The Brussels Post, 1906-5-3, Page 1Vol. 34. No. 43
New Advertisements.
Looal—G. E. Bing,
Local—Alt, Beaker,
Spring time—F. B. Smith.
Preserve your Eyestgbt—Jae. Fox.
Our olaeeee—Oeotral Bae. College.
i xsXrict *tom,
Jseru erii to w u .
Mee. Samuel Burka woo visiting old
friends a1 Ripley last week.
Next Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Baker,
of Bluevale, will preach in Victoria Hall
hero. Lost Bunchy evening Rev. Mr,
West, of Blnevale, was the expounder of
the Gospel.
Edwin Holmes, who, barring Sir Mao-
kauzie Bowell, pethapa was the Oldeet
printer in Canada, died at hie home Bt.
Catharines, Baturdoy afternoon, aged 88.
Mr. Holmes woe one of the first type.
setters ou the Globe. Robert Holmes,
ex el. P., of Wast Huron, is s son. The
deceased viae born iu England. He en
gaged in the printing trade in Bs. Gather.
Thee for many years and was known as
peau who had set type for stay years.
W roxetar.
Mre. W. S, MoKerobor, who has been
ill, is now raoovtraag.
Arrangements are being made for early
closing amooget our merohants,
Mrs. F. V. Diokeon epeut several days
in Toronto during the past week.
Mre. R. M. Calder, of Hamilton, spent
two days of last week with old friends
Rev. W. J. Doherty, of Hen/tail, will
money the pulpit in 81. Jamee' church
next Sunday afternoon.
R. and Mra. Bloak and Mies Agnea, at-
tended the funeral of the late M. !McLen-
nan, of London, lam week.
Mies Clara Bimmoae, of Bruaeela, le
spending some time with her grand.
pereut°, Oboe. and Mre. Simmons,
Al a meeting held !set Tuesday evening
it was decided to celebrate the let of July
here, the vorione officers and committees
being appointed to arrange for the same.
She brickwork on Thoa, Hemphill's
More, whiob was rommenoed last Fall, is
now being completed by John Adams and
eon. Thin will greatly improve the Bp-
pearanoo of our Main street.
W nal ton.
A. G. Rosamond, of Almonie, woe
vieiting hie brother this week.
Norman MoNangbt, of Monkton, has
joined the staff of the Sovereign Bonk
Mre. W. H. Hamphriee has gone to the
Wean on a holiday trip, leaving Brneaele
lust Taeeday. We wish her a pleasant
time soda sate return,
Mre. A. R. Small and little son Rae, of
Goderioh, who were vieiting friends here,
returned to their home last Taeeday.
We hope to see them back before very
Meeare. McNeil, in addition to black-
Bmiebing, will do woodwork and painting
iu ooaneotion with their bneineaa here.
They are the inmee core to W. H. Ham-
pbriea. They will handle baggies,
wsgono, &o.
W. M. Rosamond, resident engineer of
the G. & G. R. here, was united in mar -
Nage to Mies P. B. White, of Milverton,
on Wedneeday of last week at the
residence of the bride's mother. The
ceremony, whish was performed by Rev.
R. H. Barnoby, at 6 p. m. was witnessed
by about 50 invited guests. The happy
o0aple arrived here on Monday.
The e Bu ff Orpington
Heade tho flet in the Egg Laying Contest,
London, England.
Tho Model Farm Beport eaye:—"Theyare
the best Winter layers, also grand Utility
My pens are Standard Bred from Prize
Winning Stook and are in better abape to
supply ease for batching than ever before.
Eggs, >$1,00 Por get
The Orpington Man, Brunette 40.8
The regular Qaarlarlq Communion whiob be has retoeed 5400, These Ilgaree
service will bo bend in the Methodist
aharnh next Sabbath at 2,80 p, m. On
the following Monday afternoon the
Quarterly Board will meet to adjuot the
bneioees of the year.
W. a. Sobmelz, Manager of the
E0000mioai Mutual Fire Ineora000 Co.,
of Berlin, was in town on Monday
arranging matters in 0onneotion with the
Walton agenoy, whiob poems into the
hands of James Harris. Mr, Harris will
oleo haudie the bueineee of the Howiok
Matoal, and we ore ploaeed to note that
the Companies hove eeoured so oapable
a repreee0tative. Hie territory North
will extend to the 8th son„ of Grey and
the 411. line of Morrie ,townehipc„for the
Howiok Co.
Blue v ae lei.
Quarterly meeting of the Bluevalo Cir-
cuit will be held next Sunday, May 6th,
at Bluovale ; servant nt 10.80 a. m.
There pasoed Away at the home of John
Gannett, Blnevale, early Wednesday
morning, Mre. Isabella MoLeau, relict of
the late Donald McLean, of East Wawa.
uoah. Mrs, McLean was a member of
the Proebyterian oburob. She W08 au
aunt of Geo. King, of Wiagbam, end was
within a few daye of being 80 years of
t rev,
Coauoil meetiug will be held on Moo•
day of next week.
