HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-19, Page 1Vol. 34. No 41 1111111111101.1111101.11.12101........... rtt BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 1.g, 1906 New Advertisements. Looal—Dr. Butler, Wall paper—Le. R. Smith. Blacksmith ahop—MoNeil Bros. Eggs for hatching—J188. Ballantyne, A great school—Elliott Buo. College, #etas, Mut ovule. Mies Olive Soott ie vieiting in Sea - forth. Andrew Helmet) le raising and levelling We lawn, A baby daughter ie a new arrival et the mimeo. Clifford Pugb was home from Londee. boro for Easter. Ere. Moegrove and Mre. MoKinney visited in Toronto. Walter Burgeon wan home from Stratford for Easter. Shwa's' Methodiate aunt $28.00 to the Jipaneee famine fund. Mies Alice Duff, of Thorudale, epent tbe holiday.' at home in Bluevale. Robert Shaw weut to Toronto Junction leaf week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Fred. Johnston. Manley Auderno, of Toronto, quint Easter with hie greudmother, Mrs. Matilda Andereou. Thee:and alre. Stewart spent Banter in London to be near their daughter wh. in a patient in St. Joaephet hospital Mre. Johnston le making good progress toward recovery. We are pleaead to notion that Louie Blake Duff, of Wellend, a former Mas- onic' boy, was elected Preeident of the Weetern Foot Bali Aesooiatiou. He wil, fill the bill to a nicety ea he is au expert player, le intimately acquainted with the Aeeoniation work and will do hie beat to keep tbie manly sport on a high plane. It is an honor well deeerved. Ho ! For the Farmers Blacksmith Shop Walton M'NEIL BROS. the Horseshoers, having bought out the Humphries Skcicanntiiiiig business are pro pared to do all kinds of work la that liue en th- alisrteet entice Having had !eve al reeve' experience iu some of the best horge-ehoeiag skips In the United States we are prepared to shoe all horses entrained 00 00. Give us a call. 41.1 McNE11... BROS ONCE AGAIN The Buff Orpington Heads the list in the Egg Laying Contest, Loudon, Englaud, The Model F trm Report says:—"They aro the beat Witter layers, 8180 grand Utility Hroasl," 019 pens are Standard Brod from Pi 100 Wientog Stook and re in better shave to supply eggs for hatching than over beiore Eggs, Slaw Ter Set JOHN WRIGHT Toe Orpington Man, Brussels. 40.6 SMITH &, STEWART House, Sign and Carriage Paint- ers, Ornamental and itieene Work and Paper Hang- ing a Specialty. Quotations Furnished on Application SHOP Turnberry St, Brussels ••••1111111MIIIMIIMINM• 1110011111012111011111•111•11011(r George Aitaheeon lett for Oburoh• bridge, near Regina, ou Tuesday, where be hue a good poeition, Mr. Booth, butter maker, arrived from Brantford on Illonday,and will commence the neasous work ehortly. Tele will be hie third year. OBIT,—Mrs. Jewita smiler, died at the home et her Meter, Mrs. Themes Jewitt, ou Monday morniug t the advanced age of 86 }team See emigrated to Canada with her parenta from Norfolk Om, Eng land, iu 1887 and settled in Toronto. In 1888 the was =tried to the late Chau. Ortboree. Her second buobend wait the late Lewis Jewitt, a former well known Morriaite, Tbe children by the Heat marriage ere :—John, of Grey townebip ; Mre. Morrison, of Muskoka ; Obas„ of Port Credit ; Thos., in Algoma ; Alfred, in Port Huron ; Jae., in North Bay vicinity ; Wm., in Muskoka ; and Jonathan iu Algoma. Old age was the comae of Mre. aewitt's demise. She bad been a etrong, hearty woman and a worthy member of the Methodist ohurah. The Interment wart made at the Jewitt burying ground Rev. Mr. Baker oon• daottng the service. Afro. Jewitt passed away like a ripe idlest ready for the garner. VV n1 Lon. Mien Flora Campbell ie visiting at home. Robert E. Harnphriee ie holidaying at home. E. H. Jordan spent Rooter at hie home .n Goderioh. Serrate wee held in St. George'e ohuroh OU Good Friday evening. Mrs. Alex. SMith, of Seaforth, 19 visit - lug relatives in Walton. Mrs. (Dr ) Waters, of Detroit, paid u flying visit to (Mende here thin week. R. W. Hoy, who has been in Trout Greek for some menden, returned on Monday. Duff's °bomb hold an Easter Song aervine last Sabbath, the aboir rendering ueverul apeaial appropriate seleokions. New gangs of laborer!' are arriving frequently to pooh forward the oon• etruation of the] aeotiou of the G. G. R. Henry Beet, of Perth, we) vieiting ,elativee in Walton tbie week. This te the first