HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-26, Page 1Vol. 84. No 42 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL J, R. Wendt and R, J. Rene have had Dr. Ovens, M. D„ London, Eye and 0. Johnston, of Blnevale ; Mre. Robert new awuiuge piaeod in front of their Ear Surgeon, will bo 202 Breitbel 'e Deng Starliug, of Mita, Mna. ;'_Mmes Tena, et, stores. Store, Smetana, on the irat Tneeday in home ; Daniel Geddes, V. S., Laokuow, A meeting for the aolabrstion o New Advertisements, Wall Paper—Jae, Fox. Loaul—I. 0. Rlobarde. Engineer wanted—W. Lane. We have them—A, Slroohan, Eye and Ear Surgeon—Dr. Ovens. New Grey Shirts -0, N. McLaren, Notioe to creditor'—A, B. Meadouald. t� 1St ±tX W1-()XCLe re. Mho Nellie Blaok returned to London on Mouday, Wm. Mines er., of Turnbarry ie at preeeut very ill. Mre. R. Muton visited with Gorrio relatives this week. Henry Sanderson apeut"' a few days of feat week in Woodbridge. Alex. Oaeemore has returned trout Wickham Buaineae College. Arabia Moffatt 1e able to to be around again after a few days riekueee. Wm. MoLeuuan, of London, is the guset of him 'mole Robert Sleek. (Aeries Forest, of Waterloo, spent two days of last week in the village• Muse Tina Rae left for Toronto on Tneeday to attend the wedding of a ooueio Mies May Smith, bee been dangeroaely ill with erysipelas but ie improving slowly. W. and Mre. Adair, of Stratford, visited at the !attar's home near here last week. Mrs. J. Hartley, of Blyth, is spending a week with her pareuta, W. and Mre. Weir, of Howiek. Mre, R. Gibson left for Paewegan, Bask„ last Friday where she will spend the Summer with her eon. Mies Oeterbont, a000mpenied by Mrs. Osterhont, and children, left for her hornet near Blenheim this week. go ! For the Farmers Blacksmith Shop Walton A'NEIL BROS. the Horseshoers, having bought out the Humphries Hisoaemlthing busineve are pre. pared to do ell kinds of work in that line on the sbmrtest notloe. Having had eevo-al years' experience 1n seine of the beat horse -Rhodos seeps in the United Staten we are prepared to shoe 0.12 horses entrusted to tie. Give us a Dalt. McNEIL BROS. Geu�lemeu We have just pas.ed the first mile -atone in our business career and we wish to thank you moat heartily for your kindly co-operation in favoring us with your es- teemed patronage. We feel sure that it is only through strict attention to our busi- ness that we have won the approval of a discerning public, and we will endeavor to continue along these lines and thereby hope to merit a repetition of your favors. We carry a large as- sortmeut of Spring and Summer Goods which we are sure will meet the taste of all those who wish to be numbered among the well dressed members of the community. Call and see our stock as we are anxious to,show you what we have at prices that are right. of %API Dodds & 1-flabkirk T H �a.n e LEADING TAILORS. t the each month. Hours B a. m. to 1.80 p. 02. First of July hero will be hold at the ()entreat, squint, tailing eyeeighb, deaf woollen mill Tuesday evening, nese and noon' oatarrh treated and manses properly fitted. Next visit Tuesday, May let, ANNUAL MEJTINO,—The anneal meet. ing .4 the 59ethed et Sunday School was held on Monday evening. The pastor Rev T W. Ouuene presided. Reports pressured showed the enhool to be in a proeprroue aoudition. Fhilowiug officers end loaohero wore elected for the ensuing year :—Superintendent, Fred. Raddatz ; Aeaistent Superintendent, Arthur Heim ; Seoretory, Lily Tyermen ; T,eaeorer, Mre. J. Forreet 1 Organists, Lizzie Cameron, Alis Forreet, Lily Tyermun and Nellie Switzer; Teaohera, Mra Tyermen, F Redda,z, Mr*, Helm, Mre. Forreat, suit Nellie Bwiizer ; Aueiotant Teaohera, George Sperling, Arthur Beim, Lizzie Cameron, Mrs, Sparliug and