HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-24, Page 4Cbl VTITHOtIN ` OStt THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1906. OFFICE EMOLUMENTS. The report of the Inepeotor ot Legal Oi'fioe° for Ontario for 1905 shows the following emanate to have been re• aeived a8 net 1n00me by those holding judicial office in Huron :— Sheriff R. J. Reynolds -41680 66 Snrrog. Judge..Jndge Doyle.. 1100 62 Laoal Master..Judge Doyle.. 276 29 Crown At$orney..0. Seeger.. 2216 36 Clerk of the Peaae..0. Seager.. 258 36 Loom! Registrar D. MoDonaid.. 2475 97 445 00 County Court Clerk " Surrogate Regietrar " 2189 16 In addition to the above, Judge Doyle, of 000000,receivee hie salary ae Senior Judge. DIVISION COURTS, The 1905 report of the Impeotor of Divieon Courts has jest been ieeoed. Many people have the idea that Clerks and Bailee moat nenesarily have a "eoft snap" simply because they have an office, but Ibe revenue received by these pentane in this county is not worth bothering about, befog ea follows : Ile '4"F..' m cr pW Jae. Yates..Goderiab....9295 90 J. 0. Greig..Seatorth.... 219 86 120 59 W. Farran,.01iutou.... 830 00 126 09 A. R. Brewer..Broeeele.. 117 57 78 41 Ern. Elliott—Exeter.... 116 20 56 76 J. Whyerd..Duugannon.. 35 75 36 63 Jno. Tippett..Bayfield.. 19 99 11 23 Alex. Roee..Wingbam.. 298 45 159 42 Joe. Cawan..Wroxeter.. 61 60 57 66 A. F. Heee..Zurioh 100 33 145 10 Wm. Lewitt..Orediton40 65 33 71 J. Moelarohie..Blyth136 16 90 25 The baoieme alone in some of the offioee ie, ae followe, the No. standing for the reepeolive court ae above — 0 ss 00 9 0a Zen eil5 -41140 o. 91187 87 1985 57 735 84 78 26 830 96 302 96 Clerk Place ^00 o No. 1....135 93781 0791329 95 ( 2....106 3589 39 2192 69 3....244 4657 50 735 84 4.... 45 2143 86 78 26 6.... 44 1676 81 854 60 6.... 17 804 26 295 46 7..,. 8 234 52 104 77 8....181 4078 09 1514 32 19.... 41 2274 26 590 99 2164 78 1290 95 11.... 20 543 21 140 74 12.... 73 1090 41 752 68 104 77 1476 02 517 47 1290 95 123 88 627 18 Goderich District Meeting, The May meeting of the Methodist ohnrohee in ebe Goderich District was held in the Methodist cherub, Blyth, on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. The ministers of the Dietriot were all present, and also the following laymen :— R. W. McKenzie, J. P. Brown, North etreet, Goderiob ; G. W. Elliott, Victoria street, Goderioh { R. Holmes, A. Hooper, Clinton ; J. McMichael, Seatorth ; W. Stanley, Holmesville ; G. King, Blyth ; S. Treleaven, Dungannon ; N. Graham, Nile ; G. Fotbergal, Auburn ; G. Bar• rows, Welton ;G. Jenkins, Blyt; George Cooper, Bayfield ; A. Reid, Varna ; Jae. Jenkins, Benmiller. The following table ehowe the mem• berebip of each circuit, the amount raised for Oonnexional Funds and the total amount raised on each oirouit. Plane � OW Goderiob, North et. .414 $792 Victoria 328 411 Clinton, Weeley 387 657 Ontario at399 584 Seatorth 340 492 Holmesville 202 375 Blyth 221 Dungannon 239 375 Nile 2I7 146 Benmiller 159 215 Auburn 333 Walton 168 Londeaboro 295 Bayfield 187 Verna 185 O 0 00 00 my 0 0 EW $10857 2151 3392 3568 4815 1493 374 2397 2131 2360 1078 653 2184 139 2028 368 1898 134 1942 440 1733 96055 943022 The amount of money raised on the District for Missions wee, in 1906, 93243; in 1906 93683, or en increase of $390. The membership shows a gratifying increase of 183 on the District. The number of Sunday School scholars in the dietriot ie 3559. Rev. A. K. Birks, of Seatorth, wae eleoted ohairman to succeed Rev, Mr. Manning, who in leaving