HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-19, Page 6NOTES AND COIVIMTENTS In the last number of The Critic Mr, Morgan .Robertson writes of We self- hypneels of literary men. l'lo tells how ' they have their whims, originating in their own fancy and fostered by their own ready acceptance of them, ell one author cannot write except under one stimulus and another under another. Mee Robertson gives some curious and Interesting examples of these weekness- es among wields. It Is ane phase of the subject of the control of mind over 'body which appears also In the teach- ings of the various sorts of faith heal- ers or curers by suggestion. The sub- ject has been so associated with charla• THE STORY OF NICKEL 1 end sunolw ask, sponte and :lathe foto ".rhe converter," your guide informs you, "will blow for °bunt bvo hours A MODERN MIRACLE -STONES CON-, while the L'Orl IS burning out. A,s the hem burns out it unites with Elle quartz VOWED INTO BREAD. in the lining of the vessel and forms slug." \Viten the eon elder has done de —° work the product is carried outside and f'oIlawLpfl iia Ora Through Smeller cured into long iron moulds, where it :' „Bowed to cool and harden, After It Unlit Finished Product has become cold lin the moulds it is is Reached. Erol en up with sledges Intl) slat's about throe teethes. That is matte. That is V. lir finished product 50 for es Colada . in our last leiter describing thero- 14 clau'erned, li carries about sixty per n cent nit til and events per cent, COCAINE'S MANY VICTIMS SEVENTY THOUSAND IN CIU(IAGO IIAVE THE HABIT. Acquire Liking for the Drees Through Use of Cold and Reattach° Cures, That seemly thousand Chlcngouns are afflicted with the (tumble bald Is the cess of smelting ere. 0.1 sow 1111 import- Nipper, The rest is mahlly sulphur, the slctlenleut. made Its 6hi organizations nut pert that water Pktys. '10111' g"'"e' h'on having mostly disappeared in the elect), have Leen fighting (110 "coke" further informs you that two of file sucrlung. In this sink, (t le eieeeed to evil for years, and, they admit, losing tool which More lh+ul anything rhe the edifiers, in the United Stales, where !hound all lee time. aro uecrsru'y l)1 utodern smelling are Inn' roil., c and the uickcl arc finally Medically, cocaine Is lies ental 1fd le - wind and water. "1f 1 }vel" to ask y"a' seperuled, rived from cocoa leaves, 111 Its crystal - your guide goes oil, "what is lee keys- '•I1.w• much matte Have you made lined form it Is pure whllatatd flaky, tanry and deception In the public mind lest Bung thuL pauses tinough,1resi fur fi,,e„yv, and When used 1A crushed la a powder that Its real Inrrpontance hos been ob- rlttces, you would naturally mime "Well, tot us see; 22 tons that night, and snuffed itch Ela+ nostrils. Another &cured. ere, But in really there are nearly end lit to 15 tons (,.elny, with probably method Is to use a sul1111(11 which is twice as maty (minds of air blown ill- two 8r three more before Ihr shift hynudeetnirally !ejected in the sante t:, these furnaces through the pipes that changes --say 40 lone for lit, 24 hoot's. }say ns 1lorphine. A man may persuade himself to be- w•( call tlyeres as of unylhulg elect. The it is u:1( ns high as has been Jane, but It is uisu lalcei lu:ernully, nod w'lrtch- lieve almost anything. If he believes air serves two purPoees. keret of til, the reek is not Iia beet. We will do ever the mode the remit le the sumc- fhat he =mot work except under ter- 1t keeps 1110 coke burning` and so gen- better when ter gel into 0 note 11'1," unusual s11r(m1uliug elfe'1 in the early lain 10 1(0 ons that belief is in °ileal elates heat, Then it burns the 11'11 or tteeel le, isn't tie your gu(I, re- slat_•., n[ th5 habil, and powerful recu- a large portion of it, which 1s in the marks; and yet: are tempted In answer, pr'rueug power whin IlB victim ins so true. The author who could not work ore. Just as you have seen a blacksmith far succumbed In its use that it is ab - unless the smell of rotting apples was in hnnmus•ing et bar on an anvil ealsing "YES, \\'1IEN YOU 1CN0W 110\4',' e;ehdel,v m ccssury. \Then snuffed ih0 his nostrils teas no more absurd than ihu sparks and shre(is nl glowing `Eon Tlun your guide becomes reilhus- p0vvdis gemsra111 ]aid ucer ti, t( IIs around, so the air, inlshul; n the man who must have tea or cotter, the fnrneeo, burns Lite 1101 alnd 5atis it arm. "Yes, when you ',mew how. Taut _thumb111000 on the left hand, and it is not tobacco or whisky before he. believes free, while the quartz, rook, }v(lich you (1 has taken time and courage and unusual to see huiritutis cu, nue, us 1's saw added, seizes this Iron and unites moues lot learn hots, Three years oho with