The Brussels Post, 1906-4-26, Page 5/ M111.7.4,1glSMeeft. • '"oke.wie...,.....c4.1..4*:e. WIflIGNAM BUSINESS 004L.E0E W14 Pi o Digh.grade Commorolal lishool, Three Counts t Commercial fitangralihe TeleilraPlil write GEO, SPOTTON, Principe', ri2=1=3=3fitTz3t===t=b0,1P 11 A Great Nobs' it ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. / &edema from tinted) Columbia, 51 etSaskatchewan and Manitobath ou e rf West to New Ornnowiok OR the East aro in attendance this year. Pistolled ie no hindrance to those who wien to get the best Our graduates aro id- At ways inumessitil Om loot li ties are un. surpassed. °o 18= wow. No van. Mons. college uvea entire year. Mag. I nilicent catalogue tree. W. J. ELLioTT, Princepal °Wt. Tonal) AND AL ,&18D1111 Ens. WI' i!f56---4t553681eFtlFslaiFitFIEF MEDICAL CARDS. i DR. R. A. BURNS- _ I Successor to Dr. J. A. MoNauglitou Brussels, Outariu I Graduate of Polyoliolo Post Graduate Bohool of medicine and hi urgery, Now York Member of (Jelin° of Phymoiens and ear. goons of °uteri°. °Mese and residenee same as formerly oc- cupied by Dr. MoNaughtou, °inane of women a specialty. 'Phone No, 21. 4" 0. r vow r BUSINESS CARDS. W fi. MoattA.OKEN- nevat.•er.Issnerof Marriage' Licenses Of o 000ry, Turntierry btreoc, 1811100810,sels. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee in the Post office, Ethel. 10-1 C. ea. r't Court Prinaose Alexandria, No.24, C.O. F., Brussels, meets th their Lodge Boom. Bias - hill Brook, on the ilud aud last Tuesdays of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAS, BIIIteB88, 0.01. A. B. MELLISH, 01,0. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM1 INBUOANOS, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 1.41 B. SCOTT AS AN AMNION- • 080. win sell for better Wan, to better um, in lees time and hiss name -- than any tuber Auctic pear to Emit Huron or he won't charge anythiug. Dime and order, oan always be arranged at this office or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Halos arranged foi at the office of Tau Poor, Brussels, 2211 VETERINARY. QA. CUNNINGHAM- N.-a • Honor thaduata of the Ontario Vet armory College, le prepared to treat all die eases of domehleated animale in a commit ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterimary vautietry and Milk Pever, Oahe promptly attended to. Cain and infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry ea, Bruneele, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD_ • BarriAter, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Set:inner to G. F. 131air. Office over Stem. lard Sank, Broom& Solicitor for Metro- politan Beak. W M. SINCLAIR- ,' V • Barrister, Solieitor, conveyancer, Notary Public, &a, offloe-Stowart's Bloch 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Rank, pitOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BARRISTERS, SOLG0ToRe, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETC. W. PRODDEWOW, E. 0. R. 0, HAIM G. F. Rama. Orneee-Thostlatrentiglyojr.tgled by Meseta °wanton, ONWARD). DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEIL.C. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeoned °uteri° and Platt-01am Ronor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph (*alien,. BRUSSELS. irgtzsar4Est=2:3t=astell S Spring Term Opens April 211 lzDar(zi"ifyi/GENTRAL. / STRATFORD4 ONT. ff Why should you couteut youteelf iu ib the oraluary walks ot 100 when you dA Oen better youim r uditiou by takiag a de 8 nurse in Wei School? We give a L ,b,),ouh s, praotioaleducatiou aud as• • eist our et -smelted to go id • pentane 11 (ioraDaticao 0..0r 001108a now, Write for poateuiere EWA° T 11 low N, pr..i„„„‘, 11 '4,r•in" C:" . rewee .731rt Studio 4.40.0 Headquarters for First-class Photographs, Life Size Portraits, Crayons and Watercolors finished in A 1 style. Ferrilly Groups a specialty. Call and see movies. W1l4P4.WW%1-11g.0141.4MIMMellr..r111=-1.4-etr.,,,4'wir.4 quests 1.0 Make) anti that WS Otabblhati e With Mr. Willis' oilier lumina' interests here will enure for Seaford' thle dear- , able iedantry. 