the District, Itev. F. Swann wae elected a member of the Stationing Committee, Rev. .7, Robinson alternate. The following resolution wae carried by a etaudiog vote, and suitably aoknowledg• ed by Mr, Mending. Moved by Rev. Mr. Graham amended by Rev. Me. Birks, that tbie dintriot deeiree to plane on record its high ap predation of ibe manner in whioh the Obairman, Rev. H. Al. Manning, has performed the duties of hie offitoe on tide district for the past two year, and to aoknowledge the mod beautiful expreeeion of the Ohrietlan epirit shown in hie official relation to all the members of thie dietriot, and we hereby expreee our sin. mere regret that he,'hie year removes from our dietriot, and ie withdrawing from our Oonfeeenoe, praying that the bteseing of God may oontinne to reek graoioaely upon him and hie family in hie new field of labor, anti that hie work there as here, may be a benediction to the people, and a joy 10 himself, while be with no looks to tb eetornal reward. The next May district meeting will be held in Ontario St. Ohnrch, Clinton. William Allerton shot te large wildest near Oakville, The Young Men's Debating Olnb of St. Marye Methodist, oharob mot and decided to organize a baseball tests. A management Commiltee was appointed consisting of J. W, Peart, W. 0. Box, Frank Mille, Rafael Brown and Jno. Chapman. The Olub is now open for games with either loofa or oat of town teams, Addreee Andrew Wledeehold, eeoretary, Dr, Radoliffe of Mooeejaw is upending a few days with relatives in St. Marys vioinily. He bac been a patient in Toronto Hospital recently, In a few days he lutende returning to the West. The So. Marye Argue in ite extract from old files ander the head of "When St. Marys wag a Village," has the follow- ing : "Forty five yeare ago Canada's great merchant of today, Timothy Eaton, opened a general afore in St, Marys, For a year or so he ooudaoted a store et Woodham." London Conference Program. The Twenty•third Session of the Lon- don Oonfereooe of the Methodiet March will be held in the Central Methodist Oborah, in the oity of Windsor, oom• menoing on Thursday, May 31, 1906, at 2 p. m. Monday, May 28-3 p. m., Meeting of the Stationing Committee. Tuesday, May 29-2 p. m„ Financial Secretaries will meet the Conference Treasurere. 8 p. m., Nominating, Bun day Sobool, Epworth League, Statistical and State of the Work Oommitteee will meet. 8 p. m., Sunday Sobool and Ep. worth League Anniversary, to be ad• dreeeed by Rev, Albert L. Langford, of Dreedeu, and T. B. Shillingtoo,of Blen• beim, President of Loudon Conference Epworth League. Wedueeday; May 30—Devotional ser vicee during Conrerenoe cruder the direo. tion of Rev, David N. MoUamne, A sermon eines morning not more than 20 mi0ntee in length. laneio cruder the dir- eation of Rev. W. E. Ablution. 9 a. m , Devotional exera;eee ; sermon by Rev. D. N. McOamue. 9.45 a. m. Ministerial Session opens 8 p. m., Educational Anui- vereary and Alma College Jubilee ; ad. dreesee by Rev. Wm. Jaokeou, D. D., of Montreal Theological College ; Rev. B. I. Warner, M. A., D. D., and J. H. Coyne, M. A., of St. Thomas,. Thursday, May 31-9 a. m., Devotional service ; eermoo by Rev. Selboorue A. Anderson, 9 45 a. m., Minieteral See - aim. 2 p. m„ General Seeeion opens. 8 p. m., Temperance and Moral Reform Anniversary, to be addreeeed by Rev. Humphrey A. Graham, B. A., and Rev. S. Dwight Ohowu, D. D., General Beare. tory of Temperance and Moral Reform. Friday, June 1-9 a. m., Devotional Servide, ; Sermon, by .Rev. R. H. Barnby, B. D. 9.45 a. m., General Seeeion of Conference. 