trip to Western Guthrie' in 30 yearn. William Young, who Lae been on the Guelph end of the G. & G. R. for some mouths, has rejoined the staff on bele divieion. Brussels Anglican ohuroh choir will asaiet in tbe aerviee of St. George's anemia pen Sunday, giving their Easter emeations. McNeil Bros., have parahesed the blacksmith trade ofeW. H. Humphries aud will carry on the ba-theas. That are now 10 poeseeeion aud their oard may be read in this Moue. G. E. Mallory, who has been on the G. & G. staff here, received on Friday the appointmens of Section engineer or' a branch ot the Great Northern. We con gratulate Mr. Mallory ou hie upward gum sod wish him 9000000. Friday of,,thio week Jonathan Moore, an old and well known resident of Wal ton, will leave on a holiday visit to 04011809 and Mende in Halton Co„ the scene of hie youthful daye, We wish him a pleasant etay. Er. Moore may take a trip to Manitoba. before tbe Sum neer ie over. Gault or Tams :—To the members of Waiter' L a L. No. 252 and viaiting brethren, wbo have atoms brotherly love indeed, and to the numerate' Mende whose sympathy anti innum,-rable sots of kiudoetie during the trying hour of el:illa- tion will never be forgotteu, 1 wieb to convey my hearths!' oral Midi.. ,1op W W onnvotl, RESOLUTION OF SIMPATEIT —The tot. iowiogioo resolution of oondolenee to J. W. Morrison from Walton L. 0. L. To Bro. John TV. Morrison, W. Itt. Dna Sin AND BR., —Ou behalf of the offioers and membere of Walton Loyro Orange Lodge, No. 262, eve desire to oonvey to you and brothers and rioters our bearatelt a mpathy in the sudden death of your father. Full of years thongh be Waif, he occupied a place in the affectione of Me femily that neither age nor oiroum4ancett retold efface. Though tee condo e with you in your sorrow, we are pleased to have the enthority of God Himself to eity to min, 'Do not aorrow an thoee who have no hope," for now hie ago and his deorepi tude have fallen from bon dice a earmete, and he stands arming that aloud of OUR AMERICAN WALL PAPER 18 NOW IN STOCK. ,The Best of this Season's Productions We have made a sp.ecial effort to ammo Designs and Colorings of artietio merit no only in high grades but in those as low as 5 cents per roll. Papers originally 12ic, now selling at 80 Papers originally So and 10, now selling at 5' BED ROOMS—We have Dainty Florale, producing charming effeots, at Low Coat. PARLORS—Beautiful Designs in Gilt and Creamy Toueo, Blues, Greene, &o„ in delicate ehadee. HALLS, DINING -ROOMS, &c.—Fine Effective Deeigne, in Magnificent Cornea giving Warmth, Itioliness and B-auty to an apartment. DON'T WAIT till celeste,* in broken. Make your seleotion NOW. V you have any rooms not recently Papered, just cell and let nit tell you how little it ooete to make home Bright, Attractive and Happy. Paper Hanging and Decorating a Specialty All Orden promptly attended to. Fred. McCracken Smale Block, Brussels. witneeeee tut 10 man, the oobleet creation of God. Let ea not forget the soothe from whioh ell true solute comae, the greet loving heart of God, who is too wipe to err and to good to be unkind. We pray that He will sustain you and all the family by GIs graoe, and may the livtng epiehle of your father's life of integrity bo to you and to ne 0 atimulue urging 00 00 10 84 alone observance of thoee dread prinoiplee of brotherhood upon which our noble Order fie founded, Again metering you of our eynepathy. ligbt is from our lodge room gone, A voloe we loved to 08111 ; The place le vacant in our lodge Whioh helms nobly filled The cup was bitter, the blow severe, To part with one we loved 80 4880. Christ will clasp the broken chain Closer when we meet again, How sweet the hour of closing day When all is peaceful sod aerene ; And the broad eutfe retiring ray Sheds a mild lustre o'er the Goetze. Signed ou behalf of L. 0. L, No. 262, Walton, Out., RS your brethren in °barite,. 