HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-26, Page 8........,-.�'..y"+..,., s .�'!yM'1`r,l,.��. ...:Yw^i1'aF'or.. ,m.l •:'�., ..' 4",,.:.,kxC'.Y,t'�ic:"{
A large stock of Carefully Selected Patterns
to choose from at from 6c. per roll up.
Nothing adds more bo the attraotiveneee of a room than a pretty Wall Paper,
Perhaps you have a room that needo papering but you have been putting it off
thiukieig'it would coin too match. If so just come in and see what Papers we have
that are in perfect taste, even among the very inexpensive ones. You will be our-
prioed at what an improvement you eau work in this lige with the expenditure of a
very little money.
'PAPER HANGING—We aro in touch with the services
of a first-olase Paper Hanger and orders bolt with as will receive
prompt attention. To avoid disappointment leave your order at
once as the busy enema in this line is here,
900550195 85501991019 W. 0. & E.
Trains /coed Bruaeela Station, North
and South, as follows:
008088 Hocvu 00I110 Nonni.
Mail 1:05 66,m 1 Mixed et1O a,m
Mlaed.........11:25 18.m Mail - 1:84 p,m
8xpreae 1:02 p.m I Express M... 8:51 p.m
local g, etas kerns
A °hiel'e among ye te.kir' notes,
An' tenth he'll prent Is.
NEx5 Toeoday will be May Day.
BENn ae the newe. It's always wet.
EARLY oloeiog Domes into effeot on
May 7th.
BRUSSELS Balt Works are shippfog the
saline eanatauoe thea week.
REe the adverttaemenue as they are
t ns to you telling ot quem
Inv a ao y gg
hareems to be had.
THE How,uk Mntnel Fire Iusarenoe
Go. will hold its mouthly m00W5g iu
Gorrie on Saturday ot this week.
Massae. WILSON & Betake have built
a new ptetform for sue display of granite
and marble mounmeute &o. They keep
a large stook.
60 000ro in advance will get Teta POST
c 1907.This in cheaper
January la T n
to J
than borrowing it and very mach more
eatisfeatory to the leader puoeibly.
Da. HoLsks has porobaeed a fine
"Costumer" driver from Alex. MaLaaoh
lin, of Morris. The latter tock the
dootor'e fancy black oolt iu part pay.
Foils of the lady birch wie,ders ot our
Public eabool will nave their esterase
iuoreaeed by $20 eeoh per senora. Thee
ie taking the siert of the 5820 E500at100
LAST Saturday m0L0tug Wm. Moffatt
fell turongh the gangway 81 P. Accent's
sawmill whileauluadmg stabs and injured
hie right 'knee so eerioaely that he hue
been off work since.
H. R. BREWER has made a number of
internal impravemeute in hie aomfortebte
residence and the pmiuter'e brush has
been brightening op the oat -door, wood.
Tam Wont of the Laokie bleak, has
been readying %Ideation Brom the
painters. Interior improvements have
been made in the apartme0t for the
to0eori01 parlor that are quite noticeable.
CARD of THANse.—Tae nudereigted
desires to thank the Supreme Teat of
the Knights of the Maccabees and the
Bruaeela Teat, for the prompt payment
of the $500 beneficiary held by my de,
ceased uaagther, Mre. D. D. Fergaeou.
I wieh the Order prosperity.
Mae, ANNIE Foliage.
Brenda, April 24th, 1906.
MOVING TO GUELPH.—J no. Oober, Mre.
()ober, E,eie and Norman have been in
town duriug the past week. They
wilt move their household belouginge to
Guelph where Mr. °ober ha been
employed. We were in hope8 Mr. and
Mrs. honer would remain in Brunetti
bat ae suitable employment does sot
appear to preaeut iteelf he feels dieponmd
to esek a wider sphere.
MATRIMONIAL.—Our young 1020neman,
W. L Leatherdale and Mese Loretta M.,
the popular daughter of H. and Mre.
Bannon, of Brenttord, formerly of
Brunets, were united in marriage on
Wedueeday of tbie week at the home of
the bride. R. and Mre. Leatherdale, the
Minn Leetherdele and Mise Thane
Gerry attended from bowie. A further
report will be given next week.
