HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-12, Page 6•••••••••••••••,.. ' A PRIESTLY SWINDLER EDWARD DONION 'WAS A EING IN IIIS CLASS. satie. Friends ,Betended MI the 'Way • From Far Australia tO Milwaukee. Edward nankin, "bishop of Santa Croce and Antioch" and holder of see - dal other selaconferred ecclesiastical titles, is dead in London. He was one of the most picturesque smell swindlees 10 1110 world. For fifteen years he ranged the world .froro Australia te Milwaukee, obtaining . money and gelling credit upon his pre- tentions of ecelesiastical position and great pic-ly. Ile swindled till brandies of the Catholic Chetah impartially, p00- ing at various titues as a priest of the Roman Catholics, the Greek Calliolice. Me Old Catholics and the Church of England. Ile worked monasteries by the dozen, arid his changes of Mali were swine' and more dazeling than those of the Vicar of Bray. Yet so pious were his ways mul so great was Ills learning in WOULD EXPERIMENT, "Eating a large portion of roast pork, sausage and sauerkraut at this lime re meet ? won't Mal upset. your stomach 1 "Can't tell you that till loonorrow." graft there lasted longer than nava. it was more limn a year before a seendal 'broke ant and iho arelibishop maladroit him and cast Mai enel. tie moved on to Clevelend. There he founded an independent Calholie Church curved shed covers two lines of troli,. y traca. As you watch a train of Ore cars rattles into view, the Motorman (tinging hie gong incessantly as he ap- eronelms. Behind the motor halt a 11011.011. hopper -shaped ears holding three le four toile apiece. The ears come to a stop under the ore bins, men operate levers which open We bottoms al the bine, and soon the cars were londed with the ore Whielt we had just seen' troeght in from the ronst yards. The Intle trnin MONTS 411110. S10110 beneath n coke .b1n, Foregoes a load •from there, aria nil (reign to pick a env or two of while quartz rock. Then off in the scale hotoze, where elleh Car is weighed in turn, 'When lhe Mental is given feem the weigh -Melee gee the peeper weight ce ore, reek end men have been Mewl- ed, the bell chums romin and away the hall\ 'tattles around the curve to the Menem WIl FOI.LOW. On either side the cur \ ing walls of the trolley way we melee hieleants and el- of flee hose. Warnings in Benet and did mill, 131a there was amine. and English, to lemma of the trolley scandal. He Was arrested, eeeaned wire. which. indeed, is only a few feet convietion and sailed for 111A110. ThI4. 0110Ve oue head, ore freely sentlered was in 1003, .0110111. Mere pireees a num with a num Rome was his hoodoo. He had lel 10 elld Fen' "Thal. chap," your gulde tells noire than stinted his Old game of an "drag nothina all day hut clean -----,.........0,1 whet hes the cleaning Arigitean convert when he was caught i of whieewe to do with illo Tootoiturgy? theology that there remained hundrede and did another term in jail. 'ellen, onci of neople in England who believed until !morning, there appeared a noto in ihe .3.:3111 ere tempted to nett. leal ere inferin- last Year that he was a perseeuted and' London papers, saying that kt Int M etl that if a place is allowed to lone dirty nor Renediet, 010111 neuifeal-, b"-18-1`10-1-)e-oei I men are likely to bream:, careless In Santa Croce, in Antioch. had been an- their attendance on the furnares. and pointed vicar-apnetolic of the Old Calh- a furnace is as critical about attendance as a sorb -1y dame. lien, nre two mon was made public. Al that time he was , 0110 Church in Southern Switzerland by willi ladders who do nothing year in false pretenses, but numaged to crawl There is no such Idshopric in the Oto attend to broken glass. 'Chest, things .., tend year out tart paint the building and arrested for obtaining money under the Patriarch of Antioch." out Catholic Chureth, and there is no such nit' look trivial to you, hut you will office as vicar -general of Southern melee 111111 the Hoer ts kept. as clean 10 THROUGH HOLES IN TIIE LAW. Switzerland. This. however, was his 11 10 possible to keep It. And you will Just who Donkin was no one knows. 'notice to England that he was coming notice too mat the men seem to lake a It is said that he was born in England back. certnin pride in keeping up the appose- d' good family. . He appeared first in But first he bobbed up In Switzerland ance of things, all of which means good to asume his new °Mee. There Ile work, and good work pays. swindled the widow with whom he Rut here are the Menaces. There is boarded to such an extent that she had iittle to be seen wept two belch stacks, to go through bankruptcy. Ile stopped 1 Rama 114 feet long and 8 thick, on in Paris, where he conducted a series of , either side or 0111e11 han doors hang small swindling operations before. he I down to the floor. Al one end a peep. arrived in England as the hole ndmils a view of the interior. A BISHOP OF SANTA CROCE. few feet down 1 lam the Door on which oe are standing we see a dull bleck Finally, he landed in Oxford, on his mass. from widen lambent flames. blue, purple, and violet, rise and flicker. 'Mere is Mlle lo indicate the tremendous activities below. The ore train, which has preceded us, stands at on@ side of the furnaee. As you watch a man turns O valve, elm iron door at the side (t1 the finance rises slowly, reediting the cavernous 1111101 of the pit. The men spring ta oue side of the ore train, and LIR over a car, out of which the unfortunate holy man. lie was exposed in 1005 by Labonchere ln London Truth, and n part of his life ' Australia in the early Ms and entered a Benedictine monastery. ' He represented himself there as an Oxford M. A. and a Roman Catholic. , The fathers were deceived by his ap- e : , parent piety and he was taken into the . monastery as a nOviCa. i 3. He diti not remain long, although be i , seems to have picked up there the , . . foundetions of his priestly knowledge., , which he used afterward. Just why 11011min ends. lie had, however, his 01 - left the place has never been told: but leged certificate of consecration and his it is easy to guess. Ile was a man of newspaper clippings. The charity of believers in the Old Catholic Church, seme of whom he converted himself, established him in an oratory. There he celebrated mass, held regular afternoon services and 01011 a great reputation for piety. rieyond contracting debts on the strength of his ecclesiastical pesition, he (lid not show his hand nntil he work- ed a false draft for 1C200 on a eir. Fisher. The draft was a forgery, even to the certifications, which were sup - very low life and many of his cam- paigns ended with a scandal. In 1803 he appeared in England. Here he made his first change of religion. He renresenled himself as an Anglican priest, and got a curacy in the diocese of Bath and Wells. But he lend presented forged creden- tials; and when this was discovered he was deposed. lie bobbed up again as,a Roman Catholic at Glastonbury. There he asked for adnustoon in a French monastery, representing himself as a Posed to be those of priests tiving in e young man of fashion who was tired 01 Paris. the world. At about this time Labouchere started Things were going well, when it was in on him and published a very Mir dis that he bed rolled Im levee summary of his recrord, which created 3.- 1 t• debts in the neighborhood on the a sensation in England. He was rirrest- strength of his connection witmonastery. That ended him there. The managed it so cleverly, what wile a h the led Inc the draft operatiou, log he bad I were tu melt it 'without the quartz we , would got whet WO call a 'bad slag.' monas Paid the kills 10 save, the geed trip to Paris and the complication he That is bo say, the rock which is In the name of the order. bad worked into the deal and his testi-1 ore would melt and form a thick, pasty i' AT DO\ IDE, NEAR BATH, mony on the stand was so clever that metal, wheal would hold up hind retain ( he WM acquitted. COKE POURS IN A STREAM, which, as the enr moves along, is spread Iran (..nd 10 end or the fulhace. A ear of 'emote, spread along in the same way, follows the (Mee. "What 19 the meaning of this?" you ask. Your guide proceeds to enlighten you. "You see, this ore bus plenty of iron, but very little rock in II. If we he tried it on another monastery. That Nevertheless, his name became known time he 00(I18 an Anglian clergyman all over England as the king of priestly e: who wanted to enter the Roman Catlin- swindlers. What he had been doing . lb c faith, and he presented forged let- between the trial and his death no one e tees of ordination from the very bishop seems to know. : of Rath who had deposed him from his st curacy. This was discovered before very long, ' but not before he had touched Milan Catholic clergymen m London during one of his absences from the monastery, Next he caught the famous feather lg. nalius, superior of Llarebony Abbey. e It was the A.anIe Old game -an English e• clergyman who had been attracted to Rome.„. Father Ignatius was doped for a long time, but an accident preyed to him that Donkin had been telling him a string of lies about his family and pro- perty. The Catholic papers of England bulletined him as a fraud and lie left the country for the time being. After that he abandoned the church graft for a time and worked Paris as a British nobletnan, Ibit a year or two later a party of wales from Downside found him in a Benedictine monastery In TimIle. There he was fairly caught and did a term in jall for the frauds •'Willett he had perpetrated in the name of the monastery. After his release he tried England again, very nearly enameled the menks of a Capuchin (establishment to hike him be as a converted Anglieart prlest, rind W05 caught, just 111 time, That lime the effete received se much publicity that 1TE STARTED FOB AMEnICA. . - The &Mile of his American career are not definitely known. Ho was in New York fur a time, but, his work there at least escaped the notice of the police, He came to light torein when he appeared in Chietigo and Milwaukee and obtained from an unsttepleious priest of the Old Catholic Church Ids only real ordination to tha priesthood. ' When he appenred in A•lilwitukee11(1 represented 111110111 US a "Church of England • missioner, Saint Augustiniee Priory, London." The 13igh thumb. clergy of the dioectee leek alm up, and ele preached in eeverat churches, He le • „ remembered there as nu effectier, preacher, When ataced about les antidelcede he admitted that he Wag the son of the Duke of Devon, with the litie Lord . Courtney. • Ile ell," not like te sperrk ti it,•he see]; be Wn!,, j1181 It 3)1111i1/10 priest In high 'cloud' dreier; this temeeern- feet men with the liable 011(0-1 l( lieramo tomething of a rage. Ile gethered teeny of, lee admirers into an neclesiastleal eirder of his own imilginegon, kneern oe THE STORY OF NICKEL FROM THE ROAST YARD TO THE FURNACE OF THE SMELTER. Average of a Thousand Tons of Ore a Day Are Melted Down 385 Days In the Year. • IV. In the lat letter the nichel ore WaS traced from the Creighton ntine to the 101e01. 3111d5 at Copper Cliff. The only evidence of life In Iles dismal region 15 furnished by a string or large got viola 1018 alongside of which a great steana shovel ts at work. At first sight this looks not unlike sonie prehislorie neon- eter as it buries ibe nose In the ore lied, withdraw -3e it again, change: its gigantic jews as if sentplIng a morsel, grovels in the mei again, emerges with a 111011118- 10 1 Of four tone or so of ore. which it depoeits in the waiting car. The ore by this time is burned to a charred dm der. Let us fellow a (rein cif ore from lire, into a. briekained iron tent: 50111( 810 ro111 - The last Car iS filled. The sitttactib,s from Ilio cornda of the "far- ust yards and see what becometi of ittecti rot 111 diameter. Icicles 11111v gives the 81141101- You climb up beshli.]1/aet.'S 0011111 11(0 (!xposol to the chill Me engineer, by (1401111 permission. The winds that sweep in through lho open ail 14 tilled 0,1111 i-inplitir smoke. 11 ends of tho 18111dIng. AMA into your eyes, your nose, your e Wain 1 is all Mat water doing bore?" throat. your lunge. The engineer tee pet as10 texts that you tum tenderfoM, and that l'oer guide informs you that briek FALLS IN REAL DANGER 'Di SAVE THEM PROMPT ACTION Meer BE TAKEN, Waterways Commission Presents Ifte- port - Privileges Already (1(00. other tiverstene ?,:f water which s eternally MI Mary to tagara Palls to be prohibited, except such as nun, lie required for domestle use or for the see- viee of lochs In navigation canals. Suil. able periallies for violation of the Ili'.'.' bo Le prescribed. TO 1314 PERMANENT LAW. "The foregolug prohibition to remain la force two years, and then to Miocene the permanent law of the land, 11 In the memitirrw the Canadian Government. Granted. shalt have ounelett legislation prohibit- ing the diversion of water whet Is nia II Niagara, Falls is to be preserved as tinnily trilmetry to Niagara Palls, in ex. ulla of file wonders of in" world, 11111110; Cess of 311,000 cultic rect. fate second, get Mute tuition by the United SlateS al"' including the aneetrits required foe do - Unlade 15 required, aceording to We nrestie use or for the service of locks In findings ur the American 1111.1111505 of Me tiarigatt„ „oak,. International \Vaterways Commission, "It is Resumed, however, Mut all un- \vhieli has for the meet yeer been study- derstending mem tens subject would le ing the couditions at the Falls and in the mulled ey treaty, 11 dietary great hems. This report ts new nejed of slut legislation would smiled by Cleneral 0. II. Ernst, chair- bf to rod n slop to Iltn TON licip tivino, man, and the other American members tem of the Falls, and ut Ilei same thee ef the connulesion. After 0 brief description of the phy- steal conditions, the repute gives a de- tailed account of all the corporations CHAMELE-ON-A-LADY'S PET liECOME GREATLY AelleeMellED To THEIR OWNERS, The Little Carattiees Mange Their Cater ,10 Sli4itulls)tii.evfisss,01 Ilia 'rho clutnieleou promises to be a rave (ate pet in Loudon year, One great point in favor of tee 011111110 - Icon is Itecounziodating baba of tak- mg 011 11111.1111e 01 the cuter against which it is placed, alms otur creinielmet wat match im with gowns oi half a teizen belga shades, So, theugil fashionable, it is really quite 411 economical adorn- 1110ts.11111141, however, will depend upon the weather, for, like Um summer girl, the idlict Mr least posethle Matey upon 1111 chameleon unly thieves 0111011 the sun is impeetant Interests now dependent uponj tete water power, Tee °moat In aright. To 1111110d Merit new would be ' almost, madness, US 1.1 cold snap would diverltel en the rennedtan side, 30,000 now engaged In the development or eot, ea, )(ran exee wee a „el, to al, rob Mein of Mete beightly colored little power, with the quantities of \water lowtng to the communes en that side which they are actually using, amoupts I 118 nu„ 1 101, whin 1110 3' . 1 110 chameleon is malty the Ideal pock- ninounte which they aro authorized un- "Slut legislatien woold give In Cotentin h1"11, hr. 111,1,d 1,1 hes,w,e1rde. sl,"rh1f4 eYee luny irai works under construction, Y el pct. IL has a habit ef sitting en 114 they DAV preparing to use, and the peeeneu on me lop (1, As tleUtt, To pur- 1)11es; i0nutioett•iss I. at al.:151110,g n111111.111611 telso ontrityl, filelet per second more than is diverted in ethantage of diveeling 7.500 011140 (1110 naltual history further, it may be from the Niagara river, but also those the United States. The Overflew. is drawing water for power purposes from more apparent then real, siner the pow, lite Eric (anal and the \Velland canal; ei• generated on the Canadian side will Ith'10 the Calking° Drainage canal, end al-, 3.1? to large extent transmitted to end 1.0 furnishes a 11$1 Of all franchisee grant -I used In the United Slates. In the neme Milton of a treaty, however, the point. ed and not perfected. dialed be considered. WILL DESTROY FALLS. CANADIANS AGREED. The report says: "The total quantity ''rim substance of this report Wt10 sub - 11011' water taken from the elver by works now authorized is 00,900 cubic feet per netted to our Canadian colleagues before second. Of that amount e0,700 cubic feet le to be 1111(011 011 the Anierican side, and ihe reinatuder, 34,200 cubic feet on the Gonadial' side. That is 2.7 per cent. of the average discharge and 33 pee cent. to,fgotrhae rlho.ewr NNIV.initi010.0adsisechLoargpeassofmlleiel Nee• owe. tteeeennedehons which ought to le madc, did not seem insuperable, hut our Fells wheo these works are completed n sideration. We have no doubt cif their vented ota thal, the chameleon never gees far from home. ITS FUNNY WAYS. 11 has Iwo little nrins, with almost Ma Mandingered hands, and. Willi Ile -se it eliuge foe an indefinite time to anything 00 which 11 is Owed. For instance, if you put a chamelon on a plant it will cling to that plant until removed. Or It 11 lfldy 1111.11elit1S 11 to her gown, 11. will IN TIIE' BRITISH IIOUSE PAYMENT OF MEMBERS AM -GRANGE OF HOURS, An Podeamily in Parliament \Vas Once Paid by the Coro efiluendes. Startling Innovatimis aro Impending. al Westmineter, where the overwhelm - mg vete cud1 by the ihmee Coriandis tit favor uf the payment et a salary ta bba members beeu followed by a de- mand for the relative! of the hiass gra- ing which shuts off the occopaills 01 11(0 hikes' gallevy from the view of all others In the Lower House, while a movement Is now in progress which has for Ile ob- Oat the change of the hours of the ses- sion from the evening and eight to the morning and eerly afternoons... 11014' 11,115 Parliament, the parent of 011 Leg- islatures noiv In existence, Is Ito:Oiled loth by lestory and by popular senti- ment with us many associations of the ecreespondent. hoary past as the venerable Abbey of Westminster nearby, wriies a London All the laws both written and unwrit- ten, by which Its procedure is 1400(1111' (111, are relics of olden times, dating in 501110 cases back many Minato:Is of years. There ntways has been reluc- tance on the part nut only of Paellament Ilea but also 01 111> people nt large, le. introduee any . Innovations, the eugges- eons of which were regarded 111 much the same sacreligious light as those van- dal modern restorations of the grandest masterpieces of art and architecture of the middle ages. The new democraey, a view to uniting n joint reptile under never fan eg and 11 win never run away, tries, is di. pmed I. the passage of the Joint resolution, well cling passionately to her drcuS• It Will 1:roc:::iovaer,uln England, as In other calm- •- s 9 o look at metiers the general mw providing for the cone. le face It may be said that chameleons . tilitarian and matter of fact. mission. There waft a substantial agree- tilwayS become very much attached to Point of view. meta in the statement of fads, and such their owner. FORMERLY PAID THEM. differences as developed with resped to The species most recommended 1$ That the practice or paying salaries Ite (he me hailing frorn Mor0e00, which is members of the House of Commons for- nbout live inches long, nod has a fascin- ating habit of =ging its tail between Ils nicely existed is apparent from an en - legs and up iis °hest: one et these lit1,3 in Me famous diary of Sernuel Pcpys which he states "all concluded the in cellengues desired lime for further 0011' 0115 in full operation. 'rho quantity 11- dem s more sympathetic Weald in carrying nut placed. on its hind legs and provided Lane of parliament. halt, been the leetio quantity whieh nOw passes over the Ara that part of the instructions contained with penholder as a walking -stick will ing 011 of me old custom of tho places detain fall, which at the average stage in the resolution with the members (f sit for hours on end without moving. allowing wages Lo those tncil, served ahout 37,800 cubic feet. That thin said commission representing the Do- \vill in general have an injurious effect miniort or Canada, if practicable, ell them in Parlinment, by whIch they chose COLD KILLS TEEM. volume of water. to be Weeded is about Niagara Falls in their natural condi- would attend IL, and they could expect men that understood their business and upon the falls seems self-evident. The possible efforts for the preservation of the equivnlent of the entire discharge 1 e„ av account from which now they can- t nee Superiur over the Sault Ste. Marie. """'" not, and so Parliament has beconle a The amount thus far actually diverted company of men unable to give account i8 Int 1 17,800 cubic. feet per second, and for the Interests of the place they serve Falls. for." elorenver, Lord C.ampliell, the emin- has had an appreciable effect upon the The diet of the chameleon consists of metraworms and flies. The latter the chameleon catches for himself In the summer months by shooting out his com- paratively immense tongue. Thor° Is one sad aspect to Me chame- leon fashion. When the summer has !Mime and cold weather comes, the chameleon must die unless sheltered In a very hot plant. house or sent south fol. the winter. One well-known marchion- ess, who became very fond of her chameleon, last summer sent it to 131skra during the wtrecte months. Althe pre - Fent moment is In excellent health, and will be restored to Its devoted mistress when spring develops. BANDIT IN A SHOW. Terror of Hungarian Peasantry to Tour tbe World. ern jurist and Lord Chancellor, in his WILL AFFECT HORSESHOE FALLS. "Lives of the Lord Chancellors," has pleced it on record that according to "To foetal). any accuracy the effects in laws which stand unrepenled to this day detail of the lull diversion authorized wonld require a more complete know- members are entitled to recnver wages dge of the lied of the river than is now from their constituents for their at - obtainable. The water taken on We tendance in Parlitunent. Carindian side below the crest of the LATE HOURS KEPT. rapids will effete the Horshoc Fall alone By degrees the minus constilueneies, 11 all the water token on the American: with the object of saving money, adop- sido should affect the American fall! alone it would practically leave it dry:. led the practice of selecting as their rep - but it seems probable. that only a part resenlatives 111 Parliament territorial magnates and rich men willing to serve ot Ibis diversion will be at the expense et tbe American fall, Exactly what pore it the House of CainnlonS Without Ie. tit.al that will be Cannot be stnted with =notation and to bear all the expen- precision, but from a study of the elm- ses in connection with the representa- bon and the maintenance of the dignity nels and reefs so far as they are known, reasoutible estimate Is that the water or the ofnce. It was only natural Mal a boterte thus composed, and receiving no remunera- tion for its services, should mill its own. convenience rather than public interest In the selection of the Mows for the 511- 111145, and thus it came that Mier spend- ing the arnall hours of the moening In gambling and carousing, the members vtere naturally disinclined to rise ere the afternoon, nod parliament. In lieu et meeting In the morning, found It Impos- sible to assemble for business ere 4 cr e In the afternoon. Another drawback of the mode of life loci by the 1101.1sh Into (stators of the seventeenth and eighteen- th centuries was that, frequently ern- Larrassed by reason of their losses, at cards, and no longer in rencipt of the - stipend which, aceording the law of the land, should have been paid to them be their constituencies, they became an. o6sy prey to the temntations of bribery, which attained absolutely fantastic pro-. portions. Jost Cavanyor, who 25 years ago ems the terror and the pride of Hungary, has arranged to tour the world under Um management of a showman. His deeds were celebrated in song, and a whole romantic folklore was built up around this wild son of the mountains, who never hurt a woman or a poor man, but boldly attacked the castles of the rich rind spent the booty in relief of the distressed. Ile was finally caught and condemned to imprisonment for life. Once in pri- son he behaved wilb exemplary cor- rectness, and during the 22 years he wns in confinement earned Ihe good- will and even affection of all with whom he waS brought in contact. IL was el the request of a bishop at last that the Einperor gave him a free pardon, and remitted the rest of his sentence on Feb. 21. He changed his convides dress for the same robber cos: turtle be put off so long ago, and enter- ed once again into the life of the world. lent he found he could not live on his fame without shoeving himself, and de- ckled on a showman's tour. AUSTRALIA FIRE SWEPT. Pupils of School in Flames Saved by Ilia Teacher. For the second time in the space of tWo months vast areas of Australia are LeIng swept by bush fires. A nue en acres between the Lachlan and elurrum- ledge() Rivers, in New South Wales, were devastated a COW weeks ago, and now for some days past the Gippsland dis- trict of Victoria has been ablaze. Many lives have been lost and hundreds of homesteads, farm buildings and schools, logethee with numberless cattle, have been destroyed. The disaster is unpre- cedented in Australian history. Many tales of heroic rescues are told. Al one place in Gippsland the limes swept up to a school In which were eighteen children. The buildings Wcr0 quickly in flames, but the teacher hur- ried his class Into the garden, made them lie down and covered them with hlaneets. These Ile saturated with water hem a lank, passing repeatedly through the flames to fetch the water, r49 wee seriously injured, hut succeeded in sav- ing all the thildeen. A farmer, finding the fire unexplett edly upon him, shipped himself lo tbc waist, and 011111 his wife, his daughters end a baby, fought his way with a flail through the burning bush. Two farmers carried a clelirious com- rade for several miles through Mimes nrul smoke. A Mlle girl, trying to pal- led her baby sister from the hones, had her own ClitilleS set on fita. She tore Ilion off, stamped out the sparks, and wraPPed the clothes nround her 111110 sister. She wns terribly burned, but saved Um baby's life. a large percentage of 1110 nickel and will (gene from the two arms about capper we are trying to get out. thc proportion of one-sixth from the In order to make this slag thin and American fall and five -sixths from the Med so that it will not hold up the Horseshoe Fall. Exactly whet form the metals we have tn add the barren qtatrtz which comes front the quarry al Naughton, nine miles may." After the quartz bas been put in the brakeniee dump in the ore -four cars of ore, each carrying 3,000 pounds, of 12,000 in ult, at each charge. Each fur - nave lakes about 400 tons of ore a day. With. this ore gm into the furnace again a lot ef rich metal evhich has al- ready gene through ()nee. So that the teed (hely charge for both furnaces Is ribald 1,000 tons. To melt down this immense mass the furnaces require Maria 120 tone of colt(' a day, worth about 5700 dollars. When you realize ed. it may not, prove disastruus. lees what e'700 a day for coke alone means cermet bo definitely determined until you will begin to form some idea of the the worits noW Under construction have extent of the operations. been completed and put in operation. Let 11: 00`111 go down to the lower \Viten that happens, if R be found that floor 811,1 sea what tratomes of an this the falls have not suffered sedum\ darn - mass Mut has been pointed into the fur- oge, as a 5001110 spectacle, it does not fol. Dace, Ae we go down we Sea the fur- low that additional Wainr may be divert: - mere pleterrin, a solid Meek and stone eft with impunity. Additional diversion Construction would be an experiment OVen more dangerous than that now being titled, ADOPT TEN FRET MGM and, in our opinion, should not be per - On this stand the two furnaces. A milted - third is approacbing completion, and no STATE GETS NOTHING. doubt is completed as this uncle ap- pears. Coriously enough there is no "In return for Me inpeirinent of tlie sign of beat, except where. at one ,end Palls thus ter authorized, the slate of of each furnace a streem of molten New York will receive practically no- metnl tis) 814,1 of a n11111.8 nrin thing for the eit2e100 horse -power author - pours 101.111 in II (1011Se orange caeciele teed on that side, tind the Queen Vic- toria Mama Falls Park will receive an mount rental or 5270,000, or an average of 05 cents per horse -power for the 418,- ta. horse -power authorized on Um Cana- dian side. These figures do not include the 0,040 horsc.power being developed by the electrical railway, nor the WV- er developed by the Hamilton properly with the water front ihe Carrel, changes in the two cataracts will lake, whether they will be made narrower er lrolcen up into greater number cf streams, or simply be reduced in volume, retaining in general thee' present form, cannot now be foretold, for the -reason thnt there is no emulate knowledge 41 the forms of and depth of water on the crests. LOSS IS IMPOIlTANT. "If 00,000 cubic feet per second be diverted the loss will be important, but if the diversion be limited lo this 'amount or receded as hereafter indicate the ermidnions 101 11001 to 5:,:,..11 you fold 111111e t1e,111d InWer S11111‘1 1110 110111 that your handkerchief over your mouth, hold is ruiplired night and day, e135 days i11 emir neer end leeello therrigh the 'hand- the pee.. In Heap fermiees. "Deice alone eeiejeert en eels you, 115 ...0 will 1), ;, 1- W1_411/ 1 111,11 1.1(M.11, just as llin ore does: tight." Yon item hitt RaViCe• fillti 01111 '3,1 th0 0114118 Id these. furnaces are reelly that he larewe whet Yet is telking Mont. A kV/ minutes brheLts you i011 or the smoho of the 1'0((et73'0r1e to tho -reitle trate( which lends to the smelter. 'Ile 8/1101101' rebinds en the edge ed' a hilladri, about ilfty feet above the low- land. ft is en IMMENSE \\grill): 1iT.111A011411 700 eel, long, and perbaps 110 feet high. At a disltin,e it oppeere to be built ( 1 elta1110 01 V/14:10 40.00. .4,, 0611( 1 ep weal.. '11111) At', pgi't WhUt IS 1M10011 US 1 14051,11 th0V,%-t Ihlit it tS 0011StrhitCli ef tie.i i t wreer e,t furntle,•." Tia: story of 000,11 revered will) 1811e4105 board, As the stip:Ming will 101 eontinlied In the Ib' [rein lonelier, the building we find Ile\ ' late.* 4...--... QUITE 1 3.10ee11. • . ale. "eel,. teal roe you told her Met nothing but wafer. 'rho iner plates 10 111111 term the teatime of the 11111,5110-1011114 Invested, in the works (1(101 leireet heir MI 111.11 hi10101511011,or Muter consirnellon, ilt Leo 1,1 11,41,8,1 1., 11)0,. weeed men in the nulustries dependent upon them, leinete.: 1101 if we. 14:0 hoo 11.0e !laming to runny 1111111011S Of 51(1111(1. 11 Id 1101 eXpediont 10 attempt the (.1:11:;end pleret them lame ce' fent' l'1b"bi'v inejw,g 1(11111. (111 sowo vithdrawal of the righle thus utilizeil, 1,110(11 'the ecirtmerreinl virtue of the walor-pow- evelt Witer. 1,181 kee.- that Wahlin cit, ulatitut. Ihen 1:0 1:001, the p18t es 'r "1 Niet.f"r" retie le 0(10' 441(1(1, 1"11 c freer meithig, rout eo Luild furenee m °`'rel'"r"`i with. s°1 "side wt'sti* 111.014'? elle.T.IONS INVESTED, "Charters 'have been granted to core potations whet propose to divert. ad. (Memel enmities in quantities mit now limited. The S111118 of money invested, thy ceminimitiee eleewhere for pork W111111 moilen motel is confined by ' latrimeeta Mei value is not leo great 13t le devoted 1,.' 84111111r l'110SeS. The. (11(1 1.4 v1ib,l annimlly by !awed 000, 00401(08 1,11 11 11,01.110 bentIllit wheel elm Order Of ihre Iied Cord. • yew!) Ireer3 ae,e, me ever whieli the train • This died out, n fa ...otte cm ine up. creme i1o.d:eel. The engine feels • filde.know why; and al nhuut 11 011 1111l10 v•oy t'lo f.01,11•11. 'met a priest of the 0141 Cnthelic (nal. ne, 1..111.1 sre 117 nuni• teat ever toe wrel. the Iteamenen tete erate levers by teems of whieh the hot - tom appeare te deep out 111 111.1 Oahe and the load is diecharged into the blue below. It Mom lee a shod time to um toad mend hundred lens, Let 115 140 down 1 1 the 51111 way teel. ine earn, tile top of the bending. . end ee14. what next Let0:.: of the ore. From diele end: of 11)1? 1,s144 Lubld4ng (1. cmered structure curves 10003' in on immenqe oval suggesting 0 ioee-brook lilis Church. Dreildn. prefessed Memel! a 'convert to the. Old Catholics, rind WI- voIed to Chicago at tbe cimense of hia new friend, to see Archbishop Initatif,, bead of tho movement in ihe Invert States. ' "1 WAS COMPLETELY BLINDED." oak' the archbishop afterward. "Lord Courtney" Wan ordained a priest of the 015 Catbolin Churnh, and began his infnisirailen 111 Chicago. The secret 1 1,44 ;tom not to 1,11 her," Ilt, "Ths mean thing! I 10111 her nol to 1.(1 ).‘al I fold her. Klie "I m011118041 her T wetildn't tell yipt .111c told Me, SU (bail 1,11 1111' 1 did, I 111A1Nt't 10(33 1.\\•(). 1eee.11033. Mise Sharpuo ims Mahe, enough for Iwo. bier Jove! Piorenee. 'then why (lona you marry 000 peevle, NiusT MA10)", TREATY. - "11 Me 10114 ma to be preserved, it meet be by mulled agreement holeveen 11113 two. countries. As it teem ta that di- rection 'We recommend Mat legislation ler enrieted weal) 8111111 (gelatin the fol- lowing In`OVIsiong, 0(1z, "The Sorretary 11 Veer le he tabor - 173,41 le grant timeline for '11110 divereion it( 211,5(0 enbio feet per 0(0!,! (11, and 1,0 Detre, 11t11(1 ilia waters naturally hilie- tery1 Mogan distrilmted as fel- -Niertera Fells Ilydrerille Power and NIttinifactliring t1On1tan1y, 9,1400; Ni. agora Valls Power Co., -(1,8001 Elle mere] his [(tante, in teltheon to lock sole Nice, 4001 Cideago (11.01111A km canal, 10, - THE DISHWASHING GAME. On Monday, before I go to school, I wash the dishes-1es mother's rule, So Beldget can sort the cloets. To help me get them quickly done, inade up a game that's lots of fun, And he is the way it goes: The forks are voyagers, and their wives Al'o the tablespoons and the silver 101111CS; The teespoons are babies wee; leach platter, saucer mut. cup's a boat te which from the dish-pan,port they nee They're shipwrecked when out at sea. The soap-sud breakers tlash fierce and high, '• Dut all hands are saved and rubbed en dry; The wrecks are towed Into shore; In closet halt01 fatly safely stay - T111 sailing date on anothee day, They bravely embark once more. And washing dishes in this way Is nothing hut fun. MIS I always say - Anil mother agrees with 1110- 91 work's on heed Ws a splendid plan To do it in the jollied way you etin." Just try it yomaelf and see. STARTING IN SMALL WAY. Dr. Emden -Going to open an office tterOSS the she Dreggist -.Yoe Rem rather young tor a family physician. Dr, Effske--Yes, I know; but I'm only going to doctor ehildren itt first. MEALS FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN. -- Paris Gives One Meal a Day -Salt We - ter on Streets. In Paris the city government giver\ ('eery school elfild tine full meal a day. 'rhis does not tend to paoperize the children or to lessen the responsibility or Me parents, for all those wire can efford to pity for the mere are expected to do 50. On the other hand, no jeal- ousy or contempt can be felt by the richer children for their •starved COM- radeA; fur all are supplied WIth the same metal token, which has to be given Up in exchange for Mtn meat. 'rho "can- teno sehotaire." cm the municipal soup kitchen is culled, is 811 confined to Paris. In (lie provinces, the ettioupe seholaire," fls equivalent, line mint up the (wheel attendance; by tame and bounds, thire, hoevever, inelead of pay - Mg for their pild-day meal, all flume enn possiely do so aro encouraged to bring to &drool their handful of vege- Melee end the like and the conliehutions are an put Into the common soup, Meng European elites on the Sea- coast Ime selb wafer for watering the public Morougbfares, calling it a wnste to make 1100 Of fresh water. for this 141.11' P050. They are the meta sidisfied be' 001150 certain nroperties of sea wafer 01118101110 tha neceseity of frequent aeon - cations. On fhe other hand, salt water - exerts a very deetructiee influeriet 011 - 11111 paint and vernieh of v11iic1es, 111111 merchante affirm that the salt is found everywhere end. Mat its delinqueseenee Is attended with herrrifte 1'eeti1t,9, And again, salt Writer is destructive to the pipes and Melanie infinge, and the leek - age of the pipes kills vegetatiori 113 streets, par10 and gardima. WEALTHY MEMBERS. So outrageous had the condition of af- fairs in teat respect become that the. House nt length wns compelled in def- erence to popular clamor to ennet dens - tic reforms in the matter of corrupt prac- tices, and the legislation which render - al a seal in the House of Comm9ns Im- measurably less preterite() than when. the Walpolos, for instance, were at the head of the government. brought into Parliament a new Class of legislation, namely, those with professionnl celfinge end rich merchnnts and meniencturers, l'a these men, who lind their 000(11 h1131- 11055 Lo attend to during the day time, the evening sessions of pnrliament were (lie most convenient, being, indeed, the mite( time that they could entire to de- vote to the affairs of the nation without pay. Parnell in a Ivey revived the nay sets- shalirarybYfegoirenint!hilelgellohm°errIlls1111101Vmmdblisithear. memhers also now receive allowances TUnT10RTITASUTIY '1'0 PAY. tram NtvhAetNr What Parlinment voted the other day by 10 majority of 288 was tlint salarie1', should lie paid to Its mutters not hy the constituencies, but by lee national treasury, and Wore this vole can ba. (01110 !my the question of the vesponsi- 1.4111y of the constituencies In the metier owdl,T,Iisloutt.zeofto111.1100 oclieotewromine!rthlity 11>0 1014111 would, of course, enstly prefer to place the obligations upon the exchequee la imposing Mem mem their constiluen- cies, For not only would any deemed upon the purses 'or tbe dodoes rendre thorn 11nnoyanar W11,11 1110 1111101, 1)11 1110 ConS111110/101CS (Mid t101,, it Ihe old time laws were invoked, be pommelled te pruy more num the 1nediern1 rale of 5 del - day. which would, of eourse, he, entirely inadequate. A worthy old farmer, wile thorunghly detested Sexes; end laxgrellimars, was mice celled on hy a collector 0 emen(0 time for texas he bed paid, hot for' which he hod mielald fire ree.elpit and, ns ho 1o111 the story to 11 friend, he ex- elelmetle-"Woold you believe it, se., the fellow began to (Mese met" °Well," said les friend, "what dal yen do?" "Do? Why, 1 remonstrated With Mule' "And to what, effect'!" "Well, 1 don't know to what eficot; but the pokAr was bout!" e=, 54, A .4 41. eat. • 14g. ' 0 ' er.