Lily Tyumen, W tr 1et) 80. Geo. MoKirn fs eerionely ill. Mre, A. R. Small to viafting her parente, Robert and Mra. Blair and Mre, John McArthur, ill Durham, paid a flying mit to Henson and Seafortu friends. Mies Bertha B,ar le the pu0eeesor of a plant oalled the Rude of Jumbo, or Snored Reenrreotiou plant of Egypt. Mre. Wm, Beiroen, who haw been visit- ing at Geo. v1uliim'w lately, returned to her home near W.a ton on Wsdueaday. Mies Aunetta Uotoloegh, of the 14122, spent a mew days with the Menem Stair at Walton. She was a wetoome viewtor. Lewis MoDuueid ie spending a mew hohdaye at bums. Se leaves next week for Fort William where he wilt ;Wu a 'survey party. r. G. Waghurn V. 8„ ie eufferieg from en et000k of utoodpwouniug butts r0Ouver• lug. H. Kirkby le elatiudiug to the veterinary work lu the meantime. Mre. John MoArther and children, Douaid and Jean, spent Easier holidays with Ribero and J1re. Bear at Waitou, and other pointe. They are conduit to the former. Dr. Oveue, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Switb'e Drug Store, Bradeeir, on the first '1'ueen0y in each month. Hours, 8 a. m, to 1 30 p. m. Cataract, squint, felling oyeoigh,, deaf urea and nasal oatarrh treated and giaseee properly titled. Next vie/t Tues- day !ley let, A branch of the Bovereigu Bank of Canada has opened Qum week In the A. O D. W. Sall by J D. O'Oouneil, elan. agar of the Goderioh brauuh, G. N. Brown, late a000nutaut of the Mi vertbll breech, wail took after its iutereew here. The Sovereign is one of the must prosper aua and progressive Betake, having et preesnt sixty branohee iu Outano and Quebec, buomoing moat et the eitiee and urge towns. It pay. interest on de punts four timed a year. Our oitizena will Iliad this institution a greet coin 000i,,000 and Walton may 000gratulate aided o0 making one more forward step. (^.ries' toruolo. Next Sabbath quarterly 0ommanion will be observed in the ,vtet120diet church. Maeter Beneath MauRay, of Beef,.rib, visited iu Oraubrook aurtu5 the peat week. Uranbrook wilt have telephonic nom. muhioatio00 with Brussels and the out. aide world. Mtaa 0. MoGidivray, teacher at Whit. Liuld'a 80uoo1, spent Easter vexation at err borne in Mount Forest. Township Treaaurer Reymann attend. ed to hie duties nu paying out the thumbs at the Oouuolt meeting at Ethel last Monday. k1ARRIED.—Ou the 18th of April James Bird, of thin luaaltty, was uui1ea in marriage to Ylea Mary E U r t o of Wawanu h e Rev. Mr.Lx n g Ford, of Brussels, tied the matnm.etial knot. We wish them a smooth voyage over life's ooeau. A0 honor list ie being kept in oar public soh.tol for the popde of the beet conduct. Of those whose name* were entered during the peat terve six• desalt, creditable mention, namely :—Harold Smaunon, Julia Baker, Bessie Alderson, Alex. Dark, Elsie Sperling end Gordon Knight. .7atme,at 'yvat. Dr. Oven.), M. D„ Loudon, Eve and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drag Store, Brueeele, on the first Taeedsy in eaub mouth. Hours, 8 a. m to 1 80 p.m. Cataract, squint, failing eyeaiuht, deaf• nada and 'meal oatarrh treated and eltoses properly fitted. Next visit, Tneeday, May 1st. Merrier - Mho' Carrie Speir baa taken a position in Cannington. John Evans spent the Eaater holidays in Oxford county viditiug relatives. Mrs, Jewel Duncan, 4th line, has been quite ill during the past week but i- ooneiderably better now we are pleased to mate. While Mies Sherrie ie making favor able progress Mre Sherrie ouotinnee fu mach the name condition. Her heart bothers her considerably. Her many friends bops the better weather will in- vigorate her. DEATH Or MORRIO PIONEMR: The old pionoere of chid eeotiou of Huron county are passing away and this week we reoord the death on the 19th of William G. ddee, of Morrie. Deeeaeed had been failing for some time. Two years auo he boo -.me bond inn We is thought to have haetened the end, as he was a great reader a,.d not being able to read wee a great hardehip to him. Mr. Geddes was he oldest of a family of fourteen, and was born near Glasgow, Scotlend, in 1821 end emigrated to Canada with hio par 81110 in the Spriug of 1827, eettiieg in Lvnark county, where ha was married to M,ee Mary MoLean, a slater of the late Dona d MoLean, of Belerave, and who ,urvivee him. In the Spring of 1854 Mr. and Mre. Geddes eettlee on lots 7 and 8, on the 4111 oonaeesien of Morris, where he resided continuously tip to the time of his death. Deoeaepd (uuld tell many an interesting 'story of early pioneer life in thio section of the comity, as when he came there was no each plane as Wiugham or Belgrave, By here worka o eared hie hundred it r r a ee of fine land out of the bush. He assisted in the bmldieg of ,he first frame barn in hie d letriat, Deoe+end wan a life ong mem ber of the Presbyterian (March bud in pp Rice wee a ecauneh Liberal. Mr. Geddes had not of late years been able to be about moult but in his earlier life ook an ant ve intrre•t in public, affairs, arid he will be muob missed lu the family Wrote, Out of a family of thirteen ohildren seven are living, via :— Mrs. Mart V1oLean, Wingbam; Mre. J. 3. >t746g Ma V-MeY.a®.t A2Ma=.in s. rtt'r ml` EX R.. 0 IiirM ]S. LONER ON Eye and Ear Surgeon VIS/TS BRUSSELS MONTHLY 1 0 If you require Eye Gle.sses, Spectacles or treatment for Eye, Ear or Nose do not fail to see D1. OVENS. ffice ; Smith's Drug Store, Brussels Next Visit—Tuesday, May 1st Hours :-8 a. M. to 1.30 p. M. re•rae1fdYrel eYrt'fva0 170eiffe.tefrAie ai?trat6talee regi�6raWAViS ,sLi, womunnu® The Best Values we have ever shown iu We Have Them LACE CURTAINS at 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1 25. $1 50, $1.75 and $2.00 per pair and up. These numbers are all extra good value at the price nod it will be to your advantage to see them before purchasing. ART MUSLINS Wo are also showing 0 good range of Art Mus- lim at 5o 8u, 10o, 12io and 14o. Plain and Spot Curtain Net, Frilled Curtain Muslin, tiro. CARPETS • Carpets in Union and All Wool at 80o, 400, 50o and 75o, Tapestry Carlene at 45o, 50o, 65e and 75o, Floor Oils and Liuoleume in good patterns and at. Popular Prioe8, House-oleuning will let you know what is wanted. Muko out a list and Dome to us, No Fancy Prices Everything Cheap A. STRACHAN and Wm, and John on the homeotead David Geddes, of Belgrave, and John Geddes, Sleeve's, are brothers of the deceased. The bereaved widow and family of the deeeeeed will have the sympathy of it large oirole of frieu4e in their offiictiou, The funeral un elatur• day atternoou to the Brandon cemetery waa largely attended, Service was con daoted by Rev. J. J. Hestia, of Belgrave, and the pall bearere were rho three eome, hie son in law, J. U. Juhneton, and two uephuwe, John L and Root. Grdden, Two LATE Joni" Marmot —A pioneer of title townohip Woo removed from our midet on Sunday, April 8th, when the spirit of John Mol,',roy Loma as flight Mr. McElroy was a native of Ireland, being born near Belfast, in County Down, nearly 86 years ago. Hs o,me to ()anode in the year 1851, being six weeke 012 the boat (worming the Atlantio, and made hie way through the bneh to Goderioh, and afterwards went to Clinton where be worked at hie trade as a cooper. About three years after hie 00mi05 to Goderioh he took op lot 12, nuc, 8, Morrie, a1em a lot on the 5th om,oueeaon end elan one on the 781, mouoe.eio0, on the first named of which he condoned to reside until hie death. Jarnee Polloolt and Geo. Kelly, er„ are the only remaiuing eettlers who were then on the 8th oonoeseeon. Tbe deneeteed waa married twice, to bis first wife in 1856, oho being Mies Debutah Mw Oat., who died in 1864, and the second, Minx Elizabeth Armntroug he married in 1866. By hie flrot wife he had five child- ren, W. H. and T. C„ of Blyth ; John, on the homestead in this township, and Jamee and Mre. Walter Way, of Killer bey, Manitoba. Four children were the result of the eeoond msrrlage, one of whom, Mre. John Taylor, of Dunrea, ,Manitoba, died last December ; those living are •—Mrs, Thos. Rogerson and Vary, of tine townebmp, and Rachel in Srtueb Uo-nuebia, Mr. MoE roy was e good nelghber and a kind fried to 'hoes ID bead. He was a Methodist iu religion, a Oonoervat,ve io politics, and wee at one time a member of the Orange Order. Grey. The bridge abutments and gaper. elruvtaree for Grey will be pushed along now that good weather bag arrived. The Pathmadtere have their work out out for this year a8 many of the bett•e ere 10 very bad ahepe owing to the ab. dance of e0ow and the heavy frosts. Nail D. Roes, a former teaohor in 8. S. No. 3, wee o weloom•• Easter visitor, He aldn't speed all his time in the township eat he bad the graoe to 0811 on old friends Ili Brueeele also, t,alter Burnett, who visited the families of A. B. Smith, and 0. Smith Soli non„ also hie slat- r, Mrs. T.' T. Smith, Wroxeter, doriug Earner, ,etnreed home on Tuesday, Mr. Suruett ie Mrs. Smith's yonugeet br•,ther.— Juin 0,ivor, 6th oon., disposed of his Lille blank 28002 to a geutlemau in 8tra1- furl at a long figure. He delivered hem In Sea- oCLh Ia week bud brought Noma euother fine team with him, Mr. Dever nes developed ince quite a horse buyer and handled 20 lot of good canoe. Tuesday the members of the Mnuioipal °unuatl took en exo0reion to Mouormeff locality to euquire into matter° of im• provement to the Besnehampoud Pigeon drains; °ewer pipes nomas sidemen at rote 25 and 260,1 Guelph and Goderiob railway ; and other work of iutereet to the towuebip daddies. Waite, McKoy, Oth don., left T0eeday for Suroe°burg, N. 5V. T., where he an Lends making hie borne. He disposed of bus flue 50 acre farm to his father lust week. Walter has given op farming ou amount of it dfeailed leg. He ie 0u ,uduabrioue young man and no doubt will do well in tee West. Elie many irieude with him 8000080. ante.—We ere sorry to learn of the death of Annie Smith, beloved wife of Mugh MoDuuad,of Melbonrue, Manitoba, formerly of the 3rd oou. of Grey. She died on Monday, April 2n.1, aged 53yeare, 11 mouths toed 22 days. Mre. MoDoualo was daughter a of the lass Jambs Smith, of Grey, and womb West with her boa baud 17 years ago. She was a tine woman whose demise will be eivaerely regretted. Her husband and e,x 000e anrvve. The burial was made at Oar berry 0enee1Ory on Wedneaday, 4th suet. Mr. MoDooald bee brother° ie this town. step yet. MATRIMONIAL —At 4, o'olook on Weduee day alteruoou,llth lust„ Rev. Andrew ,MacNab, M. A., tied the mate monist bow betweou a weil,to•dO resident of E ma township, James M. Diokeou, and Alma Mary, adughter of Andrew Hoop, an old and wen known farmer un the 15th oou. Oeremouy was performed a the Manse and the prinaip0le were um attended. The bride wore a very ere doming green travel lug suit with bat to match, A tamil re00pt100 woe held in the evealeg at the ohmfortable home of the bride's father where a wedding aupper wee served, aongratulationo ex. tended and valuab,e wedding preeeute were given. Mr. and Mre. Diekeon left that night for their hone utter Atwood where they eommonpe married nfe under most favorable aUeploee with the hearty mallow of many re.aIivee and friend° in whiou TUE PonT deotree 10 have a'there. May their juye be many and their sorrows few. A FORMER RESIDENT DIRS.—Word tea's reeelved by THE POST on Wsdueaday of this week of the demise oa the 7th iuet„ of Mary Strathdee, relioo of the late Quintin MOBlain, who was a readout of the 4th sou., of Grey for years. He died there 16 yearn ago and was buried it, Brunette u ° v rntat r, . Mre. Mo8lsiu went Went and amid with liar de.tlghler, Mary, now Mru. Risley, at New Ottawa, Saukatohewau. Mr. and Mra. MoBlale were bore and married in SOutiaud and game to Canada 85 yeara ago, They came to thio township 80 year° eines. Six Bono and two denghlere survive but aro widely mattered, 8 Sone being iu the Northman', 11,1 tilt) K oed,ke, 1 in the Old Oouutry,and 1 1n Otioudago Out 2E5, 1906 W. H. KERR, Prop Golden Wedding 50th Anniversary of Geo. and Mrs. Patter. son Celebrated—tai 1 -!appy Occasion. MARRIED. Premeneom—Iain r.—In St. Mary's, Out„ on April 17tH, 1856, by Rev, A. Edwards, Mr, George Patterson, of Oxford Co., to Mies Itubel Imlay, of St. Marye. Wednesday afternoon of last week one of those delightful, yet very 00oom- mon even 0, was celebrated when about 100 relatives and friends assembled at the commodious home of George and Mre. Patterson, lot 29, con. 13, Gray township, to celebrate the 50th or golden anniversary of their matrimonial al- liance, consummated in the town of St. Marye, Perth Co., Ontario, by Rev. Mr, Edward, the Methodist miuieter of that place, (in the absence of the Pree- byte,ian divine) 50 years ago. The only pe son present who witnessed the tying of the ouptial bow was Geo. G. Imlay, of Ethel, brether to the bride. On that occasion Mise Lizzie Mitchell was the bridesmaidaud Juo. Mitchell grooms- man. After the ceremony the happy young couple went to live io Oxford where Mr. Patterson was operatiug a sawmill and two years later they moved into Grey townuhip having purchased a bn0h farm from a Woodstock speculator•, the trees having to be felled before a house could be built. Thera were no roads nor many even small olrarances, al- though Hartwell and Luka Speiran were already iu possession of farms. By industry, economy, perseverance and thrif Mr. and Mre, Pattereou succeeded in changing the primeval forest to arable acres and making for themselves a comfortable home. Their ehilclreu are Peter, of e et Logan Mrs. Jus. Mann, Grey•Mre R. r 1- (loner, of Minueota ; Mra. W. Harbottle, of Carrievale, N. W. T. ; George, of Modern, Manitoba ; Jno., of Oarrievele ; Mrs. Carecadden. of Edgar, Ont. ; Wm„ on the homestead ; and Richard, of Edgar. A daughter, named Martha, wee bo'ied some years ago. The mild folk are also blessed with 41 grand- ohildren and 4 great grand ohildreu. The children were all home for the celebration 011 Wedueeiay, excepting those in the Weal, 18 grand abildren and 3 great grand children were in at- tendance elan, Tables were set in the dining room, which was decorated for the 000081en and the happy company were wall served to the necessaries and luxuries, finishing with fruits, coufeoiionery, etc. and all iu such abundance and variety that the wonder was the doctor had not more pabieut'e than usual, - Before leaving the table Bev. D. B. MoSae, of Craubrook, arose and in a oomplimeotary and very appropriate manner proposed a toast to the worthy host and hoalese who occupied seats tohie 8 right. He called up the pioneer scenes and gratefully commended their ie- tegrity, industry, hospitality and worth as proven by himself as pastor for the past BO years, concluding by wishing them t continuation of this life and bye and bye an abuudant entrance into that Better Life to be preeeut at the mar- riage supper of the Lamb. W. E. %err, of Tao POST, eacouded the pro- pose] in a few congratulatory eeuteuces. The peetor returned thanks of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson to the company for