the staff
of the Elma Chem Factory loot week.
Tbie makes five with Mr. Thomson,
The Cement Company hem purchased
an engine from a firm in Ponoeylvenia.
This will be need to haul the marl and
peat from the bode to the works.
Principal Anderson was confined to the
bowie suffering from a eovere Bold, Mies
Thomlinoon took oherge of hie room
for him and the junior room wart taught
by 00010 of the senior pupile.
We regret to report the senora( illness
of W. F. Format. He contracted a very
severs cold, but ooutinood to work no.
til it developed into bronchitis and bo be•
Dame a very sick man. Two dootoro
were in attendance on bio.
Dr. A. T. Lengrill bee disposed of hie
practice to Dr. Mnrray, who ie now in
po°aoesion. The former parpooeo taking
op oily 910001ioe whore long drives into
the isometry at ell heave at the night will
not bo required. He found a large
Country practice pretty trying on bin
L0000 Orrlow.—A meeting of the
temperance Executive and other temper,
0,1100 worlere was held in the township
ninth's office on Wednesday, May 91h by
request of members of Conned. Need.
lose to nay thorn Fac a good altendenoe of
repreeentativeo front all parte of the
towne ip Robert Buchanan explained
the object the Coonoil Med in meeting the
temperance) worker(' at tine time, He
said the Council wished to have the
feeling of the lompereuoe people in
regard to defending the Lon) Option
Bylaw (carried by so large a majority
lint January and filially passed by Coon.
ail) against whioh those opposed to pann-
ing ot tbo same have ironed a writ to
have bylaw quelled. After thevee•
lion had been thoroughly dimwitted it
woe roeolved 3—That we, the exe0ative of
the Tetnporonoo Ae000iation of the town.
°hip of E!ma iu meeting assembled
strongly urge upon the Connell of the
Iownehip to take native steps to oopport
the Local Option by•Iiw by opposing the
motion to quash the oamo, and further
wo fool that an the by•lew woe parried by
a majority of the 0000,0 of Elmo the
Uo000il would bereiiet id their duty did
the Commit not do their utmost in the
Menet of the will of the people Nit ex.
- Spring and Surnrner -°-'
OUR Fine New and Fashionable Spring stock is to
hand and ready to adorn the Ladies of Brussels
and vicinity.
As wo will not hold a formal Opening we invite the
Ladies to call and see our goods any time.
A choice stock of Fancy Goods in the line of Em-
broidery Silks, Table Centres, Doylies, Sofa Cushion Tops
and Frills, Point Lace Patterns, Braids, Threads, Rings,
&c., has been added to my business and Ladies are asked
to see thein.
I thank the public for the past year's patronage and
will be pleased to share in this season's business.
Mrs. McKinlav
pressed at the polle.XOoj the resolution
being put to the meeting it was parried
aoonimoualy. T. G. Ralolifio was ap-
pointed a delegate to attend the trial
of dm Temperance people. All expeoeee
for said delegate to be borne by the tom-
peranoe Aeeooiation. It wee also moved
sod seconded and carried that a full
report of the meeting be sent to the
local Proee for poblioaticn.
At best they are nopleaeant, often
Lundeen, You have Some disease of the
nose, throat or lunge. Doctors would
call it bronohitis, asthma or catarrh.
Tho 00mmo0 root of these dieeasee be
germ or microbio irritation,—Catarrh.
ozone riot only deslroye the dieeaee germs
it does more, it heals diseased and in -
inflammed tisane. The dieeastie not only
oared, but i1e retorn ie forever prevented
by using Oatarrhozono which ie splendid
oleo for colds, coughs and irritable throat.
Remember you inhale Oatarrhozone—
Notore'e own ogre—vee no other but
C0tarrhozon0—it's the beet catarrh oars
Lorne Wiokereon weekilled near Byron
by ligbtoing.
Over twenty -lour thoosond new settlers
have arrived at Quebec thie eeoeon.
J. T. Walkey, Massey -Harvie agent at
Newdele, Man., is under 'arrest charged
with embezzlement.
A number of Senators at Montreal
presented Sir Mackenzie Bowell with a
handsome hall clock,
Seven and a halt tons of dynamite ex•
ploded at Cobalt. About twe0ty hoaoee
were wreaked end fifty burned.
