HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-17, Page 5WINDHAM
le a High-grade oommarolul School,
Three Courses t
Oomntero101 Stenography Telegraphy
Write GEO. SPO'rTON, PrLto1081.
A Great School
Students from britieb Columbia,
Saskatchewan and Manitoba on the
West to New lirhuewlok on the East
are in attendauoe this year. Distance
is no hludrauce to those who wish to
get the best. Our graduates are al-
1 ways successful Our ]vanities aro nu -
'napalmed. °PHARAOE Now. No vada•
tions. College open entire year. Mak
'Meant catalogue free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
104:32015461i Cil2F050511F
Successor to Dr. J. A. McNaughton
Bromide, Outeri°
Graduate of Polyohulo Post Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, New York
Member of College of Physicians and Bur.
livv,ens of Ontario.
'Wilco and residence same as formerly on.
mulled by Dr. MoNaugbton.
Diseases of wowou a opoolally.
'Pboao No, Sl.
• Issuer of Marriage Li000ses. 01.
tics et Grooery,Turnberry street, Brussels.
Office la the Post Office, Ethel. 110.4
C. 0. P.
Court Princess AtexaodrIa, No. 24, 0, C.F.,
Brussels meets in their Lodge Room, Was.
hill Block, on the Oud and last Tuesdays of
each month. ate o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome, JAS. BURGESS. 0.11.
A. E. MELLISH, R. 8.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
1 • RNA. well eel! for better prices, to
better men, in lass time and loos charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged 201
at the office of Tart Poem, Brussels. 2111
'La• Honor ;Amar ai. of rho Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domeetleated animals In a 0013111et.
ant manner. Partinalar attention paid to
Veterinary Deatiete2 and Milk Fever. Calla
promptly attended to. Wilco and lu4rmary
-Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et„
.• Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Eto.
1100800eor to ti. F, Blair. Ol11oe over Stan-
dard Bank, Brunei°. Solfoltor for Metro-
politan Beak.
• Barrister, 8ullolmr, , Ouovoy00cer,
Notary Public, dm. Oleo.-8tewart'i Block
l door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
W. Pao0n1ooT, $. 0. R. 0. RAY°
G. F. BLAia.
OlSoee-Those formerly occupied by Moors
Cameron t Holt,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Firetoleee Heuer
Graduate of Toronto Univerelty. Omoe
neat to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
aTt�1�1 =CPE11=11•`2Q'(
COur 0188800 080 nluun /urger than
they were a year ago. The public'
Lr have learned that this le the beet
place In the Province to obtain a Gem.
auncial Eduoetlod or Sborlhaua
Training. Students are entering each
week. All graduates gut good peel. T�
ELM.° i & M
a dune. Write now for oat,alugee. dt
o 1 T OLA0BL;t N,
i;,s 4 Principals,
Art Studio
Ileadquartere for First-class
Life Size Portraits, Crayons
and Watercolors finished in
A 1 style.
Family Groups a specialty.
Call and see samples.
313 r a tri.rt 41005.
A.L WOCt01.
Russell Bell is again ill with a third
ullaok of appendioltie.
We congratulate A. M. Little on en0oee•
tally pausing hie third year exam. at
Qneen'e University.
Willie 'Simpson, son of Alex. Bimp
eon, gravel road, ie very ill with a severe
ettaok of erysipelas in the face. It fol-
lowed as a remit of overheating.
By special request Ibe Commit decided
to publish the ex0ot Judgment of Hie
Honor Judge Barron in connection with
ebe emit of Baillie ve. Hamilton. There
have been so many oontftutiug reports re-
garding it that it wee thought advieabie
to publish the Judgment in fa I.
Gov riot.
Stanley McLaughlin lett for Look.
now where be has secured a good alma -
0, L. Eddy, principal of our school, has
resigned, owing to having secured a more
lucrative position.
A rape worse is ander ooaree of non•
etruoliom in Victoria Park for the benefit
of Ihoee having drivers to train and oxer•
A number of the tesohere and offloere
of Bt. Stephen's 8. 8. attended the Son
day 1301001 convention in Wiogham on
Wednesday of last week.
