HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-19, Page 3O00-00,0*) OtZto-O-00-0404>Ofh YOUNG FOLKS Nnts-co.).o04 000.000-00-0-0000-0-01 111l• BUSHEL'S IJOSPJTALITY. Pour brollinet by the name of Peek, (All Mr. Iles:ids kill), ile often as one desires it, Are teken by hint elders, the Misses Callon, Won the tow Peck IdSAINTS UFO OUL, ifl Mr, Bushars quarters, Have Nom tu 1111u1U about. Thirty-two amine, the QuerIs-ab, met Whet. will Mr, linehel du? Polite end open ho smiles; and soys, "Pin alone, so there's room fur you." A jingling crowd -the sixty-four Pints, To shelter than, no Anti Mr. Bushel laughs, "I'm empty now, Wall: in, male, every and' Two (indeed and fifty-six baby 111110, The tiniest, friends end shy - "Can wo all come in?" Mr. 13ushel re- plicas, "I can hold you and not half try. A jolly good fellow to entertain all, This Mr. Bushel meat bet Ile takes them only one group at a time - And each group makes him, you s'el THE LATE PLOVER. It was a beautiful summer morning, and Uncle John was ob,iged to drive out to his lavas. "Would you like to come with inc. Teddy?" he asked, as the horse Was brought rouncl to Res door. "Yes, sirl" Teddy answered, eagerly. "1 just. guess I would." The sun was bright, and the country read was green and sweet, with delight- ful odors, and Teddy trotted around In (lis fields litre a young colt. Uncle John was driving along home at a smart trot, when all of a sudden ho stopped the horse quickly and (Tied out: "Teddy, do yon see that?" -And there, rlgiiL muter the pony's feet almost, were A whole family of tilde plovers. Teddy was so delighted •that he could scarcely speak. The tiny birds were lied as quiet as could be, because their mother had fought them not to make a noise when any clanger came near them. Rd they were dreadfully frightened, for you see they had been nearly run Over. "Ion may get out, Teddy, rind run aloi4„. the road for a short distance," said -Uncle John. And Men Teddy saw that the Mlle plovers were not alone, but that their father and mother were with them. The minute Teddy's feet touched the ground the old birds begun to maim a, fuss. Prohithly they thought, he was a cruel, Ind boy that was coming to steal their birdies. The mother "cheeped" and all her lit- tle family Wowed her into the grass at the roadside, but, the father bird ran along In front of Teddy, back and forth, and seemed to want the little boy to play with him, "Try to cutch him, Teddy," he field. Teddy tried, but found It was not easy thing to do. IL was queer, too, for the plover dragged one wing along In the dust, and seemed to be quite lame, but just as soon ns the little boy would gel. near the bird and think he could put his hand on it, he would find it was a little ahead of him all the time. lie followed it along the road for three or four minutes, Uncle John driving slowly after him, till all of a sudden, when the father plover thought int) mother bird had had lime to get their -wee family through the fence into the fleld and to hide them safely in the long grass, he rose straight up into the Mr, end away he flew bank to them before Teddy had time to think. "Wasn't It too bad to fool a boy like flint," Uncle -John said, ns Teddy climbed back Into the buggy. "You see the fa- ther bird was only pretending he was tome, so you would think you could catch him, and then, while you were chasing him, he knew the mother plov- er would be hiding the little ones. If you were to go hack now you couldn't and them anywhere." "Oh," said Toddy, "but I wouldn't Wive hurt them. Why did they want to hide from me?" "Well, you see," said Uncle John, "they didn't know you had an Aunt An - ea, who has taught you to be kind to every living thing." "That's so," said Teddy, soberly, and he wondered it he would ever know as much as Uncle John Md. SENTENCE SERMONS. • Struggle is the school of strength. Faith Is fond as well as medicine. He who team to leave tradition can- not find truth. The wealth of tine love will cure the love oI wealth. A. hard head is apt to be dull without the bright eyes of love. Personal righteousness will bo the source of any permanent reform. Tho life that is written in blue Ink does not turn to a permanent eoloe. The keys of life are not given to those who cannot keep the door of the lips. Reverence reveals the heart of every truth; superstition sees but the surface. It takes more than the Sunday dress parade to make -the Christian warrior. When you have honey from the rock yoil will not want glucose fron1 flatterers. 