HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-3, Page 5• WINQHAM OUSIIVESS 001. -LEE 18 n Melt -grade Oommerolal &Wool, l'hree Courses Commerelel Staimerenhe Teleeranill Write GEO, A Great School 0,,,,kizediNLLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Students front kritielt Columbia, fi Saskiaehewan and Idanitoba cm the ir Wellt to Noy; Brunswick on the East A.) 1110 In e4te111.1141.100 this year. Diatancie nt 18 09 biedrance to moue who WWI to gat the best. Our graduates aro al - 890840 0000810801 Our moitithis 1198 (11. surpassed, OmilblESCIS NOW. NO 9800- ti0u18. College open entire yeer. Mag. nificent ciatalogue tree, W. J. ALL1UTT, prinelpal, Dom YOSIGH AND IlL1STAND1C48 thrs. 9Faie512:55-42;57faStl:FilFS:Ffil:Ft. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. A. BURS - Successor to Dr. J. A. McNatigliton anthems, Ontario Graduate of Polyclinic, Pest Graduate School ofAlailleine and Surgery, Now York Member of College of Phyaloiaus and Sur- geons of Ontario. and residence 80100 08 formerly oa, copied by Dr, MaNaughtou, Diseases of women a soacieltY• 'Phone No. 21. BUSINESS CARDS. LAT H. MoORAOKEN- , nVeuVet.ort)rotgr,IVnigg;g:irieZisfitsei00e WM. SPENCE OONVEYANOEll AND ISSUER MAIIRIAGE LIOENSE8 °mei: ilk the Post Wilco, Ethel, 10.4 0. 0. JP. Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0,0. V., Brussels. meets in their Lodge Boom, Blas - hill Block, on 140 Sud mud Mut Tuesdays of aneh month, aItS 0010011. Vielting brethren 0.1890845 898100108. JAS. BUItGlISS, O. It, A, B. Al2,1,1,1811, It. S. M. MORRISON, issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM; nostutatroz. FIRE AND MARINE, U ELPH • AUCTIONEERS. 141 B. BOOTT S AN AUCTION- • Bun, will Bell for better intim, to better men, in less time and less charges tbau any other Auctioneer in Nast Huron or he won't eharge anything. Datee and orders can 'Owego be arranged at title °Moe or by personal applioation. ROBr. 11. GARNISS BLUI1VAL14 - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the shoe of Trot Powr, Bruesels. 22111 VETERINARY. grZ. A. CUNNINGHAM- X...A • Bettor ,araduam of the Ontario Vet- erinary Collage, le prepared to treat all. Ma- tteson of domentiume(8 muimale in a compet- ent manlier, Fartimlar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Mlle Paver, 00110 promptly attended to. Mae and infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A 13. MACDONALD- „.ti• Barrititer, Solicitor, Notary, Nto. Suaceasor to G. F. 13I8ur. Offline over Stan- dard Sauk( Brussels. Solicitor for Alcamo- politan Seek. Whi. BIN CLAIR- • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Publio, Office-Eitowart'a Bleak 1 door North of Central HOWL 001181209 101 the Standard sank. 133013DFOOT, RAYS do BLAIR- BABUISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETU, W. PR00DISTOT.11. 0, 14. 0. BAYS G. P. SLAM. 001oes-T1158o formerly °coupled by Messrs Cameron ez Holt, Gm:maims, ONTARIO, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEILD, bkoeimisT Graduate of the Royal Collage, et Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Piret-elass Hauer Graduate of Toronto University. - Moe most to Brewer% Photograph Gallery, BRIISSHILS, CENTRAL STRATFORD. OWL they -were a year ago. The public) Our defines are 10(1001 larger than have learned that trite le the best te plaao in the Previte:se to obtain a ciono Training, Stuare dents eneerhig oriels Oo 1008018,1 „aii.oion or Shorthand '8 week. An graduates got good poet. 1.1 tioile. Write now for eatalogeo, Inizaogt ateLAGRIAR,0101118148810, Is 1 g292;:714fiiitt4C4Stt411#91=4t44W2 111P rewer's Piet Studio Heatignexters for First.elass Photographs, Life Size Pottraits, Crayons and Watercolors finished in A 1 style. Family Groups a specialty. ()all and see samples. H. R.BREWER gag d% gteircs Two Ventilators have been placed on the root of the engine bowie 01 140 Araent factory. 