Joe. McFarlane was in Listowel on
Monday evening o! last week where he
played football with Listowel in the
Intermediate aeries of the W. F. A.
against Milverton.
Those who have taken other iaxativee
without satisfaction and those who hove
taken sub quaatitiee of otber laxatives
that they have loot their effect, will find
a pleasant surprise in LAX ETS, There
is ostially no pain, griping, massa or
discomfort even in severe 09808 This
candy bowel laxative. LAX ETS le
only 5o and sold by F. R Smith.
tr odoricla.
Eleven boat houses have been eteclid
08 the East dud of rue breakwater.
Colin CampbeI rai•ed over 700
chickens this Spring from his inonbstor.
Aeeeeeor Campbell reports the eon u
popuatioe ae 4416 end the ineceaee iu
assessment as about 8200,000.
James Btraohan, of the Biµ tette stuff,
woe operated on for appendieitie during
the pant week, and ie making good pro•
green towarde complete recovery.
Mesdames (Nev.) Jam. -8 Hamilton,
(Or )'ray•orand Wm. Warnock and Miss
SI array left u0 Wedu,•sday of last weok
for Winnipeg, where they will attend the
annual meeting of the Women's Mission.
ary dootety of the Preebyteriane
Ohurab of Cattails.
J.mea hlituhell, President of the
Children's Aid Society, was in Beafortb
•1° Moudoy of iaet week in ouuneotion
witba ease there, and also to adviee the
formation of a Moat branch of th0 Society
there, by desire of Supt. Kelso, of the
Provincial Department,
The contractors 080 making fair pm•
Kress at the station end "f the liue, 0 P.
R. but uutil the overhead bridge at Her.
bor 11111 is in poeitiou and joined to the
new road, no vary great advance eau
be made. Of course the 540,000 depot
eau he pr°oeeded with, auti it to txpeotrd
the 00ntraot for ire erection may be let
any day.
But never the lase you teal pretty
"seedy." Beat preeeription is Dr.
Hamilton's Pills they tone up the entire
system, strengthen 1110 etomaob, elevate
your epirite and make you feel better in
ou0 day. It's by cleaning the body of
w00800, by purifying and enriching the
blood that Dr, Hamiltun'a P1119 0000m•
plieh eo mach. Very mild, exceedingly
prompt, and guaranteed in every case.
Your druggist Belle Dr. Hamitto0's Pills
of Mandrake and Butternut in yellow
boxes, 25o. eaob, or five for 51,00. Gat
the genuine.
.lily tea.
J. G. Emigh has purchased two lobe on
Dineley street from John Henry.
D. D. Crittenden io having clement
sidewalk bails amend hie resideuee.
The Ladies' Aid ninety of 8t. An-
drew's church will give their mutual
cin the chinch lawn on Jane
John O. Brown, who hag been attend•
ing the Detroit college of medioine, is
upending hie vaoation a1 bie home at
here. He passed with highest honors
in hie first year's exams.
A meeting wag held in Afilnent hall
tor the purpose of organizing the Blyth
lawn bowling blob. Following ofltoere
were eleoted :- Hou. President, D.
B. MoKi00on ; preolde0t, Dr, W. J.
Milne ; vt0e•ptestden0, Reeve Sloan ;
secretary, A. W. Robm0on ; treasurer,
James MoMarohie ; ground committee,
Dr. Milne, Dr. Long, Roeve,lsloan ; dab•
eoription committee, D, B. Mailmen
and Dr. Long.
George B. Philips, a former well
known reoiden0 of our village, died
Suddenly on Wedneeday May tad at hie
hoot° its Detroit. He was born ors
July 170 1867, at St. John's, Newfound -
laud, hie father being a soldier to the
63rd regiment at the time of deoeaeed's
birth, bat afterwards was granted hie
honorable diaobargo and moved to
$daobv1110 whore be resided for eome
time, owning to Blyth in 1874, De-
etwied remained a Neatens of Blyth until
1899, h12vtne, been olerlt in our poet oflloo.
Atter 20aving here he traVelled ooaeldor-
ably is the United Btatee, finally sowing
In Detroit, where he died, The funeral
took place 1?rfdev, being oonduotod
by the A. F. & A.. 11 , ot wbiob he wan a
W, R, Smith, of Wingham, a brake.
man on the L, 11, & 13. freight train, mot
with a serious ac0ident let Blyth elation.