8 p. m., Reception Service, the resolution for the reeeption of the young men to be moved by Rev. Jasper Wilson, M. A„ and eeoonded by Rev. Henry M. Manning, Saturday, June 2-9 a, m., Devotional service ; sermon by Rev. W. E. Kerr, 9.46 a. m., General Simian of Conferees*, 1.30 p. m., Aonaal meeting of the lay. men'e Aesooiation. An addreee will be given by W. J. Ferguson on. "Church Union." A Ronnd.table Parliament will be coodaoted by W. H. Kerr, at which the following enbjeote will be discussed : "An Ideal 6oheme for Ministerial Salar• raouation Fend • tee" • "The 6npe , Oao the Preeent Method of Apportionment be Improved 7" "le the Invitation System in the beat Intereete of the Church 7 " "Should Mini0tere moving be members of the Stationing Oommtitee? If time per• wits other subjects will be introduced and dieuaeed. General Business—elm. tion of officers, eta. The election of lay delegates to General Conferenoe will also be held et this meeting it agreeable to the Coeferenoe, Every lay delegate to Conference is cordially iuvited to be present. 5.30 p. m. Tneologioal Union eobjeot, "Renaissance of British Metbo• diem," taken by Rev. W. L. Rutledge, B. A. 8 p m., Historto Soatety ; Subject, "B, 0. Methodism," taken by Rev. Josue Green. Sunday, June 3-9 30 a.m., Conference Love feast conducted by Rev. J. R. Goody, D. D. 11 a. w., Ordination sermon by Rev. Jos. Philip, B, D,, Preei• dent of Coeferenoe. Ordination of the young men by the President elect, 3 p. m., Sandey School eeeeion addreeeed by Rev. Daniel E. Martin, and H. L, Rioe, B. A., St. Mary'e. 7.30 p. m., - Rev. John H. Graham, B. A., Methodist Ohnroh, London, will preach, to be fol. lowed by Oonfereuoe Saoramental BOC. vice, °undnoted by Rev. Stephen Bond. St. Andrew's (Prebyteriau)-11 a, m., Rev. G. N. Hazen, B. A. '7 p. m., Rev. R. D. Hamilton. Baptist Church -11 a. m., Bev. W. G. H. McAllister, B. A. ; 7 p. m., Rev. Wm. Kettlewell. Walkerville Methodist -11 a. m„ Rev. E. B. Lanoely ; 3 p. m., Sunday school ad• dreeeed by R-ve. Wm. Godwin and Samuel R. MoVilty ; 7 p. m., Rev. J. H. Oliver. Windsor Weet-11 a, m., Rev. A. E. Lloyd { 3 p. m., Sunday eohool ad. dreeeed by Revs, 0, F. Clarke and Jae. Hunter ; '7 p. m„ Rev. P. E. Malott, B. A, Sandwiab-3,30 p. m. Rev. Arthur Barker, S. T. L. Amberetburg-11 a. m., Rev. T. W. Coe. ens ; 7 p. m., Rev. Ezra G. Powell. Monday, Jane 4-9 a, m. Devotional exeroieee ; sermon by Rev. 8. J. Alien. 9.45 a. m., General Seeeion. 7.30 p. m., Missionary Annivereary to be addreeeed by Rev. George Daniel, M. A., Ph. D., 51re. MoMeoban, repreeeatalive of the W. M. B., and Rev. Thos. Griffith, M, A., Ph. D. Tueeday, June 5-9 a. m., Devotional exercises ; sermon by Rev. J. W. Elib bert. 9.45 a. m., General Seesioe of Oon• ferenoe. J09. Pante, Preeid ent, Ezra A. Foes, Seoretary. DOCT0101 DONT KNOW ALL When they say Aethma fa incurable, Every day bad oases are oared by "Oaterrbozone" ; the eoientiflo treatment ie a perfect eaooeee—Try 0etarrbozoue yourself. Mai, A. Burritt, of Mitchell, has deoid' ed to settle down at Parkdale, Toronto. A couple of "home children" are said to have been treated badly by parlieo in Mitchell neighborhood who has charge of them and they were removed bank to Toronto, Among tbe anaconda' candidates at the Toronto Dental College examination were : First year, Edgar L. Thompson, Logan ; third year, David Dow, Hibbert, and Arthur Drnrztmond, Logan. A bylaw will be submitted on Saturday