The Brussels Post, 1906-5-10, Page 8----........_
Spring T3,112.0 I
Just now you
may need
Moth Balls
Lilac Flakes
(Moth Preventative)
Liquid Ammonia
Chloride of Lime
Carbolic Acid
You can depend on getting
them pure and strong at
Smith's Drug Store
and Eyestrain
Many who for years have
suffered intensely from
chronic Sick Headaches, us.
ing drugs which only gave
them temporary relief, have
found immediate and per.
manent remedy in properly
adjusted Glasses, because
Eyestrain was the cause.
By wearing Glasses the
cause of Headache is remov-
ed. We guarantee satisfac-
F. R. Smith
Traine leave Braseele Station, North
and South, 40 10110Wa
Mall 7:05 rt.ra Mixed SOO 8.41)
a.m Mai11.44 p.m
Express 3:02 p.m Expreqe ...... 8:61 p.m
A ahier s amang ye Wit' notee,
An' faith he'll print
SRAM, frost Wednesday night.
fintYmten pie is having its innings.
READ the looal news on page 5 of this
Tem en= for [speckled trout began on
Tuesday of last week and will contioue
until Sept. 14th.
SPRING 80684011 ot the non jury Bitting
of the High °clan of Jnetioe opened on
Monday afternoon at Goderice.
The key of the look on the gate at the
dump ground may be hod et All. Bather's
store. People who tail to unload the
1081111811 8,8 the proper plaoe wffl have the
job of removing it. Already tin Beason
this has bad to be done.
DR. BUTLER, the London Speoialist,
will be at the American Hotel, Bran.
eels, on Thuredey of next week, 17141
inst. He will be in town all day. The
annommement of bis0010405 ia a local
on page 5 is eorreoted by the above
A. WHITE fox terrier female oanine was
loot in Brunets on Monday eftertmon
of dna week. be had one brown ear
and auewered to the name of Tiuy.
The owner, George Dixoo, who lives on
East a- Lot 26, Coo. 4, Grey township,
will be glad to hear of the amines
whereaboate. Hie poettteece is Ethel.
Two Homeseeken Bluestone to the
Northwest will be ran in Jane, the 5th
and 198h reepeotively, good to return
in two months, and two more in July
for same period. Rates and other par -
Montan may be read on page 4 of thie
iseue. 20881088461 28,00088 ia the 0. P.
R. 858111 88 Brunets who will give need-
ful information. •
A POW snow flakes on Monday set tbe
people talking, but Wednesday emended
the motion with consider.= vehemence,
the snow flurries being anompanied by
48 etiff Northwest gale whioh rather set at
naught the balmy Spring weather ex-
peoted. Wo really think Rev. Mr. Hicks
obould not oarry the joke so far. It
would be bad enough if an ordinary
layman were at the bottom of it bat for
it preacher, its dreadful.
Roe, of Bruning, miroband the 5 acres.
with hone and bare, South of town froiae
Samuel Beeped, paying the sum oe
616110 for the eame. Ole moved to 84 41418
week. The place 'should mit Mr. Roe to
a nicety as he ie acquainted with agri-
enthral life and will be able to pat 41 10
first -eine than, Mr. Roe dieposed at
hie nage and lot on Tornberry imam to
Robert Thrtell, for 5900. The purchaser
took possession this week.
Ae the Met meeting of the Directors
of Howiok Mutual 'acumen (Jo. over
90 applioations were paned. Workmen
are now Inlay at the foundation of the
UM 05100 to be built for the Om at
Wrouter. The basement will be clement
end the superatruotare briok. It is
eupposed to be ready by Anguet next
and will prove a greet onveniene to
Searetery•Treasarer Mellen:her in
affording him modern Moilitiee in oaring
for the many books, doonmente and
papers committed to bis charge.
REV. DR. ROSS bloenteteom-The Bt.
