HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-26, Page 3i t3 d00000coo1000c00000p' 11 YOUNG FOLKS D000o0.0o oo 00•oo•o-o oG GoO0 WIItN MOTHER LOOKS. T'mealier Buell a lot of Ihinge That happened long ago, When me fur' An were six years old - An' now we're ten or so; But these that I rerneniber best-. The ones I 'most can see - Are the things that used to happen When mother looked at me. One lima, In church, when me an' Jin Was snickerhh' out loud - The minister \US prayin', an' The people's beads was bowed - We had the biggest kind of folio About a humble ion; But things got gtdut rather qulok When mother looked at mo. An' then there'd sometimes when I think i've had such lots of fun A -gain' in swinnuin' with the boys -Down there by Jones's run; ,But when I got back borne again, hist 'bout In fume i'or tea - There's a kind of <lifFeent feeling comes Whet,. mother looks at me. That time when I was awful sick An' the doctor shook his head, An' every Lime pa came around MIs eyes were wet and red, 1 'member her hands on my taco - How soft (boy rased Io be - Somehow the point seemed easier When mother looked at me. T1IE WRONG WORD. Bessie came in from school and sat down before her mother. There was a solemn expression on her face. Her another looked down at her with a smile, wailing for her to speak. "is it right to tell things that you have heard at school?" she asked, somewhat timidly, "Not unless it con do someone good, and would not be telling another's se- cret." said her mother, quietly. "Oh, this will do good, and it is about some one in our family, so it is our secret." "About Bobbie, isn't it?" asked her mother, for mother's hearts tell them more ikon their ears sometimes. "Yes. The girls -the little girls down In Bobble's room -say that sometimes he does not know anything I" declared Bessie, whose eyes were wide with her news. The lust word had come out with strong emphasis. "Why, I think he Hurst have learned something," said her mother, smiting. "They say the teacher has a dreadful Sime tidal him, and makes him say the things over after her, and sometimes he teems in know them, and the very next day he doesn't," "1 will see when he ,Demes in what It Is n.11 about," salt mother. PresentlyBobble came In from school. Ile had stayed again after others, d t yg to h Ind his eyes were red from crying. "Como here, Bobble," said his mother. '1 want to ask you about your school. Can't you learn your lessons?" "I always know my lessons, but tba teacher says 1 don't." "Give me your book," said his mo- ther. "Read this for me." Bobble rend the little paragraph. Ile made no mistake, and his mother asked him to spell the words. This he did perfectly. She looked inquiringly at Bessie, who slit proudly by. "1L wasn't ,true," Bes- sie whispered. "Why does your teacher say that you 10 not know your lessons'?" asked his mother, "Just because 1 don't know what a 'Danser` is. I haven't any at home. i never saw One." Bobble's lip was quivering and his eyes were filling with tears. "Every time she asks me to give her a nanser, T tell her I can't" Mother took Bobble up in her lap, and when she saw that Bessie was going to laugh, she sent her to look down the street for tho postman, and then she said to Bobbie : I see that you do know your lessons just as nice as can be, but you have not known what .the teacher meant. It isn't a nanser-lt is an answer. When I say 'answer me; you know what I mean, don't you?" Bob- bie's face was beginning to clear. "When she says, 'Give me an answer,' she means tell her about the lesson." "Oh, site asks me the lesson and i answer her ?" said Bobbie, in great wonder. "Why, to -morrow when she asks mo I will toil her all the number work." And he did, for another mean- ing had been made plain to him, and another word was added to his short list• GETTING AN INVITATION. • A strange minister came to a little country town to preach. Alter the ser- vice was over, ho mingled with the con- gregation, expecting that someone would invite him to dinner. One by one, however, the congrega- tion departed, offering the hungry min• Wee no hospitality, and he began to feel anxious. Where was he to eat? As the least deacon was leaving the church, the minister rushed up to him and shook hien warmly by the hand. "1 want you to come home and dine with