at Si. Marys, May, 26, to raise by way of loan the enmof $10,000, of which it le proposed tospond 98,000 on per. avaplasal T'he Misses abkirk Wien to announce that they will not have any Special Millinery .Display this sea- son. Our Spring stock has arrived and ie ready for your inspection any time. With many Thanks for past favors and hoping for a con- tinuance of the same, we shall be pleased to show you the latest in Spring Millin- ery for 1906 Otagotowareesestewfatotiagagstesseteelwernsses maoent roads and culverts, one on James et., South, and one on Water et„ South. T. Ben Bennett, foremen of the mould• tog department at the Maxwell Works 6t. Merye, met with a painful aooident to his Noe and eyee, At first it was feared that hie eyesight might be injured but fortunately the wounds have been ming splendidly sed there is a reason to believe that Mr. Bennett will coffer no permanent injury. The accident was oaneed by a alight explosion which eplaebed eome molten metal into hie taco burning his forehead and left cheek badly and the lower portion of both eyee. 6a oderic h. Tho granolitbio steps and opproaoh to the new North street Methodiet (Larch have been put in. A large number of trees have been planted at the Weet end of the town, in- cluding a number in Harbor Park. Gundry Bros.' new automobile arrived in town on Tuesday afternoon of last week about 3 o'alook and was mnob ed mired an it went spinning around town. The anonal meeting of the Weet Enron Liberal Aesooiation will be held in the Agrioulturai Hall at Dan. g0noon on Tueeday, May 29th, at 1:30 p. no. An examination of the assessor's roll for the present year shows an in• crease of 121 in population over last year and an increase of 9230,129 in total amassment. Beokett & Staunton are dissolving partnership. The business will be con• duetted by Mr. Beckett alone, and Mr. Staunton will move to the Weet, his intention being to locate at Edmonton. Another bad acaide01 occurred, this time on the Dunlop bill, reoolting in Alex. Young, the Kiutail hotel•keeper, suntainiog a Iraotured ekull. Mr. Young was driving into Goderioh, when his horse became frightened by one of the engines at work on the 0. P. R. can• etraation, and turning round threw him out. Mr. Yonng'e injuries will confine him to the house for some time but be is making ae rapid progreee ae dao be hoped for. Work was started oo Monday of lest week in clearing out the ground for the basement for the new etore to be erected for Hodgene Bros. The store will have a frontage of 36 ft. 6 in. and the rear portion behind Proudfoot, Hays & Blair', legal oflioee will have a width of 40 ft. The depth will be 90 ft. There will be a baeemect, 7 ft. 6 in. high, the ground flour will be 14 ft. high and the upper story will be 11 ft. The baeement will be lighted by Muxfnr prime in the pavement, while the front of tbe main floor and upper story will be of plate glace with leder priemo above to carry the light book. The front portion of the basement will be devoted to heavy etooke, snob ae lin. oleame, oilaiothe, eto., the main floor to general stooks and the top story to palpate, oartaine, oloake, dressmaking department, oto, The bank portion of the baoemeat will be devoted to re Delving and opeoiog geode, bot water furnace and fuel rooms. The floors throughoat will be hardwood and the baeemect •and ground floors will be oeiled with metallic) roofing. Meson. Hodgene Bros. hope to be in their new premises by the let of September. °entracte for the brick and