Mre, Edward O'Connor, au aged Moo(.
real lady, who was knocked - down by a
cab &boat a week ago, died from her in.
The royal oommiaeion 0ppoioted to in•
vestigote the bueiueeo ot all loearanoe
eomparlieo held ile 0081 meeting at Win•
A eorgioal operation was performed on
Bon. Dr. Reaume at Windsor end be
expecte to return to Toronto iu a few
Col. W. J. Bay has resigned the cons-
mond of the 8th Royal Rifles, beonueo
hie reoommendo(ions for an appointment
were ignored.
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the farming community
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. All
work will be promptly and care-
fully attended to.
Manitoba and Ontario Flour,
Bran, Shorts, &c., always in stock
and sold at Market Prices.
Thuell Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building.
The Buff Orpington
Heads the list in the Egg Laying Oontee1,
Londou, England.
The Model Farm Report gave:—"They are
the beet Winter layers, also grand Utility
My pone are ,Standard Brod from Prize
Winning Stock and aro in better !hope to
eup ply ogge for hatching than ever before.
Eggs, 81.00 Per Set
The Orpington Man, 13ruoeofe. 40.0
rft' rSi�� r Ved55$0431PO4:53+
Bank of Hamilton l
)tCapltal, Paid np, 82,600,000
Rceervo Fund, 82.5,,000
Total Arista, 800,000,000
Provident, - - HON. WM. GIBSON p
Vice President & General Manager, IIPP
Sayings Do
t—Am le eoourlt
Depositso131.W and upwards received.
Interest allowed at current rotor and
�j compounded hall yearly.
ADVANCES made to Farmers for
feeding stock.
VSale Notes co1100ted and adyanoea
P1 made th0110ou.
Drafts bought and aold,
la $Sr Ar�2r 1Q6A I'
Winnipeg - }32.011 St0010bae/ . !}31,26
Souris - 13.511 Saskatoon • 17.26
Brandon • 37.66 Prions Albert 70.01
Alfoosrcolammin . 34.20 Yo. Battleford 11.00
31.50 Nankai - 40.00
Eetevan � Calgary 40 .54
Yorkton Red Dear - 41.60
Regina 35.76 $tattler
Noose Jaw 311.00 Edmonton 42.60
June 6th, goad to return anti) August Itth.
June 19th, August 11th
July Sept. led.
July 17th, " Sept. 17th.
For rotas to other points and complete in-
formation apply to nearee0Canadian Petrillo
Agent, or writs to C. B. Fooycn, Diotriet
Passenger Agent, 71 Yongo 8t., Toronto.
When you buy a knife for instance, you Besides the extra strength and superior
consider the quality of the steel in the workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip
blade. The biggest and heaviest knife is not pod in a special whitepnint,whichora
necessarily the best. Now there is just as top of the best of galvanizing, will lengthens
much difference in the quality and strength the lif0 of wire for years. And, also, this
of steel in fence wire as white coating makes wire
there is in a knife blade or much more sightly.
razor. The Page Co. use Owing to the great
a nigh carbon steel strength and
wire, which though itPAGE fen iitg one -
costs you but little more, third less pasta are re -
is fifty per cent. (5o%) •rut, *may ";t gutted, thus reducing the
stronger than wire in other \` cost of the fencing. •
fences, The lightest PAGE V As you get in PAGE
fence is as strong as the FENCES ono-han
heaviest of other 'takes. more fonco strength'.
Notice the lock in PAGE greater protection against
"EMPIRE" FENCE. You TIN LOCK IN PAG a rust, better workmanship,
may have noticed also that "EMPIRE" FENCES. bettor appearance, usd
others are imitating less posts, can you afford
it. That is a good 'recommend for it, to use other fences, even though you could
Where we lead others follow. buy them for one-half the price of aha
Al) PAGE wire is "COILED." not PAGE? But, really OUTS cost you
crimped. little, if any more. 08
Get prices before placing your order for Fence Gates or Lawn Fence(
ROBT. CLOSE, Emu, }Erected by�'J
C. 11. HARRIS, Fonnwiofil