HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-5-3, Page 4,4`�C i. ail uvgC the world. They ere m;�.,...,:—.;.,_... ......_. . , .. ..w ,.. . e aEbCnSttld1E45. kL't�1� 1t� "> 6r here by the bealtbful,Meeinnoheraoter of Chu air; the rugged and ptotureeque --_ - d a ell the ,e x e le t udvaat 'tottery and 41 q P l 4 ea n YWitted ef'ere for rod and un, The lather 0148 DA 11!11 3, 1906. g _ is the strangest drawing Gard. Some of thehotels on the island cater almost COCKSURN ISLAND. • I cutely to the tourist trade, There are , three flue hotels in tide plume and another to projnoted, xo you will begin to surmise There are very few people living in that although there hi "water, water the East, who have any idea or wbo everywhere" thio leleud ie rather a thirsty eVer atop to oone)der that there exfute a plane and you wouldu't be tar aetray. fertile island situated ou the North Oban. Sort buome en the island, Hooke'', nel of the Georgian Bay with as any Baeebatl and Curling are the most reeoarote as there are ie any part of our popular gamee, Little Current, a towu Peet Dominion, that it has only been not eo large as Brussels, has a $5,000 efnoe the growth of popalatien caused outline end ekatiug riuk, lit by one by the development at the fiebiog hundred iuoaudeeeentlighte, Several of and lumbering interests that the ibe villages on the island have bookey egrioultnrel interests at Oookburn teams but only two viz. Gore Bay and Ieland have been eeriouely regarded, the Current entered tame in the 0. H. The springing up of many small places A. this past Beason. Next year an island have Mede it worth while to grow grain league will be formed, and vegetables and rains stook, poultry There are ouly 8 inoorporeted towns and dairy prodnae. The home market on the islend. Gore Bay, Manitowanine alone is large and profitable and when and the Current, Of these Little Gur• that le supplied there le a vast population reut and Gore Bay are about equal in twenty three miles North ou the mein importance. Iu the Spring when the land In the lumbering dietriet of Algoma, big mike commence operations Obis town whiob would ooneame all tbat mould be is neueually active and a considerable grown. The mild alimete is partioaturly population floats iu from the American favorable to fruits oommon to a temper• side. The mills employ about one ate Northern climate. Pears, apples, hundred hands each and make a daily plume, and °harries, the vulture of nut of one hundred thaueand feet, The grapes, water and meek melons, have lied mill, wbicb bee an eleotrio lighting been grown with good remits. In the syetem of he ewe, will double that by year 1876 this island was then known as running dey and night. The ,telegraph the little Manitou and watt at that time and telepbune systems aouneatieg Little supposed to be inhabited only by Iudilma. Currant with the meinluud and with the Bol a lew years later when it was ear. other villages end herniate on the island veyed, through soma aot of Parliemeut are owned and controlled by B. H. was then changed to its present original Turner, the mayor. Hs also owns some name and ib was not until the year of of the principal blooi-e here and a big 1878 that S. F. To:ema, of Detroit, start• store, eo he may be fitly termed the ed a fish station and village here that "Manitoulin magnate." Well I must the Ieladd was then vieited by white abruptly end thie rambling letter by men. It was not until the year 1881 wishing ye Editor a good big egg for when few woodsmen were here, that W. Easter which is a rather superfluous wish T, Pateman, the first white settler, name fur if there is s big egg the Editor from Toronto to take up his farm en the generally gets it. bland and in the same year and later Yours, others followed, of which many of the G. BUnBANAti, pioneers are here and doing