Be was in the sot of souping two Dare
when he got ought, loping three Angora
and having his band and arm badly
bruised, A Dr, woe °ailed and droned
the wonndo, but i0 moat probable the
arm will hue to be amputated. He was
tukeu down on the train to Clinton
boepital. The injured mars 10 a otep•son
of Oondnotor Ireland, who woe formerly
OD lb[a ra0.
Often limes in the sudden illne09 of
children •it u reliable remedy is available
fatal ooneequenues oan be avoided. For
these emergeooiee patents are urged to
have at bund ready for immediate pee
Dr, Sboop's Diphtheria Cure,Dr. Sbuop's
Group Dore, Dr. Shoop'° Worm Dare,
and Dr. Shoop's Pain Panacea. Child.
ren'0 oilmente demand promptness above
all else, There i0 nothing harsh or that
oan poelibly harm in any ot these exoel•
lent household medioiues. Bold by Ie. R.
fro rdwlcll.
Fordwioh cheese factory oommenoed
operations on Monday, May 14213.
Rev. A. B. Dobson and Mr. Castell at-
tended the Presbyterian Synod in Toron•
Two robes and two whips have reoent-
ly disappeared from riga tied in trout of
buainees p10000.
Mise Mary Castell lett for Manitoba
where she will make het home with her
brother for eome time.
The busivaes men of Fordwioh have
decided to clow their business places on
Victoria Day, May 24th.
Recently while John Goll was working
in Mr. Diokott'o sugar bush he tripped on
a limb, tailing on bra elbow and breaking
a bone.
While fixing a sulky plow Allen Mo-
Dermitt, 2nd con., woe otrnok on the
cheek by the opting which gave him a
amity blow, aultiug hie cheek and blank.
tug his eye.
Walkey Bros. have 'saraband a nom•
plate outfit for manufacturing cheese
boxes from a Mr. Guyer, of Port
Elgin. Frank Clelland and Thos. Mo.
Kee brought the outfit down on three
wagons drawn by tr0012012 engine. They
nude the round trip in nue week.
Jae. Downey wan esppointed to attend
the District unsung w11ieb will be held
in Brussels on May 28th, ae the repro
tentative of Fordwioh Methodist ahuroh.
Mr Downey aleo expecte to attend the
London Conference which will meet in
Windsor on May 3101. The membership
on the circuit was friend to be 266, an in.
oreaee or 9 over the previoae year.
During rho storm on Wodneoday night
May Ind, lightning etraels the foundation
of Alex. MaL0ngblin's barn, making a
hole is the stoue work opposite the horse
citable and epltntering mumu of the Melte.
Mr. MoLaughlin bearing the noise went
out t0 0x1203100 and found the horeec
ebivering to the atolls, but fortunately
none of them were hart.
Milton Leonard, seamier for the town.
ship of Howiok, handed it hie Roll and
the ae00eem00t shows that the townehip
of Howlett ie amend at 52,880,688.70,
made up ae follows :-Value of real
property, 52,849,488.70 ; briefness same.
moot, 822,090 ; ieoome ABSORB 811130t, 511•
160. Doge in Fordwioh 29 ; doge in
Gerrie, 34. In addition to this anew
ment the value of property exempt from
taxation le 582,190,00.
Can't even sleep-reetleeo day and
night -brooding over imagined trouble
all the time. The disease isn't in tho
brain, but in tho blood whittle ie thin and
innntritio0e. Do the right thing now
and you'll be cured goiokly. Just take
Ferrozone;ittnrne everything you eat
into nourishment, consequently blood
oout0ioi032 rote of iron and oxygen is
formed. Ferrozone mabee fleeb, muscle
and nerve-strenotbenein a week, oared
very quickly. You'll live longer, feel
brighter, be free from melancholy if you
ase Ferrozone. Fifty conte bays a box
of this good tonin (fifty ahocolale coated
tablets in every boa) at alt dealers,
t 1l futon.