me," the minister said. "Why where do you live?" said the deacon. "About thirty tulles frons here. The deacon reddened. "Oh, you ranine and dine With me instead," he said. RECOVERING A LOST INDUSTRY. At '.hlhornhent, in Norfolk, England, the sehoolmastor has (aught the village Inds the art of hand -wrought ironwork to shah purpose' that this 131114111 plaeo promises to recover a lost industry 'nh' England, Skilled London artists now send thole designs to Thernbam ter• osecntion rather than abroad, while the King lens bean one of tho first to rocas, nine the melts of the Work that is done, The schoolmaster ants 08 man• ager in the unique movement, -..�--..-.4-... Haven is reserved for the religious ifs compensation for the many goon units they miss 011 1@rth, "!1'ftiSONER" NO MOHR, Erring Soldiers in English Arley Will Only be "Detained." The "black sheep" of the army are to benefit by Mr. Haldane's amendments to the Annual Army Act, and Imprison- ment for purely mililalry offences will he abolished. leer the future the erring soldier will he "delnlned,' and the plea of his punishment will be known Its "daten-) Mon hermits," A memornnrhnn published the other day explains that the object of This clause. Is to prevent soldiers convicted of purely milliary offences from being sul'lected lo the stigma attaching to imprisonment. The change Is line more than a change in nomenclature. All prisoners and detention men will in future he able to earn a remission of thelr sentences by good comfort. and the 11150 of the leech and at in prisons will be prohibited in the service, A SPRING DANGER. Many People Weaken Their Synlonls by Dosing With Purgative Medicines. A spring medicine scents to be a ne- cessity. Nature demands it as an 'fid l , enriching the blood and carrying off the impurities that have accumuhuod during the indoor life of the winter months. Thousands of people, recog- nizing the necessity for a spring medi- cine, dose themselves with harsh, grip- ing purgatives. This is a mistake. Ask any doctor and he will tell you that the use of purgative medicines weak- ens the system and cannot possibly cure disease. in the spring the system needs building up -purgatives weaken. The blood should he made rich, red and pure -purgatives ennot do this. What is needed is a tonic, and the hest tonic medical science has yet devised is Dr. \\1111ams' Pink Pills. Every dose of this medicine actually makes new, rich blood, and this new blood strengthens every organ and every port of the. I ody. '!'hat is why these pills banish i.nngles and unsightly skin eruptions. Thal is why they sure headaches and backaches, rheumatism and neuralgia end a host of other troubles that come from poor, watery blond. That Is why the men and women who use Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills eat well and sleep well and feel active and strong. Mrs. Albert. E. Sampson, L'Ardolse. N. S. says: "1 have used Dr. \Venoms' Pink Pills with the grcnlest benefit. i know of no medicine that can equal them in building up people who are weak or tun down." When buying these pills see that the full name, "Dr. \Venoms' Pink Pills ter !rete People; is printed nn the wrapper around the box. You can gel the pills from any medicine dealer nr by moil of 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 from the Dr., Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. TO REPEAL OLD SCOTS LAWS. Quaint Enactments Against "inglis men" and Football. Entertainment is seldom to be had from a schedule of a British Parliamen- tary Bill, but 126 pages, containing Lho names of obsolete Scottish Acts from 1424 I. 1707, which the Lord Advocate of Scotland wishes to repeal, supply at once a lesson in the Scots dialect and an amusing commentary on life In Scotland in .the hliddle Ages, and. In- deed, down to the Union of the Parlia- ments. The Acts in question have ceased to bo of value because the stale of things contemplated no longer exists, sir by mere lapse of '.line. We quote the more interesting titles, with the date : 1424. -Of slauchler of salmonde in Lyme fo'bodyne be the how. 1424. -Of strangeris That sellis met•- chnndise in the realme and takis mone Mirror. 1424. --Of playing at the fut ball. 1424.-Anentis heretil<Is and lollardis. 1424,-01 wapynschawingls (archery later, rifle meetings). 