large sots on this spot from lite himself capalle of doing his hest. with it to lura slab." there was nothing here where we eland, effects of the drug penetrating the skit. but a rocky hillside and a swamp, It If It is a scientific fact that n man has Out of the furnace at this end flows (rote money and brains to effect thePOPULAR AJP.DICiNES. the ower of 1lypnotieing himself so °,alto and slut;, 81sl,te 000(nins copper change. It tools more, 11. look faith in Goner., cnlu'rh cures aro nntorinue P loll nickel 'a 111 a Hittsulplutr tend the future. It 10,01 bruins and enemy sublertug,'s 10 snUsfy the mewing for that the things of hie Important abnormal t 11011• 'The slag he1'ocontain; Elle rock that nal p11', ". eu'aece to produce the nicl<tL the narcotic, says the Chicago Tribune, relations to tum, it is important that he was in 1(10 ore, the roti( 11101 tens ad- 11 I,;,,k 11((1110, [ore.1-(g!1 011(1 c/nultg0 111111 one. of tees, has been tic 0111 jecl oP Incline his mind to believe that which is tied and a little of the iron that (0•110 In e, ((n+l the market 1(1111 to s,•ize ll, If 15(rls1. 11011 (11 111nny St,lrts, lis slue has Etna oro rtnJ was burucJ oat. Bath 1('f we 1 u. 1 1 cause two 111 (10 of grass to Item Ic 11(biled in Illinois, bol other true and useful. If he is capable of per- hese stlhstances all togalher mt0 •1 F 7' shading himself that he requires alimu_ ' grate wka 1'o Lal one grew bei'i' we presentationsil111( against: vvhlnh the bhp bus huge tank, which is called a "s8lller'" mukr !l)•1 pa's of matte where !.here not leen placer) are said to be equally tants 11e is equally capable of persuading The matte is heavier than the slag, and },;es 1,, , lh:m ane t0foc, m:1( In some bud. himself that stimulants are unnecessary, sl) sial<s to 11]e bottom. The sing slows extent. we hnv0 °craw( (kb'r1 Lhe mit- To use morphine in n suilsinctory c•ff into 1111 slag ears, nn° of w'hleh nl- edit u1 turning shoes (n1u (1.nd," Amor 1et dire., a s rine', to snlitl(0 o duu1 at any rate it he makes this auto su I ways stands an rho !rack below each So iar eve have Lech tracing the his- requires a room y re ono may slec>, gestion before hisphysical system is fn furnace. The slag is carried! out to the q t nl vete n o y Y• - e lots of 111, surccisfu] d,vek,pma11L °f hasheesh is lewd to ordain ---dad. for car- a slate of collapse through the evil 1 dumping ground, As it cools it forms tier hie ken (ndnst v, It. is nn ins tiring P g 1 e rabue oar needs neither syringe nor effects of over-slmulalion, The Impar- good solid ground, on wheel it is Hoped store; lett it.. is Duty part of the Iuslury rnnnl, mid there is no dilBeunv 1l) 01' souse day t0 erect of t' n tee 1 1 111 1 her, fs 1 111er ,. tent thing then for success is for each a1 d 1 1 . 1. 1 oto I,1i ung 6he sluff in °lost purls of the NEW SHOPS AND OFFICES,. story, much lens mu•inuuging, hilt city. All that Is necessary for any one: one to believe with all his mild that he Theotic as already; ex lathed, sinks scarcely less interesting. The woods,.lo inriulge in this hnhit is "Ibc 111",." will succeed, that h° can do the tusks !11(ltom of lea et[I r." As youere. a uund are btu of the e(1 k 11 cs of fail-"" i 'Phis may clean tiny sum of looney which are set tum, and that he is bet- }}•ute11 an oleatrfn crane comes ma}ing elle To make Lie story complete butlxifr�m Ion cents up, ter off with his body in a healthy normal sleevl doted tile' building, carrying tut side; of it must d told. Somethingiven; Y �buut the other side will h, given in CgBI\LEND T1' TO O'1T11:Ei5'. condition than when drugged. enormous pot 50(110(1 is carefully depo- II a (11 1lt f this series lhai are yeti One of the worstenof cocaine eg its in front of the "settler" directly un- 1 o y endures der a clay -lined spout. At the end of to appear. lis that the fit' 0f conum(lenlly urge haP111''sh Old friends sometimes appear with this spout a seed bar steps into the .louse it. The opium (lend, (1, Iho warn 1111 new faces. The modern doctrine 01 "settler" near the bottom. Thu fur- Any matt with nothing to do has a 01(1011 fhe ntorphlno sufferer, warn all g °Leers ngun< tee drugs lent have rein - autohypnosis is nothing but the old nice men pass a hook over the end of Bard jub. tri Ilene, but the cocaine fiends seems teaching of the pewter of the will, Re- anxious at all limes to convert others solution, courage, persistence are names ` to the use of this most horrible of "dopes.' lander which different manifestations of 1 r s. t them e t It is no liTil all Mee o hunt lh 1 oto strength have been known. Human na- - y, mice ono has learned 1(1° trade °larks 1.f Mee has not changed. It is better the "field." The yellow wideness of known and more scientifically analyzed, at • ; the fare..