HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-17, Page 4(Citi Tint(( s
THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1906,
Ott* of the naw towuobipe 10 be survey
ed in the North is to he palled MaN tdden,
after Barrister Moses McFadden, of
Baulk Ste, Marie, and a former resident
of thio locality, Whoever l000tes in
McFadden township should do well.
Ekon Hum; Liberate will meet in the
Town Ball, Brueeele, on Tuesday, May
29th, for the aunual eleotloo of ofiioere,
reooiving the yearly report and Moues.
iog the politioal situation. Meeting will
open at 1.80 o'olook. The executive ie
asked to meet at 1 p. al.
Tan Sultan ot Turkey hae been
playing the bad,boy with Great Britain
in the Tabaeb boundary question. If
hie Salianahipiwante to be well spanked
he will only have to keep an at it and
then he will likely have reason to eat
his meals etanding tip for a time. He
will think hie name should be spelled
Crow instead of Turkey.
Tan Toronto Newe takes it upon itself
to state that the heartland price of drioke
ie really a temperance plank in the
botelkeepere' platform ae it ie redaoing
the number of drunks. It this holds
good it may be a fine thing for some of
the topers who have a long thirst
but a short parse. Looks a trifle like a
epeniee of Probibition.
Tam Ontario Legielatnre finished the
work of the eeosion and the !eg)ela.
tore have hied them to their respective
cooetitaenoiee to enjoy a reel atter the
laborious toil. While many bills were
put through Ibe House it le safe to fay
not it few of them will prove a dead
weight to the Government when reckon.
iog day arrives. They wont always have
an overwhelming majority at their batik.
Imlay legislature are waking up to
the fact that the Emerald Isle ie a
heavy sufferer by the oonetant emigra-
tion to Canada of many of the youth of
that land and want a etop put to it if
poaeible. Itis probable the edvantagee
to be derived in the Weetern world
will weigh full 16 mimeo to the pound
when it oomee to contrasting them with
the more hampered situation over the
sea. The many good things in Canada
are not the only reasons for people
pooping their grip in Ireland.
Tnm Pose is pleased to notice that T.
W. Gibson, formerly a well known reel.
dent of Wroxeter, baa been promoted
from being Direotor of the Bureau of
Mines to that of Deputy Minieter of
Minee. He will fill the position with
great credit and honor to himself and
the department, we have not the slightest
doubt. Under his capable management
in the pael good results have amend
and now that proopeoting and mining
are in the air greater progress anoald
follow. We wieb Mr. Gibson a comfort.
able occupancy of the office.
SMo ime oars for ladies (7) are one of
the latest fade on Old Oonutry trains.
At Ode rate it will not be long before
the oonntituent elements in true woman.
hood will have to be sough) for in vain
in many quarters. Some argue that
a woman ehoald have a right to sou•
duct herself along the' risme line
as o man. This may be right in eo
far ae the action would be ennobling
and elevating but to piek ap all the
bad practices and habits of the sterner
rex would than remove woman from
the noble sphere the le called upon to
ficl among the Anglo Saxon race.
Mieeioaariee are being sent to
India and other nountriee to in.
epife the downtrodden women with
larger conceptions of whet ie their
righle under the Gospel dispensation
but the example of the tobacao and
anuff user, and drinkers of apirituoae
liquors will never supply an objeot lepton
that will lift up the degenerate. There
meet be none etrengitl in the tobacco
used by Ihoee Old Country dames
when a railway corporation will go
to the expense of fitting Out oars epeo-
ially for their nee,
Emmons obangee were made in the
License Law in the past inaction of the
Lsgialature, the chief of which we give.
Alt licensed hotels are being oondnated
ander the new lieenee not. The pro.
visions make Ibe fines heavier for in -
!motions of the law. Penalliee under
the apt are : First offenna a floe of not
less than 050 and not more than 0100 ;
formerly the minimum fine was 020.
Second offenoe 0100 fine and not more
than 0200: third offence. 0200 and not
more than 0400. Atteution le called to
the aeing of false label's on liquor bottles.