1426. -Anent the sawing (sowing) ui quhete peas (while peas) and bents. 1427. -Anent tipper (leper) tolls. • 1436.-Tuiching tho selling of sal - monde to tnglismen. 1455. -Thal na Scotilsman bring in the reolnle ony Inglismen. 1475.-01 courtis of guerre (war eau els). 1487 (by an extraordinary misprint given in the bill "1847"). -Of the oxen - cion of the act anent .the cumin to Courts in sobre and quiet wise, 1488. -Thal the Castell of Dumber be dest'oytt. 1540. -Thai the army of Scotland be unhorsit except greit baronis. 1540, -For scenting (printing, Caxton was working at Westminster at the end of the preceding century) of the Adis of Parliament 1567. -Anent the disnissloun of the Crowne (Mary's to Jones V1.). 1592.-Againis (against) it:suites. 15113. --Ancon the materna (customs duty) to be Lane (taken) of Englische bear. 1000. -Act anent the Egiptians (gyp, saes, cf. Barrle's "Little Minister."). 1021. -Anon( banqueting and apparel). The most frequent title in .the series is "for the freedom of Holy Church" or a variation thereof. SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN. There is no telling when a medicine may be needed in homes where there are little ones, Therefore, the pru- dent mother will always keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets on hand. These Tablets promptly cure ihdigeston, colic, sour stomach, constipation, char - sheen and teething troubles. They break up colds, prevent croup, expel worms, and give the child sound na- tural sleep. Mothers have the guarantee of a government analyst that these Tab - leis contain no opiate or poisonous scthing stuff. Mrs. 3. C. Gildart, Pros- ser Brook. N. D„ says; "Baby's Own .Tablets act 11ko eagle when a little one Is i11, and I wauld'nol feel sato without a box it the house" You can get Baby's Own Tablets from your meds - eine dealer or by mail et 25 cents a box from the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co„ Brookville, 0111, Exectitve ability is the capacity ier living oft. other Is1enie labor. SUNLIGHT SOAP LEAVE t44_ ikwi,„v QieeatwiRd , RINSE WELL LIG WAY Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbing and boiling are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfect! white, woolens soft and fluffy. The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chemrcais - indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt -removing proper- ties of soap that is nothing but soap. Equally good with hard or soft water. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soup if you and any cause for complaint. 155 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO LONDON ROMANCE. Mother of Foundling Sends Pathetic Request to Guardians. How often have writers of fiction based their plots. upon some helpless inundling. here is a pathetic case in which the Lambeth Guardians decided lo orange for the entrance into a home of an unknown babe, found on the door- step of Mrs. 1•lorford, of Hercules Road, Lnmheth, London, England. Will the ehlld were a Lin of milk and a loaf of bread. There was also the fol- lowing letter: -- Kind Friend, -Please be kind to my little boy. I am dying, and no one knows how 1 feel. 11 almost breaks my heart to part with him. 1f you won't lake him in, please do not lake him to the workhouse, but place him in a home. His father has died in Africa from dys- entery. I have spent my last shilling to get him his food. I shall end my troubles soon. God grant that someone may be kind to my pet and love him. He is a dear little lad -From your broken- hearted Edith %Vinton. The guardians, after consultation, asked one of the lady guardians to make arrangements for the admission of the child into a home. NO MISTAKE ABOUT THIS CASE DODD'S KIDNEY !'ILLS CURE A YOUNG MAN WIiO HAD REACH- ED A VERY CRiTICAL STAGE OF KIDNEY DISEASE. Ills Case Was More Serious Than He Thought, But Thames to Dodd's Kid- ney Pills Ile is Well and Strong Now. St. Leolin, G1o. Co., N. 13., April It - (Special). -Mr. Patrick Downing, of this place, Is a young man only twenty years of age, but some tine ago kidney disease had him firmly in its grip and hod it not been for Dodd's Kidney Pills Ice would probably not have been alive to -day. 1 think the cause of my trouble was overwork,' says Mr. Downing, "any- way it began with a heavy dragging call in toy back and across my loins. 'then i was subjeet to headaches, crump in the muscles, dizzy spells and weak- nc_as till 1 telt fit for nothing. But. the worst symptom of my case was when I noticed my urine was streaked with blood, then 1 knew that my kidneys were effected. Hearing of Dodcl's Kid- ney Pills 1 sent for some and i am pleased to say the pains hnvo 111 gone since using them and I am well and strong as ever 1 was." NORTHER LIGE ASSURANCE COMPANY 11111,19, PROGRESSIVE COM WANT A NUMBER OF General arndL€,oJi AgeR {i t& To those who can write Insurance a liberal contract will be given. Apply, stating age, and experience of any), to JOHN MILNE, Managing Director, London, Ont! STAL1 ERS The Arnott Method is the only logical method for the cure of Stammering. It treats the CAUSE, not merely the HABIT, and insures natural speech. Pam- phlet, particulars and references sent. on request. Address THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BEIILiN, ONTARIO. tf-•3rt-34-i:(+04-0$ t-4- ) + (•+ STARR'S MACH' RHEUMATIC CURE Guaranteed to OURS RHEU.\LLTI$AI-- Acute, Inlhunmator or yy, Chemie : also neyNeuralgia, Ss, Iltmatica, li o Uric and all i{i,o oyo troubles, Rim ed arm acid from the -¢ system ; glens oa bottle to noel. Don't due's,, but amid for a bott.e at once. lorn- dredaBo,se have Co. hoed sural. The Osborne Remedy Ce„Toronto. Ont. $1.00 per bottle. 4 +3:E4- f+ t-} ¢);f$) +#•F 4 + (+3a FEATHER DYEING Cicada, and O, ling cad Hld Olora leaned 'rb., sae bo coot Lr poet. 1a car ec 15, wa plan L ORIT031I AMERICAN DIMING C3, 1101rs¢sAL. TH2 ETER DROU��' T �o� COSem.. Onta . Can 4 prnWeaRoc1h Btor doh .,t ,mo+i gr Canoes,5hith5urrktt' Sutra fun CATA106UE A145 GROWPRIIISBtrsie SOUL, Statistics show that the sooner a n an allows his wife to have the last word the sooner the controversy will end. Piles - Itching, Blind and Bleeding "-Cured in three to six nights. Dr. Agnew's Ointment Is peerless in cur• ing. One application gives instant te- ller. it cures all itching and irritating skin diseases, Chaffing, Eczema, Plc. 35 con' 3.-143. A slip of the tongue is often more dis- astrous than a slip of the foot. 111 fitting boots and shoes 081150 corns. Holloway's Corn Cure Is the ar- ticle to use. Get a bottle al once and Cure your Corns. it is perfectly proper to carve out your own fortune, but ,you should not chisel other people in doing it. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is boot when uaocl in the Sunlight way. Buy sanlight Seap and follow direction "Row did that lawsuit of yours re - atilt 7" "1 won' it." "Get damages 1' "Yes. 1 got almost enough to pay my lawyer 1" � It Lays a Stilling hand on Pain. -For pains in the joints and limbs and Moi rheumatic pains, neuralgia and lundta. go, Dr. 'Phomas' Ecleelrio 011 is with- out a pee'. Well rubbed in, the skin absorbs it and it quickly and perman- ently relieves the affectedart t P Is value lies in its magnetic property of removing pain from the body, and for that good quality It Is prized, Reiween en ordinary cold and the grip the difference is the size of the doctor's bill. THIS GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. This pioneer and popular railway of Canada can now boast of the longest double • track railway in the world under one management, its main• lino being double tracker) from St, Johns, Quo,, to Niagara halts and Chicago. It hes the fittest road bed in Canada Over which some of the fastest long- distance trains In the world are 01351a - ted. Tho 'International Limited," run- ning between Montreal ani) Chicago, has become known as the "!Railway Grey- hound of Canada" and the finest and fastest train In the Dominion. Pour express trains each way daily except Sunday and two fast limited trains each way daily are operated be- tween Montreal and Toronto, Modern and luxurious trains with Cafe parlor and library cars on day trails anti Pull- man sleeping oars on night trains. 11 your children are troubled Willi worms, give thele Mother braves' Worm'Extermnhnator; safe, sure and ef- (ectual. Try it and mark the improve" went its your o1111d. QUEEN DISLIKES CRUELTY. Our Beautiful Queen Never Wears O prey Feathers. Queen Alexandria never allows fashion's dictates to override the womanly tenderness of her nature, in response to a inemnrtal, signed by the purhess of Portland, from the Royce. Society for the Protection of Birds, her Majeely authorized the following letter in he sent to the soctely. It was read at the annual meeting the other day, and said :-- "The Queen desires me to say, in answer to your letter, that she gives you, as president, full permission to tis•' her name in any way you 11111114 best to conduce to the protection of birds. You knew well how kind old humane tine Queen is !n all living creatures, and I am desired to add that her Majesty never wears osprey feathers herself and will certainly do all in her power to dis- courage the cruelty practiced on these. brattlitu) birds." The Marquis of Granby, who pre- sided at the meeting, said that woman s fashions were still the greatest obsta- cles In the path ni the society. "lf ladies would give up the, attempt which ninny IA them were making to Wear the breeches, and at the sane time t'ennunee the wearing of aigrettes, they would be furthering the cause of humanity and doing more to establish their influence in the world Man they were doing by their efforts to secure the suffrage." t it Retains Old and Makes New Friends. -Time was when Dr. Thomas' tielcelric Oil had hitt a small field of distribution, but now Its territory is widespread. ']hose win first recognized its curative qualities still value it as a specific, and while It retains its old friends it is ever making new. 11 is certain that whoever once uses it will not be without it. Mamma : "What would my little girl do If mamma should go away 7" Little Fiona : I don't know. 1 suppose 1'd have to try to box lay own ears myself when I wes naughty!" Discouraged Stomachs. - Could you wonder at the delicate organs of diges- tion refusing to be helped and comfor- ted when day after day they are liter- ally "drowned out" by strong tonics, bitters and hurtful nostrums Common sense came into Medical Science when It evolved the tasty tablet dose and dis- covered a God -send to humunlly in Dr. iron Stan's pineaple tablets formula. 35 cents. -144 Conceited Young Man: "I wonder why that young lady over there looks at me so much?" Sarcastic Young Lady : "She has weak eyes, and Ilse doctor told her to relieve them by look- ing at something green." SOALI wino is a disgusting and obstinate disease, frequent in children, treatment: Per- fect cleanliness a,ld a generous ap lioatim, of Weaver' Comte. blethers will be glad to learn this. Edgar : "Well, Ethel, what did you find at that wonderful tare sale?" Ethel:"Ohl Edgar, 1 got, some lovely silk stockings at ten cents a hah!There is not a thing life mailer with them ex- cept the feet are buret off I" A Sure Cure for. Headache.-Bilimis headache, to which women are more subject than men, becomes so acute in soma subjects that they are utterly pros- trated. The stomach refuses food, and there is a constant and distressing c1- Ierl to free the stomach from bile which has become unduly secreted there. Pa•melee's Vegetable Pills aro a speedy alterative, and In neutraliz- ing the effects of the intruding bile re- lieves the pressure on the nerves which cause the headache. Try them. Two thousand uninhabited islands lie. between Madagascar and the Indian coast. "Love Laughs at Locksmiths" as South American Kidney Cure laughs at din. ease, lt's the seemingly impossible doom to d%sense that it unlocks that makes its cures almost, incredible. But for every cure there is a proof it you cam to investigate. it is a liquid kid- ney specific and it never fails. Makes and keeps men "Jit" and well. -142 "George, did you know Met I wits go- ing to marry your sister?" "Well, 1 ttcnrd her say so, lat she's had that idea ahout so many other fellows. lint I didn't feel sure about it till you told n10." NO ns5'E8 9fCE No distinction is made as to the kind of Pilots that Dr. Leonhardt'a Item-Roid cures. The names Internal, External, Bleeding, Blind, Itching, Suppurating, etc., are sim- ply names of the different stages through Which every case will pass if it continues long enough. Piles aro caused by congestion or stagna- tion of blood in the lower bowel, and it takes all intes nal remedy to remove the cause. Dr. Leonhardt's Beni -Reid is a tablet taken internally. It is a permanent once and no wase of Piles has ever been found it failed to cure. Money hack if it does. A guarantee with every package. Price 81.00 at any druggist's, or the !Wilson -Fyfe Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 2 A QUES'i'ION OP LOCATION. • The Advocate -Where did the defen- dant kiss you, mademoiselle? Pretty Platntllf -On the Lips. sir. No, no, you don't understand. I mean where were you When he kissed you? Pretty Plaintiff (blushing) -in his arms, air. ........,a+..a.".,n,..a..-..,,".......,.�.-., let `e r:4.• ,�;�inrT✓'� 711 0wtt The Largest Sled Food Factory la The World. It corers over a city bleak, eoetairie Over 18 acme of floor space, cost $senate. Size of our oOlce 162x120, 305 office people, 150 lyrcwntere and we vee fifty million letter heodo and envelapee every Scar.'A. Car- load every 50 dopa. Our chemical laboratory is one of the best. Our Mace is one of the great sights of the business world. hinny very vjpemelt concerns advertise large buildings. We invite yon 00 it one factory and sec that we have everything we claim. Manufactured and Guaranteed by Iaternallooal Saee& Fad Co, "International Stack Food" "International Poultry Faod" "international limy Cure" "international Louse Slifer" 'International Vlore Powder' ("lalemellonsl Distemper Core" " lnt,rnallonal Gall Cure" " Ieleraatieant Fool Remedy" "Slicer Pine heeling 011" "[nlernetlonel Calk Cure' "lutermtioaal Compound Absorbent's "Iniergallansl Sheep Dip" "lalernstlooal ?hem Wore" "International noel Ointment" "Das Patch Stable Dialutrehol" " iolernatioaal Ramo Soap" Also "Jewel Incubators" and Brooders, and Jewel Chick and Hen Feed, DAN PATCS i,aay, MAILED FREE. We kava a Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our Champion Pacer, Dan natal 1:5551x, size 16224. Free of advertising, fine picture for framing, gives an the records made by our pacing wonder. We wilt mall you one free. postage prepaid, if you will write us how much stock you own and name this paper. Write at once to INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO., Minneapolis, FlInn., U.S.A. r '� 'I v,.'ll,�. ,-.;- /,�4 , tit.' Nva f , v .Gi �.l��r i`y' Two thousand designs suitable for all classes of work such as Churches, Schools, Stores, Halls. Also special designs for /louses, Kit- che)s, Dining-Roonls, etc. Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped- lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm Douses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crack or fall off. Avoid Accidents by Usiing Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. !,lade to fit any size room and can be nailed en by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses painted all ready to apply. 0111 CATALOGUE. NO. 44 C, D13C0nYRFC MANY DESIGNS. WRITE FOR iT. iT COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRITE TO -DAY. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE MMOHTOEAL, QUE. 'rt OHT. 70200170. OHr. LOHDOH, reT, 117 Craig 81. I b2) Snsesz 8t. "Ir1)olborno Ot 10 Dundas SL IJ Wtuxa YOUR Y7tsnrsT Orsic8 WINNIPEG, YANOOUYER .0- 70 Lombard Bt. At6 Pande0r at. Heade Office and Works, - - Oshawa, Ont., Canada WIlestern Canada To annelat od tondo in l from two rnilwu C.P.R. d G.T.P. Strong soil do arty S 5. I ur railway, Strong soli, 00 par cont. Indian land, . Price creole no sloughs Ab;:ut 40 miles N.B. of Iudfan Head, Price ta0.60 per acre. Write for map and fell particulars. R• PARcONS, 91 Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada. w'iELL TRAINED. "Do you think my dress is long enough behind, Jack Y' "011, plenty, dear. Any mirrebe that can escape Mut isn't worth catching." Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is agreeable to the taste, and is a certain relief for irritation of Um throat that causes hacking coughs. If used w- arding to directions it will break the most persistent. cold, and restore the err passages to their normal healthy con- dition. There is 110 need to commend emit 01 1 n '11 g11M aDlllut83 0so111 01 1r1 wino seelc a sure remedy and are in doubt what to use, the advice is -try Rickle's Syrup. MIGHT IMPROVE IF BOTTLED. "My daughter Is just full of music," saki the fond parent. "What a pity she lets it escape," said the neighbor. South American Nervine makes the whole system radiant in perfect health. 