HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-26, Page 4Ebe 16 ritaatia ` ost4 T$URS"DAY, APR. 26, 1906. T'r ie Laid the loos entailed by tire in Ban Franoleoo will total over $200,000,. 000, with an Inearanoe of $120,000,000. Many a Oompauy will likely receive o blank eye ever the great oonflegretlon. Pathos AnTnolt ie being warmly eel• cowed wherever he makee hie appearanoe in Candle. If he dose not have a matfett of sweetmeee-iu addressee, banquets and dfnnere he mast have an iron clad interior system. Trine is a lively end wordy combat on in the new Province of Alberta ae to where the oapital will be looated. Cal. gary, Red Dear, Banff and Edmontou are the present quartette singing for the honors and no doubt the losers will think the winner took the base part, While little blame can be attached to ambitious towns the wholesale selfishness minuet be lost eight of either. MANY are the expree0i0ne, favorable and adverse, to the very radio' measure now before the Legislature dealing with the wooden of Education. Great mare and nation ahonidohareoteriee the fram ing of a statute having so general au are plication to the people and the pabllo good, rather than politioal preference or predominanoe of party should ewey both the Government and Opposition. That changes in the system were neoeseary none should deny but in this period of our history the beet judgment of the wisest men should be well eouaidered as the proper ajudioatlon of the High and Public soboole of Ontario means mach to every home in this land. Our reoord has been liret•olase both in theory and practice and we hope the brightest and beat years are yet to come. Duntao the past few weeks the eympathy of the whole world baa been aroused by the direful dispensations of the famine in Japan, the voloanio erup• tion of Veenvione and hard on its heels the eartbgoake and dreadfni fire at San Francisco. We cannot call to mind jam now triple dieaetere parrying so mach lose, Borrow and death iu their train and yet there possibly was never a more widespread exhibition of open-handed liberality and generosity accorded than has been manifested toward the eufferere. We are pleased to notice that (Janda is not behind in taking bar steed and the $100.000 voted by the Dominion Parlie. mens was a timely and brotherly ack- nowledgment to our American 0o0Bi0e iu great need that will serve a much wider purpose than rte intrinsic' vales. Nations can afford to be openpursed to each other as in a world with so many noaertaintiee they never know the day when they may be planed in great need. We are a truly highly favored peotdein (Janda in freedom for many of the scourges visit- ing other lands and there is room for a widespread feeling of tbankegiving to the Giver of all Good that the linea have fallen t0 us in pleasant places. Toon Dominion Parliament, banked np by the Senate, lane extended a oordial invitation to his Gracious Majesty King Edward to make te visit to this colony— the brightest and beat in the Britieh diadem. A number of speeches were made in the House fn connection with the reeolation and among them was the following by Dr, Obieholm, M. P. for Eget Huron ;— Mr, Speaker, I think the hon. mem. ber for Ottawa, (,v1r. Belcoart) deeervee the thanks of the House for bringiug !hie question forward. It ie especially suitable that it should be brought for. ward by a Frenob Canadian, and by one who was at oue time the firet nom - meteor and Speaker of this House. It King Edward 'tempts our iuvltatiuu, we shall beiable to show him a very differ. eft Canada from what be saw when he visited our shoran many years ago. We will Dhow him a Dominion occupying a territory three time ae large aa hie Em• pire of India. We will ehow how a population that is twice ae great ae the population of the United State(' when they set up baaineee for themselves 130 years ago. Bat my principal reason