(he down drawn, stupid mouth, matter of investigation remains : y Y the peepelimilc elevated eyebrows, and but the g an- _.� the "dopy" look in the eyes readily die - the same. While the battle w 1 is not al- , ,�:.e, tingui5h Mem front all other prisoners. 003. e c s to the strong l r- a e stunts l menial and e the cigarette I, 1 is he t y g l best talo of a. , The c bt ei s l J P113'81011 .. o E l a e. , ' �..•'1's f Ih. n ou ' ave 1 youth; _y tion is to gn to the battle with as much � •;� [ P y +.v n • •' o tea's victim ihr dope not 1i, v.(m s u strength an • " ' d as few elements o f weak- 1 r, ;; " (,.;, � " �youngn1' old half-grown 01' mature. m sS aspossible. •i • �,y 1 Cb I' (11, t 5 ,- . stC1 1] i e, P Strength S reporter four victims e i. t iar f Jt lof l lir .1 s .. F To 11 s .. �:a,: - � •rant' � ��-' z k � P the greatest weakness of all. 4. \Vi;l they call it beefsteal<aline? It begins with peptines and peptones. Peptones are decomposition products of albumen and a result of the action of certain re -agents found in the pancrea- tic glands and ]mown as ferments, which decompose albumen. This decomposi- tion is a physiological procass known to the lay mind as digestion. Without peptones the albumen which forms a large percentage of our food would be about as nutritious as sand or wood. Peptines are similar and are the anhy- dride acids. Prof. Emil Fischer, who in- vented the artificial production of grape sugar, concludes that albumen is t- illing but a compound built up of many peptines. By the synthesis of seven peptines he has already produced a compound greatly resembling albumen. It froths, can be beaten into foam, and is decomposed or digested when treated with the juice taken from the pen0rea- tic duct of a dog. He thinks that thirty or forty peptines form a peptone, and that albumen Is a compound of several peptones. Science, therefore, has set to worlc to find out ways and means of combining as many peptines as pos- sible in order to achieve artificial albu- men. Since albumen is the principal componet part of the bodies of all ani- mals, of grain and corn, of all our nourishment, this would mean artificial bread, artificial meat, no more fears over failures of crops. It }would not ut be impossible to get nourishment out of coal. No more hungry folk. The social problem ought b o p g to r solved. SLAUGHTER OF iNFANTS, Fifteen Thousand n 111E .an Year Killed Drugs in England, by The use c1 laudanum Ethel aniseed a medicine for babies was strongly ,1Y ncons - demned by Dr. Marriott, the presiding magistrate at Stockport, England, re- cently, A yoen, woman was charged with attempting suicide, and It was slated that she obtained the poison for the purpose from a chemist, who supplied laudanum and aniseed to her on the understanding that It was for a baby, "Tia chemist says it is a common mixture for the babies, who are peddler. ly susceptible to the effects of opium," said Dr. Marriott. ' All 'I on s0 is time , Y over 1,1,0(p) babies are done to death annually •Int this so -colied remedy, which is eminently adapted 10 Increase infantile mortrllt(.y.•' ETYMOLOGY IN THPI FAMILY, 1'tllnmy'- Poti, my 10001181' /old 115 lo. day that the 11Qme, Adam means earth. Father --That's r(gllt, my son, 'polnmy--Then the original inners name was Mud rather (with a g181110 at the 10101 head 1 us0 'l loa ., eight, Int the f o )""• ars �f;ht, foo, '�bttt- s ROCK HOUSE AT CREIGHTON NICKEL MINE. the protruding bar, and bending to their work smite it on either side with heavy sledges. In a few minutes a strewn of molten metal breaks from the tap hole. Slowly it runs at first, blood -red and thick. Then it falls with force, spark- ling in a brilliant orange -Colored cas- cade. WITif THE COW-PUNCIIIRS. Hove' the 'Unruly Broncho is Put Into Harness. On ell sides of the little town lay the glorious sweepof unearned country. Je Y 1 final another railroad to the northward As the metal falls beneath you the was to ride a hundred and fifty miles to tapper watches it critically. "It is high the (lonadi0n lencifle; to find a railroad grade," he says. to 111e southward meant as long a ride "Flow do you know that?" you ask. to the Northern Pacific. On the edge of the 10w11 a freighters' outfit was making ready to pull out four days to a camp near Ilse Little Rockies, Ten horses led the string of laden wagons, behind which 1051(011 the covered chuck -wagon, equipped for sleeping and cooking, for there were, no hotels on this route, He docs not finish the sentence, but The hose and his two helpers were jumps shield wtlich he wrestling with a broncho which, 0111(1 into ashore - this ill-fntrd dos, throws across the, stream in front et 11001 never fe1L a Liar• hien. In his left hind he seizes a long ness Heroes his bock. He was 11(eded as iron rod. on the top of which n pointed an riff -wheeler, and he had to go. Flu "Well," he replies, "(f 1t runs out cold -looking and thick like this," and be points to the glowing steam, "that's good stuff. But if It runs out thin, and there are sparks, then it is lose grade," It goes up the converter badly. "And then, you see---" v'ad oP clay is fasiz,n°d. Yateh[ng itis fought 1110 a hero poeee0smd of seven and L r (ewes, he ih 1'o men toiled ed ft r an c u 1 la s tin }wad cf e ca rill ee inner, h p cl Y hour in bit, 111111 into the fr r tes and 10 ] ram it Homo and la in o.s lilol s c y p erases the spout. Along comes I.he clear from his infernally active crane, drops its tentacles or honks, which attendants fasten to the side's n p, t f the of wheel is now filled with glowing metal Slowly the pot l5 lifted Up and carried down the long building, lilt it rtaeh,•s a. curious barrel-shaped ereeel t ith a gaping mouth. Tout, your guide informs you, is tt Bessemer con. venter. The word, perhaps coveys nn lee Is, M length his nine comrades jumped into their collate, and the rebel simply rgo with thele. had I , Iio lay down and eves d eigirer1 nn his ear 1111(11 hie addled wits par„1-10,111 there was nothing In Idris sort of mutiny. ile rose and slid slit[- le FU g,•,1 11(1111 Oulnunbered outvoted and nulgeneralled, he surged into the cleaning to yea, but ho explains that (teller like it thunderbolt au(1 thereafter years ago Set henry Ilesserner discov- Iri,•d to mill tlw whole bail, in the vain cried that, if you melted pig )'nn tend !hope et tearing something out by the blew :dr through it you could burn roots. out the (nlpuril(es nod turn nut fleet- The long airing of hoes and Neogene dims steal. About twenty year, am it (00001 out into lin neem courill'y, «n1( was tl(senv°red that the sante principle h r r to rota] ' n i1: bre to 1 1 11 r vas pt. af Was PtgY melee. THE POT OF NIOLT1!N MPs'I'AL. }which t110 crane Inas just Ilrotdid down the building, le mantel into the mouth O( Mc 001000rt'1', whirls tea borrel-situp• ed sierl vessel, lined with quartz 1I1111 day. It seems a trivial mntter, ee in Leet n.l1 me wore done i,y i.l11' r rine seems tivi•Il; but here is a tPA.,,:r rnn- tnining live. Ions of n1011011 ,110101 '11,p• (10 1 into another yeeSet (IS easily a,, Niel tcould peer out a dipper of Wrier', .A'le's• tine conveyer hos reesived the orients of the pot 11 slowly lowers Its mrnilh on- ilt it (5 within about eight feet or (1,1 Ito°r, to permit a man to throw In n pick er two of cordwood. Then the !:last is turned nn an(1 the etom'erter lips back until 1110 Inetltfl is benuvhl nn•. do( a heed Weld] 1(s olosely over it in n 11111' while dipped uerns5 a grassy "r r tlrtnl n1( '1• lits l i r n tt l DSTle.-1t. 'In g n ,- g O )lag (zine. -moi- '('Milk VIfh r11111(1ES, A rennin phologrepher 0ev(•1' say's t0 n lady easterner: "Now look pleasant, rnmd,uu, 'e (f 31011 ['1,'nsnm,” 1 '' fir 1.1 ,005 t f nrin infinitely bettor non t11eee hr tial 1(11(01 1111101.111 111111111er the enrol, D". Ien1arks: 1'71 Is amt :awry to ',1t 1u'ideen In molt pleasant; site meld 11'1 holt otherwise,' Then click „roes the cement, and the ,-ooult t., newer 1l) doubt, ,telt:„ hlebrlaugh-• Ion ;,.ost y', belt this ain't my day fee epee)' bleetdls. '1'raltl(--fien't mention it., r11un1, the pled -dee Is mine,' FOR SAFER SUBMARINES IRISH OF LOSING LIVES tVILL BE GREATLY IREI)VCEI'), Improvements That Will Lessen Death to Crews (n Underwater Boats.. Safety 1s 11w nl'inolplo which has hero placed 1)1,1011 all others in the designs of 1110 eleven new submarines which figure in 1(10 current British naval build- ing programme, says the London Ex- press. Everything is being done to minimize the perils of these vessels --- perils made manifest in the series of [0.1511 sod all but fatal aeelduls of recent seal's, Roughly spenicing, the now safely principles comprise Ute 1011000111(; 1- 1, (Irea1Or buuyvtnry 111 all inert slate t0 facilitate nature]. rising to the surface. under emergency Bouillons. 2, Greater intirllul corded as fol' (1s keeping watee out of (hu vessel under emergency conditions is 00ne0r'n:d, 3, Greater range of yishln, so iled Mose on boned can lake greeter (1100(u - tions against collision. These three points cover 1111} chin[ etltn (0 of Med accidents t0 sublllul'ine 01'0(0 S, SUBMERSIBLE PRINCIPLE, The new' Loads tv111 be on the sub- mersible principle. 'When reduced to diving la'1n1 they will possess a much la.rgol' reserve of buoyancy that any existent type. This is rendered posihl0 by the great inerenso of power in the electric engine used for propulsion tinder wu lor. When diving, the submersible is driven attend, and steered downwards by her deflection rudders. She is thus forded under by nlonlenhuu, 11ume- dialely en slopping sire sieve to the sur- face without any mnnirn1talion of her ba11151 or trimming tanks, (1y increasing the pewees of flotation when In diving trier, a very nn1011 better chance will exist of 'bringing the boot 'o Me surface in the event of a mishap when submerged, Another pont le' which greater se- curity will be Oldie is the improve- ment in the meaty of promptly dus(ng all ((cress In the interior of .the boat. The need for this wee nue of the most tra- gic lessons of the fate of the A 8 at Ply- mouth last June THE FUTURE OF RUSSIA T11E DIRE OF A IIEVOLU7'IJN IS liT1L1. BURNING. Leader at Moderato Conservatives Say's First Parti aunt Will Be a Farce. 1'be uselessness of expecting that tho meeting of lit(Ssla'S (lest Pere:intent on Alny 10 will In any way elide the Inter- net struggle is now neccpt'd by every one in Sl. Petersburg. says a corers. pnnctent 1n that oily. rhe lire of revo- lution Is burning everywhere cenllmu- orsly, but It (fns not by a long }way i" i•nl• 1,13•'1.1.3' i• x S^ 1 i41,•l,• 141,471. Fashion w fl.nts. " f r' 'gekel,.y.-Y 141 11'1 1,.1-10 4-1elel itg est MeeeiNls'S HATS. At this Lime of year mantles hats are e1 demand, say's 1110 fuselon authority of the New York Post., It Is nut Bon, Mitered oul of taste .lo (00(11' SIAM ha10- w'ilh minter gm0(15 and furs, but wenn the winter !tats become n little worn end shabby tl, is morn 11811111 to put 00 ttlnlines end ince than straw. ono of the triose tvcleonte inventions of the season Is a nluisturi: and rain -!,root' berried out or smoked out the Govern- nral(m°s, this has been eeemienlly mend. Far distant., Inc, is the day when (routed and It is sold, wilt hear 011ua1 /deletes 111 not ad - well the revolutionaries The present slaughter of minor' Gov- ernment os(1p1031 51 in oh,d(onco to the, melees of Cmunl) Witte and thnlsl,r of the Interior Du1'novn is salicin fea- ture, Thirteen postai , t 11 al t 'i'chll.a whoshared in, 11 . 81 ihr. (,cnelal A!rdc in October have just been sentenced 10 death. The revolutionaries treat Iles and 01011110' crises merely as a skii nll,h lust' (n war, Against the existing system the revo- (0110050y prngrnnune is still lite paral- ysis of the administrative machinery from within. Street fighting and other disorders are not purl of (hall' schwno. The leaders are not likely to call A GENERAL STI1TKli at present because the installation of the 00011a ns part of the fabric of Govern- ment offers surra (((p0 of wrecking the whole system Dmitri Sh(poff, the lender of the mod- erate Conserve lives, omens the follow- ing estimate of what the Douma will nm0nu1 to w•)on it meets. The majority will be peasants, who will arrive quite unprepared for the mode of procedure. trio army vele Inuit° aammou cause i muers(ot le water. ways woven (11 ere retold mesh weld) distinguishes 11 front Iho move admitted tulle, but 111(5 new amities closely re sembies 1(10 tidier in Its cunslrncl(In1. If it 0(01118 Iho lest or sea nit' nod ewulr Ivy (lows n new impetus ought to let given to the fashion of dtephununs even- ing gowns ns well as neck ruffs, hale, and veils of nmlhles. The new maize cy1111(0 (n Meek, white, and n gred vase lett' of light color; ' A GAIN (110110UG11 11A'1', A Gainsborough but in soft, Ulnen 111(115les was mule 0 little more elm - seined looking than weillil 1• desired in Sill r 111' 1• border tri n1' r by n bnde.r of crl.gt nilleu nrnun,1 the brim. rho 1111110100 was stirred very full, and the t•inuno ((1 vets y-c11mv ribbon and green yollu}v ('0505. Atlnlhrr brown 111e011e5 hal '185 trimmed with lighter llrown and (n 111 velvet ribbon nod a large ienieh of pea- cock emitters. 'Tho color coadettelimt 001(5 lo00ly, ,van if the f'ather's dicl eng- gesi a duster. Suitor shapes multiply. The latest sailor is of a 000y shirt brim variety, and is tilled from the Aide Or bark, 3(0uy will not even understand the, Hower -crowned sailers with narrow words used, which will 'be of the official straw brines ore Seen. A pretty model kind and wholly strange to Item. 11 of this kind was in violet straw braid peasants will rnaiu(uin that the agrarian with tea entire crown composed ' 1 question is their paramount Interest and . American Bendy Poses. tv;l(1 College. will refuse, to Irust its solution to any. 'The hat was raised on the left silo and one oulsirle of their oivn class. But it' in the hack, the eanhepelgn weaved with is just the egrarlan (((lesion which is: velvet ribbon, and on the side one hound to meet from the beginning in enormous rose. A polo violet ,striell s',m'm01mlable difficulties which will feather was held In place by leis ('050, serve the revolutionary propaganda." i and was arranged cockade fush[un 0000 Sltipho holds strongly that lire double( the crown, and triple system of election Trinkets (he) .A SAI1.011 SHAPE, people regard the whole procedure as Another 0111(0r shape has a wide )ren SLIDING DOORS. Intentionally complienled and o10truc curled upward on the edge. Ono such live.. He emphatically denies that the. o[ 50100111 straw in memo! lone hal the In the new type it is proposed to sole new Council of State will serve in any brim bound with pastel pini[ weed. setteesliding watertight, doors in the sense the purpose of upper chambers The only trimming wee a wreath of old top of the conning lower, }which can be end senates elsewhere. t1(n1< roses without. foliage, tee pink shut instantly by the pull of a lever He maintains that it will be nlrnoet Ilovtc15 beteg mingled with !raillery white alyssum. A white quill was thrust, through the wreath clear the placed by the side of the steersman, Tho Admiralty also have, under c011- sblerolion the possibility of improving llle same bureaucratic wall which ex- ists now as AN ENEMY OF PUBLIC LIFE,. !Erol, the existing optical arrangements in Many of the now walking hats, }vetch Ile is ccrla(n from lot(, experience (he s n1' beth worn to a surprising til nnrule, T periscope limits the eextent, s m hCp 1 n is g v l r o nen mnvi cin! vv s chat ntal !the At s w n 1 even his as 1 arr..one (oro I iho range of vision la an aro of 6111 horizon 1 y, n winded for many years) 1 Un- !. Ili VO 0 1 @ I lab the CO YS sailor silos a Onerel! 1101 had rt ori When h attention r n m only. \ It theof the otterpretty ell of len Ent ire auk the Dourna oro on ol:servaliOn duly is fixed on the ob- which was alitlul nn In wider than the Jed of attack there is n risk Ilial he may forcd UCI1 1d Loa disagreeable st0 1gle, very }vftin (WWII. 11 'Tile Jot lyes raised Inasmuch us no decision of the Donna omit to sweep the surrounding sen le on a bandeau all the way ardente the make sure no other vessel is approach- notcan be bThe C direct to the new form,ruinous habit told their stories. Of , mg notice. The Council, in its now form, r not only diminishes the authority of the Dot= led concurrently reduces Lilo prerogulive of Iho Emperor. The majority of those"wild have an- alyzed the constitution of the chambers agree wills Shipoff that they have been so drafted under Count \\/itte's guidance es to strengthen the bureaucracy at the expense of both the Czar and the people, these four, three wove boys andel t8 This sons the cause of the loss of •the years old. •A 1 with all liar crew, and a1s0 of the 110 prow escape of the re 0 a few weeks IAI'ANESE MEDICAL ME'1YIOD0. ago, The 110(0 submarines are credited with n deduce speed of eighteen knots, a submerged speed of ten keels, and 11 radius or action, on economic working, Of (100 miles. How They Saved the Lives of Soldiers in the Late War. Shunzo Takulci, son of Laron Kat- ldla - T'nl<ald, one of the chief medical ofilvers of the Japanese navy, is report- ed by a. New York panel. to have said : "rhe exh'no'dinay surcoss of Japan- ese surgeons in the military and naval brnueh of the service in saving lives of wounded prisoners and guarding against hu1(1 epidemic disease and fevers has been in 110 way due to any secret know- ledge possessed by the physicians. 'Tho surgeons of any service could have done the sane thing under the sane condi- tions. The Japale,e administration broke away from any traditions by giv- ing the medical department more power than such ofllcel:s possessed hitherto. The army in the field never camped un- til the site selected had been approved by the me1(cel tam's. The soldiers never drank water until it was either boiled or the s(renm or spring marked by the medical department "Fit for drinking." The food supplieJ to the sol- diers was prescribed by the medical department end the lime of feeding was also under the eont'ol of that branch. Japan recognized, in --fact, (hat, battles are 50011 by healthy men as well as modern weapons. And we think thnt it is dimple' to save the life of a wounded soldier who line been trained and who 1155 seen active service, that 1t is to take a raw recruit and melte him as good n soldier. \Ve lthin1c that the worst thing you can do with a wounded sol- GIAN'F;9 COFFiN UNEARTHED. Workmen in a Bristol Street Make. a Rare Find, Workmen frequently 001115 open cur- ious things in their street excavations. hut it is not every day they disturb the last resling-place of n famous giant. Some workmen (11111 this uncanny ex- i]erience while digging in Trenchard Street, Brietal, England, recently. Their picks and shovels grated against Gm leaden coffin of Patrick Colter O'Brien, whose immense stature of three inches made his name • feet t u household word a century ago. 'there is no mistaking the Identity of the enllln for the plate thereon bore the following quaint inscription : PATIIICK COTTER O'BRIEN, Whose- name 0005 Cotter, But he called himself O'Brien, Whose stature was 8ft. 41n. He died on Sept, 8111., 1806. Aged- 413. Patrick, it appears, was (15 gigantic in graces as inches, A native of (0(n. sale, Ireland, local (118100,y records that his ml11ni1C1's were Amiable and un - offending, and tits inflexible integrity of BUDDHIST 'TEMPLES. Being Turned Into Schools and Prison Reform Methods. "During a recent visit to'I•Iai Chong," says General Sammons, " a city of be- tween 20,000 and 30,000 population, lo- cated near Lino Yang, on the Chinese Eastern Railway, the Chinese magistrate 1('h. leuan Feng Ho, informed me of his desire for illustrations and price lists giving information regarding the follow- ing articles: -'Simple mechanical devic- es for spinning cotton yarn by hand, simple mechanical devices for weaving cotton cloth by ((and, hand maohfncs for weaving coarse sacking, simple hand power machinery for weaving coarse silk and machinery for -making rope by ]tend. This particular magistrate Is one l)1 the most, progressive Chinaman I have met in the Orient. He is a disciple of Yuan Seib Kai, the Tien ('sin Viceroy, who is advocating reform methods for Chinn, "He has turned the two large Buddhist temples and a temple to Confucius, In Hai Chong, into temples of meder11 edu- cation and modern prison reform me- thods. The more important temple is the sent of oducaliop in Mnglsirate Ku- an's district, which comprises a large Mee is to Jet him die. But your 00.11 tact throb h lite molted10 part of that section Of Manchuria be - medical ojllcers 0110 do as well when you (lis cod g tee itvcon Mukden and the port of NlOch- reoO micro the surgeon as ort Integral calm resignation with which he awaited wang. Two bright Japanese mole edu- b ranch of deolh, roved That 1 1 1 'e a Ilis caters me in charge, n1'] the n can a Iho t chief uef ni P m g, • deportment your }eau d u 1111 nt at 1 ort of of d not an n part to toil on behind the may and only to go forward when there are dy- ing men to help. in prior (ply our m1(11. cal &pertinent marches in trent of the army and yours marches behind. \Vheit people think of the Japanese they al- ways think -of rine; but you should un- derstand toot we me not "rico eaters" n more. ve h r' in that eves any i Now} eat ler as you do cou'n. It is one of our staples, that's 1(11, Some e3'01(0s ago my father investigated the. beriberi disease, a. suet of dropsical scurvy tint our sailors were suffering Prom, and he discovered that undue consumption of rice was one of the principal ealnJrs of the, b°tibia, 11(1 51 once ordered the re<lnetion et the rice supply. Its ,lace was taken by 011181' fond, And that Yen -Mule Me of an illuett.'allon Iho.1 will show the difference between our naval medical department and years. 'There has been some con- plebtt recently shout the food supplied to the sailors In the American navy. You sent a sailor, Admiral Robley Beane, to report upon the mutter. We (0•0111,1 hove sent a cou((11111'00 of physi- cians ,.lulled in diddles.' -- Argy-: "I)rl you think, my love, Thee your Weer win consent to Om' Mar. ('111(0'? An(,'ly: "Of course, papa will he ,nry :may in lose ole, (tatting_" Argy 1 "11111 1 will say to bite that in - Mead of losing a. dnugidcr, he will gain rt son!" Angus: "1 wouldn't do ilial, love; If you raptly want Inc. Papa 1tas three such sans living at home nn}C, and he's a Cit loudlyoft (be point," principles were strictly virtuous. It is said tial. O'Brien haled the idea of exhibiting himself, and he directed that his body should be so burled as to cheat the graVe robbers that gale addl. 1 terror to death in those days. ilonl y Accordingly, bis friends provided a Mattel) eolith end had it interred et a gred depth, iron bars being pieced 'n the sides of the rock to render removal impossible, The local atehorilies al Bristol are proud of their 11101, and It Is thought they will resist any overtures from the Green isle to recover the remains. SAVED OVEIt 800 LIVES. Superintendent of Bathing Ground Re- tires WVith Creat Resod. 1"ranl< Shnolel•, wino has just resigners his post as superintendent of thin Reeler, England, bathing ground, has in the last quarter of a century saved over 300 lives. Ile holds all the premier awards 1'f the 1101101 Mullane Society, hnoludi((1 the gold medal, which was [lresenlef1 to hien wilt 100 sovereigns by the Exeter 0illznns.