masonry work and for the carpenter work in connection with the new Bapliet church have been let, the former to 0. A. Reid & 0o. and the latter to the Goderich Planing Mille Co. The building will have a frontage of 50 feet and a depth of 60 feet. It will be of red brick, the front of Millon preened brink. The auditorium ie deoigned to eta0 three hundred persons. The base• meat will be a light, airy room of 10 feet height. The oontraote for the heating (bot air), electric lighting, metallic ceiling, etc., beve not yet been let. The estimated coat of the building ie 95,500. The corner stone laying will take plane next Tboreday, May 24th, and it ie hoped to be ready for the dedioatory eervioee early in the Autumn. GOT NEW VITALITY INCREASED APPETITE. True Strength, Vigor and Buoyant Health quickly Followed tate Use of DR. HA:t1.1L'LON'S PILLS. By purifying and nourishing the blood Dr. Bamilton'e Pills quickly impart new vigor to all weak organa. The kidneys and liver are stimulated, dieeaee.breeding poisons are oarried off, the entire body is renewed and restored. Lack of appetite is changed into keen zest for food. Digestion and assimilation ere made petted. Thee, all you eat i0 turned into nourishmeut and building material Reed the evidence published here ; it telle just how Dr. Hamillon'e Pills sure the sick and help the weak :— Vital Energy Increased, "I atweye felt draggy and tired. "When I arose in the morning my limbs ached and I felt dull. "I didn't enjoy my meals and oouldu't dipeet properly. "Dr. Hamlton'e Pills strengthen ed my stomach, purified my blood, trade me feel like new. No better medicine exists." (Mrs.) L. M. Morang, Sydney, 0. B. By relying on Dr. Hamilton'e Pills you are Imre of strong vitality, nourishing blood, bright,oheery epirite. The marvel of this medicine is tbet 51 keeps you well —prevents and wards off siokneee of every kind. Dr. Hamilton's Pills keep thousands of people healthy. Won't you nee them also 7 Sold everywhere in 26o boxee, or five boxes for $1, by mail from N. 0. Poleou & 0o., Kingston, Out., and Hart- ford, Oon., T. S. A. The members of Mitchell band have laid their measure for uew Maroon suite. John Byers has taken charge of the Looan eleotrio light station. He will move with hie family from Mitchell. Word was received from San Fran. deco that Dr. T, G. Inman and family were sale. Dr. Inman is an old St. Marys boy, and was born in Downie. ty...,KWAWAWAYMZiS.bv+9'.a'<i.Lv tyu9. .erul&-Ve4JAMvex/i'7i Stelvit. Eye and Ear Surgeon VISITS BRUSSELS MONTHLY If you require Eye Glasses, Spectacles or treatment for Eye, Ear or Nose do not fail to see DR. OVENS. Office Smith's Drug Store, :Brussels Next Visit—Tuesday, May 29th. Hours :-•8 a. m. to 1.30 p. m. (%meed ieVegiiVeysranleedEvia'4ca`r�®vAmereses tieRa4Al eteRektsalretes ( O u B1 gyp gm en ttttr = Ili 0. 3 r Et. = to idle Twenly.eigbt (Perth) Iiegi meet goes into camp at Loudon on Jane 6, Last Friday Lietowel and Milverton played a lie Football game, in the latter town, neither Bide eooriug, Phe Intermediate Football match at Woodstock lest Friday belweeu the home team and New Hamburg, resulted in It tie 0-0. Rev. S. J. Thornton, eon•in•law of Rev. J Benner, elf obeli, Las been elected President of the British Columbia Meth• odiet Conference. A, F. McLaren and family sailed on Saturday by the 0. P. R. Empress of Britain for Liverpool. From there he will proceed to Carlsbad, Germany, io quest of improved health. Freeman Fulober, Ohnrob et,, St. Marys, was the victim ot