HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-3, Page 7T ria TERI3gRatifi�`�' pTD �a�. L- t! r i�QE .n s sa,�my�aynr„c G Ip1 rens apo: p altar• y� ICA (nnots,5kith Lrunctest' 5300 010 A4UAND GE OU6P50ESd(1a0E t1W N5, t Nir e�. HEAL I :y AVOIDING PNEUMONIA. The early spring le the time when Pnomnula is especially prevalent. The dismal seems to intake on extra effort at Ihto semen boftlro it subsides during the wartier months. The cavae of this Increase In Ib0 number of cases of pneumonia at the end of winter is not hard to fled. The body has been through a season ct stress, ttnd has canna out a little the worse for 1)0)11', and tons able to ('estsl infeelion. A.II through ilio winter ono hue been living In hot end close rooms, Lrealhing an atmosphere more or tens poisoned by the expired air of On0441I and others, has keen eating more than w es needed, and tins beenwelting herd with either muscles or brain, of- ten In utter disregard of lite rules of hygiene, The body is thus loaded wil.h the ncotunulutnd waste of the winter's •axme8000, and is in a measerc Wept. sorted and less able to withstand the assetdis of disease. hl eridilion to this weakening of the resetting powers, the sudden and vim lent clumps of temperature chnrncter- !sitr, of early spring throw an addition- al strain on the system, predisposing to eongcsltnns, and so preparing the soli Inc the reception and multiplica- tion of the ever-present germ of pn0u- (1,0014. 11 is sometimes said that this pneumonia germ becomes more viru- lent in the spring, but this is only a guess. and probably n. mistaken one. Tho rodueefl strength of the human vic- tim Lc mill-mient to account for Ilio In - 01(1158 in pneumonia without suposing no increased strength in the germ of the diooase. The way, (.herefore, to escape pn0u- mOnia is to hake the system in hand nncl lame it up to Lho resisting paint, 'Phis is in be dono by fresh, cool air day and night., exercise, bathing, moderation al tate table both In guiltily and amount of fond and drtntc, seven ar sight hours of sleep at night, and the avoidance of worry. Tho care of the teeth, always an im- portant matter, is especially important In relation to pneumonia, for it has been found that the germs of this disease are nlmosl always proeenl in the mouth. if -the tooth ere kept clean and the mouth rinsed from time to lime, those germs u contractor and builder and my m'o few In number; but inn neglected i[ You Please•„ causes me to be out and exposed to all mouth Iluy may increase enormously, ''he sem'atary eel al once, staggered . weathers so 1 suppose ft was in that Pending a sale lodgment between the rut of the room, and went to the nearest way i got cold. Anyway it settled 10 teeth and In the corners whore fond pollee station. A force of pollee was my kidneys and made rue pretty sick. grow es nttorct a gond soul for their ent, and when' they entered the room' I got Lumbago In the back, cramp In the growth. pito tooth -bras!) is againtherest oro a Ole madman opened fire on them. Ile muscles, pains in the loins, shortness useful weapon In the fight ngatnsi pian- rf breath, a dragging pain at the loins and my urine was thick with dark sed- iment. Then I know the kidneys were to blame se I took Dodd'5 Kidney Pills and they soon put me In shape and cured me so that I have had no trouble with my kidneys since." LEG af1=� 5.000 WARD will ba pled to hot Sunitght Semp on who c nwhm rorai (hot Injurious Che(1tiCalq or any Conn of adulteration, AW,1YT I+OR 0014). Adventurous Expedition to Tierra del (11 r) I 'JyT Fuego, k r I land on tun l edventum• urs quest for front Eng- " in the wild and lith. i ilulcn region of i Tierra del Fuego, neer !tape !tern. pros. qa 0(0(5 disrnvur,'d allacidl gold us 'ar leek as 1s8u, but Hitherto tile gold mining Industry has been et email 1c- count. The purpose of the expedition in to dredge for geld, the sande of cer- lnin rivers being said to