HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-10, Page 1New Advertisements. Wall Paper—Jae. Fox, Notice—Townehip of Grey. faTendero—Rrueaoea °ouoit. Notioe—Townabip of Morrie. Boar for aervioe—Lide 0. Jaoklin. Homeseekere' Exoaruioue-0. P. R. 1tstrxzX fli1st lit-etnkeit- uule. Wm. McNair, 10th oon,, io the dela• gate to the next digs Coact of the 0, 0. F., which will convene et Ottawa next Joao. A close wire fence is to be built in front of the mauve and Rcox ahuruh properly. Robert Close, of Ethel, baa the oon ,rant. Ray D. B. MacRae and Rev. A. Mao. Nab, M. A., of Walton, exchanged pot• pita' the latter preaobieg here teat Sub. bath morning, Willie Long, who has bean at Cargill, clerking in a store, to home for a abort visit prior to going to Lcudou where, we understand, he will take a pottage in a clothing store. We with 11103 well. N,exl week the Oranbrook Beef Ring renames' operations for this attach and meat will be supplied Wednesday morn• Mg. There are about 40 mombere in the aseooratien. The otfieers are Preai- deut, Will. Cameron ; A. McDonald, SeareiaryTreasorer 1 and Jno. Cameron, Iuepeator. S. Khneohroth ie the butcher and does the work well. VV 1-Oxett,r. Oral Hupler spent 1081 Friday in Brue• Bela. John ROtledge 'pend Sunday with Wingbam frieude, Joe Wade, of Fordwioh, was in the village on Monday. Mien Aneia Hooper, of Turuberry, re• turned from Sao Francesco Leat week. Mise Crawford, of downer, is the ;meet of J. and Mrs. Rutledge, Howiak 'creel, Mine Rachel Dane, of Gerrie, spent a few days of last week with Mite L. Lewis. The infant ecu of Soott and Mrs. Blank wee very ill te few days of last week. Reeve Harris returned from Fort Witham last week whore be hen been 00me time. Quarterly eervice of the Methodist ohurob was held in Beimore Sunday morning last. Mies Ella Smith else rater:ed from Gerrie and ie ageiu employed in E. Lewis' bakery. Peter Smith, of the Trader's Bank, Hamilton, ie °pending two week's hole• daya at hie home bore. rho Btebop of Huron will hold oon• firmtetion in the Epieaopel Cbutoh in Currie on May 17th ut 10.80 a. m. Dr. J. P. Mitehell, of Toronto, lees commenced practicing in the village cud has bis office at Mre. T. F. Miller's reel • dente. Mts. R. Match was taken very ill while vieitieg her parents in Gerrie. For mauy days her life was despaired of bat at last reports she was improving slowly. Al the anneal meeting of the Dime. tore of the &01e Co. ou Friday eight In dividend ut 8% was declared. The meet- ing of the aharoboldere will be held on Friday May 18th. The familiar taoe of John Cbittiak, who for ea many years drove the mail from Belmore to Wroxeter, will be miaaed on our strew. He wag in tie newel on Seturday MI6 wee taken ill on the following day with pneumonia which reanited in his death Friday athomoon. ONCE AGAIN T he Bu if Orpington Heade the list in the Egg Laying (Mutest, London, England, The Model Farm Report oaya: "They are the hoot Winter layers, alto grand Utility Breed," My pens are Standard Bred from Prize Winning Stook and are in bettor shape to supply eggs for hatching than ever before. Egos, 181.00 Per get JOHN WRIGHT The Orpington Man, Brussels. 40.8 t Al He wee seventy one yoare of age and leaves a large family of eons aid dough. fere. The Meath' took pith° m Belmore ou Sunday Idteru0on at one o'olook, 0ervioo being conducted by Rev, J. H. Oeterhout. Rev. J. 11. Oeterboat preached a am. noon to the Oddltllowe io the Methodist ohurob at 3,30 Sunday afternoon, ''here wee a large attendance, tt number of unr. rouudmg lodge° being repre0euted. ter v. Inapeetor Robb was visaing 'some of the eubuolo iu thee thane this week, Riobard Robiieou to buoy moving hie bete home winch he purobaeed :rum 1oato MoGavin. Mica Fmreuuu Stitt hag returned home after spending a term at the Aimh Lediet Uoliege, St. ''hound. The hem° of Juba Deunte Mee been brightened by the arrival el twtu gine. The little lames are doiug utuely, A little sod el Juhu Dougherty strayed away from home ruueutty. Tito entire 0etghborbood turned out ea night wee taut oppruoohiog and the little teltew wan Mead after walking over five miles, Wm. .ueohtel hue bad the old log house moved aeede 10 Leave 0000] for the new reeidenue. The old landmarks ibot tall of forty and fifty year° ago have versed their day ted like the euny settler are feet paeans away. Bsaae BDENED.