0. CABE, P. D. at W. M. SMITH, Trese, H. HASSILT,M, P. M. Joon BERRY. Lead b oar v. Mee. Thomas Young spent Beater at Hamilton. Miee May Sperling from London lute been visiting in MoKillop. Mies Windeor is spending the Easter holidays at her home near Centralia. Miss Germ Forbes has been visiting with friende in Seaforth the past week. John Dougherty has been laid up with blood pointeng and hie neigbbora tuned eat and eplit him a large pile of wood. J. J. Irmo is building a house on hie fifty Kora lot and will move to it shortly, as the home farm in rented to Solomon 1011. Henry Stirnore has bought some buildinge from T. Waghorn, V. S., Walton and le moving them to hie farm for an implemeut shed. Spring ie here again and everything has aweeteued to the vuiae of Nature. luaeote and planta of all dieeriptione are infueed once more with new life and mother earth will shortly be wearing her new dress of beautiful green. C rote zit el a- 0 title. Mies Beatrice MaQuarrie ie vieiting in Bruesele. Mies Lily Tyerman has been visiting !Mende at Londesboroa Mimi Silvia Seel, who Is teaching near Winguam, is here for her mutation. Alias Nora HOHrlea, of Braseele, woe e attest at the Manse.for the past week. Juo. McQuarrie, of St. Thome,' made a 07Mg aim to Granbrooli for Beater. Farman' are busy at Spring Beading, -elute advantage of the fine weather. etre. Mte. Seel Is at Centralia visiting tier mother who bee been 00010093 ill. Allan Cameron aud daughter are mail. ing Om brother of the former, Rev. R. F. iJemeron, of G.orgetowu. It, A. MeDimaie, son of A. McDonald, who hae bed a puution In London for the prnt four menthe, is et preeem under the parental root. The annual Sabbath Sohool meeting For election of offmera, dm, in cow:option with the Methootet church here will be held next Aloutlay evening. Severe, peop e from this looality at- ..encied the Goideu Wedding ot George and Odra. Partereon, 13tb owe, on Wed. ueaday sod 'meet ou enjoyable time. Uraubrook ie to have a meabiue euop. L11110. BeialOn ie proprietor. He guarau• ,,eele to pot a wire edge on e, razor, nearpen your axe aud attend to general repaira. GOOD OOLT, -Laat Monday George Whitfield, of Grey, sold a 9 amebae old eon to NIf, Hanna, 01 018884, for the Nam a110. ID was bred hum Robert Mo Dunteciet well knowu heavy draft, Retron Fife." It entys to raiee good name, We are pleased to hear that Dr. Tom 1 lelaratae, who hue been doing duty in bo. Miehaei'a Hoaptal, Toronto, bee istely been promoted and ie now a reei deb pbyeioiau. B,e roomy tmende about here hope he emit mime to the top of tbe ladder and believe he will iu tine course. Oraubrook thou d leave no atone tut arned to pooh forward the proposed telephone line to Semple's. It would bo w.irth a greet LIMO to the po p e 1 this uommuttioy to nave amid °meld° oom. 1.1we0tioo in imudrede of cases in year. Wu a case that wont pooh itself nowever, Ileum the reeidento generally should roue up at onoe on the qaeution. Druggist Jet', Muollae, sou of Rev. D. B. MacRae, of that vitae, who for five yenta hoe bad a drug Ettore at Van Auda, remade island, B. 0., hes moved to Vautiouvet oity, we hear,where he ban ro fine more, It Romeo ee street from rue Hotel Vettoonver, one of the beet lotattione to the eity, We hope the 81111. alone of prosperity may slime upon ilia way. Mimi Lizzie Calder, wbo hag been tak ing 80 manse In Dorneetio 00181109 at Turouto, PRO vientilig bore for it few days during the tau week. She leaves for Tiedele, N. W. T., where she will teach during tee Summer moethe, returning to Toronto next Fall,. We understand ALSO Calder% relatives, former residents of this looelity, are now located at Tis dole and doing web. Illamomotetze—A584110 Y70 RN reminded of the that wet 11 ,9 not good for man to live alone, by the pretty marriage that tools plate' at high uotee ou Apra llth, before the Immediate re atone, at the borne of Wei. Buttrey, hiIh con., Grey, wheu hie thtru daughter, Mem Minnie Mil, was united in marriage to gamy Beatings. The bride wbo vete given away by her father, looked charming in a blue btheeded ehot salt &eat trimmed with tine Brazil work. She wore keel bridal melee in her hear. Rev. D. B. eartoReas performed the ortremony. The worthy groom presented hie bride vrith en exquisite diatimild ring The happy rumple p111 spend their honeymoon in Stratford, Linwood and other places. the bride's going away gait wite Of bine broatielOth with hat to numb, &Ir. and Mre. Hastings will make their borne at Silver Corners. Their many hien& wish them ell kinde of prosperity. 4E:mem to awn J. T. Strachan intent bit Boater hob daye in Pine River. D. L. Strachan, of Pine River, elated at home thio peek, Alre. Mo0oeh and eon, who have been vieiting iu Paris, Vent a few days at 3. Straohanat'thie week, They were on their way to letucardine. 