'Tho people are losing much of life where the prophets are ttfrald of losing 11 fe. When a man Is drifting with the strew' bo Is likely to think that the stream has ceased be flow. There's a lot of people so perfectly good they cannot give the rest of its a chance even to be pretty good. Some peoph0 think that flret-elase piety Is simply a feeling of pity for the thhid class passengers on the glory trate. You get near the real vnlualion of a Man When you see him put a peony in the offering while he sings, "Take my One et the great deficiencies ot Ined- ern worship Is MEL 11 presents only one opportunity to walk up the Mete with the new dry geode. The Tenn Who wanks to Melte 4 mitt'. 10 order 10 Mild a lieseptinl 011.531 g• OR himself with debating 1110 old elti..• 'When. 110 bat Made hie pile, A SpIIING Weak, Tired and Depressed People Need a Tonle at This Season to Put the Blood flight. Spring blood is bed blood. Indoor life during the winter months Is respon- aible for weak, watery, impure Mouth You need a ionic to build up the blood hi tile spying just as mem as a tree needs new sap to give it vitality. for the summer. In the spring tho had blood fillOWS lisell lo many veva. In some it breeds pimples and eruptione. In others It may be through occasional bendacties, a variable uppetite. perhaps twinges of neutialgie, or rheumatism, or a lazy feeling In the morning and 0 desire to avoid exertion. her these spring ailments 11 is a tonin you need, and Lim glinted bloodentildng, then - plying ionic in all the world Is Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Mile. Every dose helps lo melte new, rich, red, health-griving blood, which reaches every nerve and every organ In the body, bringing health, strength and energy to weak, despondent, ening nem and women. Here is proof, Mrs, Chas. Blaelchurn, Aylesford Station, N. S., snys: "For tits past ten years Dr, Willi:maPink tilis 10 MS ally medicine I have taken when I farad I needed a medicine. Last spring 1 was feeling poorly, was weak, easily Maid and depressed. I got titre boxes and they ninths ma feel like a new person. These pills arc the hest medicine I know of when the blood is nut of order." Thnusands of people not actually sick need a tonic in the spring, and to all these n. box nr (wo of Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills will bring new energy and now strength. To those who may be more serlouely ailing, who are suffer- ing from any of the ailments itic to bail blond -a fah, treatment with these Oils will brine new health and vile:0y Ynll sen get Mese pills from any melt - eine dealer or by mail from Mc 1)r. Wil - Items' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont., at 50 rents a box or six boxes for 82.50 RUSSIA'S FIXED POLICY. German Publicist Fiercely Arraigns the Czar's Government. Startling reports of the ciontlition and future of Iluseiales 6,000,000 Jews were made the other day In the annual meet- ing of the Centrni Jewish Relief League, el Berlin, Germany, by Poul Nathan, n well known Berlin publicist, who has returned Iran an extensive trip 'through flussia nri the speohn emissary 01 Jow- ish philanthropists in England, America end Germany, to arrange for the distri- bution of the relief fund of 81,500.000 raised aftee the massacres last Autumn. Dr. Nathan paints a horrifying pic- ture nt the plight and prospects of his co -religionists, and forecasts at any hour renewed massacres exceeding in extent rnd terror all which have gone before. fie left St. Petershorg with the firm conviction that Ilia Russian Govern- ment's studied policy for the solution n1 the Jewish question Is systematic and murder/me extermination. Dr. Nethan mei to the meeting a circular addressed last week to the gar- rison of Odesen. calling upon the 801. dies in "rise owl cr(2st) the trallora who are plotting to upset the holy govern- ment of the Czar and substitute for it tI imig.h. mom. Dr, Nathan conethiled with n pas- sionate appeal to the Jewish money powers of the world to arrest Russia's 010,001' 05 5 b01,1,0,5,01,.'I'he f150505,,,,5 of the world should call a halt to Russia, rot only for tuttnanItarlan reneons, but for practical reasons. Russia's bank - 'Tides! is. nn established fact. Information published at Berlin slates lied a renewed outbreak of the Russian mm111113111 is Imminent. The Cenfral [devolutionary Executive Committee are distributing great quantities of arms and ammunition, particularly bombs. On this oceaslon the revolutionists will not fight in manes, but