Bottles in case goode mast not be refilled
and the inepeobor i0 empowered to teat all
liquors. Violation of thle Medea of the
not renders the guilty portion liable to a
flee of front 020 to 0100, Where the
botclkeeper ie notified not to give liquor
to a certain preen ender the not, and
disregards the notioe be renders himself
liable to a floe of 050, and the person
giving pooh notice may rooter for por.
eonal wrongs not low than 020 nor
more than 8500. Hereafter hotel bare
Wei be gleaned riot later titan 7 end .0
o'olook on Saturday nights end not au
Seudaye. Hotel men have need the
preteuee of claiming the bur for violations
on Smithy, and must leave the bar
windows without eoreen or covering of
any net, Barteudere' licenses are to be
lathed forthwith, and bartendere are
to appear for the lioeuae without delay.
Each lioene° mete 62.
Diatoms are being picked ap at the
atone quarry at St. Mary's, it its said.
We leave heard of some happy bride.
grooms in that looality who stated they
had secured jewels but did not mention
the partioalor variety. It begins to look
as if anything the hamen family needs
be it neaeeeity or luxury, le to be found
in tills Canada of ours. With the
pos8eesion of 0e many good tbinge as we
have eorne 000utriee would be disposed
to blow the bell off the horn in their
determiu0tion to toot it out in the ear of
the world. Canada should Rep its w)nge
and give an occasional crow with goad
reason too.
Non-Jary Sittings For 1The County
of Huron.
The .noo.jory Spring sitting of the
High Court of Jewess opened on Mon
day, before Justice Clete, with a docket
of Ave 00888
Pigott vs. the Imperial Cement Co.
An notion to recover for the value of
bement bags returned, wae by ooneeut
of conoael poetpuned till the next sit•
ting of the High Court for this coun-
ty, ooete of the poetponeme0t to be
floats in the oauee. J. L. Killoran for
plaintiff, Wm. Proadfoot, K. 0.,' for
Armstrong ve. Inglis, et al, an a0-
tiou cm a deed of laud, was settled by
eminent of counsel, Hie Lordship di-
recting judgment in a000rdanoe with
consent minutes signed by oouneel,
declaring the defendant the owner iu
fee simple of the land in snit. Wm.
Proadfoot, K. 0., for plaintiff ; R. Von -
atone for deleudont.
Duncan vs. Gentles, an a011o0 for
dowry, A. W. Holmeeted, of Toronto,
for plaintiff; Wm. Proadfoot, K. 0.,
for detentions. His Lordship directed
that judgment in a000rdanoe with ooh
tient minutes signed by counsel, declaring
the defendant the owner in fee eimpie of
the lands in snit. Wm, Proadfoot, K. U.
for plaintiff ; R. Vanetoue tor defendant,
Duuoen vs. Ganger, au a0tion for
dowry, A. W. Holmstead, of Toronto, for
plaintiff ; Wm. Prondfoot, K. 0., for de
fendent. Hte Ltrdehtp directed that
judgment be entered for plaintiff for
dower out of the lands in the proceedings
mentioned, with costa of motion. Defend
ant to have the right to elect within 30
days to pay the amount provided in the
agreement dated the 11th of March,
1902, wi,h arrears thereunder and
costa of aolion. In snob case
the same to be a lien upon the laud.
The usual form of judgment to fesoe,
and to be settled it the parties cannot
agree. Reference to Master at Goderiob
to aesigu dower it uecee0ary. Coats of
reference to be spoken to before order
Orawtord ve. Tilden, et al, woe an
action by a rub 0outraotor against a
eub•oontraotor, fur work done by the
plaintiff, who reeidee i0 Weet Wawa.
nosh, the work performed being in the
neighborhuod of Auburn. The action
ueoeeeearily brought Pigott & Uo. and
the Goderiob and Guelph Railroad Co.
in as defeudaute. The leading argn
meat of the defendants was that the
lien could not be claimed under the
Dominion R. R. Aat. Hie Lordabip
directed that it be referred to the Lo.
cal Master at Goderioh to enquire and
report the amount owing to the plain•
tiff and other lien bolder* by the de.
fendanle (if any), or auy of them, purr
sumo( to the Meohauios' Lien Aol, and
to enquire and te00rtain the state al
the aeoount between defendants, or
any of them, and between defeodante
and plaintiff, or toy other lien huldets, in
so far an may be ne0e0eary to ae0ertain
the reepeclive rights of the parttee.
Further direoliooe and costs reserved.
Prooeodinge stayed for 30 deye. E. L.