for rising was the few remarks that dropped from tbe lips of the hon. member for East Fleeting', (Mr. Northrup). He was referring to the different nationalitiee whish compose the population of our country and it 000urred to me that King Elward ie bimesit the repreeentat,ve of very many linea. Every Saxon finds in him a desoendanb of Cerdiotbe Saxon ; every Sootohman finds in him a de. attendant of the Statute and of the an- cient Scottish kings ; every Welehmau finds in him a descendant of the Tudors and of the ancient kings of Wales ; Beery Iehmen Ruda in him by tracing through the ancient a Scottish kings a deooendant of the former kinge of Tara ; and every rench Canadian, if he ohooeee to study the matter, ill find that he ie a descendant of William tl,e and in him of Ru" t Conqueror he ma. jeaslo and powerful Norseman who founded the Duchy of Normandy. In Shia otioneotion it is well to remember that for hundreds of yeare the Saxu•,n and the Nurmabs had the same never eign and stood shoulder to 'hounder in many a bard fought battle, in whish they oppaeed the nggreeo,ons of France It wag only through the fouhebueee of King John that the Daohy was lost, and it was long after the discovery of America ere Oalaie the last stronghold of Normandy wag taken by the French. In the meantime many of the Norman Frenilh having in their value the dewing blood of the Norsemen 'Ike the Ieraelues of old, had departed by sea from the matt off. taptivtty. P'ihitlly they too found a lend of prbtnieb on the bauke of the St. Lawrende, where they Warn- ed to their tlre% love, and gave their allegiance and their Opel support to their hereditary and legitimative eov ereigne the Mega of Englaud, There fore, it ie fitting Chet thle motion ebonld be proposed by a French Canadian. wbeu we remember that Hie Mejeety repreeante iu himself every natiouality that goee to melee op our country It ie certainly welt that we oboufd invite him and I wleb to add my mite to this in. citation: Lelw t4. W. H, McElroy has purohaeed from George Hoye, au sore of laud heated ou Hamilton street. A lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows will be tnetitgted in Blyth on Wedueetiay, May 2nd, David Carter has purohaeed the G. T. R. section heave and removed it to hie .aoent lot on Hami ton street. He is remodelliug it and fiziug it op for a reetdenae. Robert Newcombe, of Newark, New Jersey, a former resideut of this v oiuity, has returned and will shortly move to the farm he reoently purchased from Wm. Clark, of Morrie. me next meeting of Goderiob Die trial Methodist chnroh, will be held at Blyth on Hey 15-16. A public meeting will beheld on the evening of the 15th, at whloh several addreaeee will be deliver• ed. Contractor Pigott ie getting everything in shape to rush the 0. P. R. work ou this division. The steam ebovel Weet of the village is being placed in shape for work, .and the one on the Eeet of us ie being fitted up for operatiou. The (WOOD' work at the arob under the G. T. R. is boiled. Clinton. Nimeue has added a gasoline niece t0 We foe oream outfit. Ra. W. MuDonagh, of Stratford, wee the geese of Rev. W. B. Kerr, for a coup. le of days. Ae be Monde to break op hooee•keep- ing, John Shaw is offeriug hie furu,ture for Bale. David Joy, eon of John Joy, formerly of Olintoe, ie now foreman of the Lee Audeles, Oal., Oem-ut Werke, at te eatery of $200 a month. During the first three months of 1906 there have been I1 interments iu Con• ton cemetery. During the oame time in 1904 there were 24, Rev. 0. R. Gunn(, who was a resideut of Oaliforuia for five yearn, knows the olty of San Freemen well, and eau appreciate the enormous damage done there by the fire and eerthgaeke. John Crich, who died le Tuokeremith on Tuesday, at the age of 82 years, war tee last enrviving brother of Mee. Thomas, of town, and she ie now the last member of this woe large family. Prior to hie departure for the West Jouhna Peareo was honored by hie o^mradea m the machine room of de Organ Fact orv, in the presentation of te watch and ohatn, aooumpanled by an ad dress. A shooting match wee held at Exeter on Goo" Friday, the chief prizes falliks to the lot of C intoniaoe. J. E. Hovey got au opholetered chair; R. Graham and N. B'uett each got a writing desk ; Dr. 3 Gann got a razor, J. E. °sotalol h fir brush and the latter also won the highest aggregate score. David Tip,ady has Bold hie splendid property on the Base line, about a mile from town to J Henry, of Guelph, (ern of J. Henry, Blyth,) for the sum of $2150. There were 12e acree, with goud Mane and stable. The place is so desirable that Mr. Tip'.ody had several others anxio0e to buy. Mr. Henry gots posses Bion iu the Fall. It is Mr. Tiplady'e iu teetiantto move into town where he will either buy or rent a place. WI up. ham. F. G Sperling is able to be out again alter ht0 eer,oae eiokneae. Fifteen appioatione have been received for the position of leader of the Wiugham Band. 0 G. VanStone has cammenoed work on his new dwelling to be bunt on the corner of Patrick and Franeee streets. Rev. Mr. Fitch was in Brantford attending the annual meeting of the B,ptiat Oonvention of Ontario and Quebec'. Beattie Bros., of town, are about to dissolve partnerebip and will sell their string of fast horses by gonion at Toronto on April 26th. Jae. Duncan, lately Bandmaster of the W,neham band, baa soca to Coiling - wood, where he hue secured a eltaatiou, and bee an engagement to lead the Col. ingwood Band. Judge Bolt has elven hie decision in the ogee of Mien Fleoty vs. Alex. Orr for damagee in the 'bus accident, reoeut• ly referred to. Judgment wee given for the plaintiff for $153 and aceta. Rev. Wm. Lowe formerly of Wingbam, is succeeding fu hie new field of labor, The recent Easter Vestry meeting wee very eatiefantory• The oougregation /bowed their appreciation of hie services by increasing hie salary one bemired dollars. Another cheque to which the name of Dr. Ohieholm had been placed with. 001 hie know edge or coneeut, turned up at the Book The per0o0, who thus nese the dnotor'e good name, is evident. y getting bolder. He began with $23, and in this the third attempt, he hoe reached the nam of $200. Ae this last cheque was cubed in Carberry, it ap- peare that the renal is working his way Westward. As eoon ae the cheque 'tr. rived here,a telegram was Bent statin ,bat it waa forgery. g So. PAOL's Cannon —The Chnreh• wardens' finanaial report was most Numeral!' ng, showing a balance of $128.00, the largest for some years. Ocher reports were a as IYea a . tory, the different eootetioe hexing e romhined balamoa 1.f over $190.00 C. P -1m"h was eleole" Reator'e war. den, and J. H Kerr, Peeples' war. n -•r, for the ,.,.rnl int year. Teoe. Be.,, whn wished to be relieved of elite., wee teederei a very earnest id of 1hanne for bus els yoare' work, Other ofbee hearers were elected ae follows t—Vestry clerk, Dr. Holloway ; delegates to Synod, 3. Nethery and 0. J. Hnlheter ; Sideemen, A. 3, Alder. eon, 0 J Honieter. Al.x E P rter, 0. W. in., Ie, E Neer, 0 0 Ven I Ston'-, J. E M. Gni ,•, .,d J 11. K.,rr ; Aulbtora, A E. Smith and C. N. Grit, fiu, A motion was nnaaimoaely pane. atl dOOVoI'lni+ tetie*ei1 htetifdb0ed tit Ipyltlty and Deepen to the Entree. tobee of thaake were tendered %be Officers, the organist and the ohoir. A temporal to have a eurplioed ohoir was presented to the meeting but was poetponed to a ratan meeting. it=H RUIN WAS YELLOW, "I had only to try Dr, Hamilton'a Pills to appreciate their merit" writes Mies Annie S. Bryne, of Woodetook. My system was out of order. I had a nasty murky complexion. My akin was hard and dry. The first box of Dr. Hamilton's Pille made a oomp'ete ohmage, Healthy color oame Into my face. 1u about three weeks I wee oared," Dr. Hamilton's Palle effect an easy onre, Try these good pills, 25o. per box, or five boxes for the $1 00, t,'', all dealers, teeciderIOlt. Inepeotor Tom attended the meeting of the Ou,arko Eluoatioual Automation in Toronto. A now hardware More has been opened out iu the Dunlop block, Weet street, by Jasper Niuholeon. The management of the Goderioh breach of the Sterling Bank annennoe tbat the brauoh will be open for lamaineae no Tuesday, May let. Jae, A Straobao. of the Big MW, has been confined to the house for a week by a serious injury, caused by a piece of metal striking hie temple. The quarter oantury anniversary of the format,ou of the choir of Union church, Guderioh township, wee celebrated by a reouion at the manse, Eitel street, Fourteen of the Goderioh Mioatrele drove to Bayfield on Wedueeday of last week, and that evening gave au entertain meet in the Town Hall, ruder the pat. renege of the I. 0. F. The Oollee'ate Iuetitate board has ate. pointed A. N Meyer, B. A., as successor to R. N. Merritt ae mathematioal epeoi mist at the G. 0. I. Mr. Meyer ie at present engaged at Bestueville. The elevator is risingeteadily and the large number of heeds and teamenow employed by the contractor makee it look ae if the building will be ready for the reoaptiou of wheat on Dominiou Day. County Olerk Lane represented the Goderiob Lewn Bowlere at a general committee meeting held in London on Monday of leek week to consider matters connected with the creft of Old Country bowlere to Outerio this year. Final plane were not settled that day. At the meeting of the Royal Arab Chepter of the elaeoni0 Order ou Tneeday evening of last week Grand District De. paty E. L. Dickinson wee presented with a grand enporintendent's regalia, the presentation being made on behalf of the ohapler by Right Ex Comp. R Radcliffe. It is now understood that there will be three boat' rooming between this port and porta East and West during the Hummer. Two of them will take the Lake Erle and Georgian Bay route, call ing at Goderioh ou up and down tripe weekly, mobile the third will ran from Windsor to K",oard,ne, making three round tripe, nailing at this port six times, three up end three down, weekly. The death of Mre. Wm. Lane, the aged mother of County Clerk Lane, occurred On the 16,1, at the home of her eon, Jas. Lane, at Lanae, Ashfield township. The deceased had reaohed her ninety•eeooud year and died simply of old age. She was a native of Devonshire, and oame to Ws country with her husband and their iamb), in 1853. They oame West in 1861 and settled in Ashfield township. Mr. Lane died in 1895. Three sone and two daaghteresurv,ve, the eons being Jame(' Lane, of Ashfield; William, of Gods nob, clerk of Huron county, and Richard E., of Huron township, Bruce county ; and the daughters, Mrs. Vero Reed and Mrs. J. F. Andrews, of A.hfield. Mrs. Lane was very highly respected in the uommnn,ty iu which she lived, and her death makee another break in the early Battlers wbo did so much for the develop• ment of thie 000nty. Tae 0. P. R.—The heavy rails for this end of the 0. P. R. track are being de. livered et the dock. They are made by the Canadian Mille, Sault Ste. Marie. A large gang of men are cutting ont a foundation on Maodermott'e bank fur the abetment which will be boil% ou the hill s'ntti of the G. T. R. traok for the over. head bridge, and another large force of men and teame are outline into the hilt below the lighthouse, and filing in on the beach flats to make room for the new etatiou and traoke. The trestle work from the top of the Southern abutment along Squaw Island ie being built Sonth ward, and when completed it will be seed to place the eaperetraotare of the Ma,t• land River R. R. bridge in position The G. T. R. trackman are patting in a switch he connect with the 0 P. R., by which the oars of the G. T. R. will parry the iron work for the bridge to a position from which it oau be raised by crane on to the pieta and abatmente. It ie ex peoted that by the middle of May the work of placing the bridge in position will be in fall operation. REBUILD YOUR TIRED, ACHING BODY. Winter has lett you in a skate of fatigue acid wearineee. 'L'be vitality of your blood is gone. Your nerves are wretchedly weak and you find it hard to sleep. The temptation to "brace up" with an alcoholic mixture is great,—bub it's ueeieesneee ie plain to everyone. Better follow Nature's plan ; its al. Ways Il Bare One. First create new appetite. Improve year digeeuou. Perteet the process of assimilation, Thia will encore a ea b ppIy o t rich nonriebtng blood. Healthy blood goon makee a healthy body,iced x (*Mem fed are doh by P blood ie bound to gain in energy and etrength• To get well and stay well use the food tonin "Ferrozone" whish is oom• pneed of concentrated vegetable extracts that supply nutrition that every eickly person nestle, N , metier bow long you've been in poor hennb, Ferroz me wail win von beak like 0 di'l Mee Sortie E Hislop of Whitby, Ont. who writes 1 "Per rezone not only bring, health to %be eiok, bot sae power to care quickly. After being eor fined to bed with eiok tees, I eeemed unable in make any headway on the road to oomplete health. fly vt nifty wag tow and I wed in gnat nerd of strength My neree torte wee gone, and from headaehea and pour sleep I was in bad straights, Ferrozone 1 1 !- ^SrrY.l T,;.sa.wlritth a•,dkaskwi;...L. i =.•'yYwm..,u„n. .La B f,,•�•.cvr..�lrr mew tet®rbrm,rir�emlra®.r+• Misses h-Iabkirk 3 re war's_ Wish to announce that they will not have any Special Millinery Display this sea- son. Our Spring stock has arrived and is ready for your inspection any time. With many Thanks for past favors and hoping for a ooh. tinuance of the same, we shall be pleased to show you the latest in Spring Millin- ery for 1906 was jolt what I needed. It fnoreased my etrengtb, gave me a new Natalie entirely. I need about eigbt bones and was made perfectly well, n'ly doctor thieke Ferrozone a wandertol cure." Your drugglet sella it in 50a boxes or six boxes for $2 60 By mail from N. 0 Po eon & Co., Hartford, Conn„ U. S. A. and Kingston, Ont. ONCE AGAIN The Bu if Orpington Heade theliet in the Egg Lavine Couteet, Loudon, England. The Model Firm Report Bays:—"They are the beet Winter layers, also grand Utility Breed." My pane are Standard Bred from Prize Wipnmg Stook and are in better Shape to supply egge for hatohiug than ever before. Eggs, 81.00 Per Set JOHN WRIGHT Teo Orpington Man, anneals. 40.6 GRAIN CHOPPNG The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, Bran, Shorts, &c., always in stock and sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building 0 0 l) Keo mete ID wee IVEW CARPETS, &C. FOR SPRING 11.1010Ii 1 t1I,'l a11t,'le'Ielingdn,11k'1a Carpets, .at', l![attings, Linoleums Oil Cloths and Rugs Our stock in the above lilies is now complete and ready for yo':r infcpecli ,n and comprises all the new idea- iu Colors, styles and Patterns and for variety to select from is greater than all the stocks in town put together CARPETS 3 -Ply Wool Carpets ; 2.Ply Wool Carpets ; Velvet Carpets ; Brus• sets Carpets ; 2, -Ply Wool Carpets ; 2 Ply Union Carpets ; Tapestry, Wool, Union and Hemp Stair Carpets. LINOLEUMS Linoleums 2 and 4 yards wide and a great assortment to -select from. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS Floor Oil Cloths in the following widths -1, 11, 1 and 2 yards and a lot of patterns to choose from. RUGS In Velvets, Wools,Ucions and Tapee r s from 21 yards by 8 yards to si yards by 4 yards, at prices that are right. Carpet Lininginplain felt and padded,also Stair Plates and Pads. B .6. WordAbout Shades We are experts in the Window Shade business. If you want shades for your house let Its give you an estimate of the cost. We use Hartshorn Rollers and will replace any one that dons not give satisfaction. W4dh,'Id'kIV,'Ib'4i'10'tPlJlh'4dW egeieeee Leatherdale & Son BR, U SSELS Oranges Lemons Bananas Spanish Onions Dates Figs Fish and Oysters High Grade 50. Cigars High Grade Chocolates The Hosie of Good Old Cheese and 27c, Tea IMPORTANT NOTICES THREE YOUNG SHORTHORN 1 Hulls for sale, eligible for registra- tion. Apply to JAB. 6P10110, Lot 30, Con. O, Morris. Brussels 2.0, 28.tf BERTHA C.