in small flying col- umns, which will employ the bombs as their principal Instruments of destruc- tion. One of the most remarkable features 01 the movemenl is the, enormous cpian- thins of small bombs available for use. The 'scheme is to destroy the perman- ent way of railways and cut telegraph wires simultaneously in many different mite throughout the country. The pros- perous quarters 01 10003' towns ere also Lo be set on fire at a given moment. SAFETY FOR CHILDREN. Rally's Own Tablets is the only medi- cine that gives tlie mother the guaran- tee of a goveerunent analyst that it contains no poisonous opiate and is absolutely safe. This is worth much to every mother who CMS for the fu- ture welfare oI her child, The Tablets are good for the tenderest baby or for the well grown boy or girl, and cure the minor troubles that are Inseparable from obildbood. Mrs. W. J. Macintosh, Clam Harbor, N. S., says: "3 have used Baby's Own Tablets for oonstipation, vomiting and colds and have found them a splendid medicine. 1 give the Teblets all the credit for the splerald health my little ono now enjoye.' 'The wise mother will always keep a box o! these Tablets an bend. They ean te got from any druggist or by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 13rock- Ville, Ont., at 25 cents a 'box. INACCESSIBLE, FORESTS. 'Nearly all of the northern And east- ern part of Cluatemala is covered with a dense Ironton( forest, condoling of mahogany, different kinds of cedar, chtele and other hard woods. Along streams down which logs can befloat- ad much of the mahogany has been cut, but as yet, very little 01 1318 other woods have boon marketed, This IS ,especial- iy true of the departments of Peten, Al. La Vekapaz and Izabal: Most of the for - eels still belong to the governmeftt, and the usual method Of scouring the timber is by Coeeesslon, by which a. certain nunther of trees Mt out, at a given peke .per tree, or a stipulated.sum Is paid for the timber on a given tried. ft la net trn easy Matter to get Ittle.s to large tenets Of land IA Ouatemala,. &sit ledla• -raged by the gervernment. These (stone are not, usually grimier) for .1ger peeled then AIM years. Some, s 11 10 stipulated that if a cOrteirt meeiser 81 Week' are 13111. during that Wise they Mllet b renegted. DIED AT WIFE'S FEET, An Enoch Arden Tragedy Enacted In Parte, Prance, An Enoch Arden tragedy came ta light -4n Paris the other day whin Jacques PrIsset returned after three years' absence, and on learning from his wife that she had remarried, fell dead at her feet. Brisset ran away to Delgtem with 01 music hall singer three years ago. Ilo took 1211111 him 8500 of his empinyee's money, and left his penniless wife the burden of supooteing two children. About 11 per ago she was leformed that her Imsband had been found dead, with his throat cut, on the Reigion frontier near Lille, and her husband's pumped and other papers were handed to her. Soon afterwards M. Crawly, a neigh- bor, risked liar to be Ida wife, and they .. wore married and lived happily to- gether. While M. Cloudy was away front home the other day there was a knock • at the door, Mine. Cnurty went to see who W08 them and found a pale, thin ' man, with hair nthiost white. Before She could ask what be winded he fell (linen on 3118 knees and asked her pardon. In bewilderment the wo- I mon asked what there was for pardon,. and lo, then told her that he was Bets sot, her husband. He said that his life with the music hall singer bad been most unhappy, and trait soon after leaving home he had fallen into the hands of thieves, who robbed him of his last penny. 100r the lost two days he had eaten nothing. Mine. Courty gave him food, and while he was eating rotated the htstory 01 11)8 past two years. When she came to the account of her marriage Brisset gave a convulsive start, and fell dead at her j feet. Mine. Courty, who had unwittingly committed bigamy. will go through the murriage service a second time with M. Candy after they have both attended Brisset's funeral. RAINY RIVER MAN HAD TROUBLES 'DILL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS KIDNEYS. 1 hen His Rheumatism and Other Pains Vanished Once and For All - ills Case Only One of Malty. Barwick, Ont., Apr. 9 - (Special). - That Dodd's Kidney Nils will cure Itheurnatorm, or any other disease re- sulting from disordered Kidneys Is the experience of many of the settlers in this Rainy River country. The case of W11 - 3(a1)1 John Dixon, of thls place, is a fair sample of the work the great Canadian Kidney Remedy is doing. "I had Reeunntlism so bad I Had la 1180 a stick to walk. I had pains in my lack and right hip, and 1 had no com- fort In sleeping. "I could no more than dress or un- dress myself for nearly two months, and I was for nearly three weeks I could not lace my right shoe. "Sly brnlher advised me to try Dadd's Kidney Pills, and I did so. After tuking three boxes I could walk around end lace up my shoes and do my work. Six hoses cured me completely." Dodd's Kidney Pills are the one sure cure for sick Kidneys. Sick Kidneys are the cause of nine -tenths of, the Ills the human family suffers from. Mrs. Crabshaw-"You seemed pleased that my doctor recommended a five -mile walk every day." Crabshow-"Yes, my dear; I was afraid he would recommend an automobile." Helloway's Corn Curo Is a specific kr the removal of corns and wads. We have never heard of its failing to re - Move even the worst kind. If you think that honesty keeps the majority of politicians poor you are en- titled to another think, A Sure Cure for Meadaehe.-13111000 hladache, to which women are more sub- ject than men, becomes so acute in some subjects that they are utterly pros- trated. The stomach refuses food, and there is a constant, and distressing de fort to free the stomach from bile which has become unduly secreted there. Par - melee's Vegtnble Pills 111`0 a speedy al- lernative, and in neutralizing the effects of 1110 intruding bile relieves the 31505' euro on the nerves which cause the headache, Try them. When you SCO a young MR11 sitting 'n a drawing -room with the ugliest four- year-old hey that over frightened him- self In a mirror clambering over 1110 knees, jerking his necktie out of place. ruffling his shirl-front, pulling his hair, Molting his shins, feeling in Ills pockets for coppers, while the unresisting vic- tim smiles alt the time like the cover 01 a comic paper, 300 0103' safely say that that howling boy has a sister who is In a room not twenty feet away, and *that the young man doesn't 001110 there just for the fun of playing with her brother. Drill Sergeant : "Now, then; smarten up, there I lei I you 1(1 the rear, there, can't you see that you're not behind the man in front, of you?" , $5,0Ari REWARD will "`" be paid io any person who proves that Sunlight Soap contains any iainrintis chemicals or any ford of miulteratIon, a is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap is pure soap, scientifically made. Every step in its manu- facture is watched by an expert chemist. Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics. t Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto 234 CLEANING LAOIES' NOT IIIS SEEKING. "Weil, well," remarked Jigloy, notto- leg higley's black eye. "flow did yuu , meet with thut accident?" I "I didn't," rolled Jugley. "It met I WWI 1110." --.---. Do not Id a cold settle on your lungs. Resort to Biekle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup at the first intimatlen of irrita- tion in the throut and prevent disease (1 0102 lodging in the pulinoilary organs, Neglected colds are the couee of untold ! welding throughout the cuuntry, all I t 1 which could have been prevented sty the application of this simple .11111, NM" drill medicine. The price, 2.5 cents, 1 rings it within the reach ef all, WALICIMIO OR OUTING SUITS (Ino 1,0 ,12,2,0 50010005 by one French Preens. Try 21 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEltiO 00. stgoppintAJ,, TORONTO, OTTAWA a QIIInnto Farms for Sale. If you want to buy a farm In Ontario send for our list of over 8,000 farms for sale. Tho Western Real Estate Exchange, Ltd London. ANYTHING WILL DO, "When a man axes you to advise," saki Uncle Eben, "it generally don' mean man' exeep' dat he's kind o' lonesome an' wants to be talked to." Couldn't Estimate Its Vnluel-Dr. Ag- new's Cure for the Heart never fails. It rilieves In al minutes, st cures. It Is a heacon-light to lend you back to bealth. W. II. Musselman, of G. A. 11., Weiss - port, Pa., says: "Two battles of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart ettirely cured me oI palpitation and smothering spells. Its value cannot be estimated." -230 COMFORTING. We feel that the bad things other people know about us are more than counterbalanced by the good things we know about ourselves. ONE OF THE neer old time remedies for MD skin %freed no, much 1l1 Enema, Ringworm, Sold - head and similar affections is Wearer's Cerate. 