The Brussels Post, 1906-4-12, Page 5WINGHANI Brewer's BUSINESS OOLLEGE le a nigh -grade Commorolal aohool, Three Courses t Commercial Steuograpby Telegraphy Write 81EO, $POTT1IN, Principal, f ctairtz=fieri)egt=1 3 SPRING TERM OPENS APRIL 2 j ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. 1ltbie Sellout monde to -day before 1 the public with a Moan -cut ,record for rr work clone and Rumpus aobievod, 11 has surpassed all pruVioue reaorde 181 � attoodauoa, placing graduates iu post- (YICues and doing good work. Enter # now and be ready co accept a geed (h poolciun in the Fa1l. Oohoge open en- tiro your, Our (maulers are tree, TI W. J. ELL1uTT, Principal, 6021. YONGE AND ALa1ANDE1 NTH. MEDICAL CARDS. D ►R. R, A. BURNS— Laucoesoor to l)r. J. A. MoNaughtwt Urtaise's, Ontario Graduate of Polyolw,o Poet Graduate School of Medluiuo and dargnry, Now Turk. Member o1 College of Physiutaue and Sur- geries of Uutario. u1Bue and residence mune us formerly oa- oup,e81 by Dr. MoNaugutou. 1/1eeu0ne 01 women a opeolalty. 'Phone No. 21. BUSINESS GAKUS. VV11. RAUKi N— 141oU a leuuer e1 Marnege Licensee, 01 1800 at tar000ry, Terme:Try °treat, Druemelb, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND 16bUER of MARRIAGE L1ULI'N6E6 Office 1n the Peet Olnce, Ethel. 30.8 C. 0. F. Court Prineeee Alexandria, No.24, 0. 0. 8?., BruBoole, emote iu their Lodge Room, Slaw hill Ewalt, 0u tae 2081 and loot Tuesdays el e0ou mouth, at8 o'clock. Vlelttug brethren always weloowo. JAS. BU1t14Edd, 0.1t. A. E. MELLISH, 1t. S. M. MORRISONO Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, MerniAN00, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. liS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • anti, will sell for bettor prices, Lt. better men, to lees time and lees chargee than any other Auctioneer m haat Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and ordure can always be arranged at this o18oe or by peritonea application. ROBT. H. GARNiSS BLDEVALE — ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged tin at the oWoe of THE Poem, Bruseele, 2281 VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM— • Honor atweet',esttheCutarioVet- erivary College, le prepared to treat all die- ea0e9 of domeetlaated aulmala In a compet- ent manner, Partiealar attention paid to Veterinary uod0,etry and Milk e'evar. Calle promptly attended to. Unice and lnllrmary —Four doors North of bridge, 'Pcruberry et., Enamels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. • A 13. MACDONALD- 11• Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Eta. Nuceeseor to O. F. Blur, °Mee over Stub- dard Sauk, Broeeole, 8ollei1or for Metro- politan Bank. M. SINOLAIR— VVV • Emulator, Nolieitor, Conveyancer, Netary l'ublio, Go, umae—Stewart's Stook 1 door North el Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank, p1tOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRIS'TERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, BTO, W. PRODDFooT, II. C. R, 0, HAx8 G. F. BLAIR. Offiooe—Those formerly occupied by Messrs (Jammu dr Holt, GOD1111I08, ONTAmo, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgoone of Ontario and Firate:nage Bona Graduate of Toronto Uulveretty, Moe - next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BERISSELB, 84�"ai�lw -�i��lXdi�ie�r�te�••3f�P1 is Spring Term Opens April B CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. d' why ellania you content yourself in t'' d.G Ole ordinary walks or lite when you 11 eau better your ooudlttou by taking a • (mum iu this 1301001? We givea thorough, praotiaal education and se - Leiet our graduates to go ,d positions. Commence your course now. Write for particulars ELL10rT & ,tIoLAOHLAN, Principals. ti 5ta i it4101grtl�` Art Studio leareettai Headquarters for First-class Photographs. Life Size Portraits, Crayons and Watercolors finished in A 1 style. Family Groups a specialty. Call and see samples. H.R. BREWER Kocal x1 Hans Items TIM 33rd (Huron) regiment i0 to go into camp at Carling'a Height's, London, on Tuesday, June 5111. 