CONSIDERABLE interest was manifested
over a repor8 that twine had oaten to
blase the household of Hngh Ramsay, the
new liveryman. We were about to ring
Hugh up on the 'phone and express our
warmest oongratulatious when we learned
that the two hide belonged to a female
Nanny that has the run of the Ramsay
stable. There Should be Benne better way
of deeignetidg and human epeoiee eboald
not bo palled by names belonging to the
brute Orention.
THE DUMP Ga000D.—Grout fault has
been found et the want of Dare displayed
by Some people who haul ret0ae to the
dump amend. Some very "cleverly"
deposit the ten 0a0a &o just over the faros
and others appear to think "Guy otd
place" ie good euaugb whether right or
wrong, The x01200 19 eoppaeed to be
deposited in the swampy pert of lot
not the high land. If tie Col uail
appointed some one teamster to heal out
the wane matter a better purpose would
- served.
ley Welsh, Moorefield, wad taken to
Gaolph jail Tuesday night by Constable
Kyle, charged with Scabbing Robert
Montgamory of that village on Sunday
Waning. Mr. Welei i8 not exactly iu
hie tight mend ; thie was the cadge of the
0090011, He wanted to have RIBS Fetter.
eon, of the village marry him, and when
she refdoed, ho got an. idea Wet some one
wag trying treharm her. Late on Sue
day night bo went over to the Patetoreou'e
where Monigomory wa0 Visiting, and
slabbed 11452 to the lett ebodlder with e
jackknife. Montgemety wee not the men
he w85 after, howev80, and when he found
thief out bo gave up the keifo, Mr Moot
&beery spoken of wag a former toucher
to ihik leoalfty,
Bruveele Butter Footory will OUmme0oe
work on Tuesday of next weak, May 18;,
R. LEATHERDALE d189080d 0f hie pony
"Butter" to au Owen Sound gentlemau.
It wa0ehipped on Tbureday.
ARCHITECT BINNING, of Listowel, Wee iu
town ou Thureday of this week in
commotion - with projected buil/tinge.
He's a reliebte man, aria done good work.
OLD MR. FIennaros lost a much prized
waikaug (sane one day last week suds
much exercised over et. The finder would
greatly oblige by leafing it at B. Gerry'e
A Tebeen118 was very gladly received
by the Rosa family, Bruseele,
from Fred. Hayerott who has been re.
aiding in San Franaieoo, anouanaing hie
safety aud 010tiog that he would leave at
confer Brumes.
A GOODLY number of resideote are bay
ing a general clean ap of their premieeo.
May 15th is the outetde 'Emit as eat by
the Board of Health. ;mere are a few
aureate in Breach abet would be improv•
8d by a riddance of refuse.
Fon every hradaohe 00085 there ie a
CCM Dr, Shoofi oTwauty Menne Heacf•
0uhr. Cure never tette-et pate into ofr-
oulatiou 00058 ted blood which premiss
Rod irritates tbo uervee, Iu Mindy lab.
let form-p!00sttut to ta110, Suttee for all
temperaments, Sold by F. R. Smith.
DR OVENS, M. D„ Lutetium, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at 8mch'e Drug
Store, Brno -sale, on the Bret Tueeday- iu
Each month. Hance, 8 a. m. to 1.80 p. m
Oataraat, squeut, tailing eyesight,,
deafness and nasal catarrh treated and
glassed prnperiy fitted. Next vteit,
Tuesday, Gey 1st.
the pour attendance Met Sammie)
afternoon at the male of the 05086.10,0
effects of *Ismael Hoggxrd, he nee de•
chitin t0 elntln00 the Hale in the va080i
88500 in Dr. Grettem'a bleak, Bruseele,
Saturday afteruo„r, of thin week, Oum•
esteeming et 2 o'ulook. Sete withuut
reserve as proprietor intends moving
to the West,
ESCAPED INJmt5, — Drnggiet Dungen
Stewart, eon of Alex. blewar:, Queen et.,
East, Breams, who has hues in San
Frauoi:oo, California, for the past two
years, was fortunate enough to suffer no
harm in the recent calamity iu that city.
Hie father was very glad to move 8138
fot,owing telegram : — "Safe, Uity n.
flames. Don't worry. Deeperate oobam•
ity. Wilt carne.”
ing le the 8oheduie 8eriee in the Earn
district :—
May 4—Wiugham at Bru30ele,.:0ea
" 11—Bayfield at Wiugham.