well. In 1886 Little Current, April 7, 1906. timber limits were sold to Cha Hitoboock Lumber 00., of Ohioago, with their WHAT CAUSES SNORING. manager, George Avie, extensive .When snleep, people that snore breathe operations were carried on in the through the month instead of the nostrils woods the company employing from which are choked with catarrh. Jaet three to four hundred men yearly, and use "Catarrbozone" before retiring and Farmers, Field Meetings, after operating on them 0001 1900 sold you'll quickly aura that snoring habit, their limits to E. Brigham & Oo., of By destroying the cease of catarrh and Owen Sound, who after building a mill healing the membranes, Oebarrhozone and store and other baildiuge opereted m.tkes a oomplete erre in every oase ; here until 1904 when they then disposed it cleans the nostrils stops the discharge of their limits to the Modlliater Broe., of and prevents dropping in the throat in a Ethel, who are now operating here. few minutes. Nothing so pleasant or Sines this time thslsland has tlouriebed certain to oore snoring, catarrh or oolde and now comprlees io its iuduetries the ,,e Oetarrboroue—thate worth remember. McAllister Broe. Lumbar Co. meet, the lug. Lawton Lumber Go. Saw Mill, the Robinson & Oo. shingle mill, the Lake Sapetior Power Co's Quarry and the Dominion Fieh Co's station. Outside of the Ielaud's wealth in its farming, lomberiug and fishing rasoureee, it ie known to be one of the beet remote plauee nod the ideal spot to the pleasure seeker who longe for a few mouth.] rest from the batty world, with its splendid boating, driving or wheeling, its nnmer• ous small bays, islands and mountains and inland lakes which abound with numerous kinds of birds and fish. Not forgetting the historic Indian village eit•0ated ou the Weet fading the Atneri. Dau chore. From the opening to inose of navigation the Dominion Fish Go. have, a splendid liue of steamers calling here four times a week on the Boo; and Owen Sound route, The Ieland bee a eeeni•weekly steam boat mail eervioe between Tbesealon and Gore Bay. A NEWSY LETTER FROM A BRUSSELITE. Misses Ha kirk Wish to announce that they will not have any Special ]llillinely Display this sea- son. Our Spring stock has arrived and is ready for your inspection any time. With many Thanks for past favors and hoping for a con• tinuance of the same, we shall be pleased to show you the latest in Spring Millin- µ' ery for 1906 VONik .wkrr ."4 "rrsa nnefeendakefline�w Fi.W a r.._ ..._..__ .._... tet At a meeting held in the Oannoll 4t 0bsmber the Wiughaul Teeple Olub Watt reorganized for the Doming season. Officers were Mooted nm tollatve '—Hou. " Pr C, W.GOn- 1 res., J. A. Morton , Pro., way ; let Vlae•Prea„ Dudley Holmes 2nd ViasPres,, J, 17 McGuire ; $say. Trete., Mios M, MoLeren ; Meriaging Qom„ the above uiRuers and Mies N. Dineley and W. G. Reid ; Ladiee Tea Com., Mrs, J. D. Borne, Mrs, Dudley Halms, Mrs 0. G. Van8bone and Mies Grf1111), Uu 1Vedne"day of Met week s meeting WPM held in We 1. 0. 0, F. Bull for the purpose of re•orgauizing the Rebekah Lodge in connection with Maitland Lodge. Mrs, Moore of Stratford, preei dent of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario and Mre, Priestly, of Loudon, were present and there watt a fairly large at- tendauoe of the former members. A re• orgauizatiou was effsoted, the following umoers being elected :—N. G., Mrs. J. W. Dodd ; V. G., Mee, J. F. Groves ; Reo. Seo., Mies E. Dodd : Fin. Seo., J. W. Dodd ; Treas., J. F. Crovee. A num bar of applications have already been reamed, and it is expected tbat in a abort time the membership will be considerably augmented. Wm. Looking, repairing baivert lot 22 coo. 11 1 00 J. S. Baker, repairiag oulvert Iota 25 and 28 bun., 1050 8 drain Spews, postal oarde and letter heads TIM POST 48 90 John Brown, serving