Dickinson for plaintiff, Col. Macdonald,
K. 0., for G. and G. Railroad 0o., Wm.
Prondfuot, RAJ., and G. F. Blair, fur
M. A, Pigott & Go.
Nagle vs. Cullie, an action for the
pr100 of the 0a0etmotion Of a grauolituio
pier or dam at the village of Auburn.
The dispute is as to the mapper in which
the work was done, the plaintiff °aiming
that it was properly fiuiehed ocoording to
the plane and ooutraot, and the defence
that it was imperfectly fiuiehed and
that some of the material woe not up to
required standard, The cage )toted the
greater part of the day, and when the
court adjourned at 0 p. m., there wore
over 20 witueesee still to examioa. Der.
tug the evening the parties to the snit
discussed their differences, and just
when the Judge was about retiring they
coiled on him, and then all returned to
the Court Hoose and settled the snit in
consent terms. J. L. Killoran for plaint.
ff ; W. Proudtoot, K. 0., and G. F. Blair
for defendant.
Ad110 ADDS TO 110 I'OI'efLAIITY,
Nifty years ago Putuam'e Ooru Ex-
tractor was introduced. Its Bala Han
been enormous. The reaeoo in that
"Putnam's" ie the only painless and sure
cure for porus, worts and buaionr.
Doubtleee you have proved this your-
Bishop Dowling dedicated St, Ann'e
Church at Hamilton.
The new 0. P. It, .t8amer Empress of
Britain arrived at Quebec.
Oharlos Baker, a carpenter, was etrook
by a train at Homliton and killed.
The old Mohawk chetah near Dee-
eronto was struck by ligbbning and
The new Methodiet church at Crown
Point wee dedineted by Rev. J. H. liobin•
The corner atone of St. Andrew's
'hatch was laid at Hamilton by Lieut.
Gov, W. Mortimer Clark,
Lard Btrabheona nod Mount Royal hoe
donated 025,000 to the Alexandria floe
pial for Contegloue Mimosa at Montreal.
Au attempt to ran Sunday eine between
Port Arthur end !tort William was
stopped by the Fort William authorities.
Misses Habkirk
Wish to announce that they
will not have any Special
Wish announce that
will any Special
Millinery Display this sea-
son. Our. Spring stock has
arrived and is ready for your
inspection any time.
With many Thanks for past
favors and hoping for a con-
tinuance of the same, we
shall be pleased to show you
the latest in Spring Millin-
ery for 1906
Wabaeb expreee No. 18 etrook a boggy
containing Mre. Gaddy, her young eon
and daughter, at Courtland, iuetantly
killing the two former.
Perth County.
Teachers' Aeeoaiation iu Stratford, on
May 18 and 10,
The tax rate in Mitchell for 1906 is 21
mills on the dollar.
A Stratford moo beat a carpet, hie
board bill and a policeman all in one
Mitchell barber shops have bad a die
pute end will no longer close at eight
Court St. Mary's No, 491, C. 0. F.,
held their annual parade 10 Bt. Jensen
church on Saoday.
J. A Becker, tete of Mitchell, has
started a general mercantile butineee in
Pilot Mound, Manitoba.
Rev. Mr. Veale, of Kirkton, who hae
been aoufined to hie bed for five week'
with pneumonia, is gradnally gaining.
A fourteen year•old eon of Thomas
Henderson, St. Mary's, bad the' mietor.
Looe to fall and break hie Dollar bone.
The ohurah and Sunday sobool are
getting tip doe of the beet programa for
the 20th end 24th ever held In Wood-
Stratford 10000008 boys are after
"Teddy" May, of Mitchell, to take a trip
to Chicago with them about the end of
the month.
At a meebiug held at St. Marys, wae
decided to form a boys' baseball league,
sliver trophies being offered by Dr. Coop.
land for competition. They are silver
trophies preeented by Dr. P. T. Oonp•
laud on Monday, May 7th, 1906, for
competition amongst the boys teams,
Senior and Junior, in the different
wards in the town ot St. Marys.
Mre, Bell, of Saskatoon, with her
eldest eon, Kenner, arrived in Milabell,
on a visit so her parents, Rev. J. and
Mee. Banner, after looming Ewart in the
Biok Obildreo's Hoepital, Toronto. He
is wholly paralyzed and belpleee from
the waist down, but we are glad to learn
that the doctors and nurse are hopeful in
relation to his ogee.