11 accelerates circulation, enriches the blood, penetrates to the very centres et nerve force, builds tissue, maks and i.eeps people well. This wonderful remedy has had a charmed experience and hes done lis greatest work In cases tient the medical fraternity had pronounced hopeless -140 Reality is said to he only skin deep, hitt many a woman's beauty depends upon the size of her bank balance, WEAN WATICRY BLOOD causes mush trouble. That tired feelinD and many more symptoms the in its wake. 'Pry Personal." I Leal tonic to make you strong and well. AB drugl'Ists sell it. KING'S CURB FOB DRUNKENNESS. Dr. T. G. Pinches, speaking at the University College, London, the other day, on the Assyro-Babylonian anti- quities at the British Museum. quoted the following inscription, which ap- peers on one of the monuments : "Tile eggs of an owl given for throe days in wine bring on a drunkard's us: i•inesl. The dried lung of sheep taken before- hand drives away drunkenne ts. The, ashes of a sw'allow's beak ground up with myrrh and sprinkled in the wine which Is drunk will make secure from drunkenness. Hems, Icing M the As- syrians, found this otil.:' AND HE MEANT iT. It was at the children's tea party and Wiilie west sobbing bitterly while the hostess tried in vain to filed out what was the matter. "Won't Willie have some more nice cake?" "No," roared Willie, . "I don't want any cake," "Wellhave a nice big piece of pie, Willie 7" "I don't want any pie," yelled Willie. "Well, for goodness sake what do yon want," asked the hostess in deepen - Oen, "I want some of this out that I've got tn, sobbed Willie. What ill Merely caution 18 often Mts. taken !or Morality. OLD VIRGINIA FARMS ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE F"EE. LARGEST LIST 1011 SALE IN TNT STATE O'8aEL6All&pH�rsrt- 0000.,gRIO011itdp01110, mitaNLi.- R^aORIO' Bal king, Shying,or any kind of a habicured in a few boort by my system. Particulars free, PDL 11011 . RRBT, Pleased ESL Mc BOYS AT HIGH SCHOOL -A FREE COLLEGE' EDUCATION. It you will devote only your SPARE TIME omitting no named of farmers and feeders and Help roduce ,ARARIA11 87005 AND POULTRY FOOD TABLETS! A Commrn-yenao Mock Food at a Common -Sane IPrim of ONE 015NT A POUND RAT'S 1.00 per 100 Prepaid and guaranteed. Send us a al ardor anti ask f ,r booklet No. 13 giving hilt about 100 Free Premhlutd offered. THE BESAW CHEMICAL 00., sOHO1'I5LD BLDG., CLEVELAND, 0. American Poultry Farm, Wo Breed for Oulor, Vigor, and Heavy Egg Production. Our l eghorno and Wyandotte hens have records of over 200 eggs per year. Sggs for Hatching from forty Breeding Pena el Barred and White Plymouth It sikO, Willie and Bihor Wyaadottes, White and Brown Leghorns, Ens t3.05 per 10, 84.00 per S0, 4/3.03 par 104 Dunne Turkeys and Jor.+oy Cattle. OJ years' ez, parlance in Breeding. Ctroular road Prices Free P. n. MUNGER & SONS, noKalb, Ill COULDN'T BLAME IF WEREN'T. "Are (hese new -laid eggs?" asked Lho customer. "Yes'm. They're our very best Satur- day night eggs," replied tho grocer. "Why do you call deem that?" ques- tioned the puzzled buyer. "Because," answered the truthful storekeeper, "they've been hying all the week Io be good." Faith You cannot he expected to have faint ie Shiloh', Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, a, a cure for Colds, Coughs and all ditcosa of the air pe.eagea, if you have col tried it. We have 1 tith•in it, had we guarantee i4 If it doe; ( cure you it costs you nothing, If ft does it costs you 25c. That's fair. Try it todayp. Shiloh has cured many thousands of the most obstinate eases, and we do hot hesitate to say that it wilt curt any Cold, Cough, lineal or Lung trouble, If we did not believe this we would not guarantee it Shiloh has had an unbroken record ort mimosa for thirty years. It hos ,toot) every po011110 tcoiwiuhout failure. Further Prdoof ie found fa the many testimonials of those who have tried Shiloh and been cured. lits, rAlchioTaylor,Asnph, Po., writes: -- "i tmuabt a Souk of Sha1oti s Comemetion Coe. end found is very ht"efici0), 1 haveiwo children. and then lied a terrible cough. 1 dsr•l them err , ne I ....mkt think oi, hs ahoy routs better. 85111 ane t..eine my hatband acid t. WOO al Shiloh, We as. k so the childem wi eA this went to hrd,mei Sher dist all nicht, it nut {Lem ma,p(okty. 1 kali always keg a i, die duO: fey SHILOH anwnatro-w6vever medid60 coy id. • ISSUE NO. 50.01