The Brussels Post, 1906-5-10, Page 3L ' :+ter einI.1 l i'd°3„I,•llei„I,^1einleteden, I PAI.Ii, 1.US'I'Li1E,S HEALTH 'heli DAILY BATH. A. witty woman, the president of a •collego for women, said once that We world may be divided Into two classes - time who bathe dully and those who do not. This dl'asiun on be made, of course, just as any other separation of one macs from alollice, but It should 'net bo nude to disparagement of 111060 W110 do noU tato Zhu morning tub. TYm daily cool or cold bath is an 020. -0110116 Institution, ptbmotly% of eleanlie nest. health, vigor, and a feeling an d to } akin uilko for these who do nut take it; but 11 is not an absolute neccasil.y, even for cletullineos, 11 is not possible to lay down any .tiles of hygiene which aro of univcreal application without modifica- tion. The bort that can be dorm to to :treat, M the m'erago person, and those :above or below this average mist make modifications i11 one or 11101 other direc- tions to suit the Individual needs. This is the ease with tho morning tub. For the average person in average heathen a daily ball} in cool water ie u! the greatest value for both health and 'elranlltteOs. For the latter a worm bath is often said to be necessary, but this is not so ordinarily. Ono who bathes evohy morning, soaping the body well before stepping into the tub say on two • mornings of the week, bus no need for ttu' Saturday night scrub in hot water. The daily nuttier, especially iI tlw under- clothes are changed two or three lirr108 a week, on soap days, Is clean enough for .this wicked world without further atom hon. The temperature of the bath should to as low ea ono can endure with ewn- dorl; it should never be so low that the battier feels cold after drying the body. For the young with strong hearts a temperature of fifty degrees is a fair 'overage{ biL as age advances this tern- perulure should rise say one degree with each year over forty, so that for a omen of any years lire batt[ may be at sixty degrees, and for one of sixty. years at seventy degrees. After sixty years ono should observe caution re- gafding the tub bath, and it is better to get the doctor's advice, for If the wa-: ter le too cold or too hot, a weakened heart may receive a dangerous shock. Sponge -batting fs then batter as a rule. l'ho Lempefaturc of the air in We room should h1 general he about that of the bath water, or a little above. The glow -of the reaction which comes wilh the rubbing is more readily produced In a warn room. For this purpose a good, .rough towel shoui(1 bo used vigorously. 1n order to bring the blood to the sur-. face and stimulate circulation generally.: Indeed, from We health point of view, the; rubbing is a most Important part of Um bath. -Youth's Companion. Can Only Obtain Health Thi ouph Now, Rich Pure Blood Made by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Growing girls -girls In lh011' teens - must have richt, pure blood. Healthy womanhood depends upon the vital (Mange from girlhood to maturity. liv- ery woman should most carefully watch her daughter's health at this cel - 30011 period. 1I a girl at this period has hetdaohes, if she Is pale, WM and lan- guid, it shows that her slender blood supply is being overtaxed. SIlo will always bo ailing and may slip into a hopeless decline or consumption it her • blood is not built up at once with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The rich, red blood which these pills make .bring health and strength to every organ, and make dull, listless, languid girls, bright, .rosy-cheeked, active and strong. Miss Maggie Donahue, Erinsvilio, Ont., seys; "Before 1 began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1 was badly run down, and It seemed as though my blood had turned 'to water, i was very pale, suffered from headaches and palpitation of the heart, and often I would pass sleepless nights. T found nothing to belp me until I began, the use of Dr. VJitinu1s' Pink