Bylaw No. 284 2 50 tVm. Fraser, serving Bylaw No - 289 2 50 John Grant, serving Bylaw No. 251 2 00 Moved, eesonded and carried that the Commit do now adjourn to meet on Mou• day, May Tub, et 1 p. m. JOHN MCINTOSH, Clerk. To the Editor of THE Posx It cecina to be one of bbe prerogative of Brnseelites abroad to be permitted to fill up a o01nm0 or two of THE Poen with their experieneee. I havn't wandered at far afield es the majority of these, still this lithe corner of the earth presents some iettreatiug features demanding a mote tactile pen then mine for their delineation. This is the Grand Manitoulin, the largest fresh water island on the globe, stretching for nearly 100. miles along the Northern ebore of our own Lake Huron, It is separated from the mainland by a channel varying from one half mile to ten miles in width and dotted with innumerable islands. The government drills and dredges are now operating to the channel opposite Little Current and when their ooutraot is completed all grain and lumber boats betted for Georgian Bay porta will pass this way as a safer and more direct route, During the Summer season every variety of craft from the canoe of the Objibway Indian tothe palatial yacht of the American multi -millionaire may be seen oruiefug in the ohanuel. Mail, freight and pea• stingers are traueferred across the ice dur• ing Winter by a double line of stage and it is a quite oommou 000nrreuoe at this season of the year for driver and horses to break through the rotten foe. The horses seem to take this as a matter of oonese and ase. rale take things quite 000ly nntil they are extricated. The only marvel is that these uoeeaeoaable dips do not sod in a fatality but they rarely do. As soon en navigabiou opens the mai: boat reaches the main towns en the Wend daily. The steamere of the Northern Nevigation Co., Algoma Central and Fish Company attend to the freight and passengers, Sometimes four or five steamers will call at the Current in one day. The notorious "Minnie M." is an Algoma Central boat, :ler twin le the ,,Ossifrege," They will not be run this 55550n, probably not before the next general election. The population of the island °onsiete principally of Frew*, Indians, Assyrians and white Men as one little girl gave evideuoe in her oompoeition. Yon will notion that she did sot Matilde the race to whiob one illustrious Premier belongeeven in the oompreheneive olaes "white men" but I don't tbinit her irony wag intention• al which makes it all the more iroaioal. The Franoll are mainly employed in the mills and is the netting boats. The John Bolrnes, term bridge Ma• Indians are the wards m the Government Donned Mon. drain $ 12 00 and reoeive altogether too muab Warned John Rogers, attending Oonrt of dere, Borne of them are well•bo-do and Revision on Lament drain ell might be wereitnOt for their lounging Morris Twp• 6 00 dieposition. They knew too well titer Edward Jealtlin, repairing board the goOerernent will not let them die for, fence S. P. 2 lot 10 eon„ 2..,, 2 00 want Of food and medicine ao they am S. Burke, repairing culvert S• R. Cement, 1 non. 1 1 60 During the holiday Beason great num. Wm. Willie, repairing onlverb • bare of tooriele flock to the island from lot 7 eon ,1 ........ ...... 60 Grey Council Meeting. Commit met pursuant to order in the Towuebip Han on Monday, April 23rd, at 10 a• m. Reeve in the chair and other members present. The minutes of the laid regular meeting read and adopted. Cummunioatiou was submitted from James &oFedz,an requsetiugthat au In• apeator be appointed, whose duties would be to see that all noxious weeds growing on private properties, should be destroyed. No eution at present, .rloved by John Outt, eeoonded by Dauoao Johnston that the Court of Bevisiou on the Aesesemente in Bylaws Nos. '251 and 239 known as the Love and Jaaklin