13311/119Tal subscriber 'Aye "We ere reading the story in Tam POST and think 81 good one." Tug Bodeen klen'e Association is a real live institution in Brussels and we hope their mei:Mugs will be produritive of good to the town generally, If you prefer to tette medicine in 40184 form 84011 000 cow obtain Dr. Shoop's Rea orative Tablets. Absolutely no (ohmage has been made in the medicinal W5481118018. Sold by F. R. Smith. De Oven, M. D., London, Eye Red Ear Surgeon, will be at Elmith'e Drug Store, Bruesels, 013 8118 fleet Tuesday le Each mouth. Bonn, 8 a. in, to 1.80 P. m Cetaraet, eqnint, failing eyeeight, deafness and nasal catarrh treated and glasses properly fitted, Next visit, Tuesday, J nue 6111. Te5100180089 footbridge was put worm the Maitland, neer the flax mit', last week, Thoa. Newsome engineered the work. While some membera of the Council dispute the usefolneee of this OrOesing•plaoe many persons would be surprised to wont the number of people who even 811803001908 EMI/ 1/3 OHO day. Dn. BOTLER, LOOd011, will be at the Amerioan Hotel, Br00ee1e, on :- THURSDAY, - JUNE 21e4 THURSDAY, - JULY 19rn Limas 7:80 a, m. to 2 p. m. Eye, Ear, Nome and Throat oonsultations. Eyee tested for glassea. JIMMY WO11D11.-In remitting for Tan FOST14 subseriber adds the followiog "I 000005 close without a word about your paper. I have taken 000101013 to point to it 14811 noodel country newspaper in point of arrangement, enterprise and generaI get-up. A paper is often balm es an hides of a town end in thin oouneotiou Brussele 88 to he congratuleted. Tito.° who have taken other lairativea withoet eatiefection and those who have taken *mob quantitiee of other laxatives that they bean lost their effect, will find a pleasant surprise in LAX NTS. There ie usually no pale, griplug, mamma ar discomfort even in eevere oases. Thief cetudy bowel laxative. LAX ETB le only So and sold by P. II Smith. Detateti Stanley Anderean, of Mitchell, and Alton Anderson, of Exeter, have dieposed of lucrative privatises in the towns named acid mirpoee going to the West to grow up with the country. Their many old friends in Brussels end locality will be glad to hear of their Renew eveu if they have regrets in their removal from grand old Outario. INTICHATEDIATS FOOT BA/in.-The follow mg 88 tha sehetieleaeriee in the Huron district :- May 4-Wingham at Bruseele. 11-Baytield at Wineharn. " 18-Bruaaele 01 Bayfield. 28-Brussele at Wingliam. June et Brue.ele. " 8-W8igham et Bayfield. Precerve Ole Het 001980898(100. Tim Gresopot nt Weekly Star of Brook• iyn, New Yore, of April Mei says of a former welt known Ertron 0o. phy-i• uhin :-Dr. John M. Campbell, of Nor- well avenue, 1148 been elected an honor- ary member of the New York Graduittee' Sweet), of the MeGin Cnovereity, Mon. treal, Uanede. The only other p88081 enjoying this distinotive honor to the ceiebreted Dr. Wm, Oeler, of Londoe, Engtand, Dr. Campbell was valedietor• mu of the 01118 80! 1869. Often times itt the sudden illnees of obildreu 00 11 reliable remedy is available fetal cousequencee oan be avoided. For time emergeueies paients are urged to have at hand ready for marnemate nee Dr Shuoy'a Diphtheria Oure,Dr. Shuop'e Croup Care, Dr, Shoop's Worm mire, and Dr. Shoop's Pain Panacea, Obild• roues ailments demand promptnese above all else. Theta ie pothlog harsh or that eau poseibly harm in any of these met lent household medioinee. Sold by P. B. 8m018. 