The Brussels Post, 1906-5-10, Page 5WiNQHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE is a Iliftb•grado Commercial School. Three Courses t Oommerolel Stenography Telegraphy Write GGE0, SPO'II.ON, Principal. ,,.....,•.yr• Creat School ELFOTT6, TORONTO, ONS`. ti' Studouto from hrltieh Oolumbin, f) `fj Hackatobowan and Manitoba en the ,rWest to Now Brun0wi011 on the East yy9 1 are lu attendance this year. Distance qiv no hludrauee to those who china to get the bunt Our graduate+) are 01-, ry ways successful Our taohitleo are un - lee Harpneeed. COMMENCE NOW. NO vaca- tions. College open entire year. Mag. nleoent catalogue free. tp1� W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal. !y, Con. Toting Alin ALaxLNnna BTR. 3RJ ti064 1!5i 10 BIF;Y.Fftt_'�rI IIF MEDICAL CARDS. DR. R. A. BURNS— Succesoor to lir. J. A. McNaughton tarueeele, Otttdrlo Graduate of Polyoliuio Poet Graduate School of Medicine and Surgery, Now York. Member of Collage of Physiclano and Sur - goons of Ontario. Office end residence entail fie formerlyoo- cupied by Dr. MoNaughtou. Diseases of women a specialty. 'Phone No, 21. BUSINESS CARDS, air H. MOCRACKEN- 1' i a Ieeuor or Marriage Llceuaea. Ob dco 66 Gr000ry, Turuborry strobe, Brussels, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ODtce In the POA! Once, Ethel. 20-4 C. 0. F. Court Prluoeoe Alexandria, No.24, 0.0, F., B raneele, meets in their Lodge Room, Blas - hill 131000, on the 2nd and last Tuesdays of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAS. BURGESS, 0. R. A. E. MELLISH, R, 6. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI INB091Nea, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- ; • Bkn. will sell for better prices, to better men, In lees time and lase charges than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't [barge suything. Dates and ordure oat always be arranged et this Mhos or by p•ruonal application. ROBT. H. QARNISS BLDNVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Hale0 arranged for at the adios of Tun PrimT, Brussels. 2211 VETERINARY. G• A. CUNNINGHAM- Honor uraduame of the Ontario Vot- ertn6ry Oolloge, is prepared to treat all disk eaten of domestioated animals in 0 compo*, tint manner. Particular attentiongeld to Veterinary lleut,stry and Milk Favor. Galin promptly attended to. 01110e and infirmary —Poor dome North of bridge, Tornborry et., Bruneele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, A B.1tIACDONALD- 11• Darrletor, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Successor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank. Br8esele. Solicitor for Metro. pontes clack. VV•M. SINCLAIR— • Barrlater, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, ho. Olitoe—Stewart's 131ook I door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Sauk. pLlOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BAR1RISTBRS, BOLIO110R8, NOTARIES PUBL1O, ETC. W. Paoongeer, II. O. R. 0. Hass G. F. BLAIR. Offices—Thom, formerly occupied by Meows Cameron & Holt, GODERIon, Curable. DENTISTRY DR. R, P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and F1rut.olase Honor Graduate of Toronto Uufyernit . Office next to Brewer's Photograph Ualier1, BRDSHELB, CENTRAL �r STRATFORD. ONT. (180 olaeee, ere lunch larger than they wore a year ago, The public Uhave learuod that thin ie the best plane in the Province to obtain a Oom• meroial Education or Shorthand UTraining, Students aro eateries earth week. .11* graduates tot good posi- tions. Write now for Ostalegu0. ELL1011' k oto LAOHLA1, Prinelpuls. liAlegt=1f a Brewer's art Studio sinow Headquarters for First-class Photographs, Life Size Portraits, Crayons and Watercolors finished in A 1 style. Family Groups a specialty. Call and Bee samples• H. R. BREWER T tat nctvs 21 t nIs MAY flowers are abundant. Ia vobr enbeoriplion 10 Tea POST paid for 1900 7 Bemuse use ie pinking up 0e the seeding lime Oniobee. Samoa Board will meet Friday even- ing 01 that week. Baosestoe' morobante take no mond place tor tasty window deeming. House route dards printed al Toe PooT pabltahiog Hoose at ehorl natio°. A raw new reoidenaee will be bails in this locality during the Doming Sommer, Tse oar of coal for the Poblio Sobool building for next Winter's use arrived Zest week and wag plaited in the base• mon!. It you prefer to take medicine in tablet form you 0011 now obtain Dr, Shoop'° Roatorative Tablets. Absolutely too ohange hag been made in the medicinal ingredients. Sold by F. B. Smith. IT it only duty and jaelioe to enooar. age your home paper, extend to it Cho aoutiehment to which it le entitled, Pay your eabeoription promptly Cud gond a few extra aopiee to (Latent triendo. They will appreciate the favor and so will we. Whenever your bowel° eltip a day without a movement—take a LAX•ET. Whenever your breath ie bad, your akin waxy or wallow, your Ione00 meted, your breath fool, take a LAX ET, only bo. 8o1d by F. 11, Smith. Ir you bove any news don't wait till Tits Poem 28 oat dad then say, "Why, I could have told you eo and s0." Tell i1 to us and tell it to ne now. If you don't got a chance to Dee 0e, telephone or telegraph it to me. We want the nesse. Dn. Human, London, will be at the Ameriosu Hotel, Brueaele, on :— THURSDAY, — JUNE 21sT THURSDAY, — JULY 19Th Hours 7:30 a. in, to 2 p. in, Eye, E ,r, No'o and ''Throat oun0ultaticne. Ey en tested for gla2ee. Tae nowepaper is a law book to the indolent, a sermon for thoughtlre', a library for the poor end an admonisher for the Iawleee It may otimu ate the moat indifferent, but it oanoot be pub• netted without 0081 and Bent tree to ant• eoribere. 'rb,o i0 no joke. Da Ovens, M. D., Loudon, Eye end Ear Sureenn, will be et Smith's Drog Store, Brn•sele, on the first Tumidity in Saab month. Route, 8 a. m. to I.30 p. m Oatarael, anthill, failing eyesight, •eafteee and 1aeal catarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tuesday, Jane 6111. IN 00mm pato00 the 88008,ment roll ie pamiehed, whish is not a bed idea, It abovo everybody who's who and how the other fellow ie aouked or eeaped am the uaee may be, It eau be luvpeoted at *ho cseeeser's office. Why not make it as public an the volare Het or anditore' report 7 *holo who have lake° other laxatives without aatisfeetion end those who have taken a°ah quantities of other laxatives that they have logs their afford, will find n pleasant earprioe in LAX E'TO. There 18 canal ly ne pain, Wiping, °6000e or discomfort even in 006000 oaeea This his dandy bowel laxative. LAX ETS io 0rlly 6o end eold by F. B Sm,• -b. 1110501.2 of Ihts week W. E. Mimeo removed his barber shop to the newly fitted aparimonte fu the Leckie block, formerly occupied by A. Coueloy. He has added a Ono barber'* ante, new lineoleam on the floor, ate. and will have an up to•daio shop. It would be a difficult matter to and in any town two better tonsor n1 parlore than those belonging to Brnsselo. Or INTaaa0T To Tenon1Ns.—Owing to unavoidable 0ir00100ta11009 the date of hewing the programme for the West Huron Te6ohere' A*emaietibn may be dt•layed, and 8e many are anxious to know the dale of the next Teachers, Institute, this plan has been taken to let All this that it Mae been definite. ly dooided for W. H. P. A. to go on the Farmer's exouroion, June 15, with privilege of retgring noxi day. E. H. T. A. may go the same, or, for the greater convenience of teachers in the North, with Ram Bruno farmers. If the latter plan ie ehoeen, then East Huron *where for whom June 15th exoureion will be more convenient will be gladly welcomed by W. H. T. A. on that date. Tome truly, W. H. ;100248000, Seo. W. H. T. A. WoMEN'o INoT1TOTa 1111021500.—The following ie a het of the places at which Women's Ioetitol0 meetings will be hold in the noun* of Huron during the month of June : Exeter, Town hall, South Flacon' June 20th. Bayfield, town hall, South Huron, June 21st. OOe6on, aoudad chamber, Weet Huron, June 22nd. Holmoevillo Wilson's hall, Neat Raton (evening), Jane 23rd. Ethel, township hall, Emit Boron, June 271h. Gorrie, town. hall, East Huron, June 98th. Fordwioh, Foresters' hall, Ea0* Huron, Jane 27811. The speakers and subject, for ;his division are 69 follows ; Mist Agnea Smith, Hamilton, "Prineiploe of Cook. Ing" (domonetratione), "Meets ; Oom• poeilion and cooking,' "Food in it° Relation to the body," "Donnoetio Soleus," "The Sanitary Homo,' "The Needs of the Home of the Present Day," "Leber Problems of the Home. hold," "Tho house 1 its Furnishings and Decors/lone," "d. Plain talk with Houaekeopere." Mre. F. W. Weise, Olinger!, "Home Nursing' "An0idonte and Emurgonoiee," "Beheate of Wamon'o Iaetttatee," "Care of the Bands, Foos mad lair," "Riots for •raav6.0 rmiesse the Women Who Work," "Tho Bath, Preen Alr and Exeroiee. Often timed in the sudden illnaeo of children if a reliable remedy in available fatal o0nsegnenoee eau be avoided, For *bean 0m0rgentnee perent0 aro urged to have at hand ready for lnuneci oto 0010 Dr, Sheep's. Diphtheria Ouro,Dr, Shoop'+) Croup (Jure, Dr, Shoop's Worm Care, and Dr, Sboop'o Paiu 1'un8088, Child• ren'° allmente demand promptness above all Mee. There is nothaeg harsh or shut Oau possibly harm iu any of lhene excel. lout household medioinoe. Sold by F. R. Smith, Ci001) REASONS J'011. ITS SUCCESS. Without doubt the largo,* 0ehiug catarrh modimuo in Amorioo ie Caturrh- oaouu, Not advertiou,g but honest merit lute made the lame of "Caturrhezono" whioh io guaranteed to cure oatarrb in arty part of the ey060m ; try it y0ar• Holt. V rain 1) r O.ct lo. Leet Sabbath alteruoou the eorvioe iu the Alethodiet ohuroh ane conducted by W. H. Kerr, ot'lie Pon. OltANBnoolt, SouooL RI :MT.—Tile following is Oranbrook Soboui Report for April. Numoe are in order of merit, V.—I. Sharpe. Sr. IV,—H. MuDouald, R.Ounniugham, E. Hunter. Ir. IV. -- V. Sparliug, 131. McDonald, A. Dark, 8. Alderson, M. MoNiohol, H. Smalidov, D. Perris, M. Fox. Sr. IIL—N. Lung, 1,. Dark. J. Menzie0, 13. McQuarrie, L. Spurting, M. Sperling, R. Aldereou, J. Baker. Jr. I11.-11. Alderson, O. Stelae, G. Smalldon, A. Fox, 0.Fieoher. Sr.II.— C. Feather, Reltu Lox, L. Porrie. Jr, Humor, al. Oameron, A. Sperling L. A•dereou, M. McNabb, R. Haight, tl. MuDouald, L. Sonde, G. Cameron, E. Smalldon, Part IL E. MoNiobol, E. Peueiugton, F. Further, E. Porter. Sr. L—G. Knight, 0. Morrow, T. Smalldon, A. Fiedler, E. Sporliug, E. Ruymaun, 0. Gore:hitz. Jr.I—R. Fox, A. Hunter, B. Feather. L. A.McKA2, 'reacher. Ulixaton. Gordon Jobneoa had the misfortune to have pert of hie thumb token off by a saw at the organ factory. Geo. and Mro, Warroner, of Mary et., celebrated their golden wedding ou Tema dayevening of last week. Rube. Holmes and Alta. Chant were In St 081080iven last week attending the funeral of their father, Edmund Holmes, 0r, James Martin, who hue been iu Loo• dun for 00100 tim0, undergoing treat - moth heti 001000ed 10 town very much better. The Ohivamen who run the laundry in town bavo a phonograph which gives 0810atio1le in the Chiueee language. It ie quite a novelty and attruot0 a lot of attention. Daring the poet °huroh year Weeloy 1001220diet alluroh boo anffored heavily from removals, having loot no lees than thirty three member° end in addition it bas loot five by death, Rev. Al, D. Consume, formerly peetor of the Helmet church here, io now con. ueoted with a Waetorn land ayndioate, and loot week succeeded in Corning over their holding° of a profit of 3106,000, of which' 325,000 came to Rev, Mr, Coltman, Rosen' E. Manning will go to a new field of labor. Ile has boon employed in Mr. Tisdall'o private Bunk for tome yeere, and leek weak went to Varna, Where ho will open a branch for the Sterling Bank. He does not expect to remain there long, having been promised a position elsewhere, Samuel Ballo, formerly of Exeter, died ul the Bouee of Refuge on Friday April 27th, aged 86 yenta. Before en tering the H. of R. he was au inmate of it Hume at Loudon, but would not stay there, Bo was well connected and wan a paying patient, The body was Bent on Saturday morning to Exeter, the inter. men* taking plume in the cemetery there. A lady who has been very active and prominent in the meetings of the Womeu'n Institute ie Ma,. F. W. Watte, and therein oho bee dieplayed don. eidertble originality and ability. We are glad to be able to say that the O°• aide Government has recognized her fitness by appointing her to the staff of permanent lectarea, who will address m0etidge of the Womeo'e Ioetitute in various parte of the Province, CHILLS 01101E EATAL If warmth and ciroulation are not promptly reetorod, ohille reetilt in fatal pneumonia. Tkie ueeeaaitatee keeping Nerviiino on hand. Tukan in hot water It broake up a chill in two minutes. By rubbing freely over the throat and sheet it prevent0 Calde. No liniment eo strong 00 penetrating, ea swift to hill pain and inflammation. Nearly fifty year0 record has proved the value of Poison's Ner• viliu0, You ehoutd get 8 bottle to day. 4;, odericta. 'Phe MoEwaa cult works are running again. Pr0sent population of the town i0 4,400 ur over. A new tariff for drinks wee adopted by the hotels of 10wn uud went into (orae 00 May 2nd. J. B. Hawkioe has diopoeed of hie hardware stook to E. Poulin, of Dash. wood, who assumes charge June lel. Dr. Holmes iulende erecting two or three new bootee on the late Judge Tom's property near the ,station, which be purchased, and in having the hoose now on the property fixed over. When a Man Leaves Off His Overcoat he feels the need of a New Sack Suit. There are many little points of difference that dis- tinguish this year's style from the one in vogue last Autumn. It is by comparing the 20th Century Brand of Men's Fine Tailored Garments with the ordinary kind of Ready-to-wear Clothing that you see just how much these • little points of difference" mean. If you aim to be well dressed they meals much to you If you realize their importance you will be quick to appreciate the new Single-breasted Suits we are offering this Spring at from $IO to $20. We also have a complete line. of New Spring Hats and Shirts just opened. AAr/1/teDeNte tOa .C.Dunfdrd &San Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers. Bank of Hamilton Toto Ynud. NII, M1OL,000 1 Total AnOct», W:rs,eoU,Utw 00 BRAN01118 IN CANADA B0 0 Precidoot, • • HON, WIT. G1B80N Vico President k General 8610000, JAM.IDB TURNBULL ('upflan, Pahl rip, 52,600,006a052,600,001 ETHEL AGENCY Savings Department—Ample eeourlty for Dopo1itOre. Dopoeltuof 31.00 uudupwards received. Interest allotted at current rates and compounded half yearly. ADVANCES made to Farmers for foudlug stook, Gale Notes collected and advances made thereon. Drafts bought and sold, PA W, N. kicIrAY, SUB -AGENT. a cm 3 $ )�ag$rlas�j+ Rev, J. A. :lndereon and Rev. Jan. Hamilton were attending the Presby er• ion Synod of Hamilton and London, which le in oeoeion at Brantford. J. H, Ward, West street, had another incubator batob of chiokouo the result being 84 birds from 90 eggs. He now has 860 chicken°, and Home of thorn will be ready for the market in a week or two. The illneea of John Aoheoon, the pro. grass of wbioh woe noted with eympa. thetio Intoreet by our tawntipeople daring the toilet month, terminated fatally on Monday of last week, and thee was brought to a close the earthly career of one of our beet known citizens. Mr. Aohoson teas bora in Ireland 77 years ago and at the age of 12 yeara mane to this oodntry with his parents, the family set. Cling in Goderiob tewnebip. J0mee Diokeou has been appointed deputy registrar of deeds as 5 1Oeeeor to 3, D, O'Connell, who recently *deigned to join the Sovereign Bank. Mr. Dick.. eon has been associated with the regietry office to nearly 15 yearn, hem a thorough familiarity with tbework,and bee proved himself a faithful and competent official. From the standpoint of the public inter. este be ham deserved the promotion, and the appointment will no doubt be entirely eatishiet0ry to those who have bnoiaeee with the oti'1ae. The fouodotion tor the new Baptist Minnie, to be erected opposite the Pah. lio Library, will be ready for the joists next week, the oontroatoro, Reid & Co., being well ahead with the work. The church will be of brick and will occupy the lot corner of Montreal end Market sires*e, et one time belonging to the Vivian estate. The building will be 60 feet by 60 feet, with a basement, tete front will be of Milton pressed brick, the balance of Benmiller make, end the chnrotl will have a pretty appearance. It to proposed t0 lay the l0andatl0n el0ne 0 . Viororie Day, for which serviot due preparutione are being merle. WHAT CAUSES APPENDICITIS. The 00mmoneet came of uppenofaitis in oonotipatlou. When Soo require physio don't uee cheap draetio pills—get Dr. Bumilton'e Pills which etreoglh.n the atom ma, regulate the bowels and prevent Guy tendency to appendioitls Iu one day you'll feel the tremendon- benefit of Dr. Hamilton's Pine. Bo purifying the blood and cleansing the system they prevent beadaohee. N.. mediaiue 00 successful an Dr. Hamilton'. Pills, cold everywhere iu 25o. boxes with yellow toyer ; get the genuine. Winrrhaxn. L. A. Ball has oeoured a good position in Toronto and lett for that oily. Walter Bargees goes this week for Mooeomio, Mau,, where he will enter partnership with H. H. Wightmon in tbo gent.' furnishings, boot and shoo and grocery buoineeo. The plastering at the new poet office building is completed, The piping a, the new poet office building +),rived and workmen are bore inetelling the heating plant. F.13. M0G0igan, Fourth Vioe•Prosi• dent of the Grand Trunk, and W. G Brownlee, Superintendent of the middle division, and other G. T. R. 0111cia,o were in W10ghum inspecting the improvements being made iv the yard here. Charles F. Kent, a former resident of Wingham died at hie home in Douglas, Mau., on Monday, April 28rd. Deoeae 11 wag a number of years a resident of Shia town and wile the Inst remaining mem. bar of the family of Mrs. 8extue Kent, of town. Mies Bertha Kent, of town, ie a daughter of deceased. Ata meeting of the High Sobool Board it little change was made in the site for the new High School building. The board will now have the Ove Iota on the Beet side of Carling etreel and a smell portion o1 Mr. Armour's farm, The site oboeen Homo week(' ago would have coal 31126, bot in making the change the Hite is bei0g eeonred for 3905. Mies A. 0. MoDonald, B. A., National Seoretery of the Young Women's Obrie Han ABeeolation in Japan ie viailing for a few days with her parents, Dr, and Mre, P. MacDonald, Mise Macdonald ie on bar way to Perin, France, to attend the World'e Convention of the Yooug Women* 0hriatia0 Aaeoaation. On Tuesday miming of Inst week ebe deliver. ed a very interesting address it the Wingham Presbyterian ohoroh at the regular meeting of the Womeu'a Foreign Missionary Society, The Runnel Mildness meeting of the Epworth League of the Wingham Metbo dist church was held on Monday evening of last week and was largely attended, being one of the best moetin(e in the hietory of the League. During the past year there bitve been romovale to the number of 20 and notwilhetanding *hie the momberehip of the Leanne hoe been inaroaeed 7. The peat year has passed all previous record° in the matter of Mieetonary offoringe, the amount collect. ed being over 3204, For the year jun entered upon the Loagne ie nuderlaking to support it* own ml8eimeary in the Canadian Wet. Offionro for the miming year were eleoted ac follows :—Honorary President, Rev. Dr, Gnvdy ; President, Jae, Kerr 1 lat. Vioo, Mies Mulvey; 2od. Vico, Mise M. Tibbs ; Ord. Vice, Mie° H. Wollwood ; 4th Vioe, ABM H. Graham ; Beo•Sone., Mie9 M, Hammond ; Cor. Bray, W. T. Hall ; Trea0,, Mie* M. Fess008 ; Diotriot Repreentative, Miss E. L, Lloyd ; Pianist, Mies G. Datmago ; Assistant Pianist, Mies L. Kew. NEW RPETS &C. FOR SPRING Carpets, Mats, liattings, Linoieums Oil Cloths and Rus Our stock in the above lines is now complete and ready for your inspection and comprises all the new ideas in Colors, Styles and Patterns and for variety to select from is greater than all the stocks in town put together. CARPETS 3 -Ply Wool Carpets ; 2 -Ply Wool Carpets ; Velvet Carpets ; Brus- sels Carpets ; 2i -Ply Wool Carpets ; 2 -Ply Union Carpets ; Tapestry, Wool, Union and Hemp Stair Carpets. LINOLEUMS Linoleum° 2 and 4 yards wide and a great assortment to select from. FLOOR OiL CLOTHS Floor Oii Clothe in the following widths -1, 11, 11, and 2 yards and a lot of patterns to choose from. RUGS In Velvets, Wools, Unions and Tapostrys from 2i yards by 3 yards to 3i yards by 4 yards, at prices that are right. Carpet Lining in plain felt and padded, also Stair Plates and Pads. A 'Word About Shades We are experts in the Window Shade business. If you want shades for your house let us give you an estimate of the cost. We use Hartshorn Rollers and will replace any one that does not give satisfaction. 1•"e't,'t,PWkJei 0,'h21 't„taeiW 1,01111.111 Leatherdale & Son BRUSS H11...48 44lIM6de+eOVM6 � W - Spring and Summer -�►'� MILLINERY OUR Fine New and Fa.shionable Spring stock is to hand and ready to adorn the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity. As we will not hold a formal Opening we invite the Ladies to call and see our goods any time, A choice stock of Fancy Goods in the line of Em- broidery Silks, Table Centres, Doylies, Sofa Cushion Tops and Frills, Point Lace Patterns, Braids, Threads, Rings, &c., has been added to my business and Ladies are asked to see them. I thank the public for the past year's patronage and will be pleased to share in this season's business. Mrs. McKinlav Good Goods at Right Prices Are, no doubt, a source of interest to you. We have received some of our new Spring and Summer Goods and there are more to come, Now Prints New Shirtings New Cottonades New Underwear New Hosiery New Shoes These goods have the stamp of Quality and as our expenses are light and we have bought our Cotton Goods and Shoes before the advance in Cotton and Leather, we are in a position to give you the benefit by low. Give us a call—wo can interest you and save you money. Best Manitoba Flour for Salo. la -Highest Market Pride for Produce of all kinds. MacDonald Bros. JAMESTOWN