" 18—Bruseele el Bayfield.
' 28—Brueeste 01 Wiupham.
Juice 1—Hayfield at Braeaele.
" 5—Wiogbam at Bayfield.
Pee00rve tbie list for reference.
M9RDI0 MOLENNAN Dean,—We regret
to etete that Mardis McLennan, well
known here and a former reeideut of
Brunetti, paid Natnre'e debt at Slrttb•
coy on Wednesday, aged about 50 years.
He had gone to Chet town from London
for It change and appeared to be some.
what improved, in feet was able to take
a drive out on Tuesday. A sudden bad
spell earns on 08820iug in hie speedy
death. Alex, McLennan, brother of
deceased, wont to i8trathroy Wednoeda}'
afternoon. Manifest sympathy is
evidenosd for the bereaved. Mr. Mo•
Leman wag a general favorite. Next
week we will give further part,o01808.
NEW ORYoTAL P119A00 —The Committee
appointed to look after plane, eatimaiee,
&o., for a new Agrionitarai Hall for Grey
Breoob Park met Monday evening at
THE POST Pubhehiug Hoaee. Peuotl
plane have beet naked for from Ar0heten
Binning, of Ltatowel, and the proposal is
to erect a building that could be utilized
ae well for skating, ourli0g and hookoy
it eatiafaotory arrangements elan be outer -
ed into with tbe eportiug fraternity before
oo0etruntiou is oommenaed. Building
would likely be of cement with modern
roofing, &o. A meeting of the Grey
Branoh Dire0t0re will be called shortly
to consider the Committee's report and
if 8dopted building operations will pro.
and forebwith, Material in the preteens,
"Palace" would be utilized. The Oom•
inane dealing wttb the matter is Prete•
deur 8petr, Vice President Leokie, Dir-
ectors Mo(raoken and Tbomeon and
Secretary Rerr. Mr, Biun,ug wets in
towel an Thursday of this week,
.bis week Bert. Garry and wife lame
Beuosele for Serie. where tbey will
take ;b8 steamer to Fort William, where
he and hie brother, Ira, will open cm a
new nook of hardware to be known as
the "Garry Hardware.' A large stook
has been pnrobased and forwarded to
that baetlmg town and a good trade is
ootnted oo. Both gentlemen have had
a wean experience itt this hue of bust
nese num both are wool aaquaittted in
Fort William, Bert, baying opens a year
or more there sod Ira batting been a
reenient fur the past two years, We
expect they well de, venal and their many
Old Irion„e here will be glad to see thorn
climb the ,adder to the topmost rung,
'1'he Gerry lamely have taken to hard.
ware ao to Speak and we suppose they are
chips of the old block. Albert lama it
large store in lnd,nn Head, N. W. '1.
Noble F, done a fine trade in Bronstein ;
N01e0n ie puehiug a big stook at Blyth ;
and now the remittning two eon8 wit
eater to the wanto of the people of Fort
William and earro0nding aouutry,
ii' S7. rfY�.. re ..+� ,+st::d•' ., ,•`rii%1 B3.1 k' ::le ...+� .�•- •-,'. «w. rv,;.. !
Standard Bank of CanadaMETROPOLITAN
�so� m sr as>ea 14�a
H171iPLIIS, 010 1E814RVE FUND 9 1,000000
TOTAL MARTS oVER 10,000,000
A Grenertlel lBaaellaixter 13u8ineryw Trantinacteti
—"vsAVINGS BANKv"'t—
Accrtted Interest in added to socoonta every six menthe and bemoan principal.
Joint Depustt Acconntq—A SPECIAL OON Vrlly'IIlNCE 10 nee in so: Savings Do.
pavtmeut +8 the "Joint Depoelt" auouuut, Money may be deposited or w, Wdruwu
by either of the two members of the household, Thai eyste01 la a great °wives.
lance Go many residing 4n town, but wore particularly so to farmers, us in the latter
case feature of the sysitem 8: 1810t in 0880 of thr e deaan attend, either uparty the grow ey
0180 no withdrawn by the survivor without oust. Wo will tell you muni about our
methods if you will kindly cell or write.
Married Women and Minors may make and withdraw deposits withunt the i0•
800000 00 01 Guy persue,
Duty for which no Charge in made.
YOUR 1iUSINESS will twelve our 0urelul and oourteon8 attention.