Manioipal drain By-laws, do now open and that the Reeve be uhairman of said Court. Carried. The following appeals were heard and dieposed of as follows :—David Mime too high assessed fur benefit and outlet liability on S. pt. lot 24, Don 8 and N. pt. lot 24, eon., 9 iu proportion to all the other lots esseseed in the scheme, also that he was not allowed enfiicienl for dumb already oonstruoted, and what he was allowed was taken of hie aeeeeement instead of being paid in oaeh. Moved by John Great, eeoonded by Dolmen Johnetoo that David Milne be allowed $100 00 in Dash in plane of being taken off his assessment, and that the Engineer's Report and the Bylaw be changed accordingly, and that the comae of the drain remain as originally laid oat by the Engineer. Carried. Joseph Goombes,too high seemed on the Jaoklin municipal drain, lot 8 eon, 2, in proportion bo the s5s555meute on lots 8, 9, and 10 eon, 3, and also not allowed enough for ditch already constrained. Moved by John Brown, seconded by Duuoan Jbbostoe that the appeal be dtemiseed. hluved by John Outt, seconded by John Grant that Joseph Coombee be appointed Ioepeobor on the Molesworth, Brown and Cummings' bridge abutments at $1.76 per day. Carried. Moved by John Brown, eeoonded by Jelin Grant that the motion authorizing the transfer of the Township amounts Prom the Standard Bank, Brussels, t0 the Bank of Hamilton, Ethel, be rettoind• ed, The oonnoil of the Corporation of Grey is to resolve all money required for load purposes for the current year from the Standard Bank free of interest. Carried. Moved in amendment by Danoan Johnston that the motion authorizing the transfer to the Bank ot Hamilton be sustained. elation (tarried, Moved by John Brown, eeoonded by John Grant that Bylaw No. 251, known as the Love drain Bylaw be read a tbird time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Dauoan Johnston, ascended by John Outt that Bylaw No, 239 known as the Jaokiin drain Bylaw be read a third time nod finally pained. Carried. The Council, atter examining carefully the County Valuators' Report, ooneider that the Township of Grey ie aseeeeed too high as compared with other manioipalibies iu the Oonnty. Formerly Grey, was assessed $81.00 per acre, under the new equalization $44.12, per sora, Ma$illop ander the old initialization wen assessed $40.00 pee oore ; and maim the new $51.21 per tiara, therefore weoousider Grey too high as compared with Mo. Sillop. On motion by Daman Johneton, eeoonded by John Brown the follow. ing Recounts were paid 1 -- The moat of labor in figbbing weed, in. sent and fatigue peels, whiob like the poor are ever with as, ie one of the most Bathos problems with which farmers have to oontend. The Seed Control Am has had the effect of inoreasiug the prise paid to farmers for their pure seed end of reducing the prise of their low grade seed. Au even greater discrimination in pewee is likely to follow. New weeds oo0tiune to be introduced. The trade In agricultural seeds bee been a fruitful means for spreading them. The ship. meet for faunae purposes, of screenings from Waster) grown wheat to points In the Eastern Provinces is anotber therm of immediate danger that ebould not be overlooked. The nosiouo mance of new weeds that are being iotrodnoed iu varioae ways is seldom well undsretood or their danger appreciated by farmers until they have become well established. The Domluioa and Provineial Depart• menta of Agrioultnre are more than aver alive to throe dangers whiob threaten to become a serious toes in orop preelection, add in Ebe Eastern Provisoes they are oo•operatiug again this year in bolding field meetings during the month of June, when weede,insect.,fungus diesasee and plant growth are most in evidence. Seventy of tuese field meetings are be. ins arranged by Supt. G. A. Putnam, in oonneatiou