Mies Rate Yonog, of London, formerly
of this township, has been vieiting Mies
Martha Smith, 7th eon,
Oar old friend, Robert MaNaugbton
keep, much about the name oouditiou of
health for the past week. He will be 98
yeura of age this month.
Thi, season W. B. Bolden, of the
Boundary, made 280 gallons of choice
maple Byre') and bas diepoeed of it.
He bad 1200 trees tapped.
Mre. Waller Oliver, formerly of tba
14th oon., now of Monkton, had to have
her building moved off the line of thenew
Guelph and Goderioh railway line, re.
Delving pay of worse for the removal,
Fall wheat is looking very well,
Seeding is well advaooed by 0 goodly
Dumber of farmers,
Sam. Jordan wears a broad grin and
soya proudly "my daagbtere."
Quarterly Meeting will be held in
Belgrave Methodist church neat Sabbath.
Mre.F. Bristow, of East Orange, Now
Jersey, has been vieiting bar sister, Mre.
A. T. Cole,
Sunshine Sabbath School re -opened on
Sabbath lost. Mita Janet Hood is the
Rebl, Boots, 6th line, is the owner of a
►ip•top epee al 4 year old geldings of the
heavy draft plass.
Postmaster Watson has moved from
the corner 50 amen so the boaee formerly
occupied by the late George Parker.
The next meeting of Morrie Township
Cloonoil will be held on Monday, 2851.
Inas, Thio will ,leu he the date of the
Conrt of Revision of the Amassment
A. Nicholson &Sone, of Bodmio Lime
Works, have already burned two kilns of
lime. They shipped a oar load to Lt.
Col. Young, of Goderioh, and have made
omd!er deliveries to other towns. They
are hustlers,
Mre. (Rev.) Finkbeiner and baby
daughter, of Sebringville, are weloome
visitors at Mrs. Thoe, Manndare. Rev.
Mr. Finkbeiner has been moved to Comp
den, near Niagara Felts, where be wilt
labor the coming term. We wish him
eaa0800 on hie new charge.
Next week Nelson Maunders will leave
for the Weal where he purposes engaging
in forming in the Saskatoon dietriat.
He is en industrious young men wbo
should do well. While Berry to lose him
we wieh him the beet of sooceee in that
land of wonderful pooeibilities. Rev,
Ernest Maunders will manage the home
farm here until atter harvest,
Tor Noeon Pxtoas.—Lest week George
Stevenson„ of Kinbnrn, Honest town-
ehip, diepoeed of a heavy draft geldiug,
rising 4 yeare, to borne buyers for the
enm of 5285. The beast wee aired by
Sunlight II, the well known stallion
owned by Henry Bone, 3rd line, Morrie.
Mr. Bone sold a span of geldinge rising 8
year° old, to John Gaynor, 9th con.,
Elmo township, for whiob be received
5360. Tbey were o well mooched team.
Hubert Nichol, 6th line, Morrie, hat a
t00133 rietng 8 years by the game eine, for The Beet Value we have ever shown in
at 25e, 250, 50e, 750, $1.00, $1.25, $1,50,
$1.75 and $2.00 per pair and up.
These numbers are all extra good value at the
pride and it will be to your advantage to see them
before purchasing.
We are oleo ',bowing a good range of Art Mae- 5o, Bo, 10o,12eo and 14o. Plain and Spot
Curtain Net, Frilled Ourtain Muslin, &o,
Oarpels in Union and AS Wool at 80o, 40e, 500
and 750.
Tapestry Carpete at 45o, 50o, 65e and 750.
Floor 011e and Linoleame in good patterns and
at Po alar Prices
P ,
Honse•oloaning will let yon know what is wanted.
Make out a list and come to um.
No Penny Prises Everything Cheap
indicate, without any g0e0tion, that
Sualigbt'orelook ie decidedly in it,
Samoa Korona,—The following is
the report for the month of April of
Promotion Examinatiooe inoluded in
B. S. No. 4 :—Br, IV—George Jordan,
668 ; Leolie Tbuell, 597 ; John Bpeir,
468. Jr. IV—Roy 'rbuall, 574 ; Jobe
Jordan, 565 ; Martha AfoOatobeon, 584 ;
Geo. Davie, 484, Jr. III—Harry Mo•
Catoboon, 540: Willie Tbuell, 528. Sr.
Pt, II—Jooepb Tined, 285 ; Beeoio Joe.
Ann, 278 ; Harvey MoOntobeoo, 261,
Jr. Pt. II—Jenny Boort, 266 ; Fred.
Thaell, 245, IeoDEL MoNAo.