11 19 with no email regret that we chronicle the decease of Alex. Glenn, the bright 03/4 year old eon of Alex, 1112I1 Mre, Forrest, let line. Morrie, who died on Wednesday of this week from tuburoalar tneningitie. The funeral %dinette° the parental home on Friday afternoon at 1.30 o'olock. $ervioe at 1 p. m. Inter. meet 01 0100000 °amatory. The bereay. ed will be deeply aympethieed with in the demise of their little boy. Victoria Hell was filled to tbe dote taut Thareday evening to hear the Met program of tbe Literary Society for the season, Program was as followe :— Recitation, Alias M. Miller; reading, Miss Buoitanan ; recitation, Aliso A. Coum bee abort lecture on "Burns" by Dr. Fowler, of Teamster, which wag much appreciat ed. A most inetructive debate followed ou "Resolved that Limited Monarohy ie preferable to Republic," by Menne Dobson and Munro, of Wroxeter, for the Monarchy ; and Menem Richardson and Lamont of Brume' for the Republic. Solo, B. Wallace ; eolo, D. Streatham Ches. Richardson 58980. very appropri- ate reoitatioo, eater whioh tbe audience sang the National Anthem, thus bringing the very anoceeeful series of debates to a °I°ae. Mao.RILEY PASSES Awar.—The oall to Mre. Wm. Riley to depart thio life oanee auite suddenly Met Saturday ae she had only been ill for a week. Her maiden mune was Catherine Elizabeth (tarter, ebe being the third daughter of John and Mrs. Carter, Beneath'. She wee born in B.yth 40 years ago. About 24 yeare ago deoeseed wee united in marriage to Wm. Ri oy and they made their home in Ola. Kemp aud Grey townships before moving to the Fraliok farm in Morrie, j miles South of bete. 1u addition to the hue band there are 3 sone and 4 daughters left to mourn the demise of wife end motber. The eldest daughter was mar• rigid to Allen Lemont, of Grey, this month. Funeral service was held Mon• day afternoon, conducted by Rev. T. W. amine, of Snead°. A large commune followed the remains to Senesces oeme tery. The retativea are deeply syrupa. thized with In their bereavement. W rrniceteete. Alvin Hemphill returned to Toronto on Monday. Geo. Dane, of Hamilton, was in the village last week. B. F. Carr paid Toronto a business vieit on Saturday. Gavin Davideon, of Galt, epent several days at hie home here. T. H. Rae, of Galt, spent a few dap' at hie home in Howiok. Mise E. Cook, of Fordwioh, visited in the village on Monday. Mre. MoKeroher be returned from vieit with (Beesley relatives. Lawrenoe Moffit, who has bean ou the abet Bat, 18 0089 improving. Mies Paul, of Bluevale, ia the guest of her Girder, Min Mande Paul. John alatleivey, of Oheeley, la reneW• ing aoquaintancea in the village. Alias Booty lo spending the vacation at her home in Whiteohurah. 8. M. Robiueon, of Brampton, was the guest of We patients over Sunday. Aliso Adams, of Fordwioh, called on Mende in the village test Thursday. Mete Elide Hazlewood epent the hola daye with 0 brother in Bowmanville. A. McLean has purobaeed the old manee residence from John Sanborn. John Munroe left for Radiation, Soak., teat week where he will parehase a farm. Dr. W. Smale returned on Saturday from Toronto where he spent a few daya, Mies Nellie BIROS, of London, ie visit- ing with her parente, Robt. and Mre, Black. Dr. Fowler and family, of Teeswater, visited iu this vioinity a few days leak week, S. B. Smale and Mre. O. F. Mo - Lean are spending a. few daye in Tor. onto. W. I. Johnson has gone to Heusall where he will be employed for unite time. Meagre. Black, of Ayr, visited over the holiday with their brother, Robert Bleak. The annual vestry meeting of tbe Episoopal church wag held Tueeday afternoom J. aad Mre. Koehler of Ayton, are vieiting the latter's enter, Alta. A. H. Moffitt. Mies Elate Alan to spending the Fleeter holidays with her mother, Mrs. N.Aiian. Jae. roonwen, of London, is visiting with hie parente. Juo, and Mre, MoEwae of Turnberry. Mr. Reale, of Milverton, luta been the guest of hie son, Conrad Rem, for Principal Dobeoo left for hie home in Foedwioh, on Saturday where he will spend the holidaye. The epeoial eingine in the Methodist ohuroh Sunday evening wait well rend reed and highly appreciated. Peter Smith returned to Hamilton on Monday tater 'mending a few days with hie 'nether, Mre, 0 Smith, William end Mee. Domeae, of Tarn. berry, moved into their reeidenee, lately purchased from John Roberteon, on Good Friday. Robert Lang and William Sanderson, ,1 the Owen Smolt Boaineee College, are weeding the Easter vaoetton at their hernial here. One of the earliest setelere of tieie 91080. 