HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-17, Page 1TI) aeireaweeteetwatetteePeetweesseetirma Vol. 34. No. 46 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1906 W. H.KERR, Prop New Advertisements. Local -Alf, Beaker. Sylvester J. -R. Wallets. Notice -Village or Brussels, Shingles -Walton Saw Mill. Chain found -John Mooney, Sporting gooda-F. R. Smith. Ladies' fine shoes -I. 0. Richards, Seasonable Goods -G. N. McLaren. Notice to debtors -A. B. Maodonald. Mistri.CI Cetas. I.,eadbnry. 13. 0. sgwGo s. -Just reaeiyed a oar. load of British Columbia shingles, X XX cull XXXX at the Walton Sawmill. Wroxntot-. Peter Smith retuned to Hamilton on Monday. Mre. W. Rutherford spent Friday In Wingham. Robert Blaok was in Ayr last week at- tending the funeral of au neon. Herman Morrison, of Mount Forest, spent Sunday ab We home here. Robert Miller, of Toronto Junotion, spent two days of lash weak in the vii. lege. The 48th Highlandere, of Toronto, have been engaged for the let of July Celebration bere. Reeve Barrie lett on Tuesday on a buaiueee trip to the Northwest. He will visit Calgary and Edmonton before re• turning, John Bretheour is hewing his honee, on Sanderson threat bricked. John Adams, wbo hae the aoitraot, oommeuoed work this week. Rev. L. Perrin preached in Viotoria Hall, Jamestown, ou Sunday, In hie absence there was no evening service in the Preabyteriaa ohuroh here. Belgraves . D. Sproat was at Seaforhh on Wed. needay. Tboe. Blank left net Saturday for en extended trip throngb New Ontario. Chas. Jobneton received a donble•deok oar of sheep and Jambe from Sandridge. Mre. (Rev.) Jonee baa gone to Chatham where she will visit her parents tor few weeks. Rev. A. H. Brown and wife, of Varna, Will visit with Wm. and Mre. Wray, of thie village, tbie weak. Confirmation titmice was aoudnoted in the English abnrob on Tuesday, by Bishop Williams, of London. John Scandrett bag a very niers veran• dais erected at the front of hie dwel.ing wbioh adds very mnob to its appearance. Saturday net was a regular stook ebippiug day, the farmers being in with cattle from every direction. Daring the last week over 400 bead have changed hands. There is some talk of a °bartered Bank opening ap in Belgrave, ea the village ie surrounded by a good country and ie a great shipping point. A Bank should do a good buaioeee here. Dr. MoAeh, who lett Clinton net Aug. net for London, England, has eacceeded in taking hie degreee of M. R. 0.13. and L, B. 0. P. Be is still In London and is taking a further name in the Delver. ONCE AGAIN The Buff Orpington Heade tholist in the Egg Laying Contest, London, England, The Model Farm Report ,aye: -"They aro tbo beet winter layer,, ales grand -Utility Breed," My pens are Standard Bred from Prize Whining Stook and aro in better shape to sup ply eggs for hatching than over before. Eggs, fit1.0O Per Set JOHN WRIGHT The Orpington Man, Brneeele, 40.0 city College and is engaged as Clinical Aseletaut in So Ho hospital, Rev. A. E. Jones, of Belgrave oirauit, received an invitation to become Rotor of Auburn oironit for the next 0onferenee year, and has accepted,aobjeot to ep• proval of the Stationing Committee. The reverend gentleman has done fine work here and is ono of the tieing young man in the Conference, Cir it,nice ofele. Bayfield et Brneeeie on Friday, May 25th. Janne Creme, of Penueylvanla, who bee resided there for the paet 27 years, has come to live with hie Dna here. He ,s a brother to the late J. M. McIntosh, 181b eon. Mr. Orerar formerly lived at Paisley, Ontario. He talks ot taking a pleasure trip to Winnipeg, Edmontou and other pointe. anthracite town. Bayfield at Brneeele on Friday, May 25th. Eider John Strachan was at Kinner. dine this week attending Maitland Pres- bytery as the repreeentabivefrom Melville ahurob. Ed, Bryaoe, of Winnipeg Medical Oollega, i5 visiting at the parental home here. He hae enjoyed hie stay in the West and will return in the coarse of a few weeks. Ex.Reeve Turnbull and hie sinter, MCS. Hogarth, of Brown ()ley, Michigan, who is visiting here, are away to Kincardine this week to see Wm, Turnbull, a brother, who bas not been enjoying very ragged health of late. We hope