PROPERTY 8oLD.—Petal' Stewart, who
with his fatuity aroma from Laugdoo,
Nerih Dakota, ,set year, has puruhneed
we reatdenoo and 0010 of land in commo-
n u, uear the G. T. R., from Jarnoo
Turnbull. The prioe is said to be 91,660.
31r, Tarnbnll will move to Gets it le
said. The purchaser gets p08050•iou
next week. While sorry t0 wee Mr.
'rurebnll and family from Brunets, ae
they ere first alma loitize0a, we bid
}1r. Stewart and family welcome me
r,,eidento. Mr. Stewart still holds hie
farms in Dakota.
Wn1N28D11s evening an Assembly,
under the soemente of the Baobeeore and
8enediate of Bruesnlo, woe held in the
fovea Hall and attracted a large mom•
piny from oateide pointe in addition to
many in tbie locality. The moolo wee
supplied by the well known Vita Orches-
tra, made up of 7 ioetrumeute, Program
was ae follows —Part I — Leonean,
Morello ; Waltz, Avalon ; Two step,
Starlight ; 'Bine step, Heather Bella ;
Weeez, Golden Sonet ; Twmetep, Berea
the of Rome ; Lauoero, U. S. National ;
waltz, Deario ; Twaetep, Sappy Heine ;
Three atop, In a Speen Vale ; Qaadrdle,
My Dearest ; Waltz, Roan Dreams —
Ex;ree—Waitz, 13outber0 Dreamt.; Two
step, whet you going to Co when the
rent Domed round 2 Part II—Lanoera,
Prince of Pileeu ; Waltz, A.6 the Matinee ;
Two•atep, Disie Rube ; Three step, Sing
me to weep ; Waltz, In that home so far
away ; Lenore, U. S. Army ; Waltz,
Path to Heaven ; Two•etep, Silver H•nie;
Schottl'cbe, Bpiritioa ; Weitz, Oar
IrVeddi,:g Day ; '1'wo•eiep, 0;e Hackie ;
Woltz, Vitae Meiodiee,—L''xtrae—Wa•tz,
Love's Owu ; Two•step, A Ooou Baud
Geo. and Mre. Brown vinited at OM -
Are, Wm. Oakley be Immo from a Vie; I,
1n Buffalo.
D. M. Soott, of Hamilton, wad iu town
for few dnye.
Mise Mutter, of Waterloo, i8 the guest of
-;line Maud ryaerie.
High, McIntosh and family, of Mc•
Killop epee; Sunday in town.
Dr. Holmes, Co. Tresonrer, of Goder.
Mb was iu town on Tbareday,
Edgar Holltuger i8 05114ng his grand.
parents in Grey for a coapts of weeks,
Jun. Leckie may take a bu:ioeee trip
to Wiouipeg and the Weet belore long.
Otare00e Ham,of Locknow, visaed at
George McNichol's and other old (meth'.
Misses Bertha and Jennie Rands and
,Hilton were ve881109 relatives in Tooker-
Mies Stella Moore and the baby sou
are vieitng with their grandmother et
U. H. Broadfoot was in Toronto tbie
week attending a moetiug of the Mystic
MieeW inoie Pugh, of Wiugham, was a
visitor with the family of John Pugh,
her auole.
Mre, Jno, Hewitt, who was on the sick
list for the past two weeks, ie able to be
%went again.
Gurdon Rose, of Rinoardine, wee G
visitor at hie grandpareute, Elizabeth
street, ermine.
Mre. Weir, of Hamilton, is the guest
of her sister, Mre, (Dr,) Barna, Mill
street Brussels.
J. H. end Mre, Sperling and eon, of
Whileoharoh, bave been vieitiug relatives
and irietlde here,
Rex. Wolfe, of London, formerly of the
Standard Bank, here, wan in towel fur a
day or so this week,
Will. McLennan, of Winnipeg, nephew
of Alex. MaLeunan, of cowl), wan visiting
,n Braseele this week,
Moo.' Thos, Bhielo, of Detroit, w8e re.
uew:dgold friendohepe in Beoeeele mud
Tonality during Eastertide.
A. J. Lowry has been laid up daring
the peat week but ie able to be oat again
now we are planned to elate.
Wm. Campbell hae gone to London
where be hie entered a situation with the
Free Prose. Wo wish him 8000800.