113, 181 the person of Mee. Adam Mar. row, paged away at her home in Gerrie Saturday evening. For many years elm, with en only eon, resided on their farm on the re8& road, Turnberry, until about tigo year° age when they removed to Gerrie, Mre. Ildorrow, who wee in her 80111 year, hod beep danger. °wily 111 for some weeks so Mott her death wee not nnlooked for, The faueral took place in Gerrie Alourety afternoon, Rev. T. H. Farr concluoting tee service which was held in the Episcopal ohurob, of which deceased had been a lifelong member, Six nephews Dated au 5011• lemma, /*Ire rreia. See Morrie nem on page 5 of tbie 18000. Moo Margaret Bielby 'Tent Beater with friends in Toronto. Soboola rename work next Monday after the Exeter mutation. W. Re Mooney arrived home from hie trip to the North last week. Mies Genie Duncan P60 visiting ea Ingersoll and London during the Beater holiday. 011ie Walker, who ie attending the Col- legiate et Dutton, ts nada the puree:al roof for Bauer holidays, Mrs. (look, of Winthrop, and Alias Maggie Baird, of Kincardine have been the guests of Mre. George Kelly, 8113 Hue, A dog shooting performance baa been on the tape' on the 8th. It would be well to look ap the law iu the aitqation. Misses and Master Jackson and Mies Gerrie Bielby, of the 8te line, were re- newing old acquaiutanaes at Brussels during the past week. Wm. Clark, Township Clerk, and fam. ily, moved to their new home in Belgrave on Tueedny, April 1701. They will be greatly miused in their old neighborhood. Joseph Clegg arrived home thio weak from a moot enjoyable Wintering in the South. Be visited (Juba, Oelifornia and Florida. His many trtende welcome him back. Mrs. George Hood, of Sunshine, lose purobaaed the Marshall property on the coruer of Morrie and eloGonoell 8100010, Blyth, from George Jaokeon and will shortly take op her reeideuoe in that vil- lage. The ead news was reoeived thio week of the demise of Mre, H. Dunn, at Par. Mtge Italerairie, Mao., last Setarday. Cancer twee the mole. Mrs. Dune was a daughter of the late Samuel Barr, of this townehip. John MaElroy, one of the pioneer residents of this townehip, died on Sun day evening, 8th inst., in his 86th yeer. Tee tapers' took place Wednesday after. noon and interment was made in the Union cemetery. Next Tuesday, Wm, Keys, 5th lioe, will leave on a trip to the Went, with Battleford ae the objective point. He has lamed hie farm to John Bateman end Geo. Beat for a term of years, We wish Mr. Keys 8000000. Township Clerk Clark and family have taken up their residenee Belgrave hay- ing Bold their farm on the 8th line. Mr. Olark's health has not been of ae robust a type of late but we hope the well earned reet will greatly beoefit him. OARD OR THANES. — The undersigned desire to expreee their femme thanks to the many frieoda for their worde aud eats of kindness during the Hines° and subsequeut demiee of the late Mrs. Wm. Rtiey. It yeas most highly appreciated and will never be forgotten. W. Rams 030 Fauna. By request the Tranefer Committee of the Methodist Conference have made arrangements by which Rev. R. Maandere will be etaajoued in the Aseinaboia N. W. T., Cotterenoe next year He has been preaobing in the Bay of Quinte Oonferenoe. The West affords a Mg field for the clergy and we hope Mr. Manithere will meet with the 0000080 he desires, ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. -04 Wed needay evening, 4th inetaut, some 50 or more frienda representing the Jaakeon church and Sabbath wheel, 8th line, assembled tbe home of Wrn. Clark, Townahip Clerk, to spend a social eveu• ing before the family left the farm tor their new home Belgrave. After a few hours were spent in mud°, chat, &o.. Rev. 8. Anderson, the pastor, read a kindly worded address after tyleich W. Taylor presented Mies Rose Clark with a gold ring eat with opals and rubies, and Mre. Clark reoeived a gold watch he be. half of her daughter, Mies Sarah, who ia vieiting in Manitoba. Addreee was as follows :— Dear Bre. and Sister Clark and Family :— We have learned w1,11 very deep sorrow that you aro soot] to leave your old friends and neighbors, among whom for so many years