the fine weather will conduce to hie toning up. tI„ oderion. Chief of Police Gundry, of Goderiob, and travelling eompaoion were pat to some inoonvienoe, and the chief bow not to know all that is to be known about law by the loosi thief and the magiatrate on Tuesday at Blenheim. An auto came through town from Windeor, and on complaint being made the ohief 'phoned Ridgetowo, in• formation having being given that the auto did not have a number, to hold the partiee. Shortly atter a meeeage Dame book asking if they ehonld br retorued or held, when the ohief and magistrate got batty and tried the case ever the 'phone. It was claimed by the twain that they were ignorant of the law, re numbers, and ae they were not driving the ante at more than legal egeed, they were allowed to proceed atter paying all nate. Wine:haan. H. and Mrs. Ball will spend a month with their sone in Toronto. A. Daimage is acting Clerk for Town Clerk Ferguson duriug his illnese, Dr. Maedoaald and wife leave for Liv erpool by the Allan line, sailing on the 31st inst. At a meeting of bbe Wingham High School Board Abner Ooeens wee sleeted Treasurer. The briok work of the large addition to the 'Gain Factory is rising to the top of the first story. J. J. and Mrs. Mitobell attended the funeral of a relative in 'airborne township on Wednesday. Wingham Oounoil No. 114. R. T. of T., will hold a pia -nit on the 24th of May on the Lower Town Park. The brink work of the fourth story of the Upholstering factory has beenfiuiohed and the roofing le being done. Oitineoe' Band elected the following ofiioere :-President, R, Barrett ; Vice. Pres., Ed. Forler ; Seoretary, Arthur Pekin ; Treasurer, Harry Hinoliffo property oommittee Meagre. Goeet cud Corrie ; Leader, Jae. Dtmoan ; Band Sergeant, A. Hingeton. Mre. Jno. Monk, of town, reoeived a telephone menage on Tuesday evening stating that two of her nephews had been killed at a baro raising that altar noon. Their names were Danoan and Donald McDonald, sons of Hugh and Mrs. MODonald, of St. Helens. Duncan cradles' fine Shoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate workman- ship. Made to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy comfort, very dutable. When you discard them you want another " just like the Last ones." theleastpleasingpart of Then our prices are (he buying. Here are a few:- -Nies, fresh, new Spring designs, from $1,25 to $8.25. -Will be pleased to have you pall and examine goods and compare prices whether you buy or not. --Special prices on Single Harness for 80 days also a nice stook of Dusters, Lap Rugs and Rubber Rugs. -Trunks and Satchels. I. 0a RICHA.RDS Harness Department was married and had a small family, the other wee siugle. W. F. Van$toue has bought the batter. milk from the large creamery at Exeter and in a few daye will have 600 boge feeding there, Mr. Vanobone hoe the milk from Tara creamery sin and has 200 hogs there. Ltladl. Bayfield at Brueaele on Friday, May 26th. I. M. Henry received it oar of Manitoba wheat On Monday. The Spinsters' club has reorganized for the Sommer, Partiomare later. Mies Hazel Goatee, who has been on the amok list, is able to be around again. Meters, Bolo -flier & Bemeworbb are baey at their cement abutment contract. Townebip Conned end Court of Re• vision will be held here on Monday, 28th inst. S. S. Oole is tubing up the aliment wulle on the new McDonald store these days. G. Mitchell appears to be doing a raeb• ing bosioeee iu ice mem on Saturday eveuiige, The Women's Missionary Society held a meeting at Aare. Jno. MoDonald's Tuesday evening. Next Sabbath evening a ohoir of child• ran will lead the service of praise iu the Methodist church here. Mies Patterson, of Brantford, daughter of Hon. Mr. Patterson, ie vieitiug her nide, J. M. Devise, here. Wes. Heath has put in a new bard. wood floor into bis shop and is making other improvements to the building, Hemsworth & Eakmier .nave finished the Bremner abutments and are going to Dublin tbie week where they have the 000truot of building two bridges. At the Official Board meeting of the Methodist ohuroh, Ethel oirauit, Jen. MODonald woe eleote81 representative to the Distriet meeting to be held at Brae- iele ou Wedneeday of next week. Lawrence Dobson is now a great grand- father a baby eon arriving last Friday at the home of Anderson .Stevenson, of St, Thomas. Mrs. Steven• ion was formerly Miss Myrtle Dobson, and well known here, We extend oongratulatioue. BEEF Rnee.