he fill of par- beles of the pr,'elmue menu, washed diem from the higher country. The veseol to be used iu the e8Pedi• thin is a shallow steam bereft of natal, capable el cementite (Ivo lens of the "golden sand," drawing only Iwo feet of wider with a full load. She eon stain five knots an hour, and will art as lender to the dredger, carrying the send to the headquarters of the pr'os- pi•cturs to have the gold extended. Grant :earner is beim' lipooPrved ('s to the mcprditnn, n; n119(1)tte the dis- eoverers of the "gulden elvers" do not desire eempelilinn, IL has long been knnn'n tint gold exists in consblernhle mientily in Pato- ., Monti, 1111•1 81 vnrinu, limn•, rlis1Qverir"1 TEI1'I'JI DRAWN BY MM) DENTIST.DOUBt.ED. ' "What hes become of the le man who 1,t lin fa•nrinu5 'need have been made g 1'.n o islands to lir. south of the main - private of the drum -major. "11e left us about three months ago." "Good drum- troy Ineanenalion 1,r the ti 1 . An°n mer, loo, wasn't ire?" "Yes, very gaud. the. mutely genet greillies w allele Prime. But he gel. so fat that when he marched lee's 1'rgr,,ubie 1'tlls 120410e he couldn't )lit the drum 111 the middle.' regulating 1113) sitee.Jve ere te,e,is tees. ellioney to I•ed,u'ing innee ,. ,ion of 1110 ; is equally good with hard or soft water. " " h If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (Follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be washed without the slightest injury, Lover Brother Limited, Toronto Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint rye Deputy's Secretary Forced to Submit to the Ordeal. A terrible adventure befell the seers• tory of a well-known 1'fenot deputy 11 bile visiting his dentist recently, and Iho, details have just become public at the trial at Paris. Ile had been suffering from toothache, and went to have the troublesome toolh extracted. He sat down in a chair, and hid just begun to explain his trouble when the dentist shouted, "Al) righll ('11 have them all out for you in a min- ute." Tho secretary attempted to state that he merely wanted ono tooth taken 01)1, but he stopped short when he saw the dentist produce a revolver. Pointing the e.eap0n at the secretary's Iniad, the den- tist exclaimed: "If you move a muscle while I'm laking out your teeth you are u dead man." The secretary saw That he was at the mercy of a mndmhn, and remained per - Melly still while Um dentist put the re..;lOr. 'W. (1. \'Palace is a welt Man To - "Mrs. Fad has suet) a lino collection of r1011 old china I She's got al least lifly them; 01--" "Fifty I 1 lens at. her 110n0e to -day, and I'm 11me Fara had. euro than a hundred pieeee " "Why, how's that ?" "Cheney servant girl, '!tiles all." A CARBELITOWN BUILDER SPEAKS, RE FOUND NOTHING TO EQUAL DODD'S KIJINEY PILLS, FOR i'UEY CURED HIM 010 HIS 'TROUBLE, volver back in his pocket and proceeded to draw out the teeth. One by one they were pulled out, the m4dman drawing the revolver whenever the patient ex- hibited any signs of pretest, When eight teeth had been wrenched rut the na(lnman said: "That will do, you have been very quiet. Three [canes day, But He Was Pretty Dud Before Ile Got Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Cambelltovn, N.B., Apr. 23 (Special) -"IL was a cold started my trouble, sees kir. Wallace, of this place, "I urn • motile and all other diseases of the res- piraLory organs; but mho heavy artillery in this fight Is fresh air and proper 'boeathing.—Youth's Companion. LAUGH AND LIVE LONG. Leughi.cr is undoubtedly one of Na- -tutees general tonics. It brings the dis- ordeeeih [acuities and functions into harmony, it lubricates the mental bear- ings, and prevents the friction which monotonous, exacting buslness..enge . -ders. It is•a divine gift bestowed upon uc as a life preserver, a health promo- ter, a joy generator, a success -maker. Life with the average lean is too seri- ous al Ileet. Never lose an opportunity for relaxaton from the stress and strain of your business or profession. Every draught of laughter, like an air cush- ion, eases you over jolts and the hard mpiaces on life's highway. Laughter Is always healthy. IL Lends to bring every abnormal condition back to the normal. It Is a panacea for headaches, for life's bruises. IL Is a life prolonger. People who laugh heartily keep themselves m physioal and mental harmony, and am litany to live longer than those who 'take life too seriously. 