volt have happily ”erided Wo all re- gret very deeply the affliction which has made it 080008007 for you to take this Step and treat that a short respite from the ar- duous duties of farm life, together with the blaming of a kind Providence, P111 11114 very large measure restore you to a good degree of health and strength. It le not "fulsome flattery" ivhou we say that lo your removal from our midst we aro losing good oeigh- bore 004 8118,80 fri• eds. Wo can truly say that you have ever manifested a deep inter- est lu every good work, whether in isounee- tiou with the chureh or its those a +Mal and benevolent note phials loins the loving bandit by whioh all the memoiere of aiiy eounnuelty are made to feel that they aro 00 000 luau, We desire, more 0800011011310U this ocanisiou however, to thank you all for Use kind aud generous iutereat you have ever takeu in couu.sttou with our church work. Wulle we will min the kind 'Josef. talky of your home, yot it le here in the 11ty 24,"1118v5e tglfi iTtt 11°V b:c.T.:30,0.:d78g; welfare ever met with a 006,131 reepouse home von will dud aintudatit opportunity ono of the Chief deliglits of your lite, We are glad that, polars, uot to be very far re. moved from 110 mud Glee t at in your new trum you, and her proepority, seemed to bo 188 bio thts 0800, 0iovee,xyerg000ado ,,y,00ynkr. protnotton of tiLso..gpiriolLeeleumsatowume oinwhamYelyoreenstilugwibar4 1008 ,010 aupreelatiou of the am:Ill.:on avr- 'does Minna Sarah and ,Hcee haVe Muttered In thr serviee of aung connection with the anrainp of God av Orgaulete of our spaar meth 1088001 wIiIob 80 18o parytte3:108440y'00"11re,1114 both filled this eXiteting position to the en- tire satiefaettou of our ',welt., and we here- by oak you, Mies Sarah, aceept this gold watoh,aud Miss Rose, this gold ribg 85 ellght reeogunton 01 1110 exoelleut sod faith. 801 eervirete you have rehtlered and treat they may recall many pleasant Memories of the friende mud members of the Jaoksou Chureh. (Signed) S. ANDERSON. Patter, Although Mr. Okra P00 het ab all well end eves aornp eteiy Ethan by eurptleu he made a moot appropriate eepty thaneing the trietide 110 behalf ut the daughters for .1111611011M110 the kind address end tbe beautiful gitte whioh be raid would be appreoiated roost highly. Mr. Clark exprelied their regret in leaving the old neighbors and friends 1 where so many yeare had been spent and wished everybody the beet of every good thing, Rev. Mr. Anderson followed with a abort preenical talk after whioh the visitors did full duty to a allay thnoh. The remainder of the evening wag iment 1 in muaio and earwig and the company separated with the expreseion ot enemy 1 ii whom all so regretfully part. good whales to t:ier exeoxeli.ent family with Roads are good. Township Items r0By be read on pages this week. Township CJOUDOil will be held next allilboutlyaydainy,the Hall at Ethel, It will be 30 gallons of maple gym were made on tbe farm of John MeTaggart, 16th, oon., thio seasou. Afiaa Bare Buttrey end her main Jae. Manton, of Monkton, spent the Easter holidays in Brantford. A atone wall will be built ander George MoTaggartet baro and other improve. meuto made this Beason. John lend Mee. Snider, of Woodbridge, pone here last week to attend the funeral of the late Henry Buttrey. The residence of George Speire.n, 14th oon., will be enlarged this Summer. A general remodelling will take plate'. Fall wheat has tome through the Win- ter in fairly good condition and looks better than it did for several yeara at this ee00011. A OM driving house will be put op by Wm. Patterson 13th oon. It will be 242:60 feet, The material is now on the ground. An addition will be put to the barn on Alex, Borrou'a farm. Stabling will be pat under 0, The material is on the ground now. John Lamont, 1168 500 to work on hie newly parolee -Bed farm, lot 20, oon, 15, He will have to seenre a housekeeper of hie own now. Mre. J, P. McIntosh spent the Easter holidays with her brother, John Ritchie, in New Hamburg, Mr. Ritchie is now engaged in the livery imainees. This week Jas. D. MoNair, 13th aon., disposed of a thoro' bred Durham bud to Elagb Rail:mond, of Elma township. Another sale was made to D. W. Dunbar, of Ethel, a short time ago. We are Berry to hear that Mrs. Ohae, &Mooch, who makes her home with her eon Otto, is not enjoyine her usual