W. H. watts bee rented the old Poet
Office, and will open o boot and oboe
shop, giving special attention to repair
The Exeontive committee of the
Horticultural Society has deoided to
bold a flower show, the date of wbich
will Le deoided later.
Richard Oonitee, at one time a reel•
dent here bat for several years en inmate
of London Aaylam, died there. Hia
wife and three obildren e0rvive him and
are now residents of Toronto,
At a largely attended and eatbaaiaetio
meeting in the Town Hall the Clinton
Lacrosse Club was organized for the
ee09on with these officer; :-Hon. Pres.
Dr. Shaw ; Hon. Vine Pres., Dr. Gunn ;
President, E. Oonbelon ; Vice Pres., J.
Ireland ; Manager and Capt., 0. Mo -
Kinnon ;Treas., 0. E. Dowding ; Soo.,
H, Bartliff ; Com., B. Kar, 0. Shepherd,
W. Galbraith. The team will play in
the intermediate aeries this year and is
grumped with Beafortb, 8t. Mary's,
Loudon, Mitobell, Goderiob, Wingbam
and Kinoardioe.
Partionlare ooncernig this year's seem -
meld ;-
Total valve of real property, 8603,983 ;
Property liable for eohool taxes, 58.500 ;
Business Aaeeaemeat 872,745 ; Tsxeble
When a Man Leaves
Off His Overcoat -
he feels the need of a New Sack Suit.
There are many little points of difference that dis-
tinguish this year's style from the one in vogue last
It is by comparing the 20th eentury Brand of
Men's Fine Tailored Garments with the ordinary kind of
Ready-to-wear Clothing that you see just how much these
"little points of difference" mean. If you aim to be well
dressed they mean •mueh to you
If you realize their importance you will be quick to
appreciate the new Single-breasted Suits we are offering
this Spring at from $IO to $20.
We also have acomplete line of New Spring Hats
and Shirts just opened.
unford & Son
Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers.
Income, 8,050 ; Population, 2436 ; No. of
doge, 111 ; No. of bitohoa, 17 ; Total
0ae00am"nt, 5744,480. The aeueeOmeDt ik
$15058 more than it was last year ; the
909911 tion 19 nearly 400 more. while
there is a twat of fifty mom doge than
lee* year.
If you prefer to take medieioe le tablet
form you eau now obtain Dr. Bhoop's
Restorative Tablets, Absolutely no
change hue been made in the medloloal
ingredients. Bold by F. R. Smith,
Mor rets.
TUN 8TA0UMNO pada.-The Drayton
Advooate aired Oho following 1t0000Dt of
the Montgomery stabbing aftait wbiob
took plane al Moorefield recently :-
Police Magistrate W. W. Scott bald a
Dour* on Monday, se a result of wbiob,
eombined with a oertifloa►e from Dra.
069sidy, of Moorefield, and Stewart, of
Palmereton, Wesley Walsh has been nook
to the Hamilton asylum. Constable
Kyle took him to Guelph OD Monday
evening to wait until the paper, have
been all properly made out. That has
now been completed and ail win hope
that 14e treatmeut and care given in this
institute will be the means ot restoring
him to bis wonted condition. On Il,a.
Banday he seem° to have been Isboriug
under a very depressed condition ot mind
and made an osaamit, through mistakes
idenity, on our esteemed leacher, R.
Montgomery who is now suffering from a
wound inflicted by a knife. Fortunately
Mr. Montgomery was able 10 overpower
him and prevent further injury, which
0o doubt would have taken plane other,
wise. However, the nutornnate boy soon
000led down and seemed quite repentant
for what be had done. His trouble i° no
doubt the reenl0 of over study. He scour.
ed o teacher's oertitioole when tonanally
young and entered the profession for a
tew years, but he seemed too mach devot-
ed to books to put into praolioo the
knowledge he had gained, whioh would
0098 done biro good service. He tram An
Ineeeant reader and actually clever, bat
hie inordinate craving overpowered hie
other faoulties. It ie 0 great pity, for hie
proepeote were unusually bright. Under
the oireumetencee, it is a fortunate thing
that we have inatitntiona in the °pantry,
where nob can be sent and placed under
oir00m0tau0ea the most favorable to the
oonditione. Mmob eympathy has been
and will be extended to the widowed
mother and the other members of the
family in their trouble.