—Lust buuday evening fire was Cleeoeored in one of the borne hu the farm of Aitred Hewitt near here auto It made ouch rapid progress that before eta devastating were was dune two Mime, 40x60 feet, tetra destroyed. 3 now° atm 3 title yeir old heifers were burued alto 5 tone of hey. Oue of the barna had been pnrubaeed by Wm. Medi Etta he tu• tended neuvi❑g It 10 hie farm, Timm was an ensuranoe of $500 ou euoh bare, carried by the Bowiok Mutual and Mr. Hewitt had $200 hu the uou10010. A hay prose wee got out before the fire remitted it., The cause of the bueu 0001 le 14 mystery. The fire started in the ['table from which Mr. Hewitt had taken it bores to drive to church a abort time previously. An he deed not smoke the spark theory due° not hold good. It will be quite a lose as beading material and labor are eo high. Press. dent Hitler end Vice Prestueut Brytue were out on Tuaetey inking the 0001Om- ary enquiry ted they wet, report at the next meeting of the Compauy oo May 2603, when the Malmo will be paid uo doubt. 131 le e yule. John Gannett put up a piece of neat tepee ',hie week. Fred. Pagb went to Palmerston on elooday whete he hale poeitiou. Arbor day woo observed at the eobool by potting ple1uree up and raking the yard, Mloeoe Bella end Nellie Burgess visited e t tlletr 010100 tMaggie's, ire Morrie, Sant week. Principal Aikedhead played football with Winghem team at Brueeele twit Friday. Joseph Pugh has rented hie farm, on the aeoond line of Morrie, to levan Jewitt. Qnarterty meeting ee0vieee were held iu the Metbouiet obu ch on Sunday morning. Daved Errington, senior, of Dungannon termer -1y of Morris, matted ie the villug0 11101 Week. Mr. and Sire. Rogerson, of Flatfeet, Ashfield, bare bought Mr. Fergueon'e bowie and breve come to live in Blae• vele. We regret to bear of the death of George Porter at Flushing, Miohieat. Mr. ;Porter formerly kept the poet•offioe more ill Bttevale. ?are. Labelle Maroon, relict of the late Donald MaLeau of Wawanoeb, died at the residence of Jobu Gemmel, nn Wednesday morning of last week after several Woeke of iliums. Mrs. MoLeen h ad made her home in Bluevale 1111300 last Full, She wee a seater of the late Duuoau and John Piug, Mre. MaLeen w160 nearly eighty years of age. The funeral 0800 on Thursday afternoon to Btuevale cemetery. Rev. W. J. Wee' 000duo10d the funeral service. The paltbearere were three nephews, Geo. E. Ring, of Wingbam : John W. and Peter King, of Btuevale 1 her etep.eou Mr. McLean, of Belgrave, and Win. and John Goddee, of Belgrave. (Intended for last week,] Norco.—Walter Burgeee left this week for Mooeomin, where he will engage in The Beet Wince we have ever shown in We I LACE CURTAINS at 25e, 850, 50o, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 per pair and hp. = r( argue These numbers aro all extra good value at rho �H� price and it will be to your i dvantage to 080 thorn before purchasing. TheART MUSLINS Wo aro also showing a good range of Art Mus- lim' at 50, 8o, 10o, 12t0 and 14o. Plain and Spot Curtain Net, Frilled Curtain Muelin, &o, immummtsiommiummiumi CARPETS Carpets iu Union and All Wool at 300, 40o, 50e and 750. Tapestry Carpets at 45o, 50o, 650 end 75o. Floor Oilo and Linoleume in good patterns and at Popular Prime. Houoe•aloaning will let you know what la wanted. Make out a list and oomo to um. No Fancy Prices Everything Cheap A, STRACHAN BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1906 bueiueee.--tare. W, 3. Johnston renamed from St. Joseph'° hospital 00 Saturday.— David Patton, jr. is node down with appeedioitm,—Tho cream waggons have u„mmeuued their Summer routine—Mete Aerie Pato to recovering from 11 bad attack of grippe.—Mrs. Milton Watson auu ouitdreu, of Sunshine, spent Monday 160 'Peewee Stewart's.—John and Sire. Petah, of Lietowol, spout Sunday at R. N. Duff'°,—Robert Mesmer loot a good horde that week. It felt on the sharp end of 0 them which iujurea it iuterually. J ateetelwtee 0. 