good bealth. She ie in her 77ch year. It is feared that canaer is the ailment, We are pleased to hear that George Mo. Kay, 17tb con , who has been aiok with inflammatory rheumatism and bronchitis for throe weeke, is improving and we hope he will soon be around as of old. Joe and Mrs. Shaw have been upending the pate week la Brussele so ae to be con• 'millet to the dootor in aonneotion witb the treatmeot of Mr. Shaw's disabled baud. He ie making favorable progrees. The new organ pnrolmeed for Roe's ohuroh wart used lata Sabbath morning for the first time. An interesting Easter service was held. Next Sabbath morn- iug Rev. Mr. Jones, of Belgrave, will be the presolter, he and the pewter exahang• Mg. This week John Roee bought the Henry Bateman farm, lot 15, con, 6, from Thoe. -Padden, who purchased it a few weeks ago from Mr. Bateman, The price is said to be $8025. Par. Rose is now bney getting in the Bpring (mom An Easter visitor to the parental borne, 9th 000., was $ R. Crere,r, B. A. Go , who passed hie examination as an Ontario land surveyor with marked the ease. He leaves Toronto the let of May for New Liskeard, where he will !learnt W. .1. Bair, 0. L. B., for a few months in surveying. Mr. Omar is moving op. Wednesday evening of this week tbe Golden Wadding ot a worthy old people in the persons of George and Mrs. Patter eon, 13th eon., was celebrated. The nuptial knot was tied In St. Marys Ontario. Mr. and Mre. Patterson hey° resided in this townehip forover 46 years. Many old friends extend congratulat. beim A more extended notice will ap- pear next week. Complaint is made at Monorieff that weekly bundles containing THE POST addressed to that office do not reach there regularly. Last week it CMS Monday before it put in an eppearanott. (Note by Editor—The Monorieff pared woe mailed at Banal/61B postoffiae There day afternoon 00 000811, We will make it our bnainees to see who is the delinquent.] Mee. W. J. Palmer, of Ottehe, Parry Sound, le taking a course of. treatment in a private hospital in Toronto for o prilmonary ailment. She ha. been there tor about a mouth but will °outlets° her eta}, in the hope of betterment. Mrs. Reimer le the eldest daughter of Wm. and Wire, Bray, 16th con. Her many old [Mende in this locality with her speedy reateration. W. A, Freeman, of Sea torth, vieited hie brothi.r hare over Sunday. W. E. Sendere teethes to inform tbe public that he has a oor of cement just arrived. Harry Font& and aonain, Mies Foulda of Brantford, are visiting e.t J. 811. Dav lee, Principal FreeMID, of NOtter7R, iff spending the holidays ea the parental home here. Rev, Mr. Jane°, of Belgravia will preach aha Methodist °hurt% here next Sab bath evening, G. Alitohell inraNida opening an ice cream parlor here Saturday evenings tn the front part °Wet thole. Wm. Eakneier, returned to Toronto again thin week eater spending tbe holideye at the parental borne. Geo, and W. D. Eoltmier left Tideeday morning for Stratford where they are attending Business Oollege, Shipments from G. T. are : W. E. Sondem 2 earn of mita to Peterboro' twirl oar of wheat to Lietowel. Inward there Wee a Oar of oomont, W. H. KERR, Prop Alf. Oole has taken a poolttou be Gravenhuret whiole plan he left for on 41°nid:Y AleErlite Freeman, who has been vieiting relatives and friends in London and Settfortii for tbe poet foot _menthe, returned home OP Good Friday. Mr. and Bre. HoDonald, of Port Elgin, who have been stopping here ell Wolter with their eon, John McDonald merohaue, left for their mince this week, Dr. and Mee. Ferguson, G. 5, Rtle. Mrs, Imlay and Mee Eva attended the Gulden Wedding of 111r, and Mrs, PatterBOD, I81.11 con, Grey, un Wednea. day, Mrs, Patterson 10 a rimer ot Mr, ImlatLEI Auxiliary of the Methodist ohuroh win bold their aonivereary Easter aervioe on Monday evening next. Rev. Mr. Jones and the peter will give ad. dream's. There will ales be papers] read and meet and eong. A Thank -offering will be taken up. All weloome, The paetore of both ohurobee gave exoelient Easter eerneone boat Sabbath here. A. °home program of Easter musio was added to the evening aermoe 10 the Methodist (March when the ohoir tiring "The Lord le Lug," "The better Easter- tide" and ',Christ our Paesover" with more than ordinary aeoeptabiiity. Ominardatlen.—To Bro, Robt. Barr and family ; linen Son AND BRO.