HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-3, Page 8r"f:,',L�.,..vit.'�i Meadaelies Just now you may need Moth Balla Lilac Flakes (Moth Preventative) Liquid Ammonia Chloride of Lime Carbolic Acid Copperas Bluestone Hellebore You can depend on getting them pure and strong at Smith's Drug Store rand tx.^amu tandard Bank of Canada and Eyestrain Many who for years have suffered intensely from chronic Sick Headaches, us- ing drugs which only gave them temporary relief, have found immediate and per- manent remedy in properly adjusted Glasses, because Eyestrain was the cause. By wearing Glasses the cause of Headache is remov- ed. We guarantee satisfac- tion. F. R. Smith OPTICIAN GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTlSEN EXTENSION W. e. & n. Traine leave Brnesale Station, North and South, as follows: florae Sonata Goma NORTH. Mail 1:05 a,m I Mixed Ot10 b,m Mixed 11:25 8.m11811 . 1:44 p.m Expreee SSA p.m l Express 8:51p.m raraz i.edv$ gums A ohfel's amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. Mer. SEEDING i8 well adeanned. 0. 0. F. NEXT Toeeday evening. FRIDAY of this week is Arbor Dey. LAWN mower exercise is near at hand. 00IIN01L meeting 0611 Monday evert- ing. 0. ti. W. will meet Friday eveniug of this week. THE bowling green is being got into good 000dition. I. 0. RICHARDS diepoeed of hie pony to a man in Letowel. THE wood work on the front of the Smith block bee received a new dater' of paint, IMPROVEStENT is noticeable in electric lamps on the e1reet8 by the addition of new gleb08. ARz your glaesee right 7 Vision obanges as all things do.. See Taube & Son at Fo1'8 Drug more, Wednesday aura Tbuieday May, 9th and 101h. THE photo of Poem:meter Farrow ap- peared in rasa Setardey'e Globe in eon - motion with a group atte0dsug a Post- masters' Oonveution held at Toronto. While employed et Thos. Newsom's new reaideuoeteat Monday afteruoon J. W. Somers stepped u0 a nail wbiob went through his shoe and pierced his right foot making a nasty wound. REM1MBER the date of Tanbe & Son's vials to Brunets and if your eyes bother you in soy way, make it a point to coo• salt them at Fox's Drag store 08 Wed. needay and Thursday, May 9th, and 10th. BRoesELs Creamery commenced opera tions for this season 0u 'l'aesday of this week. Mr. Harris ('aye the 9008900// are excellent for a good output. Everybody 8boald patronize it and make the mania time bum. ON WEDDING TaI'.—Will. Thompson and bride. Men Beatrice Windover, of Toronto, were visitors at B, Gerry's' for a few days daring the past week. The marriage knot wan tied on Saturday afternoon by Rev, Dewey, in the Queen oily and the happy yea0g couple took the evening train for Braesele, Mr, Gerry is a relative of the groom. They lett for their home in Toronto Toeeday afternoon. May they enjoy a happy and pr0Bpero08 lite. Tam aonoal exeurei00 to the Model Farm, Guelph, on the Southern Divieioo of the W. G. & B„ will be ran on Sat- urday, June 23rd by epeoi0l train. Tiakets good to return on the following Monday. This will afford those who doeire to do so a epleodid opportunity of prolonging their stay over Sunday. The Farm is a more desirable spot to visit ibis year than ever and no doubt the casual large 000t10ge01 will arrange to take in the excursion, MUNICIPAL learan 1008.—The following parliotllnt% are oopied from Amasser Tnrnboll'e roll as completed for preemie. tiou to the Council Obis year ;—Amt. of real property 5327,100.00; amt. of Basi nese east., 538,785.00 t time of income asst., $9,740 ; total 500888me01, 5375. 625.00 ; uo. of people belweeu 6 and 21, 240 ; no, of children between 6 and 16, 198 ; No. of population, 1,075 ; no, of bathe, 5 ; no. of deaths, 8 ; no. of doge, 48; no. of bitohoe, 5. TRIP Tanouea Tog flora LAND.