A meeting of the Stratford Presbytery
was held at Stratford on Tuesday of tart
week. Rev. Robs. Martin preeented a
call from Shakespeare to Rev. J. W.
McNamara, of Hamilton Presbytery,
The pall was enutained. The resignation
of Rev. Mr. Penton of 8t. Andrewe was
aoaepted. He preached hie farewell
sermon on Sunday.
It hae been known for Home lime that
A. F. MoLaren, M. P., for North Perth,
hae not been enjoying good health. He
met the Conservative Executive in
Listowel, and proffered to resign, as be
intends exiling on the 19th inst., for
Carlsbad, Germany, where he will spend
some mouths in quest o1 health. .He
will be a000mpamsd by his wife, eon and
Dr. MoArtbur, of Ottawa. The Este
active declined to aaoepthis resignation,
but thawed, gave him, by a Blanding vote,
leave of abeenoe and wished bine boo
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Gout, Neuralgia.
A11 Caused by Rheumatic Poison in
the Blood -Core Guaranteed -Re.
lief Swift and Sure From
There is a new lite ahead for every
enfferer from rheumatic poioon who hae
nob yet need Dr. Hanilton'e Pills ; their
prompt three are the marvel of the
mediexl profeeeione of many tedious.
The unspeakable aneaieh of rheums
tic torture need no longer be suffered -
nee Dr. Hamilton's Pills and permanent
ogre ie metered. In 00 many ahoueande
of oases have Dr, Hamilton's Pille been
evooeeefal, the maonfaolnrero arewilling
to guarantee a laetiug ours to all tbal use
No one pan doubt the effiouoy of Dr.
Hamilton's Pille after reading the ex.
perienoe of Mies Minnie Sanndere, of
Halifax, who Bayo t-
"Seoree of different remedial
tailed to relieve me. I Buffered
inoeeeantly from neuralgia and
sciatica. Sometimes the pain
was unbearable. A !mend re-
commended Dr. Hamilton'.,
Pills. In a few days I was re•
Bayed. I oonbinned the treat.
meet, using in all five boxes,
and was cured. I have not felt
the slightest pain or eche dime,
and ooneider my oure absolutely
Why delay any longer ? Get Dr.
Hamilton's Pille at un0e. They will
restore your health in a short time.
Prioe 25a. per box, or five boxes for 01, at
all dealer°, or by mail from N. 0. Polson
& Co., Hartford, Conn., U. 9, A., and
Kingston, Ont.
Notice I
The Court of Revision on the Aeseeement
Rall for the Township of Morris for the
year 1900. will be bald at the Township Hall,
Morrie, on the 28th day of May, Inst., com-
mencing at 10 o'olook a. in, Alt parties
baying boafness at said court will please
take notice and apt accordingly.
W. CLARK, Clerk.
Clerk's Office, May 10,1000, Beltirave P.O.
Notice 1
The Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll for the Township of Grey, for the year
1900, will be held at the Towneiiip Hall,
Ethel. on the 28th day of May. Inst., com-
mencing at 11 o'clock a, m. All parties hav-
ing busmeee at said Court will please take
notice and apt accordinglyy.
HClerk's affiee, M y 10, 00000.INEthel P.O.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered eeotioo of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba, 8aeketeifewan and
Alberta,_excepting_ 8 and 28, not re0erved,
may be homeetoaded by auy person who ie
the Bolo head of a Tamil y, or any mete over
78 yearn of age, to the extent of nae-gnarter
e e0ti00 of 180 acres morn or levo.
Entry may be•made personally at the
local laud% r e far the district in which
the laud is altuate.
The homesteader is required to perform
the uouditione oou0eoted therewith under
one of the fallowing pious :
(1) At leaet six months' residence upon
and oultivation of the laud in each year for
three yearn,
(2) If the father (or mother, if the father
is deceased) of the homesteader resides
upon a farm in the vicitdty of the land
entered for the requirements ae to resi-
dence may be satisfied by such person re-
siding with the father or mother.
(3) If the settler hail his permanent resi-
donee uponfarming laud owned by him
In the vicinity of his homestead, the re-
q uirements as to realde000 may be India.
bled by reeideoae upon the cam land,
biz mouths' nnliar iu writing should by
given to the Commie,ioaer of Dominion
Lands at Ottawaof iuteutiou . to applyfor
Deputy of the Minister of Interior.