Yae, and your strength too, atop sough.
ing and get rid o! that catarrh. The
one remedy, is "Oatartbozone" which go
to the diseased Hearne along with• the
air yon breatbe I it can't fail to reaoh
the Bonne of the trouble, We bound to
kill the garma, and as for healing up the
sore places nothing can Bulimia Catarrh.
ozone. It yon dont get instant relief and
ulkimate oars you wi.l get book your
money for Catarrhozoneie guaranteed to
Dare catarrh in any part ot the system.
You ran no risk-Iberefore use Oatarrb•
ozone -at our expense.
1L, t er eo w el.
S, Durrant h,.e given op hie position
a0 night w010hmau, and Adam Stewart
has taken hie p2008.
At a meeting of citizens held in the
hal, 11 1009 deoided to go on with the
Old Soya' Reunion. July slat, and Aug.
let, 2ud and 3rd. are the dame ohoeeh.
The rector o0 behalf of the choir of
Chug Unroll preee81ed Charlie Smart
with 1t handsome Bible urs the eve of hie
departure for hie new home in Berlin.
John Livingeton, who hart been no
Lined to his house for the peat mouth
with a epraiued ankle, ie almost recover•
ad and expeota to be down to his store in
a day or two,
W. Livingston, B. A., eon of Mrs. J.
L,vutgoloue, Main Street, 'paned 1120
final law examinations last week at
Osgood) Hal', taking honors throughout.
hie will praoti08 in Winnipeg,
The annivereary services 11, connection
with Ohriet ohurob will be held Ort
Sammy, May 20th. Rev. Walsh, M. A
of Brampton, will be the special preeoher
0nd the choir w,i1 be asoteted by the town
Dr. J. L. Turnbull, who gold hie
emetics in Goderioh it short time ago,
with the intention ot going to a Ween•
cru city, has °banged hie mind and
deoided to to remain in Ontario, and hag
located in Listowel. Dr, Turnbull,
besides having the experience gained
from a large praotioe for several years,
has had au extensive poet graduate
uoaree iu the largest Soepitale of Europe
and America. He bite spent two years
,n Europe, one in Edinburgh and Lou
POO, and nuc year iu Berlin, Germany,
and V1011115, during nbelatter year liking
up Specially diseases ot women, obildren
and abdominal surgery. Besides nhie he
bee ;pent some mouths at different times
in the Hospitals of Chicago, New York
and John Hopkins' Hospital, Baltimore.
Dr. Turnbull baa taken an oMoe tem•
porarily to the McDonald blook, up stake
opposite the Arlington hotel, while hie
new °fifwe, next to Morplly & Oarthew'e
law obits ie being fitted rip.
There was nearly an all day minion at
the Division Court held here on Wed.
timidity of last week, a enrol important
paean and the usual number of petty one°
being op for bearing. A case of mach
2nteree11, and for which a jury empanels•
ed, was that of Mrs. Bitton of Iowa
against a farmer in Grey for the re9030ry
of a sum of money, 840 being the amount
which elm had Met on the street, and
which the defendant was thought to have
found. Two witnesses were on band to
prove they had seen him atop on Wallace
etreet and pick immeshing up, which
they believed was hare. Bitton'e money.
Notifying a constable, the party was
followed to the station, and upon being
queetioned, be denied baying fosnd any
money. He bad several hundred dollars
upon his person at the time, but 000001i.
ed tot it by statibg that he wee on hie
way to pay off a mortgage. In apart
defendant swore that he did not find or
pink up any money, and although there
were some disorepenoie9 in the evidence,
the jory 0000lnded there WM to 0100
against him and rendered a radios
Often 0082808 a good deal of trouble.
The beet our6 to a prompt application
6f Nervlline wbioh instantly °tope the
pain, prevents swelling, removes all
blackness and discoloration. Nerviline
le antiseptio-prevonte blood poieoning.