George Robb is able to be about 8g0in
after his ehake.op from la grippe and we
hope he will 0oon be as well as ever,
Clarence and Miss Roby Otto, of
Bebrfogvelle, were viettore at the bums of
George Stems for the Easter bolidaye.
Harry Banta, of Clinton, was in town
last Sunday, We think Hurry bad better
move bank to town add eeltle down as a
H. W. Farrow Mail clerk, who makes
hie heodquartere at Windsor, wag a
visitor for a abort time with bee father
thio week.
Rev. T. W. Ooeen0 wag at Weetm:nia
ter, his former circuit before owning to
Brussels, this week performing a mar•
glace oerem0oy.
Masters Fred. and Bobs. Campbell
spent Easter in London with their
sbotere, Max, 0, R. Perkins and Mage
Nellie Oempboll.
Mayor Wolie end family, of Saoforth,
and N. B. Gerry and lamely, of Blyth,
were vitiating relettivo0 in Brunette over
Sunday, returning home ou Monday.
Tuesday of thio weep Peter MoQoarrie
and Geo. Colvin left Bruseele for. Hard
ing, Manitoba. where they parpoee epm,d-
,dg the Summer. Mr. Colvin spent a
08110ou iu the West before,
l,Vd are sorry to state that our towns•
1112811 D. B..VioOro had a wank epee last
week but is 0oneiderab,y better now and
we hope he will ooutiuoe to make More
elate progress,
A. E Mellish, of the MetropolitRo
Bank, Brnooele, went to Toronto on Mon.
day for n while. Hie place 18 being
8099 180 here by 8. P. Me& pine, of
Lindaay. 'Mre, MoAlpfue is also In town.
This week Mre. A, S. Douglas Hud Miee
Annie were galled to Drumbo to ahem]
the funeral of au old friend, Mre. John
Walker, who tied of 8aoday and wait
buried ou Tuesday. She wee over 80
years of age.
Mrs. A. 3, Lowry and Mieo Josie BOoh.
mien attended the animal meetin5 of Ibe
W. M.13., of Ethel Auxiliary hast Mon.
day evening by invitation. Mrs. Lowrl
gave a paper and 1,1800 Buo1anou oou.
tributeu a reading.
J. D. and alts. Ronald, who spent the
Winter an town with Batridter 8,umau
and family, are viefliug their dauthrer,
'Vire. (Rev.) (guff, of Stretford. Tbey
talk of taking a trip to Scotland to 04048
Mr. Ronald's boyhood hum:,
Mre. Bivaair, Mill street, has had a
eornowhat e8ri008 time with the thumb
of her left hand, a portion of it wee eat
013 by an 0uanlen1 where She wee fit the
West end blood pofron threatened bet
improvement ie now beteg made,
Business Locals.
Gemaoent= proof clover freed at Me.
Borg Wyandotte eggs for hatching,
91.00 per 15. JAM. BALLANTTNO,
Fon este two thousand red preened
Milton brick. Appy to I 0. RIOnkRDS.
HAIR Dnsoetsa.—Switches made out of
combing: auc oat hair.
MR8, R, BINaoTON, M111 et. West,
Sou ut money found. Owner may
have 80808 by preying property eau
paying 10r thin lonal. ALFRED J. LOWvRY.
Canoe seed peas for sale. Also a good
Grade Durham 11021 16 mouths otd. Ap•
ply to J. P. MCINTOSH, Lot 21, Curl. 12,
Grey, Oraubrook P. 0.
FLEURY Paowe.—Fermore wiobiug to
buy the beet plow made oall on the
undersigned. prow repairs and pointe
kept et Robt. Frmuoie' work num.
Woes Mem EMIT —To wood workers
or any one uaiug edged toole, when you
en the advantage of having plant irons
and other edged tools gramma tame you
Will not delay to bavina Dame done at the
easy figura by T. MaGneent, Mill Bt.,
DR. Bremen, London, wid be at the
Amerioau lime., Brunette, on
Hunte 7:80 a, m. to 2 p. m. Eye, E r,
Nese and Throe., ouu0itittlend, Eyes
tested for glaasee.
Brussels 8010801 Board,
Special meeting of the Broeeele Pub to
Behind. Board was held in the Beard
Room on Fraley evening. Members
present, T, Farrow, D. 0. Roes, W. M.