Township Counoil will meet here next
The eyndioote horse, owned here, was a
prize winner at the Liotowel Spring
.Mrs. Imlay from Michigan bee been
vieiting here. She 08018 to attend the
funeral of the late Mre, Bimpeon,
Suwon REPORT non APaiL.—Follow•
tug is report for the Berner Dept. of
Ethel Publlo &boot :—Sr, V—Exam.
to Geo. and Latin ;—M, Biemmuu, 75 ;
L. Obambere, 61. Jr, V—Exam. in
Geo., Bookkeeping, Arith. P. Bremner,
03 ; I, Goatee, 71, M. McCallum, 65
Sr, 1V—Exam. in Lit. Rao., Geo.,
liiet., Gram., Comp., Spell„ Read.,
Writ. cud Draw. 'Total 750-13, Bate.
man, 612 ; R. Engler, 689 ; E. Dunbar,
574 ; G. McKee, 661 ; B. Molutoeb, 661
J. McCallum, 540 ; W. Burr, 634, L.
Cooper, 580 ; E. McRae, 515 ; B. Mo.
Leod, 511. Promotions,—Tbe namee
ore iu order of merit. Jr. to Sr. IV—E,
Hemewortb, R. Love, I. Heath, L.
Btraohao, R. Ewkmier, L. Engler, R.
Fraeer, L, MoLcud. Sr. III to Jr. IV—
A. Mo$ee, E. Tbompeon, J. Bremner,
A, Cooper, C. Dane, (equal), 0. Han -
said, A. Hemsworth, H, Eokmier, Jr.
to Br. III—A, Barr, H. Freeman, F.
eloOallum, I. Bugler, L. Henry, L,
Molntoeb, V. MsOall, W. Eokmier,
A. Fletober. L. A. SHANNON, Principal,
Promotion examination, Junior Depart.
mens. Sr, II to Jr. I1I—B. Hemsworth,
H. Smith, E. Maybury, Clifford Don.
bag, Alex. MaNeatand, Edmond Mo.
Leod. Jr. 11 to Br. 11—Peart Bateman,
Olive Cooper, Noble Molise, Gristle
Engler. Pt. II to Jr. II—Rueeell Eck.
rotor, Li,otude MoNeeland, Reggie Hems.
worth, Edith Ferguson, Wilfred Thomp-
son, George Cole, Annie Ward. Br. I
to Pt. II—Roy Dunbar, Della McKee,
Maggie Coates, Pearl Dobson. Jr. I
to Sr, 1—Louise Longeway, Harold
Freeman, L. Dane, Stuart McDonald,
G. Pollard, 0. MoGallnm. A. Swxmzon.
Tait LATE Mas, WM. HAI/.—Mary A,
Rose, beloved wife of Wm. Hall, and
eeoond daughter of Robert and Jane
Rose, was born in Todmorden, York.
abire, England, Meath 10th, 1839. elle
came to Canada with her parents in
1863, and married William Hall April 20,
1857. They settled in Grey Towuehip in
1862, where she resided till her deoeaee.
She was brought into the Cbrietiau life
.0 1871, ander the ministry of Rev. R,
Hammed, of the Primitive Methodist
uhnroh. She was a highly esteemed
member of the Methodist ohoroh until
about eight years ago, aline whiob time
see haa beau a firm believer in Christian
Botenoe and a consistent and etannoh
member o! that denomination. Her
home was alwsye open to rho ministers
of Christ, and ber heart to the love of
God, She wee a good, loving, faithful
wife and mother, a regular attendant
upon the hoose of God end en earnest
worker in the Murata Whatever sbe
undertook to do she did with her might.
She poeeeeeed a etrong will, which eye
exercised in whatever she believed to be
tree and right, and Labe lived a 000010te01
Christian life to the last, abs was awn
forted with the preeenoe of her obi/deer]
during her eiokueoe, and the thought of
God's pre8e0oe watt a great joy and
oemfort to her. She loved to repeat the
Lord's Prayer, and to have some one
read portions of Scripture and converse
on divine things. Mre. Hall woe mole
loved by all *who knew her intimately,
for her many Christian virtues and kind
y hospitable nature, and every one in
the village epeake of her ae being "mob a
good neighbor, and so kind when anyone
wits eiok or in trouble." Many vitt
remember her as a firm and true friend,
acid her death will trot only be . deeply
mourned by her awn family and relatives,
but will be lett ae a distinct lose to
the who,e community. During her
oiokneee, which tooted for mune months
she never complained, though at times
•be eoffered greatly, but through it all
g Y, g
she had a kind word for everybody, her
constant remarks being "God is good,"
and "Everybody ie eo good to me."
Oo Tueaday, April • 24th, at noon, atm
planed peaoetally away, into the "rest
that remainelh fOr the people of God."