-Laeb Monday the Beef Riug resumed business for this 060800. There are 40 membere, oonetituting 20 shares. Officers are Inspector, 0. Eokmier ; See,•Treae„ duo. Molntosb. The botobering is looked alter by S. 11 eineohroth. A large number of farmers in this looaiity will grow eagae beete this year for the Berlin Sugar Factory. They pay all right if everybody dose as well as Christian Eokmier did net year, He had 1} aorta of arop and cleared $114. This year he will aow 3 aores. An exoelleot program ie prepared for the mount Sabbath School Conven• .ion to be held iu the Methodist ohurob here on Thursday afteruoou and even- ing of next week. Mario of a choice obara06er will also be presented. Lunch will be eerved and win be followed by a lout boil match before evening seniors opens. Everbudy will be welcome. BAD DROWNING ACCIDENT. -A eod drowuing took plane here on Tneeday afternoon when a fine young man, David Keiller, of the 17th on of Elma, lost hie life while bathing in the river near the saw mill. He and five other young men including a brother, name here for a doge fishing and about three o'olook concluded to have a bath. The deceased being no swimmer waded in and immediately walked into a deep hole about eight or ten feet deep and at once sank. All that hie companion saw of him was his haude coming up out of the weber once. Tbey at Daae ran for aeoistanoe and willing hands were thou at work dragging for the body, which was found in about 2i Inure alter. Word was at one sent to elealorth for a Comeau who ordered the body taken to the hotel where it lay till F, G. Burrows M. D., Oorornor for the County arrived about twelve 0 01001 when he and Dr. Ferguson of tbie plane examined the remains and after hearing the evidence of the other companions, deoided that an inquest was uuneoeseary. R. M. Ballan• type, of Atwood, took charge o! the body and took it to the parental home from whence the funeral took plane. Woolton. Bayfield ab Brunets on Friday, May 25th. Mr. McKay, of Berlin, bee joined Ibe bank staff. A number from St, George's obarob were in the Ooufirmation class at Bree- Beta this week, B. 0. Sisteee e, -Jost reoeived a oar• load of British Columbia shingles, X XX and XXXX at the Walton eaw milt, Lent Friday • evening M're. (Rev.) Baker sang ata oboroh 008080tat Blyth and we have no doubt gave eminent satisfaction as she always dose. Rev. A. MacNab, M. A., attended Maitland Praebytery at Kincardine thie week, He ie the painstaking Clerk and looke alter hie work in firet.olaee style. Saturday or this week Mree Lizzie Mo Niobol will leave for Edmonton, where she will spend the Summer mouths. While We are terry to lose Mies Ma, Nichol we wish her a pleaeant etay in the Weal. B00onoTsoN or Cotbonmeara-John W. MOCrieon, Walton, Ont. DRAB Blaj At the regular meeting of the Dtreotore of the Howiok Mutual Fire Indicants Company, held April 28111, 1906, the following regolntion wag unanimously passed :- "To the family of Mathew Morrison Late of Walton, Ontario. Re- solved that this the first meeting Of the Board held eine the death of Mathew Morrison who bah aoted an agent of the Oompany since the year 1882 we dada to place on record else emote with *blob we received the notide of hie death • and to apron' the eeteem and regard in which he was held by the Board, All the members beat, their willing todtimony to the efficient service rendered by him to the Company daring the long period in which he MIA oouneesed with it. Signed Oil behalf of the Board, Joists R. Mrtd,Eu, President. W.13. Mn1Ehonen, Seeretahy," Mra, Wm. Neal left bhbe week on a visit to F, 0. Nea1's at Peterboro. Rev. Mr, Baker and George Barrows attended the Distriol meeting et Blytb this week, DIED IN WaeniNaTON TERRITORY. -^O0 May 4th, Prod„ only eon of Augne and leabella MoLeod, formerly of Walton, Oat., died at Bellingham, Washington Territory, in his 21st year. He bad been ill for the