The Brussels Post, 1906-5-10, Page 471.41.e 'grittiSt10 Vat, 211:11.7A9DAY, MAY 10, 1906. EAST HURON LIPERaLS. The annual meeting of East Baron Liberal Assooiatioo for both Oorarnons and reef&letare. Will be held in the Town Hall, Breese's, on Taeeday, May 29th, 1900, at 1.30 o'olook, as per Oonetiention, In addition to election of °Moots aud the presentation of the annual Auditor'e Report, adamant] will be given and the Wore work of the Association diet:mimed. The neunioipalitiee inolnded in Eau& Huron are air followa Want. eter, Turnberry, Wingham, Ewa Wit. wanoeb, Morrie, Brunelle Grey, Mo• Eillop, Hallett and Blytb. It is im- portant that there aboard be a targe attendanoe and the chairmen of the various municipalities are asked to see that their respective territory ia well represented. Gonna is to bave a new melter of which the estimated cost M e600,000. The Provincial Governmeut will grant a free site to the inetitatioo. l'he new works are to be in charge of two German Experts wbo are acquainted with the most modern metbode of manipulating the ore to realize the beat rosette. Toaouro, for e Oariainact any, should be ashamed of itself for permitting and encouraging hexing bottle within the limits. The youth of the Queen oity will find many mediums of shaking bands withEelzebub without an introduc- tion in a seriee of prize ffeleta. Shame on Toronto the Good and the Mumma men who sit at the oivio board. Some. thing of a loftier tone Mould be demand. ed by the people who take even a casual statute toward the future. Mayor Coatesworth should wake np and do something aiceag the line of shielding the young men of Toronto from what le de. moralizing and degrading in its tend• eacy. No small intereet otartres around the municipalities where Local Option came into effect on May let. Old onetoms die hard, especially if they relate to what is eaten or drank, hewn it will not surprise no it violations of the law are frequent. Tide would not be wonderful ae the infratitton of the Lanni.) Iaw, eo ranch beloved now by the anti•optiouista, seae no infrequent matter. But running contrary, to the meaeore is oo particular reason for its repeal. If the breaking of a law would mean ib e removal from the Statute book that volume would soon =- Min very few papa Law breakers under Looel Option will bave to be taught reverenoe for the law ae majority rule ia recognized in this hair Canada of our and those who wantly oppose will have to suffer the ooneequences. Moral back• bone is an eseeutial to the proper en• lorcement of measures of this character. ALnanst and Seekatobewan Provincial Legistatares have,settled the indemnity question for the new Previous by voting tbemeelvee cheerfully $1000 to ae their eeeeional allowance, There was little op• position es is actually the case when It cornea to voting moniee into the pockets of the repreeentativee. 11 16 a 0080 al. most without parallel to bave a man re• foga to &inept of an inoome. Good Bro. alaultain, of Saskatchewan province, thought 0700 was eufficient and was beaked by CabinetMinietere Calder and Lamont, btu almost anybody coeld strike the outcome in one geese. It was agreed that the101. P, P, of Saskatchewan (meld play hookey five Home without beingleaul. e d over the coals atter that however, de. dilations will be made from hie oheques, 11 it,1 Parliaments lived up to a similar rule some members would be well shorn ea the close ot a term and properly eo as a man who accepts offioe should either perform the donee incumbent on him or retire and give place to eomeone who could find time and interest enough to do hie duly to hie oonstituente. THE Pon noticem the faithful carry. ing oat of an innovation of recent years In Huron 0o. Oounoil prooeedinge which we believe is an entirely entitle/Hilary expellee and ebould be etopped. We refer to the Warden, Clerk and Chair. man of the Road and Bridge Committee going to poiote where contraote are,to be let by the Co. Commiellioner. In former years the latter gentleman attended to this work and, on the whole, gave good satiefaation poseibly better than some contreote entered ander the new order. It