1111 in auother column it will beobserved that Huron Co. Council ie forking for applications for the pouition of Go, engineer to succeed See. Ansley, of WingheAn, who Mae for many year's look- ed after the intereste most faithfully and who reeigne owing to inoreasieg yeere eud anoertain health, None but a firet gime man should be given the important poet and if he were it certificated engineer All the better. The olaee of work to be done from this time forward is quite diffeteht to that on the program 20 yearettgo hence the need of great care in appointing Pile. Ansley's encoeseor. Pity a good priee and secure ell expert is the %drum Tan Poem would proffer the Go. Connell. • 1.11.oleetavvoietalh. Fred. Elliott, who has been in Hamilton CO shops for the past sit months, baa returned to the parental home. John and James Grainger left for Battleford coo Good Frtday. They in, tend ;eking rip land and making their home there. Mine Umbel and Nettie Brown, who lived lu title vicinity for twelve years, left for Eiaekatoon on Tneeciay. Wit wish there amen in the West, Oue of the most largely attended fun. crate ever hold in the vioinity of Moles. worth was that of Mies Annie Briebin, who was buried on Sunday, April 22nd, Nev. A, 0, Tiffin offloiating, A. good number from 51olettworth took advantage of tho oheap Baster lege te dolt frieride eA other potato among whom were Ales. Burnett, Aire. gam), 1526. and Mee, attee and others, A goOdly number front tide neighbor. hood attended the kr:feral of the laic John Catherh, who ferin-rly matted in this nelghborheol for eeveral Yearn and Wee man respeeted by everybudy. 80' V .BOISOOL RePORT.---The following ie the result 0100 promotioo oxittultuttione 80 8. 8. No. 3 during the month of April. - V Olses-Jemeie DileDonald, Sr, IV - Total 900 -Darold Wilbee, 562. F89811 fird to dth, total 800-iltigh klinith 037, Nueeel Wilbee 457. From Jr. to 89, Sru, total 750-Ernio Cardiff 529, 00081 itis Xionon 485, Thos. alaDonitid 445. From 2ed to arti, total 575 -Jean Smith 400, Oliver Dou 418, Nihon Lowe 088. E'roin Pt Ir to 2nd, total 850-Joinmy Chive! 288, Katie fileDonald 280, Edna Matti more 200, Fred Cole, 100. From Po, I to Ft. II-Tildgar Lattimore, Banal Smith, Genie Shaw, Nation Smith. Upooro- 11. Wilbee, H. [Smith, E. Ottrdiff, 0. Mo - Kinnon, J. Smith, 0. Doll, J. Oliver, E. HoDonald, E. Lattimore, B. Smith, 8, Li, LSHONT, Teacher. CORN IS DEUR The loos of bane and,00rnfort (mulled by 810028 0111400 I I. dear 10 keep, Better in 9011 881 Putnam'e Corn Extractor and mire that ooru. Putnam.° le peinleee and Rota in twenty four boors ; use nc other than !Tetuan's.. List() ve J. 0. Hay woe re.eleoted Sreeident ot the Western Ontario Coal Dealers' Aim elation, at the annual meeting held in London. The annual Conference 01 2804 Evange. Heal Aseoeiation was held at Bismark. Nev. 8. R. Kneolitel was appointed Presiding Elder for North Dietriot, The only Omega hi minietere statione In the district are : Rev. E. Dierlamn of Wal- lowa, 5080 10 North Easthope ; Rev. H. H. L-ibold, of Platteville teklug the Wallacie appolutment. Rev. John Born, of Fol. larton, goes to Carriek. The Walleme oongregutione will be eorry to lose Rev. Dierfamn, who hag filled the appoint. went with notioh energy and ability during his paetorate, Considerable portions of the Wallow) and Main street bridges have been no• covered, partly to asoerhaie the condition of the stringers and reader piles, and also 10 noake repairs where neoeseary. Both bridgee were found to be in a very dilapi• dated state, meny of the elm etringers being rotten and some of them 'ellen iuto the river bed. Mach of the capping has also rotted away, and the piles' in ecene come are rotted at the tope and others are eo far out of plum as to be of no ese for supports. '148 004010 etringers whieh have been put izt from time to time in repairing tee hridgee and the piles that are still In plates are praoti901ly all that keep the bridges from collapsing. The worst pari0 et the bridges have been teinporarny repaired, and may