Catberinee Deily Star -Journal of the 3rd,
einem ae follows to Rev, Dr. Rose, form-
erly of Brussels :-The election of
the Be,. Dr. John Rose of Port Dal•
bonne, to be Moderator of the
Presbyterian Synod of Hamilton
and London is a popular one. Papers
in the West where he ie well known
vent very highly of him. A leading
Presbyterian said to the Brantford
Expositor before the eleotion :-"The
moderator ie neatly chosen from
'the brethren' ; that is from the
younger old men. Very likely it
it willgo this year to Dr. John Roes,
late of Brunets, but now of Port
Dalhousie, In hie student dant at To-
mato be was a 'rare avis,' later be.
came a great preaoher, and now a
very Wong man. But one regrets
that np in Huron it ie not in 18811011
to have either the golf Hake for Bum.
mer 'blue Mondays,' or the roaring'
game id the rinks for Winter. Thas it
has almost oost the ohureh the phy-
Meal breakdown of this most StICOnnitil
taunter. Bat we know inhere np there
Who could eujoy the luxury of eileepc-
and other things -if they could get over
the idea that it was unminiaterial to
run atter a ball or 'fling a =nee "
We, in oommon with the iney
Mende be haft made sinoe coming 10-
00 this district, !congratulate Dr.
Rose on the honor oonferred on him
by hie bretbren. We hope that hie
year of often Will be ft year of profit
to the Presbytery over which he pre.
aides as well as to himeelf. That he
will find in the herilthy neighborhood
of Poin Dalbormie, brand by Min
fresh bree6eo of Lake Ontario, ell the
enupereting Medioine he nen, ,W0
Etre quite ente.
FOURTH DIVISION Oollrt was held ie
Braaten on Thursday at this week be,
fore Judge Holt.
Ote Tuesday evening of this week a
number of young people from tow.
attend an miserably in Wingbam given
by the young meu of that town.
Wenn was received by Jae. Sharpe
that hie Inotheremle.w Met hie life in the
roma eartbquake at Oakland, °antenna.
They also suffered the loos of their
earthly poesessious, partioulare
are not to heed yet.
THE interior of the Orange Hall has
uudergoue a very noticeable trainform•
ation. Walls and Ceiling have ben
aalsomined and eon border added; wood
work has been paiuted floor cover..d
with oil olo.le and the furniture tonna
op with the painter's braeh.
18 or 20 members of Western Star
Lodge, I. 0. 0. , Brunie, drove so
Wroxeter Ian Sunday afternoon no
heard the anneal sermon to the 3 linked
brethren in tile Methodist oharoh. Rev.
Bro. Odierhom, B. A., Wan the preacher
and gave a most appropriate dienaree.
An a meeting of the Board of Health
for 130E188818 Peter Wittman was eleateo
Chairman for this year, It was deotrieu
that May 15th be the date cm whioh aii
pi emisee be ready for a neit by the
Sanitary Inpeeter. That will be unt
Taeaday sio a Minis will be needed in
mem)' quanere.
D. Oven, M. D., London, Eye and
Ettreeureeeu, will be at filrenh'e Drug
/More, Bennis, on 4148 first Tuesday In
08081 mouth. Hoare, 8 a. 10. 40 1.30 p. Ise
Cataraet, Egniut, fainug eyeeigbl,
deaf 'less and naeal catarrh treated and
Vane; properly fitted, Next vietc,
.Thesday, May 29En.
60240 08 SCOTLAND. -A meeting of dele•
gates trent the 8804008 Camps of the
Sons of Beate= 10 thie 80001044 Wan bent
oi Wiugbara Toureday of Met week, An
ex.:1nmn was decided upon, to be hem
in Ktucerditie, probably on Jtme 15th.
A program of Soottigh gene and aporia
will be arranged for. The Campo at
Kinoardlue, Underwood, Winghene,
13russew Atweocl and Palmerston are
expected aeljoiu iu the celebtation.
He sat inetis door at noonday,
Looking each lonely and ead.
The Waewere buzzing around Itim,
Led 1.,,y a Mae.wingett gad ;
e as &mean:ire darkeued leis portal,
elgeffleign of business was there,
Berth° fifes ontiuned to bozo and buzz
aroend tbe old mau's hair.