11. Next Muadcy eveulug a meeting of persons interested tD the Beef Ring will be held iu the Hall here. The Hermits iu Vtotorio Hall will be taken charge of next Buhbach 0000403 by Rev. Mr. Perrin, u( Wroxeter. IN0Olt44ATI.,N WANTED. — Whae'e the Moller with the, Chhrhtl to the 'Towuthip of Grey that they don't soma out u fivauoiat report ? Hee it become a snare; society 2 A RATEPAYER. Alex. Elialop, an old roolueul of this locality, to um us well aa tweet and au be ie over 70 year0 of ego to nut able to wild. stand Wueee as fu the drys of yore. We hope a change for the better will thou 00006. A young lady named Eokmier baa tome to pay an extended want at Lew. Eokmter'e. She Duly weighs 9 or 10 pounds, but that is not bad tor her age. The boppy Lather and mother are re0010' lug 0ougretulatloue. Semen' Snell hoe the material on hand for a large eddituou 4o lila present reel. drupe. I4 will be brick on cement foundation. The present building will be [heated with uorruguted Iron. Cellar 10 excavated and work will proceed at once. The ne00atary gravel wee healed by to bee. Ring the belle right merrily And bre off the gum, Set the liege u-llyiug, Let all the people run. If anybody coke the pante of all this whirl Pen them Will. Wright, of Jamestown, Ie dad of a baby girl. Seeding in praotionlly finished. Growth hap been glow, however, owing to the cold weather. Thu Township Olerk'e 0ffioe is now at Belgnwe and hie poetuffioe oonnequently °banged from thy th to lielgrl've. 'the third kiln of lime to now being burned at the Bodmin Werke. 'This will make Mini 2100 bnaliole already thin year. R,bert Hay, an EOglieh emigrant, hoe taken 11 p00141 11 on the farm of John Mooney, 5th line. He comes from Aberdeen. MRS. B, MoONEY 969910 AWAY,—Last Friday Juo. Mouuey rooetved a telegram apprising him of the sad move of the mimeo of Aline Shertdeu, beloved wife of Henry Mooney, of Weyburn, N. W. T., formerly welt known rooideute of the 5th line. She died oo Friday and Woo buried on Sunday afternoon, survived by her buobond,three sone ted five daughters. The family will there largely to the oympatuy of many old friends in this lo - aunty. WEDDING BzoLs.—The Neepawa Regie• ter taupe :—A4 lour o'clock un the after• noon of May Mud, et 293 Maple street, Winapeg, a very pretty wedding took puna when dugs Hamm, formerly of Brueeele, aid Alma Alias Broughton, of 1 Winnipeg, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The oeremouy wee per. formed by Rev. W. 8. A. Crux, if Olad• atone. The many beauttfni cud nude! presents gienu Meow the ea10em itt which both partite were held. We wiob them a long, prosperous and buppy life. Ethel. G. M. Mitobell ie building a cement stable. Mies Olive Rayoard is visiting friends in Belmuro. Kreuter & Co, have put a cement platform iu !rout of their store. Mr. and etre. George, of Lielowel, spent Sunday at Juo. Eekmier'e. Gideon Ziemau, of Atwood, visited hie aunt, Mra. Haoneuld, here over Ban, da Mre, Geo. Addy returned home Bator. day Otter being away six weeks visiting her lather in Brantford. Hemsworth & Eokmier are teaming 803001 these days preparatory to building abatmento at the Bremner bridge. R. McKelvey late erected a nine fence in front of hie roeidetice which adds very much to the appeantnoe of the place. Mho. (Rev.) either, of Biuevale, and etre. Goo. E0kmier, ofJam oto o are visiting their father, Wm. Hall, here this week. ,•;�' 8. B. Cole and hie men have built a eta0le on R. Gibeou'e lot and aro now getting the foundation in shape for the McDonald more The Women's Ieetitnte will hold their next meeting at Met. Alex. Lamont's on Thmteday. 17th 1061. A large turn out of ladies ie requested. Mee. (Rev ) Armstrong Loft on Wednee• day morning for Windsor to emit her tether who ie not eujoyieg the boat of health we are sorry to eay. Next Sunday 0000408 Rov, Mr. Arm- etroug will take for hie enbjeot "The Marathon race,' and a week from Bon day the ohitdrene' choir will ging. We hope the 0003001 sidewalk will be exiouded this oon0on. 11 le a permanent improvement and one in wbieh every property owner should lend a hand, Thursday, May 24th, the nonual Circuit Subbed' School Convention Will be hold in the Methadiet Munch in this plane. An intoroeiing program will be presented. Next Monday night, 14th moat„ early nineing will tomo into effn t. The stereo wilt oloeo at seven thirty, Wodueeday and Saturday eighth and nights before holidays excepted, The pnlpu of the Presbyterian obnrcb here loot Sabbath afternoon, wan ooenpied by Rov. A. MooNeb, 11, A., of Walton. He'o a good solid eormoniter with an uumieiakeable eaotoh 0000nt. W.H.KERR,Prop Wo hear