a peoalint aoaideut oo Saturday evening. A door in hie residence was blown shat by the wind ae he wee peeving it, shattering the gime. Mr. Fulober woe in bis etookiug feet at the time and a large piece of glace etrnok hie leg above the heel and completely severed the large tendon that oontrole the aotiou and eon0eote the large mantes of the calf of the lag with tbe beef. While boring for water an the farm of Ed. Nagle, con. 3, East Nieeonri, 8. Riddell etrnok a vein of oil at a depth of 200 feet. There was not sufficient foroe to oauee a gush Int the oil was there in considerable quantity and the familiar smell noticeable by persons who have visited the fleldo at Petrolia was strongly in evideeoe. I5 ie not thought that petr.leum ie preeent at the particular epot in paying gaantittee but the find is valuable 10 that it iodioatee the presence of oil in she locality, Popular Stallions. The following will be the routes of the Horses named forSSeason of 1006 : SYLVESTER J. (No 32799) STANDARD BRED STALLION. Sired by Mite Wilkee by Red Wilkes by Geo. Wilkes. Dam Lady Anglin b) Wilkes Boy by Geo. Wilkes; 2nd Dam Rosa May ; 3rd Dam Lilly Gay. 6yl meter J. is a dark bay horse with bleak pointe and good feet, stende 16 bands high and weighs about 1200 Ibe., has good Notion and a square trotter. This horse was formerly owned by Mitt" K. L Wilkes, Galt, Ont., and his colts are mime of the meet promising at the farm. Terme 91500 to insure. Will make a steno every Thursday night at Central Hotel, Brneeele, during the season. R. WALLACE, Owuer, Gerrie, Ont. Scotland's Hope No. (13180) Vol. 28 GEO. MULDOON, - Proprietor Tbie Imported Clydesdale Horse will make the Beason of 1906 at HIS OWN STABLE BRUSSELS Terme-916.00 45-4 SUNLIGHT II. HENRY BONE, Prop. and Manager. MONDAY—Will leave his own stable, Lot 20, 2rd line, Morrie, and go North to Joseph Oborobill'e, Centre eideroad, for oue hour ; then to Arthur Shaw's, let line, Morrie, for noon ; then to Edwern Jaoklin'e, and Oon. Grey, for nicht. TUESDAY—To Ohm. Forrest's, god line, Morrie, for noon ; thee to hie own stable for night. WEDNESDAY—To Stretton'e Hotel. Belgreve, for noon ; then to Alex. MoNeil'e, 6th line, Morrie, for night. THURSDAY — To Thou. Btelby'e, 8th line, Morrie, for noon { to Emigh'e Hotel, Walton, for an hour, then to John MoGevin'e, Lead bury line, MoKillop, for night. FRI. DAY—To Alex. Buohauan'e, 17th Con Grey, 'for noon ; then to Long's Hotel, Cranbrook, for night. SATURDAY— To Central Hotel, Brussels, until 4 o'olook ; then to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday. CLAUDIUS. THOS. VODDEN, Manager. MONDAY—Will leave hie own stable Lot 21, Con. 5, Grey, and go to Jae. Parr', Lot 1, Con. 6, Grey for noon ; to the Queen's Hotel, Brussels for an boor then so Chan Ponard'e, 2} miles South for night. TUESDAY—To Teesdale Whitfield's, Lot 23, Oon. 13, Grey, far noon ; then to Henry Booeborg, Lot 7. Oon. 15, Elm for night. WEDNES- DAY—To Peter Longeway'e, Reunioon, Logan, for noon ; then Weet and North to Peter Cameron's, boundary Logan and Elms, for night. THURSDAY— to Angus McOuaig'e Boundary Mo. Killop, near Walton, for noon ; then to Geo. Jaakeon'e 8th line, Morrie, for night. FRIDAY—To Frank Mo. Outoheoo'a, 8111 lino for noon ; then to Long's Hotel, Oranbrook for night, SATURDAY—To Ohm. Kerr',, Bob con. Grey for noon ; to Longeway'e Hotel, Ethel for two hears, then to hie own stable, STOCK FOR SERVICE. ROAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service en hie promisee, North Bowiek Boundary, en Duelists Berkshire bog. 