N. B, Unauthorized publioatioo of this ad-
vertisement will not be pard for.
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the farming community
that they are now heady to do
all kinds of -Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. All
work will be promptly and care-
fully attended to.
Manitoba and Ontario Flour,
Bran, :shorts, &e., always in stock
and Sold at Market Prices.
Thuefl Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building
re 5'
rs H
a yyyr
Popular Stallions.
The following 01111 140 the retake or the
stories named for Season of MB t
SYLVESTER T. (No 32799)
Sired by Allte Wilkes by Red Wilhite by
Geo. Wilkes, Dam Lady Anglin by
Wilkes Boy by Geo, Wilkes ; 2n5 Dam
Rosa May ; 3rd Dam Lilly Gay. Syl
vaster J. le a dark nay horee with blank
pointe and good feet, stands 16 haode
high and weighs about 1200 lbs., baa good
notion and a equate trotter. This bores
was formerly owned by Mier S. L
Wilkes, Galt, Ont., and hie oolts are some
of the m el promietug .t the farm. Terme
01500 to maitre. Will make a Menu
every Thureday night at Central Hotel,
Brueeele, daring the eeaeon.
R, WALLACE, Owner, Goreie, Out.
Scotland's Hope
No. (13180) Vol, 28
GEO. MULDOON, - Proprietor
Thie Imported Clydesdale florae
will make the amnion of 1906 at
Terme-015,00 45-4
HENRY BONE, Prop. and Manager.
MONDAY -Will leave hie own stable,
Lot 20, 2rd line, Morrie, and go North to
Joseph Charohill'e, Centre eideroad, for
doe hour ; then to Arthur Shaw's, 1st
line, Morrie, for noon • then to Edward
Jaoklin'e, god Oon. Grey, for night.
TUESDAY -To Chae. Forreei'e, god
line, Mould, for noon ; then to his own
stable for night. WEDNESDAY -To
Stratton's Hotel. Beigrave, for 000u ;
then to Alex. McNeil's, 5th line, Morrie,
for night. THURSDAY - To Thos.
Bielby'e, 8th line, Morrie, for noon) to
Emigh'e Hotel, Walton, for an hour,
then to John MoGavin'e, Lead
bury line, MoKillop, for night. FRI.
DAY -To Alex. Buobm nan'e, 17th Con.
Grey, for noon ; then to Longa Hotel,
Cranbrook, for night. SATURDAY -
To Oentral Hotel, Brueeele, until 4
o'clock ; then to his own stable where he
will remain until the following Monday,
THO3. VODDEN, Manager.
MONDAY -Will leave hie own stable
Lot 21, Oou. 5, Grey, and go to Jae,
Pe.rr'o Lot 1, Con. 6, Grey for noon ; to
the Queen's Hotel, Brueeele for an boar
then to Oho. Pouard'e, 2i miles South
for night. TUESDAY -T. Teaeditie
Whitfield's, Let 23. Con. 13, Grey, for
noon ; then so Henry Boesberg, Lot
7. Gen, 16, Elmo for night. WEDNES.
DAY -To Peter Longewey'e, Koauiom.,
Logan, for noon ; then West and North
to Peter Oameron'e, boundary Louise
and Elmo, for night, THURSDAY -
to Aagae MoCnaig's Boundary Mo
Killop, near Welton, for uooit ; then to
Geo. Jaokeon's Sob line, Morrie, for
night. FRIDAY -To Frank Me.
Oateheou'e, 6th lice for noon ; then to
Long's Hotel, Oranbrook for night,
SATURDAY -To Chao. Kerr's, 8th
don. Gray for noon ; to Lougeway'e
Hotel, Ethel for two hours, then to his
own stable.
R. MoDONALD, Prop. and Meleager.
MONDAY -Leaves hie own stable,
Lot 17, Ocie. 9, Gray, and go to Thoe.
Learmont'e, Lot 9, Oen. '11, Grey, for
000u) then to Oliver Barrie', Lot 12,
sou 15 for night. TUESDAY -To John
Mo1'aggarl's Lot 24, Oon. 15, Grey for
noon ; then to John Rolhorford's Lot 4,
Oon, 13, Dime, for night. WEDNES.