that Robert Dilworth, former. ly of Ethel, has beau bothered in the Went with aotatioa. Be tone diapoaed of ell hie lands excepting the bomeatead. He had better call that and come book RM. Last Friday piglet the R60dieg ()irate hold a eueoeoolal At glome ab the regi. donee of A. P. Nuke°. Rev. Mr, Arm• otroug took the chair aid the following program ware given :—Address from the 011010 ; iuotrumoutal, by Mines; D0v1eB and Slommon ; recitation, by Mies Cole; ueteotion, by quartette; patriotic exeroiee; ohorae "Laud of the Maple,” by all ; 000ey on Couauien pouts, by Mies Milne ; eon, by Mee, Ferguson ; recitation, by Musa Davies ; solo, by Mr. Davies ; 8eieot100, by quartette ; iaetromental, Mice Lamont. After thea ia0 Ore010 and cake were pa000d around to width the large aroweepreaeut did jootioe. A vote of thanks wee given to Mr. and Mrs. McKee, for their boopitality in giving them mole a good time. Wbeo the company wan leaving there were several affectionate partings which were not nu the program bat were agreeably oc:n.;nod by the geutle ones receiving the Henn. VValaten. • Everybody is congratulating Charles Drager on becoming the father of a hand. 000]0 girl baby. A. J. L'undiuk, who has been manager of the Monktou brauoh of the Sovereign Bank, has %seemed perme dent charge of tete Welton brauoh as manager. At the mee.ing of the Quarterly Board on Monday, a reeolation of condolence to the members of the late Mathew Mor• rieou'e family was painted, expree0tog regret for the lose of an old and valued member at the Beard, and eymp%thy with the bereaved, George MoPim who had been very i11, died on Wednesday evening in hie 62 year. Hie tone and daughter'', Mrs, Dodd, George and Jueeph, of Michigan, cud Mrs. Williamson and Mee. Mo• Donald, of Manitoba, are here. The federal tukee plane Friday afteruoon to Striation cemetery. Service at 1.30 o'uloak. Goon RECORD.—Rev. R. S. Baker held 0Ommnu100 service in the hlethodiot church mere last Sunday it being the last Quarterly servioe fur this year. Oo monthly the Quarterly Board met and concluded the boeineae of the year. Mr. Baker may well be congra0nleted an the eooeeea of hie two year.' minarets here. Besides moving the Walton thumb, im- provements to the value of over $1,000 have been made on this circuit. Io addition to the improvements on the Poreonage, $50 worth of new furniture Mot been utetaued,all threeoeurehee have boon papered and palated inside, a new cement basement and a League Room built in the Walton ohurob and two now organa parohaeed. In the meantime all the general funds of the church hove been well undeceived, eceived, and there is an 100reaae in the salary of $150 over what it wee two yeere ago. For the first time in several yearn the salary voted by the Board ha[ been paid in fall, leaving balances i0 the treaaarioe of all three churches. AI• though a number of mombere have died and othere have moved away there baa been en iuore000 in membership of forty, making a preemie total of 168. The Epworth League in 0ouneatiOn with the Walton nppointneeut hoe been revived and is in a prosperous condition. Taken altogether, the Walton circuit may hope. folly press on iu the work, Gr e -v. Joseph Savage sae moved to the Donald MoNiehal furs, 4th eon. Juo. Story re in charge of the milk route un the 3rd to Trowbridge oheaee factory. Master Alex. McNabb spent last week visiting hie graudperente on the 1646 too. Court of Revision on the Aeeeeement roll of I906 will be held on Tuesday, May 29th, et Ethel, at 10 o'clock. Last Sunday John Dunbar had the miefortnue to have a heavy draft brood mere die which will be quite a lova to him. The limo works, now in charge of Dan. Savage, will be run by Joe Savage and R. Duckett ae soon as the first kilo ie drawu. W. J. Bozell, who hen bean a resident of South Bend, Miele., ban moved to Den trait where he purpose') malting hie home. We are sorry to hear that our old friend Jae. C❑alo, 15th con„ has been on the Mak lint with pleurisy bat we hope he will Boon be ea lively 0e ever, Lane week Mime Lizzie Bryant, left for Ingersoll, where oho will spend a few menthe w Edgar. with dor cousin,Mrs,a D I, Mr. Edgar has taken a trito England. John Lamont bee moved to the Senate farm which he recently parohaaed. The young ladies in this neighborhood are wondering who will