0 at lan in bee cautery shouted,
"Great Boon, rm oovered with
And the zephyrs that toyed with
hie whiskers
Said, "Why don't you advertin."
AN OVERLAND Tom -Monday noon of
laet week John and .Toe Patch etarted for
Waterloo witb their 16 h. p. creation
enkiue with water tank ae trailer and
bXeind that was attathed Jae. A. Mo.
Nett's, portable threshing engine. 60
miles ieetians a trip to bake with a train
of that (=rawer bat they arrived at
their deetinatioa Toesday night. There
day meriting the boye turned their hums
to the Wen with an 18 h. p. traction and
a 20 h, p, boiler an got here Friday
afternoon. Goal was oarried for Mei sed
moale and lodging were secured at farm
honeee. Very few di-puted their pones.
siou of the Kiug'e bigbway bat eideroade
and lanes were sometimes and ae thee
tracks far equities rocaoquainted with
thie new trolley line. One mau, who
t thought he could handle hie eteed on a
narrow roadway, woe ditched and some
slight damage done. Four onlverte
suffered on the home trip. New engine
hue a oonaplete canopy top. The Patch
Bros, will go threshing after heaven with
the new outfit,
Bnussime Won BANDimr.-The opening
game of leterneediate Football for thie
distend was played on Victoria Park,
leruseele,Int Friday evening, between
the sturdy kickers reepresenting Whig
ham and the home team. There was a
good attendance and a hot time Watt
expected ae the visitors neatly pat up a
lively bail bat, although it WOG a good
matob for the first 01 140 nano, Bras
Belo bad decidedly the better part and
won quite handily by 2 to 0. The home
goal wen hardly ensiled througbout the
play. Brunie's scored a third time bnt
the referee celled 16 180 off.eide. Through
an oversight an outside referee had not
beesecured hence the lads from the
North were given the privilege of timing
000 whioh they did ha Wesley Ansley, ot
Wingham, who endeavored to be joot I0
both teanse. Get° receipts were ebout
032.00. The 11118 1141 wee se follows s-
133111861,8 Neumann
Herr Goal Mo4rtor
Anderson Deane
MoDonald B"k6 I... ...... Mitchell
McLennan } Moore
Brown 1 Backs ..Crulokshanks
Cardiff Oelet?
Ardell Hebei
Straeban 1 Manhood
Breen Forwards Lamonlay
Pormet Miller
Waldo Miller, of Wroxeter,who played on
the Brunetti tam for govern nations,
watt among tbe liveliooE =kers in Wing•
bam's eleven, Both tea= will do better
work as the sea= adeanon and the
play= become itetmainted with one
atitahoe. Bayfield mid Wingham will
toy doodlueione next in the eeriea of Hite
Sigfeezflezmftementwatememerem. t4mmistaalazMZEt
Standard Bank of Canada l'js METROPOLITAN BANK
:EMT.A.InSalinTX32/= 1072
TOTAL ABITETei OVER 10,000,000
A GI -einem -al 1Bateltiner Bus/fleas 'Transacted
Accrued Intern.* in added to accounts every ria menthe and bonnet' prInelpal.
Joint Sienna at:counts-A 13PECIAL CONVENIENCE in nee in our 13aviuge De-
partineut le the "Joint Deposit. aeconut. Money may be 400081001100 wiredrawn
by either of tbe two membere of the household, Tine eynceni la a great <woven.
Mime to mealy refliding in towu, but more particularly eo to (0001800, 00 iu the latter
ease whether man or wife 001080 to toyvn either cue attend to the Banking, An.
ether feature 00 1810 eyetern is 88161 ,0 ease of the death of either party the money
eon be withdrawn by the survivor without cost. We will telt you more about our
Methods if you will kindly call or write.
Married Women and Senors may make and withdraw (Wynne 'without the ln-
tervennon of any person.
only for whioh 00 oherge hi made,
YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar careful and martens° attention.
G. P. SOHOLF1ELD, GEN. Alenoen, J. P. ROW LAND, Loon. AGENT.
TUrniDAY the mane of the Primary de.
partmeut of the Public Sobool had a
holiday aa Min Ritchie, the teenier, wee
on the mole lin. She was ou hand ou
Wednesday to 6488114 40 her dune as
Mar= OF DIREOTOR0.-The Directors
of Grey Bret= Agrieultaral Sootety are
tusked to meet in the Conon Chamber,
Bruasele, at 2 o'clock, on Friday of next
week, 18th ins!, to melee the report of
the Building Cumnsittee and to deal with
*410 08028. This is an important nueettug
and tbere should be a large atteudence.
Jae Elena, Preeident.
W. 11 REBA, Beoretary.
504 the House of Commoue, en Mou•
day, in reply 00 1 qneetion by Dr, Chia.
holm, M. P., Haat Huron, it was stated
by Postmaster General Aylesworth that
tbe Deputy Postmaeter•General, Dr.
Jointer, repreeente 08088148 480 the Inter.
aational Penal Congrese, now 8414105 in
Rome. Inetraotiona were given to him
upon awn aubjeets, bat they were ocm•
fidenlial and ougbt not to he made public
until 04 481884 the sittings ot the Goner=
88810 0000.
TENNIS - The Brrinnels Tennis Club
was reorganized last Friday evening at
J. Fox's drug store when the following
officers were elected : Hon, President,
Jobe Leokie; Preeident, Dr. 01. P. Feild ;
viomPresident, D. A. Mod. pine ; Oaptein,
Jan. Fox ; eleoretery, J. W. °reign) ;
Treasurer, B. G. Norman ; Chaplain,
Rev. Mr. Langferd ; Executive Com.
Mame, Menne Onneeron, 81084840, Ride.
mils, Barns, Mellish and Eittroin. Tbo
nein are being put. in condition and a
good name is expected as 0000 as teunie
weather arrives. In past Beasone Brus•
sel., has stood well to the trout in Tenuie
mid will likely sustain their good name
to 1906.
2008288 ENTERED. - Wingliaal Foot
Balt Oporto have lodged a protest with
the Grievance Oommittee over Ian Fri•
day's match in Brnssele. The fly in the
(nutmeat is oconioued by the fact that
they were figariog on Ardell, of Gerrie,
beourotug a member of their team but
intead be signed with Brueeele, playing
me position the 06038 ae last year here.
The fent that 8148 papers were not lodged
Berlin ie Mee objeoted to. Bronchi win
41118 48 a defence. It the protest is ailow.
ed the game will have to be played over.
Oar boye think that 2-0 defeat rather
amok in the visitors' crop. Had the
victory gone the other way the protest
bueineas would be nix. Ire anuenally
early in the season to ring in protein.
Tarp TO THE 0100,8 LAND. -Wel.
°entity ethnics an intereeting and in-
structive Lecture wee given in the
Methodist Matted, Brunets' by J. A,
Stevenson, of London, on ".A.trip to the
Holy Land." The lecturer WOG one of
many who attended the World'e S. S.
Convention in Jerusalem. He gave a
running commentary of the voyage, the
call at Maderia, Gibraltar, Spain, Naples,
Malta, Athena, Conetautinople, Juppe
and Jerusalem, &o., and took the
andieuoe iu imagination to many points
of hitereet in the Holy (thy. The leoture
was brightened np with many inoidente
of travel, oustome and habits of the
people well explained, the n. oessitiee
for forward movements outlined and
the outlook prophesied. Mr. Stevenson
evidently bad his oyes wide open while
awey and eauld fill in many eveninge
,n rebeareale of what marred. A
hearty vote of thane was pessed to the
lecturer for but kindneee in coming to
Brussels !Miss Oarrie Hingeton thing
an appropriate aolo and the Sabbath
snow Orobeetra played several ohoioe
iustramentale. Mr. Steverson will be
welcome baok to Brunets egain. The
pee= prestded.
Mae FR= Witourna.-Saturday of
test week W. J. and Mre. Crawford, of
Wienipeg, arrived in Bruning for a
'holiday vent, It hi 8 years eine they
were here and spout 14 years since the
former left Brunie. He °unpin a
responsible poeition in the Governmeet
Grain Inspection department and in the
net 10 yeare hes had 18 wide experience
in the, work. For the pen fete week('
110 had been at Fort wileam inspecting
grain being loaded at that point; on she
lake grain oarriere. Then bone oarry
large oargoes. The Ethronio had 83,760
butibels of No. 1 Northern wheat'8,572
beanie of No. 2 481141 600 tone of Ogiivie
ft tar en he tan trip to Sarnia, end the
Bogen, one of the largest stem=
ou the route, noted away 40 488 oepacioas
hold 800,164 bushels in e trip trona Fort
William to Buffalo. This beet le over
365 feet long and 4108 82 lestehee. About
4 raid= bushele of wheat are stili stored
at Fort eVilliam. Winnipeg continnee
to boom Mr. Crawford naye and although
$11,000,000 were expended Ian year in
mai ding 15 % of that amount Mae already
been atiaibeti at tbie ditto for 1908 61re.
Crawford, Who left home in Winnipeg to
join her huaband 08 2050 William, on the
blastward trip and had a very ezoiting
experienee, 418 train being Wrecked
lime. Fortunately nobody vies serionely
injured, The first mixer, came al 18. tn.
due to CI broken rail when 2 sleepers, mail
and baggage oath and oar of flab from
Vancouver left the tens. Mtn Crawford
wag jolted on of her berth, 40 miles
further, at 0 pine called Tamarac*, the
eloper ahead of the one Mrs. C. was in
toppled over, a wagnmot being the mime.
OfeWford learned of tbe accident
bat could not anertain the partioalare
be desired, owing to the °loth communion
style ot railwaye on mob onartione, and
5118 40 COMO anxione hours before hie
sponge arrived in °any, Mrs. Otheitfoed
ie rt daughter tif the late Wtn. Beirnee,
formerly of Walton, Me, °rewrotd is a
wide awake man and has a broad graep
a Weakens life and buelnees. He thinlie
the Wen ie the spot for intlnebrioue,
level heeded young men, The 0101 101.
a eon ot S. and Mro. Ccawford, old
resideuce of Brunette
THERE ban beau a ohange in the
beggagerasu at Brunetti G. T. R. station.
Holdeuby bae been Bent to Booth-
aropton and Mr. Blue, of DaritaM,
taking hie plan here.
Editor Sbarpin, of the Gerrie Vidette,
was a viaitor in bruseele last Friday
aud minnow:I Bruesele trounoe Whigbatu
at Football. Mr. Sbarpiu ie quite a
epos ent will (untie uowu eon when be
nutmeg the bonen of a benediec.
NEXT Snoday S1180 Jen Habkirk tyLl
prente at the organ iu the Preebyterien
oilmen and the following Sabbath Mo.
Woodley. After that the gantlets will
be deotded ae to who wilt be the 602411410
0000trant of the poeition Mies Jessie
Aloliauoblin hoe been playing sine T. A.
HttWiii013 removed sod 10 nee an
TH080088 of this week George Walker
eold hie oomfortabe home, corner of
Thomas and Alexander sweets, to Thos.
Thomson. Price ia Bald to be about 0900.
He will get puneseion next week. Mr.
Walker and family will move into the
bowie across the siren vacated by Mr.
Pliomeon. Mr. Walker bite disposed ut
Vat/au{ 100 00 John Bateman, whose
property join in Tina oleare Mr.
Walker ot ai, hie real estate in Brunets
at fair prices. He bad been a worthy
reeiclem at Brunetti for 5i years and
has done well here and we hope be wilt
amnion to remain in town. DeMeion
has not been arrived at yet an to what the
course for the futare will be.
BAD BEHEAVEMIGIT.-Exceedingly sad
ie the bereavement that has fano;,
upou the home of David Ritente,
who resides near Teeewater. Len
thau eaventeen menthe ago, there was a
festal weddiog day, and bliss Rattle
Vineerat, of Teeswater became the happy
bride ot 51r. Ritchie. The menthe einoe
passed happily, until a little over a week
ago, wbeu Mre. Ritchie took ill. Death
wait uot expound, for on Sunday,
April 29th, she wag bright and cheer-
ful. Ou that day however, she look a
tura for the worse, and cm Wednee
day breathed her laet, titter an Dineen
ot about eight nye. Are. Ritchie wee
in her 28143 year and was univereally
eateemed. fin was a member of the
Presbyterian oharch, and for many
years a veined member of the Munn
She leaves a sorrowing hneband, and
an intent child but a few days old.
The eveut to ead indeed, and it has
brought Badmen and gloom, where
there wee joy and bright antioipatiou
for years of future happinese. Mr.
Ritchie bee sinoere sympathy in hie
hour of trial and bereavement. etre.
Ritbie was 8 nieoe of Mrs, Wm. Pet.
tine, Mrs, Michael Walker, of Wiug-
ham, an a °aunt to Geo. L. Walker,
UI Bonnie. The Vincent family were
formerly residents of Benguela and were
held iu high eeteem.
Tun Wingimm Advance reports the
Foot Bali ma= as follows :-"Wingbein
Football team 880111 10 Brunets on Fri.
day to play the first genie iu the district
W. F. R. Neither team pus up a good
game, and both Meowed ink tif practice.
The there was 1-0 448 tenor of Brussels.
Many players from . neighbor= places
aseisted Brunele, while (with the exoopt.
ion of MoArter) Wiugham bad nue but
nal piayere. temente =red shortly
before the first bait ended, and also in
the anon bait, bet eine was 800 eilowed,
ati it Wan au off side play, IL aeon
supporters sated very unfairly and when
a ball was allot that Want two feet over
the goal, Manager Ferguson of Brneeele,
who Was goal umpire, held up hie heed,
but the Referee did not Know the gen.
Unfairness will noon spoil the game, and
Bruileele should get a new manager.
Honer sport is always the boat. Ae
Bennie had eo players registered, anti
Arden, of Gerrie, had Dined with two
theme, Wingham protested the game."
The above is greenly aufair and whoever
gave the Advance the panteniare meat
have lintels it. Every player on the
team was within the limit with the ex-
ception of Ardell who thine a eitnetiou in
Brussels. Umpire Ferguson wen em
referee and otineequently hie opinion was
not fent 08 80 goal complained of but
the referee (a Wingheroite) (wiled it a
eoore and took the ball to centre for kick
Off. The official goon was ontainly 2-0.
011.inest sport is always the beet" mutd
be a good motto for somebody in Wing.
ham to adopt.
Business Locals.
GOVERN/SENT proof filmier seed al Met
Buow Wyandotte eggs for hatching,
$L00 per 15. tree, Belemiternin.
WANTED.-Egge, 14o oath, 168 trade. -
Full pedant prices. Geo. E. KENO,
Hein J)00881040,-Switehes made oat of
oorabingt, and utu heir.
MR% R. Limairron, 51144 Bt. Welt.
COMVORTABLE apartneente, containing 6
rooms, in the Beaker bleak to rent. For
retinae partioulare apply early to
ALFRED Benue, Brunets,
CHOWS geed poke for sale, Ale° a good
Grade Darbam Ball 16 moethe old. Ap-
ply to 3, Pa Naimoli, Lot 21, Oon, 12,
Gro)', Oranbrook P. 0.
FLterna Peows,-T'armere whiling to
bay the beet plow made call On the
undersigned. Plow repaint and pctiete
kept at Robb. Franois' work ebop.
CAPITAL-Attfkotized 52,000.000
CAPITA li-Pald op 1.000400
RESERVE and Surplus Prate: 1.132,1113
8,3,01000106, 0.10, ViomPaGN, E. C.
President, Viee-Preeldent,
TI100. BRADS/SAW. Rao/, 1110 RoNOR ata, W. 11088114141 00,16105, 41,0, 1418 .1881012
JOHN VIlinTrinoolt
W. 0, 10088, • General Manager*
THE METROPOLITAN RANH le open to receive the accounts of
Partnere, Merchants and BUsineee Cominuulty geuerally and to give
earetm eonsiderarion 10 041! proposaio Embalmed 80 48.
It relies upon lte past record for eourteoue treatment of itg Owe.
tomore, and will extend every oonsideretion oonsietent with natant
beetling to those who may desire to trauettot business with it.
Savimws Same Bitioartr.trawsr
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on ail sums of $1 and upwarde
Fon lisle two thousand red prised
Milton briok. App y to I C. Montan%
Wonx Men Eaer.-To wood workers
or any one milts edged thole, when you
oeo the advantage of having plain irone
and other edged tools ground true yen
win not dale}, in bavine 8041)0 done at the
any lime by 1'. MoGneoun, Mill ate,
Woodetook defeated London, last Fri.
day evening, by 18 eoure of 2-0.
Berlin and Waterloo played a tie gems
et Berlin on Friday night in the Inter•
mediate aeries. Neither teams nored.
Milverton defeated Listowel as Lieto
web on Monday evening in football, in
the intermediate nein, by a note of
Beeretary Harry W. 100{914 of the
W. F. A., bee reoeived word from the
Dundee football team announoing their
dentoon 10 00100 the nries with Berne,
etrattord and Seaforth. Dundee was
drawn in Intermediate group No. 7 with
Hamilton, but are considered strong
enough for the higher division. Conine
wood heel asked for admieeion to the
Intermediate series, and alike to be plaoed
in group No. 5 with Owen Sound and
The steamer Virginian brought 1,5000
irnigrante to Quebers.
Charier, Emmons, anon Dragon, wait
run down by a street oar at Ottawa and
Alex. Summere, a prleoner at the Lon.
don Out., jail, ran away and hi still at
The oontraot for floating the steamer
Bavarian has been given to the Merritt
Wrecking Company of New York.
Edward Greenwood, a young Sarnia
man, wag shot in hie aide by an intender
io hie bank yard about midnight on Fri
It is rumored at Winnipeg that, Frank
Patton of that oily will be appointed
General manager of the Dominion
W. J. Moffatt, manager of the Simon
Canning °anyway, died suddenly at
Hamilton, after a brief inn= from
Harry Johnson was caught beirwee.,
wo freight care at Orangeville and fatal
y ittjtired.
Arthur Piere is credited with the
etatencent that the 0. P. R hove ordered
,wo more steamers of the Emprege type
-Et Greet Britain. and will give a weekly
:1080000400 amen the Atlantic.
Ecattusn.—In Morrie, on May 781, to Mr.
mod Mrs. L. Eck -reeler, a datighter.
Elswerre-In Buffalo, N Y. to 61r. and
etre. Harry Hewitt, a eon.
WEIGHT -1u Grey, on May 8th, to Mr.
and Mro. W. Wright, a daughter.
MOROI.- in Walton, on May 9181,
George alaKim, 4» hie 62ed year.
n term s .ter_an zeal
Fat I Wheat 76 76
Barley 48 43
Pear 65 70
Oise 33 34
Butter, Tabs anci retie15 16
Eggs per dozen 14 15
Hay per ton 6 00 7 00
Flour, per bbt 4 60 6 20
Hoge, Live 7 00
Wool 23
Ba 8, per bbl., retail 1 00
Potatoes per bus... 40
Apples (per bbl.) 1 60
ooderoiouoa will keep for service on
hispremiees, North Howlek Boundary, an
English Berkshire hog. Terme, 81.00,881184
privilege of returning if nooeeeary,
44.61 Proprietor.
Tenders I
Teudere will be received by the 1000 98 040
to May 16441.1000, for the building of a own-
ent approach for the engine at the foot of
Elizabeth street, and else for all excavating
and filling. Tendere to he at so much per
) clone yard and to be built one of cement
and eight of gravel.
F. 8 ROOTT, Village Clerk.
Wail Paper is a dominant
1086008 in the deouration of your
rooms. It is all about you and
remains for years to math or
eaten. Why not have it appro-
priate and beautiful ?
Wall Papers
that Decorate
are our apeoialty. Pretty papers
at every price are here and only
pretty Papers at any prin.