Samna., It. Le•atherua'e and J. G. Beene.
Minutes of lust neeettug rieed ana
Moved by W. M, Sluaiair, aeoonded
by le. Leatherdale, that the account of
J. G. Stumm for supplies and po04age ue
peed. Carried.
Moved by D, 0. Rose, &mounded by
W. at, BIs o:atr that 6110. Vetage Oeueoi
reaei.e a rebate of $6,60 from eobool
mousy received from Morrie and Grey.
Moved by R. Leatherdale. eeoonded by
W. M. Siuoluir, that the salaries of Mein
Sate Mikan, Slue D, Smith, Mees M.
Downey, and Mien Jean Riob1e be ad
vanoeq $25.00 per HUMID to some iu
forme ou the lel of Stptember. earned.
Movea b} W, 81. Sinclair, eeuondea
by D. 0. Ruse bhat the teaohere be paid
monthly knead of gaareerfy, U0rreel
Moved by W. M, Bwolar, seconded by
R. Leetherdaie,that the tender of R
Hnuderoon lot It car tit coal at 96,35
m 000 be aooeptod, (Jarmo.
School report from Iuepeotor Ltubb
wear read and flied: J. 0. BORNE,
C111)1't1111 ialttll1$..
Rev, Mr, Martin, of Oanningtou, will
be the preacher in Melville oburob
next Sabbath wonting and evening.
Last Sabbath Rev T. W. Ooiens dead
trenohent,y with the 4th and 61.10 Com•
matlduatu,e iu the Me t1od,et charm,.
The World's 6111 Sunday Boheel Uon•
ventioe will be he d at Rome, Italy, on
May 20 23, 1907. Already preparations
are in pregreo8 for It,
At the congregational meeting in Mel.
vile °buroh Thursday of last week alter
dteoueeiug the SWUM= It wee moved by
eider Thee, Straohen, mended by Jno,
Crerar that the oalleng of a pastor be
poetpotod eud.finitely. The motion mar.
reed by 66 to 26.
The quarterly Beryline will be held in
the Methodist church neat Babbaih,
S0urameut eta the non of the service in
the morning mud fo(lowebep meeting will
follow the evening sermon. League ear
Vies well be withdrawn that evening.
"He abode two days in the eame
place," were the words obueon by Rev
D;. Orow, of Be Oatharinera last Sabbath
morning ea the foondmtiou of hie well
planned demure° iu Melville ebnrab.
The evening topic wan "Seed by the way•
aide." br. Craw did well,
No Na Kwa, the quarterly periodical
pabuabeu under the daeotion of Rev, G.
H, Raley, neinstouary in Kitamaat, 13. U ,
has been hinted tine week from Tao
Penn Pnbliehmg Hone. It °entu5e
match of Internet and haft portraiee of
Rev. and Mrs. Raley and oblldreu and
Mier Martin, one of the teaching stall.
head it,
CAPITAL-4ulhorizet 92,000.000
CAPI9TA1,—trnitl up 1,000.000
RESERVE Bud Surplus Pro0ts; 1,188,188
A al II et~ast,WeAs1/444~00Wola
DE tiSI�.�1' N S
9..7, MOORE, D,E, THOMPSON, 8.O,
President. Vle9Trosident.
Mos, 19 5ADa81120, 8,9.11. ars 10905 YR, W Mt,1tTIMRR OLAtex, x,0 0431, S enra
,3OaN 8T1\000aoox
W D. ROHR, • nonoral Manager'