Pills, and these have fully restored me and f can truthfully say I never enjoyed better health titan 1 um now doing," When Dr. Williams' Pink Pills re- ' Once bad blood with good blood they strike straight at Lho root of all cohn- men ailments 111(0 anaemia, decline, Indigestion, kidney and liver troubles, f -kin eruptions, erysipelas, neuralgia, St, Vitus dance, pnralysts, rheumnlism, • and the special ailments of growing girls and women, Be sure you got 111e genuine pills with the hill name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pen - pie," printed on the wrapper nrnund each box. Sold by medicine dealers er sent by moil at 50 cents a box or rex hones for $2.50 by writing Tile Dr. Wtl- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, PE'T'S OF BRIT1811 SOLDIF.1RS. One Regiment Had Emu and Kangaroo. Another a Snake. No less than thirty regiments in the British army havo pot animals at- tached. The dogs of the "Fighting Fifth" and "Jack," the retriever, of the Twelfth Lancers, march with then' companies when on active service, and have taken part in more than one battle, The (arum horse of the Seventh Hussars -present- ed by the late Queen Victoria -marches proudly at the head of the .nen, wills while tail and main flowing. "Billy," the goat of the Welsh Fusil- iers, is better known, and is a very showy soldier finical, as h0 shuts along ir, all the glory of scarlet cant, with white facings, Orad the badge and crest of the regiment on his •forehead. rho Queen's Own hussars has also a goat. A doer Is the pet of the Seatorlh Ilghlanders. "Antony," a little donkey, attached himself to the Twenty-sixth Battery while in India and became an established favorite, marching, eating and drinking with the mon. A pet boar was We mascot of the Gloucester regI- ment, but becoming ill tempered had to bo shot. The Lancers of New South Wales 1 (ave an emu and a kangaroo.."Poter," the goose, became the pct at the Grena- diers while In Canada. The lame bird limped up to a sentry on night and held up a hurt foot for his inspection. ile attended to the wound, and the bird thereafter refused to leave the camp, so the soldiers adopted it. When the Devonshire regiment wns In India, a snake was for many months adopted as a pet, end, though poison- ous, tt never attempted to hurl any member of the company. Suiten the men returned to England this uncanny pet was left behind, HEALTiH AND BEAUTY: Housemaid's knee may be avoided by using a cushion to kneel on instead of 'the IWO floor. In cases of measles the child must Le guarded from a strong light. A warm Bath may be giveu if fever is high. Hiccough may be relieved by sipping cold water, or holding the breath may. •also effectually cheek 1L 1f these me- thods tall, a teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda to a half tumbler of water) should be taken. Dandruff In adult persons may lead lei premature baldness, and should be, treated with care. Brushes and combs -should bo washed daily 1n strong soda, waleu; the hair should be washed dully with soap and water, and afterwards, with an alcoholic solution of perchloride of mercury, and thoroughly dried. Valeo of Mille. -Good pure milk Is .mdrltous and f[esb-forming. Take a ,gloss of hot milts the last thing at night it troubled with insomnia, or if you wish •(o gain flesh. Mille must always be 'taken slowly -sipped, in fact -and take lune Lon minutes over a glass. Care of Digestive Organs. -Nervous ':brealldovrn 1s oftener duo to overwork- ing the digestive organs than to mental 8181101 as such. Abstemious habits In •caling cotnbined with some attention to -exercise make it possible for one to do an Immense amount of hard brain- work without injury. A good Stimulant. -Hol milk, heated 'to as high a temperature as it oan be drunk, is a most refreshing stimulant in cases of cold or over -fatigue. Its :action is very quick and grateful. The :effect of hoe milk is tar more beneficial end lasting