path year. Deceased le a graudeon of D. MoDougall, of Oranbrooki formerly ot this looelity, The bereaved will be deeply sympathised with. We are sorry to learn that Annie Helen, eldest daughter of Bev. Wm. Ottewell, of Otterville, formerly Metho. diet minister, at Waltoo, died on Wed nesday May Ind. and wee buried on Friday. She was a fine young lady of about 20 yoare of age. We did not learn the cause of her demise. The bereaved family will be accorded sincere sympathy from old friends here. OnoToanY,-There died In Walton on Wednesday of lash week, George Mo. Kim, ao old end well known reeideot of this village. Mr. McKim, bad been in delicate health for the past three years, so that his end was not nnexpeo0. ed. He wan in hie 63rd year. Hie boy. hood was spent in Brookville but the latter part of hie lite he had resided in Moltiliop previous to hie coming to Walton 11 yeure ago. He leaves a wife and eight children all of wbom are liv- ing :-Mrs. H, Dodd, o! Johanoeebarg, Mich. ; Mre. Thos. McDonald, Griswold, Man, ; Mre. Thos. Williamson, Bradwar. dine, Man.; Joaepb, of Otsego Lake, Mich. ; John, of Grayling, Mian, George, of Fuirgrove, Mtob.; Frank and Jewel, at home. All with the exception of John were at home for the last week of their fatber'e lite, and oontribnted 0o his obeegsiae a beautital wreath of lilies of the valley, Easter lilies and oars• nations with the word "Father" Inorib• ed. Mr. and Mre. Crawford, of Wiuni• peg, also sent a spray, The interment in Brneeele oemetery oa Friday was largely attended, testifying to the lenge measure of esteem in which the deoeaeed had been bold by a large circle of friends. • Gr urs. Bayfield playa at Braseele on Victoria Park on May 25th. Don't forget the date. John A. McNair has diapaeed of hie Sarnia separator to McPherson Bros. of MoKillop, and leaves neat week for Waterloo for his new threshing outfit. The comfortable residents of Teesdale Whitfield, 13th eon., bas been improved by a new drees of paint. He certainly t° a tasty farmer and bas things in good shape. Samuel Holmes, of Gray, is able to get about again having been laid up from a stroke of paralyeie, about Biz months ago. Hie friends were pleased to Bee him out again. Mre. John Livingston, 10th eon., while home oleaniug tell from a obair and broke her right wriet. She is doing as well as could be expected. Her daughter Mre. Patrick, is hers from Tbameeville. The traeteee of S. 8. No. 2, Grey, have re-engaged their teacher, Mies R. Mo. Nair, for another year at a Salary of $440. They have done wieely in aeouriag ber services se she is thorough and ap•to- date in her work. Provincial Land Surveyor S. R. 0rerar formerly of the 9th eon., ie now at New Liekeard, where he will °pend the neat few months with a surveying party. THE POST hopes to have some noise from hie jonrneyiage later. A letter from Oakville, Manitoba, the home of H. J. MoNeil, says "We oan0ot do without THE Pon. The weather ie beantitnl and seeding eomple►ed." Mr, McNeil is a eon of L. McNeil, 14th con., and Mre. McNeil 1e a daagbter of . Mrs. T. Maunders, of Morrie. Geo. McTaggart had a bee thie week jacking up hie barn for the purpose of patting etoue etebling underneath it. It was the first frame barn erected in this part ot the township being constructed by the late Duncan McNair 46 years ago and is still in an ex081160t state of preservation, A firet•otaee bull calf has been perches. ed by Arch. McLean, 16th con., from Alex. Gardiner, the well known stock- man of Leadbnry, at a big prion. The animal wee got by Star Obief, imported, bis dam Mina 8th, ie1rom importedatook. It will be seen by &hie that Mr. MoLean hetiseonred a good ane whose pedigree shows a great family. Tuesday of this week ex•Connoillor James McDonald left for Saskatobewan Provinoe. He and hie sone have 820 aurae at Zealandia. It was secured last eeaaon when Mr. MoDonald was Went. We wish him a pleasant and prosperous aeae00'0 work. Mrs,, McDonald and members_ ot the family are remain- ing on the homestead here. Not all the homes on the 14th are attractive planes for young men *0 viait and we know of at least one where the Joe's and Bob's and others of the triter• uity who