with the Farmers' Institute system of Ontario. The services of Prof. Blacksmith Shop Loohhead of the McDonald Agrieeltaral Walton • at Ste. Anne de Bellvue have been eeoared to oondnob similar farmers' nature study meetings in the three Maritime Provinces. Here ie provided an opportunity for the Horeeshoere, having bought out Cha farmers to get at first hand information Humphries elucksmitbiug bueineto aro pre• that cannot be given or demonetrabed iu pared to do all Muds of Week in that Bae hall meetings daring the Winter mouths. on the shortest notice, Having had several years' experience in some of the beet horse-ehosiug shops in the United States we aro prepared to shoo all horses entrusted to Us, Give us a cart. 41.4 short you'll have jovial spirits and per. fent good health. De. Hamilton's Pills are sold everywhere, 26o. It box. Get the genuine. Wintrliara. J. W. Duncan, who left for Coping void has returned to town and bas been re-engaged as leader of the Citizen's Band, Mr. Duncan did not care for bill position in Co liagwood. Matters be oonneetion with the propos• ed hospital for Wingbam ars moving along Nicely and in a short time will take definite shape. Already $4,000 of the required $5,000 stook has been subeorib• ed. Oflioere were elected as follows for the Bowling club :—Pres , Dr. W. T. Hello. way ; Vise Pres.,'L. W. Hanson ; Seoy- Treae„ A. M. Crawford, 11 Ivan decided to make the annual fee $2 50, the same as in previous years. A telephone will be placed in the club house for the oonven• tenth of the membere and bbe gr1u095 will he pat in good shape at once. After making arrangements for the building of a block of storm on the corner ot Patrtok and Josephine street, W. H. Gesso sold the property to Rich, Clegg. t re 10 feet Ur, o aeon M , Ole Be was anxious at the rear of the lot next to his residence. Mr. Green would not sell the 10 feet end the result was that the whole lot changed bands. Irmay yet turn out that a block will be built on this corner. The Wingbam Turf Aeeooiation will hold a Spring meeting this year on Wed ueeday aud Thursday, Jane 6 and 7. A good program for the two days bas been arreoged, the first day there being 2:50, 2;25 and 2:18 Mame. The sewed day there are 2:28, 2:21 and 2:11 classes. Trotters edit be allowed five ascends. The sutriee will close on May 30th and the horses sligibls May 28. The parse in each case is $300. Ho ! For the Farmers 11/I'NEIL BROS, THOUSANDS DIE 0E' CONSTIPATION. No 000dition causes so many incurable diseases as 000etipstion. It not only prevents the kidneys from eliminating the poieonoua wastes, but oaoese anaemia etomaob trouble and indigestion. Why won't you nee Dr. Hamilton's Pille and get cured 7 This exsallent medicine restores normal bowel nation in onanight, Thoneende say so. Your system will be pare and Mean, you'll be free from beadsohee, no more soar stomaoh—in GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, Bran, Shorts, &e., always in stock and sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Mill at L"llectric Light Building. McNEIL BROS AT rewar' Oranges Lemons Bananas Spanish Onions Dates Figs Fish and Oysters tiv High Grade 6c. Cigars High Grade Chocolates The Home of Good old Cheese and 27o, Tea 19 wriy rt N co co p' W � o et rn co Mt Di L' X ellwall. Prinoipal McKay attended the teach ere' convention fn Toronto last week. The village assasement hoe increased over last year's figures by about 910,- 000. Petitions for unmet walks are being oiruulabed. Boon there will be nothing else in the village. D. Graseick, of Stanley, has bought J. Sump's brick reeidenoe. Mr, Semp will likely build. John Johnston, of Ray, has deoided to leave the farm in the Pall end has bought T. Weelie's new hoose on King street. Mr. Oudmore is putting in a cement touudation for the house he ie build- ing ou