'terms, 81.00, with privilege of returning if neemeary LIDE 0, JACKLIN, 44.51 Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE underelguod will keep for service on Lot 21, Cop. 12.0rey, the pure bred Aber- deen Angus bull, "Lord Thomas 0," aired by "Goderioh 013101," the ehampiou bull of Canada. Pedigree may be seen on appltoe. tion, Terme 52.00 with privilege of return. log it oeoeaorry. J. M. KNIGHT, 30.51 Proprietor. B :OAR FOR SERVICE. --THE undersigned will Mop for eorviae on L0521,0ou.12, Grey, the Improved Berk- shire B oar,"Fpirview Goldflnder," No=15496 Pedigree may be aeon on application, Texme-81.50, or $1,26 oeob 100 two or mere ; Berkshire Bowe 88.00. All who are interest - MI in raising the Ideal Bacon Hog and the hog that Will make the moat money droned 000 this hog before using any ether, 8751 J, Y, MoINT08H, Oranbrook P.0, We I lave Them The Beet Values the have evor shown in LACE CURTAINS at 25c, 35e, 50c, 76o, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 per pair and up. These numbers are all extra good value at the price and it will be to your advantage to see them before purohrteing. —` ART MUSL/NS We are oleo showing a good range of Art Mus - line at 6o, 80, 10o, 12io and 14o. Plain and Spot Curtain Net, Frilled Curtain Muslin, &o. CARPETS Carpets in Union and A11 Wool at 80e, 40o, 500 and 75o. Tapeetry Oerpote at 45o, 600, 65o and 750. Floor Oils and Linoleum, in good patterne and at Popular Prime. House-cleaning will let you know what is wanted. Make out a list and o0m0 to ue. No Fancy Prices Everything Cheap A. STRACHAN IMPORTANT NOTICES EGGS FOR HATCHING.— R000010LANn DEng, handsome fowl and great layers. Settings from pen one 91.50, pen two 0100 altar April 16th. A few eoeberels lett yet for sale, Supply limited, WM. J. SHIELS,Etbe1,P. 0„ Ont. BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG Ie prepared to give leesone on Piano or Reed Organ. Terme on application. Postof0oe addroea—Brueael s. Residence— Lot 8, Oon.10, Grey. Pupils may have their lessens at their owe homes 11 preferred. GOOD TOWN PROPERTY FOR Bale on which le large brfok house, stable, drilled wall, oieteru, fruit garden, acres of land on John and James et., Br0eeels Terme reasonable, Apply to JOHN MOFADDEN on promisee or F. 8, SCOTT, Brussels, MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. f 1OR SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers her 100 acro farm, being Lot20, 000, 7, Grey, for sale or to rent. Comfortable house, bank barn, orchard, wells, &e. Farm is only 1 of a mile from the stirring village of Ethel. For fur- ther particulars 'apply to F. S. eoott, Brus- sels, or Mite, KATE HOLLAND, 78 Bhutan Street, Toronto. 37.3m PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undersigned offers his house e, and lot, 15 to e l l Mill ,treat, Brussels, for sale. It is well looated,a convenient and coulter. table. -home. Possession can be given at once. Will also ,ell the vaaaut lot, ooruer of Mill and Elizabeth streets, withal would make a flue building site. For further par- taml re an to price, terms, &o„ apply to FRED, ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford - wish. 98.4 Notice I The Court of Revision on the Aeeoeement Roll for the Village of Brussels for the year 1900, will be held at the Town Hall, Brno eels, on the 4th day of June, next, com- mencing at 8 o'olook p. m, All parties haying business at gold court will please take notice ended