Bootee of artietio pattern ; hun-
dreds of rolls to choose from.
Wo will be pleased to help you
choose if you wish
Fox's Drug Stole
Illoastrassartrarstevtest aarbieeobieleasp.Angp
The Court of Reviniou on the Asseennent
Hod fr,r the TOwnebip of Morris for the
year 1000, will 10 181,4 at the Towuship Hall,
Morris. on the 2000 clay of May, Inn., 0008.
03008105 at 10 o'olook a. ut, All parties
haying hastens at said court will please
take notice audaot aoCordiouly.
W. MARK, Clerk.
Clerk's °Moe, May 10,1805. 13 Waren, P.O.
Notice I
The Court of Revision on the Aseesetuent
Roll for the Township of Grey, for the year
1000, will be held at the Towneeip 10811,
EtueLon the 08th day of May, Inst., corn-
aienchig at o'clock a,m. All parties liar
log busmen) at 0814 6)0000 will please take
notice aud act accordingly.
JOHN 11eINT0811, Clerk,
Clerk's Office, May See, Ethel P.O.
Tenders 1
Tenders will be reeelved by the under'
signed up to June 4611.1800, for the building
of all cement sidewalks to be built in the
Village of Brussels iu the year 1800, tender
tn state at so omen per Kuno foot, 8peo-
ideation' nose as for ones formerly bulli or
can be seen on application. Work to bo
4088 10 June and Jail,.
E. 8. SCOTT, Village Clerk.
Tenders will be received by the under-
eigned for the eupplyiug of all gravel re-
quired by the Comical of Brut/eels for 1800,
tip to June 4t11, 1000. Tandem to 60 80 1048041
per yard and to be for screened and uu-
screened gravel and for esoh o/ the follow.
ing pits :-Walker's. Herr's, Oakley's and
Duncan's. Greve] to be satisfactory to
Councilor lnepeotor.
41.8, SCOTT, Village Clerk.
Brussels Daylight Store 5 G. N. McLaren
etetteseteiteente itteitietivennetweiweseteatteeteteituteitintesateeenneeNte,iitettateteweietteeteeeetitoesittieitameiteteeteeiectiemeitaiteetanniationtemoe
The New Grev Skirts
are Here
Just received—Women's and Misses' New Grey Skirts. To say that they
are New is hardly putting it strong enough, They are simply up-to-the-
minute Styles.
AT $3.25
—Ladies' Dark, Medium and Light Grey,
Tweed, Pleated Skirts, with Panel and Self-
covered Buttons ; Taped Seams ; all sizes
37 to 43.
AT $5.00
—Ladies' Light Grey, All Wool Home-
spuns ; Pleated and trimmed with Self Bias
AT $2.75
—Misses Medium and Light Colored Grey
Tweed Skirts; Pleated, with Panel and Self
Buttons ; all sizes from 24 to 35.
Ladies' Skirts
—Ladies' Skirts in Dark Colors and Black,
all this Beason's Newest Styles, from $1.75
to $5.00.
Dainty White Waists, this season's smartest styles, finished with Tucks, Lace, Insertion
and Embroidery Trimmings ; all sizes 32 to 44. We guarantee our line of Waists to fit.
Exceptionally Good Values in Lace Curtains
Lace Curtain stock is now complete—Big range of all Popular Priced Curtains.
Hera are Two at Ei.00 a pair Exceptionally Good Values
-Extra good quality of fine Net, Stitohed Edges, -At 250, 50e, 65o, 75a, 900 and up. to $4.50. Wo
Large Floral and Small Neat Patterns ; full 60 inches' 00.0 atm you money on your Laoe Curtain Needs.
wide and si yards long.
The New Spring Boots are in stock—Light and Heavy for Men, Women and Children.
Women's Oxfords at.... 01,00 $1.25 $1.50 $2,00 Misses' Slippers at $1.00 51.25 01.50
Children's Slippers at 75o. $1.00 $1.25
We always Pay the Top .Notch Price for Produce,
Pori pfireWArr Sem' 1i rev Wax? Zr.
G. N. McLaren Next Door to
American House