than that of alcohol. It ,gives real strength as well as acting as Y fillip. Shampoo Substitute. -Orris -root pow - 'dor dusted, over tiro hair is a good sub - stains, for frequent shampooing. ennete piece. The animal delighted with its finery, showed its glee by so many lithe squeaks and kicks of pleasure that general "t- tenton wns attracted to it. Not long after another state peones - sloe. was formed, and the previous won el' of the gold cloths being restored to , health, tools his accustomed, place end' trappings, when the now degraded t ♦- ELEPHANTS DELIGH1' iN DRESS. Costly and Magnificent Trappings Aro Placed on Them. Elephants are passionately fond of finery, and delight to see themselves decked out with gorgeous trappings. The native princes of India are very particular in choosing their state ele- phants, and will give fabulous sums fur nn animal that exactly meets the some- what fanciful standards they havo omen ed. For these they have made cloths or silk so heavily embroidered with gold that two men aro hardly able to lift them. An amusing instance of elephant pride is narrated. The elephant which usually led the state procession of a Rajah being 111, the ningnigcent trap. pings were placed on ono W11101) had up to that time occupied only a subor- 'Spr[nide the powder into the hair and rib it well into the scalp, then brush It out. Oris is one of tihe few powders •which nr0y be used for this purpose, as It will not stop the pores. It is cleans. :Ing and will give a faint, sweet odor to Otho hair. Tho Study of Ileallh.-The clearness, •and consequently the beauty, of the skin depends so much upon the healtliot the body that no one on hope to have a brillinnl and healthy complexion who sutlers from indigestion, neornlgia, 'anaemia, oto., therefore due regnrd must he paid to everything which effects the general health If you want your skin to be 1n good condition. The best aids to booty are abundant ablutions of tbe._.entire body,. wholesome and •enelly-digested fond,, plenty of fresh ail' and sniltaient sleep. a'u Slave Off Wrinlcles,-it Ia highly 'important that grime o11Cunuteted clue- ing the day should be removrd before lying down. Neglect of this agile will :cense SnlOwness and. blackheads. Tho Moo eho3ld 11e washed with hot wntar •and soap, he rinsed in many waters, .and be rh4ed tllnroughly. Next a really good Akin fond, quite tree (tutu Wnx, spermaceti, or salted lard, end eon - Mining tittle or no glycerine, may h0 applied.. if a liquid 111 should he brushed over the parts. If mono soled it should be gently spread. Any messego .below the eyes, or at the nye corners, is sure o maim wrinkles, A brush has a mar. Venous effect on the softer skin Imes. Tide is a !latish job, as the fly re- .ked while tit wone� We,leing over filo Ill kW* blltd head, nen, TRACKING Id(1Nn. A Hunter's Experiences in the Wilds 01 Boat Africa. The sportsman hunting lions In Bast Africa has to depend upon being favor- ed by oh'cumstences. Ile may and MMM. self unarmed just velum bis chance has conte. Lions often hunt In combina- tion, sety8 (ho author, of "Vlashligh'ls 1n the Jungle." They drive their prey to- ward each Mire and 800111 to communi- cate by their roars. III 1900, writes Mr, ,Schillings, i had en encounter with tilree lions wield) might easily have proved fatal to me. Following the course of a stream, f went out for a short walk round the camp, armed, contrary to my usual miniu31, with only a fowling -piece. Suddenly 1 00010 upon the tracks of several Lions. Almost Involuntarily I followed the tracks for two hundred yards or so, end was about to make my way down into the dried-up bed of a stream when l beoaTle cooso OUS 01 e. shadow t0 my loft. Turning round, I beheld a lioness twenty-five paces off, eyeing mo quietly. Almost simultaneously I saw, six or eight paces from her, two other lions moving forward, half -covered by the grass. Igor several seoonds neither I nor the lions mode a move. But oho lioness pre- sently turned away from me quite calm- ly, took several steps along the border of 11te gorge, and then disappeared sud- denly among 1110 bushes. The others disappeared simultaneously. I waited motionless for a minute where I wag, then hastened book to the camp. in 1900 I witnessed a very interesting spectacle. 