00010 RULES FOR THE EYES. Although the eyes contribute more Pan almost any other feature to per- sonal beauty. they get surprlsingly lit- tle attention from the majority of per- sons. i•I0r0 aro 0. few simple rules for preserving their strength and bright- ness. Do not ,read by firelight. When pos- sible P t0 eyes from r m the direct. 1 cct a o andloli ht. hyo tandc tamp, glare of P. gasg not read or work in such a dim light that en effort is necessary to see clearly. If the eyes aro tender, weer smoked or Milted glasses. Never apply soap near the eyes. Battle them once daily, the lids being open, in tepid water. It is 'best to use an eye bath or egg sup and Lo open and close the lids in the water, Do not apply any taco mem near the -eyes. Put nothing on the lashes but mho bast of 005ce1led oil. Never cut the lashes in the bolter that they will be improved. Keep in mind that whits -cliffs, stretches of sand and of snow aro. injurious, and must be guarded against with glasses. LONDON'S TOLL OF bees, . '(•1,000,000 Gallons of Water Used to Put Them Out. . One • hundred persons lost their lives and 250 were injured by fires in the County of London, England, last year, aecol'ding to to the annual report of the London Fire Brigade for 1903, Of those who lost their lives, 46 were under eight years of age, and fourteen over G0, elo fewer than 67 persons wore dealt or had been removed before 1110 br !gado was called. E-e1ucling chimney fires, the (0141 number of ties reported to Ula brigade was 8,511, or 105 less in the previous year. The number classified as serious 01'ES 6l, a• only 1.82 per Cent, of the total. Tlth'ly-eight lives endangered by tiro were saved en: the efforts of the firm mon. The number of accidents to )bra. 01031 dun to service wits 194. The quantity of water used for ex- tinguishing fires in the County of Lon• don during the year was fourteen mil- lion gallons, or 62,500 tons. Of Ude quantity more ihae one -titled was tak- en friim lire ',Iver,. canals and dOelce, h Ind the remainder from mho street pipes, 17, ai. 0 recent 0211001 examination the i iiiii .1following question 9108 asked:— "Where e the British 'tales Was the Bast cloalrlr, 'a Wilmot, run?" "On, the rails," C41110 , ( IN quick response of a small boy. shot one of the constables in the arm and another In the leg before he was knocked down and handcuffed. SPRING ADVICE. Do Not Dose With Purgatives and Weakening Medicines — What People Need at This Season is a Tonle. Not caetly sick — but not feeling atilt° well: That's the spring feeling. You aro easily tired, appetite variable, stmenimes headaches and a feeling 31 depression, Or perhaps pimples and eruptions appear on the face, or you have twinges of rhetttnalism or neural- gia. Any of these indicate that the blood is out of order, that the indoor life of winter has lett its mark upon you and may easily develope into more five scandal, so a law was passeGd or- serious trouble. Don't'°doss yourself Pining that the consort should be t1,- my e t stepped on my onLuo. with purgative medicines in the hope eluded in Ito protection afforded Jo the AN UGLY FAMILY of skin diseases is the ono that you can put 1110 blood right. Pur• trammel) against high treason. To plot ge.arnlly doscelled by tiro word Eczema. In oil gntives gallop through the syslern, and against Queen Alexandra, llun•e(000, 113 fors it resists ordinary treatment lett is weaken instead of giving strength. What would