She simply eeemsd to be going to eleep,
as indeed ens was, for "She is not dead
but eieepeth," and "Her works do follow
her." The funeral, which was largely
attended. took plaoe1rom ber late mei.
dahoo in Ethel, many being primal) from
ooneiderable distances, end accompany.
ing the remains t0 Brueeele cemetery,
Rev, Mr, Armstrong oonduoled the
services at the house oud at 1130 grave,
and the relatives and friends appreoiated
very numb the appropriate mad very
helpful address which he gave. The
mu010 by the °burob goartette, and the
beautiful sato by Mies Spence added to
the beauty of the eervfer!and were.. also
Much appreoiated. Tbe doral offering by
the lami,y was a beautiful "Gates ajar,"
The pall bearers were her two sone,
Robert and William, three mune in•law,
Rev. Geo, Baker, George Eokmier and
C. R. Munro, and Jobe IlekWier, a very
dear !amity friend. Beeldeo bar baahand
she loaves lour dahgbtere and three Bone
to mourn her loss: Airs. (Rev.) Goo.
Raker, of Blnevale; George R., of Fargo,
N. Dakota ; Robert, of Oavelier, N.
Dakota f Min Lizzie, at home, Ethel ;
11ra, George Eotmar, of Jameatowo ,
To the Editor of Term PM':
DWI Sia, Atter twenty five years in
Cattle Bam's land have moved to Unmade
again, We are now ligated at; Maidatoo,
Province of 8aokatohewan, our loud
ooruering the town efts and we have
built a little lees than halt a mile from
the boeinese parte of the town, There is
a great rush to the West now from all
parte of the world and there will be a
great number of people meet with plenty
of trouble and discouragomente as penal]
land is in the haudo of the epemmlatoro
and non-resident, and the amjnat own•
ed by the` Railway makee it a dtllicult
teak for the new owners to senors a
homgateod. At the rate the country i0
being ran over we give it only 8 to 6
years for moot of the hind to be taken ap
and in the bands of the speculators, at
least for a distance ae tar North in a
line with Edmonton. A lot of the land
farther North is an unknown quantity.
Year Government ancient areiu the mood
of o young Amerioan on a 4.5 of July
morn but fu about a halt a dozen years a
lot of you Canudiano will be thinking
your greet Wsolero heritage has been
moat shamefully and poorly managed,
Ot course you will blame John A. Mo.
Donald and perbape Jim Bowman, but
were not the other aide ae anxious as
they to give away the millions of acme
which amnia have been reeerved for the
anneal eettlere, 80 % of the land- in the
Weet hoe been eettled to disadvantage as
well ae a lot of coffering and fin000tal
lose. The idea of the people travelling
25 to 200 miles seeking for land ie notb•
nag but iguoronce and blind stupidity
sou H will be only a short time tilt moat
of you Canadians will realize that snob
is the ease. It a Government owned
tail road were built into distriote ae they
were needed and land bold for the 0otnal
settlers, in 20 years tram now the
population would be at least 40 % more
than it will. So moot money being
expended in the neat few years will
beip to stave off a reaction for some time
which latter is bound to Dome, That
Amsriean railway man, a Canadian boy,
Jim Hili, ie goi0g to play the elephant's
part in railroading in tbe Cuoadtan
Nurtb West. A friend iu Winnipeg well
known to you, at well ae an old Stratford
man 10 hie leading man in Ibis deal. He
also is eoliotior and aa he had acted
in that capacity for the old Northern
Paotfio Go. be will be able to handle
Hill's gigantic eoheme. Thie dietriat ie
going to be agreat muted tarmingcountry
and if the Hodson Bay scheme is a
euooese it will be of great benefit to this
Province of Saekatohewen.
Yoaro reepeotf01131,
A. F. BTEw.BT,
Maideton, Bask., April 18th, 1906.
Five Storm Periods of Reactionary
Character Promised for the En.
Biting Month
Rev. Irl R. Hicks, of At Louie, issues
a lengthy bulletin on hie prognostics.
tions for May, from which the following
summary is extracted
The Mre period 51 dietnrbanoe, which
begins near the first of May, has ite
centre on Jane 1611.. extending through
July. Any extreme tendency in weather,
or other meteorological condition°, whiob
may exist daring the, early part of . a
Mare period will, as a rule, be oontinaed
,hronghotot the period. The general
rend of character of storm and weather
conditions, throngh0b! ung and July may,
therefore, beapproaimately foreshadowed
by the °auditions that may prevail from
about the let to the 28rd of May. Beo•
bone at this time having an excess of
storm and rain may reasonably count on
snob tendeney during the continuance of
the Mare period,
A reactionary story period fella from
the 2nd to the 5th, being prolonged over
the 4th by the Moon's pas*age over
oulemusl equator on the 515. A very
warm wave for the season, &attained an•
til after Moran of rain, wind and thou,
der about the 4th and it1., will pee° from
West to Beet at alta 11010. Obaoge to
rieing barometer and cooler behind theee
storms will be of Maori duration,
A regular storm period, central on
the gob, oovere the 7th to 12115. Tbe
full Moon in perigee on the 815, end at
extreme South deolination on the lith,
will be bacteria in the remelting perturbs•
tions of this period, By the 8th low
barometer and much warmer will be
odvauoi4g from t
ha sot aitou
ed by
daoidedl storms. From 9th
to 12th a
masa of &corm° will sweep moat parts of
the country, progressively from Weet to
East. Rapid °hang° to high barometers,
Westerly gale° and much cooler will
follow this series of emorma, and frosts
will viett many centre' to Northern
motion's from the 1015 and 111h.
A reactionary storm period ie oantral
on the 14th, 16th and 16th. Thie period
is within Che Memory period, even by the
'Mercury brace in the diagram to reaoh
from the 16th to the 26th, The Marg
and Mercury dietarbaoco0 make it
entirely possible and probable that
violent etorme may appear about the 1415,
15th and 1605.
A regular storm period rune from the
19th to the 28rd, This promises to be
the moat active to vioiepo period in May.
It is a regular Vnloanl4iriod, covered by
Mare and oeutral with the eleronry
period. The Moon ie on the equator on
1b019th, in apogee on the 22nd and now
the o
on 23rd. All th aocomb hie a
t fined
indicate that low barometer, vary warm,
humid atmoepbere and eleetrioal storms
of marked severity will prevail at the
fir00 and continue to the end of this
'period. Alltbroogh the oentral part of
May there is great tendonoy at the storm
periods to daily cycles of atorme, for
ember of days in enooeesiou, breaking
up me a role with a general, and very
ometer dose not rise, and the wind
obongo to Westerly and deoidedly gaoler,
about the 00010 lime on the following
day look for a repetition of the eterm,
and eo on for several days, or until the
changer; named 0000r, The oolmioapion
of Ulla period will tall within 86 hours of
midnight on the 22nd, The outlook for
Ibis whole period to threatening, but we
will Dame Monday, Taeeday and Wed,
needy, the 21st, 22od and 23rd, as dan•
ger daye, Should the normal obangee ore
our, clearing and ranch cooler weather
eboald appear about the 24th and 25th.
A reactionary storm period is oentral
on the 26th, 27th and 28th with strong
probabilities that the combined Mare and
Mercury W1(101108 will Dense prolonged
threatening, if not stormy weather into
rule period up from the prcoeding period.
If the More period oomee in with an
mesa of storminess, the period extend-
ing from the nth to the 23rd will not
only bring u deity oyole of rain, wind and
thunder etorme, bat these daily stoma
will hardly reaoh their oulmination and
Dome to an end until about Saturday,
Sunday end Monday, tha 26th, 27th and
2815. A decided obango to 000ler
will spread 0000 the country generally at
the wind up of tbeee etorme,
The last day of May M the beginning
of a regular storm period whiob wilt
express itself daring the opening daye of
June, We will say in closing that,
under ordinary oonditiona tbe oaticok
for Jane ie exceptionally threatening.
The storm diagram for that month ahowo
that the More, the Venus and the June
artistica periods are all oantral in Jnoe.
Extreme and phenomenal results may be
expected, and the oonditiona in May will
indicate tbe general oharaoter of phe-
0omeua to look for. A general max.
imam of electrical storms, with many
seismic and voloania disturbaooee, are
among the pre-eminent probabilities.
Rev. Mr. Dailey, of Lyn, wbo preach.
ed in Melville aharob recently, baa en.
oepted a oall to Baibeybnry, in New Liek.
London end Hamilton Synod met at
Brantford this week, Elder John
Beraohan represented Melville church,
Oo Thursday, May 2415, the Ladies'
Aid of the Methodiet church will bold a
Handkerchief Bazaar and Social in the
Town Hall, Brussels,
"Tbe eagle stirring up her neat" was
Rev. Mr. Martin's subject in Melville
ohoroh last Sabbath morning and in the
evening the text wee Heb, 8-1, Both
00rm0ne were good.
Rev, Mr. McKoy, of Toronto, will
preaoh in Melville church next Sabbath,
The following Sunday Rev. Mr. Robin.
eon, wbo aopplied last Summer for Rev.
Dr, Rose, will be the preacher.
The annual sermon to the members pt
Western Star Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Brae.
Bele, will be preaohed in the Methodist
oburch next Sabbath evening at 7 o'olook,
by the photon, Rev. T. W. Comm, •
Tam YoeT ie pleased to notice that Rev.
Dr. Rose, of Port Dalhousie, late of
Broeasle, woe elected Moderator of the
London and Hamilton Synod fn mission
at Brantford this week. He will
compeleualy fill the aloe.
Last Sabbath the gaarterly Commun-
ion was observed in the Methodist church.
The pastor preached two suitable die.
courses, tbe morning theme ' being
"Redemption" and at the eveniogleervioe
"God's care taught by the mother eagle,"
A large number partook of the sacrament
at the clow of morningoerviee,
The anoint! Dte/riot meeting of Wing.
ham District will be held in the Methodist
ahuroh, Broeeele, on Wednesday, 23rd,
1001. Miuiolsrial suasion wilt open at 8
o'u78ok a. m. and the laymen will join
them at 1.80 p. m. It will be a busy
day. Rev, Dr. Gandy, of Wingham, is
the Chairman and will pooh the work
At the Ofoial Board of the Methodist
aharoh, Brussels, last Monday evening,
interesting reports were given Iron the
Sabbath Sabooie •and Epworth League
showing programs. The obnrob member.
ship watt reported at 806, 45 of this
number belonging to 0ranbrook appoint.
moot. W. H. Karr, was elected rep-
resentative to the Distriot meeting. It
was agreed that instead of inviting a
pastor for the ooming term that four
names of minietero be Bent to Station.
lug Committee asking that one of the
number be appointed. ABurly vote of
Meeks was passed to Refv, and Wire.
Covent' for the faithful and enooeaefol
work done in the poet 4 years and wieb•
nag them pro0perily on their next oharge.
Theastor relied in aaitable term
P P s
expressing the pieaaare it had been to
labor at Brueeele and hoped the coming
term would be one marked by great
moose. Board adjourned to meet, on
Monday evening, 14th incl., to alone up
the buemeee of the year.
The Rnri• as n
D a nl meeting and 8nn•
day School Convention of the Deanery
of Huron will be Sold in St, Paul's aharoh
Wingham, next Wedneeday and Thurs-
day. Tbe following ie the program r—
11 a. M. —Holy Communion.
1.46 p. m.—Devotional exerotees.
2,00 p. m.—"Roverenoe." Paper by Mre.
Peters, Seaforth.
2.46 p. m..--"Tbe Teaching of the
(thumb's year." Rev, T, H. Farr,
" Mies Edge, 8eafortb.
.80 olp,am,—e."Normal training for teaohere
4.15 p. m.—"Oar Lord, as a teacher,"
Rev. W. H. Henley, Blyth.
5,80 e, m.—Baeinese.
Wedneeday evening at
7.80 the Deanery
will hold its annual service, in St. Pant's
c5urob. Tbe preacher on that 000aeion
will be Rev. 1,, N. Tooker, M. A„ D. 0. L.
f Toronto, All the clergy from the
drroneding dietriat will be present.
r, Tooker is one of the greatest preach.
re in the Anglican Obnrob, and
o doubt a large congregation will be
Mutant storm. Thu;pentad, nye 19th to P
Mre. 0, R, Munro, of Toroeto ; and the 28rd, amenities to bring 0126 of them
William, on the old holxtieotead; oyelee. It atter the Bret storm the bar. 8
TnoaooA8, MAY 10Tn,
0, m.—Holy Oommanion.
W. H. KERR, Prop
10 a, m,--Addreor by Rev. Dr, Tooker,
11 it, m,—"Rodent phatee of Gospel
Criticism," Paper by Rev, T. L.
Boyle, ed, A,
12, a. m.—Buoinooe.
Dieoneo!on of the topics presented will
follow each paper, and a profit0hle meet.
nog ie expected.
JohnIowa. Beattie, of Obesley, spent Sunday
Dr. MoNaagh/on, of London, was in
town for a few days.
Herb. Lowry hoe gone to Toronto
where he ie employed.
R. Leath/Wale made a baeineee trip to
Port Elgin on Thursday.
Wee Fannie Mono, of Blyth was a
visitor in town lost week.
Mists Olara Simmons is vieiting her
grandparents in Wroxeter.
Mre. Geo. Imlay, of Coming, Michigan
visited with Mre. R. Paul, Una week.
Wesley Walker, 01 Winghe, a former
Bruseeli►e, was in town for omfew daye
ibis week.
George and Mrs. Thomann spent last
Sunday with Walter and Mrs Innes, at
Mrs. D. 0, Rose attended the funeral
of the late Manly edoLennan at London
on Saturday.
D. M. Soot% and Jas. Maxwell, of
Hamilton, were vieitoro at F, S. Booth's
William street.
Tom Frhendebip is visiting his Meters,
Mre, Allen, of Winghem, and Mre. Mo.
Hague, of Toeewater,
Mre. George Muldoon was odder the
dootor'e oars IBM week but we trust she
will soon be as well ea natal,
Mies Ida Platt has been oalthe eiok;liet
bot is book to her pool in J. H. Kerney'°
store again we are glad to notice.
Miee Margaret MoNaogheoo, ofOliotoo,
iteepeuding a week or eo at her home in
Braeaele. Sbe'e always welcome.
Wm. Moore and Mre. Shippey, of Ran.
eomville, N. Y., are visitors with Theo.
Moore and family. The gentlemen are
James Straohan, dental student, will
speed the Summer in Dr. Feild'e dental
°Moe in Brueeele. He oommenoed work
on Tuesday.
Roy Pugh ie working in H. R.
Brewer's studio where he will acquire
the art of mooring the ahadow before
the eubotanoefadee,
Jno, and Mre. Cunningham were
vieiting at Auburn, Mre. Ounningbam'e
mother is ma the stoic list there but we
hope ohs will soon be better.
Frank 8tretton jr., wbo haa been in
the jewelry store of his anole, in Brno.
sale, bee gone to Trento where be will
attend the Horologioal Salami io desire of
perleotiug bimaeit in the watohmaking
Will. Jamieson, formerly of Breeeels,
now of Portage•ia-Prairie, Manitoba,
writing Two Posm ander date o! April
2nd Bays :—We are having beaattt 1
weather and quite a few of the country
eople are tbrongb seeding. Have
at had any rain this Spring yet. I
hink Manitoba i0 all right.
The buoioeee staff of Toronto Salarday
Night bag been strengthened by the ap.
oinameot of A. E. Bradwin, proprietor
t the Blyth Standard, to an important
oeilion. Mr. Bradwio will maintain
ontrol of the Standard for the present,
He was formerly oonneoled with Bator.
ay Night and knows the Queen City
Tbemany old friends of Aler. Mo.
anoblin were pleased to see him able to
et down street on Tuesday, the first
ime ainoe Msroh 10th. His heart and
ttaoke of asthma bag been the chief
rouble. We hope the fine Spring
Bather will invigorate him and that he
111 soon be tally neutered 10 hie aooaotom•
d health.
Mrs, Geo, Ballard, of Clinton, and
r. T. T. MacRae, of Toronto, were
are during the peat week owing to the
axiom abuse of Mre. Jno. Fergneon,
heir aster, who is now making favor-
ble progress 106 are pleased to state.
r. Hint, o! Toronto, an old friend of
ev. Mr, MacRae, of Oranbrook, 1000
°o called here and was to town for
law days.
Jae, Shaw, of Grey, who has been hail off
sty Owing t0 injury 10 000 01 his hands
y winch be had to have a finger ampu-
ted, and who had *Jeered sines from
beoeesee on the 00010 band, is getting
ong nicely and will coon be himself
gain. He lost 40 ponhde since the 00.
cleat. , Mr. mod Mre. Shaw have been
oard!4. lot the American hotel eo as to
a convenient to the doctor,
Gem]; N. MoLAamN, merchant, has
unheated the rasidouoe of R. K. Rose,
loxander street, of which he bee been
taut Mom awning to Brownie. Mr.
000 is now a resident of Liolowel.
Winn Taubo & Son attend to your
yes, yet get the benefit of over 86 years
Eperie0o0. Call and consult them al
ax's Drug 0tore, Braoeels, on Wednes-
ay, and Thoredsy, May 9th and 10th.
BIDE the Foot Ball matoh on Friday
vetoing on Victoria Park, Wiogbam end
mesas will open the Intermediate
rise for this Dietriot. There should be
good attendance it weather is favorable.
Ray. W. RAoeAnD, B. A., 13. D„ who
se been a' Methodist minister in To-
ned for nine years, hag this week been
animooely appointed Field Secretary
the Upper ()anode Bible Society, He
ok riphis new datieo on Iso of May
ganizing the work and vieiting the
such sooietiee, of which there are 600
Ontario and the Wert, Mr, Railcard
proved d hi meant o napable and anerget•
organizer and 9gBaker.
Br an ardor in Oounoil the townships
the belt in the Nortbern Ontario
Om will be surveyed in townships
no miles square. The reasons for this
v0 already been publiebed, the eon.
lidation Of 805001 oakum and the
Witten of joint township roads being
ong the chief conveniences. Settlers
ill oleo be afforded the sdvantageo of
deer neighborhood. The dietriat of
uo•mil0 tbwnehipa will be delimited
from those of six mil00, as =nob con -
1 fusion would he canoed were the two
eyeteme mingled.
Tun Dresden Standard, after an able
tight of four years, gave np the ghost
/set week, and the Oabeeription Ilei and
good will hoe been told to its opponent,
the Times, Dresden, although reviving
to a oommeroial and iyduetrial pease,
with a population exceeding 1,800, bee
bean found to email for a 0000nd paper,
and the boeioeee men there—as in
Blenheim—have refuted to be longer
bled to keep up a woree than ueelese
earned paper,
IN Poon 00NDITION,—A oiroular re.
aontly 18800d to members of the Order
by the Grand Mealier Workmen Of the
A. 0. U. W. gays : "Another fioanotel
year et onr beloved Order has posited
into history, a year which wag full
of trials and vioieeitudeo, bot I am
happy to inform you that it bee ended
With a great viotory financially and
otherwiee. On amount of the agitation
and adoption of an adequate rata, it
viae the belief of many of the members
of the executive that the loos of mem.
bership would be many thoneando, but,
brethren, our loos hag been axoeedingly
light, oonaidering oar memberohip, and
our iinanoes were never in a better con-
dition. Atter wiping out a delloit in oar
beneficiary fend of 5141,914,66, we trans-
ferred $100,000 to reserve, making this
land now 5618,227.01 and ie earning four
per oeut and over, with sarpbta of nearly
$70,000 ie oar bonelfoiary fund at this
Wingbam'e population is 2,207, a de-
oreaee of 9 from 1905.
Carrie & Davidson have dieoolved
partnership fa the well drilling business.
Rev. D. Petrie, of Wingham, and Rev.
J. S. Haetie, of Belgrave, exchanged
pulpits on Sunday last.
On Monday lana, Mre. J. H. Beemer
received word of the death of her father,
Wm. Reyuolde, postmaster at Sammie.,
near Exeter.
Beattie Broe, sold three of their race
horses to Toronto, Bryson Boy, Saracen
and Min Saraoao, The others are still
their property.
Next Saoday, Rev. E. T. Fox, of Tor-
onto, Treasurer of Boma Missions, will
preaoh in Wingham Baptist church.
Pastor Fitoh wilt be io , Toronto for a
couple of weeks, writing on his examina-
Dr. W. T. Holloway hoe diepoeed of
hie Dental protiums to Dr. Price, of
Orangeville, who hoe already taken
(merge of the business. Dr. Holloway
inte040 taking a poet•gradaote ooaree in
Ohmage, before deciding on a new looa-
Oaua.dian N e vire.
Wiarton people deny that the sugar
factory will be moved.
Ice Maslen in Toronto have made a
general advance in prime.
W. W. Ogilvie, of Montreal, aaoident-
ahy shot 51=0012 and is dead.
Toronto Rome Show receipts were
516,400, a failing off of 61,100.
Alvin Burtch, of Otterville was killed
by a ahnoling engine ea Berlin.
The Brantford Screw porke will pro,
bably move to some °the town.
Toronto's tax rate baa been fixed by
the Board of Control at 187 mills.
The salary of Mayor Coateworth,
Toronto, ie to be inoreased by $1,500.
The late ex -aid. James Crane, of Tor-
onto, left an a0tase valued at $82,863,31.
Edith Latta, a fiftee0-year•old girl of
Oannifton, has been asleep for tour
Ohrietopher Holland pleaded guilty to
stealing $14,000 from the Ideal Bedding
A young ;Italian named Romill was
stabbed sod totally wounded in d quarrel
es Winnipeg.
Howard Dailey, of Marysville, despond -
ant over the death 01 a sweetheart, phot
himself dead.
Jamee T. Hackett was committed for
trial at Montreal on the charge of mar.
daring Edith Ahern.
The bnildioge of the Hamilton & To-
ronto Sewer Pipe Go. at Hamilton were
boned. Lose 550,000.
At Woodelook a negro named Smith ie
itemised of covering a Dow with oil and
setting fire to the animal,
Hon. Mr. Hanna intimated !het the
liminess of the Lsgialatare would be Dom.
pieced about Hey 1015 or 1115.
Tbe new Grand Trunk elevator at
Montreal, one of the nasal in the Do-
minion, opened on t
Daslit e t the 4 manataot
g reit
L e in
stook iranoaotione were investigated be.
fore cbe Iosuranue Oommieeion.
One million donate of the Boo loan
was paid, and the guarantee for the other
million extended for six months.
Wm. O'Connor and Mrs. Henry Allan
of Landsdowne are under arrest on a
obarge of poisoning the woman's bee.
David McKay, o prisoner at Brantford
jail esoaped on Saturday, but 1000 re.
captured by the jailer, who punned him
m an automobile.
0A1tADIAN WON.—Before 100,000 poo.
pia at Athens, Sheering, a Canadian,
won the Marathon race, the big event
of the Olympia eport8 on Taeeday
Great excitement was manifested at the
finish. Prince George ran with him
up the oinder path, Shorting smilingly
waving a British flag. The °town
Priooe eongratulatsd him, end ae
ha bowed to Bing George, 110 was prem -
anted with abouquet, The ma
was over
a 26 mile mime. Fifty-three
competed, inoludiug 26 Groeko, 6
Britons, 6 Ametioane, 2 Frenobmen,
3 Germane, 2 Italiano, 8 ewi*e, 2
Egyptians, a Bohemian, 0 Belgiau and
a Dane. Ambalaboa stations were
platted every kilometre along the mote.
Also men peeled oranges and lomone
lir the runners, Sheering's time wee
2 !Mere, k 61 in
t Minutes, 23 deoonde, hem;,i
seven minutes ahead of the Swede, who
woe eeeond, and nine minuted ahead
of the Amerfoan, Who was third.