the lot he bought from the Robertson estate. Mies Vara Murdook has been appoint. ad organist of the Presbyterian oharoh, to seethed alum MaOioy, who Left this week for New Ontario. Mrs. Fnlltak died quite suddenly on Saturday evening, April 21st. The faltered took place from the Methodist Oburab on Tuesday. Dr. Medd offioiat• ed. The I. O. O. F. celebrated the anni• veresry of the Order by attending divine eervioe to the Opera House on Sunday afternoon, when Rev. Mr. Doherty conducted the Beryline. Mee. W. MoOloy and family left last week for New Ontario, where Mr. Me. Cloy is a bnehrasger for the Ontario Government. Their boase was turd to G. Hudson, aid he is moving into it. Considerable property hoe been °bang. Mg hands in Henault lately. Ou Tam. day, Hunt & Boyd, of London, took over the Selehon Engine Works. Their agreement with the village Halls for ten employee before the Bend of the year. Sours HURON LloiNsas.—At a meeting of the South Huron license commie stoners, held in Hound! on Thursday last, the following shop and hotel lioeueee were granted in the several monisipalities for the ensiling license year :—Seaforbb : Shop—Ed. Dawson, H. 0. Gifford. Recipe—jag. Dinit, Dick House ; D. T. Pinkney, Royal ; Wil• tram Hergutt, Grip Hoare ; Beuderson and Dsleosy, Oommereial ; Mrs. fibrin. teua Stephens, Queen's, held over for future ooneideration. Exeter: Shop— F. J. Euigbt, Hotels—James Shaddock, Mamelon House ; W. T. Acheson, Central ; Wm. Barrows, Commercial, granted if he makee the neosseary im• provements ; 0. Wendlund, Mstropolitau, held over for future ouusideration, Stephen : Hotels—William Fritz, Grand Bend ; Wm. Zimmer, Dashwood ; Simon Dietrich, Mt. Carmel; August Hill, Oreditou ; B. Cunningham, Shiva ; John Molseaos, Crediton ; James Han men, Shipka, for three mouths to see If he will do better ; A. Moesr, Corbett, three mouths to dispose of 'tock ; Wm. Moffatt, Oenbralia, three menthe to sell out or make bis house satisfactory to the board, Hay : Hotels—R. R. John. 'lou, J. P. Rau, Zurich ; Mrs. Nicholson, Blake. Stanley : Hutele—B. A Gook, Vern; H. Sim, ffer, Sippers. Tuokeremitb": Hotels—Geo. Stroup, St.rung's Hotel, O. Wdeon, Brnoefleld 17eb°roe: Hotel—J, P. Biehon. Bay• field : Bolide-7d. Darrow, Commor. Dial ; Mrs. M. Elliotd, Albion ; Geo. Greenslade, River Hotel, for six montbs. ensall : Hotels—J. E. Bieokall, heen's ; Thos. Hefterman, Oommer alai. The fees are a000rding to the neW schedule. CAN YOU RESIST J)ISEASE 4 E.RAIS ? Yes, and become 4°Germ-Drool" by Driving lint Blood Humors and Restoring the system. Why are doctors and hospitals ao busy in Spring time 7 Easily answered. People haven't much Burping vigor in the Spring ; it was all used np in fight. fug off oolde through the Winter. With thin blood and low vitality, the germs of the disease become active and cause fevers and debility, Your one protection is to got the abundant vigor that Ferrozone eo quickly supplies ; it gives Spring sickness that "tired feeling," restores nerve energy and instills vim and forge ibto every ailing organ of the body. No abler restorative is known than Ferrozone ; its influence is not tem. porary but lasting, laying a Bound fonndetion of health that lasts till Old age. Mr. Nazaire Begin, of Watton P. 0„ Qum, who received enormous••• benefit from Ferrazone, writes: ' I cannot speak too highly in praise of Ferrozone. If any one had told me that any remedy mould build up my nervous eyetem eo well., I wonldh't babe believed it. 