accordingly. E. 8. SCOTT, Village Clerk. Notice to Debtors. All parties still indebted to the estate ot Moore Bros., insolvents, meet oatlelaotorily arrange their accounts with me on or be. fore the 1st day of June,1808 Accounts not arranged by that time will be placed in euit. A.B. MACDONALD, Solicitor, Brueeel0, Tenders i Tenders will be reoeivod by the under- elgnod up to Juue 4113 1006, for the building of ail cement sidewalks to be built in the Village of Brussels in the year 1906, tender to state at so much per square foot, Speo- ifloattone same as for oven formerly built or esu be seen on application. Work to be done in June and July. 1, 8. 8u0TT, Village Clerk. Tenders I Pandora will be received by the under. gigged tor the supplying of all grave) re- quired by the Conueil of Brussels for 1906, up to Juno 4113,1908. Tenders to be so much per yard and to be for eoreeued and un. weaned gravel and for eaab of the follow- ing pita;—Walker's, Herr'e, Oakley', and Duncan',, Gravel to be eatiofaotory to 0 ouneil or impeder. F, 8, SCOTT, Village Clerk. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even numbered motion of Dominion Laude In Manitoba, Beekatokewau and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who le the nolo head of a family, or any male over 18 years of ago, to the extent of oge-quarter motion of tee acres more or lose. • Entry may be :made personally at the local land) office for the dielriet in whish tle land is situate. The homesteader is required to perform the oonditioueconn elate, therewith W Under OCe b un r fluent the following ulnae: (11 At lead afx menthe residence upon and cultivation of the laud in emit year for three years, (2) It the father (or mother, if .the father is damaged) of the homeoteader midden upon alarm in the virlelty ot the laud entered for the requirements as to red. deuce may be satisfied by mob person re. siding with the father or mother, donee poo settler Bland permanent hint in the vicinity of hie homestead, the re- quiremeute an to enflrleoao may be sails. tied by reefdeoee Upon the Bald land. Sixmouthe'notioe in writing eh0nld be given to the Oommleaiouer of Dominiou Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, W , W, OO1t5, Deputy of terBaibliotor of Interior, N, B. Unauthorized a psi atlon 0f this ad- verttoomont 0,111. not be paid for. AT r e` gra is Oranges Lemons Bananas Spanish Onions Dates Figs Fish and Oysters Rigel Grade 5c. Cigars High Grade Chocolates The Home of Good old Cheese and 27o. Tea ALLAN LINE ROYAL. &''AIL STEAMERS To Liverpool Triple Screw 8teamere— VICTORIAN and VIRGINIAN Turbine Engines—No Vibration THE CANADIAN ROUTE From Montreal Victorian May 24 July 19 Ang,10 iooiau slay 01 June 28 Aug. 28 Virginian June 7 July 6 Aug. 0 Tunisian JULIO 14 July 12 Aug. 9 Rates of Passage First Cabin -970 and npwarde, according to steamer, Second Ooblo-94860 to 847.50, Recording to steamer, Third 827 El and 828.75. For further particulars, rates and tickets apply to W. IL KERIR. Agent Allan Line, limeade. Toronto Rag and Metal Co'y PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &c., &c. Highest Prices for Ali H. ROSEN K. LABEL Mill st. West, Brussels SMITH & STEWART House, Sign and Carriage Paint. ere. Ornamental and Scene Work and Paper Hang- ing a Specialty. Quotations Furnished on Applloation SHOP 'ilurnberry St., Brussels ALT farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the ru sels Salt Works can get any -kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels.