The Brussels Post, 1906-4-19, Page 5• A st, WINGNI4111 BUSINESS OCLI.EGE is a IlIgh.grado 0ouneretal School. Three Course): Commercial Stenography Telegraphy Write ONO. 8rOTT0N, PrInelpai, A Great School i! ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Student8 from britisti Colombia, !f) Saakatobewan mid Manitoba on the fr (A are 111 attendance tbl. yintr. Distance West to Now Stoney/lea on the clam. (F folio hindrance bo those who who) to pri get the hest Our graduates are al- %waye Bowie:mini Oar ;autumn are mi. g) surpalisen. OomBIRNOR NOIV. NU vaca- tions. College open entire year. Mug. „ niflotint catalogue free. W, J. ELLIOTT, principal, 00R, YON00 AND 0LexAND1C1t NTH. rtc.Cii55712',57*.5g MEDICAL CAROB. DR. R. A. 13U1NS— _, biteeee8Or 10 Br. J. A. McNituglitOn armed& entarto Graduate of Polyolinro Post Graduate School of Medicine earl Surgery, New York. Number In Oollege of Physicians mat Sur- geone of Ontario. Wile° and residence same us formerly ric- otta.° by Dr. Morrausit ton, Diseases of women a specialty. 'Phone No, Si. BUSINESS CARDS. VT 24.00.11AUKEIN- 6v . v .. •, Lamer ot Marriage Lieenees, 01 Grooery,Terunerry street, Brunei/. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIGEN6E6 Olbee In the rest °Mee, met, 30-3 C. 0. F. Conn Priueess Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. V., Brussels. Innate in their irodge Room, Bias. 111 Bruck, ou the aud and last Tueedays of each munch, at 8 o'olook. Visiting brethrett always welcome. JaS. BUttuensS, A. 31.00313.1313111, R. S. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, Q,IVT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INBORANOR, FIRE AND MARINE. atiELA. AUCTIONEERS. 11 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- -a; • 1100, will NM Mr bettor priest), to oetter mon, in less time and lees oharam than 330333 other Auctioneer in Nast Huron or he won't oilman anything. Dates and orders pun always be arranged at bids olfice or ny personal applioation. ROBT. 11. GARNISS 111,1181VA LE — ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Bales arranged for at tbe office of TER Perm, Brussels. 2211 VETERINARY. GA. GUNN/NGHA,141— • Honor ramtuare of the ()merle Vet.. °finery Oollege, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domesticated animals in a compet. exit manner. Particular attention paid co Veterinary Deotistry and fade Paver. Calls promptly attended to. °Moe and Infirmary —Pour doors North of brldge, Turnberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1/113, MACDONALD- ..• Barrieter, Solicitor, Notary, Bto, Simeessor to G. P. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brussele. Solicitor /or Metro- politan Sauk. • ‘NT M. SINCLAIR— r • Barrister, Solioltor,Oonveyancer, Notary Poblio, &o. uitice—Stewart's Sleek 160033 NorIli 01 Central Motel; tioltattor for the Standard flank. ptOUDFOOT, HAYS ds BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES P11BLI0, 18010, W. PRoiMPOOT, 13. 0. R. 0. Brae G. F. Brm. Offices—Those formerly occupied by Mesere ()ammo dc 4014, GODERZOM ONTAltio. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEILD. InceITOT Graduate of the Royal Oollose of Dental Burgeonsof Ontario and Piret.alase Honor Graduate of Toronto 'University. Moe 0001 .130 Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSEILS. g Spring Term Opens April 2 11 )43CEtITRAL STRATFORD. ONT. tbo ordinary witike 0 lite Whoa You (A Veny 0330033.83ol0ornabelat 101111811 f$ in can hotter your oonditIon by taking a irt mum lu this 8ehool7 We gem a II uthorough, medical-edcation and as. I; Met our graduatce to go posittothi. aCommune° your Course no*. Write irt for parriuniure. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, r„ tgeiligliP;36=0/iil=6=;36 rr,T11-7,1. Br e!twer's Art Studio Headquarters for First-class PhOtOgraphS, Life 14120 Portraits, Crayons and Watercolors finished in A 1 style. Family Groups a specialty. Call and see Rumples. H.R. BREWER Pzal rittlys Plus Sboop'o Rheumatic Can brings relief and oure-makes trn end of pain and ewelliug-an end of suffering—suit end of Reetnnattent, It le o put up iu handy tablet fortn, oonveideut and nouommul. Begin to use this remedy to.dity, The reeulte will be lasting. Sold by P. R. Smith. A Mutt D1031111113 KIND. -10 the news paper buinnees then ie nlway some Editor orying about delinquent subeorib are. We've 11,34 311008 spells our 0033388 but lest Friday our tone was oh tinged by the receipt of a letter from Ad. Varna, of Swam River, Man„ formerly of Brunetti, who sent ea 98.00 paying lute POST to May 1908, We wall a umber of other% Would take the notion. WON Souocc138tue.-0.n item of spoolsl interest to many ln the neighborhood, particularly for those of Melville °Introit appeared in the Toronto Globe of 1100. tiny last. It refers to the eradiation of two studente of Boom Gallego, who have made many trisects here F. A. Robineon, B. A., who took Rev. Dr, Roes' work last Summer during hi. variation, und P. D. Lee, who oocapied the pulpit the drat Sabbath after the vacnincy. In addition to palming their graduating eintroutatione, these gentle. tueu eaoh received o prize or eoholarship, amounting to 318500. Their many frieuds here extend ougratuistions. Two obequee were presented at the Bault of Hamilton here purporting 40 be signed by Dr. T, Ohisbolm, One of the ohequee $28 was cubed in Paltrier non by an how: keeper ; the other was for 676.40 and was cashed at a ?lettering Uauk, tee young men wbo presented it having been identified. It mine out 13301 ,08 eiguatore le not Dr. Oltishou's hence Boat, penult had the audaoity to uee tbe dootor's name too freely, and ie nicely to get into trouble. It is said that the iudividual ia known. It is a very dangerous wane for any young Mau 10 330111010 on, ae the peualty 18 severe. We defer further ointment at present, but these are the feats in the oture.—W pgli a m Ad vau ea. GLAD TO REAR FROM A FO1oMS11 BROS 3313LIT11.--La080 week THIS POST rec. ived a letter from. Ad. Varcoe, of Swan River, Man., who will be remernber.d by a good mauy of our readers. He says be spent the poet W inter at Maleking, 80 mites North of Swan Rover, where us ind well. There OMR bout o foot ol meow 00 0130 level boy not enough for good sleighing. I wee 4 mouths tu mama 680 per munth and enjoyed it. Tine 30 trie otiontry fur young Men 10110 are 3100 afraid of work az there is lots of it at good money. A. Inge quautity of .Fan Meal WAS put in here Ian year but what it will areouut to remain to be semi owing to OM open Winter. In January we bad one of those Jaunary thaws, The middle of the weeK it wee about 30 ° below zoo and at the tune the water was runniug down the run, out for all I like this country. Rope you will get those 100 new subecribere you 0330 1000103 for. I forgot to mention that I saw a mosquito on April lot, ao you will 800 we are out so far North an some people would think. We some times beer the woit's howl. Nope obl ray old friends about Bruseele are well. Witibing Tug POST s000ese, I arn, Yours Truly, ADAM VARODB, AN IMMBANOR 00811.—Gome time ago 11.• farmer, 10.0nre31 In the Lhdrose Mutual Murano 00., took some et his grain to the 021311 at Brunie. While it was tbere,.the mill and coutente were de strayed by fire. The farmer made a 030303 001 8330 (40. for the value of the gram, and . the 00, declined paytneut. Amber' farmer. who also bad gra•u de etroyed iti the rail, at the Emma time, preeeuted 31 claim to the Co. to which be 0088 30 tired, tied that 00 31303133311181d the untim and paid it, The question bits awaited some ititerest, Immense, if the claim is 1040, both companies 8430104 pay it nut legal umbel obould pay. Tin followiug it Barrister Vanstuite'e opiuion.—Culrose Mutual linemen Oo Den Owe tau requested to advice you as to tebelAter 00 0101 you are liable for a elitilh mode ageinst the Compaily by a policy bolder fur Ole lose of some grant belonging to him while iu the mill at Brunie. I undertnand that tine grain WM Covered by hie policy whim oontahied in the building menlioned to the polioy, but which was subeequently removed by him to Elle 03111 101 Brueeels and while there wee annoyed by are. 1 have no hesitation whatever le advising you In the negative. Yon only eolitram to insure property of this kind while otiutitined in the buildings specified in the applioation and polloy. 11 you are liable lo the lose of 0 few bnahele 411 gain under eiretmastanne of thie kind, you would be liable under the same prinelpie for any citiantity, end I do not lenity that any tanner would be foolish etiough to oOmeild that If a farmer removed gay one thounand bneheis of grant from hie barn when 11 33308 covered try an iusaranee poity, to a min and had it all destroyed by lire white in the mill 10301 31110 company would be to make good ins toes without having re. calved any nottoo of the (thanes and 001100111031 thereto. The eon wraith, appears tri trie to be an utterly Aimed one. 11 33008 were blueing gm3u while contained in the grist 301111, you would uneenrily hen to (Marge a premium of poesibly ten or twenty times tbe amount which you would ask for e. farm risk. Am& from all other (pleat:one, how) Vol uern bbref, above refer, p03te.118 the 00133331008,5 froin all liability in a moo of 313113813 3344. Thar is no donbt whatever in the matter, and I inn hardly ander. eland a elaim 03 1110 hied befog made OW, Your): Truly, R. Vaustone, WolibineT yen 48i3e.33 five 0000 It) test the 11104111, kavieeledb Laxative tablet ever made Union 3011 try it you UM) never know boW 0111011 real laxative value it contained ha this box ul Lazne, As 100811001110 108 timely, gate for ohild or mime. Baying the formula an the box, on [mow just what you are taking, LUX e14 are ter eoustipetiou, bad breath, bad tune, muddy complexion, headaohe, ociateci tongue, biliousneee, etc., only 5o. Hold by F. R. Smith. 1...teticilteur v. MoKretne Oeutioui.—Oonnoll met ou Annt 0,11, at Settforth, all the members present. Minutes of last meeting BUS. tained. The Clerk 00330 requested to write F. W. Fatiloomb to ren Barrow drain intramor Hislop being ready to corn. mance oonstrnoitou, The Clerk was re. quitted to drat 14 By -low to oohed 6210.- 50 the amuunt (31g11133031 from ft! oKillop fur °mistreating the Downey dram in the town:3111p of klibbert. A resolution peti Cloning the Ontario Government to enact aueb legisletion its would free the people of this provinoe from the daugers to wbiob they aro subjected by the operation of automobiles or motor 31018 On our public) highways was paused and a oopy iseet 10 0033 representative, A. FlIslap, to isy'before the Legislature. Aeoeunte 10 the amount of $98.30 were paned and ordered to be paid. The Council ad• journed to meet at Leadbury as a Ourt of Reviaion on Tneeday, May 293h, at 10 o'olook a. ra. 00. MMIDIN, Clerk. 30tIlle 1. Untended for last week.) After the let of May roving cattle will have to be taken charge of or they will be found in the village Pound. 113080 100533. elated should take the hint, The Ethel Auxiliary of the W. F. Eimilety of the klethOdiet °Minh, met at the home of Mrs. John McDonald on Saturday eveniug. At the appointed tune all repaired to the dining r0001 where a well spread table awaited them to which 3.30 1134 ample juittioe. All the, members bat one were present. After a pleasant half hour had been spent in Boole.' °hat, the President Mrs. L nation, in NW, well ohosen remarkii, preeented Mrs. J. Imlay, who is about to 03408 10 Wingbam, with w very nioe upboletered oak rooking obair as a email soften of their appreciation of her work and Christian fellowship and expreseed the eorrow of the Society at losing her. Mrs. Lamy, though taken completely by surprise, replied feelingly and thanked an for their eiudness and good wiebee. &Ira. Mason then Galled on several other ladiee who in taint made a few remarks. The meeting o osed with singing "Blest be the tide that binds" and the Beue. d tot ion 000' T0 KILL A COLO. Nu easier or pleasant way than to in hale "Oatarrhozone"—it Mops the ()old instantly, clears the nostrils and outs out the phlegm. Try Oatarrhozone yonr• self. G.r &ROM RDPORT,—The report of S. 13. No. 9, Grey for March is as follows :— Sr 1V,-0. &betook, 085; W. Mc:Naught 512 ; A. Mau, 505 Pt, IV,—A. Sperien ; W. Noble, 058 ; F. MoNaught, 487 ; 30. Bray, 454; E. 61oNaright, 454 ; P. Herri-on, 882 ; 30. Onrurning., 879 ; R. Unrnminge, 855 ; F.Torr, 257; G. Hodges 185; A. tioliay, 112. Jr. Sohnook, 526 ; D. Tarr, 476; 1. Mane, 157. Sr. 11.—.B. Snelling, 285 ; C. Flood, 188 ; W. Autfoknap, 182 ; B. Mann, 169 ; 0. Brown, 113 ; 11. MoNaught, 81. Jr. Spaiien, 481 ; L. Harrison, 411 ; B. MeQuarrts, 411 ; F. Hodges, 857 H Noble, 334; H Livingston, 881 ; R. Crawford, 241. Pt. 1L—M. Livingston, 202 ; N. Schnook, 260 ; G. Snelling, 118. Average attendanoe for the month, 88. ALBERTA MON/MORT, Tauber. Sermon RIGPORT.—The following is the resole of the promotion and test Exams. held in B. B. No. 4. Names arranged in in order of merit. V.—E. Smith. N. MacDonald, A. MaoDonald, G. Frillier, M. Smith, T. Smith. Br. IV. -3. Mac- Donald, M. Huffman, L. Frain, G. MoQuerrie, A. Illiaelvey, 3. Hayden, J. eioLenuan, 0. Lake, D. MoLenuan. Jr, IV.—M. Johnston, M. Hayden, G. King, A. MooDouold, M. PdttoDonald, W. Smith, J. Johnston. Sr, Good- fellow, E. MuOuteheon, B. King. Jr. III —It, MacDonald, J, PilaoDonald, 30, teoQt4t1g p6 it:gt14.st2o-se,elez4s Bank, of Hamilton Capititt, raid ilp, 02,1000,0ee Reserve. refill., $4.611..,000 Total Assets, (029,000,000 80 BRANORICS IN CANADA 80 President, — HON. WM. GIBSON Vico President & Oeueral Manager, JAMES TURNBTILL .011.0110. ETHEL AGENCY SinIngs Departineut—Ample security ior Depcwitors. Deposits 01$1 00 a Ed upwards received Interest allowed at current rates and 00111310113301831 half yearly. ADVANOES made to Partners for !cedilla stook, Salo Notes collected and advances made thereon. Drafts bought sad sold, W. N. MaHAY, 0013-AG031IT. iftgittOlciktia57fr. 34 33 34 34 Ulan We have just passed the first mile -stone in our business career and we wish to thank you most heartily for your kindly co-operation in favoring us with your es- teemed patronage. We feel sure that it is only through strict attention to our busi- ness that We have won the approval of a .diseerning public, and we will endeavor to continue along these lines and thereby hope to merit a, repetition of your favors. Wo carry a large as- sorttneut of Spring and Summer Goods which we are sure will meet the taste of all those who wish to bo numbered among the well dressed members of the community. ') Call and see our stock as we are anxious to show you what we have at prices that are right. Dodds & Habkirk T 3030 LEADING ..VAILORS. Hoffman, E. Berke, G. Johnston, G. Holt, M. Wallace, A. Holt. Sr. IL—E Lake, B. Burke, W. Agar, N. Agar, E. Wallace. Br. Part IL-13. McLennan, L. MoAllieter, L Bryan& Jr. Part II.— M. 0013111, 30 00304, 0.. Sing, E. John. eton. Part I —L Smith, L. Frain. Average attendance 47. E. T. Rams, MORIOLVEY—MOTILET DTI:MULL—A very pretty and fashioneble wed ding took place at New Hamburg on Wednesday, Marob the 28th at three o'olook, in the Methodiet church, when Alin Gera Louise Morley, second daogb ter of Jacob and Mrs. Moriey, of Now Ramberg, was united in marriage to W. Lorne McKelvey, of Harris. ton. The ohuroh wee artistieally deoor. ated with nit flowers, plants and smilax. Bitola oburob pew watt prettily deonat. ed with white ribbon and foliage. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F. W. Crowle, B. A., at the altar, be. fore an embankment of plante, foliage and out flowers. The graceful bride who entered the oboroh with her father to the strains of the wedding tnaroh played by the organist of the chetah, molted charming in a gown of white monseellne de eoie with baud embroi- dared cuffs and reveres and chiffon yoke trimmings. She wore tbe castomery veil and orange blossoms and carded a shower begun of bridal roees. blIioo Mina McKelvey, of Jamestown, Meter of the groom, as bridesmaid, looked very girlish and pretty in a gown of e13nt03 pagne silk voile with white picture bat and carrying a begun of pink cane, Hone. R. G. Liddy, of Elarriston, aupporteci the groom. The others were George Morley, of London, and Charles Morley, of New Hamburg, brothers of the bride During the sign• Ing of the register Min Kathleen Haroll ion sweetly Rang "The voiee that breath- ed o'er Edeu." After the ceremony a reception was bred at the residence of the bride's pareuts, where about eighty invibed:gueute from Toronto, London, Smithville, Galt, Harrieton, Brussels, Berlin, Waterloo end New Hamburg offered their augratulations to the 3300031 ample. After oongratniatious bad been offered *0 dainty wedding ereektatit woe served, the bride's Wee being artietioaily deoorated with red earnatione and ernilax. The gifts were both ooetly and numerous, several onequee, oat glue, ellverware, china, pictures and furniture befog among ma Timex There are, in this neighborhood, agents for several "bucket bowl" Oream Separators. "Bucket bowl,' Sep - %eaten are the hied with big bowle, full of parts, set on top of their spindles. These agents my to future in- tending to bny 11 Separator, "Loolt OUT FOR TIM T1:11M1. LAtt,” or "DON'T WIrr TEE 1011111.211," Or "EDWARD of Ten PP9130LAR." To hear theln talk you Would geese right way that TNE SHARPLES TUBULAR is the beet Cream Separator made, and that these "bee- kot bowl') fellows ltre afraid of it, An 33330133 2010 MAID as tr, The Tubular surpasses every other Separator in every particular, and Von SIM= MR MIGHTY GOOD GARB vOtf 340 0811 A Taman before yon buy a Separator. Machine may be twen at MaKAY & Co.'e Hardware 8000, Brunets, 38-4 P. FERGUSON. Alteota BRUSSELS them, The groom% gift le the belle 00(30 10 eft Wittob and eltain, to the I ride.md a gold locket AIM to the 1, rti - pearl tie pin, Mrs. Mac!. iey Wee 3., anted with a bible by the Rev. W • :rowle 10 honor of !hie be. leg Lbe 23,,, wedding ever held in the Methodiet ohuroh. The briue's going away gown wag 0 pearl grey imperial eleth ea$1 trimmort with violet velvet and Persian trimming. A white silk blouse and grey hat trimmed with vie. lets oompieted a very etylieh Oostetne. Mr, and Alre, McKelvey left 011 the 9.15 train on a watichng trip to London mud pointe Wen, and on their return will re. eide in Harriston. The beet winhee of their many friends Ince follow them .for s happy wedded life. 24 it r Fall Wheat hae come through the past Winter in fairly good condition. The pine of low land on the farm of Wm. Dark, adjoining Brunie cemetery is being weaned up and will mach ha. prove the pleue when completed. Sefton ItaronT.—The following le the report of 12. S. No. 1, Morrie'for the month of Month'the names being 1033r ranged iu order of merit :—Sr. IV Oleo.— G. (Nark, D. Colo/ugh, 111. Regale., Jr, IV—L, Clark, Sr. III—M. Caleb 114u, E. Rogation, T. Phateu. Sr. II—G. Olark, M. Pbalen, R. Pindaric Sr. pt. I —J. Brown, G. AloCell. Pt. 1—B. Stevens, T. Rogereou, L. Stevens. Jr. Pt. I-0. Cololoogh, W. Phalen, E. BrONVII. H. ARMSTRONG, Te&Oher. Mrs, Jolla Payers, daughter ot Wm, and Aire. Kelly, of thio township, died at her borne itt DeWitt on Thereday, Maroh 291•12, PertlielOtle anaemia was the nue 0( 808812, Mrs, Myna being untitled to bee bed for seven weeks, The body was taken to Blyth by the Saturday tura. noon train aud ieterment was made in the Roman Catholic cemetery in tine township, A husband and baby are left to morn for her. To the relatives of the deceased is extended a large ahem Of sympathy in their bereavement, 800001. REPORT. —The tollowin2 Acme the etauding of the mile of S. B. No, 7, Morrie, DA e result of the repen3 promo- tion exumiristion ;-11tIbro.tioe olees—T. Labietee W. Brydges. Sr. Kerr, A. Gent:lee, H. 0.enpbell, W. Gray, S. Brandon. Jr. IV—J. Conine, G. Moore. Sr. III -0. Hopper, M. Vitglarnan, A. Comte°, F. Beetle, 0. Cempbell. Jr. II —M. Campbell, G. Higgeus, M. Oamp bell, B. Hopper. S. II—R. Salter, 13. Brandon, L. Hopper, W. Hanna, fi. Kerr. Jr. II—W. Campbell. 13. Proctor, M. Hopper. Sr. pt. I-0. Bell, 8, Croikehank. Jr. pt. I—J. Wightman, V. Hanna. N. J. ISHIBTER, Tauber. SOMML 1111P.MT.—Tne loliowieg is the report of the standing of the mite of 8. S. No. 10, for February and Marob. Puptie' names standing in order of merit : —Class V—Examined in Lit., Comp., Euo., Writ., draw , (Luc. History. Tont 500 —Aline Goo/One, 841; Ernest Shaw, 804. Sr. IV—Ex. in Aritb., Comp., Writ., Drew., Rea. and Dietation Eistory. Total 600.—Liz zie Breokenridge, 898 ; Mary Forreet, 880 ; Willie King, 288 ; Frank Shaw 210, H. Anderson 195 ; Beim Robb, 198, Jr. IV—Ex. ie Seale subjects as Sr. 4— Arthur Shaw, 477, (bottom) ; Agues Miller, 885; A. Tborntou, 556 ; Fame Rokaiier, 807. Sr, 1II—Alme. King, 819. Jr. III—Aunte Breckenridge, M. Mann, Sr. 11—S. Cumbria, Johu Alone, J. Elodge. Jr. II—H. 080, Waiter Elmer, T. Robb. Po. II—Geo. Moffatt, Hazel Coombes, Pc. I—Mary Mther, G. Ourbie. J. T. STUMP, 101101100. TIM LATE MRS. ROGNES..--Mill, Robert Hugon, whine dealt, took place on Monday, 26th ult., was core in Ounnty Down, Ireland, on Ootober 810, 1837. When two years of age ebe 0(0010 00 Octuada with her father and settled hi Newmarket, where they remained for a short time, who they settled on a form near that plane, where she lived until she was married to her now Borrowing line - baud. She and her husband iived in Aurora for several years after their mar. mage, when they moved to Morris town ship, where they lived until about 10 year° ago, when tbey moved to Myth. Mrs. Ilugbee has been a faithful and coneistent member of the Methodist ()Utah from her obildhood. For a ndm ber of years Mrs. Enghes boo been in definite health and not permitted on that tenor:int to attend very regularly divine worship bet whenever meant her devout spirit and intenee kludly interest vats always AU inspiration to the servant of God. Early in January, while returning home, she slipped on Ole ioy sidewalk sustaining a componud fracture from whioh, owing to her age and the feeble state of her health, she tiever reoovered. She lived, however to celebrate the fiftieth annivereary of her marriage, on March 19th. To her minor oho oonld Always give a good renew! for the hope of eteroal life within her and on March Nth calmly and triumphantly pained from the sor- rowe, 03830 3884 sufferings of earth to the joys of her Father`e house above. The funeral took piece ou Thursday and (0330 largely attended by many old Mends and unghliors. 'kite serving at the non.e and grave were oonduoted by Rev. S. Andersou, pastor of Blyth Methodiet (thumb. Beakleso devoted hueband, Mrs. Hughes leave 2 sous and 2 dengeters, who are : Milton, of Detroit ; Meridian, of Edmonton I Mrs. John Wheeler, of Morrie, and Auule et home, She is also serviced oy two Meters : Airs. Alex. Mo. Oall, 03 Monte, and Aire. Walker 1Ciabine, of Miidonty. The bereaved have the sincere sympathy of many friends in their affliction. TUAT PALE, MUM GIBE. She if, in Society, in bummer', at home everywhere you see ber, but Mews worn and fatigued. She hasn't heard of renascent/ or she would be perfeetly well. Flow quickly 11 etrengthene—wbat on appetite it give9—W1M1 0. glow it beluga to pearl cheeks / The nutriment con. Weed in Ferrozone puts strength into anybody. Laughing eyee, rosy oheeke bright qniok movemente all tell of the vitality Ferrozone producee. Thonsauds of attrantve happy women nee Ferro zone—Why not you 7 A box of fifty ch000late onted tablete ente fifty cents 3031 11013' drug store. George Riley hail been called to the Senate, The fever ontbeeak et Fort William is now under control, Vire. Bridget Murray etwornitted Weide by drinking oarbalio aeld. Portage la Prairie, embaratteed by to trinoh mime, w•shee to be Portage. Dr. W. J. Doeglaa, of Cloboutg, died while riming 10 Vielb a patient. --zomme,i9wAs-womi--AtetwaftmawavAth,,,,ww.w4,r, FASHIONABLE Millirteryt0 ,0 (f9 TYlisc4 „.• •Er HOLMES BLOCK OM-41:2.4.7Wag,,Wac.76War.g .W.t..W.AW4..taWAtestit Having dispensed with our formal Millinery Spring Opening we are now prepared to show our many cus- tomers our Elegant and Fashionable Display of Dress Hats and Ready -to -wears. Mao carry a full line of Ribbons, Flowers, Fancy Straws, /ie. Grateful for past patronage and assured that the new goods will please we invite the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity to call and see the new styles. Strachan CHANCE F BUSINESS Having Bought out the Garriage Business of Edward. Spoirall (JOHN WYNN'S OLD STAND. BRUSSELS) We are prepared to attend to the wants of the public in First-class Style. Full range of Buggies, Wagons, &c., kept in stock and sold at close prices. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Repainting and Trimming looked after with neatness and dispatch. Have engage(' a First-class Painter to take charge of this Department FRANCIS & CO. eaderW.A.W..eru el ts.teWor 0 o .c.‘te ~.41.0 40'8.4 i u e A w"eetsuie o %Aire wei.A.Wi go Ped ' i '--Spring and Summer !MILL E81, RY OUR Fine New and Fashionable Spring stock is to band and ready to adorn the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity. As we will not hold a formal Opening we invite the Ladies to call and see our goods any time. A choice stock of Fancy Goods in the line of Em- broidery Silks, Table Centres, Doylies, Sofa Cushion Tops and Frills, Point Lace Patterns, Braids, Threads, Rings, &c., has been added to my business and Ladies are asked to see them. I thank the public for the past year's patronage and will be pleased to share in this season's business. Mrs. 1 c inlay o .1c1. Goods at Ri.ht Prickds Are, no doubt, a source of interest to you. We have received some of our new Spring and Summer Goods and there are, more to come, These goods have the stamp of Quality and as our expenses are light and we have • bought our Cotton Goods and Shoes before the advance in Cotton and Leather, we are in a position to give you the benefit by low. Give us a call—we can interest you and save you money. New Prints New Skirtings New Oottonades New 'Underwear New Hosiery New Shoes 0.110,10.101.....M.0••••••••111••••••••• Best Manitoba .Flour for I'llighest Market Price for Produce of all kinds. Mac detrawlereedWatdieiv oil Bros. JAMESTOWN