010- oinl notice hoe been given to thio effeot. Now sabearibers 00ntit00 to Dame oar way oat we did not reaoh the 100 mark ,n March. We start in April looking for at leach 6 new names caoh week. Will you give us a lift t SPRING de coming I So ie the Woman with a towel around her head, a broom in her hand and a mania for pu ling down 980ve pew, tearing up carpels and pok fog furniture through the windows, Yes, 8priug to owning. So is house cleaning and other woes. W. F. VANBTONE box purchased from Dr. Tamlyn, the loto0 the corner of John and Diagonal street, East of hie residence Wnlgham. A fine building on that gore lot, would improve the appearance of that oorner. Mr. Vanetone may erect an°face there. EAT a Lax at at bedtime, And feel bright the next day. Lax eta -only 5o. a box -are sweet toothsome tablets -a laza five perteotion. For oonetipatiou, dan- nese of 'spirit, emir stomach, bad breath. coated tuneae, dizziueee, bilionnnre-, sallow comp axion, elm, Sold by F. R. Sm til. 2 YEARS—On Wednesday, of lagtwee., Geo, Reid, who had been remanded for sentence on three chargee of theft, wa0 brought up for eentenoe, and hie Honor Judge Doyle sent him to the penitentiary for two years and one month, with bard labor, At the opera ing of the 000r0 it was shown that the prisoner was an old offender, he having undergone sentences at Kiugeton, the Oeolral Prison, and in a penilen0i.ry actress the line. Reid ie the man who did the thieving act in tide 10001ity re• oeotly. Drn FAol)D0LY,—James Anderson, eon of Quieten Anderson, 6011, line, Morris, has returned from the first term at the Veterinary College, Toronto, and wi.I pat in the Summer with M. H. Moore, V. 9 , taking ap the prao0ioal aagmain. once with the calling of hie ohotar. He met with most encouraging emcees at 'Voruuto and in hoe exams et the close of the term captured 2nd prize iu Materia Modica and took honors in every other onbjeot, viz —Disease and Treatment, Anatomy, Physiology, chemistry anti Pathology. We congratulate him m hie standing and hope to sae him land a medal or two a year hence. Huron boys generally do well and Mr Aodereou is no exception. The Andante of Broeeel- loaality have been noticeably in thefront in the v0ri008 College exams., f e008ral years, This should be an impetus to othere in the pr0seo0tion of their studies. House of REFUGE MATTEee.—A meet ,ng of the House of Refuge oommltee of the oouu0y council waft heal at Clinton on Tuesday of last week, when „ number of matters in commotion with the management of the house were diepoeed of. The hill respecting hooses of refuge wbioh to at present before the Legislature was discussed, and that portion of it dealing with 111e aoutrolof the money and (other prop arty of inmates was considered eetie- factory. The committee did not up prove, however, of the claueen deal ng with Government mspeoti• n. There are at meant nine,y•two in mates in the institution at Clinton. Inspector Torrance has sold the old team of horeee and has purohaeed an other team, the excitant a coating 5180 Bread is now 00011001 53 05 per hundredweight and meat 56.75. The committee will meet again on the first Tuesday in June. BON. A. B. AYLEOWORTH, Po4tmaele r General of Canada, has signified his wibingnesa to re0etve a deputatit•n of the Poetmaeter8 of Canada, and to listen le any ocmplointe and grievanoee they have to make and reoieve any eugueetio00 they may have to offer for the bettering ot the service, Hence a deputation, drawn from all ibe Provinces of Canada, hue gone to Ottawa this week to make their wants and wishes kuowe. The delegate- obosen for the London division are Jae, Soott, P M., Canton ; T. Farrow, Bruesole ; Robert Par. n, 0t erville, Toronto division, Wm Hamilton, P. M. Uxbridge ; H S Broughton, Brsdford,and H. E. Pr. 0100 Aurora, Kinsmen and Ottawa dtvieiuno have Bent an equal number. Quebec Province and the Maritime Promote - have sent their quota as will Mauiteee and the new Province°. A petition setting forth their wiohee has been oigoed throughout Canada by the Post mestere and will contain the signatures t fully 5,000. Fnou (ALGAn0.—M11 ton, eon of Jame. Sharpe, of Brunie, who has gone to 0aga0y appears to be well pinged with the appearance of thingo there. He writes :—Weather wag Tike Sommer when I arrived bat turned cooler for a White shortly after, 20 to 25 0 below zero Had 6 hour° in Winnipeg, 0o had a look orouod. It ift guile a city but believe Oalgery will oatah up ae he population ie over 16,000 now and hundreds doming every day from all parte of Amenoa City lots are eeliine very high and Ponta higher, ranging from 5350 to $2000. i bought two a oltort time ago anti OEM almost double my money now Nave been working with the Maeaey•Harris people here in tba meantime but will go into the (unitive baeineoe. Thin a nice city and we can see the Rooky Moontaine finite plainly for mile. They look pretty oveer0,1 with snow Apn'ea eel her. a, $8 a broom' ; egu0, at 50 bents a dortvt : butter, 88 abate a pound and turnips 10 Genie each. X3t the removal of 3, A. strong from the riding of Tweet Enron, a vacancy wee °retested in the Board of Lianas Commissioners. Wm. Wilson of I Wroxeter, has been appointed. Board I will meet at Central Hotel, Brunel's, on Saturday, 21o8 Met. De. Shoop'o Rheumatic Care brings l relief and aura-mokee en end of pain and swelling -an end of suffering—and end of Rheamntlom, It le u put pp to bandy tablet form, convenient and eoonom'aal, Begin to two hila remedy to day, The results Will he lasting. Sold by F. R. Smith, A Goon Orooa.—At the farewell acetal Riven to T, A. Hawkins at Dr, Graham's Monday evening 19113 ult., after the 1 address had been road, the preeentalion of the choir portrait made and the recipient's reply given, the following broadeide was 'Tired" et Mr. Hawkins, who w01, to be married 0n the following day :— To T. 4. 1lat0111Ns :— Dena Sin—We, the members of Mel- ville Church choir contemplate with feel Inge of sadness and regret your impend- ing removal from Brussels and espeoially regret that the relations existing between n9 as organi01 and ahoir for BO many years must be severed, Your conduct toward tie hag ever been oboraoterized by oourteoy, kindoee9 and toleration. Onr 10teraoaree one with the other has always boon pleasant and harmonious. Bat we [ el eomewhst aggrieved that amongst en many atlr00098 Red estimable young I,diee yon should turn towards no the cold shoulder and Balsa for" your life's partner one outside tbo charming eirole. You even allowed Mr. Wilson to come into the fold and carry off one of the most hnnde'.me amongst as. Each of the lady members of the ahoir looked upon you as the most eligible of hoabande, aopeoially when your domestio aecomp liahmente and much prized- dooility are ooneidered, and bad you made your choice within the charmed oircle it would be sate to say that curtain lectures would be at a minimum, for there is not a Mrs. Dandle in the entire bunch. There's Gertie, and Ella, and Carrie and Jets, And Agnes, andlda, and Mee Taylor, the Queen ; And Maggie sprim and 'ramie ,o bluff, u 1 dear, Mr Hawking, were we 000 euongh ? Wo tried to dress neatly, we studied to plc see, We frizzed and we crimped, and our waists we did squeeze ; Did you think us too youthful, too childish or what? Had you given n0 time we'd have mended al I that. Your judgment was biassed, your heart Iiko a stone, Tn turn to another and leave 00 alone 0 1 dour, Dar. Hawkins, we mourn for your fate, Think well, or tomorrow it may be too late. 01 Hawkins, dear Hawkins, we all loved you 90, We've earth one decided we can't let you gn, Aud still whi a our bosom with ardor doth burn, Although a great sinner, you still may re- turn, If yon can't make a cholas midst ouch beau- ty and youth, Just Set while we