1• TILE ROOT GE NEURALGIC IINAlliACIIE H. R. BREWER rola! Pius gums Rev, M. Swam of Parole father Rev, F. Swann, of Liolmeevi rettah hie 84th birthday on the lith of Apr The reverend gentleman was a faith( pamor of the Methodist church iu Btu Bele for a turn aud hag many old frieu here. EAT a Lax et at bedtime. And fe bright ihe next day. Lax oto -.only 5o. box -are eweet toothsome tableta-e lux tive perfection. For oonetipation, neva of spirit, sour atounteh, bad bent coated tongue, dizziumis, biliousues ,allow oomplexion, etc, Sold by F. Smith. AN organizetion of postmesters the Province° under the title of Ontario Postmasters' anaoiation w 'omen 01 Torouto last week. Tho Ferrow, of Brunets, WAS eloot honorary preeideut, and James Boot el Clinton, a vice preeideut. Da. Shoop'e Rheumatic, Onre bin relief and oure-makee an end of pain an dwelliog-au end of !suffering -end wed Snoutnateire. lo 00 a put up in hand tablet form, 0011V0Iliellt and nonorant, Begin to ewe this remedy to•dity. Th reenits will be laming. Bold by P. Smith. Jemes OTONNRLIA. WI10 has been th popular Depth) Registrar of Deeds several years at Goderioh, bee resigned uecome manager of the Sovereign Ban al Goderich. It is said .ou one ban that uo one will be appointed in it one, as the dean of the cities oau b performed by the present ataff. 0 1120 other hand, an effort is being mad to have Joseph Ben oppoiuted to th vacancy. Wm, Coats, formerly of Oli ton, ie Registrar. WOULDN'T you spend five nuts to tee he must, sweetest Laxative tablet eve 8m.sode Velem) you try it you (tan neve w how ranch real laxative value eontained in this box of Laxete. A oohoomo 80 oaudy, Bate for child o edam Having the formula ou the box you know just what you are tattiu Leitets are lot oonstmation, bad breatl tied taste, muddy complexiou, headache coated tongue, binemenees, eta., only 6 So d by F. R Sm ih. PRNSIORNT W 0 MOTAGOART, of lb Eiurun 0-d Buys' elesuointieu, of Tor outo, and 8'. 8. Illee, look advent age uf the Easter holtuay ek Dwell 1 0011130 up thee way to make preen:inner errengements for the 8111,0001 exeursio 1., the o.d =runty, volneh wit' be Me tine year from Jul) 7 io 9 Two specie trains .will acni, up, one coming Nun to Luakuow via Guelph, and the wile nem{ to Goderiao The rotor ourney wet begin at 780 on Moon 0011109, ao that the 010110000111008 0001 have two days and a had among thei old •inie !mend:, 1,4 RGDING Paul'a °handl, Clinton vas ugaiu the katleue Of a. Very prett wedding, on Tu edgy of .est week, wile: me Loa, °Wept daughter of el. H. an Mrs. Battliff, formerly of Brunie beoeine the wife uf G. Wileoe Pinner, book keeper for the Olinto Phresher 0o. The Church was tante o'.y d000rot 0 with flowers, and a cgb coon, to 811, 8108000 of the Luben grin Wedding marall, the bride =that He 01111101.1, letWILIG 010 her Leib. r' arm. Bridesmaid aol gruoinemei Were dispeneed with. Rev. 0. II Guune, in she presenoe of u large 114111 ber ot frieude, performed the impres ive oereinouy. The bide looked very lainly 1,118 mut of grey chiffon broad loth. During the signing of the non or the (Muir awn; beautifully, and a be party left the church Mendelesolue wedding marob wee pleyed. Th, ineee were driven to the medium o Mr. Bart.111, and a eurnptuoue • wedding inner partaken et, Mr. and Mrs. Pen ier leaving on the 8 28 train for pilule East. Both are pupular young foam lid they have the beat wishee of all or tbsit future happineee. Amalie hose .present from a dietanae were Miss Vanatoue aud Mies Norma, of Wingham ; Mies Cardiff, of 13rueuels ; Mies Weatheraid of Goderiob ; Mitie Mike Hamiltou, and B. Mookay, of 130011, end Mrd. Joseph Keating. FORGING AllICAD Beefurth News 1 last week epeake RR follows 01 a for. net Itruasente 1-Tbe late mild Winter haa beau blamed and raised alternately