bo high treason, and punishable omnplotely mood 3)e tvnarer'a 05(010 use I la can• you do need is a tonic medicine that with hanging, but the moment the King 00(1 011 watt tt Oarai', (11911?. dies this protection falls away, and ie more notice could be token to a plot against her life than if she were an or- dinary person. The constitution demands that tho consort shall take no port whaiever .n' the government of the country, so that her name docs not appear on any offi- cial documents Kling Edward signs. .Nevertheless, if the King becomes ill 1 r is away from the Kingdom at Lira mo- ment of some national crisis he can appoint the Queen Consort ns his proxy, uthor- word=TIPS ns much author- ity her . when 1, only occurred on one This c his. 1'l i a,Y 1,y occasion since King Edwvrd ascended the throne, when the Ministers of State were summoned to the Queen's pres- ence. Many convicted criminals owed that) Victoria's I loris reign In during \ c S pardon lu g g the Prince Consort, though the. law el - loved hint no authority for sottng than tree, his Intercession with the Queen 0o -treeing his lack of power in this res- mpect. Tho law is very strict In barring ho consort the right to liberate a prisoner, nor could Queen Moxondha wen the death warrent of one. If the King worn inaccessible, then the war- rant would have to wnll-tlnlll his sig. Wile's wits al'011eble. Directly the King dies his consort must lake the oath of elieglsnoe to his suocessnr, and it f3) a curious point that if she Wishes to 1n0(ry ngnm she must. obtain his sanc- tion. So if upon the death of King Ed- ward the Queen wished to re -merry sho would Have to seek tltn permission of Mt. present Prince of Wales. Henry returned i triumph from nn examination. "Row did you get along, my son?" his dolling parent inquired. "First rate" answered Henry. "I an. swered all the queetie0s. "Goren How did you answer them?" ""I said 1 didn't know." PREROGATIVES OF THE QUEEN. King's Consort Can Act as Ilis Proxy Under Certain Circumstances. "M. A. P." in an article on "What the Queen can do," says: Strict as the laws appertaining to high treason have been they did not always include the consort, so that platten wore able to threaten the life of the consort at will, and Incur no rosponsitritty whatever. When Mary married Philip of Spain nftail's In Ibis direc1on became a posh - They Drive Phuples Away. -• A (1(00 ryes. It hies <mtorl Asti tunny k•L,rr; i coered with plmpleb is unsigldly- it of recommend:,lt.u, from ilio:"• who tete: tells of internal irrrl t11(u'itirs wiltolt entitled with Illie remnl:,I) , reed come.!' should long 3(11005 have been rear("'hv1. 1 0ur0 in the pill.:. ('bee• Liles( the, 1 he liver and the lcitlneys ort: not per i wawa cnntma and the bleed in a snrpr."• forming their functions 1n the healthy ingty uclh'e w•r'w, end the main Is al - way they should, and these pimples are (line/ lUllirelialrly seen, tr. let you know that Urn blond protests. Parnlelea's \'°getable Pills will (11.1ve thein away, and will !cove 11141 skill clear and 0101111. Try thein, and there will be another witness to their excel- lence. "You couldn't select anything nicer 1111111 this bracelet," sold the salesman. "I guess 1'11 take it,' salt! Alm. NurtdL the seeds far rheumatic suffering. Feer "Are you sure it's made of refined live years I was a groat invalid, words gold?" "011 yes" ""Becnns1 1 do detest cannot eenvey the faintest 011011 of 1113• anything that ain't refined 1" 11(1.01180 suffering and eon3111nt pain I endured. 6 bottles of South .\nierkan Got a Constant Headache? -- 'ren Ilhount:die Cure permanently cured n1e."- lid A etiquette 18 n rose front ah;••h every hoer plucks a lent- the thorn:: 1,r(: re- served for lin hn..band. The Iceman's Troubles.