11 18 an °figment that hos brought relief to 1 thousand% ONE YEAR AT COLLEGE FREE WE 2'A.11 8011 .111'. If you will devote only your SPARE Trtc.ia- sanding us names of farmers and teeters and heip introduce ARA0I514 OMEN AND POULTRY FOOD TABLETS A Common -Sense Stock Food el a Common -Smote Price of ONE CENT A POI5111) RATE-, 31.00 per 100 Prepaid and guaranteed. Send us a trial order and ask for booklet No. 13 giving full particulars about 100 Free Premiums offered. TI -8€ BeSAW CHENIFOAL 00, 50110F1ELD DLD0„ CLEVKLAND, 0. A MOrtearl Petit t ry Fara). We Arent for Oolor, 01001, and Heavy Egg Production. Our Leghorn and Wyandotte hens have rosords of over 200 tgge por year. Alms for Hatching from forty Breeding Pens rd Barred and White Plymouth Rook% White and Silver Wyandotte% White and Brown Leghorn% Eggs 33.06 per 13 0160 par 30, 513.40 per WO, 2000200 5,20(530 and Jersey Cattle. 50 years' an parlance in brooding. Olroular aud Prices Pros F. 51. MUNGER ft SONS, LIcKalb, 124 Honesty seems to be an Mgredlent that many a self-made man neglected to mix In with the rest of his material. "Keep Your Stomach in Good Working Order and your general health will take care of itself." This is the advice of en eminent specialist on stomach troubles, and he "clinched" the advice by pre- scribing Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tab - lee as a wonder worker in all phases ef stomach disorders from the little "ler- mod" after eating to the chronic dyi- pepsia. 85 cents. -.181.1 - -4 - POISONED BY WOOD. Mysterious Disease by Which Shuttle - makers Have Been Killed. . Workmen engaged in the manufactOrd of shelties in Lancashire from n wood known ns West African boxwood have been afflicted wills a mysterious disease, width in several eases has culminated In what Is known as "the yellow death," So many oases of illn^se recurred (lint the matter was brought to the notice of Dr, T, M, Legge, chief medical twee - tor to the Factory Department of the 11°lSullso 111°cInoliese. eventually fnstened upon the wood, and Prof. Harvey Gibson un- dertook the examination of its botanical elln'rhaetecil' IeSexperiments prove that the wood Contains an alkaloid which ads as a cardiad poison, Inducing n greaten slowing of the hendbeat and diminutien of vigor 1)1 the contractile tissue et the the film parttelas heirtills suggested that at Wood telling on the perspiring skin, more °epochally of the betide, Yield the Alkaloid in eilifeng rmarility, which SO Lecterles labsifted int° the decollate/1. "Many a =Maga turns nut n fen. ure," opined the philosopher, "mainly because the winning ways of the ewe. heart. become the whintag ways of the wife." The Pastor's Fity.-A prominent pas- tor of a Durham, Ont., church, twitter: 'I suffered intensely from inflammatory Rheumatism. Just one bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure healed me. 1 pity those who suffer so much and t'o not know how near they are to a cure. • 1 feel like proclaiming It from the houseetops."-138 Mrs. Gramercy -I hear your Imsband suffers from dyspepsia. lairs. Park - Not exectly. You see, he has it, but. 1 surfer from it. Pale, sickly children should use Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. Worms are one of the prineipal causes of suffering in children and should be oxpelled from the system. Caller -"You appear to be very fond of your little playmate. 11 Is pleasant Ir see such love among children." • The Bigger One-"Yesam he's got or penny to spend." Sunlight Soap is better than other maps, but is beet when need in the Sunlight wag. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow dfreetiene. lenicker--Strange they didn't name the I aby after its rich unale. Bocker-No; he looked at it, and said he'd give them 85,000 not to. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has proved a blessing to many a "man be- fore the public" in cases at hoarsenees, bad throat, tome -this and catarrh. Sone of the most recent evidence of its efflcacy COMES from a well-lcnown actor, whose home is In New York City. lie says: "I have never found anything to equal this remedy for quick relief." 