by ad kende of eopie for all kinds of doings both reel ted fancied, but one oilmen of the pen Winter that wtll be pertioulatly leasing to Settfortbites, abould the ompany locum here, le that to has ad. mend 8 °Duple of years W. 13. lilts' plans to extend his preaent gging mannteteturieig bushiest/ and I/180 combine with it the manufacture ate extemitve lino -of children's shone his project hat, been tinder tionmetet Mon by ,81r, Willie for ROM time, bet 00100 hot hie intention. to embark erein for a couple 01 yeare yet. As e open Wieter, however bee motor liy de,oreaned the season's output of pings helute deeded that now te au pportune time to carry om plane of minion of Imaineee, The News in a partition to Mate that it nipahy lase been formed to be town 0.8 the "W. 10.. Milo Shoe & rigging, 0o," ; !hat a feetory is to •Ixi er• ted ,• that'ateady employment wt.; be yen to IRV Or more oboend legging °titan; and Diet an soon as abs quem on Of lOkeeti011 is settled work Weil be mmenoed upon •the fluttery building, 11110 1he queer ion 1 10011.1i011 00 inni 1111 00 it fee, noon that the uorporeteureWill f illy 1010 00 any '11/101160.0 r Vaal 00181 tee ootiapetay nave to make (ohouid they.hiteri any, mei 01 13 40 a 0' 08 to of a tt tit • x 10 00 ki w 11 000 w 9 bit irritable condition of the nerves, nosed by old, Relief antique quickl from Norvilmo, the ereet peen reliever of to Oty, I oureader Nervidne a megloal remedy for wore, Los," writea Kra, E. 0. Herm, of Saitiniore„ A. few appiies, thins never yet failel to kill the pain. ORLI 8100 recommend Nerviline for atiffnen, rhournatiern and muscular pane." In use nearly lifty years Nervidne yourself, rdwl eh. Word has been reoeived that Robert Gibson la 1.1 with typboid fever in New Liskeard and was taken to the hookal. Rev, and Mrs. E. A. Shaw and two daugeneeti, of Limn, visited Moe. febavee brothers, J. J. Gregg of Spring Bank and B. G. Gregg, of town. pl smut event took place al high noon on Thutedey, April 12111 ab the residenue of Goo, and Mrs. Campbell, fourth conessaion of Wallace, when their only daughter, Edith 8,, was unit. el in marriage to Robert J., only son of Wm Gibson, of Fordwich, by Rev. 8. J. Hardie, of Kees 00180011, Listowel. The bride wan supported by her friend, Min Carrie Flakmier, while Norman Gibaon ablated us beat man. The Wedding March was played by Mies Pearl Smith, nude of the bride, Oniy the immediate relatives emended Ole wedding. BRRING SNOW -The Spring Stallion Shaw was not 0, great surione, variotie nations being assigned for its partial failure. There were only two borne in the heavy ohm. There MR a good at- tendauaa of fermata, but they were dis- appointed at the small show of horees. Dr. Reed, of Georgatowu, wag the judge, and gave good eatialitotion generally. The following are the prize winners :- Imported Clydesdale, Montrave Daunt len, owned by B. Bender, of Wallace); Belgian, 0. Bender, of Wallace; Car- riage, 8. Beewitherialt, Remick W. T. Minto ; Roadeters, R. Wallace, 'Jerrie, and Jae, Olelland, Fordwiels ; Diplome in Heavy Olen, 13, Bender, Wallace; Diploma in Light Claes, R. Wallace, Gerrie. The iinaucial statement of Trinity ohuroh was read by Wm. Wetters, showing the total reempte to be 9641 80 and the total expenditure 9638.91, 1011.0 iag balance on bund of 97 57, and all delete paid. The fol.osviteg °flint% were ohoeen for the aliening year :-William %Vattere, MiGIBtat'd warden ; Aden' Spann, people.e warden• Walter iltunateak, Wm, Jaques, David Arm• Atone and Eau Doesghy, eideemen, Wm. Wallan, Alex, Graham, sr., Thoe. Goggin, Wen. Strove, and Joe. Hain. 16t0Oiti hblebt ilbstry Wlllo&tsi Wattage, 1atid death &mos tieg relief, Whoa slab vestry olerk ; Goggin and Wim, , quietly plumed beyond to hm er hoe pro Wallow, auditors ; Wm, Waters and pared f't' bet. The dimmed was in bar Win, Wallace', lay representatives to e•evet,th year, Booklet, the parents Synod. The ratilins siiiinunon, 0 Wade there are d children 80 010900 the loos. end 8, Albrealn, were given 08 00/0 of 'titmice for the faithful performanee of duty during Oho peso yeer. reotor gave R report of hie mix menthe' work, whiten shows the extensive work to be done in thie parish, Tito caretaker was remembered by AP inereaseof 85.00 la his 080003'. EEOVED IN 111011NT FOREST. Ryan+ doctor in thio Lowe tried hie beet to alien Mrs, J, Without of Aethme; 11000 nuoseded. "For peen, ehe Dein, "I was a dreadful sufferer I nothing gays relief. At times I found it neopeettry to have all the doors and windows open to gei my bent!). When in despair I heard of ''Oatarrhozone." I used it and now am perfectly °urea," This proves beyond doubt that any one of Asthma is curable with Oatarrhozone. No remedy so pleannt, none so ithaolute ty certain to thoroughly oure 0 try ”Catarrhozone" yoareelf ;118 guaranteed. .eit. 0. W 0001. Elma Commit met last Monday. A. M. Little, of Queen's Cuivereity, Kingston, has returned home after completing the work of the terni, Dr. Kidd was 011 Peterbero visiting hie mother who is far from well. She has reached the good old age of 86 years and ie gradually getting weaker, Frank Binh, 13th oon. Elms, has purchased a fine team of Iwo and three olds from Dan. Menlo, 12th cou,, of Grey. Frank paid $350 for the team. He heat four horsea through glanders and these two will aost him more than he will get for hie other four that were alma Prof. Wm, Leah/lead, B. A., of the Guelph Agricultural College spent Easter Monday with hie brother,Geo. Loahhead. Prof. Loahheed has obtained an excellent position in Montreal to which place he pea immediately. He will wimpy an excellent poeition hi connection with Mee McDonald Inetitute at Bt. Anue's. We are Berry to report the serious anident that betel Robt. Deland, et., on Sunday 8111 inst. He wan walking from the house to hie rig, when he atepped on a robe he was 'tarrying and fell heavily to the ground, breaking his leg near the thigh. The fraoture is a serione one, but we understand that he la doing as well as ORO be expected for a man hie year°. Mr. Cleland 10 83 years old. The many !Heads of W. aud Mee. Holman, learned with deep regret of the death of their daughter Minnie May on April 8th, She bad been a anfferer of lung trouble for the past five yeara. She endured long suffering with great Wiens, MG up to 6 few days previone to her death was enddenly taken worse w hen a Man Leaves Off His Overcoat he feels the need of a New Sack Suit, There are many little points of difference that dis- tinguish this year's style from the one in vogue last Autumn. It is by comparing the 20th Century Brand of Men's Fine Tailored Garments with the ordinary kind of Ready-to-wear Clothing that you see just how much these points of difference" mean. If you aim to be well dressed they mean much to you If you realize their importance you will be q lick to appreciate the new Single-breasted Suits we are offering this Spring at from $10 to $20. 14r 'We also have a complete line of New Spring Hats and Shirts just opened, RomovviemAirki 1.4ite8r01'wel. The sprinkling partway out Ian Week for Lae ares time. o Mr. A.ustln, father of Km A. Plinth), Raglan so., la waned to the house by Chien, He bashed a etroke•of paralysio, Idre, W. 0. Kidd left for Iros Angelo, Cal., where sine intends making an extend ed visit with her slater, Mrs, 0, B. Clirnie. Homer Meyers, who has been engaged in the milling Mullane in Cornwell, bee returned and re•entered big father'o office in town, J, Livingstone, jr., has been confined tO itiB houde with a sprained ankle, which LIG sustained la gettiug over a teen while out 'shooting. Gordon Rogero, eon of Jae. Rogers, tailor, had the misfortune to fracture hie arm below the elbow by Web; from a adder In Mr. Gee's barn. A. 31, Campbell, manager of the Bank of Hamilton, to speuding hie holidays in New York and Atlantto City, Mr, No Kay, of the Atwood branoh, is iu oharge of the bank here. WHY ERAINCIIITIIS IS SERIOUS. Benne it becomes to (throat° condition that vergee 0100013' on consumption. i•Oatarrhozone" is the moat pleasant, dimple and certain oare. Try Catarrh - ozone. Cruet -ie. Rev. T. H. Farr is preparing a elan for confirmation in 80, Stephen's' °herd' for eometime he May. The train Tuesday night of leek week waa over three hours late owing to breakdown on the Bruce divisiou. Work on the new building to oon0ein the tioetyelene gas metalline is in progress. Chas. Totten le banding the stonewall for the structure. It bee been deoided to go ahead and renovate the Methodist church. Air. Walkham, of Bt. Thomas, has the oon• tract and will b, -gin work in about a v7etk. It le exposed the congregation will worship in the Township Hall while the work is being done. Quarterly meeting will be held OD Sunday, April 29,1),Ine the Hall would not be a very euitable place in which to hold it. The anneal Veolry meeting of Bt. letephen'a Minnie was held in the oharoh en Monday evening of last week but was not largely emended. The Wardens' report wan read and allowed a [tarp tia on hand of $82 The eleation of officers re. suited iu the same Wardens being aintee as lain year. The following is a list of the offioers :-Mininter's Warden, H. V. Holmes ; People'e Warden, Item Wade ; 8eleat Vestry, H. Harding, R. Triune, R. fdoOrath, 5. Harding and Jae, Eltiott ; Vestry Clerk, W J. Sharpin ; Sidemen, W. J. Sharpin, Jaa, Elliott. N. Wade D. Make ; Auditore, David flicks and tV. J. Sherptu ; Lay Delegate to Synod, David Woke. edit:seater Lh. Mies K Broadfoot, of Stratford, epent o few dayo with her mother, Mrs. J. E. Be onfout, Wm Bethune bah for Owen Sorted to resume his duties aa inner on the 0. P. R. steamer, Manitoba. While paying football at the Bell Engine Werke during the,noon hoar Wm. Ougbton had the maim -tune to aprain bie ankle and break a bone in hie foot. Total teeelpte of 00. Thomas' ohnrob ybar ending Ilinter 1906, shove an morean of 9235 00 over the previous year. Measra. EIU.Intit/d aud Perlin were appointed delegates to tbe Synod, and E. T. Peter. Vestry Clerk, The renewing officio, were appointed for the eneuing year : Messrs. Holmsted and Parkes, Wardens ; Musts Bullard, baugstrath, Hodgiue, Oolemetie Stevens, Serene, Peters and Tiernan, 13ideamen. The Robert Bell Engine Co. have ee cured the (trictraco fruiu the Township of Oagoode for a large Aome Stone Crusher No. 9i with 17 foot eievatorand revolving donee. One 18 toe Portable bin on wheels and 3 Aetna Spreading waggous. Aleo one 18 b. p. Belt Traction Engine quipped with coact roller attaoliniene-, -tool tank end sprinkling outfit, to bt ,teliveted during the month of May. At the annual meeting of the Epworth League the following offence were sleeted for the mining year e -tion. President, Rev. A. K.1311118 ; Preeident, Mies Ada L. Beadle ; let Vioe Pred., 5, Gould ; 2nd Vioe Pres., J. E. Beet ; 3rd Viae Pree, W. H. Birks ; 4th Vice Pres., Mies N. °doh ; 5th Vice Pres. Min H. Beattie ; Secretary, Min el. Wooley ; Corresponding Beo., Miss 13.Daly ; Treas. mar, J. Murray ; P11111i•iel, Miens E. Sperling and G. Reid, Gutteridge &Edge, contraotore of thio •owu, have secured the content for an the etations aud other buildings on the new Toronto Sudbury britnoh of the 0. P. FL, between Bolton and Party Sound. This Motades Homo 12 atebion houses, Lemke, nation houses, etc. The oontraot will total in the neighborhood of 9100,000, Work will be °Munitioned ob it right away. This, together with the oontraat on the Guelph Goderiah line, will keep theta buoy all 0130801:1. Mr. Gutteridge :eft 011 Wedunday after000u of Mt week with a gapg of 20 men to work on the Guelph Goderich maltreat. Jame DWI reamed a letter dated at Edmonton, April 110h, stating that Theta, Lapalie had died iu the Edmonton hoe. piled tea that date at 11 30 a. m. Lapalie suociumbed to an attack