he mines competently do the work eombody elee ehoeld and let let him Way at home. It means 63 a day and mileage each time the qnar• tette taken a Mont or 69 dollars a day and mileage additional tie (tempered wieb former timee. Mr. Ainsley is paid by the year. If somebody will take the trouble to proclaim the amount expended Met year in thin direction we 11000000 00 affirm the nem will ear p1109 0080 members of the Go. Conned, We don'e believe in obeeewparing but at the name time there ie great need of an ecotioneioal management of County affairs when the late ie mounting up every year go that it ie becoming cmite a burden to Manieipalitee, Every um lege expenditure ehould be out off and, front personal experienos, we believe 'OM one we bave referred to comes whet this heading and oonitoetleutly ehould be diecontiueed palette of poeitive neeeesity, Fon the eneuoraguis and oultivation of pure and well planned impish maneuver. ing on the part of the youthful Cantata we don't know anything that oetdoee the elot maohiue ot this day. Youngeliere and older people, who are suppoited to be honeet, appear to think it auto to practice "ingenuity" (or if waled by the old English designation theft) upon the owners of the maohiue. The old maxim seas "It ie a sin to steal a pin, deo." aud the youth of this land should be taught that this le true and no law of "appro. priation" has been peened to get over H. Rev. T. W. ()octane sermon lest Sabbath eveDing, in the Methodist °hamar, on the 8th Cornmaudment should have heard by the elot meobine performer'. Tae Canadian Press Aimooiation talk of taking an exclusion to Edmonton this Summer. It ebould be a very enjoyable trip barriag the brevity ot it which will make detours from a atraight course next to imposeible, Every true Canadiana interest in the Great Weet looms op big and in no freternity will it weigh more than among the members of the Fourth Manta who have always been pre. eminently ready to armed the praises of goodly land even 11 11 bad to be done for the love of the mese instead of tbe eauential collateral to the fortheraorie of every good work. A trip to New Lie heard ie in prospect by the Oatario M. P. P.'s over the Temiskamiog railway in the latter part of June with a view of securing personal aoqueintanee with its Enoch talked of silver and agricultural probabilities and possibilitiee. Tbie ie the way offloial bodies ehould do aud by by so doing the necessity for blanderiug in management ehoeld be redacted and the proper adjustment of ways 900 109008 of development and management largely increased. Tenders are peing Naked for the paint- ing aud fixing of St. Stephen's rhumb. Dr. Lorne Shier is in town and is now poseeesten of the Gorse Drop, Store, Ddiss Ethel Nichols left for Drayton where she had a artnetion in dry goode store. On Monday evening of last week our stores began early closing for the Summer mouths. J. 3, Elliott has gone on a trip to the North weet where be will vend three months eight seeing. Mrs. Walkbam and hie men of St. Thomas, arrived lest week bud are at work on tbe Methodist church. On Wednesday, April 25th, John Oiegg of Toronto, departed thio life at the home of George lezeiwood, of Treherue, Mau. Mr. Clegg hae been ailing for over a year laid thinking, a trip to the Weet would do him good, he left for Manitoba two or three weeks ago. He reached Treherne wbere he took eiok and died before any of his fatuity ooeld resob his bedside. Mr. Clegg resided in Howiok for many years, removing 8.3 Toronto a few years ago. The remains, which arrived at Gerrie on the 1 °Wools train on Monday were laid to reef in the cemetery there. Service was beld in the Alethodiet church Rev. 0. P. Wane offioiating. The 0. 0. 1". and A. 0. U. W. orders attended iu body, THE SOURCE oie NEURALGIA. It rune baud in nand with poor blood and weak maven. Health rune down, nervee get irritable, ueuralgiao torture follows. For the moment applioationa may realty° -but to thorougbly aura the eystem moat be strengthened with nutritious blood. What can equal Ferrozone 7 It in. oreasee the appetite, forme abandanee of rioh lite giving blood, euppliee Detriment aud building material for worn oat nerves. Forrozone completely °urea neuralgia, Every root and branob ol the disease it kills. Absolute suooese in every ease, Stop auffering-fifty oente bays Ferrozone. Fifty chocolate coated labiate in a box at any drug Ettore. W tt . Rev. Pete. Tiffin, of Trowbridge. 000npied the Melhodiet pulpit Sunday. Rev. air. MoVioar was in Brantford last week attending the meeting of the Synod of Hamilton and London, A. F. Piercy, of Toronto, is trailing in town. Mr, Pieroy to oompleting his oonree at the Bible Trainiug School, Torouto. Eliza Cheese Company ehipped 80 boxee of April obeeee on Monday of Met week to Hodgson Bros., Montreal. The price realized was 11 o. The tennis olub bave got the ground in dame and prnoticie hae began on the 008018 laid out in the eohool play ground. Tina will be need mail the new mune 011 the bowling green have been prepar. ed. The whistle of the Cement Werke, wee heard nu Tuesday noon of hest week for the first lime. The machinery is be. ing rapidly planed in position, new bandinge ereoted and Manager Bees expecte to make Dement in a few weeke. Ben Candler, wife and family ; Ike Duoklow, wife and family, have returned from Mooeejtew after a ehort sojourn there, The ladies were not enemourned with the proepeote of the Western life and deoided that them were worse pewee that, old Atwood, eo they hied themeelyee Muth again, The Larne.' Aid Society of he Motho. diet ohurch have printed 200 booklets eouteinine about 300 fatties for fruit genio. These ,abets ere printed on enm paper and are pitterd on frnn genre t, enable the hoimewiie to more rani y die tir.goieh her Unite, They it so oont,.11 the lids, of our opaohate merchants and profeseional men. The Bee rove t-Tneeclay May let, ears the Local Option Law 00 )0 foroe, It reported that the quashing of the By. to will be attempted at Ossioode Hell Toronto, on Ihn.sday, May 10h, We are not in a positioo to parte whether thin ie the came or tiot. teleantitne nor 1 The - Misses ilabkirk in2111111111161111111.111111.111 1.11.11/101100. wimporkobAreviwikookfteirmwokowe Wish to announce that they will not have any Special Millinery Display this sea- son. Our Spring stock has arrived and is ready for your inspection any time. With many Thanks for past favors and hoping for a con- tinuance of the same, we shall be pleased to show you the latest iu Spring Millin- ery for 1906 411.040~~4.01•004040010404%1WIAA NMI village bag the dietinotion of being a dry town. We cannot say that it has seemed to make any appreoiable difference in the liveliness or otherwise of the town. Vord-vvIen„ The lightning rod men are on the war path in Howlett agaiu. Alex. Young is boom from New Ontario. He looks hale end hearty. Two loads of Foresters attended the funeral of the late John Clegg, on Mon• tau of last week. Tboa. Strong has purchased Dare. E. J. MoLenghlin's reeidenoe. Mr. Oook made the sale. The jnnior League purposes having a short program at their meeting oo Fri• day evening May 11.112, when their mie. eiopery boxes will be opened, Miss Lucy Rattan, of Lakelet, was epending a week with her Dieter, Mrs. J. D. Soott, on the 4th con. She also vieit- ed Mies Maggie J. McKee in town. Mies Ella Maxwell, of Turnberry, who has been nursing the typhoid patients at Poetmaeler Gibeon'e bee returned home, The patients are not regaining their eirength very quickly. VOUCHERS, HAWKERS, SPATTERS 1 ['tibiae expectoration is agaitiet the common law, against the laws of health also. When the throat ticklee, that's the time you need "Oetarrh, zone" ; it imothes away the irritation, outs out the phlegm sad romps the tight feeling. You'll quickly onre that oeterrh and throat with Calarrhozone. 10 poeitiv.ly prevents new attacke and aurae oatarrh forever and for all time to oome. Don't take our word for it, try Cetarrhozone yourself. Once need yonal be delighted with its pletteant and helpful influence. 530 ytts. Wm. Foeter was op before Reeve Sloan on II °barge of Luciana. He was let go by paying $5.50. Maio Brown has a gang of men at work making the neceesary omens blocks for the three storey addition to the Oommeroial betel. Frank Banton bee commenced tbe creation of hie new house. It will be eituated on Queen street, jut South of 0. H. Beeee'e residence. Dr. J. C. Lindsay, who bas oarried on sr, atumesefal medical practice here for the past six years, has sold out the Game to Dr, J. E Charieeworth, of Morpetb, an old oollege elawamete who hae practised in the latter village for the past Bit para. Dr. Lindsay will take a trip West thio Summer and if be likes it will home there. A. meeting waft held at the Commer. dal hotel when tbe Blyth bimetal' team was organized for the ocitning season. The following ofthere were elected ;- Hon. president, James Marthrobie ; preeident, J. M. Hamilton ; vice president S. H. Gidley ; manager, Dr. G. E. Long ; captain, E. A. McMillan ; secretary treaanrer, T. B. MoArter ; ground Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the eetate of Matthew Morrison, late of the Village of Wel- ton, in tbe County of Huron, Con- veyancer, deceased. Notice M hereby given, marenant to Boyle - oil Statutes of Ontarin,1897, Chap. 129, and emended Acts, that all creditor% and others having any claims against the *Mate of the said Matthew Morrison who died on or about the 6th day of April, 1806 aro regaired on or before the 21304 day of May, 1906, to eend by post, prepaid, or deliver to John W. Morrison Walton P,O., Execrator of 'mid eetate, their Ohriatian and surnames and addi eases with full pertioulare in writing of their olalme, the statement of their ea- aountn and the nature of the securitiee (It 009) held by them, verified by satiefaetory declaration. Aod uotioe is further given that after the said last mentioned date the said Execn. tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the partiee entit• led thereto, having regard only to the elafme of whiela he shall then have notice and that the said Executor will not be liable for the assete, or any part thereof, to any person or persona of whose eleime notice shall not have been received 1) him at the time of 0009 distribution. Dated at Brussel' tate estle day of April, A.D., 100. A.13. MAO DONALD, 42,3 Split:Ater for Executor. committee, R. M. MoBay, T. B. Me- Arter and E. A. blob/ellen, Goderioh dietriot of the Methodiet church will hold Dietriot Meeting in Blyth May 15th and 16th. Ou the evening of the 15th a public miseionary meeting will be held at wbioh addieeses will be given by Rev. G. N. Hazen, of Goderioh, and Rev. J. G. Faille, of Auburn. A grand concert will be given in the Indnetry Hall on Friday evening tender the animates of the Epworth League of Blyth Methodist church. The following Well known Went will take part :-Mrs, R. Smith Baker, of Welton, whist ; H. 0, limith, of Mitchell, formerly of Blytb, violinist ; Prof. Lloyd Pryoe Jonee, Or - Runlet of Mitchell, Methodist olenrob ; Norman March, leader of Blyth Metho. ter,. •41„,,,14-7 -- • Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS A NY even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba, Seek atehewan and Alberta, exesinfeg 8 aud 28, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, 80 007 mala over 28 years of eat, to the extent of 00e..30.irter section of 160 eines more or less Entry may be made personally at the local land ofnoe for the distriot in which the laud is situate. Tbe homesteader is required to perform the coudltio 88 00000800-1 therewith under one of the following plain: (1) At least six menthe' residence upon and cultivation of the laud in eaell year for three years, (2) If tne father (or mother, if the rather le deceased) of the homesteauer reside, neon •1a010 in the vlei..ity of the land entered frr the requirements es to real - deuce may be ea idled by nob person re- siding with the father or mother. (9) If the Battler use his permanent resi- dence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of bib homestead. the re- quirements as to residence may be satia- ted by reeidence upon the amid land. Six menthe' unties, in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lauda at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W W. CORY, Deputy of theMie,lot.er et Interior, N. B. Unauthorized publication of thla ad- Yertiaernent will not be paid for, -- • - Ho 1 For the Farmers Blacksmith Shop Walton M'NEIL. BROS. the Horseshoers, having bought out the Humphries It Inclumithitig bileineits ere pre pared to do all kinds of work In that line on the sh atone notice. Having had sere. al :tears' experience in myna of the beet horse-etioeicg Blume in the United States we are prepared to shoe all horsey entrained to us. Give us a call, 41.4 McNEIL. BROS GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, Bran, Shorts, &c., always in stock and sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building. ,sernewesswinownecr=4.0..- - diet church choir ; Mier:Nom Maunders, of Brugeole, elootitioniel, and the West. acid quartette. There will also be a comio dialogue entitled "A, good dinner," Jepaneee hen drill by nine young ladies, tableaux, elm Time. aud Mrs. Jonee and tbeir greed daughter, Mime Emma Murata leave Blyth ou the 18ili Iota., for Quebeo, where they take the ateamehip Empreee ut Britain for Liverpool sod then to Wolverhampton, Eogland. At the latter place they intend epending 000 - orderable time with old friends. A quiet wedding took pleoe at the residenoe of James Leaoh on Tuesday eveuing of hat week et six o'clock, when his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Leach, of Til000burg, was married to Horace Weatherwax, of the name place, The ceremony was performed by Bev. S. Audereon, and the happy couple left for their borne in Tiloonborg. RHEUMATISM LIVES IN THE BLOOD, Consequently it requires an internal treatment, one that will restore the blood, and thereby relieve the wane of the pain. After years of experiment Dr. Hernia ton enooeeded in producing a remedy that quickly eines rheumatism, gotta and e ll ono sold dieorders. This man:ohne cam hae been given to the patina se Dr. Elamilton'e Mandrake and Butternut Pine ; in every case they care quickly. By toning the kidneys and liver, Dr Hamilton's Pills couture a clean, healthy body. The blood is reavored to a normal healthy oonditton, renewed vigor ze im• parted to overworked organs, and thaw the genera, bealth le built np, and no room is left for rheumetiena to creep in. Diaeouraged sofferer, relief is at hand lite Dr. flamilton'a Pills, and you will g oon shake bands with your old enemy. Here ie enbetantial proof A Cripple's Story of Cure. "Tbie 18 a giad day for me, writes James E. Brownfield, from Midland, Ont., "bemuse I eau speak of coy per. manent euro ot flaman= I have been all through the aohiog days and eleeplees Diehl°, have orient my money on worth - lees remedies, and coneequently in reoora mending Dr. Hamilton'. Pale I fee' sure of their merit. No remedy gave thole relief or did me so much good aa Dr. Hamiltona Pills. My rhetanatiem they cured, and ever eines my betelth has been perfect." When Dr. Hamilton's Pills are to be had in any drag store, its foolish to live in misery and illhealth. Yon ought to get thia medicine to day and ours your. eel!, Price 25u. per box, or five beau for $1 at all dealore, or by mai) from N. 0. Pole°. & Co., Hertford, Gonne U. S. A., and Eingeton, One. Popular Stallions. The following 10111 be the routes of the Horses named for Season o01966 1 BARON FIFE. R. MoDONALD, Prop. and Manager. MONDAY-Leavee hie own stable, Lot 17, Con. 9, Gray, and go to Thos. Learmont% Lot 9, Oon. 11, Grey, for noon then to Oliver Harris', Lot 12. Gee 15 for pirate. TUESDAY -To John MoTaggarta Lot 24, Oon. 15, Grey for norm ; then to John Ratherford's Lot 4, Oon, 13, Elme, for night. WEDNES DAY- To Chas. Loyeat Lot 27, Oon. 11, Grey, for noon ; then to his own etable for night THURSDAY -To Wm. Lowe's!, Lot 14, Con. 3, Grey, for noon ; then to Jae. Peres, Lot 1, Oon. 6, for night FRIDAY -To Wm. Cook'e, Lot 19, 5th line, Morrie, for noon ; then to Frank McCutcheonat Lot 23, 6th Line Morrie, for niglit. SATURDAY - to ()eland Hotel, Blaming, for noon ; then to hie own etable where he will remain Until the following Monday. BURSAR. GOVENLOCH & ARCHIBALD, Prop. MONDAY -Will leave bis own stable, riot 30, Con, 12, Moliillop, and proceed to R. noddle, Lot 22, (Jon. 6, MoKtliop, for noon ; then to DI014'13 Hotel, ,I3eaforth, for night. TUESDAY --By way of the 2ud Ooo., Tuckeremith, to Thoe. Go e. mat's, for neon ; then North so Thomas Dale's by way of Alma, for night. WEDNESDAY -North to Henry Tay ler's Lot 6, Coe. 11, Hallett, for noon ; then to hie own stable for night. TFIUREIDAY-Will go East to S. Forbina, Con. 14, Maintop, for noon ; then North to Oliver Turnbull% 10th (Jon. Grey, for niebt. FRIDAY-Weet, then North to D. Militate for norm ; then to the American Hote), Braman, tor night. SATURDAY -Bomb to James Bolger's, Oon. 8, Morris, tor noon ; then to hie own stable for night, where be will remain until the following Monday morning. CHILDWICK HATHERTON. W. J. COOPER, Proprietor. MONDAY APRIL Mit-Leaves his own stable, Lel 80, Con. 10, Grey, and proceeds by way of 10th Oon. Grey, to Elmo, to Jno. Valiance's for noon ; Booth via Mitchell gravel road to Barter's Hotel, Monition, for bight. TUESDAY, -Ease and South lo Boharee for noon ; West by way of 12th Con. of Logan, to Wm. McPherson's, 12th Oon. Logan, for night. WEDNEEI. DAY -North and Weet to Marshall Harrison% Lot. 82, Con, 16, Grey, for noon ; then along the 16th Con. to Ors nbrofik, 803 Longa' Hosea for night THURSDAY -By way of the 10102 Con. of Limy to the Arnetioan Roma Briliteele, for noon ; then North to Thos. Mamie% Jamestown, for night. FRIDAY-Eeet via Grey and Tornberry bounder), to George McDonald's, Lot 17, Onn 1, Grey, for noon ; that, to Beehaver'e H,elel, Moleewortb, for night SA TURDAY-Tia Molesworili sideroad to Coo. 4, Grey, for noon ; then to Lotigeway's Hotel, Ethel, for two holm ; then to his own etable where he will remain until the following Mowing. Over 4,000 more immigrants have this year to ante repelled Toronto than in the Barna period last year. IMPORTANT NOTICES THREE COWS AND SOME 1 young cattle 1098010 Apply _ to GEO 11031),Bruseels,_ THREE YOUNG SHORTHORN sails for sale, eligible for registra- tion. Apply to AS, SPEAR, Lot 80, Oon, 6, Morris, Bruseele P.O. 28.11 giGGS FOR HATCHING.— ..1.2.4 Boons Ineteen liens, handsome 100 and groat layers attai:pi from pen 090 5140, pen two 81 00 after April 15011, A few cocherels left yet for sale, /supply Rained, W101. J. SHIELS, Ethel ,P, O., Ont. BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG Is prepared to give lessons on Piano or Reed Organ, Terme on application. Postollice address -Brussels. Redo eine- Lot 13, Con. 10, Grey. Puplie may have their lessons 00 their own homes it preferred. GOOD TOWN PROPERTY FOR Salo on which la large brick house, staple, drilled well, cietern, fruit garden, Am.,51 acres of land on John and James at., Brume Terms reasonable. Apply to JOHN McFADDEN on promisee or F. S. stiuTT, 00080018, MISS MARGARET MIAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Masi°. pOP. SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers her 100 more farm, being Lot 20, Oon. 7, Grey, for sine or to rent. Comfortable house, hank barn, orchard, wells, dm. Farm la only of a mile from the Wring village of Ethel For tnr- Wier particulars apply to F. S. &hitt, Brus- sels, or MRS. RATIO ROLLAND, 73 Shuter Illtoeel, Toronto, 37-3ui DROPERTY FOR SALE—THE A. undersigned offers his house and lot, situate on 01111 etreet, Brussels, for sale It is well !pouted, a convenient au d aom for. table home. P0860138i0L1 can be given at once, Will else sell the 960900 001, corner of 011(1 and Ellz.iboth atreets, which would make a One building site. For further par- 1,!jouAb.tr.° ..VP,i8i38..rdT,As. Itile, applyrt:. 80-4 STOCK FOR SERVICE. BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 3, Con. 9,Grey. the Thero..bred Durham Bull,"Royal Eagle," aired by "Royal charier." Pedigree may be seen on applica- tion. Term. 81.50 per cow, with privilege of returning If neeeseary. 40.4 0. 110ZELL, Proprietor, BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE understgued will keep for service on Lot 21, Con. 12,GreY, the pure bred Aber- deen Angus bull, "Lord Tuumaa 13," aired by "Godelich Chief," the champion bull of Canada. Pedigree may be (men on applicr.- non, Terms 82.00 with privilege of return- ing if neeenerry. S. M. ENGIRT, SO•tf Proprietor, I-40AP. FOR SERVICE. --THE nudereigned will keep for 8erri4,0 on Lot 21, (leu. 18, Grey, the improved Berk. shire 200r, " airview Geldnuder," 010. 10005 Pedigree may be seen on application. 'Pt rms.-81.50,0r 01 25 each for two or more ; Berkshire sows 8000. All who are li.tereat- ed le raising the Ideal himou Hog and the hog that will masa the most money should see this hog before using any other. 8711 J. P. MoINTuSE1, Oranbrook P. 0. SMITH & STEWART House, Sign and Carriage Paint- ers. Ornamental and Scene Work and Paper Hang- ing a Specialty. Quotations Furnished on Application SHOP Turnberry St., Brussels SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt 'they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. AT rewar's Oranges Lemons Bananas Spanish Onions Dates Figs Fish and Oysters "Whale, High Grade 5c. Cigars High Grade Chocolates The Home of Good Old Cheese and 27c. Tea ALLAN LINE ROYAL. MAIL STEAMERS To Liverpool Triple Borew Steamers -- VICTORIAN and VIRGINIAN Turbine Engines -No Vibration The Finest and Fastest THE CANADIAN CANADIAN ROUTE From Montreal From Quebec Parisian May 8, 9 a.m May 3, 6 p.m Virginian Ila) 10, 4 '• --May 10, 2 Tutdelau 1,100117, 9 19103' 17, 8 " Victorian May 24, 4 " ......May 24, 1 " Rates of Passage First Class -$70 and upwards, according to steamer. Ormond Claes-84150 and up, according 10 newsier. Third Class- 527 50 and 028.75. For further partloulare, rates and tiokets apply to W. IL HERR, Agent Allan Line, Bruasels. Toronto Rag and, Metal Co'y PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &c , &c. Highest Prices for All H. ROSEN K. LABEL. Mill st. West, Brussels HOMESEEKERS' .EXCURSIONS CANADIAN PACIFIC aeeet, TO THE NORTH WEST RETURN FARES: Winnipeg - 132.00 Strasburg • 130.25 Souris - 33.60 Saskatoon - 37.26 Brandon - 33.66 Prince Albert 35.00 Moosomin - 34.20 Na. Battleford 36.00 Arcola - 34.60 Macleod - 40.05 Estovan 1 . um CsIP ry - 40.50 Yorkton Red Dear - 41.60 Regina - 36.76 Rattler ). . 42.60 Moose Jaw -. 36.00 Edmonton GOINO: June 6th, goad to return until August eth. June lath, " August 20th, July 3rd, II " Sept. Srd. July 17th, " " Sept. 17th. For rates to other points and complete In- formation apply to nearest Canadian Paelfla Agent, or write to a H. Penult, Dietriot Passenger Agent, 71 Yonge Ste, Toronto. PAGE FENCING THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST When you buy a knife for instance, you Besides the extra strength and superior''' consider the quality of the steel in the workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip.: blade. The biggest and heaviest knife isnot ped in m. special white paint,which on necessarily the best. Now there 18 3001 as top of the best of galvanizing, will lengthen much difference in the quality andstrength the life of wire for years. And, also, this of steel in fence wire as white coating makes wire there is in a knife blade or wire. which though it f PAGE fencing, o a t - much more sightly. razor. The Page Co. use Owing to the great a high carbon steel strength and elasticity o costs you but little more,ellimetra third less posts are re - is fifty per cent. (507) mill ' '':e, .4111 \ quired, thus reducing the fences. The lightest PAGE fence is as strong aa the heaviest of other MakV IF cost of the fencing. FENCES one-half As you get in PAGE stronger than wire in other s. more fence etrength• Notice the lock in PAGE greater protection againse "EMPIRE" FENCE. You rust, belter workmanship, may have noticed also that "EMPIRE.. rENCHG. better appearance, mei others are froltkting less posts, can you afford it. That is a good recommend for it, to use other fences, even though you coula Where we lead others follow, buy them for one-half the price of the All PAGE wire is "COILED," not PAGE? But, really ours cost you crimped, little, if any more. 408 Get prices before placing your order for Feline Gates or Lawn Fence. X. B. GERRY, Boat n I ,a ond j J l'H 10.11 1' ON, ATWOOD ROST, CLOSE ETIllil t.,1 b C 11 HA Illt1 FORDW1011 W. H. HUMPHRIES &, SON, Wevroti, THE LOCK IN PAGE A i0.