50 cents -137 "How is your son getting on with his work?" Beautifully I" answered the hither of the gilded youth. "He never troubles it, and it, never 565MS to trouble him." To Those of Sedentary Occupation. - Men who follow sedentary occupations, which deprive them of fresh air and exercise, are more prone to disorders et' the liver and kidneys than those who lead active,, outdoor lives. The termer will llnd in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills a restorative without question the most effleacious on the market. They ale easily procurable, easily taken, act expeditiously, and they are surprising- ly cheap considering their excellence. Ile: "Perhaps you don't like my style of dancing." She (In evident distress): "There is rather too much sameness 111)0111 11." He: "How (1203' 1 vary it?" She: "Suppose you tread on my MR foot once in a while." RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A hands ine illustrated treatise, Riv- ing Nil dear:motion or Nheumatibm and Paralysis, with instruetiona for a win - Mete home cure, describing the most nuemtesful treatment In the world. re. commanded by the If inietry and endors- ed by medleal men. Thin highly Ins structive book was Written by W. Li. Veno, a gentleman who ban made. study of these diseases. The preface la 1,afr,aenetmf tAn1ertY °14,mbig.%pait:-d4an, w(11 receive the book free by re. turn.-Addreso, The Veno Drug De., EA Ring S2., Vent. Tomtit* "Why am 1 111<e a pin?" asked Mr. Jones triumpliaolly of his wife. Ile ex - peeled she was going to say: "Because you OM so there.' 110 was energy dis- appointed when sho replied: ' 'Because if you got lost, you wmildn't be Worth looking for I" Dear Mother Your little ones are a reagent rare fe Fall end Winter weather. They wilt catch cold. Dri you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lune TorAci and whet it has &maim so essay Y 11 15 said to ixs the only mita& remedy for alt diseases of the 00 -,s in children. It is absolutely I ploisahl So take. his tjU01110,,,g1.4 CMG error ratutey is Murtha The price is 25e. per bode, and all etcetera in medicine ten /11 114 ittitlya.,...ct emclutagligt14 ( 58 • • • 4,-th We Own The Largest Stock rood rectory In The Wert& It covers over a city block, coot 0015 080118 acres of floor Space„cost $300,000. Oise of our office 360x120, 300 office people, I50 typewnters and we one fifty million letter heado and envelopes every year. A ear. lead every 3000ys. Our ehensical loboretory is 080 01 timbre% Our office is one of the great sights of the heathen world, Many vets' mall Concerns advertise large buildiugs. We invite you to visit 0115 factory end See that we have everything 000 038101. Manufactured and OUitratiteed by Inierhational Sink Food Ca "International Poultry Food'. "Inlernelionel Stock tud" nntetnelionel Louse ::11aritt'amrpielii*o:11114/Tm° PCoow"do.r* DItlemper Curt" "Inttruallonel doll Cure" "Ialernalionsi Fool Remedy" "Silvor Pine Unsling 011" "IttlernatIonol Colic Cure" "hgernatIonal Compound Abserheol" "Internsileaat Sheep bit" "Inicrostleael Rod Ointment" "Intornationel Pbeno Chloro" "Internellonsf Haden Son" "Bee Patch Stable Disinfecting" Ain "Jewel Incubators" sad Brooders, and Jewel Chick and lien hear 11 ges- so• '00 52 :,:"eig2:1671 DAN PATCH Th3-3-(i7 MAILED FREE. We have a Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our Champion Pacer, Dan Fetch 1:354i, size 140.4. Free of advertising, doe picture for framing, gives all tbe records made by our peeing wonder. We outman you oue free, postage prepaid, if You will Write MI how numb ahliela sou own aud name Cue viper: 'Milo at once to INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO., Minneapolis, Minn., IL 8.11. t "I'Vx ;I/ 4' Two thousand designs suitable for all claws of work such as Churches, Schools, Stores, Halls. Also special designs for Douses, Kit- chens, Dining -Rooms, etc. Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped- lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm Douses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crack or fail off. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. hf^de to At any size room and can he nailed on by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses Balnled all ready to apply. OLIR CATALOGUE, NO. 10 C, DESCRIBES MANY DESIGNS. WRITE FOR IT. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRITE TO -DAY. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE 737 00,Ig 81, J ,11"Ira= i =Inm6m. t WINPOPLEtlard St, WRITE 040310 NELEEST Oral= "Ntraftitent Head Office and Works, . Oshawa, Ont., Canada Ft in Western Canaria ""`" ed laads la Saskatchewan, only 9 miles from two railway% C.P.R. 0 O.T.P. Strong Soil, 93 par not. plough land, spring crook, no sloughs. About 40 miles N.E. of Indian Head. Price 31060 per acro. Write for map and Nil particulars. R. PARSONS, pi Wellesley Street. Toronto, Caneda. OW VIRGINIA FARMS ILLOSTRAThe CATALECUE FREE, LARGEST LiST FOR SALE 1E4 THE STATE 0-00(2(11 88 3,10., IOIOIOII000,V11301418. Rheumatism Cured. Why do'you suffer -Stares Magic Rhomnati tun Cure will relieve the worst easel of acute, citron* or inflannu utory rheum ttism in 04 hours. Evely bottle -has a positive guarantee to ewe. !tundra& of marvelous CI11.0.1 have been made in all parts of Canada. If year druggist cannot give yon Stat.es, take no other, send direettst us. MAO per ban% Osborne Remedy 0 a., 175 wigs St ,Torart to, Ont alimeamos000mmanor RHIEU rATSM In any form and cold perspiring loot positively lured witilto ao days, by our newly patented Magnolia Discs or tummy ViUtniAly reft111 ed. Raged anywhere 31.05. Write for desoriptive booklet, Agents wanted. MAGNETIC REED tlATISM CURE CO., Sherbrooke, quoins% Canada STA ERERS The Arnett Method is the only logical method for the cure of Stammering. It treats the CAUSE, not merely the HABIT, and insures natural speech. Pam- phlet, particulars and references sent on reque.it. Address THE ARINOTT 131311LIN, ONTARIO, POSTMEN ON SNOW -S1101338. Mountain CarriersU1m Great Risks in Colorado. Strength and courage are needed by the men employed in delivering the mails in the Becky Mountains. In win - ler the undertaking is (Moult and dangerous. Sometimes the carrier Is wept, away by a snow -slide, and months roll by before the brave fellow and the meil-poueb are Month Aboet, fifty of these mountain carriers risk their lives daily on the dangerous trans In Colored°, carrying the mails on snow - gimes Jo the most remote mining camps. Only hardy men 01 resource can do this work, for twenty -nye pounds of let- ters, papers, end packages become very heavy and bureensome In climbing the mountains. These carriers know 1115 peaks, passes, and Irene as well as the city carriers do the streets and Munbers raciindlitstrg1.i°181.10 summit the carrier t the pole, and, placing Ills snow- y9attall 'der: l, ea sbees deed together, begins his dement. One accustomed to the west will go down the nionnteine with the swIftnets elf the whod-a mile a riohtute. 13u3 11 18 not so with the one Who ig inexperienced, for out slips the gtilding- 'pelt, up come the sloOw-shoes, end the tinforttnUtte terrier, mail -bag end ell, goes rollitg down the mountains, in - dead oi all&thg down them. • Ethel -That lovely Mise Ifiekingten'a feet are the Windiest In town, so they completely 10 042851)' worth 11051 say. Vreddlo--Well, bar father's aro the &agog, on 00.1114 ISSUI NO, 15.-418. 11E11 BUSINESS. "You can hardly help noticing what handsome rings Miss Flirt wears, oan you?" "No; she has such an engaging way of wearing them." It is Known Everywhere. - There Is nol n oily, town or hamlet In Canada where Dr. Thomas' Eelectrlc Oil is not known -wherever, introduced It made a foothold for Itself and matulainea it. • Some merchants may suggest some other remedy as equally beneficial. Such recommendations should be received with doubt.. There is only one Electric:I Oil, and that is Dr. Thomas' Take no. thing else. WISE. Johnny -"Come in. Sister's expectirf you." Mr. Steplaie-"How do you knew she is?" Johnny -"She's been sleepin' all the afternoon." A LITTLE QUIET is the bent of all diet, yet iti will nut make bone and wade but "Irerrovim"' will Try it. All drug and general Pharos,. (th Otottles. EXPLAINING 1T. Mrs. Nagget-You don't love mo os /1111011 as you used to. Mr. Naggett-Think not? Mrs. Naggett-No. -You used lo say I was worth my weight in gold, and - Mr. Naggett-Well, you're not as 830(11. 115 you were, you know. A TORONTO IAN TRIES SOMETHING NEW AND IS DE- LIGHTED. rr,ELs LIKE A. BOY. Mr. M. N. Defoe, Manager The Dust- less Brush Co., 29 Colborne St.., Tor - 4.r.47.1 onto, is telling Iii, friends how he found health after rare of illness And pain. Ho says : "I have been a great sufferer bons llyapepsie, for many yearn. I have beat treated by local doo- tors and hare taken Ma. M. b. DAP" nearly all the miser - (1. .1 remedies witit onlytemporary relief, ir say at &It, bat *Moe using Anti-Eill loan eat anything the rent ea when a boy. X 1)8/80 1)008 taking one Anti.l'ill at bedtime for the post three roontheLatid find they initiate both stomamh and barrels, My old time rigor has returned, so that lay sildrite 285., atiolatit And temper tiormsl. .as a monitor this tin/toped for experience I am in duty bound to give all credit to title wonderful remedy, Anti -1111." /Ivory druggist eons Dr.teenhardils Anti -PM, or a sample will iTO :sent free by Tho Willion-Vyle 0o., Limited, Niagara, /kIls, Oat, Tho remedy that cured gr, Defoe so;