be the housekeeper. Joo. A, McNair, 14thoon., eau exohaug• od bis portable engine for a heavy trac- tion one and may add a blower to his oeparutor eo as to give him an np•teedate oaoflt. Mrs. G. Foliar), daughter of Hector MoQuerrio, arrived borne from England on Bnturday evening of lent week. Her many Mende aro glee' to see her o00e morT%. ea barn moved to tete farm of Jon. Benetton a year or eo ago is being jeolted up and oemont abebiine will bo pot ander it. This will give him ample a000mmo- dation. Next week the maeone will • commence operations] on William Irnito0'e new roti• donne, When oomploted it will be a thoroughly modern and up to•date arra ot0re. Tho 14th eon. is getting very attractive eo a certain Braseolito thinks, Put in your 'Joe n[ o ❑ are not the Y beet de•e Y f only man iu the tined. What do you thank Bob ? W. J. Woods, 16th con., who had the emelt finger of his rigbt hand injnrod by it coming in content with a circular Baty, al oboe at Ooufnillor Johnnton'e, ie get• ting along all right and the digit will goon bo o. k. It was a close oall for more serious Injury. The 0Oi0u Sabbath School In Shine's eobool house bee been reaumod with Mico Butz au Superintendent, Mico 0loTeggert, of Bt. Thomas, has returned home after an eojoyeblo v10it here with relatives; and !Heeds, She is a sister of Mre. McNair, Crauerook, and John and Dogald McTaggart, Stauotio0 from Asaeemeot roll for 1906 :—Value of rani property, $1,909,795 ; value of baildiuge, 0838,285 ; 0110t01000 aeaea0ment, 511,970 ; immune $4,050 ; total 0808eemeut, $2,824,100 ; births, 62 ; death), 30 ; number of Chil- dren uetweee 5 and 21, 945 ; number of ehi'dren bettveee 5 ted 16, 591 ; number of pereona betweeo 21 and 60, 746 population, 8,121. 'The allure foe Union ohurob Epworth League are as foliates :—Hoo. Preaideut, Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B. A., 13. D. ; President, '''homes Dougherty ; let V100 Preeidout, Sadie Rothwell ; 2nd Vim Preaideut, Hobert Duagherty ; 3rd Vice President, Will. Whitfield; 4th Viae Preotdent, Emma Buttrey ; Oar. Secre- tary, Maegie Robiuoun ; Reo.-8earetory, Clara Peet ; Treenurer, Weeny Speiran ; Organist, Amelia Whitfield. Arbor Day wan a red letter day for the pupile of S. S. No, 10 Grey. Tile morn• ing wag 'meet iu the ureal cleaning up, each popit doiug hie 0imost to please. The olternoon wee enjoyed in the woods when the following program wee given; Churns "Where the Sugar Maple grove" school ; r0oitations, by Eva Rathwell, Floreuae Whitfield, Minnie Hanna, Emcee Taylor, Pearl Oxioby, Retie Doumao, Stanley Maohail, Marguoretta Hatohmeou ; ohorae, eobool "The Spring gong" : vIoleo selection, Johu Hohenbeok, Bolo, Meeh MaoGillivery ; solo, Glydae Hollenbock ; °bores, cahoot "Tho Maple Leaf' ; The National Autbom. Atter the program, refreshments were served and the remainder of the afternoon wee spent In games. REPORT of S. S. No, 10 Grey for month of April based on April Exams. Those merited " have eucooeefu,ly paeeed the Exam. Br. IV.—It Oxtuby, M. Denmou, E. Rathwoll, 1. Wbitfieid, J. Oampbelt, 5 Hu.obineon, 0. Buttrey. Sr. III.— "li. Deumen, °A. Spartan, •P. Oxtoby, °0. Baker, "B. Wbetfield, "M. Taylor, • W. Seeman, 00. Evans, J. Douh, "1. 8porien, W. Whitfield, M. Spartan. Jr. III.—°M. Hatohlu0ou, "111. Maritime, "L. Evaue, D. Whitfield, H. Plokreli. Sr. IL—B. Speriou, M. Hanna, F. Cox, B. Maohau, L. Taylor, G. Whitfield. Jr. IL—H. Denman, G. Sperian, M. Love, el. Oox, E. Piokretl, F. Hollenbeok E. Ratbwell, M. Oxtoby, W. Ballantyne. Po. 1I.—E. Taylor, L. Pratt, B. Holten• beck, C. Ward, J. Weed, Ise, Class.— E. Hutobiueon, S, Sperian, 3. Inglis, M. lugue, L. Luke. H. 0. MAOGIremoute, Teacher, Brussels Council. Monthly meeting wee held on Monday evening with It roll board. After mtoutee were read and adopted the following accounts were presented :— R. Oliver, salary $ 33 88 W. Campbell, road 1 50 Geo. Lott, road 6 15 A. Oampbell, road 4 65 W. Setters, road 3 75 R. Henderson, road 4 50 Peter McDonald, road 9 30 James Tumbril!, ealtry aoeeaeor41 75 Moved by A. Backer, 0000nded by J. Jones that the above 0000aw10 be paid. Carried. Moved by H. James, eeaouded by Jan. Ballantyne that the Court of Reviuioo be held Monday Jane 4th, at 8 p. m. Carried. itloved by H. James, eeoondad by A, Baker flint tenders be received up 10 matt meeting for the boilding of cement eidewolk at so inch per square foot. Speed:teatione to bo 011100 as for former walks, and to be built daring June and July. Carried. Moved by Jae. Ballantyne, seconded by 13. Jomea that tendon be received by Street Oommfttee for building 0em004 mend for Fire Engine at foot of Elizabeth eireet at Bo moab per equate foot to be built one clement to eight gravel. Teo: dere to be received to Meg 15th, Uarriod. Moved by 3. Jouea, eeaonded by Alt. Butter, that tenders be received up to next meeting for careened and ausoreened gravel to be auppliod from Danoan's, Walktr'e, Korr'e or Oakley'a p119. Car. riod. Moved by H. James, eeoonded by A, Blether, that Time. Newsome be grant. ed the sou of 55 toward timber at toot bridge on condition that timber be placed f0 poseeseion of town. Carried. Moved by A. Baker, oeoouded by H. James that an elootrio lam be pawed at oornerP Pa of Taruberry nod Tb°mea street South ; and one at corner of Queen and Albert street's, both to bo ready for operations on Sept. let, and to bo govern- ed by the Bylaw aon0eruing other street lights, Carried. A diacooeioo ooauod an to the want of Donee o0 the part of many who haul rofae0 to the damp ground and unload nay where rather than in the right plate. It was proposed t0 look the gale eo that only people who goo the key could get in and in that way keep tab on oRendors," The towel soelos were reported to have earned 520 during the month of April, Content adjeurnod nater cheating over a proposal to 'Menge some of the ere lights on the street to a wider inoRndeooent ey0tem. A trial may be mado to prove a disputed point n0 to aomparieoue, Trouble is oxpeated between the 0. P. R. and longshoremen at Qeebno. The company w1ot to rednee wugoa to the Montreal standard. The Dominion Government will grant $10,000 to an exhibition to bo held in Charlottetown this Fall open to all Canada. The Provi0aiol Govormmou6 grant i0 $4,000. Tho Grand Trunk Paoifio referee 525,000 north b£ iia land grant of 9,000, 000 acres to the Province on condition of being relieved of mte obligotion to place four bemired Dettlere a yore: on tbo and. The man killed near Mitchell on the railroad teat Wednoeday bee been identi• tied me Alex. Rosie, a wolilo•do reeiden/ of Ingersoll, aged 84 yearn. Grey Counoil Meeting. Cannon mel pursuant to order in the Township Hall, Ethel, no Monday, May 7t3 at 1 p. m. Reeve Frasier iu the chair I other mombere preeeut. Minutes of lest meeting read and paeeed. Moved by Juo. Cott, oeoouded by Dou. can Johnston that By Law No. 234, kuowu as the Silver Corners Unite Improvement By•Low, be read a third tune and be Dually passed. Carried. Ou motion 0t Jno. Greet, eeooudod by Juo. Brown, By•Law, No, 262, author. ing the Reeve and Treuenrer to borrow 52,500 from the Standard Bank ou au overdrawn 0000001 was read let, Sud tin a and 3 d tune awe fleet) cooed. u r y p Moved by Jno. Greet,eeoouded by Joo. Cott that the Reeve be authorized to ooneult with the lownehip solicitor re seeding the legality of the muoioi. polity of Grey attaching the corporate Beal to deboutaree, which a number of the ratepayers 10 the village of Walton is dceiroue of issuing, for the porpu00 of buildiug cement sidewalks in the paid village of Waltou. Carried. Moved by Joe, Ceti, oeoouded by Joo. Greet that Andrew Molunon be appointed wopeotor on the Bremner and Dilworth bridge obatmente L $176 per day. Carried. Moved by Duncan Jobnotoo, seconded by Joho Ono, that David Milne be appointed an inspector to see that all nox1000 weeds growing on prorate propertied are destroyed. One half of the Inapsotor'e Thee to be paid by the informer and the other half by the p0reou allowing the Ooxi000 weeds to grow on hie property. Carried. Moved by Joo. Brown, eeoonded by Juo. Outt that Joo. Grant 0100 D. Jobtoton examine the tenths on Bide road 2 be. tween the 14th and 16th 0000000ion0 to see if au amicable agreement can be ar• rouged between W. Oololoogh and Oliver Turnbull regarding said fences. Carried. Moved by Duncan Jobnetoo, eeoonded by John Brown that the follow- iug'torments be paid :— John Young, farm bridge, Mo. Donald Man. drain $ 12 00 Wesley Young, farm bridge, Mo Doused Muu. Mate12 00 A. Hill & Co., part payment euperetrooture Mittohell bridge -1500 00 Jame', Pearson, repairing culvert, S. R. 5, Coo. 5 1 00 Jae. Denman, repairing oulvert, Lot 33, Con. 12 3 00 Neil McNair, eatery as Aeeeaeor 100 00 Ned McNair, postage and station ery 85 Robert Miller, temporary road at Mitchell's bridge 1 00 Moved, Beeonded and carried that the Council do now udjouru to meet on Mon• doy, May 2803 as Court of Revision on the Aeaesemeut roll for 1906, JOON MolNToea, Clerk, CHURCH CHI MEN. A new rectory will be built at Preston in connection with St. John's church. Rev. G. J. Abey, formerly of Brunie, ie the r0otor. Maitland Presbytery and the W• F, M, 8. will meet at Kincardine on Tnee• day next. A Sommer School will be held in Laoknow under the direolion of the Presbytery at a later date. Reeds. Meeere. Crosoley end Hanker, evaugeliete, have parahaeod a new hereto on Palmesoton Ave., Toronto, and will remove there from St. Thomas, where they have resided for eighteen yearn. The many friends of Rev A. W. Mulntoeb, of Belwood, eon of Geo. Moiuto0b, MoKillop, will regret to Learn that ho has been obliged, owing to ill health, to give up work for a few menthe. Atter %wenly•four years pastorate of St. Andrew's Presbyterian obaroh, Stratford, Rev. E, Peutou has tendered bio roeignation. He will preen% big farewell eermon on Sunday evoniug, May 13th. Thursday afternoon of next week Coufirmatiou 0ervice will be held in 81. John's ahernh by the Biobop, nom• menoing at 3,30 o'clock. There are about 60 candidates in the Class. There will no doubt be a large attendance. In caoueotion with a series of sermons on the Ton Commandmonto by the peter of the Methodiei ohurob the 6th woe dwelt upon 013 Sabbath morning sod the 7th and 8th at the evening ser. vioo. Some very pointed and 'omelet sentiments were given expr000100 to that should mekoeo le thtuk. P P utile death of Lazarae" was the ens jolt of Rov. McKay'e morning dieoouroo in Melville chorob last Bebbath. In the evening '•Tho Parable of the Sower" was the theme ahoaeu. Both disooarses were good. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Robin. son will occupy the pulpit and will be wet• corned by a large number of former friends. The annual sermon to the members of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. F., Braesels, and vieiting brethren, will be Preached in the Methodist oharoh at 7 o'clock next Sabbath evening by the pastor, Res. T. W. Goethe. Brethreu are Leaked to %Beomble at their Hall et 6 30 o'olook eo as to march 10 a body to the church. Loot Sabbath morning referenc0 wee muds in the Methodist thumb here to the repent demiee of a former faithful and highly eoteomed member, ho the person of Dere, Henry Mooney, of Wey• barn, N. W. T. "The Glory Soug," most appropriate to the 000aeiou, woe encs and many an Hyo wee dimmed with oympeebebio tetra. Hamilton Presto H g[ motOat h• atBo. a % t7 Y y tries on Tuesday, Rev. Dr. Orate, pastor of Haynes Avenue church there, resigned. Ho said hie rotenone for wie11. ing to find another call were that eovoral families had moved Remy from thee part of the city and Bayuoo Avenue member. ship W01 demeaning, Tho reeigoaiion wee laid over. De, Craw preached to Melville oharoh, Braeaele, recently. A oariole conveyed a number o1 Ball. Meth School and oharoh workere belong. tug to Bt Johne church, Bromide, to the 00uve0tlon at Wingbam on Wednesday. In moven of the uuuual Coutorenoeo of the Muthodiet chetah in Canada, nineteen of the miuiatere who began their ministry in June, 1826, will vole• brute their jubilee. The Obmee of tbooa iu the Lotman Ounferener are aft followe : the figarea after each Dame indicate the number of yeur0 113 the acme work Stephen Bond, 60 ; George Brown, 84 ; John Loaroyd, 45 ; John R. Philipe, 4I. At the 000nthlyy Mtosiona{y service e0 the elethodiet riobeetb Schoui feet San. clay afternoon the following intereetIng program wan pressured :—Cboruo by W. J. MoOraoken's class ; r00ittetion, Oaoar Croup ; addrege, by Bev. Ernest Olaundere ; readtug by Mtro Oarrto Mo• Craoken ; gong by eeveral boyo ; addrege by Rev. T. W. (Janne ; solo by Chas. Rmbardeou. The oontrlbntioo Woe $5.46. An enjoyable time wee spent bud the attendance wee over 200, A dispatch from Tarmac Days "There are strong rumors that the Roman Cathrnia DIOo000 of Loudon ie to be won divided. The new diocese would be composed of the counties of E gan, Kent and Lumbton w;th a Catbo. Ito population of 32,000 souls, The the will be at Windsor or Saudwioh. The new Btebop would be the Right Rev. Mouslguur Meunier, D. D., dome0tiO prelate to hie Hoiineae Pope Ping X, or the Very Rev. Dr. Molerady, preelde0t of Aeaomption College, ktandwiob, Ont." BUMMER SCHOOL OF BIBLE STUDY 6ND SUNDAY 500OUL METHODS.