1 had 110en for several hours following up the tracks of some lions when 1 name suddenly upon 11n ostrich's nest, with some young ostriches in it only Just out of their shells, and with some eggs within a few hours of hatch- ing. "1'o my astonishment, the lions seemed to have disdained the young birds. But on: examining 1110 tracks more carefully, I teemed bettor. The old ostriches had evidently espied the lions In good lime In Lho clear moonlight, and, as the tracks fndternal unmistal(- ably, had enticed them away from the nest by effecting a speedy retreat. The lions had followed the ostriches for about a hundred yards with long springs, but had then, seeing the pur- suit ' was hopeless, fallen buck into 41)031' ordinary stride. In this way the os- triches succeeded in saving their threatened brood. - ------- AN EX -MAYOR GIVES UNSTINTED PRAISE "DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ARE 1110 VERY BEST MEDICINE 1 EVER USED FOR KIDNEY . TROUBLE. Mr. Robert Sheppard, Ex -Mayor otGan- anoque, Ont., Testifies to the Merits of Dodd's. Kidney Pills. Gananoque, Ont., April 30.--(Speelal.) -"1 suffered off and on for over four years from kidney trouble," writes Mr. Sheppard, of this place, "and though I tried many remedies and was under a doctor a long while 1 got no better. 1 had Bright's Disease slightly, Lumbago, pains in my loins and al limes all over nay body. Mn skin was dry, hard and burning, I could not sleep, the least ex- ertion made me perspire fearfully and my blood was so had I broke out in bolls all over the neck and beelt. I was In tills state when I started taking Dodd's Kidney Pills and in an Incredi- bly short space of time the boils dis- appeared, I recovered my health and now I ant quite cured." Corns cause intolerable pain. fLollo- way's Corn Cure removes the trouble. Try 11, and see what amount of pain It saved. Teacher -•-- "What is the consotenee?" Little 3831105 - "!tis sonothhlg that 11111(00 you sorry when. you gits found 0311." -_ Man and Wife in Distress. - Rev, Dee leoohror, of Buffalo, says: "My wife and 1 were bout troubled rvltlt die• li'oseing -Catarrh, but we Have enjoyed freedom from this aggravating malady since the day we l[rst used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Its action was 101• stantaneous, giving We most grateful iettef within ten minutes neer first ep- pliaatioo. " 50 cents, -153 If a man only had nine lives like a oat, be could insuee 1110111 all and col - feet on ono occasionally when he got herd up. 13 OAT DO PROM111 0080 who ave ran down„ =undo, pale listless? Peiroriuh, the bear 1,110. I31,011ds, maims strong, it hives new lire. There aro many tomos bat m, y one "F,rorovtrn." 'beast, imagining, perhaps, WM, Ito wns being defrauded of his promotion, was, 1 wilt great dIMeulty, restrained teen attacictng the lender of tihe porede, ' STURDY BARIE,S. • In every Home whore Baby's Own , Tablets are used your will find rosy, shindy, good-natured babies because these goblets cleanse 111e stontnoh and bowels, aid digestion, and (hue bring perfect heui11t. Ask m1y mother who hes used the 'Tablets and she will tell. you (hee Is no Other medicine so g0o(I, Mies. James hail, 130ao11 11111, N.S.(" says: "My baby wns; lroubledewitb in- digestion, was cross told peevish and rapidly losing flesh, t got Baby's Own Tablets and less Than a box cured him and Ile hn.s ever since enjoyed good health and 1s growing splendidly." Mothers should remember that alis tiled - 101110 1s absolutely safe and can be given to the weakest, tenderest baby, Or le the 0(ut'dy welf•grown boy or girl With manly good affect. Sold by ail medicine deaiers or by mall at 25 cents a box front The Dr. Williams' Mfedicine Co., Rrockvile, Ont. There is no graduating from the cttoal of cepertonee, 111SAPPISAR[NG PAPIER. Sympathetic inks, by means of which '•Pilings can be cenoenied when tate tpiper containing them is not subjected o certain external influences, have long been ]mown, but a disappearing piper, We decoy of which at lite end of a fixed Ilene destroys writing and:all, Is certain- ly a novelly. Such n neper, says the 113ench Journal La Pepelorte, has 004- (:Idly been invented. It is prepared by steeping in mild, the strength of which is varied wording In the lenge of UM Intended to he best.owetl upon the pa- i,rr. Aflne n -longer or shorter time she paper disintegrate,,. and falls to piocese iL is suggested that WM kind of paper would bra a been to those who do not [visit lo have their totters indetnilely preserveil, huh What holders of promis- sory notes should barvar° of 1t. Traveller -'"Why do you allow that waiter (o rcmaln constantly so dole to that young married couple? It evi- (ently annoys them." neslourateur -- "Oh, "Oh, bemuse, they eon)) lhiugv NO as to got him out Of hearing." "T havo discovered a great labor -Sav- ing device." "I always said you were a genius. Whet is it?" • "1 am going to marry Miss Bullion, the heiress." IN Tflie GAME. Monona --"Ethel, what do you mean by shouting In that disgraceful fashion? Leek Thew quiet Willie isl" Ethel -"0t course, ho's quiet; thaL's our gant0,. Ile's paha coating home lute, and len you." Miserable Folks could trace both slate of mind and body to some ono Cr outer form ' o[ 8(0(1100(1 dieorder. Dr. I. Von Stans flneapple `fabhn is a '`vest r pocket" remedy that nature provides and that medical science ices proved a wonder In preventing and curing sto- mach ailments, 1I you've a symptom of distress in your 8torn110b1 test the Pineapple cure. 35 conls. 152 SHE FOOLED [IIM. Her Mamma - "Florence, 1 am al- most positive that he kissed you be- hind the door last night(." She - "Yes, but that wasn't the worst of It. It was also behind the ear," Tho superiority of Mohler Graves' Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase a bottle and give It a trial. A BAD HABIT. "Could yen give a poor ratan a quar- ter ter gut a bit to eat?" "See here, fellow, you're the same man [ gave a quarter to yesterday." "Say, boss, don't folies to your eet eat dinner every day?" THS 'WORST RIND After Piles have existed for a long time and passed through different stages, tho tuifering is intense -pale, aching, throbbing, ((10(0(5 form, filled to bursting with black olood. Symptoms indicating other troubles may Qum' to a thoroughly Pilo -sick person. This is when Dr. Leonhardt's i0em Roid, ;he only absolute Pilo cure, brings the results that 11as nude its fame. It will cute the most stubborn case in exietonue .and a bonded guarantee to that silect goes with each package. $onn-Bold is to bo had for $1.00 at the drug store, or from Tho Wilson•I'yle Com. pany, Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 3 Magistrate - "You were bogging cel the publio sheets, and you had over $11 ill your pocket." Prisoner - "Yoe, sir; t may not bo as Industrious as some, y'r honor, but I'm no spendthrift." TURK Tara DISTINCTION: A purely Inca! disease of the skin, Into barter's Itch, is cured by Weaver's Carate alone, But whore Clio blood 13 loaded with impurity, molt as Salt Rheum, Weavers Syrup also should 130 used. AUSTRALIAN DROUTII, [n parts of Australia where the aver- age yearly rainfall is not more than tel: inches a square mile of land well support only eight Or nine sheep. to the Argentine republic, South America, We sante arca, with thirty-four inches or rain, supports 2,560 sheep. A Clear [Healthy Skin - Eruptions of the skin and the blotches which blem- ish beauty are the result of impure blond caused by unhealthy aotion of the liver and kidneys. In correcting this unhealthy action