- "My busi- ness," says John (1111(1, fee de:d:lr, rd \0iughntn, Ont., "is one of the most fertile fields under the sun for sawing chances to one the secret of your suffer- ing is that "white nlan'.s burden," Ca- tarrh, Here's a sentence from ono man's evidence for Dr. Agnow's Cater - 11151 Powder — "One application ;'1(1•3) me instant relief, cleared tate nossol pas - segos and slopped the pain in my head." It's a quick, safe and sura troabneni, and it novae falls to cure. 50 cents. - 145. "In Mr. Scadds a man of scientific dIs- linetion?" "Yes, indeed," answered Miss Cayenne. "Ole has so many col- lege degrees that when he sends in ids card you can't be stere whether it is his name or a problem in algebra." For "Ran -down" People there's no- thing known in medical treatment to- day so effective and' certain of a cure and so magical in its building up pow - et as South American Nervine, because it strikes at the root of all nervous ail Teacher: "Tommy, what are 'house- hold words'?" Pupil : ""l'omnty, if you don't behave yourself I'll skin you r They're the words I hear the most when I'm In the house." eiother Graves' \Vo'Itl leetunlnatee has the largest sale of any similar pre- paration sold in Canada. It aht0:s gives satisfaction by roslorieg health to the little tolls. Hewitt ; "\\'hal ire you raising n beard for ?" Jewel.: "Weil, I don't mind telling yore, I'01 weaving rt necktie my wife gave me." • VEIldtOyl91, WHAT Is IT? It t+ the mane of the best ionic. 1b builds au the system, giros 110,0. I1Iq make: 310+1010 well and strung. n,1 surd you get the genuine • h'orrori it." meals, the digestive organs, mikes rich „ �'tsllnr (t1, farmer's tiny in the field): red flood, drives nwny emulation, pule il'gaing potatoes --ell 1" Farmer's Boy: on flesh end maters over physical "Yes. gingau And what. do you get wrecks generally. -148 ter digging the polities?" Fleenors _ Ray : 'Nothing. But I get snntelhin' Clara, aged four, suddenly burst out for not diggin' rant'^^ crying 1,t the dinner labia, "Why, Cim'a, tvha't tS ?lin molter?" °skid (ler Sunlight scall is batter than other soaps, 1)1011101'. "0111" sobbed the little miss, but fs beet whop used in mho sunlight way. " t -LP ti Ste d • t Buy Sunlight soap and follow directions. hill maks now, rich, red blood, build tip the weakened nerves and thus give you new health and strength. And the one medicine to do this speed- ily and surely is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every dose of this medians makes new, rich blood which makes weak, easily tired elect ailing mien and 91910011 feel bright,active and strong. If'you need a medicine this spring try 1,r. Williams' Pink Pills and you will never regret it. This medicine has cured thousands and thousands in every port of the !world, and what it has done n easily do for' you. for others it ca MedleIno dealers everywhere sell these pills or you can get them direct from the Dr.. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook. villa, Ont., at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 62.50. 0 "I wish they'd Invent a new expres- sion occasionally," said Top, as lie Per- used the account of a recent wedding, "It's always 'ilio blushing bridal" "Wet," replied Mrs. Top, when you consider what sort of husbands most girls have to marry, you can't wonder at their blushing I" ),. CHiLD1100D'S PERILS. The so-called soothing medicines con - lain poisonous opiates that deaden and sltlpety, but never euro the little all. monis of childhood. Baby's Own Tale lets are guaranteed to contain no opiate they aot on the stomach and bowels and thus remove the cause of nearly all the ills Chet alTlict Milo ones. In this way they bring natural, healthy '110p, and the child wakes up bright amt well. Mrs. A. Weeks, Vernon, i}. C,, says: "I h!lve used Baby's Own Tablets and can cheerfully say that I boo found them all you claim for Lhom." Those Tablets aro good for ohlldrOn of all ages Mom birth onward, Sold by alt medicine dealers or sent by ,nail at 250 a box by writing Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Ills s10031(e that you should always bo s0 gaunt," remarked the boar to the 1901L "Well, you see," replied the will!, "It's all because of the part I'm poli• palled to play In tf0, You see I'M all ways obliged to keep been 1110 door unit !hero's not anything left in the house to eat." Minister (m tld1Y) "ryee bee wanting to see yon, Ar. Kurd, In regard to the quality oi milk with which you etre serving mo," . Milkman (uneasily) "Yes, sur," ,Minister (vary natty) •-• "i only evented to say, Afr, Kurd, that I use the milk for 0101ary pUrposaS esolusively, and not for christening" "Ts it true Ninths P001131tch is going to be married?" "Yes, to enter Rich- man; ho lost his arm in an engage - moot, you )chow." "Humph! Eli's cer- tainly lost his head in this one." It Lays o Stilling [land on Pain.— For pains In tate joints and limbs and for rhemnaito pains, neuralgia and lumbago. Dr. Thomas' Beleelrlo Oil Is will -tont a peer. Wel) ruhlloci In, the 4k111 absorbs IL and it quickly and pee - 0 t relieves 111e affected a1' Its Haan n lv t. t p m1 t n lice its manic to oil• 1,t 1'n• 1 1u is a 6 1 1 y moving pail from the 120,1,', and for Lhat good quality it is prized. k'inllly--"tinve you seen 11nhe1's e.n- gogemont-ring?" Dolly -"Seen it? Why, 1 't alt lastsummer." lvoro 1 RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. It was the first time little !loss hail seen an nlligetor. "Oh, mamma," she exclaimed, "hero's a hug lizard with a valise skin on I" A cough is often the 10rer,mner of serious pulmonary alllletiaus, yet there is a simple cure 11)1(1111 the roach of d11 in Riekle'.e Anti -Consumptive Syrup, an old -tine: and widely recognized remedy which, if resided to at the inception) c[ a atld, will invtlrhibly gh•e relief, and by overcoming IIie trouble, guard 1111 system from any serious ennsn- quences. Prieo 3)5 cents, at all dealers, Their complete' homo cure. Post free to readers of this paper. ]tor limited period only. A ha111$01e Il111id. area treatise, gl ina full dda0rtllt ion et 1) heuaaLlsm and Paralysis, With instructions for a com- plete home euro, do,et•ibi u5 Wu wait successful troatulent In 00 world, re- commended by cam Atlnrstry and ondors- cd by medical suer. '11115 h igitl In- structive book was written by 'W, it. 9bnu, a gentleman who has matin a study of these diseases. Tho prefaw {a by a graduate of the University of lvta•t.ahurg. iSpnd postal to -day and you satin remMve the book frac by e- 1 urn.-•Addrasa, The ontValoo Drug Co., 9d (1115 (11-, 11031, Tor YOU DON'T WANT "ENGINE EYES. "Soma people are apt to enlarge upon the difficulties 0f driving a railway lo- comotive in time dark, or during heavy rain," says en engine -driver; but, for my part, nothing ever gave me mono anxiety and trouble than continuous gl0rlt,g sunshine. Color-bitndnese is said to be frequently nothing more Ulan intense pain in the eyes caused by watch- ing objocls which reflect the light, and upon which the sun 18 shining. 111 a run of so'eral pout's the glare from the roils which shims the eyes while watch- ing for tend: obSlPllclinns, and morn partieltlarly for rolls which have been forced nut of lino by the heat, is very trying, and often when 1 Ilavo left the locomotive atter such a TUB I hat's found the greatest comfont in resting In a room . whom oompleto darkness prevailed. A man is afraid to wear senokod &flees, lest he should ho sus - peeled of 0ol0r-blindness, and lose his position. 13u1 some protection of lids . tnfld would greatly prolong the career 01 many an engineer and fireman." With the exception 01 1110 Smllhs, 3onal and !Browns, thorn aro few fam- ilies as did as the hilts, 0d uh'L ,ym tie (two The Lori/est Stook Food Factory is Tbo World: It covers over n cityblock contains over 16 nova of Door space, coot $570,000. Size of our oface 6(1x120. 100 office people, 160 typewriters and we use 10(y million letter beads and eaveloPea every year. A. car- load every 30 days. Our chemical laboratory la one of talc best, Carr office to one of the great sights of the busi11e05 world. Many veil small concerns advertise large buildings. We invite you to visit out factory and sec that we have everything we tinier. Manufactured and Guaranteed by Internefionar Stock Food Ca "Iolcrnetlonel Stook Food" "international Poultry Ford" "Ialoroallonal Hoare Caro" "Ialaraat1ooal Loaao "lolaraalional Warm Powder" "International Distemper Corner "International Cell Cure" L"rntersalloaai Fool Ramed7"" "Silver Plus Healing 011" "International Colic Card' • "International Compound Aboorksai" "lal.rnallcnel Sheep Dip" "International Pheoo Chloro" 'International Hoof Weimar "Dan Patch Stable blolnleclant" "lateraotlottai (farness Soap" Also "Jewel incubators" and Hroadaro, sed dowel Chick and Boa Pood. DAN PATCH1�6ntt NAILED FREE. We have a Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our Champion Pacer, Dan gives all the reco prepaid, ma24. de by our paciof ng ,wonder. 91pictue 31131 =or 0/11 You one frcd poste a pris epaid, 14 sanWrite a one to us how much stock you o INTERNATIONAL STOOK FOOD CO., (Minneapolis, felon., B.S.A. Stella : '.`;o you are really going to marry old 1(1iliynns? t had no idea you "1 ant mercenary I" \lands. woo so ❑ 1 } p not. I m1, going to manly him to reform thin." Stella : "Retorut hint 1 didn't know he had any bad habits." elaudn "Yes, ho has one. the Mien& say lee is tnise'ty." Apoplexy. — Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is effective in apopl.ttlie symp- toms. iI you have unpleasant dlzzt- noss, lightness or sadden rush of bleed in the Read, take peecauliots against a recurrence. This great remedy w111 remove the 0111180. i'he press of the lend has dilly a list of sudden deaths which would not have been chronicled if Dr. Agnewv's Cure for the Heart were used.—.147 Edwin : "And you'll always be Irue to me, Angeline?" Angelina : "Why do you doubt me, Edwin?" Edwin: "Ott, you're too good 10 be :true." DIARTYRBE DE&CR1J3ED Kingston Man tells how be Suffered and How he was Released. "Por years a martyr," is thaw Chas. H. Powell of 106 Raglan Street, Kingston, begins Ida "tory. "A martyr to (throttle constipation, but new 1 out free from 15 and all through the es"' use of Dr. Loonhardt's pati-Piil." C ms. H. Pows10 Many who are IOW suffering from this nomplaint will bslad to learn from Mr. Powell's story thab hero ishopetsar the was inducett ed to try born ' .Anti Pill byteading tho toatimouy of sono on* who had been cured of oonstipetion byte. I had aulfared for oighteon poses and bad taken tone of stuff recommended ad mires bub whish mads mo sorsa rather than o 000a3 n use theca K fora told Doo tors fee me." Dr, Loonhardt's Ant1.1.111 Is for solo hien Druggists or by Ile Wilooh.Pylo Co, Limited, 2iiagars $elle, Ont. Mr. towed will verify every wordAG time Meteoroid*. , Two thousand designs suitable for all classes of work such es Churches, Schools, Stores, Halls. Also special designs fol Ileuses, Kit- chens, Dining -Rooms, ele. Nothing 11as ever been devised to equal Ped- lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm !louses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crack or fall off. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Cellingse Made to fit any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses painted all ready to apply. 01111 CATALOGUE, NO. 44 0, D(SCR1t1FS MANY DESIGNS. WRITE FOR 11r. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRITE TO -DAY. THE Pr� .DLAR PEOPLE IIONTSEAL, CUE. I 787 Or Bt- l N PEO WNi 70 Lombard bard 3)L Bead Office and Works, DrTAV3A, Oat. I "IrJO. ON0. 430 Suscar 5T. 11 3polllprno at 911021 10011 N0 s0s'r Oevtcs L0110112, CRT, 1 I VA09 Oundas at J 1100UVe8 0. 815 Ponder 81. Oshawa, Ont., Canada s77.arl .walk -sem. We.