—Whereua it has pleased Almighty God in Elie infinate mercy to remove from you and your family by death a loving wife and mother we the officers of Court Ethel, No. 261, (Janadiau Order of Foresters do hereby express our eiuoere sympathy for your• nett and family in this irreparable lose you have sustained and while we offer you our condolence we know that your lose ia her gain. We earnestly prey that the great God above may guide, protect end aerated you and your family -in this sore bereavemeet. leagued on behalf of °port Ethel, No. 261, 0, 0. F., H. ill. Dosser:, O. R., W. E• BANDER'S, FirL•rie0, A FINE WOMAN ENTERS INTO REST.—At 6 &Point Thursday muruing of thio week one vital spark forsook the tenement of clay and the spirit of Mrs. Wm. Simpson returned to its Maker. Site had been in failing health for the past year but was ouly confined to bed for a week, pneumon- ia being the aulminatiog uttuee. Her maiden name was Ann Reid and her birthplace was the Emerald lute, coming to Oauada with her parents when a oiled. The family settled in Stanley townehip Hurou Go., where deceased 0900 [suited in marriage to the late Willitem Simpson 86800011 47 years ago. They mime their home at Varna before locating et Ethel lo 1878 when Mr. Simpson engaged in meroatitite ,1810 He died 4 pieta ago. Two children were bons to ibem Lizzie, wbo patted away at 5 yearn of age, and Thomas P., a line young man well,itri89ow2,n he ere we paid, Nam:meet debt i, ieuoiug two daughters, Lillian and Nate wbo were loved and oared tor by Alr. and tare. Simpson and who will continue to make their lime here we are pleased to unto. They will greatly miss their faithful guardian and will be a000rded widespread sympathy in the situation, Mrs. Sinspeou wag oonaolons till the last and expressed the hope of desiring co be treed tram this iife and to depart to be with her Saviour the so devotedly loved. She was a faithful member of the Illetbaliat church for many yenre end enjoyed the esteem of et wide oirole of friends, Daring her Himmel she was faithfully waited upon by her niece-, Mrs, Thos. Watt, of Wingham. The (Mowing are the deoeaoed'o staters and brotbere :—hare. Mille, of Olinton ; Sam. Reid, Beueefield ; Andrew Reid, Wing - ham ; Mae. Watt, Tacoma, Washington Suite ; and John Reid, Huron, South Dakota, The funeral will take pima on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, service being heid at the home half an hour earlier. Interment will be made et Senesce oemetery. The Raine of Mrs. Simpson will be very kindly re. membered by many in this community, The Welland Canal was .opened Mon- day, Prairie fires are doing 0 lot of damage ground Rouser, Man., The new steamer City of Meaford was laneohed at edeaford. D. Fitzgerald'a five year old eon was drowned at Belleville. Warden Selkirk will resign the officio and move to British Columbia. Gavle Labbe wan killed while blasting with 430840118 00 Ceder street Montreal, J, 11. Raddell, AL P. P. for tricieden, Mau., dropped dead at his reeidenee. The ateemer City of Montreal cleared for Port Arthur aud Fort William, the first vessel of the freight fleet to Aye Verouto. An 'limit 81111 in working order wag eeized ea St. Cetherinea, Portneuf, by Federal Ravenna Officer 0. Oorriveau of Quebec, The investigation into the charges of conspiracy against offtoers of the Donairt• ton Wboleintle GrocereGuild WKS reopen- ed ea Hamilton. Fire at Tamworth clawed about $10,000 damage, three atorea, a sash and door fivolory, font reeideuaeo and several stables being hurtled. The Loudon & Port Stanley Railway Board have deanied to thetemot the Lake Erie & Detroit River Railway Company to repair the road at a, coat of $75,000 oe forfeit their lease, Crowe Attorney Curry stout that ne- t:01181.11one are lo program] for Joseph Phillip' to hand twee securitiee menet, ing to 1169,000 ?'r the benefit 0( 1110 York (amity Loan ehareholdere. Earthquake and fire cause awirti wreok 108 59.13 Franaitho. Einntiredii of lives said to be lost by • wreokage of interlines, water works destroyed, ray.igee of fire awful, peapie waited from their olumbere by falliug bunclinge, indications of to oalarnitty than Vetitivius, magnifioent City Hall wrecked, newspaper buildittge and Mamie golfer eavetely, The 'shook Noted three Inmates. Thousendu of buildings .wera darnaged or destroyed. The lose of life 10 reported great.