and restoring the or- gans to their normal condition, Par- u101ee's Vegetable Pills Will at the mono time cleanse the blood, and the blotches end eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. AFTER THE SERVICE. The Minister -"That was a rather long sermon I preached this morning, my deur. Do you Think It met with the ap- proval of the congregation?" Inns Wife -"1- suppose so, Abner. f noticed they Were all nodding." ",Sly ',Volnan, is ft the Kidneys?" -- Investigatimn in half the disorders pe- culiar to women would prove faulty kidneys 1110 seat of the trouble. If you're troubled with that [red, drag- ging feeling, have an almost constant heaviness, maybe sharp pains in the head, put South American Kidney Cure tc the test. You'll find it the long sought friend, and it never tail.. -1501 Bridegroom (on honeymoon) - "I Haven't the slightest objection to ynurl giving all your time to the dug, my own, but I wieh you had merle it 01110 clear, when you suggested bringing it, whether it was you and i who wero go. trig on our honeymoon and wore bring- ing the dog. or whetter it was you and the dog who Were bringing me." Bo Thorp a WM Wisdom Points the Way. - The sick man pines for relief, but he dislikes sending for lire doctor, which means bottles of drugs never consumed. flo has not the resolullnn (0 load his stomach 10111) compounds which smell yiila[noushy mid taste worse. Rut If he hove the 130111 to deal himself with his ailment, wisdom will direct his attention to Parmelee's Vegrl. In01e Pills, lvhinh, ns a specific for in- digestion and disorders of the digest - five organs, have no equal. EQUATOR ON A TEAR. Thew were holding mid -year mum (nations in ono of the public schools. The subject was geography. 000 of the questions asked was "What Is the equator?" - "The equator," read the answer of a nine-year-old boy, "Is a menagetee lion running around the centre of the earns" Sunlight Soap In hotter than other soaps, lint is boot when' used in tho Sunlight way. Ban Sunlight Soap and follow direotions. SU13TEn11ANEAN WORLDS. The Great Solite Dakota Cavo is the largest cavern in tho world. It is situ- ated in the region of the Bleck Hills, and oxeeods even the Mammoth Cave in Kent: try, It 18 'flfly-two tapes long and contains 1,500 rooms, many of which are over 200 teat high, and aro massed wltl slalacttes and stalagmites et groat size. There aro streams, water- falls, and thirty-seven lakes in this vast subterranean world which is 6,000 feet above .the sea -levo\ end 400 tent deep. Kitty "So you have teen lee Parie1 You must have had a nice time there; you understand the language so per- fectly, you know." I3asstc --- "Well, the Met 1s, (h012gih you'd hardly believe 11, they speak sun queer trench there that - It's quite impossible to- converse with them with any degree of tntelll- geneo`,' $111,(3(3 REWARD will be paid to any parson who proves that Sunlight Soap contain. 407 injurlous chemieuls or any form of adulteration. ight p is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best for all household pur- poses, Sunlight Soap's super- iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (Follow direc- tions). Equally good with hard or soft water. Your money refunded by the dealer frotn whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you End any cause for complaint. Lever Brothers Limited Toronto *17 I,IG HTrrIrTG- Pressed Brick Machine BEST AND SIMPLEST 0(1 TIIE MARKET Wo also manufoot Ire Pea Harvesters and Bunchers, Manure Loaders, Hay, Grain and Stook, Rocks Washing Machines, wagon boxes, scrapers, wheelbarrows. Write for catalogue. WETOLAUFi,1R BROS. & SONS. STRA'1'FORD, ONT. DESIGNING, "There are very few women arctlt• leets." No wonder. Women do not relish be- ing called 'designing creatures." Cholera and all stimme1' 0Omplahnis arc so quick in their notion that the cold hand of death is upon 1110 vic- tims before they aro aware that danger is near. If attacked do not delay in get. ting the proper medicine. Try a dose of Dr. J. 1). KCeilogg's Dysentery Cordial, mid you will get Immediate relief. iL nets wills wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure. AN X ADDED. Jonesmith - "My wife was such a pensive rrerdure hetore I married, but she nominee to have gotten over it nervi," Rrownright -=' "1 see. You mean she's expensive now. • ura Two thousand designs 8nitable for all classes of work such as Churches, Schools. Stores, Halls. Also special designs for (louses, Kit- chens, Dining -Rooms, to. Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped- lar's Steel Collings for Farm Ileuses. Cheap as lata and plaster and will never crack or fall off. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. Made to fit any size room and can be nailed on by any rnechania Shipped from our warehouses painted all ready to apply, OUR CATALOGUE, NO. 44 C, DESCRIBES MANY Di:SIGNS. WRITE FOR 1T. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRr1T TO -DAY., THE PEDLAR PEOPLE NONTROM, QOL OTT8WA, 0NT. I 10110070. ONT, 1,050ON, CNP, 707 0raIy 00. 458 500801 SC i 1l ,lorborno Ot 00 0S5Wta 0f. 1TINNiPB°, I Warn Touts Nsaastr 0 VANCOUVER, 0.0, 70 Lombard OL AR= f 010 Pander St. Head Office and Works, Oshawa, Oat., Canada MAKE the FARM PAY A Fairbanks -Morse 2 H. P. Jack -of -all -Trades GASOLINE ENGINE NGINE willow wood an fast n two men eon handle It. I5 nom Dumps water, holia cora, grinds reed, mate. butter, rune cream noparator, LA 1803 far. nishtw power nor all farm para it Every farmer .heals hares nae Oat oat this rompioto ndvorttcnmeat and nand It to TER CANADIAN FAII{BAMS COMPANY, LTD44. MOl riv,MS AL ET, Ptoses pond mo (wltbovt charge) ptrttcularn abort Jnck.otall-Tradoe Engin for lam nae. I may wnnta 8,r Nntnt Engine for Address Prov,,,_„-� In Western eanad Tw,o cornering sections, o01uo, ed hands is Saskatohewan, only 6 miles from two railwaye, 0.P.R, & O.T.P. Strong soil, 00 por cont. plough land, spring creek, no MOUES% About 40 miles N.B. of Indian Heed. Price 510.50 per aero. Write for map and fall particulars R. PARo-ONS, 91 Wellesloy Street, Toronto, Canada. A UiNiVERSiTY EDUCATION -COSTING JUST A Lrl'rLII TROUBLE. If you will devote only your SPA le B TIME sending us names of farmers and feeders and help Intrmluce ARABIAN STOOK AND POULTRY FOOD TABLETS ,A Common -lienee Stook Food at a Common -Sense Price of ONE. CENT A POUND RATE 11.00 per 100 Prepaid and guaranteed. Send us a trial order and ask for booklet No. hs giving fun particulars 000)100 Free Premiums oltored. THE BESAW CHEMICAL 00., SCROFIBLD BLDd., CLEVELAND, O. Agents Wanted. We want reliable men to represent us in every town In Ontario, for the sale of Cobalt Mining Shares Any person can sell these shares. Hustlers can make big money. Write without delay. THE S. S. NESBITr COMPANY, Promoters, Brokers and Fiscal Agents Conrederation Life nuil..ing, 1 oronte. A WOLF WAS I111. "[ heard that you called 111e a beast, \ILSs Tabasco." "Well, 1 guess I did." "What kind of a beast, may I ask?" "A wolf, I fancy. You're so hard to !'cop from the door, Mor. Borobman." It Retains the Old and Miekes New 1'rriends.-Time WAS when Dr. Thomas' Ecleciric 011 hod but a shall field of distribution, but now its territory is widespread. Those who first recogniz- es its curative quintiles still value II es 'r specific, and while 11. retains Its old Mends it is over making nolo. ft is certain that whoever once uses it will not, be without it. It sometimes happens that the man who considers his wife onn in a thou- sand Imagines her molder Is the other nine hundued rind ninely-nano. Snit Rheum Cured Quick. - Dr. Ag- rew's Ointment cure. Salt Rheum and all itching or burning skin diseases in e day. One application gives almost Instant, relief. Pot' itching, Blind, ne Bleeding Piles it stands without a peer. Cures to three to six nights. 35 cents. -1St • iNSTJ3AD OF A CROWN. Do You Know How the Sheet of Fools- cap was Named f i:verygrle who has to do with paper recognizes foolscap ns n sheet thirteen by eix(0en Inches. Thio Is nerd as n standard size • all over, officially and rommercfolly. The paper derived its n011i0 in a curious manner. Atter the exccu11nn of Charles T., Cromwell and his s1nff, in organizing the Commonwealth, mndo all possible offo'Is to remove ever;ything which had anything :to do with 11)0 old mel0rehy. The paper to official use up In that time had, as a watornlarlc, the king's .sown; and, when Cromwell was asked what ilo should pfd i11 111e place of this crown, to show his overwhelming dislike to every- thing concerning royally, he directed'a tool's cap to be put in elle place of 111e er01V. -Thisnleas done, and, when Charles II, ascended the throne et Englend, it, wee at first forgotten to replace the eap by something Oise, and 111011, too late; the king eves afraid to do enythtng do re' call !hinge dangerous to teach, and so it was neglected, and the fool's cap may. be seen as .6. Watermark Ole Clearly all official papers. After finding something goed,' get busy and iook for something better. OLD VIRGINIA FARMS ILLUSTRATED CA1ALOCUE 00E0. LARGEST LIST FOR SALE 114 714E STATE 0' 88ELIFAN de CO.,. 14I0(IM0N0, VIA° NIA... ARPET DYEING and Omantor. This ).0.0,0 0(60 0(th the BRITISH AAMER*CAN DYEING 00. Enna Fut(001.10 by Dant 004 wo To aura 10.WJ.I7 &Wrens cot.85, t0amreai. Rheumatlsrn Cured. Why doou stiffen-Starr's Magic Rheumatism Cure will relieve the worst cases of acute, chronic, , or hiflammatory rheumatism in 24 hours. Every bottle has a positive guarantee to cure. .Hundreds of marvelous cures have been made lu all ports of Canada. Tl your druedist oo,l,lot give you Staves, take no other, sondd__direct to us. $1.00 per bottle. Osborn. nem0dy Oa, 175 Tongs St ,Toronto, Ont TTEERBOROUf /' tit-! �, L+ -'_.4ayga1���M Biatt Chea�A(.fof. r list (anon,5hilhlgunrhesr E 00 ATALacUE ANO GtrooePnleE5Pd SWIM, Ai BARRED Rocks exclusively. Our winnings at Guelph: First put let, anoint for best pullet and special Mr best female. At Detrott: First put - let, second cockerel, second cock, and special for bast shaped male. Mating List free on application. Eggs from 18 per setting up. Jno. Pringle, Propria( tor, London, Ont. T.6,RM TOR seenTn353. 800 acre farm, 3 miles from Indian Head, Sask. Good buildings,550 acres cul. titated, 430 in crop, over 150 more t0 cul- tivate, good pasture, fire wood. $21,000, half cash. Yielded 13,000 bushels last year. Several unimproved pieces ad- joining available homesteads. J. M! Thomson, Real Estate, Indian dead, Sask. _.-._... SOME WOMEN'S WAY. Agent - I'm sore you'd be charmed with the house If you took it. Why dont you and your wife discuss the question? llenpeok-My dear sir, my wife MOV. 0r discusses things rvitll me. She ale ways disputes. For 33 Years Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Luftg Tonic, has been before the public, and Otis, together with the faa that its sales have steadily increased year by year, is the Len proof of the merit of Shiloh as a one for Coughs, Coria, and at) diseases of the lungs and sit passages. 'prose who larva used Shiloh would not b0 without it. Those who have ((0003' used it should know that 1vety hottio (0 sold with a positive guarantee that, if it doesn't cute you, the dealer will refund what you paid for ft. Shiloh Das Cured thousands of the inert obstinate execs of Coughs, Colds and Lung !roubles. Let h cu10 you. 'Lad winter 1 eeusbed for three meths 60 :1 t 1 was 3,.105 into Cenmmluian. l took hl man cot Modic,ner but ttelhbts did ree heel until mai sietee's Conmm0tien Cme. Fat bottles cured me. 71dt ,,1011t 1 Md a sary WWI eeld 3(01 hat able to k, mr luews 10380 seta so hlw die and bwaet, Sic battles of Sh;kh mode me uta stain. !Ave aivea i1 to eerg ole, �rand q,a qF tium Nnyo ,to cur« pD. ygcepl,, 911, Nratmthw floc. Ooh S 11 IL 0 ti 25c. rvitlh asotapke al all rlruggisis3 15,917E NO. 13..O4