possibly be made to Mkt for another par, thomb at ooneitierebet risk. The Board of Werke, after otneuhring tlio matter, have Mended to ace, for tenders for 'mob repaint e.s Will pet the old inedgee in a 040 condition and make theta last for 0. fp0:904yloeti.rs longer, it 80001 e 0405 Seam Snow. -There were twenty.three borne,/ entered at 1be Liatowel Spring Show, the largeet number ever [Mown here, The orowd of borterneu and !armors was 14180 large and the ehow wee a Anatolia, sumo% In the Imported Bea,/ Draught Mass there were live en. triee, all epletidid epeolmene oL Olydes. The prime were awarded tie follows ; J, W. King% IllUeVele, Mahout, lei ; Burk. tiara Dodo's, Idontray .Uanntlees, 2nd Ethel Florae (No., Boron Blaok, arri, In the Peroheron °Nee, W. 0. Kidd'e, Gladiator, took iirat, and the Elm kiyudioate's Limier korl, Two flue 13algiens were shown, W. 0. Ilidd's l3ooeep da Otnippelle taking Jet pries, and °brie. Bender'a Wallace Syndicete Corse Alarguel de Mellemont 2114. In Canadian Heavy Draughie the 10t prize Wee awatded to Geo, Bender's Heather. Worm Xing and Jno. MoXemer'e Bay Uoinet, 2nd. The light olaesee were also well represented. I-1 coach or carriage Henry Zinn's Wilkes got let and EL liesevitherick'e rdernbrin, 2nd. W. 0, Kidd's standard broth) ewept the boards in that wags, hlonhare end Oliver Wilkee. The two hurtles entered in the Hackney olaee were beauties. Xidd's Langdone Dauegelt being awarded Livid bonen, and W. 0. Xnoone being a good oecoud. In the thoroughbreds, John Collin's Vet. Simpson twit lot prize and 11, 11, Hay's Baliimere 20d. Sweep• stakes were awarded for both heavy and light hones, a. W. Xing's Maosol being given the diploma for beauty and Xidti's Denegelt for light. Jae. Henderson, of Belden, noted as Judge; ALS, WV 0 Oa. al lee Roberta Wilson, typewriter and stenographer for 3.15.. Mitchell, Toronto, ie home on the sick liet. Word reoeived fru m Mies Govenlook in Sintaluta, Sask., informs ua that she ie doing 04 rushing busiuess and to liking the West fine. Elam Cheese Company chipped first half of April oheeee, 034 boxes, to Mont. real on Tuesday.' Eiodgeou Bros. were the buyers, and the price paid was 121a. The annual vestry meeting of kit. Adrian's congregatiot whish was held in the church was one of the most enthus- iastio in its history. The incumbent's report ehowed all branches of the work to be in a fairly eatisfactory condition, eon. siderieg the time the eervieea bad been held. The finunolal report ot the wardens showed a neat balances to the When a Man Leaves Off 1 -lis Overcoat he- feels the need of a New Sack Suit. There are many little points of difference that dis- tinguish this year's style from the one in vogue Iast Autumn. ib is by comparing the 20th Century Brand of Men's Fine Tailored. Garments with the ordinary kind of Ready-to-wear Clothing that you see just how much these "little points of difference" mean, If you aim to be well dressed they mean much to you If you realize their importance you will be quick to appreciate the new Single-breasted Suits we are offering this Spring at from $IO to $20. 'We also have a, completeline of New Spring Hats and Shirts just opened. E.CDunford Son Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers. eDig2wPeat150341w-ww445.1., 13a !I& of 'lanai!. to n `""Itt.r48144,8i1174.0,40 Total Assets, 11120,0011,000 Prealdent, . URN, GiBSON 80 ItUANOHISS CANADA 84 80 Viae President do General Meatier, 82) JAMES TURNITUbl, ETHEL AGENCY Sayings Departmen▪ t -• Ample seourity our Depositors. Depooite of CA and upwards received 9,N Intermit allowed ut marina 90480 00(1 compounded hall yearly, ADVANONS made to Partnere for feeding stock. Sale Nutria eollected and advances 11 made thereon, frons bought and sold, W. N. 1.008,10?, 81117.401184T. .V.SAtet;e4Vsesca5;ls- oredit of the alma after meet* all obligations, whish was gratifying. '1104 °Mom for the coming 8408111 098 :-Clergy. man'e warden, W. Prier, • People's war. den, A. Dday ; SidertMen, 0. El, Solutes, W. E, Rook, G. Dark, and J. Hatherley ; Vestry Qlerk, 0. H. Holmes; Wm. Blair delegate to synod. 15.0182 a short dieoussion it was decided to put a new fence around the property and to pat in a new walk, and a committee, oonsieting 0( 8810 wardens and J. W. Wilson wee appointed to undertake the work, The 1190141 votes of thaelis being tendered the meeting adjourned. Several lawyers and surveyors drove through town on Tueedey ot last week on their way to take a look over the lundu 00 Wrn. Baillie and Wm, Mallory who were suing the townebip of Elam. The oases in dispute are over some ditoh problems and the eases were heard before the Drainage Referee in Stratford. .2. deputation of directors of the Atwood Public Library welted on the Towaship Ooaooil to ask for a grant tO the Library. The deputation consistino of Time. Diok. son, Win. G. Ittglie, and J. A. Porter, presented their ortee intelligeobly BOO well and the Council gave a grant ot 225, Erma TOWNSHIP Honor Judge Barron has given out judgment iu the came of Baillie vs. Eamiltontanaotion tried at the county court non jury 888- 01000. Judgment was given in livor of the plaintiff for 1340. It will be remember. ed that in this ease Wm. Baillie, of Elm township, was ening the township oolleotor for illegal distrese in oolleot. Ing ditch taxes. In giving judg• moot Judge Barron held that ae there was no by•law appoint. iug the defendant to oolleot the taxes he became simply a treepaseer, and the 800100 08 well as hie 004010nd. ant, whom be employed, he became 11. legal, insomuch as the township of Elmo., had authorized this action ie making distress and receive the benefit distress, they too, become liable, Then, as the plaintiff had tendered more thee the amount of the taxes, before notion was talteu, the full &meat of the judgment would be within the judo- diation of the county alert but in arriving at judgment the amount at taxes is now deduoted. Jadge Barren arrived at the ooriolueiou that the tender had been made with great doubt, tie Ohms was a won; likelihood that the tender by the p aintiff was the tender of an entirely different perm), which may have coofesed Many of the wittmeaee its to the identity of the tender passed resolution. THOSE ANNOYING BACRACIIIIPS. External applications woll never re. move pimples or Muhl:leads. Only by etimulatiug °imitating oironlation and porityiug the blood oan it be done. For quit* sure releese from them petite use Ferrozone ; it drives all humors from the blood, metres the skin healthy, tones tip the eystem With poor untritioue blood made by Ferrozone it's iropoesible to [suffer from any akin disetiee. Yon'll have a smooth delightful skin, healthy oolor and beautiful complexion by treirig Ferrozoue-and you'll feel immeneely better me woll. Fifty.oente buys a box oontaining fifty chocolate coated tablets et any drug etore. tro rdwich. Station Agent Bradley had mouses in bloom on Monday, April 16th. The Epworth League decided to hold ite entertainment on May 24th. Ab. Young left for New Liskeittd, where be will spend the Seminar. Mies Melissa Edwards has mortared a eittlation in Toronto and has gone to the city. A. B. Strome's teams are drawing square timber to the station yard from the vicinity of Newbridge. There le now six oars of amber ready for shipping- tbe yard being altnoet full. Bishop Williams will probably vieit this parish about the middle of Hey to administer the rite of coufirmation, Rev. T. H. Farr is preparing Mame in St. Stephen's church, Gerrie, and Trinity ohnroh, Fordwich. Min Georgette McCurdy, who was attending Forest City B11810888 Col, lege, London, wail taken ill and was removed to the hospital, where an op. oration was perforated. It is expect. ed ohs will be able to leave the hoepit- al in a few days. An interesting game of footboll wan played on the Agrioultural Grounds here between Harrison and Fordwilat teams. During the Bret half the home team paired a goal on a long drop by John Gibson and enother one in the se000d half, but this Wee dieellowed by the referee. The game (aided in 1 0 in favor Of the borne team. 111018' TO CURE TOOTMAISE, Any mating tooth oan be relieved in. stantly with Norville. Fill •the cavity with batting dipped in Nerviline WA rub the gum with Nerviline oleo. If the hoe le swollen and sore bathe the painful parts with Nerviline and cover with a flannel. This can't fail because Nor. 'Mine killthe pain outright and prevents it from returning. Eltronger, galaker) More eatiefaotory than any other liniment Poison's Nerviline bah been the largest seller tor neatly Flay years ; try it your. self. Wheeevet your bowels grip a day without a movement -taus a LAX ET. Whenever your breath le bad, your skin waxy or seliotv, year 0080500 0048861 you breath foul, take a LAX ISP, 01114 00, Sold 014 F, Stoith, NE AR -PETS FOR SPRING & Carpets, Mats, Matthias, Linoleums ail Cloths and Rims Our stock in the above lines is now complete and ready fur your inspection and comprises all the new ideas in Colors, Styles and Patterns and for variety to select from is greater than all the stocks in town put together. CARPETS 8 -Ply Wool Carpets ; 2 -Ply Wool Carpets ; Velvet Carpets ; Brus- sels Carpets ; 2i -Ply Wool Carpets; 2 -Ply Union Carpets ; Tapestry, Wool, Union and Hemp Stair Carpets. LINOLEUMS Linoleum 2 and 4 yards wide and a great assortment to select from. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS Floor Oil Cloths in the following widths -1, 1, 1' and 2 yards and a lot of patterns to choose from. RUGS In Velvets, Wools, Unions and Tapestrys from 27,- yards by 8 yards to Si yards by 4 yards, at prices that are right. Carpet Lining in plain felt and padded, also Stair Plates and Pads. A. 'Word About Shades We are experts in the Window Shade business. If you want shades for your house let us give you an estimate of the cost. We use Hartshorn Rollers and will replace any one that does not give satisfaction. Leat er 10.10,10110 ale & Son 131 --USS twitenetecAtawAtsaniteteoseawN.Nooreerneetiod -.'-Spring and Summer -6. --- MILLI RY OUR Fine New and Fashionable Spring stock is to band and ready to adorn the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity. As we will not hold a formal Opening we invite the Ladies to call and see our goods any time. A choice stock of Fancy Goods in the line of Em- broidery Silks, Table Centres, Doylies, Sofa Cushion Tops and Frills, Point Lace Patterns, Braids, Threads, Rings, &e., has been added to my business and Ladies are asked to see them. I thank the public for the past year's patronage and will be pleased to slier% in this season's business. Mrs. inlay vikeelowikened'oaetwateeetetrettAncers etuarAtoaetweinteerewmedareerwavieesittsettefeAtA.A.Asai 1 Good Goo ets sat Richt '"rices Are, no doubt, a source of interest to you. We have received some of our new Spring and Slimmer Goods and there are more to come. These goods have the stamp of Quality and as our expenses are light and we have bought our Cotton Goods and Shoes before the advancein Cotton and Leather, we are in a position to give you the benefit by low. Give n's a eali-we eau interest you and save you money. New Prints New Shirtings New Cottonades New Underwear New Hosiery New Shoes Bost Manitoba Flour for Sale. Highest Market Price for Produce of all kinds. lateraitarairovairsee MacDonal IJAMESTOWN Bros.