of own - mania, having been Mak only four days. The 00000 of his death Will be teaeived with regret ey hoe many frierecie in Bee - forth and vicinity where he wee wail and favorably known, having at nue time °weed and lived 011 tbe farm !levee:mooed by J0.6. Cowan. After him removal free] Seatorth he Icemen in 11.selend, but a few years ago took iip bin retie:leo= .111.1neenteu, Alia. film 1101111 Kerr, of Maltel op, la a meter of the deoratied. • IVATEIt 15 YOUR 80.0 00. Lola of people hen thin Watery blood - they eat plenty hat 'don't [Beret. When digestion Oo poor, fond is On 0101100. 18 , Into iiouriehment-In otmeaquenee the body rapidly looes strength. premien ly renew nothing &imbue rronne. L exelitle 00,009 appetite,-mitkee etoinach digeot, forme life sustaining "mit Vtitsarisreetaltorafame FASHIONABLE Milli CIJ IC Having dispensed with our formal Millinery Spring Opening we are now prepared to show our many ells- tomers our Elegant and Fashionable Display of Dress Hats and Ready -to -wears. Also carry a full line of Ribbons, Flowers, Fancy Straws, &c,Grateful for past patronage and assured that the new goods will please we invite the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity to call and see the new styles. Miss Strac HOLMES BLOCK .02 an he.a. m._,_Pteo..ee.W.X.5.4tre$1.174k=q,..,kzer.*.v.g.vaAzrewamwmema.1 OUR AMERICAN LL ER IS NOW IN STOCK. The Best of this Season's Productions Wo have made a impala! effort to enure Designs and Colorings of artistic. merit not only in bigh grades but in those as low as 5 cents per roll. Papers originally 12e, now selling at 8c Papers originally 80 and 10, now selling at 5c BED ROOMS -We have Dainty Florals, producing charming effeote, at Low Oost. PARLORS-Beantiful Designs in Gilt and Creamy Tonea, Blues, Greens, &o., in delicate shades. HALLS, DINING -ROOMS, &o. -Fine Effective Designs, in Magniftoent Colors, giving Warmth, Richness and B,auty to au apartment. DON'T WAIT till our stook is broken. Make your selection NOW. If you have any rooms nob recently Papered, just call and let ns tell you how little it mete to make home Bright, Attractive and Happy. Paper Hanging and Decorating a Specialty All Orders promptly attended to. Fred. '.1cCracken Smale Block, Brussels, vweneA,1 t^~tAoweee.r --wwww..-Spring and Summer--iorPlab■-•' MILLI RV OUR Fine New and Fashionable Spring stock is to hand aud ready to adorn the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity. As we will not hold a formal Opening we invite the Ladies to call and see our goods any time. A choice stock of Fancy Goods in the line of Em- broidery Silks, Table Centree, Dolies, Sofa Cushion Tops and Frills, Point Laoe Patterns, Braids, Threads, Rings, &c., has been added to my business and Ladies are asked to see them. I thank the public for the past year's patronage and will be pleased to share in this season's business. Mrs. •DE 0111, av sperWeereteereeseageerereeteeiraireireiletrawesNeeseirWant"reenwetreeeitieirsieeresaaseeeteret99 Good Goods Right Pricea RiProe,,,,latIO.M.05.811Prailoa Are, no doubt, a source of interest to you. We have received some of our new Spring and Summer Goods and there are more to come. These goods have the stamp of Quality and as our expenses are light and we have bought our Cotton Goods and Shoes before the advance in Cotton and Leather, we are in a position to give you the benefit by low. Give us a ea,11-we can. interest you and save you money. New Prints New Shirtings New flottoria,cles Nt-w Underwear New Hosiery iNew Shoes Best Manitoba Flour fox Sale. r....Higheet Market Price for Produce of all 'kinds. blood. Abendant strength is sure to rirNoNeNehrwne EC.Dunford & Son etD.Ilty, better 1180,10. 1 lir,. tine Fier, o 1 yon need More 0110.11(30, pxtra aro Ina 010',,',' 00 00)90. t tht age. de MacDonald z Exclusive Oloi-s and Furnishers I coda nuya tam 00 lifty chootuate thieante I Vetrozone $ablata, JAMESTOWN ros.