THE METROPOLITAN BANE ,s open to musty° the acoonnte of
Partnere, Merchants and Buelneoa Community generally anil EO Blvd
varum, oonaldera, ion to all propos aid submitted to It,
It miles up0u its past record for anurtooue trantme, 0 of its nue-
tomors, and will extend every ooudtderut ou opuaistnut with Hound
backing to theme wet, may desire to trauaaot Outlines. with it,
SA $4°zxc s Bemis Dhsraa'mrt'ari wr
In;eros at BIGHEd.I' LURti.EN1' RATES allowed un it some of $1 and upwards
AL 011 adjourned meeting of the Vretty
.,f Bt Johu'e alluroh, Bruneelg, held on
Monday evening, it was decided to mot
entitle for tier Rector and a committee
wee appointed to superintend It. Work
has oummerced. The Sabbath School
room wilt 0180 be pat in repair. Bidet
men were appointed for the year ea
`ollows :—Dr. R P. Feint, E. Bri ave,
H. Manning, B. Bryant and Juo.
Thureday afternoon of next week
1'le•vihe Oberon W. F. M. B. will had
their regular mvolhir meeting anti they
e invited the m tubera of the W, M
S . of the other churches t0 etieud at
8 o'aook. Mrs. Jae Bryons, Presi•
dent of the W. 0 T U. for Bruce Co.,
be present and addl.. 8S the gatheaieg
eo the W 0 T. U. work with a view of
•rgsntzine a braaob here, Mre. Bryan0
o a good speaker and there should
be a very inrereoting and profitable
eathering. Gentlemen are also cordially
Invited to be present.
I., aR�xEx,
B IRD—DuRNIN.-1,, Grey, on April 17th,
by Rev F. H. Leng•Ford, of Brae
eels, Mr. James Bird, of Grey, to
Mies Mary E Duroin,of Wawanoeh,
DlcEo,N—HIoLOP.—At the Mimeo, Wel-
on, on April 11,11, by Rev. A, Muo
Nab, M. A., Mre James M. Dickson,
of Atwood, to Maes Mary, daughter
of Mr Andrew Hislop, of Grey.
Lo11TnootoLo—Breeroo.— In Brantford,
at the home of the bride's parents,
on April 25th, by Rev. Dr, Gee, Mr.
W. L. Leatherdele, of Bruseele, 10
MISS Loretta May, daughter of Mr.
and Mre. H. Bnnoton, formerly of
GEnnte.—In 'Morrie, on April 1216, Wm.
L. Geodes', aged 85 years.
H ALL—In Ethel, on April 24011, Mary
Ano Roae, beloved wife of William
Hall, aged 67 years, 1 mouth Bud 14
Mauler —At New Ottawa, Seek., on
Apr,l 7th, Mary 8trathdee, relict of
the lateM
Quinten o Blain formerly
of Grey tewaehep, aged 84years.
MoDoNILD:—At Melbourne, Manitoba, on
Apel 2nn, Annie Smith, beloved wife
of Raub MoDonalo, formerly et
Grey Lowuahip, aged 68 year°, II
months anti 22 dnye.
ar..7 c'5XD50'
BATDRDAY, April 96th.—Household
For,nturr, &m., iu the Grabom block,
Brussels. Scree nereoerved at 2 O'olook.
B. Boggerd, prop. F. 13. Scott, Guo.
young cattle to,
sale Apply t,
6130 ROBB, Brussels,
HBnDE INLAND r'RDh, head0ume fowl
end grout is }ern N, trans from 1 ell One
$ 50 pin M..51 GO eater tlmil 1812. A low
each. r.la kir yel for sale. apply 111, 108,1•
WM J. 8H108L6, r:thel,P r1 , nut.
County Engineer Wanted.
for She Co.ety ofrPuron will be received by
the undersign°' no to the 8111 day of Jun •
next Bete; mama) end experience in bridgee
building are required with npplientinn. In•
formation reg,tr ling duties end salary may
be had by writing,
W. LANE, Clerk,
Goderioh, April 23rd, 1906. 42.9
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of Matthew
Morrison lateof ga s ill
the o f Wal-
ton, in the County of Huron, Oon-
veyanoer, deceased.
Nofloe le hereby given, enren,ut fn Rev's.
ed Otatutea of Onterio,3907, (Imp. 120, and
amended Acts that all or0(1110 s end ,,there
having tiny claims egainet the 0,tnto of the
Raid Matthew Morrison wh ,died on or about
tb• Stu day of April 1908 ere required on
or before the 26th 00y of May, 1018. to eand
by post, prepaid, or deliver to Jobe W.
Merri nu Walton Executor of add
their P.O.,S
eir Cbrietian eurnno8 andnd
addictions with full particulars in writing
of their olaime, the otetemont of their no
c00nte and the nature of the soom ltiea (if
any) 1 old by them, verified by eatiefuotory
Aud ,.otice be further given that after the
said last mentioned date the said Eaeou•
tor will proceed to distribute the asa0te
of the deo00sed amouget the parties eutt-
led thereto, h'ving regard only to the
claims of which he BMW then have
no iae and that tl said Fs0aut
or will
not be 1tfor tmeets,one aete, r any port
thereof, Eoo a1, any harlot, or persona of whose
olein:+ w di alien net have distribution trn toelvod
bf him l the Limo o 118211 hdayofA
Dared la Bruseele this 26th day of AprL,
A.D., 1006.
42.8 BMir°ToAEe
The new Wail Paper we are
showing 00utnine many unique
and beautilal designs suitable
for Halle, Parlors and Dining
Rooms, The color combinations
are very rich and artistic and if
y u are thinking of papering. this
Spring we iuvito you to 10011 over
nue stock. We also have some
very pretty patterns in cheaper
grade of paper for Bedrooms,
Kitchens, &o„ also Mame nine
Remnants suitable for shall
romps, &o,
Fox's Drug Stye
Fa• Wheat , 70 76
Bar,ey 40 43
Pet 70
Oahe 33 34
Butter, tabs anti ro. 017 18
Eggs per dozen 14 15
Hay per ton 7 00 8 00
Flour, per bbl 4 60 5 20
Boge, Live 7 00
Wool 23 93
Sa t, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Potatoes per hos 40 40
ftPi ri23R3ti£tA7:!5i1- waszk3
Bank of .Hamilton !1
4) Capital. Paid up, $2,500,000
Reserve Fund. 442,00. ,000
Twat Assets, 4320,000,000
80 BRAN50,58 IN CANADA 80
President, . - HON. WM. GIBBON 7
Pole President R General Metier,
08 Savini
UDa ua ttumrss.u
Am!ile security
Deposits el 9t 00 and upwards received
�fIutereet elluwad at eurront rates Mud
W oumpouudnd hall y8ar,y.
1 aDVoNur1S made to Farmers for
feedioC stook.
dale Notes collected and advaoaoe
made thereon
Drafts bought and Bold,
W. N. MOBAY. Son-AO005.
/g,flee`a 9.giascsa4Asa;A9
Brits e,s Day Eight tore G. N. McLaren
+o" ...,.„ W4,"t'4,' 1.,,,„0a4dUJer4r'W4dW,414,4,Ae'tPW',dnd4„4,'4'4; NNa'4'4,,,'W, tr4Nae4rhAe'W,,...,4r4dh,Y,P,,,'Iv4I4,"t"W4, 4rW'grle9s't"tab'41e,'trtabb"ti 4,'4J,Wtra,eea
The New Grey Skirts t.
are Here
Just received—Women's and Misses' New Grey Skirts To say that they
are New is hardly putting it strong enough. They are simply up-to-the-
minute Styles,
AT $3.25
—Ladies' Dark, Medium and Light Grey,
Tweed, Pleated i,kirts, with Panel and Self-
covered Buttons ; Taped SeNmM ; all eiZoo
37 to 43.
AT $5.00
—Ladies' Light Grey, All Wool H,ltne•
Npuus ; Pleated and trimmed with -elf Bias
AT $1 76
—Misses Medium and Light Colored Grey
Tweed Shirts ; Pleated, with Panel and Self
Buttons ; all sizes from 24 to 35.
Ladies' Skirts
—Ladies' Skirt., in Dark ('01009 and Black.
al( this he"s• n',, \eweai "tyles, from $1 75
Dainty White Waists, this season's smartest styles, finished with Tucks, Lace, Insertion
anti Embroidery Trimmings ; all sizes 82 to 44 We guarantee our line of Waists to fit.
Exceptionally Good Values in Lace Curtains
Lace Curtain stock is now complete—Big range of all Popular Priced Curtains.
Here ate Two at 91.00 a pair Exceptionally Good Values
' —Extra good quality of fine Net, Stitched Edges, —At 26o, 60o, 65e, 750, 90o and up to $4.50. We
Large Floral and Small Neat Patterns ; full 60 inches van save you money on your Lace Curtain Needs.
wide and 3,] yards long.
The New Spring Boots are in Stock --Light and Heavy for Men, Women and Children.
Women's Oxfords at.... $1.00 $1.25 91.60 $2.00 Mines' Slippers at $1.00 91.25 $1.50
Ohildren'e Slippers at 760. $1.00 $1.26
We always Pay the Top Notch Price for Produce,
revs Namur wur &WA nF Pato Waaler Are
�- -
7.6� A a
Next Door to
American m r
11 a lean Hol13e