call around are a mighty ooarae article, It is :melees to envy people more fortunate than y0urselvea, as some of you have been "owre fang" on the shelf for Ibe young men to take maokie notice of you. The twelve year old eon of Mat, Stay. enema, 10th cone Elma, met with a ser. loge a0ordent bile ply in g football at U. S. S. No. 4, Elma and Grey. He wars running with the ball when an. other boy tripped him, and be fell heavily to the gronnd, breaking his leg above the ankle. It is more of the nature of a bad 'splinter than a Olean break, but it is painful enough. • CWT. -Tuesday May 8th, there passed away, at the home of his son, W. A. Miuee, Glentarrow, one of the sturdy pioiners of thin notion of noun• try, Wm. Minae, Dawned moved into Grey township forty years ago. He was born near Kiagetal, of Irish daunt, and was oonneoted with the Anglican ohuroh. In peptics, he was au ardent Conservative, 13e leaves two sons -John, of Saekatohewan, and ..W. A., of Tarnberry j also two daugle. tore -Mrs. Johnston, of the Northwest, and Mre, James Wray, of Telephony. He was a highly tweeted member of the community and had reached the age of 69. Interment was made in the cemetery neer Molesworth, beside hie wife who died some time ago. Rev. J. $. Oeberhout, of Wroxeter, was the offioiatiug minister. The friends bave the eympathy of the entire community, Itiorrrrr. Court of Revision and Township Council on Monday 28th inee, Bayfield playa at Broeaele on Victoria Park on May 26111, Don't forget the date. Some bad holes in the roads require filling ap with gravel, The petbmasters have their work out ons for them thie 800000. Alex, Darr, of the Brd on., Grey township, bee been engaged by Robt. McGuire, near Belgrave for the Summer months. A lot of ohoioe cattle have been turned int to pasture in Morris daring the past week. Many of them look tit tor ex• poreehien now. Nelson Maunders and James Kelly are away to the Weet thie week from Morrie township. They will farm In the great Seeketabewan Provisos and should do well. Mrs. John MoOall, 8111 line, has been dangerously i11. Firet mime typhoid fever, followed by pneumonia, but her many friends hope else will Boon be re. stored to good health. Mrs. J. R. Gardner and baby daagbter, of Woolsely, Manitoba, arrived here last Saturday on an extended visit. The lady is a daughter of Wm. Taylor, 9th line and ie a weloome visitor. She hats been in the Weet for the past two years. Mr. Gardner will give up farming and move into Woolsely where be is bailding a pew home. Thursday evening of last week Frank', MoCutobeon, 6th line, an old and well known resident, fell on the doorstep and broke one of hie legs at the thigh. He is well ap toward.80 years of age and had not been any too rugged of late but we hope he will goon be able to move about. Mr. MoOutoheou lives with his son, Oonnoiltor W. H. MoCoboheon. A SonnON AND Px Aero I.END.-A letter from the Mooney family at Weyburn, N, W. T., gives a few additional particulars of the demise of Mre. Henry Mooney on the 4th iait. She had not been in robust health for some time but no immediate denger was feared ,i! anything, she was thought to be improving. At midnight Thursday, she convened with her dangb. ters Ida and Minnie and appeared as well as usual, Some change Wee noticed at 2.80 a. ne. but she wee Bleeping. Mr. Mooney endeavored to rouse hie wife but she passed away to her reward about 4 o'olook without waking. Mre. Mooney bad suffered considerably during the Spring. Deoeaeed was 68 pen and 11 mouths old. The subjeob of this notice was a kind neighbor, an affectionate mother, a tree wife and undoubted Okriatian. She will be greatly missed in the home but the loee to the family is to her great gain in being freed from the ills of this life end the entranoe on the life im- mortal. She has many old friends here who will deeply sympathise with the bereaved. Fourth Division Court. Court wag held here on Thursday of last week before Judge Holt. There were only two cases beard. Hamill ve, MoNanghton, notion to oolleot commie. Bion. Verdict for plaintiff with coats. W. M. Sinoleir for plaintiff ; A. B. Mo. Donald for defendant. Clark ve. Baeker, This was a jury