DAY -To Chas. Love's Lot 27, Coo,
11, Gray, for noon ; then to hie own
stable for night. THURSDAY -To
,Wm. Lowe's, L,al 14, Con. 3, Grey-, for
IMOD ; then to Jas. Parr',, Lot 1, Con.
6, for night FRIDAY -To Won. Oook'e,
Lot 19, 5th IDie, Morrie, for 000u ; then
to Frtuk Mc0otoheon's Lm 23, 601
Line Morris, for night. SATURDAY -
to Central Holal, Brueeele, for noon ;
then to hie own stable where be will
remain until the following Monday.
MONDAY -Will leave hie own stable,
Lot 30, Con. 12, MoKillop, and proceed
to R. Dodds', Lot 22, Con. 5, MoKillop,
for noon ; then to Dtok'e Hotel, Beaforth,
for night. TUESDAY -By way of the
2nd Con., Tnokeremilb, to Thos. Owe -
man's, for neon ; thou North to Thomas
Dale's by way of Alma, for night.
WEDNESDAY -North to Henry Tay,
lore Lat 8, 0041. 11, Hullelt, for noon ;
then to his own stable far night,
THURSDAY -Will go East to B.
Forbeo', Oon. 14, MoKillop, for noon ;
then North to Oliver Turnbull's, 16th
Oon. Grey, for Hight. F1IIDAY-Weer,
then Merit' to D. Shines' tor noon ; than
to Ibe Amerioan Hotel, Brseeels, for
night. SATURDAY -Booth to James
Bolger's, Oon. 8, Morrie, for noon ; then
a,, hie own stable for night, where he
will remain until the following Monday
W. J. COOPER, Proprietor.
MONDAY APRIL 80th -Loaves hie
own stable, Let 80, Oon. 10, Grey, and
prateeds by way of 10th Oon. Grey, to
E ma, to Jno Vuilanoo'e for noon ;
B"uah ata Mitchell gravel road ab
Senor'° lintel, Monition, for eight.
TUESDAY -Heat and South 1c Jno.
lRonan'n for noon ; Weal by way of 12th
Con. of Logan, to Wm, MoPhermmn's,
12.h Pon. Logan, for night. WEDNES.,
DAY -North and Weet to Marshall
Barrteuo'a, Lot. 82, (Jon. 16, Grey, for
noon ; Iben along the 10th Con. to
Oranbrook, to J. Long's Hotel, for night.
THURSDAY -By way of the 10011
Con. of Grey to the Amerioon •Elotel,
13rheeeie, for noon ; (ben North to Time,
Monwao'0, Jameelown, lot night,
NRIDAY-E,s1 via Grey and Tureberry
bohudary to George MoDohald'e, Lot
17, Con, 1, Grey, for noon ; then to
Beehnvor'o Hotel,, Moleetrortil, tOr night
The Bost Values we have ever shown in
at 25c, 85c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50,
$1 75 and $2.00 per pair and up.
These numbers are all extra good value at the
pried and it will be to your advantage to gee them
before purchasing.
We are also showing a good range of Art Mos.
line at 6o, 8o, 10o, 120 and 14o. Plain and Spot
Curtain Not, Frilled Curtain Muslin, &o.
Oarpete iu Union and All Wool at 80o, 40o, 50o
and 750.
Tapestry Carpets at 45a, 500, 66a and 75o,
Floor Oils and Linoleume in good palterne and
at Popular Priced,
House-cleaning will lot you know what is wanted.
Make out a list and come to us.
No Fancy Prices Everything Cheap
SATURDAY -Via Moleoworth eideroad —��/t fT{
to Om. 4, Grey, for 00011 ; then to ,1.1 .L
Longeway'a Hotel, Ethel, for two hours ;
then to hie own elable where he will '
remain until the following Monday, a p r e w a 7A�s
Bulls for sale, eligible for registra-
tion. Apply to JAS. SPEIR, Let 30, Oon. 0,
Aaorrle. Brussels P.O. 28-tf
RnODa ISLAND Rune, handsome fowl
and groat layer.. Settings from pen one
51.60, pen two 3100 alter April 15th, A few
cooberels left yet for sale. bupply )invited,
WM. J. SHIELS, Etbel,P. 0., t)ut.
RMSTRONGIs prepared to give 1000o0e on Piano
or Beed Organ. Terme oo applloation.