No liniment eo strong, an pellet) feting, so
mitt 8.0 deetrmy plan. Yon Mies a lot of
comfort by not using 'olton'e Nerviline, ,
4. ,01101PbM,'4Jti. t'leiliV'bob'Ib"b
Carpets, .fats, ] Iattings, Linoleums
Cil Cloths and Rugs
Our stock in the above lines is now complete and
ready for your inspection and comprises all the new ideas
in Colors, Styles and Patterns and for variety to select
from is greater than all the stocks in town put together.
3 -Ply Wool Carpets ; 2 -Ply Wool Carpets ; Velvet Carpets ; Brno
sets Carpets ; 2t -Ply Wool Carpete ; 2 -Ply Union Carpets ;
Tapestry, Wool, Union and Hemp Stair Carpets.
Linoleums 2 and 4 yards wide and a great assortment to select
Floor Oil Cloths in the following widths -1, 1, 4- and 2 yards and
a lot of patterns to choose from.
In Velvets, Wools, Unions and Tapestrys from 2} yards by 3 yards
to 3i yards by 4 yards, at prices that are right.
Carpet Lining in plain felt and padded, also Stair Plates and Pads.
A. Word, About Shades
We are experts in the Window Shade business. If you want shades
for your house let us give you an estimate of the cost.
We use Hartshorn Rollers and will replace any one that does not
give satisfaction.
Leatherdale & Son
For nearly fifty years it has been the
-t0ndard family liniment of Canada.
The steamer Galatia Bonk at Halley-
bory dock.
Feet gasoline launches are to be pleoed
to look atter fish poachers.
J, H. Malabart hae been appointed
Librarian of the London Pnblio Library.
A tramp arreoled at Napanee with
8780 in hie possession was fined 550 and
The Coroner's jury at Oshawa found
that Kidney Mille' death wait doe to
aatoral minium.
Joseph Gravel, ewitohmsn on the
Greed Trnuk, was run down by an engine
at Point St. Charles and killed.
The contract for double traokiag the C.
P R between Montreal and Smith's Fall's
lute been let, and the work bee mom•
Several hundred carpenters and joiners
went on strike 0t Hamilton because the
employers would hot sign an agreement
coveting the season.
Hon. James Dunemuir has been ap
pointed Lieutenant Governor of British
Columbia, and Sir Daniel MoMillan wee
appointed for a second term in Mani-
At Woodstock auctioneer Kenward, of
East Oxford, was fund guilty on three
°bargee of forgery, and was mutanted to
three years and six months in Kingston
One ot the largest nuggets of silver
ever taken out of a mine in Cobalt was
taken on* of the Larose mine on There.
day at the 215 feet level. The nugget
weighed 400 pounds.
Mies Mary Vollmer, lately of Galt, was
found in oonvuleione on the street in
Detroit, and died in a short time. It is
thought ehe woe frightened to death.
Whenever your bowels skip a day
without a movement -take a LAX•ET.
Wherever your breath is bad, your
skin waxy or sallow, your tongue coaled,
your breath foal, take a LAX•ET, only
6o. Bold by F. R. Smith.
@tasfi 12:4* sa4 t
Bank of Hamilton
IlCaplial, Paid up, 52,500,900
Re0erve Fund. $0.500,000
Total Assets, $29,000,000
President, - - HON, W111. GI850N
Vine President & General Manager,
Savings Departmont-Ample security
for Depositors.
Deposits of 81.00 a nd upwards received.
Interest allowed at Durrant rates and
compounded half yearly.
ADVANCES made to Farmers for
feeding stook.
Sale Notes collocated and advances
made thereon.
Drafts bought and sold,
W. N. MoSAY, SnB-AOa8T.
s=iiSztrzaftgersa illSkertitelocsalier
�'••��Spring and Summer --041111111e.-'
OUR Fine New and Fashionable Spring stock is to
band and ready to adorn the Ladies of Brussels
and vicinity.
As we will not hold a formal Opening we invite the
Ladies to call and see our goods any time.
A choice stock of Fanny Goods in the line of Em-
broidery Silks, Table Centres, Doylies, Sofa Cushion Tops
and Frills, Point Lace Patterns, Braids, Threads, Rings,
&e., has been added to my business and Ladies are asked
to see them.
I thank the public for the past year's patronage and
will be pleased to share in this season's business.
Mrs. Mcginlav