nee. The plaintiff, who now lives in Napanee, sued the defendant, W. L. Baeker on a promissory note amounting to 9225.00. The defendant claimed the note was materially altered, that $100 was added to the note atter he had signed it. The jury brought in a verdict for the defendant and the aotion was dismissed with nen .W. M. Binolair for plaintiff ; A. B. McDonald, for defendant. THE FIELD OF SPORT. The 471b King's Plate will be ran at the Woodbine, Toronto, on Saturday of thio Wash. Atwood and Milverton Joniore played a tie game in Atwood last weak. The score was 1-1. In the Juniors Milverton and Liebowel tied at the former town, each team adoring 2 goals. Wingham, Luoknow and Kinoardine have formed a Basebeli League and will play a double eohedale during the Sommer. A team picked from Beetroots Bowlers is expected to play the team from the British Bowlers in Woodetook on Aug. 27th, as reported by Saturday's daily papers. Atwood ' Jamiore defeated Listowel Janiorein Listowel on Monday evening of tbie week by a adore of 2-1. At half time soots was 2-0 but Listowel eeored 1 in the second half. Fred, Broadtoot, of Toronto, brother of (has. Broadfoot, of Brussels, ie a member of Varsity Laoroeee team and is likely to be a player in the gamer) Varsity plays in the United Staten start• ing May 24th agatual the American O g elle es. Soule Lamroeee team hae exempted the dates of July 2 and 4 for the pone with the Sbamrooks, of Montreal, for the Minto cup. A. Bethune, formerly of Seatortb, an old football and Intone player of the town, plays on the Souris teem, ohampions of Manitoba. In the W, F. A. Intermediate aeries the Intermediateteame played Friday even• ing last with the following teethe NOW Hamburg 0 -at London 3 Woodetook 0 -at Tavistook 1 Berlin 0 -at Guelph Scote 2 Preston 1 -at WRterlco 2,. The Durham intermediate football club Will Dome tato the W, F. A. So will Oollingwood. This makes, with Preston, three olabs entering the ear. lee Bina the anneal meeting, and oda junior club -Atwood, Three junior dlube have dropped -Walkerton, Sh. George and Hanover. The Registration Committee baa deoided that George Wagner, of Ber- lin, moat either go to Waterloo to live, or drop oat of the genres with Waterloo, The Oommittee bolde that Berlin players are cop -residents for Waterloo, and they have in Gaggle. burg sod Bricker as many non•rebi• dente as the roles allow them. The 00mmitlee has also made a de. ciafon in the Brady case, in which James Brady may play wtlh Preston as a aon•resident. He wee not sign- ed es a player lest year with Galt. The oommitteo states that any play. 8r who wee last year Bigced with any of the Galt olabe, or is signed this year, is ineligible to play in the As- eoofalioo, until Galt beoomes affili. aled. Brussels School /hoard, Regular meeting of the Brneeels Pnblio Sobool Board was held in Board room last Friday evening. Members all pre,. ent T. Farrow, W. M. Binolair, Jae, Elliott, D. 0. Rose, R. Leatherdale end J. G. Skene. Miuntee of last meeting read and adopted. Moved by W. M. Siaolair, eeoonded by D. 0. Rosa that the aeooant of R. Hen- derson for 37 tone of coal (3 $6.35, 9284.96, be paid. Carried. Board then adjourned. J. G. SxnNE, Secretary. People We Know. Mise Eva Gilpin is laid up with ton. officio. Jno. and Mrs. Garter are visiting rela- tives at Auburn. Mise Bessie Bone and John Ritchie Saudayed in Fordwiob, Samuel Carter took a bneinese trip to Owen Sound this week• Mee, Bowery, of 8t. Marys, is visiting her either, Aare. F. Sperling. Mies Martin, of Loran, ie visiting her either, Mite Holly O. Martin, teacher. Mrs. (Rev.) Baiter, of Illnevale, was visiting old triende in Bremen last week. Bonet Plum has been laid up with tousilttis but we hope he will soon be o. k. Robert Johnston end Geo. Hanna, of Wingham, were in town on Wednes- day. ednee- d Ohae. and Mrs. Ritchie and W. and Mrs. Gillespie spent last Sunday in Sea - forth. Eddie Lowry is home from Toronto and purposes a000mpauying his father to Winnipeg. George Howe and daugbter, Mies Georgia, of Wroxeter, were in town on Wednesday of this week. Wm. Haiet, of Atwood, was in town on Monday of this week owing to the 5801008 illness