Poetoffioo address -Brussels. Residence -
Lot 8, Oon.10, Grey, Pupil° may have their
leeeone at their, own homes i1 preferred,
Sale on which la large brlok hanee,.
etaoie, drilled well, dieters, fruit garden,
dro.,61 acres of land on lobo and James et.,
Brueeele. Terme reasonable. Apply to
JOHN MOFADDEN on premises ur F, 8,
SOUTT, brussels.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
The uadereiguod offers her 100 sure
farm, being Lot 20, 00u. 7, (trey, for sale u,
to rent. Com lortable house, bank barn,
orchard, wells, &a. Farm is only of a mile
from the elir•lug village of Ethel. Fur tar
cher particulars apply to F. S. 800tt, 135.51B.tele, or MRS. RAPE ROLLAND, 73 Shute,
Sadat, Toronto. 117.330
undersigned olfore bis house and lot,
ettuate ou M111 street, Brussels, for sale
1t to well looated,a convenient and oomtor.
table home. Poseeselon can be given at
onto. Will also sell the vacant lot, corner
of Mill and Elizabeth streets, which wOula
make a ane building site. For further par-
ticulare a6 to pride. terms, &o., apply to
FRED, ADAMS, Herd ware Dealer, Ford-
wich. g0-4
undersigned will keep for service on
his premises, North Rowiok Boundary, au
English Berkshire hog, Terms, 01.00, with
privilege of returning if neueeeary.
44•tt Proprietor.
underetgaod will keep for service ou
Lot 21, Con. 12,Orey, the pure bred. Aber-
deen Augua bull, 'Lord Thomas e," sired
by "Gudutfob Chief," the onampion bull of
Canada. Pedigree may be seen on applica-
tion. Terme 32.00 with privilege of rattan.
i0g if neaaeerry. J. Al. KNIGHP,
33-tf Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for aervioo on
Lot 21, Con. 12, Gray, the Improved Berk.
shire Boar,"Fairview Goldande-," No. 15495.
Pedigree may be neon on application.
Terme-$1.50, or 31.25 eaab for two er more;
Berkshire ewes 33,00, All who are enteron•
ed iu raising the Ideal Bacon Hog and the
hog that will make the most money euould
roe One hog before using any other.
11711 J. P. McIN'TUSH, Oranbrook P, 0.
House, Sign and Carriage Paint-
ers. Ornamental and Scene
Work and Paper Hang-
ing a Specialty,
Quotations Furnished
on Application
Turnberry St.:, Brussels
Farmers or Stor.dkoepers
by eorinllg, to the
Brussels Salt \oilks
can get any kind of Salt
they regllir(•.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, Brussels.)
Oranges Lemons
Spanish Onions
Dates Figs Fish
and Oysters
Iligh Grade 5e. Cigars
High Grade Chocolates
The Home of Good Old
Cheese and 27c. Tea
To Liverpool
Triple Screw Steamere-
Turbine Engines -No Vibration
The Finest and Fastest
From Montreal
Tunisian May 17 Juno 14 July 12
Viotoriau May 24 June 21 July 19
touiau May 31 June 28 July 20
Virginian June 7 July 5 Ang. 2
Rates of r,teanae
First Chute -370 and upwards, according
to etelam0r. Socoud Oleos -04160 and up,
according to steamer. Third Clam- $27 50
and 5528.75.
For further particulars, rates and tickets
apply to
�Y. u. 10180011,
Agent Allan Lino, Rruonele.
Toronto nag and
Metal Co'y
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Hides, &c., Etc.
Highest Prides for All
Mill st. West, Brussels
Cation 1N
Winnipeg - 132,00 Stressing • #81:48
811111111 - 33,60 Saskatoon • 17.25
Brandon • 31,66 Prime Albert 31.00
Meoeomle • 84.20 Ila Battleford 35.01
Arcola • 34.00 Maolood 41.11
Estsvan Calgary • 40.65
Yorktonj ' 36.111
Red Doer • 41.60
Regina • 36.76 Itettlor 42.11
Moore Jaw • 33.10 Edmonton"
June 8th, good 10 return until Augud StII.
June lath, " i' August 10th...
July 314d, " " Sept. 1rd.
July 17th, " " Sept, 17th.
For rattle to other polnta and complete In.
formation apply to iteatoeteanadian Pacific
.Agent, or Write to C. B. FoergR, Dletrlot
Pasoetiger Agotst, 71 Yonge St,. Totoato,