'Before using Ferrozone I woe run down In nerve and Vital energy, and in very week health, '1 didn't get enough eieep at night and felt poorly in the day time. "Pereozoue bas filled me up with energy and vim, inoreeeed my weight and made a new mea of me." Your health through the Sommer depends on °leering away all traded of 1 Spring Mekong ; the remedy is Ferro. zone. Sold by ail dealara, 60 o. per box or six boxes for $2.50. By coati from N. 0, Polson & 0o., Hertford, Conn., D. f3, 1 A„ and Megaton Ont. We htiva allSI pas -ed the first mile -atone in our business career and we wish to thank you most heartily for your kindly co-operation in favoring us with your es- teemed patronage. We feel sure that it is only through strict attention to our busi- ness that we have won the approval of a discerning public, and we will endeavor to continue along these lines and thereby hope to merit a repetition of your favors. We carry a large as- sortment of Spring and Summer Goods which we are sure will meet the taste of all those who wish to be numbered among the well dressed members of the community. Call and see our stock as we are anxious to show you what we have at prices that are right. 0,040.1 Dodds & abkirk T 51 E LEADING TAILORS. SMITH & STEWART House, Sign and Carriage Paint- ers. Ornamental and Scene Work and Paper Hang- ing a Specialty. Quotations Furnished on Application SHOP 1Eiurubet't;y Si,„Brussels IMPORTANT NOTICES THREE COWS AND SOME 1 young cattle Inc sale. Apply to GEO ROBB, Brussels. rTiHREE YOUNG SHORTHORN 1. Bulla for sale, eligible for registra- tion. Apply to JA8. 8PISIR, Lot 80, Con. 5, Morrie, Brussels P.0, 39.11 EGGS FOR HATCHING.— RHODE ISLAND limns, handsome fowl and great layers. 8ettinge from pen the 81.50, peu two $1.00 after April 15th. A few 000hereto left yet for Bale. supply limits,b. WAI. J. SH1EL8, Etbel,P, O„ Ont. BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG Is prepared to give leoeous ou Piano or Reed Organ, Terme on application. Poetoi:100 address—Brunets. Rosie 51108— Lot 8, 0012.10, Grey. Pupils may have their Lesesne at their own homes it preferred. GOOD TOWN PROPERTY FOR Bale on which id large brick bowie, Stable, drilled well, sisters, fruit garden, &s.,59 aeras of land on John and James et„ Brussels. Terme reasonable. Apply to JOHN AloPADDEN on premises or F. 8. SO UTT, Brunie. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Musio. VOR SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers her 100 aore farm, being Lei L. 20, Com 7 Grey, for sale or to rent. Com tortable 1,0n55 bank barn, orobard, wells, h0. Farm ie only 9 of a mile from the cbirring vnlage 01 Ethel. Per fur, tiler partioulere apply to P. S. Soott, ems - ems, or t1R8, HATE HOLLAND, 79 8huter (Street, Torbnto. 87.8m County Engineer Wanted. Applications for the position of Engineer for Cho County of Huron will be reoetved by the Undereigued up to the 5111 day of June next. References and experlouee in bridge building are required with application, I5' formation regarding duties and salary may be had by writing, Godarloh, April 2851, 3008.w, 1'1'1137, C42.le2rk, PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undersigned odors his howls ,aud lot, situate on SilI1 street, Bttmeelefor sale, It is welllooated,a soovouient Mid comfor- table home, Pooesasion Dau be given at once. Will also sell the vacant lot, amour of Mill mud Illis.tbetb athlete, whisk weuld make a fine betiding situ. Por further par. tfonlars (s to pride, tonna, &o„ apply to PILED, ADAMS, Hardwars Dealer, 80 oore. Notice to Oreditors. In the Metter of the estate of Matthew of Village Vitl- t the i of Wal- ton, las VS [f County of Harem, Con- ton, iu the U u by u , vcyancor, doogased, Notion Is hereby given, pursuant to Renl e ad litatubus of Outarla,1B97 Chap. 120, and am5udod Auto, that all ere dltorm and °Were having any Malmo agalust the estate of the Said Matthew Aluminon whu.dicd on or abent the 011 clay of April, 1000, urn required ml ur before the 20112 day of Mwy, 1010, to mond by post, prepaid, or deliver to John W. Morrboea, %Valtoi P, 0„ lex000tor of sold Debate, their Christian and seruamoe and addlesees with fell