of his eon, Russell. Miss Lizzie Brown returned to Toronto on Tuesday morning to continue her coarse in Shaw's Baoineee College. Aaron Lindsay end daughters have removed to Windsor this week where they pupae making their home. We wish them prosperity. Mre. D. Ferguson and children, of Stratford, are the guests of Mrs. 3. Leckie, ae Kelvin Grove. Mr. Ferg- uson is off on a fishing exonreioa to Dor. get, Muskoka. Joe. Ament, of Millbank, wee renew- ing old friendships in town for a day or so. Time is tieing him well. Johnnie Ameat, his eco, is attending the Strat- ford Bosineee College. A. MoGavin, tailor, who has been in Decide 18 Habkirk's tailor shop for the past 10 mouths, hae gone to Wingham where he has taken a position in a shop there. We wish him nooses. This week Russell Maiet, son of W. E. Heist, of Atwood, has been seriously ill with an attach of appendicitis, at the home of his grandparents, Albert street, Brussels. We truth a speedy recovery may be hie. Tan Posc aoogretnlatee Earl Sheriff Ball, of Toronto, on saooesstally pees• ing his 8rd year In Dentistry. He is a eon of Dr. G. L. Ball, formerly of Brneeele, and wars born on Albert street in this town. Rev. W. E. Kerr, Mrs. Kerr and daaghtere, Margaret and Grace, of Olin• ton, were visiting relatives here for a short time this week. The former wee attending District meeting at Blyth and drove over from there. A note from Samuel Hoggard written at Winnipeg on the 8th inst., says they arrived safely at the Western metropolis at 9.80 on Monday, leaving Toronto on the 1.45 train on Batardey. It snowed a little all day Sunday but the weather wag fine. Winnipeg is booming in the estate and bailding linea. Jamee Turnbull and family removed to Chealey instead of Galt as formerly stated. Marlin Smith, father to Mre. Tgrnball, &leo accompanied them, He wee mong the oldeot residents. We wish the Turnbull family anooese and heartily reoommend them to the good people of that town, Leslie Turnbull will remain here for a. while. Several stores were robbed .al Brant. ford and an attempt was made to fire a pile of lumber in the Ooekshutt Plough Works. Hon, Dr. Resume will go to Detroit in a day or two to audergo a minor sorgioal ort, atl 0 oration but be Is otherwise p y p , well. Two young children named Dreamer wandered away from borne at Pea000k Settlement, N, B. were lost in the woods and are given up for dead. George Belhivean, who oommibbed 23 robberies, wee sentaneed at Montreal to 14 years in penitentiary. Alfred Dufour, receiver, was sentenced to 10 years. Two boys tithing near Alexandria found a Leman body in a Baok in the water. Appearanoesindicated tkandeath had taken place several months ago. The trip of the members of the Legis. Jethro and the prone which Hon, Prank Cochrane and Hon. Dr. Resume are planning to the end of the Steel on the Temiekaming and Northern Ontario Railway, hes been fixed for Iwo weeka hence, instead of a month later to snit thew membere of the lactase who have to attend military oampe in Jane. The special train will leave Union Station, Toronto, on the night of Monday, May 28, and will resold Toronto on the return trip on Friday morning, June 1. Perth County. A brick pavement is to be built on Brunewiok threat in Stratford. The Maxwell tfrm, Bt. Marys, bee de. olared Saturday afternoon a half tioliday for the employees. Stratford now bas 7,000 names of old boys and girls. Eight thousand favi. tabione will be given oat tor the big re. onion, to be held in Aagnst. Mr. Ritobin, Oberry street, Stratford, a0 employee of the G. T. R. eliops, while at work smoothing a bar of iron on an emery wheel, met with an unfortunate accident, which requited in his nose be. ing broken and several teeth knoakedout. The bar with wbieb he wars working was caught in the wheel and was hurled with great foroe against his face, Work is progreesiog rapidly on the 0. P. R. bridge over the river at itbonobrose all the girder's being now in plane. It is eaid to be the intention of the Company to inaugurate a daily eervioefrom Guelph to Elmira ae soon ae the lln3 i0 ready bebwoeo those two pointe. Among the eaoeossful candidates at the Toronto Dental College examinations were : First year - Alfred S. Mark, Stratford, and Edgar L. Thompeon, Mitchell. Second year -George Wilkin- son, Stratford. Third year - James Arthur Drummond, Mitchell. The suit of the bownsbip of Hibbert against Maser,. Saddler and Jordan has been settled. The township names half the liability, $17.50 and pays all Oeste. Mr. Saddler makes good the other half and Mr. Jordan pays nothing. The suit was in regard to 935 paid at a oounoll meeting bub of which train had been loot. The jury disagreed at the Divioion Court trial. Daring the electrical storm on Wedoee- day afternoon, of last week the barn and entente on the farm of Thomas Porter, jaet East of the junction, Blansbard, were oompletely destroyed, being etruek by lightning. A oow, two calves and a were loot,ch were in the building o a small quantity ofba , also and grain. Two ones were rescued with diffioaity from the burning bailding. Fortunately Mr. Porter's horses were not in the barn at the time. Thera was no insurance oo the injured property. Ca.lrtadian Tel ewia. D. W. Allison, ex•M. P for Lennox is dead. Joseph Morrison, Kingston, was killed by a fall. Thomas Walsh, laborer, of Exeter, banged himself in hie cellar. Fire in the Western Hardware Com- pany building at Regina caused a lose of $25,000. Rent Laooete, a teo•year-old boy, was ran over by a street oar at Montreal and killed. Patrick Lawler, of Toronto, was an- tenna to two years in Belleville for ,bop- breaking. Fred. Howard, bellboy at the Kerby Hoene, Brantford, has fallen heir to $12,000 in England. Rev. 7, B. Freeman, London, predicts the fall of the Whitney Government over its temperance legislation. Sir Riobard Cartwright has sold 300 aores of land immediately adjoining the city of Winnipeg for 9200,000. H. B. Appleton, of Braoebriege, has been appointed intormin liquidator of the Branebridge Furniture Company. In the wreck of a Wabash passenger train near Buffalo, the engineer was killed and six persona injured, including three from St. Thomas, Ont. The Temieoaming & Northern On. toric Railway Commission deoided to sell by enation fifty lots at Cobalt and 150 at Englehart, 136 miles North of Cobalt. The population of Winnipeg, according to the wiseacre' tiguree is now 104,000, wbioh ensures, a000rding to agreement, an ail -night service on the etreet railway tinea. Jaooves Demetraides, the Greek priest, who was extradited from England, has pleaded guilty to stealing money and church furnishings from the Greek colony at Montreal and will be sentenced on Monday next. The gaooeeofnl tenderers for the Win- nipeg to Superior Junction and Qaebeo to La Tagae sections of the Eastern division of the Transcontinental Railway have signed their contracts and planed their deposits with the oommisoionere. In the donree of a 'souffle for poeseeeton of a revolver at Winterbourne, Earl Snyder, the young eon of Reuben Snyder, was shot in the forehead by 15•year.0181 Edgar Bowman, eon of Leander Bowman. The injury may prove fatal, Twenty horses were horned to death by a fire that broke out Tneeday night in a stable at 33 Riohmond street Week Toronto, The stable was occupied by Percy A. Breakey and the Adams Furnibnre Company. Latter loot 15 and the former five horses their average vitae being $150 each. Tha stable was damaged to the extent of 91,000. ll 8th aaourred Tuesdaynight of e g Pater Ewan Toronto, foto deputy gone. . ernor of the jail. corn in 8cotlanllt in 1820, he wee ohief of police of the eauuty of Sutherland, Sootland, when he came to Canada. He was deputy governor of the jail from 1872 to 1904. He leaves two eons, P, F, and John, late of the Globe stuff ; and two daughters. A, L. Molwen, manager of St. Anthony Gold mining Company, accompanied by 01100185 Devaney, bag arrivodat Winnipeg from Sturgeon Lake with a geld briok valued at $10,000, whioh was deposited in the vaults of the Ontario Bank, The gold wag gent by express to the Phial,. detphie mint, Where it will be made into United States gold coin. The party on the any down had a narrow 05Oape for their rival on Bear Lake, Where a stereo earn up and nearly swamped their canoe, After an °totting time the party made the ebbre with their treasure.