- xtostat els. MAKE the FARM PAY A Fairbanks -Morse 2 H. P, Jack -of -nil -Trades GASOLINE ENGINE will saw woad se fast as two men can 110,tdlo it. It meo pump0 stator, hens cora, winds rood. makes butter, rano croon °operator. (a feet fon• alehee taxer for all term am ass:,. ltvory termer+honld here ono Ont oat (11a oamplets adcortteoment and Goad ht to 444 ST. JAMES STREET, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COh9PANY, LTD. MON Please nand mo (without obacgol Perttoalore aboat Jack-ot ell.Trades Psalm for term um. Sngine for I Address .._._a'r'ov....�«.,.._..�. ae,.;q'rc-`.Sg� a .....a1' .. in Western Canada Two carmen'" sections, select. ed lands in Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C,P.R. ds G.T.P. Strung soil, OD per oent. plough land, spring- amok, no slo05(10. About 40 ntlos N.U. of Indian lieael Price 51050 per acre. Write far may and tn11 particulars. R. PARSONS, 91 wenesiey street, Toronto, Canada. FOR BOYS—A GRAND OFFER 11 )'00 will devote only your' SgPARC TIME lombng Ica 1101000 of (0110000 anti Com1003 and alp Intendu00 AMMAN 83008 ANS POULTRY F0013 TABLETS A ment, O 0111 Stuck POUND11 at a 1 IL, ..l-$en00 FE A tl ✓i 8 E R DYEING Price of o -8, Uhf r c ndat BATS -Souse 1.00 per w0 Prepaid and g0 uantood. smut us a •lot No. 111 ivi11 (un malas and curlloo and 31114 010.110 cleaned rano k to bee i g M r net tis t 1,d n �T hal r n e `wtlaCa 4 0 or o>. the .. m be oat set 1 P es oo b gg p 9 OlfCrbd. r D 'r mien Free 1 0 particulars culars a boot 100 1 CC1 THE BaS,�W CHEMICAL Bk'tggp A�ER@„p(tl ®'�El$tG GlR s01i0DTLLD BLaCr�, --_ CLEY'ELAi`I>i., O. 0501ITIMAr,.,.�_. OLD VIRGINIA FARMS ILLUSTRATED CATALOCUO 0'160. LABS OgS8EL10.1 &CST LIST FOR O 1,SAil1111d0ND E 01 VIRO NIA._ STA RIERERS The lir *tott Method is the only logics+ method for the cure of Stammering. It `treats the CAUSE, not merely the t 111taj'.y.li, and insures natural speech. Pam- phlet, particulars and references sent on reque.,t. Address TEE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BERLIN, ONTARIO. Sho — "Emma is t110 prettiest, but Lana is the smartest. Now, which would you rather parry, bntnliy (7r brains?" ire (very tar gone) — "Neither; I'd rather marry you.' iL is only necessary to read 1110 tes• timonials io bo convinced that Hollo- way's Corn Cure is unequalled for the removal of corns, worts, ole. It is a complete extinguisher. A father recently received the follow. Ing nolo from a 301131g man :--"DOar Sir, --Wood like your doter lassie's hand in lineage, She and I aro in lav and 1 think I nede a wits.--Yures, Henry." The father replied by letter, saying "Friend Henry, --You don't need a wife. You need a spelling -book. Get ono and study .fit for a year. Than write m0 again." � "How long is (''t going to take to got through with this ease?" al e Mitt, who was undo suspicion aof housebreaking. "Well," replied the young lawyer, thoughtfully, '11')) take me about two weeks to get through with It, but I'm afraid Me gOing 't0 take you about four yggre. t 'a 1 STAR �ACIC(`)14°.."11.1)Z11„1:1 tram, Arnto, In• RHEUMRHEUMATIC 0ammat0 or C3(0051 r tFl Blit @ I Y Lumbo nrmlgfa, Hcfatlau, Lumbago, dud all Mu, CURE f1,r0o7 tbublos E renal, 0onnmraoomrg, but -send 1(eFnrido iAsrctds a bottle at ono*. 003,00 a Remedy Co., 175 longs St., Toronto, Canada. 51.00 par bottle. NORWAY'S LOAN SYSTEM. To encotlr0gc working people to 15- 10110lt homes of their own, Norway leas founded a bank for wlnldngmen. It lends money at 33; and 4 per cent., a i gives the borrower 42 years in which to pay the loam. The total cost, it the house must not exceed $800, and the area of land must not be more than ftvo acres. %Cash or Cure if Shiloh's Consumption Cure fails to ecce your Cold or Cough, yen get back all you paid far it. You 010 tura of a Cure 01' the Cash. If it wase t a tate cure, this otta would not be endo. Can anything be fairer ? if you have a Cold, Cough, op any dire0e of the Threat, Lungs or Air Paresget, aye Sri I LO t 280. pet bottle, All deeko guarantee II, I IiSSUE NO, 180-0l4 '