whisper, we'll tell you the truth— We'll all go to Utah, that land of fair fame, And all for the honor of sharing your name. We'll still be united in heart and In head, Nu intruder shall enter to break up our baud; We'll have twelve happy homes where we'll laugh, ,lanae and Bing, We'll ride in our chariot and you'll be our king. Despite the generosity of the offer Mr. Hawkins woe oompetled to decline, al- though hie reply wall couched in the most euphouiou0 and complimentary terms. MANE YOU IIEARTt1U1tN It's quite common with people whose ,uoiueetion ie poor Immediate relief folowethe nae of Nervdine, Stomeoh id elronethened, dig'arioo is made perfect. Ue- Polson'. Nervi me once mull you'll Lever he without it beoaor'e every type of stomach disorder ie ants quoted by a few doses, One 15o. bottle of Nerviline alwaye oonvinaee. Sold everywhere for the past fifty yeRro. GdutleMgn We have just paved the first mile -stone in our business career and we wish to thank you most heartily for, your kindly eo-operation in favoring us with your es- teemed patronage. We feel sure that it is only through strict attention to our busi- ness that we have won the approval of a discerning public, and we will endeavor to continue along these lines and thereby hope to merit a repetition of your favors. We carry a large as- sortment of Spring and Summer Goods which we are sure will meet the taste of all those who wish to be numbered among the well dressed members of the community. Call and See our stock as we aro anxious to show you what we have at prices that are right. Dodds Odd & Habkirk T H E LEADING TAILORS. LIMIT OF IIUIIAN AGONY Ie often reaohed with corns, Footled) because Putnam's Corn 17xtraotor aurae in twenty four butte. Don't put off— set Pntnam'e to day—fifty years in pee. Painless and sure. Biuevnle, TrRNBERRY COVNOm.--Minutes of Oout.oil meeting held in the Olerk'e office, Rlaevale, Monday April 2nd. All the members present, Reeve in the chair. Mmntee of Iaet meeting read and adopted Oe moti m of Me -ere. MoMiohael and M.-ffatt Commaniaatione were read from Guelph city Commit re Powet Oommiee 100 Report Filed. Alco from Toronto Draughtsman re new map of Township. Filed. Tenders for the Towoehip printing were laid before the 0001801. There are, in this neighborhood, agents for several "bucket bowl" Cream Separators. "Bucket bowl" Sep- arators are the hied with big bowls. full of parts, set on top of their spindles. These agents say to farmers in- tending to buy a Separator, "Look OUT Fon THE Tunu- LAR," Or "DON'T TRT THE TUBULAR," Or "BEWARE OF THE TUBULAR." To !tear them talk you would guess right away that THE SHARPLES TUBULAR is the best Croom Separator made, and that these "buc- ket bowl" fellows are afraid of it. AND THEY ARE AFRAID JF IT. The Tubular eurpasse9 every other Separator in every particular, and von MOULD TARE MIGHTY 0001) 0111E YOU Do MO A TUBULAR before you buy a Separator. Machine may be seen at MORAY & Co.'s Hardware S ore, Bruseele, 38-4 P. FERGUSON, Agent, BRUSSELS Spring and Summer —01411111110.— MILLINERY OUR Fine New and Fashionable Spring stock is to band and ready to adorn the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity. As we will not hold a formal Opening we invite the Ladies to call and see our goods any time. A choice stork of Fancy Goode in the line of Em- broidery Silks, Table Centres, Doylies, Sofa Cushion Tops and Frills, Point Lace Patterns, Braids, Threads, Rings, &c., has been added to my business and Ladies are asked to see theou. I thank the public for the past year's patronage and will be pleased to share in this season's business. rsa McKinlay Moved by Mr. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. Rutherford that the tender from the Wlnlham Advance 1,0 accepted Cirri d. Moffett R tlltorford that Bylaw .No. 6, 1900 l' p i for the appointment of Wm, 11. tluudoll„ Thomas Aitken, Thos U iy Thoe, Haugh, Samuel Vanat0ne, Jae. Elliott, JOB. Lovell, Peter Scott, E. Arte and, Robt, Leothore, Fence Vlowere for the 00rr0111 year. (Jerried, Rutherford McMinhoal, that Bylaw No. 7, 190'i, be passed for the appointment of John little, Henry Lawrenoe, George B„ Scott, Hugh 'fucker, Allan Franck, Jomee Rirktou junior, Peter S. MaEweu, Peter Scott, L'`, Are e, James Williane'n, Jahn Mundell, and Wm, Maxwell, Pound Keepers for the Durrant year. Carried. Kelly Molilioheal, that By law No, 8, 1906, be peeped for, the borrowing of money to meet current expenditure until taxes to be levied clan be collected. Carried. Rutherford -Kelly that By law No, 9, 1906 be passed for the appointment of the following Pathmaetere for the current year ;—Henry Lawrence, John Weiler, Wm. Mandell, George Brune, John Little, David Helenas, Jomoo Stapleton, Henry Thompson, James Godkiu, George Harebell, Ruben Stokes, Jamie J. Scott, Wm. Hitchen, Edwa'.1 Jenkins, Murray Wilson, John Holme., David Fortune, James Caldwell, Pester Beatings, Wm. MoO11l, Frank 0artuth• ere, Wm, Adair, George Taylor, John Wray, James Wylie junr, Robt. Breen, Robe. Yeo jbor, Saml.,.,Vanelone, John Sanborn, James Nichol, James Elliott, Thee, Walker, Peter S. MoEawon, Wm. Wright, Gideon Parke, James Hislop, John Megwen, Peter 8o0tt, Thomas Higgins, Andrew Grey, Peter D. King, Henry Beeman, W,llinm Maxwell, Henry Wheeler, James 0. Anderson, Henry Wolfe, George Yeo, John J. Moffatt, Geo. Walker, John F. Mulvey, J. Lane, Andrew Gemmill, Henry Muir, Thos, Lovell, John A. Midst, John Agnew, John Sillook, Robt. Groves, Wm. Bo.t, James Wilkinson, and Robt, Mo grove,. following amounts were ponied and cheques leaned :-0. A. Jones, oivil Engineer, 5146.75 ; H. B, Elliott, printing, 57.26 ; D. Broeu, tilling culvert and damage, 53 50 ; Al an Fralink repair. ins bridge 6th line, 55.00: John Wray, filling in Gth lino bridge, 58 50 ; John Porter, working road greeter, 52 25. Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Moffatt that Lille meeting do now adjourn to meet in the °leek's °Sine, Binevale, on Monday, May 28th at 10 o'clock a, m. for general busiueee and for Oonr, of Revision of Aaoeoemeut Roll at 2 o'olook p. m. JOHN BDRooeo, Clerk. SIR JAMES WATSON'S OPINION. He says that the 0„mmoueOl of all disorders, and one from whioh few eeoape is Catarrh. Sir James firmly beltevee iu lucid treatment, which ,s mast eupphed by Catarrhozune. No 0ne0 of catarrh can cadet where Ceiarrhozooe le need ; tt is a miracle worker, relieves almost ,n etantly and cavae after other remedtee fail, Other treatments een't reaoh the diseased parte like Catarrbozone because it goes to the source of the trotlhle along with the air you breathe. Catarrbozone i0 free from 000010e, it leaves no bad after eft'chs, it is simply uuture'0 own cure. /Inept no substitute for Catarrh ozone whioh alone eau care Catarrh. A Paper of Influence. An Eminent Ring's Counsel Exprceses Ills Opinion of Canada's National Newspaper, Io addreaeing the jury at Oobourg last week in the libel mitten of Coyle v. The Globe, Mr. R. Riddell, K. 0., auntieel for the plaintiff, gave utterance to tho following eeutenoes ;—"There is a paper known as the Toronto Globe, a paper known to everybody in this country. It Mtn an (worm '00 airoulation throughout ehe angth and breadth of the aiv,hzed ward. It has at, enormous infloenoe ; it ie a paper which at 'emit ono -half of the grown individooie in this oo0ulry desire to Bee, mud upon whioh 9Very Iarge pro- portion pin their faith. So influential Wall it that aurae or the Reformers said, iuetead of "Give net Ihie day our daily bread,” "Give as this day our daily Globe." PIN YOUR FAITH ON FFRROZONE A' 'rime Honored Cure for Spring Ail- ments thateyary Physician Recommends. Bat every year has seen the popularity of Ferrozone increase, and today itis used by the people of many nations for the weakness debility, mud the character. ietio ailments of Spring. Let Ferrozone help yon 1 It enriches the blood supply and there• by vitalizes mud quickens the whole body. Hanson and impurities are driven off, Dienaeo germs of every kind are destroyed, Nutritious material is supplied for re storing the waste, and day by day the process of rebuilding goes on till health that 000010te old ago ie establish. ed. Mr, W. A, Ronwiok, of 285 Hauler Sc„ Hamilton, Ont., writes t "A year ago I became run down and Met my health. My strength wee greatly re• duped and en 0000unt of the weakness of my heart I wee afraid t0 take op work. Oa going upstairs or walking feet my heart would heat like an engine. I would wake up in an exo110d condition and find my bead going like mad. In this terrible state notbing helped me bet Ferrozone Snub good it did me I oat, hardly exp ain, It buit0 up my strength, pot 11011 life to my heart and made me feel like a new man,' Beall in advonoed oases of weakness Fete ozone de unfailing. Yoh druggist Delle 1t, 00a, per box or six boxoe for 52 50 at all d,attere, or by mail from N. 0, Polson & Oo., Hertford, Oon8„ U. 8, A. and Kingetou, Out, A friend in the nld oonntry hue preeent- ed Knox church, St. Mary's With 51,500. Rev, Canon Bland hag tendered his "a -Highest Market Price for Produce of all kinds. re01gnation mo rooter of Ohriet Chnroh cathedral, Elamiltoh. Jceeph Cartier, ot Chatham township, Wait etfffooeted while extingniahieg a ars in the darret of hie house, Oltar'es Green, the Toronto trevellsr, who fell dow,1 stairs at the Teoualeeh Renee in London, died of his injuries, I31 1mAparamsmamozmetwameaegtrem� FASHIONABLE Millinery t9t Having dispensed with ')ur formal Millinery Spring Opening we are now prepared to show our many cus- tomers our Elegant and Fashionable Display of Dress Hats and Ready -to -wears, Also carry a full line of Ribbons, Flowers, Fancy Straws, &c. Grateful for past patronage and assured that the now goods will please we invite the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity to call and see the new styles. • iss Strachan HOLMES BLOCK A LARGE STOCK OF TO BE REDUCED Owing to a change in business a Reduction Sale will be held for the next 30 Days, during which time goods will be sold for Cash at Specially Reduced Prices In Stock will be found Harvest Tools, Cross -cut Saws, Lamps, Car. pet Sweepers, Silverware, Cutlery, Stock Foods, Bells, Mitts, Lanterns, Whips, &e., &c. ROPE—A quantity of Pure Manilla Rope, and inch, at Cost. BINDER TWINE—One ton of Standard Manilla, 550 feet, at 120, 500 lbs. of Pure Mauilla 650 feet, at 13o. This is much less than Twine will be bought at next 0000011. GRANITE WARE—Special Bargains in Dish Pane, Water Pails, Rice Boilers, Sauce Pans, Stove Puts, Tea Pots, &o., &c. A nice every -day Tea Pot at 25o. Now is the time to supply your wants at Great Bargains t 'A11 accounts are asked to be squared off at once. c..ay Co. CKANGE OF BUSINESS 1,'I,le,,'t'Ih'lii letll,'l , lell,l'tl111111 Having Bought out the Carriage Business of Edward Spelral (JOHN WYNN'S OLD STAND, BRUSSELS) We are prepared to attend to the wants of the public in First-class Style. Full range of Buggies, Wagons, &c., kept in stock and sold at close prices. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Repainting and Trimming looked after with neatness and dispatch. Have engaged a First-class Painter to take charge of this Department. JIl,ill,illl'e,'ll,'ll,'hlahahat•11,%,11. FRANCIS Se CD. Good Goods at Right Prices Are, no doubt, a source of interest to you. We have received some of our new Spring and Summer Goods and there are more to come. These goods have the stamp of Quality and as our expenses are light and we have bought our Cotton Goode and Shoes before the advance in Cotton and Leather, we are in a position to give you the benefit by low. Give us a call --we can interest you and save you money. New Prints New Shirtings New (lottouadee New Underwear New Elosiery Newer hoes Best Manitoba Flour for Salo. c raiAswestesuo (maid Bros. ✓AMEST OWN