their good wishes and many beautiful presents. Artist Brewer, of Brussels, took a photo on the lawn of the gusto ; one of Mr. and Mr , Patter on and one of the four generotio00, made up of Mr. and Mre. Pat arson ; Mr, and Mre. Jae. Mann ; Mr. and Mre. R. MoTag- gart, (Mre. MoTaggart is a daughter of Mr. and Mre. Mauu) and baby Jae. MoTaggart, Many gifts, valuable and beautiful, were made commemorative of the oc- casion which will no doubt be highly prized by the recipients. Vocal and instrumental selections inleraperaed the social chat during the evening and added to the pleaaore of the company who separated for their home winkling Mr. and Mre. Patterson the beet of this life wad the beet of the world t., come. We must not forget to state that Willie Mann was there with his Highland pipes and woke the echoes with his well played Scottish airs. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson were born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and both came to this country in their youth, the former being here a few years before his good wife, who came with her mother and other members of the tinn- ily in June of 1855. Mr. Imlay died in Scotla Jo hu J lin Dnnc n a of the 12th con. of Elm e, township, who with Mre. Duncan were gueete at the celebration on Wednesday, came out on the same ship with the Imlay family. The "Aurora" was the name of the vessel and the voyage was made in four weeks, an attueuelepeedy one for those days. Mr, and Mrs, Duncan celebrated their golden wedding m short time ago. Mr. Patterson iu in his 87th year, but le a hearty man for his years. His good lady, while nearly 14 years his juuior, i8 not nearly so vigorous and has been in poor health, at times, for eevural years. She is bright and cheery and heaps her partner out ofteo owing to his dullness of heariug, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson have been loyal and devoted members of tate Presbyteriau church for many lung years mud the testimony of the people of the commun- ity is that they were firer-olass neigh- bors, possessed of a high sense of do y both to God and man. Very few couples who min hand and heart have the op- portunity of travelling the pathway of life together for fifty years and the many old friends, u together with the e ono e ones, will be a unit in congratulating Mr. and Mre. Patterson oil so im- portaat an event and sincerely wishing that at eventide it may be light. Mrs, Wileon, it daughter, lives in Mae- koka. Deoeased was an aunt to Qulutio Andersen, 8rd line Morrie township, Mre. M01311110 was 84 years of age ; was a devoted member of the Presbyterian uhnroh and had been a hearty woman who wee highly eateamed. Ethel. 60 ciente in advisees, gets Tao Peer for the bo.anoe of 1906. Townehip °ouuofl will meet on Mon- day, May 7222, in the hall here. Sebum reeamed on Monday and now everything is squared away for the im- portant Wirt of the term, We are sorry to hear ibat Wm. Sine's' hearth in not of a very reetiuet abnraoter but we hope a ohnuge for the better will eon,, enarie. Ethel 0. O. F. Court has decided not to send a delegate to High Court, whioh meets at Ottawa in Jane, owing to the large expense, If you want the news of Ethel and enrrouudinge you 'Mould take TUE POST. Don't borrow any longer. 60 owns will pay for it until Jan. 1st, 1907, Ethel aheede faotory wid commence operation° for 1906 on Tuesday morning uexl, May 1st. Ubeeeernoker Brown nae everything in ship shape. 7.'he cheese oheques will he paid at 1111 Bonk of Hamilton here. At the Donnell meetinghold here 1001 Monday there were only two appeals against the drainage Sy•lawe. David MMilne's in the Love drain was dismissed but Mr. Milne to to reoeivo.6100 in (melt for drain already oouetrnoted. Joseph Ooombeo withdrew his f ppoal in the Jaoklin drain ie whioh he thought he was not allowedenough for die h already amt. strewed, Mire Lizzie Eohmier to visiting tela. fives th Orauerook this week. Lawreuoe Dobson 2e home again after several mouths visiting in Iunerkip. Wm. Buttrey lett here Tuaeday morn. ing for Regina where he has taken a posiclou au engineer on a steam plow. The outing of the Kreuter new herd - ware rtore with motel has made a wooderfnl Improvement in the appear- ances of the banding. Mr. Kreuter haat a fine chop now. Dr. Ovens, M. D., Londoo, Eye and .Ear Surgeon, wilt be at Smtvh'a Drug Store, Brnedeia, ou the fire) Tuesday in each month. Hours, 8 a. w. to 130 p. m. Cataraot, squint, 1012105 eyesight, duet. nada and 'weal catarrh treated and Waseca properly fitted. Next visit, Tuesday, Nifty lat. Uean or rettaves.—We take this opportunity of retentions Orr sincere thanks for the many laud and eympalhet• 10 words, spoken and written, 91000 the demise et one loved one, Latgaage 001/1101 express the heart echo that 00500 from the receipt of tov1u5 messages from old (mends and from fraternal and ahuroh organizations when the olood of bereavement overrhado we. To the L,'O. L., I 0. F„ 0 O, F. and W. F. M. B„ we metre 10 expreeo our gratitude for their brotherly and eieberly sympathy, and lettere trout ehaeut frteude• end Sabbath auhool pupils,• breathing out expreeeione of sympathy and eneonrage went, will ever hold a Warm place in udr memory, May the •Good Poiher'e biesetug reit upon ell who have re- membered 120 In onr'bereavemont and may thele sorrows be few and these shared by the 'Friend tltatetioketh8leser than m brother," RO0In1T BARn AND EAMMLY. Ethel, April 21et, 1906. Mleeee Bhaopon and Switzer, our teaobere ere 00 duty again altar an enjoyable welt to their reapbucive homes over the hotidltya, MINS Samoa telemniott she 0102014 wttu Mloe bhannun at her home iu kiamutou. The iarke building on the Easterly farm of 0, W. Dunbar hue been moved 14 the brei house elm will be utiuz, d for a Summer kttobuu, woouobed Stu. lu molt blue 4001 000020 10 ha01 IA a0r050 the Beide uu eleighe for the purpoea, during cue meat of the nlelgbing, It wall afford adnittooat eouretowtoO t0 the Dauber home. Hobert Hall ottani here the other day Iron Dakota awing to the 0801048 tlleeeu of 12lo mother, who passed away Tneeday 000u, He oven 01 Osvaher, North Dakota, I1 to 14 years etuce Mr, Hall Went West aua 8 yearn same he W00 home. Mre. Hair was a former resident of file loce,iIy alms, befog a daughter of the late James Lard, of Ethel. Mr. Hau'a 01ay wall be brief se he 10 a busy 0200 ani will likely stere for home In a few days. He le a welcome miler mud ,nuke ail tf1'tmb wad very kind to him. A Very pleasant and prutitabie even. ing, uuder the enemata.' of the W. was spent w the Methediet oburuh o0 fllauaay everting taut. 'The President, Mrs. Maaou, 000upted the ohsir and spoke a few words of weloome. The program, which woe 11ateubd co with Internet, 000810ted of a very excellent paper, bearing on the work of the W. u1. 4., by Biro. Lowry, of Bruoaele ; some very appropriate reaange, welt rendered by .tile. 0u0haban, au edoreeu by Rev. A. E. Jum,e, of Belgrave, ted of the Mieutonary ep,rtt awl delivered iu his very earnest, toroalul wouuer ; together tette mueent, eelrotlou8 rendered by Dines Maynard, the quartette Dud the 012020, whmu were muub appr0urated. A thank•offorleog was laked wbmh 002oau1- ed to about 1116 and aux new members were audou to the rod of the eoei0cy. MRS. Woo. HALL PANES AWAY TO HER REWA$D.—lt Was oat a ender. Of 13:100h burpnee that Mre. Wm. Llan, a well keuwu resident of this ooah1y, waa oalled away 14.4 another world tweet 21001 00 1'ueaday ea Ane had been seriously ill for some weeks aim poor,y for the mutt, 8 or 4 mutLhO, Her maldeu name waa Mary Auu Rose and her birthpnaee Was to Eugloud. 49 years ago 8110 j020ed heart and baud with her now bereft partner and turobgu the peeemg years proved herself to 0e a true wife. Mr. and Mrs. Hall oama to the Sou con. of Grey town- ohip 00out 4 yearn atter tbetr marriage, buy,ug a hien form epee tvhwh they tubed, sleeting It up and making for tbemeelveo mud Lawny a 02001 num• 020011000 and u.:mturtuuoe Lows. 9 years coo they left the fares and . cook pewee• emu of it fine brt0k noude in this vunage where they have 011100 redtt1811, their son W1111%m taklug the term. Besides Mr. 1iul, there are three neve (leurge, of Fargo, North Dakota ; RJOora, of Uavaler, lu the 211.020 012010 ; cad Wm., here) and 4 dea1htere (400. (Rev.) Geo. Better, of Blaevttle ; Mrs, Geu. Eukmter, of Jemeetuwn ; Mre. Muu,o, et Turouto ; and Mise Lizzie a1 home) left o n[ to hold 1 In lovingloving memory 0 ov1 g wife and an affectionate mother. Wm, Roae, of Lonuuu, and Mrs. Bond, of Toronto, ars mother and meter to the deceased. The demurs plomouuoed 0110. out of the stomach the aauen of death. ere. Hail bad been ble*end with a splen- did 00netlt111Un mud knew little of Mk - twee In tier expertn0un. She was u2 in. dadtrl00e, inoelligeut Ubraattan woman who eujoyad tea frlbndehlp awl esteem of many. Deoeaaed waa 67 years, 1. month ane 14 (aye ma. Fauerel took plane on 'L'hurduay afternoon to the family plot in 821088010 cemetery, Tee bereaved will be auuorded wtueopreed sympathy. 131ttevate. OBIT. -008 of the pieneere al Turn - berry pee.ed Itwny tact week in the per. 8011 of £nomas Power, at the age of 87 yeare, Mr. Powell leaves three sone, Pact, T. K., and Jamie' all evmg in Turuberry. Paul Powell maples the homestead. Metall hie father ;neared, and where Mr. and Mrs, Powell lived and died. The funeral woe to Wiugham cemetery ou Baturaity afternoon ar11oon t ba Engheh church clergymen oftoiating. John Powell,ot Detroit, and Geo. Powell, 01 Toronto, atteuaed 113012 4001e'8 toner - al. Noxt e.—Mru. Wensley, of Bayfield, torwerty of Blhevae, has the sympathy of many ofd frames In tee death of her sou John a few days ago.—Mies Jeeeio Grey la iu poor health,—William Setters wee 10 Wuudetodlt leet week atleudmg the funera of a brother-iu•iew. Robert King, of Goderioh, visited rela1lv88 bare last week. 31iee Nnn1e aluIIoelay spent the bouuuye wan her anus, Mre. King near Winghaw.—Robert moM Tian, of Hu21ett, Wte a vleltur at J. W. King's Wet week. .tire. Hnlet and ehlldren spent last week to hr0s8e 8. --Maes Eva Paatereou spent Easter week In Bate• vale,—Geurse and Mrs. 2MoDOuad and 1t. N. Duff .21euded toe funeral of the note:n,,A. Potent' o0 Saturday.—J, W. King'( Oly11n0uute ecahlou "82100001" took first prize at Liatuwel Horse ebow, Friday I*OW Furse prizes are becoming very m0aob00000 to "Ma000t," He never gate any o,her ktud. He won several In Suo1raud and had been 10 Canada ouiy a Week when he took first. prize Lor three year old at the February alum to Toronto, and _ the eweepetekes as the beet uoree of any age. "ammo'," 10 of royal birth as his mother wee the property et Quenu Vtocaria nod hie telt easter i11 utter owned by mug Edward. ' � a t 'tit tl0' 4n 10 t4 m0et beautiful autmat and is the adnt,retwu of all who seehim.--Mre..rleLoun ie eermhely Mise Pena Beget, teauhor et H8rmuny, neer Stretford, spent the holiduye with her parents at the parsonage, Wingbam .Dtetr101 Sommer -Selma), under the anemone of the D,elriot Epworth League, will a0uvene at mug. haul this your. The doles *810010110re Monday, Aegean 6th 10 Sabbath, 12,1 2n' e,uoIVe. A stew program Will be present. ed and portents who cru opeah121ste in (heir work will be 880ared,