—Tho Ontario Sunday bobool A0000lotion anuonnoe0 a Summer Smoot to be held in Viotoriu Colleen, Toronto, July 9th -21st treat. Four aoureee of lectur00 hove been sir• rauged:—"Etemeute of Teething and Child Study," Dr. Tracy, 'Toronto Umverotiy 1 "Old 'testament Outltobu," by Rev. Robe. Johnston, D. D., Mon- treal ; "Sunday School Organization nod Management," by W. O. Pearce, ()imago, Ili., International Teaohor- Tratomg Secretary ; "New Teotoment O ntliues," by Rev. A, 0, CCP 011100, D. D., Toronto. There will be exammetioo0 iu the 0031000 000100e, for which per. 1/0014/00 weft be awarded four of which, whether won al thea school or on prev- 1aa0 examtuattoue, will entitle ho,dere to the International Teacher -Training Diploma, (E.omeutary Gredo.) The lectures auto exommattone will be open only to registered 'sentience who pay the fee of two dollars ($2 00), which will closer all ebargee Iu0100103 diploma, There will be a dieplay of miseiouory and edaoatiooal hteracure and appli- entree ; cud the following mieoio0ary ieedere, Rev. R. P. McKay, D. D., Rev. F. 0. Stopheneoo, M, D., Rev. J. G. Brown, 13. A., Rev. T. B. Hyde, N. W. Boyles, K. 0., are oo-operating. Oorreopoad with J. A. Jackson, General Seurettry, 99.100 Confederation Life Baildiug, Torouto, for docile. People We Snow. Mre, A. T. Carrie ie visiting at Sea - forth. Mies Pearl Lowry, of Toronto, is home for a holiday visit. hire. McCauley is visiting relative's and friends at .Ethel this week, Mre. McNichol ie visiting her lough• ter, ears. W. J. Seeker, John bermes. Mise May Moore, of Wingbam, has been Visiting Mies Winnie Turnbull in town. We are sorry to hear of the serious ill• noes of Mrs. Fletcher Sperling bat hope Mae will speedily regain that greatest boon—good health. J. Leonie leaves thio week on a buoi• °000 trip to Winnipeg, Regina and other p010ce i0 the Wen, He will be abeont for 6 or 8 weeks. Wo wish him a pleasant and at m:enthl time. Wm. McLeod, a well known horse 60y• er, of Wionipeg, formerly of this tomtit ity, ie here on a purchasing trip and will take bank a oar or two of egainoo. Mao. bad done well in the Went we are pleased to bear. 8. Haggard left on Friday for the West. Hie eon who went oat Tent seo- uon hag taken rep a homestead each for the father and himeelt at Cooper, San• katohewan, near'1onohwo1d Hille. Mr. Hoggord resided in this locality for the peat 26 years. Hie family will make their home in Winnipeg in the memo• time. John McDermott, who bats been living at Sharon, Michigan, during the peat Winter, wag in town on Wedoeoday and gave THE Pose a tali. Be will upend a while et Fordwioh now. Albert A. Mo. McDermott, Becloud eon of the gentleman referred to, has been elected a Supetvioor of Garfield to ne iPi Mlohigan for the pee% two smug. Thee oflioo is eumilar to County Oouooillor in Ontario. They meet twine a year and their eleotion io always held the let Monday of April. The Government took over the do. emcee of Eagnimanit. Work on the new stoat plant at Well. and hue been started. Rev. Gambia tune eleoted Moderator of the Syuod of Montreal and Ottawa. A vein of pare salver five inobee wide has been otraok on the university proper- ty int Cobalt, Pour Italiana were killed by a dynamite explosion on tho Jumoe Bay Railway construction near Dunobaroh, Joseph Chalauran, e, life prisoner, o0• oaped from the insane ward of Kingston Penitentiary by (rutting hie way through the bare. The Poterboro' Council accepted the proposal of the Canadian Goneral Eleo. trio Company for a fixed aseoaament of 5150,000, the company to double their works in that city, Hos Honor WilIiom Mortimer r r Clark L' t tea anent Governor of Ontario, laid the priuoip 11 eor0er•8ton0 of the power home of the Eleotrioat Development Oompauy of Ontario at Niagara •Gallo, Wm. McNaene, an employee of the Goa Company, woe painfully burned by an expl00800 at the reoidonoo of E. H. Pink,' St. Thomoe, whore he wee working. The honed wan badly dumugod.