—A leoture will be given in the Metbodlet ahurob, Berweele, o0 Wednesday 8ve0105, Muy 9th, 1906, by J. A. Steveoeon. 01 London, Out., on the ever new and in• etrnclive subject, "A trip through the Holy Land." The lootaror was one of the fortunate delegates to the World's Sunday School Convention held at Jere Salem and gives his per800a1 experienoe et what he saw and heard while there as well musty halo well worth eeo0ri0g eon• earning the "Lord's Land," This wid be a tree; and all Bible stadenlo should take advantage of It. Doors open at 7 30 ; ie0lare at 8. Admleoioa only 10 canoe, A mueioal program will also be rendered. JUNIOR LEAon/es.—Wednesday evening of last week the Junior League prevented the following program to a good sized audienOe in the Methodist, ohnreh here, Jeeeie Cunningham, the Press.. dent, oecapyi0g the 0haie in a very emu. peteut manner :—Opening hymn ; pledge ; recitation, Outer Orono; ohms by league, "Marobing eo8g" ; lesson, B881rioe Carry ; topics, "Jenne lo•day" ; solo, Mindrsd Mercer ; "Tie 13aildera," Motion tong by 3 boy8 ; leego0, Reseal Haien topic, "A mind so work" ; t'012rietla0 Warriors," by 8 boy8 : motion Song, by girls; roll.oali ; chorus by league, "Meeinamey • Band" ; eolleation, whioh emo0nted to $5.21 1 8010, Pearl Beaker ; remarks, W, H Karr ; olo8ing hymn and Benediolion, Those taking part did well Sod the evening was a very p1051801 one. Tan half mile Creek here is in good condition. 60 OENTB 1n advano8 gate TUB Poor to Jae. let 1907. Reouiea meeting of the L. O. L. next Monday evening. BoME floe Ash have been hooked in the Maitland 400108 the past week, A LOT of splendid heroes, largely drivers, are being putohused by Brueeele buyers. THE new clement stable for Robert Thomson is being rushed up and w111 soon be completed. Mex 15th is the limit set by the Board 0f Health for Cleaning up of yards Dad premlaes. That will be only one week irom next Toeeday. EvoBIr ING is ready for the rebuilding of she mill dam all 'loon tie the water in the river is low enough to oonveuieut• Iy get at the work. Da. W. J. 0aoouon, formerly of Bros. eels, ie SeoretaryTreasurer of the Palmerston Base Ball Club and Cap- tain of the Football team. Otis day lain week Aaron Lindsay on. loaded 80 toes of coat from a G. T. R. oar, for Breedel0 Balt Works, in 16 hours. There'd many a ehovellul iu 80 lou. Lose of eyesight is waren than Ions of fortune, No matter how small year eye trou0.e may be, have to 000reoted. See Taube & Sou at Fox's Drag atone 0u Wedoeeday and Thusday, May 9th Rua 10th, REMEMBER that early (hosing 0ame8 in- to nitwit 0u Monday availing ot next week. Wednesday and Saturday eveniug are exoep1ed from the rale. The public eueuld govern aumuselvee ao0ordlugiy. B1ore8 close at 6 instead of 7 roe former- ly. Too interior of the floe residence of J. Laokle has recently been in the heeds ce to decorator who has made a very complete job. With drop ensilage pa„ei8, re1181 work In gold, fawner and 008100ee burlap the rooms and halie in their varied fi01Bhe8 it/0k A. 1. IMPROVEMENTS.—D, A. Lowry, anti Theo. Farrow ere patting down oemeut e;dewaike on them 18w08.—A. Cook bac Ms reboots stable up. He 18 also over. healing his hoose.—The residence of A. Saraahau is being improved by new root and the addition el a boy window.— Fletober Sparring has been having some repairs made 10 hie 10258, LEG Baoxer,—In tbe latter part of March Miss Maggie Beattie, of Wiarboo, formerly of Braesele, had the misfortune to fall al the Methodist aboral gateway by slipping on the toe and broke a bone iu one of her limbs and 418100ated bei ankle, She hoe been getting smug nicely bus has not yet gas She tree nee of the disabled limb 6111 her old Mende in Iowa hope she will soon be as lively as ever. GRAND TRUNK NOTBB.—Tho outgoing freight daring the 9081 week wee ea tea lows ; Uar of eggs by R. Thomson ; oar of barley and a oar of mate by A. Backer ; 2 oars of hogs by A. 0. Dames, who wit ship 2 care ot cattle on Saturday ; car ot salt by Brussels Sett Works. Inward there has bean a lively rustle in wbiob R.lhom8on received a ear of butter tube ; W, F. Stewart a ear of wheat ; P. J. McDonald a oar of 08me08 ; R. Henderson 2 oats of ooal ; W. W. Harris, oar of batter boxes ; Wilton & Gigiepie oar of cement ; P. Alamo oar of ebieg108 ; Ranetord 11 care of coml.—Tee 81110800 yard is renewing ire animal tidy i0g up.—We wonder when the G. T. R. will put down the 0eme111 sidewalk to Afaiu street 2—The train service is kept well up to eohednle time —Engineer illoorebead, who baa been deogerm/sly 111 at Palmerston, is still off duty.—Coin d0ot0r Connell, who haile from London, has commuted Ooudaotor Lewis on tine 110e. The letter now rune to Brantford from Palmera0o0,—The Walkerton eta• tuna honae was burned down 0u Saturday night last. MATRIMONIAL,—Wedneoday afternoon, Aprrl23rd, at 2 o'olook, wedding belle Maimed merrily at she reeidenoe of H. and Agra. Baueton, 6 Pearl street, Brant• ford, when their estimable daughter, Loretta Nay, was mated iu marriage to Will, L. Leatherdale, a young man wen and favorably known in Brueeele. Rev. Dr. Gee, Methodist minister, performed the ceremony. The Wedding Marob was well rendered by Mise 'Teske Roee, ot Guelph. Bridsamaid and gam:lamer, were diopeneed with, Little Mies Lees Church, of Brantford, made a charming flower girl dressed i0 white and carrying a 'minim of beaetlfal pink rodeo. The bride wore 8 most beaconing 0086ame of white calk Bamako and carried white rosee. 'Hearty oougr8talatioue were tendered the happy twain by the cone, poly in starting out on a new experience in life, The wedding gitte were many, beauttfel, weft 0 looted and nutlet. Red. deans wan dedorated with palms arid x0008 and over the dinner table was .5 bell of smnlax, Mr. Lealhardale and bride went On it Short wedding tour to Toronto, H8mdt00, Buffelo Sod other pointe arriving home at Brassele on Wodneedey. They will make their home here and will Ball the metrim0niaf sea with the beet wither of many friendo. The bride is no 0108ng0r to many here as ane wail a reeidont fora year or eo when her parents retorted in Bressele. We welcome Mrs. Leathordale bank to our midst mid OOmpllment the groom 0n hie 810e11ent Oheioe, storm t.3t7aT638kil o 1072 SURPLOe. OR RESERVE FOND $ 1,000.000 TOTAL AeelTO OVER 10,000,004 A 4temel. flanking 33usage OFr•an,gaeted —4—.1eSAVINGS BANK "- Acorned Interest ie added to account' every six menthe end beauties prluolpel, Joliet 1te081t Accounts—A 8PEOIAL CONVIENIENCE ,n use in our Savings Do. by either of 550 two reemburelof account, household, Mate ayetem idea great ouuveu ienoe to maul' residing in town. but more parc,oularly eo to fanners, as in the latter ease whether man or wife comes to town either can attend to the Banking. An. other feature of ale system le that in 0ae0 of the death of either party the mousy can be withdrawn by the survivor without coat, We will tell you more about our methods if you will Mildly call or write, Alarmed Women and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without the In- tervention of any person. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE KEEPING only for whioh no charge i8 made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar careful and oourteone attention. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, GEN. MANAGER. J. F. ROW LAND, Loon AGENT. r v.. A ansa of Scarlet Fever baa been re. ported to the Medius! Health Meer, IN the report of 8t. Jabot's oburab Vestry meetiog, published in Met week's issue, the name 0f Dr. Barna was omitted from the liar of eehere, Thane is a rumor tbet a maohine ebop may be started in Bra888.8. A good haeineee could be done and the enterpriee should be favored by our townspeople. A Mona Cabinet Greed Nurdheimer piano has been placed in the home of J, Leokle. Dr. Holmes hue porohased a Steinway Baby Grand piano, wbiob arrived this week. THUM/All evening of last week was e. field eight in oo8000ti00 with Western Star Lodge. There were uo lase then six candidate(' received the Second degree. The degree team did their work in ap-to- date style. 85 % of headaches are the result of eye strain. Proper fitting glower' will give permanent relief. It you ere Iroubl• ed that way ooaoult Taube & Bon at Fox's Drug eters on Wedueaday and 'Phnraday, May, 9th and 100h. Ngx= Saturday the Executive of the East Huron and Week Boron Teachers' Assooiatiune will meet at Olinton to dis• cows among other things Ole proposed Excursion to the Model Farm at Guelph. Inepeot0r Robb and Principal Cameron, of Braesele, are members and will likely attend. A ND10Rn of Odd Fellowe from town sent to Blytb on Wedoeeday eveni0g to be present and take part in theluotiontion of a new I. 0, 0. F. lodge in flat village, Braeaele Degree teem pot on the floor Work tor a couple of degrees. They had a royal time and were Most hospitably eotertaine11 by the Blyth brethren. INTERMEDIATE FOOT BALL. Friday eveniug of this week the opening game of football in the intermediate series will be played an Viotoria Park, Brae. eels, between Wingbem and Brussels, Tbe game will be palled at 6 o'clock, There should be a good turnout. Brea. 8818 team will be selected from the fol. lowing player8 1--R. Brown, R. D. Oar. diff, Jae. Strachan, E. Kar sty, 8, Smut, G. MoD nald, A. Anderson, W. Ma. Donald, R. G. Norman, W. Forrest, D. Hoatber, Geo. Bial up, Harvey and Charlie Byrans, P. Monroe. HINDU REMEMBERED.—L9,1111 Monday 8Ve010g the Mewed Haggard, who have removed ko Winnipeg thio week, were kindly remembered by the members of the choir of 8t. Jobo'e ohomb, Brunie, 10 wbiob they belonged. The gathering took plaoe at the Rectory. Councillor Jeoee read an appreoiative addreee and Mise Jean MaLanahli0 presented the y=4 1'0166 with a fine photographic, group of the oboir, whioh wae mutably aoknowledged. Rentor Lang -Ford gave asbort address suitable to she omission end there was a short mettles,' program followed by lunole. The Mines Haggard worry with them to the Weet many good wiehes for a useful and prosperous future, Eaoi HURON LICENSE BOARD.—Thio Board met at the Oentral Hotel, Brussels, on Saturday, April net. All members viz Messrs. Oardiff, Shannon, Wileun and Inepeotor Clegg present. Following hotel licensee were granted for the ensuing year : Molesworth, Regina Beehaver ; Brussels, McLennan & Broadtool, Joseph Qoorin, Geo. Brown ; Walton, Wm, Emigh ; Gerrie, Geo. J. Town, Geo, Cook ; Jamestown, Thos. MaEweo, beer and wine ;• Belmore, Jae. Kirkby ; Blue vale, J. 0. Johnston ; Ethel, L. L. Longeway ; Dublin, L. Wolff ; BelgrRve, J. B. Stratton ; Oranbrook, Jacob Long Fordwieb, Henry Otto ; Wroxeter, A. A. Piety and Wm. Carrie, subject to pertain impr0vement8. This 1s thesame number all licensed last year. No chap harming are issued in Beet Huron. PRE8RNTATroN,—Last Tuesday evening a number of the members of the Chosen Friends Connell assembled at the resi. dente of John Cunningham, Turnberry street, to do honor to their departing Chief °Meer in the person of S. Hoggard, who is removing to the West. Tbe fol• lowing address was read by Dr. Toole and an emblematic pin was presented by Mr. Cenniegbam ;— Mr. Samuel Noggard.— DEAn SIR AND FRIeND,—We, theOfloers and members of Brueeele Connell No. 363, 0. 0. 0. F., knowing that yon are aeoat to move to the Weal) to live, hereby expre88 oar warm friendship towards von. Daring your many ye8re of reel dente here you have bad the 08teene, 0809501 end honor you eo juotly deserved. Asa neighbor you have been kind and obliging ; se a m80 your word is as good es year bond and in the ohurob you are considered a true Ohriettan, You have been Chief Councillor of oar Council neveral times and have attended the Grand Council as our representative, both oMoee being tilled with honor to yoareelf end added dignity to the mee0ing8 of the Connell, II is our piea000e to present yon' Otte pin embtematio of the vows we have given each other. We are sorry to lose you bat the beet of friends mast part at timee. We wish yea every prueperily in year new tome. May you and Mrs. Hoggard abd family long be spared to enjoy the frnite of a life well spent and on that Great Day may we ail meet in the 0000511 on high. Signed on behalf of the Coattail. EOeae Crich, 0. 0. ; John Cenningbem, Rea. ; Mre, Robert Dark, Prolate I Rebeaoa Helmet',' V. 0. ; .Elisabeth Holmen, 0. Ambrose Toole, P. 0.: Geo. Stemn, The recipient made a moat appropriate reply and abort speeches were given by mambo/et of the Order. A tasty funah was served by Mre. Cunningham after ®r, Ronan LAWWLAW DECEASED.—This week Fivaucal Nearetary Plum, of Court Priu• cede Alexandria, O. 0. F., Bru88818, re• ceased uotitioation of the demiee of Robert Laidlaw, a former well known Broeeelite, who departed ilia life ea South St. Joseph, Micoouri, on April 25th and was buried on the 27th ult. He woo 73 years of age. Mr. Laidlaw had been poorly for Beyond menthe. He wee foreman iu a pork packing eetabliehment. It is about 23 years since he removed from town atter Belling oat hie livery business in the stand now owned by Hugh Ramsay. He will be well remeen- uered by the older reoideuts of this loeal- ity. Mrs. Laidlaw and several children ear0100. Home races SAN FRAN0I800,—Salorday eveurog Fred. Hayorott arrived home from Ban Franoieoo, California, and ban been wail quizzed by old cud young toe to the experiences met with in the terrible earthquake and more terrible Conflagra- tion. Aloog with a companion, Mr, Romans, he went to San Fraooieoo from Ulevelaod last September Sod they were rooming together 00 the Belmont Hotel. At 5,14 a. en. ou Wednesday, April 18th, they were ou0ermonioaely awakened and ;brown oat o1 bed by rue shook and al- most at once the root and part of she wall oollapeed owiug to the fall of neighboring Ohimneya upon the house. The bed W11.8 ornehed to the floor and the room 80 twielod the door would not open. A book teas secured and the panel Remitted out and the door wrenched apart. They grabbed a portion of their clothing and put for d0w0ntaire at a lively gait, mak- ing a sale exit. It's rather eurprieiog that Out of 75 or 80 guests only one rasa was bars. Fred. bought a pair of shoes and be and hie oompanion bad breakfast at a reotauraot. They attempted t0 re• enter the hotel for their beloogioge but soldiers were on guard and refused admission and they were well pleaded to e80Bpe with their levee. Mr, Hayoroft'e watob was lett cruder hie pillow. Firee were soon blazing everywhere and the etraeta thronged with people. Union Square, a large park near the oentre of the city, wee Mr. Hayoroft'B bedroom the first night, he and his friend securing a mattress Dad some blankobe and quilts from a deserted house near by. Many were not so fortunate and ('lepton mother earth, Sunday evening Fred, struck for Brueeele and did not atop until be arrived here. He says it was the saddest sight he ever witneeeed. The 3 story Valencia Hotel sank into the ground so that only the top story wee vioible. Martial law governed the oily and everything was well looked atter se to feeding the bnngry and oaring for thebomeleee, The toiler, of the water supply allowed the fire fall away, outside of the dynamiting of blocks and boildioge for time and the result was almost a clean burn out. Dona. Stewart wa8 800;her Bruneelite who was n reardeot of the destroyed city. He arrived here Taeaday night. He wee oleeping in the 5th story of hie boarding hoose whioh promisee was badly shaken bet not burned, There were about 100 roomers. Ou getting to the Street be proaeeded,to the drug afore he was em• played in where he found everything it a promiscuous heep upon the floor, tbe battles, &o., Smashed to atoms. Two aompanione of his went to Oakland,aoroas the bay, to see how things were there, but were 11ot permitted to return by the regular ferry and had to eeoare a jock to get brook. In the meantime Daum was wrestling with the three trunks. A eerier was offered $10.00 to take them to the Park but refused and our townewau wee not pleased bat decided to adopt a ruse eo drew an empty revolver and demanded their removal forthwith, and on aompli- 80ae the mem bad nerve enough so tax them $16 whioh he got. Qtr, Stews, t elept outdoors with a blanket and coat mud toned himself nicely coated with ashes and aindere from the burning eur• roaodiege next morning. Board at Oak land was 55 and 56 per day 8o he decided to take a holiday visit to the parental home, returning by Loe Angeles, New Mexico end Bt, Lonis. Tae Pose con- gr01a186es our town hope on their safe return and hopes they will remain oil Canadian soil. THE LATE M110DO0K Mamma—As re• ported to Tao Pon last week a well known former resident of Btaeee's In the 980000 01 Murdock MoLennan, passed that bourne from wheoue no traveller ret0rne on Wedoeeday of last week at Strathroy where he wee 818111ng hie brotber•in law. He bad been in tailing health for tbe peat 6 years from Brighle' dime/tee, In March 1905 he had a stroke of paralyeio in Thomasville while proms. eating hie haeineee an a drag traveller bat rented from that go a8 to be able to resume work, A seoond stroke betel him while in the town of Harrieton the Iaet week of December whioh final y reunited in hie demise. Mr. MoLennan was born in Rusebire, BOotlaed, nearly 50 years ago and came to Canada when e boy. Be became a redden(' of 00000818 about 1880 and vote united in marriage to Mese Agb08 Thompson, of this place, who with two eons, Wm, and Alex„ sur- vive baeband and father, The first men• tioned eon le making hie home in Winni• peg and the latter lives with hie mother in London. A rattail loved daughter, Ella, passed away Iasi Jame deeply re• gretted, The enbjeot of We notion was in G, A, Deadman's drug store, Brussels, for a number of yoare, leaving to aebome the poetbion of traveller for Jae. A. 11en• gedy, who Deals drtlggiot, London, will wbom he Was 13 years, afterward taking. a eir0i18r post With the Dominion Dreg whioh the coasts departed with good Co., of Hamilton, where he orient the past wicbee for Mr. Hoggard and 'family. 6 years. Hie employere were klndnosa Vim... .......,,. %=` METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL—Authorized 0,000,000 CAPITAL—raw up 1,000,000 RESERVE and Surplus Fronts', 1.1811,1.118 8, J, MOORE, IOlreatore D, B, THOMPBON, E. O. Proeidont. Vioo-Prosldont. TEoe, 5RADOHAW, 09.1,A, Nie notion MR. w. 8011118018 0LA118,1,0, 580, RIRIE :MIN EIRBT419005 W. 1), 21088, - Weoeral Manager} THE METROPOLITAN BAER 1e open to receive the aoeouuts of, Farmers, Merobauts rood Suelnee° 'Community generally and to give careful consideration to all propo0ale l abmttted to 11. It roliee upon its pant record an oourtooue trcatine0t of its Ono- Minere, and will extend every ooneideratiou 005101 tent with sound bauOug to those woo may defers to trauma buoineoo with it, S texas iftwir B21Pagrittrzwr Interest 81 HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same of $1 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANCH A. E. MELLISH, Manager. pereoutfied to him during his ili'eeeu sending him hie monthly obeque the same as it he were regularly at work. Thie war' most highly appreciated and eweeleued many a trying hula in hie iiluee8. ',Mealy," as everybody called him, was ot a very jovial disposition and woe a,waye welcome es a eanebine bearer, He had many friends all of whom will greatly regret hie demise and oyinpatbiee deeply with the bereaved. Mr. MoLen• 080 was a Presbyterian in religion and an eutbusiaeuo Liberal in bis political pre. femme, Tho taneral of Mr. MoLennan cook place Saturday afternoon from the Loudly reeidenoe, 400 Sing street, De• 1 eeoeed wan well known throughout Wooteru Outario having beau a Dom• mer0tat traveller 18 years. The members of the Weeteru Outario Travellers' Are nooiutiou and the moat lodge of the A. 0. U W. attended the funeral iu a body. 1'he p01108srere were the deoested's' three brothers, A. A. MoLennan, of fermate ; D..MoLenuan, of St. Thom ea ; J. McLennan, and big 'bre(' brothere•in law, J. S. Thomson, of Lon. don ; R. J. Thomson, stud Wm. Thom non, ill Strathroy. The services, whioh were bold at the house, were 000dueted by Rev, T. H. ,uitebeli Mid she Rev. Dr. Roes. Interment took place at Woodland cemetery. Alex. MoLennan, • brother to deoeueed, and tire. MoLennan and Mre. D. 0. Rose attended the funeral from town. The Druggists' Aeaooiation wae repro. tented by Pr851de06 Tinting, Of Harrill. ton, and Beoretary•Treasurer Henderson. The following letter 'chows the appre- oiatio0 in whioh Mr. MoLennan was held by the Company he travelled for and is a jam tribute, we believe, to the deems. ed Mra. McLenatam, London Ont. Dna Moe. MoLnewas.—It is melees for me to even attempt to tell you bow ('hooked we all were at the news of Mardie'e sodden end. When Bret I knew him it was as e, competitor, and a worthy one be was indeed, but stomps honorable and fair, a type of what a man should be. Later when he came with us he quickly endeared himself 10 all members of the of the staff, until I feel quite sate 10.967• i0g be was the beet liked of all our rare. eentatives, We are indeed desolate on aoounot of hid taking away. He wee the kind of man that could 111 be spared au hie sterling aharaoter was snob ea bene• fitted all those with whom he came in contact. 1825 sorry that Mr. Tinting is not here because I know how both yon and Mnrdio esteemed him. Yon will no doubt have heard from him ere tble. Do not fail to let ma know it I can be of any ae618te008 to you for I assure you "bat I would gondola it a privilege if I could leaden your load as the present mom801. Again extending to you laud yours the deepeot eympet17 from all nom fleeted with one firm I am, Yours moat sincerely T, A. HENDERSON. Hamilton, April 2602, 1907. Business Locals. GOVERNMENT proof olover seed at Ma. Cracke0'I. BUSK Wyandotte eggs for hatching, $1.00 per 15, JAI, BALLANTINB. Fos Bale two thousand red preened Milton brink. Appy to I O. Rsohesns, WANTED.—Eggs, 14o cash, 16e trade.— Fall pedlars pnoes. Gro. E, KING, Wingham. Ham DBESSING.—Bwitahes made oat of combing. and out hair. Mee. R. Hzzaeroo, Mill 81, West. Sou of money found. Owner may have llama by proving property and -paying for this local. ALr=ED J. Lomax. 0OM1ORTABLE aparim0nt8, eon laiuing 6 rooms, 10 the Booker block to rent. For further 98rtioul8rs apply early to Amami) BAEKE5, Braeaele, 0Uoloe Beed peas for sale. Also a good Grade Durham Bull 15 months old. Ap. ply to J. P. Mol000na, Lot 21, Oon. 12, Grey, Oranbrook P. 0. Fianna PLowe.—Farmers wishing to bay the beet plow made oall on the undersigned. Plow repairs and pointe kept et Robt. Frannie' work chop. Jona LIMO. WORE MADS EASY.—To wood worker, or any one using edged tools, when you seethe advantage at having plain irons and other edged tools ground true you will not delay in having same done at the Praia() Your ilposight TAVBE & SON Manufaotaring Optiolaus and Elyeelght Bpeolallste, of Toronto, will bo al Fox's Drug more BRUSSELS & THURSDAY,WEDNESDAY TII;4Y 9 & 10 and will be pleaeod to have all those troubled with defective eyesight call and ocneult them. They have been establiehed in Toronto since 1371 and during that time over 100 000 MOB have been successfully fitted by them, The advantage they have over others ie the fact that they grind thei own Lenses and by so doing prevent may errors in the process of Leus making. If your eyes trouble you in any way; or the Waimea you now wear aro not oom- Iortable, do not neglect this opportunity of having them properly attended to. The new ELECTRIC O0TNAL50-METRO. ecopo used in making all exeminatione. All work absolutely guaranteed, For references see small bine. easy figure by T. MaGngaon, Mill et., Brueeele. aa:HA:N FghausoN,—In Brussels, On April 26:1„ to Mr. and Mre. Jno. Ferguson a eon. Home —In Wingham, on Tuesday, May let, to Mr, and Mre. H. F. Hicks, a eon. M2LBn.—I0 Breese's, on April 28th, to Mr. and Mre. George Miler, a 800. MEBBER—Lu Morrie, on April 26112, to Mr. and Mrs. John Messer, a daughter. MEesen—In Morrie, on May let, to Mr. and Mre. Robt. Meeeer, a daughter. 0011—I0 Wingham, on May let, to Mr, and Mre. W. Orr, King Edward hotel, 8 daughter, WILLIAMSON—In Wingbam, on April 29, to Mr. and Mre. W. Williameon, a daughter. Lomrsw.—At South St. Joseph, Mo., on April 25th, Robert Laidlaw, formerly of Brussels, aged 73 years. WoLo—In Turnberry, ou April 264b, Robt. Wray, aged 55. m12VSST-IS.,2B MAR ac.. -a Tea, Fall Wheat 75 75 Barley 43 .43 Pees 65 70 Oats 33 34 Batter, tube and rolls15 17 Eggs per dozen 14 15 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Flour, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live 7 00 Wool 23 23 Selo, per bbl„ retail 1 00 70 Potatoes per bus 40 40 Apples (per bbl.) 160 Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren nu'ium'W'hst,1Ae ar4rlrt.VNWV.WWt.%'b'aPwi101404 104011 104ANAVVJI".16.0410411010%10.101".11AN da,'a,MhlVi IAI'lt'oily'ai'ai'4Ni'e,'4ra.10.10%.11.Vw,'ar4,VnV,m The New Grey Skirts are Here Just received—Women's and Misses' New Grey Skirts. To say that they are New is hardly putting it strong enough. They are simply up-to.the- minute Styles. AT $3.26 —Ladies' Dark, Medium and Light Grey, Tweed, Pleated Skirts, with Panel and Self - covered Buttons ; Taped Seams ; all sizes 87 to 43. AT $6.00 --Ladies' Light Grey, 411 Wool Home - sputa ; Pleated and trimmed with Self Bias Folds. AT $2.75 —Misses Medium and Light Colored Grey Tweed Skirts ; Pleated, with Panel and Self Buttons ; all sizes from 24 to 35. Ladies' Skirts —Ladies' Skirts in Dark Colors and Black, all this season's Newest Styles, from $1.75 to $5.00. LADIES' WHITE WAISTS Dainty White Waists, this season's smartest styles, finished with Tucks, Lace, Insertion and Embroidery Trimmings ; all sizes 32 to 44. We guarantee our line of Waists to fit. Exceptionally Good Values in Lace Curtains Lace Curtain stock ie now complete—Big range of all Popular Priced Curtains. Here are Two at elan° a pair Exceptionally Good Values —Extra good quality of fine Net, Stitched Edges, —At 260, 500, 65o, 750, 90o and upto $4.50. We Large Floral and Small Neat Patterns ; full 60 inches can save you money on your Lace Curtain Needs. wide and 8i yards long. BOOTS AND SHOES The New Spring Boots are in stock -Light and Heavy for Men, Women and Children. Women's Oxfords at.... $1,00 $1,25 51,60 $2.00 Misses' Slipper(' at $1.00 61.25 $1.50 Children's Siippees at 76o, $1.00 $1.25 CHOIOE STOCK OF GROCERIES STRICTLY FRESH We always Pay the Top Notch Price for Produce. new JZOMI? goes d? FOP W/«1r1 r h'. G. N. McLaren NextDoor � to American Hondo