• \t'. 0hooler 0nee swain 100 yards along 11. mill ,ream under a road In complete (lareneee, crud snatched a boy front death just ns he had reached a iarga v} atel"V110el. 01113' 0118 (10oivnhl(t 0805. loos 00ou¢- red of llxeler bath(11(1 grOuhd during keenly -eve years, i= the practicedono at preparing Purioo native e leachers for the schools soon t be es- tablished in the entire district." REMEDY ran INDIGESTION. Clean and serape the roots of six or eight dandelions, cut into small pieces aid pour over liter) a pint of boiling enter, cover close]y and let stand over night. Strain through cheesecloth and it is reedy for use, rt close being a wine glens full before meals. It must bo kept cold and renewed every three days, The juice of two oranges and a little sugar ems be ruled and It will be more pleasant to tako. 1AZY DET 11'.5,' I A . The irritated wife looked at the coat Lhrown into her lap for a wholesale re- plenishing of Inatome "How on earth de you mintage to get '11m off?" she demanded. Do you fas- ten this coal tv(lin your lingers or with a monkey wrench?" "1'111 sure 1 don't know," ho murmured apologetically. "I only tench the but• ton --T can't Imagine what does the rest,' Stile LOST 'T, Mrs, Caller --"It dons not always pay to husband one's resolrees." 341's Mohler -•"Why not?" Airs Caller --"Well, 1 judge so from Mrs, Backer's axper(enee. She let her husband have the $5,000 slie Inherited from 110r grandmother and he ('est it all 1l) eneeUlahloe sante being trimmed with tartan rib- bon wee a large bow in Lha baclr. A band of Meek velvet trimmed the crown, while on the left side was n large bow Of the tartan ribbon, so arranged as to john the how unlet' the brim. (\ small black and white wing appeared with the ribbon. A very dashing sailor In a deep tat rough straw was bound with 01(4,nal red violet, and laid a 1111nmhlg of Per- sian red and gold ribbon. The hat was tilted on the left side, showing a ban- deau coveted with the ribbon. On the right side, On 1.11e brim, was arranged a large pair of sweeping wings, eurdinni red 111 hue. F011 A LARGE WOMAN. A style of ,trimming which makes a. large woman look like a Valkyrie maiden was Illustrated in slit another sailor hal.. This was n white smooth straw with the usual short brim. A wide band of black velvet trimmed the rather high crown, while on either side of -the crown were rosettes of narrow, black velvet ribbon and two line white wings pointing backward and upwards lice the wings on Mercury's hills, Rather more to the taste are the Leg- horn Ba•quise'shapes which lend them- selves so well to flower docolmttons. These hats can be twisted and bent into almost any shape, and the most be - coning effects are possible. A small, jaunty Marquise in natural Leghorn was trimmed with tiny crimson roses without foliage. 'Phe hat was bent in- directly in front with a (numb of four roses. Two other dents on the skies were filled in with roses, 511d the Mow- ers were seen again on the top of the hat, Another Leghorn hat had a trimming around the crown of loss green velvet. The hat brim was turned up sharply nearly a) the way around, 111e right stele alone being left untouched. u. The entire U left side and back were covered r �r-li first with moss green tulle and after- wards with the loveliest of yellow 1'os(s with crimson shadings. YELLO\V IN FAVOR AGAIN. N Yellow, by the way, has been out of favor for such a length of time, that its revivai is doubly welcome, The most. beautiful tints have been r 1(101'1. Orchid yellow, with a suggestion cf pink in its undertones, is a favorite. Amber, and the softer tones of °ranger nee also very popular. Crean corn yellow litre milky amber (s one of the ahwerflllesl of the many ants of lea lovely enter. Everything is ostrich feathers and enormous aigrettes. 'These lane' are terribly expensive, and so perishable in }wind end rough walker that they ere doubly 0xt•avugent to buy or to went'. Sl(11 they are popular anti Immensely becoming. At the opera one saw ell through tho season ewneping while nigrottes worn in the hair, es well 00 0i) hats in the foyer. Paradise Wattage in pale and vivid hues Is also a Very great favorite for hair and hot (lecorattol.. A yellow flat worn at the Opera was of transparent hair braid with a round beim and a full, low Crown. Around the crown was a puffed drapery of Aieneoh lace over tulle. The sane 1ace.c0verecl the bandeau which lifted the ]hat on the loft sido, Ono beautiful yellow rose With brgyvn shadings was dropped 011 lire brine close to the trent, and from it 13very long yellow and 11r0W1n paradise. p!erne attended 0001' rho 1'O 5a a wn Co the .410.144