earbloilleve le writing of their Malmo, the statement of their all 005ut0 hod the auburn or the euouribiss (if au7) bold by theta, verified by satiofasbory don arat1011, Aud notice is farther given Gbit after the said last meutiouud dote tun paid Dawn - tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the purtle5 entit- led thereto, having regard only to tun olaime of when ho shall then have nota° and that the Bald 0xomttor will not be liable lar the assets, or any hurt thereat, to any pert0tl or perlio115 01 whose claims notice obeli bot have been received by blur at the tame of anon diebrlbutmu, Da,ed at Brussels this 25111 day of Audi, A.D„1000, 42.8 A.NSsl olOturforExooutor. STOCK FOR SERVICE. BULL FOR SL1i,VICE.—THE uudoreigued will hoop for service un Lot 5, Con. 0, Grey, the Tnoro'.brsd Durham Bull,"ltoywl e,agie,' aired by ltuyul chimer." Pedigree may be seen ou uppplow- Mon. Term, 51,55 per now, with prtvl(0ge of returning if necessary, 40.4 U, 1t0ZE LL, Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE. -1.111L uuderstgued will keep for eerri55 Ou Luc 21, Ouu.12,e:rey, lbs pure bred Aber. does Angus bull, •Lord 'rbumaa 8,” sired by "Gudedob Ohier, the champion bull of Lanadu. Pedigree may be neon on uppile.t- Mom Terms $2.0U with privilege of return. Its if useennrry. J. 51.0N1GHr, 33.11 Proprietor, BOAR FOR SE.B.VICE.—THE uuderelgnod will keep 1or earvluu uu Lub2l,0uu.13, they, the improved Burk. mitre ,lour, "c ui.vinw t*u,dauunr;' No. 10405. Pedigree may be spun ou application. Terme—$1.55, ur $1.05 cum” for two er more; Bertsbire sows 01.00. All wuu are 1,Eore51- euiuraising Chattiest nacos Hug and the keg that mil1110.60 the must money euoatd 005 111ta bog beture using any ether. 57tt J, P. Alc1N iutirl, Oruubrook P. 0. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even unmbersd section of Dominion Lauda in Mauftoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 25, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any 131010 over 15 years of 140, 10 4110 extent of o0e•iluerter section of 100 Wee more or lees. Entry may be mads personally at the loom laude 011lco for the distrlot iu which the laud is sibn(le. The boitestoader is required to perform the ooudit.'0us 0onneobed therewith wider 055 1fttvleg p)01At 5,0 least llusix muplassutba:' reel dance upon and cultivation 51 the laud In cult year for three years, (3) If the father (or mother, if the father ie deseaee,l) of the homesteader reei.loe upon storm ht the vloieity or the laud entered for the toquirements as to resi- dence may be sa laded by scab person re - Whig with the fatter or mother. dente the y u Battler land lowed tby resi- bio in the vlaluity of his homestead, the re- quirements tie to resldenee MAY ht, antis. Mid by reeideuse upon the said land. Blxmouthie notion iu writing should be Lands at Ottawa of isteutluu t 1 apply for patent, • Deputy of IheMRWniate.N.OrO1 o%Y,f interior. N. B. Dpauthurized pablisatioa of this ad• vortisament will mut be paid for. ALLA UNE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS To Liverpool Triple Screw Steamers— V10'rO1t1AN and VIRGINIAN Turbine Engines—No Vibration The Finest and Fastest —0N— THE CANADIAN ROUTE From Montreal From Quebec Parisian Slay 5, 5 man \lay 3, 5 p.m Virginian May 10, 4 ......Play 10, 3 'Puuisian --Mayo.?, 0 '' May 17, 8 " Victorian tray 24, 4 " ,,,,,.nlay 34, 1 " Macs of Passage First Olass-570 and upwards, a000rding to steamer. Stipend Olusa—$42,50 and un. according to steamer. Third Claes— $27 50 and $28 75. For further particulars, rates and tickets apply to W, 11. HERR, Agent Allan Line, Brunetti. Toronto nag axed Metal Co'y PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &c , &c. Highest Prices for All H. i7OSEN K. LABEL Mill st. West, Brussels SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels.