HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-19, Page 4't +ll.�- saki t '. •Lt ,ntt'1..
THURSDAY, APR. 19, 1906.
Preeident Oheewrlght, in hie addroae
at the 27th annual meeting of the Woat-
ern Football Aseootation, which took
plaoe al Berlin ou Good Friday, spoke of
the necessity for baviug the chief
DEsecntive ofliaore in oeutrally booted
pointe for obvious reasoue, wntoh bad
brought him to the deoteion to withdraw
from being a candidate for Preeident, a
position he has held for several years.
He referred also to the deoleiou of D.
Forsyth, for many yeare Searetary of
the W. F. A., to resign from that office.
The Auaooiel report, presented by Mr.
Foreytb, showed a eurpula of $100. The
meeting adjourned at 1 o'clock, bo the
Waiper House for dinner, end a teeters
there was the prese0taeion of $326 in
gold and a handsome Morrie °hair to
Mr, Forsyth, the retiring Secretary.
Tbere were speeohee of appreciation of
Mr. Forsyth', services in hie tenure of
Mom eines the W. F. A.'e inception
twenty six years ago, and also a number
of lettere expressing similar aentimeute.
About 200 ooutribnted to the presentation
Ca. d
An interesting toast was that to tbe
"Old Boys," whioh brought responses
from.S, Brubaober and F. Sheppard of
the Berlin High School team of 1880, the
fleet ohempione of the W. F. A,) also
from J. R. L. Starr of Toronto, Martin
Todd, of Galt, R. J. Sime, of Berlin, and
Dr. Winn, of New Hamburg.
The discussion of she proposed amend•
menta took ap a Targe part of the after•
noon. Is was deoided to reoommeud to
the Ontario Aeeooiutiou Football L -ague
to amend the rules 0o ae to permit a
goal keeper to take only two steps while
carrying the ball, instead of throe, as
provided in the present rules, and also to
amend the rale defuiag rough play to
prohibit whet is generally known as
"checking off," The other amendments
tweedy pubiished in the press were adopt
ed except the propo.ai to °Lange the rale
affecting tbe signing of non-reeidentplay
ere and the proposed amendments to the
Hough Oup series.
2u the latter case the representatives of
the Hough Oup clubs °untorred, and a
deadlock resulted to a vote on the goes.
tion of continuing the present eyetem of
adopting borne and home games. It was
deotded to leave the rale aa it ie for an•
other year, bat to have the variooe cot.
legiate institute teams oommuuloaten
with, end if the twelve exprebe a willing.
name to enter to the °vee of the oonteet le
uhauged to a home and a home game
system the obauge to the latter will be
adopted next year,
The 0. A. 1'. L, will be asked to pro -
vine fur the presentation of cape or°tiler
gaiteble gifts to tbe winners of the sen-
ior ohampionebip of tee league.
The teams were grouped as follows :-
Berlin, Seafortb, Stratford.
Group 1 -Galt, Guelph, Waterloo,
Group 2 -New Hamburg, London,
Woodstock, Tavietook.
Group 8-Sayiield, Bruasele, Wing.
Group 4-Durbam, Holstein, Ayton,
Group 5 -Owen Hound, Meaford.
Group 6-1.11;dm:ay, Walkerton.
Group 7-Duudao, Hemiltoc.
Group 8 -Milverton, Lietowel.
Group 1 -Galt, St. George (doable
Group 2-14ildmay, Hanover, Walk-
Groep 3 -Listowel, Milverton (double
The e'eotion of oflloere resulted as fol.
lows ;-Ron. Preeident, R. 0. Oheewright
Walkerton ; President, L. B, Doff, Wei.
land ; Edo. seoretary•Treaenrer, D.
Forsyth, Berliu ; Seoretary Treasurer,
H. W. Brown, Berlin ; Viue•Preaidents,
South Laoban Davideon,Dandae: Oxford
W. Kohn, Woodstock; Central, 5:. G,
Elliott, Galt ; Perth, D. A. MaoLaohlao,
Stratford; Bruce, De. Doerring, Mildmay
Huron, H. 21. Jackson, Seafortb ; Grey,
G. J. Telford, Owen Sound ; Hough Cop,
U. Me inoou, 0liuton; Aoditore, B.
Lutz, F. I. Weaver, Berlin ; Official
Refereee, H. M. Jeakeon, Sealortb ; J,
Bennett, Galt ; H. J. Sime, Berlin ; J.
Gruen, Woodstock ; W. E. Buckingham,
Guelph ; D, J, MaoLaohlen, Oheeley ;
Dr. Burnett, Galt ; A. Bamford, Lista.
wel; W Gowenlook, Wiudeoe; Dr.
Lederman, Milverton; 0, Mckinnon,
Clanton ; J, Telford, Owen Sound ; J,
Ward, Stratford ; J. Moltouald, Heentt-
tan ; Allen Von Every, 8t, George ; H.
H, Armetroag, Toronto.
Representatives and officers peeeeut
were :-R. 0. Obeewrigbt, Walkerton ;
L. Doerring, Mi.dmay ; D, A. McLaoh•
Ian, Stratford ; B. Archibald, Ohae. Sills,
Chan, Stewart, F. Sills, Ohas, Stewart,
F. Sills, W. lardy, representing Sea.
forth junior, intermediate, senior and
Hough Onp Mame ; Chas. Fraser,
Tavietook ; 2).'8.. Wilson, Wingbam ; W.
H. Baker, Galt ; J. W. Ward, Stratford ;
0. Mo.Kl000n, Clinton I G. W. Smith,
Bayfield ; D. L. Oraneton, Oliutoo ; J. E.
Armstrong, le. Strobridge, Stratford ;
W. F, Kuhn, Woodstock ; G, N. Elliott,
Owen Sound ; J. R. Powell, 81. George ;
B. H. Smith, Waterloo; F. X. Hahn,
Mi dmay ; R. E. Lawraeon, 8t. George ;
R. E. Seger, New Hamburg; D. Forsyth,
L. Normae, H. 0. Vogelsang, Geo. Bueh
mer, F. I, Weaver, S. Lutz, Berlin ;
Laoblau Davideon,Dundee; H. H. Trapp
Ayton ; Louie Slake, Duff, Wetland ;
0. W. Fall, Milverton ; A. B. McDonald,
Brussels ; James McPhee, Guelph ; E, 13.
Kelly, Holstein ; A. A. Bamford, B.
Bernford, Arthur Bamford, Lietowel ;
H, Wendorf, Hanover ; P. D. Lieemer,
The Rapyeeentatives of group 2 met and
drew ap this eohedele :-
May 4 -London at Woodetook, Tttv(e•
tock at Hamburg.
May 11 -New Eambneg at London,
Woodetoak at Tavistock.
May 18 -Tavistock at London, New
Ramberg at Woodetook,
May 24 or 25-Woodetook at New
Hamburg, London at Tavistock.
May 29--Tavietook at Woodetook,
London at New Hamborg,
June 1-Woodetook at London, New
Hamburg at Tavietoolt,
The tollewing eohedele was hewn op and fitted
by the rapreaentetivea of the senior earpiece:),
clubs :- At a meeting held is the OOnnoil
Bay 22-Seaforth et Stretford, : Obamber the Maple Lee! leurseee o.ab
May 20th-8•retterd at Berlin, i wee reorganized for the emitting beacon.
Juno 2 --Berlin 01 Senlortb. The Moore ere :-llauorary Preeident,
June 9 -Stratford at 8eaforth.
June le -Berlin et Stratford.
Juno 23-Seetorib t,t Berne.
up egprasely for hoapitel
Mrs. J. Gordon Oampbell, of Aylmer,
ie visiting her son, W. Glen Oompbeli,
The Ledtee' Aid of Ontario street
church sleeted ire o9)oere at the nnneel
meeting as follows :-Pree., Mre. Smith
vise, Mre. H. Mites; Seoy., Mee, W, E.
Kerr ; Trent„ Mre. J. Taylor. The
Society reporte a year of proeperity.
A ooileotiou whioh amounted to over
$36 was taken for the Japanese Famine
Fund in rite Oalario street Methodist
ohurate Sebba'h morning, Turaer'a
eluteols also took a oolleotou of more than
$8, giving a total from the circuit of
uearly 585,
A seeeu year old grecdohild of P,
Uranyn, Godorieh township, was brought
to the boepital here, Buffering from a
p000liar acuideut• While playing around
the yard, she had fallen on a etiok whioh
entered her mouth, sod out her palate so
eeverely that the 800815ee of a doctor
were eieuessary,
The New Era frays :-We understand
that eppiioatiou has been made (or the
admiaeion to the House of Refuge of
eformerlyen of
e lemn t who was
a U4 l w
total ui tide county. Haviug children
who are quid to be able to maintain him
iu hie deoliniug and enfeebled manhood,
aurpriae is sxpreseed that they should
allow him to become nu inmate of this
,ueticntiou, whioh though an excellent
home for those who are in indigent
wraumstan0ee, was never intended for
fames of this oberaoter.
211101) REWARD
('0Ne'r18' ATION.
To a person who oau't be oared of
couatipation by Dr. Hamilton's Pine,
,be above reward will be paid. No oath
actin mediciue gives each laeting
satlefaotiun of Effects ,cob mervelione
mires as Dr. Hanitltou'e Pills. Retie(
,mmedietely follows for headache,
biliooeneee and stomach dieordere. No
griping pains, no burning accusations,
nothing bat the moat pleseant relief
attends the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pine -
ethers not eo good at 25o. a box, at ell
The Epworeb League of Blyth Metho.
diet ohurob will give a oono8rt on May
11th in Indntry Hall,
J. F. Nivine left on Monday of last
week far Sasketoou, Saekatobewan, where
he intends to take ap bis reeideuoe.
The bridge over tin U. P. R. on the
bonudery between Hn110tt and East
Wawanoeh is now completed and heroes
end vebielee can pees over it.
H. 8. Young, au old Biyth boy, who
bee been suooesefully running a drag
eters in Sudbury for several years peat,
has opened a brenoh store at Haileybare,
a ri-ing town on the Nortbweet sbore of
Lase Temtakamiug.
Henry Wettlenfer, of Berlin, sou of
A. and Mre. Wettlaufer, of this village,
has recovered from hie recent severe i11•
nese. He was taken eiott with an attack
of appendieitie, tbie being shortly after.
wards followed by Loneilnotti.
For flebtieg end beteg disorderly on
Queen street Tuesday fornoon of last
week, l'', F. Fawcett and James Stewart
appeared before Reeve Sloau and John
Wilford, J. P„ in the afternoou and were
Sued $5 and $10 reepeotively. The finite
were pramptty paid.
W. W. Sloan, of Fort Franoee, former-
ly of Blyth, has been appointed geueral
timber agent for the MsoKeozie & Maim
•iyndtoate, He will have his headgear
fere in Toronto and some time ;hie
,nontb will move hie (amity to that atty.
N. H. aim Mre,,Yoeng will a000mpany
Mr. and Aire. Satan to Torouto end will
continue their re,.idenen with them.
A epeoial meeting of Blyth commit was
beid on Tuesday eveniog of last week
All the members were present. Several
matters of public intermit were dieoaeeed
among them being the request of Robert
Higbee for some aseiatei ne, owing to the
accident and death of his wife. Ooun.
Mime moved, eecoaded by (Joon. John•
0ton, that Ylr. Hogbee be given $80.
This motion carried wibh Conn, Brad win
voting nay.
Never allows pie horse to enffer pain.
He altraye uses Narviline whioh is noted
(or etiffuaee, rheurne.tiem, ewellioge and
e'raine. Nerviiine is jest as good ineide
ae outride. For orampe, tunic, and 1,1
taruat pain it'e a perfect marvel,
In the good racing stables Nerviline ie
always need,-bec,nee it =time better
horses and smaller veterinary biile. 26o
boys a large bottle of Nerviline ; try it.
tg Baan.
S. Graney bee returned to town
and le again In poeeeee[oo of the old
Chief Vannormen, received omoial
n0tioe Pram the Provinolal Secretary
of hie appointment as a provincial
R. H. Saint gold hie bueineee to Thoe.
8ma1e, who has taken poneeeeioo. Mr.
Sant intende moving to Wapaaebarg.
Last week Beattie Bros. sold their dray
ink bueineee to Thoe. Deane,
Horatio Boyle, father of Rev. T. 8.
Boyle, of this town died at hie home in
St Catharines on Sunday morning 8th
inst., utter it very short illness. Deoeae
ed was in his 71et year and was one of
the pioneer residents of the Niagara
At a meeting of the Reboil Merobante'
Association a resolution wee passed to
she effeot that hereafter the members of
the Aeeogiation refrain from eubeoribing
money in aid of mabs or other lines of
,port or for the aiding in demoustta
Following ofioere were elected for the
Base Ball team :-Hon, President,
Thome Bed ; Preeident, L. Kennedy I
let vale Preeident, E. Moore ; 2nd vioe-
Preeidetit, Dr, A J, Irwin ; Seoretary.
treasurer, Frank Eaweon ; Manager, P.
Deans ; Captain, Wm. Armour.
Steps are now being taken for the
eetebliohing of a hospital in W eighem,
Durlug the week stook nets leave been
circulated about the town and a son.
eideceble sain of money hes been sub.,
aoribed. It do the intention to form a
joint stook company and purobeee A. W.
Webeter'e large dwelling on Darling
street and have it thoroughly overheoted
, J, W. Orr { Preeident, (1, G. Vaustone ;
let Vice President, R. ()lege; 2nd View.
Preeident, Dr...). 1'. 1Ceunedy ; Seoretary,
Eimer Memel Treasurer, J. E. MOGnire,
Manager, W. (4. Rend ; Mauagieg
Committee. W. G. Reid, D. Dineley,
D, D. Wilson, P. H. Hill and A,
1.tttt:tr sit el.
Listowel Spring Show will be beid on
Friday, April 20tb.
J. B. and Mre. Meyers have returned
from their trip to Wiumipeg,
W. W. N,obo', pi tempo of the Lietowel
High Reboot, is attending tee annual
oonventiun of eduoetiouiete in Toronto.
H. ,Hemsworth wee 10 Woodstock
attending a meeting of the direotore 01
the Western Farmers' Werther Ineurauaa
A, A. Bnmt•rrd Rod B. L. H. Bamford
represented the Lietuwel Football Olub at
the annual meeting of the W. F. A. in
iGeo, Loree read an addreea and E. V,
itewert preeeuted F. Taylur web a gold
ioeket, suitably engraved, also a pair of
ouff links.
Bootie Grant, who met with the an•
fortunate accident of Laving hie bend
dhOt off, le progressing very revocably.
tote limb ie healing 1 e
Cita amputated i m 1 aloe a
p E Y,
,a also the wound in his hip.
J. 8. Meyers bas purchased the store
building on Maio street owned by Jeoou
Large, and hoe opened an °Sloe therein,
where i'I non bine bis outer en
b a be w d wood
oueinsee. He is having a set of weigb
eu,tlee placed in the alley way between
Die oflioe and Adolph & Bounell's store.
A very eutbueiaetio meeting wan held
m the Grand ()antral Hotel, the object of
the meeting to organize a base ball team
The following otlio.re were elected : Juo.
Weteoo, bon. prem. ; Rev, 0. H. B,iok•
land, pose. ; A. M. McDowell, vice prem. ;
L. M. Oampbeil, manager ; 0. M, Biggs,
ree..treas, I H. Thiene, H. Hamilton, A.
Smoker, Exeuntive oommitte8.
L. Bolton, D, L. 8., leaves for Bamte-
Itiid, Back., where he le interested iu
some land deale. He bee reoent•y been
given Mac tawuebipe to survey in Eastern
,Heuitoba, just Weet of the Outarie
boundary, through whioh the Oauadiau
Northern Ry. peasee. Mr Bolton expecte
.0 begin the survey about the account;
week to May, and will be joined by biz
BOO, Etaworth Bolton, and a party of as.
,netams from here. The work will pro.
°ably take two or three mouths to
An organization to be known ea the
North Perth Prohibition Aesouiauon was
fully discussed and agreed npou, cud the
,dloers aimed as followe :-Preoidept,
-J. Turnbull, Atwood ; Vioe Pres., B.
Bothwell,Lietowel ; Soo., A. L.Alotntyre,
Lietowel ( Trees., Geo. Spence, Lietowel.
Viae Presideute for thu municipalities
ivere Detected as follows :-Lietowel, Jos,
Bonnett; Elena, Jobn Dioksoo, Atwood ;
Wallace,_ H. R. Spume, Lie towel ; Morn.
mgtou, merson Boyd, Fernbank ; lift
verton, M. Peffere, jr. ; N. E. lope,
Duncan Forbes, Stratford. Elliot to be
1II18 alEItICINE 15 IBIWA-TflEtr,
That's why it le sure to care Oetarrh.
Yoa see it goes direct to the source of the
,tieeaee,-Ica healing vapor repairs the
,damage feuded by oatarrhai inflammation
"Oatarrhozone" alwaye curer because tit
goer into those tiuy Della nod peewee
that ordinary remedies o0u't reach, goes
where the dinette auteelly ie. Impose.
[We for "Oatarrbozone" to fail as any
will tell you. Don't be mislead Into
thinking there ie anytbiog so good a0
Ostarrbozone,-nee it and you'll soon
say goodbye to catarrh,
lit.we, osost.
R•.bert Forrest was in Gorrie and Ford
wioh a few deye looking into the pros
and coot of Pollee Villages.
Mrs. J. Koos and Mre. J. A. MaBain
received two boxes of oranges from Cali-
fornia (tom tbeir father, W. Dunn, of
Au expert obemiet ie now being em•
p oyed by the Oemeut Go., who have a
number of men at work getting the mach•
,eery in shape tor beginning operauone,
George (Judie, who left for the Weet
some time ago, hue eeonred an excellent
position ae barber in a thriving Weetero
town and is doing well.
Goarge H. Mitchell, of the Bonk of
Hamilton staff, and formerly of the staff
here, has retnrued to hie home near
Clarksburg where he will assist hie father
in running hie fruit farm.
The milk -wagons of the Elma Cheese
factory began operatiooe Monday morn•
ng of last week. The quantity of milk
le not very great ae yet, about,11 cheese
being made every other day.
We regret to report the death of Minnie
May, the eleven yeaeold daughter of Wm.
liolmao, auctioneer. Mi/loie bad not
been in good health for yeare' being a
victim of that fell disease consumption,.
A movement is being merle 10 teat the
validity of the looal option by•law repent•
ly carried do EIma, end we understand
the matter bag beau plotted in the hands
u( the eoiioitore of the Hoteikeepere Auto -
elation in Toronto, end that a fund hue
been metered to teal the bylaw in the
While returning from Los Angeles,
Gideon Ziemau woe in a railway wreak
in Wyoming. Two trains collided bot
tortunittely were not going at full speed
as they neared a station. Gideon wag in
a centre ooeob just getting ready to retire
when he was enddemy burled beak
egamet the azar and tboagbt hie nook
was broken. He way badly shaken op
but is now none the worse for hie ex.
perienoe, The paeeengere in the from
coach received many seeking Harlin.
The foot that bite Maine were not run•
Ding at fall speed aioue prevented a
horrible loan of life.
A meetingof the ElmaFermer's Mntnal
Fire 'mimeos Go,, was held Tuesday,
April 3rd. Members of the Board all
present exeepl Mr, Langford. A claim
fur $8 for cal( killed by lightning in July
1906 wag preeented by John Dobeon,
Moraington, whioh was paid in fall ale°
olaim by Cloverdale Heiner, Elma, for
bonze damaged and pact contents destroy.
ed by fire Marob 1908, adjaeted at $18.85
and peid, Apphoationa for insurance
received and aooepted amount to $80,800.
Meeting adjourned till Tuesday, June 6.
Tho Grand Jury at Belleville brought
in a true bill for warder ageing Mre,
Diamond. The Ringbolt °vee wee post-
-x5.1 t.,n".`at4 .r.19'3,' �F?" cuygu,:,.xiun7'. a -:% _.,e..__..... _ __ ._._..9
ms ,iep-.. 11a kirk
f" am46tsre 4�elvr fia'hrl*kr(.aht�ew° �4rCl
wish to announce that they
will not have any Special
Millinery Display this sea-
son. Oar Spring stock has
arrived and is ready for your
inspection any time.
With many Thanks for past
favors and hoping tor ft Con-
tinuance of the same, we
shall be pleased to show you
the latest in Spring Millin-
ery for 1906
....e,more:r®wm. roveno.221172C=
potted to nest Aeeizee at the r quest of
the defence.
At the Winnipeg Melees ,I hn S. Olay,
a negro, oonviobed of manb'enghter, was
eentenoed to twenty years in rue pettiten•
The$10,000 libel actinic of Robert Coyle
esu. agatnet rhe Globe, Riau at 0obourg
resulted iu a verdioo for defendant, with
Justioe Mabee fitted W, J. Welsh,
plember, of Hamilton, $400 for aonap,r•
soy• The oats against the other twelve
will probably be dropped.
A detutation of Bebrewo'waited on the
Government at Ottawa and netted for
tome relaxation in favor of $ebrowe in
abs proposed Sunday obeerv,utoe haw.
EAT it Lax et et bedtime, And feel
eriebt the next day. Lax i to-m,ly 6o a
box -are sweet tooth.nme tablets -5 luxe
Uwe perfeotion. For oonetipa'iuu, doll•
nese of epirit, sour stomach, bad breath,
coated tongue, dizzlueae, bilioaeuess,
sallow oomp'exion, etc, Sold by F. R.
What Are Yon Doing to Protect Your
Weak Body Against Spring
Fevers t
A delay gives the germs and weakens a
better obanee to take bold. Don't will,
think of your small reeieting powere, and
begin bnildiug up today 1 For weakness
overwork and debility the dootore pre•
scribe Ferrozone ; let it help you now,
Vitality and power are instilled into the
bluod ; this Meana new strength fur all
weak organa. The fire of youth will
danoe in your veine, and new found
energy will increase your deeire to work.
Ferrozone supplies the oonriehment arid
Beane building material your system
;mks, Isn't this "a reason why "
From Oombermere, Ont., Mre. John
Orem writes as follows : "For a
number of years I wee eiokly in the
Springtime. I felt tired, nervous and
had headaobee. My blood was weak and
i:PETS5 C. f
i,1nelr.1. ...1111,9,1 1,1041,10."h.bi d,
Carpets, .fiats, 1[attin>:i s! Linoleums
Oil Cloths and plugs
Our stook in the above lines is now complete and
ready for your inspecti'tu and comprises all the new idrae
in Colors, Styles and Patterns and for variety to select,
from is greater than all the stocks in town put together.
8 -Ply Wool Carpets ; 2 -Ply Wool Carpets ; Velvet Carpets ; Brus-
sels Carpets ; *Ply Wool Carpets ; 2 -Ply Union Carpets ;
Tapestry, Wool, Union and Hemp Stair Carpets.
Linoleums 2 and 4 yards wide and a great assortment to select
Floor Oil Cloths in the following widths -1, 11, 1 and 2 yards and
a lot of patterns to choose from.
In Velvets, Wools, Unions and Tapesatrys from 2* yards by 8 yards
to 8i yards by 4 yards, at prices that are right.
Carpet Lining in plain felt and mailed, also Stair Plates and Pada.
A Word About Shades
We are experts in the Window Shade business. If yon want shades
for your house let us give you as estimate of the cost,
We use Hartshorn Rollers and will replace any one that dogs not
give satisfaetion.
,a'1„9„nd'bry14Nn'la'Ise,''11114r 1J'heb't,,
Leatherdale & Son
dente ;Lye bsought on rhtnnintiem.
Sty ionone eyitent was nnetrung and I jrr jl Pa A;1'
felt utterly worn ort, Irerr'.Sone i'peived
ma lu a short time, In two deye my . TENDERS FOR DREDGING.
appetite inereee'rl and 1 eau tl feel e.
building up proem going on. 'Tile
greet Louis Ietnde a new peewit of mo and
1 don't think a more 'etceugihening
medioine for the Spriog pen he found."
Wouldn't 11 be jeer tine to get book to
your old bine vigor 7 Easily done with
"Ferrozone" ; uonrnence to tiny. Hold
by ell deelere, 50 e per box or mix boxes
for 52.50, By mail from N. 0. Palma d:
Coe Hartford, Con , 11, 8, A., and
Kluge ton, Ont„
Wm. Whinney 88518 killtd by a fall at
the Federal Aeeurence building at
Mre, Robert Edward,, of Brantford,
committed suloide by ewellowiug oerbol-
10 gold,
Three oeolionmen were killed in a Rel-
igion near Ohepleau while esteem in their
bunko, and a fourth received fatal iu-
Au inveetment In two unauthorized se-
ouritiee by the Impnriel Lite, whioh re-
eutled in it lose of $10,084, wee revealed
before the Inenreuou Commiesion.
The Ooroner'e jury ut Fleeherten re-
turned an open verdict in the cage of Ah
len Parkes, whirr charred remelne were
found in the reins of hie burned hoped,
Foul play le ooepected.
e I[.[a. a
Oranges Lemons
Spanish Onions
Dates Figs Fish
and Oysters
High Grade be. Cigars
High Grade Chocolates
The Borne of Good Old
Obese and 27c, Tea
Bulla for sale, eligible for regietra-
tion. Apply to JAS. SPU1011, Lot 80, Oen, 0,
alurrie. Brueeele P. 0. 28.tf
Show Oases for sale, tomb 0 feet long.
waluut framer and double tbiok glare. Ap•
ply to 'esu Poem, Brussels,
Is prepared to give lessees on Pians
ei Beed Organ. Terms ou application,
Puetolaoe adar00s-Broesols. Eesiuonce-
Lot 8,000.10, Croy. Pupils may have their
temente at tlloir owe homes it preferred.
Sale on whioh 1s large With house,
stable, drilled well, oleteru, fruit garden,
20.,01 acres of land an John and Andes at„
Bruseele Terms reasonable. Appy to
201224 MIOPADDEN on premises or F. B.
80017, 13rueeele.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
The undersigned effete her 100 mere
farts, being Lot 20, Com 7, iirey, for nude or
to rent. Oumlortable house, hank baro,
orchard, wells, deo. Farm le only } of a mile
from the stir -hug village of Bchel Fur fur -
thug particulate apply to Is. S. Soott, Brim -
eels, or 01118. IIATE HOLLAND, 78 Stutter
0treet, Toronto. 87.8m
uudoreigood offers his house mud lot,
situate on Mill street, Brunets, for sale.
It is well laoatod,a convenient and muter.
table borne. Poeeou,luu the be given at
ouoo. will afro eels the muse lot, corner
of 1,1i11 and Blietboth streets, which would
make a flue buiadiu;t site. Nor further par-
ticulars as to pique, terms, ,Eo„ apply to
FEB0. ADAMS, B:nrdwal'e Dealer, PerthtvtoLL• 80.4
0110800990 offers his 100 noxa farm
being BI Lot 16, Con. 4, Morris, for sale. Tba
mores cleared and all wader grace excepting
6 acres, Farm well adapted for pasture, a
never failing spring emelt tuns through it,
There is a eowfc'tabhe frame 110umo, ane
batik bare 60 feet square, pig poo aud bee
Londe 20x40, and ellen Algae; omall orchard.
Poaoaeslou given any time, For further
partidreoeeUlars Brueeeio 88.0 a Ma promisee 1 mn8Db1)HN
Proprietor; or to F. B, BOoTT, Brussels. s0 -ti
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 19, Oon, 10, Grey, a Tloro'-bred Durham
Bull. Pedigree may be seen ou applloation.
Terme 91.20 with privilege of returnlug,
02.1f JNO. BROWN, Proprietor,
undermined 9111 Hoop for eerviee on
Lot 0, Con, 8, Grey. the There' bred Durham
Bull,"itoyal ieagle," aired by niteyel. 1(111.
oheuer," Pedigree may he seen on twelfth -
Non. Terni, 91.50 per now, 8it11 privilege of
returning if oeoesanry, 40.4
O. BOZELL, Proprietor.
Undersigned will heap for eervtoe on
Lot 21, Con, 12 Grev, the pure bred Aber.
deen Angus bun, "Lord Thomas 13," erred
by"Godedob Met," the champion bull of
Canada. Pediggree may be soon on applies,.
tion. Tatum 12,00 With prlypll we o1 return.
Mg if ueoetsrry, J, M. leN1057,
110.1! Proprietor.
ttnderelgned will keep for service; on
Lot 2l, Oon,12, Grey, the Improved Bork.
Aire Boar,"Fairview OoldfludOr," No. 111408
Pedigree may be neon on application.
Terme-V.1LO,or el 20 earth for two or more;
ad le relellog the Ideal Bacon are
laud 11,
hog that will make the must mon03' should
gee this hog before uenna any ether.
8710 J. P, MoINTOBH, Oranbrook P. 0.
rl'END14Re addressed to the undersigned
and endorsed "Teudere for Dredging,"
will be received up to anti luolndlag Wed•
uaedeY Apdn18.1000, for the dredglu et -
(mired at the following oboes 10 the Prov.
Penetungulabone,iKeeferil hlessorten your
yleb, point ledwnrd, fort etuuley, Port tinr-
woll,lteuduaii, Elver Thames (mond), Owen
Bound, Nigger lelaud Uhoutlet, anti 'Trenton.
Oombinod apeoliloatlone and forme of teu.
der eau be obtained at the Depat'tment of
Publlo Works Ottawa, Tenders must ie.
elude ole towing of the plant to and from
Ole Works. Only drudges can be employed
width are registered in Oauada at the time
of Ming of Widen. (ioutr0oturs must 118
ready to begiu work wltbin thirty days af-
ter 1118 date they have boon notified of the
uonoptunoe of their tender,
Pho Department is not hound to ao0op5
the 1015801 or any of the tenders.
13y order,
01010, GELINAS,
Department of Peblie Works,
Ottawa, April 0, tem,
orityt Inserting
giu11 this
will not be !mid for It.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered ttoatiou of Domlaion
Labile a o a a
La, iu ti nit b Saskatchewan tohawan nu
Al eta oxo ltiu Baud o
bo el g 26, not r who
they he head of homesteaded by auy pore m who ie
3the8 years ears head of n he ext of any mule over
totbu,of age, to the extent nn one.quartor
enottot 01122 noros mors °p less.
Entry 8052 bo mode p Muriel)
at the
Meal laud' 0111,8 for the dletrlot (0 whioh
the laud is situated, or if the homesteader
desires, he may, on application to the 011n-
!seer of the Iuterior, Ottawa, the tiommle-
siouer of 1mmigrntiou. Wt.,ulpug, or the
tonal agent 0008188 antbority far enure Dns
to wake oulry fur him
The bontea ruder 10 rog01008 to perform
rite oonditlone counacted therewith under
one of the following plane
(1) AE levet flit mUUELLt' residence upon
and cultivation of the laud in each year for
three 765110 18,
(2) 17 1tauter (00 mother, if the father
1s deceased) of the homesteader earlier
epee alarm iu the Ool..bty of the laud
entered Jur tIe roqulrumente ae to rosl-
duttoo way bo en'tedod by such person re-
siding tv16h trio Iatuer or mother,
(0) If tba settler bar hie permanent resi-
dence upon farming loud owned by Liul
ha t
In the vicinity of cls homestead, the 08'
cluirumeuts ue to residence may be untie -
tied by reeidouoe upon tiro maid land.
51xu10atb0' u^tioe in writing should be
18905 to the Ouwmiertouer of Dominion
Latent.ude u.t Ottawa of lateutlou to apply for
Deputy r i' t h e Minister of Iuterior.
N. B. sem 'Unauthorised paid
asci of riots ad-
vertisement will cut be paifor,
To Liverpool
Triple Screw Stoamere-
t'109'OI1L(N and 11265218AN
Turbine 8egiuee-No Vibration
The Finest and Fastest
—0N ----
From et/ohs From Hatifaa
Parisian Sat, tine, 81 HIou„ Apr. 0
'natation gat. Apr. 21 hie Apr. 0
n. Apr. 20
pretorluu Apr. 28 ,,. ..... ' Apr. 00
Toiler 01' Passage
First Class -$60 mud upwards, a000rdio;
to stemma. Second Olnae'-640 mud up, uo.
oordiug to steamer. Third Olaee- 520 00
$27 00 and 620 70.
For further particulars, rates and tickets
apply to
W. 111, KERR,
Agent Allan Line, Bruaeols,
Toronto nags amid,
Meta), Oo'3r
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
FIides, &c , Ste.
Highest Prices for All
Mil{ st. West, Brussels
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coining to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
The nndertigned beg leave
to notify Ulu farming community
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing al lowest rates. All
work will be promptly and care-
fully atteuded.to.
Manitoba and Ontario Flour,
131'an, Shorts, &o., always in stock
and sold at Market Prices. '
Thuell Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building.