—ARMSTRONG Is prepared to give leesoua on Piano or Beed Organ. Terme on aaplloat,uu. Poetotilee address—llrueenle. lieolueuce— Lot e, Con. 10, Orey. Pupils may !rave their Immune at their own homes 11 preferred. GOOD TOWN PROPERTY FOR Sale on which le large brick house, stable, drilled well, (intern, fruit garden, An., 51 acres of laud on Jobe and James et., Brussels Terms reaeouable. Apply to 30118 MOFADDEN on Premises or F. 8. 8OOTT, Brunets. MiSS MARGARET M'LAOCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. F1OR SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers her 100 euro farm, bemng Loa 20, Con. 7, 14rey, for sale or to root. Comlortable noose, hunk burn, orchard, wells, &a. Farm in only i of a mile from the ettr-fug village of Ethel. For fur- ther purtioulare apply to F. S. Soots, Brea - eels, or MRS. EA'110 HOLLAND, 78 Stutter 8t,eet, Toronto. 17.8n1 PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undersigned offers his house and lot, situate 00 0,111 street, Britannia, for sale. 1t to weltleeated,a convenient and comfor- table bongo. Poeeession eau be given at 0000. Will Mao sen the Nemeth tut, ouruer of Mill and Eliz.ibeth streets, which would make a fine kubdiug site. For further par - tutelars is to price. terms, &o., apply to ABED. ADA44d, Hardware Dealer, Fora- men. 80.4 ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- DennmNen offers his 100 acre farm, being sl Let 10, Coe.4, Mirrin, for sale. 75 acres insured and all under grans excepting 6 neree. Farm w. 11 adapted for pasture, a never failing spring crena thus through it. I bare ie a comfortable frame house, flue milk bnru6 tacit square, pig pen and nee 00000 20x50, and shad 40040; small orchard. Posseseiou given au) tlwu. For further particulars apply en tier• preudeos or ad - areae Brussels P 0. BO.11. HE001110, Praprietur; or to F. B. Scow, Brussels. 00-tf STOCK FOR SERVICE. BSERVICE.--THE FOR SERVICE—THE undersigned will keep for servloe on Lot 19, Con. 10, they, a Thorn' -bred Durham Bull. Pedigree may be seen on epplioatlon. Terme 61.25 with privilege of returning, 32.11 3le0. BROWN, Proprietor, 1.1 FOR SERVICE.—THE uudereigned will keep for service on Lot 9, Coo. 9, Grey the Thoth' bred Durham 3011,'•Boyal e.agte," sired by "Royal Kit - abetter." Pedigree may be eeeu ou applica- tion, Term, 31.50 per cow, with pr,vilege of returuing 1f ueoeeeary 40.1 0. ROZELL, Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE uuderetgned will keep for servic0 00 Lot 21, Oeu.. 12,Grev, the pure bred Aber- deen Auguo bull, "Lor,! Thumae 13," aired by "God«,boll Chief," the mouton bull of l amide. Pedigree may be Been on applica- tion, Terme 32.00 with privllnue of retnrn- mg 1f neeee0rry. J. M.I0N1GHr, 80 11 Proprietor. 'QOAR FOR SERVICE. --THE L) undersigned will keep for service on Lot 21,Ouu. l2, Grey, the Improved nen. shire Hoar, " Pal, vie w Goldfluder," No 15495. Pedigree may be Seen on uptillmatiou. Terme—$1.00, or 01 26 euou for two or m000; eerkehire HOWE $8 00. All who are 1, throat- ed In raising the Ideal Hatton Bog and the hog that will make the most money mould tee this bog before using guy other. 8711 J. P. MOIN'@)BH, oraubrouk P.O. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS a NT even numbered notion of Domlolon Lauda In elaultoba, Bueketahewao and Alberta. axoeming e uud 10, oat reserved, may be homesteaded by any person wbo le the Bole 13(801 Of u boldly, Or any mare over to yearn of ago, to the extent of ane -quittor motion of 100 Kerne more or lees. Entry mar be made peruonally at the local laud oi0oe for the dlntrlot lu wbloll the laud is situate. The bomeeteador ie regttirod to perform the ooudltione oouuected therewith under 0110 of the following plane : (1) At lest Mxmm and oultiv,tlun of the hied'in oathinimu year uponyear three ooare, (2) If the (ether Inc mother, i1 the father is deeeaseo) of tbe homesteader realdea upon a farm In the viui• lty of the land entered fur the requirement(' as to resi- dent) may be ea lifted by each person re- siding with the father or wotbor. If the settler bin donee upon !analog s land permanent owned by bmw in the vicinity o1 hie homestead, the re- qub'emoute as to residence may be wide- ned by reaideuee upon the said land, Six mouths nation in writing should be given to ale Commissioner of 1)omlulon Land, at Ottawa 0f leteuttou to apply for patent, W.W. 00107. Deputy of lb e Minister of Interior. N. B. Uuautherized publication o1 thie ad- vertisement will not be paid tor, SMITH & STEWART House, Sign and Carriage Paint- ers. Ornamental and Scene Work and Paper Hang- ing a Specialty. Quotations Furnished on Application SHOP 'llurnberry St., Brussels ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL. STEAMERS To Liverpool Triple Sorow Stnamere— VICTOttI,tN and VIRGINIAN Turbine Engine—No Vibration The Finest and Fastest —oN— THE CANADIAN ROUTE From Montreal From Quebec Parisian May 3, 9 ate Clay 8, 0 p.m Virgmbin hia1111, 4 ......May 10, 8 I'm Islam 1fay117, 0 " ,.....May 17, 0 e Victorian May 24, 4 " .nay 24, 1 " Rates of Passage First Chase—$76 and upwards, according Lo steamer. beeoud Class—$42 10 and up, 000 n,llug to et, anter. Third Clans— 02750 and 82075. For further particulars, rates and tlakete apply to 00 11. KEIt0, Agout Allau Liue, Brussels, Tomato nag and Metal Co'y PAYS CASH For Rap, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &c , &e. Highest Prices for All H. ROSEN K. LABEL Mill st West, Brussels SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works Can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. PAGE FENCING THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST When you buy a knife for instance, you Besides the extra strength and superior consider the quality of the steel in the workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip - blade. The biggest andheaviest knife isnot ped in i. special white paint, which on necessarily the best. Now there is just as top of the best of galvanizing, will longtheri much difference in the quality and strength the life of wire for years. And, also, ibis of steel in fence wire as white coating makes wire there is in a knife blade or much more sightly. razor. The Page Co. use Owing to the great a high carbon steel strength and elasticity of ire which though it E w PALL £socio g onc- fencing, costs you but little more, r .I� � ; third less poste are re - is fifty per cent. (so°%,) "!!lt!� vtJ: till , ureal, thus reducing the ; 1 q s stronger wire in other l g cost of the fencing. g A s fences. ThelightestPAGE As you get in PAGE fence is ae strong as the FENCES one-half heaviest of other makes. more fenceran t tN e , g Notice the Iodic in PAGE greater protection against "EMPIRE"FENCE. You THE LOCK IN PAGE NM, better workmanship, may have noticed also that "EMPIRE" FENCES, better appearance, nsd others are imitating loss posts, can you effete) it. That is a good recommend for it. to use other fences, even though you could Where we lead others follow. buy thein for one-half tho price of the All PAGE wire is "COILED," not PAGE? But, really ours cost you crimped. little, if any afore. 403 Get prices before placing your order for Fence Gates or Lawn Fence. N. B. GERRY, BLYTASo' 1 nd CUTHBERTSON,ATwoo» ROM, CLOSE ETLf17L }Erected b i G H• HARRIS, Fonowlell W. rt..Iit,MP.�it1L,S & SUN ISALTofa •