HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-12, Page 3!IBA AT ,.' TIlEA'1'11r 1' OF ANF 11A. Thu chief Symptom, til Ienst, the most obvious ono of anemia, is pallor. Tile 6141 Is while, Ilse whites of the PyCS are even whiten' than usual, the lips are light. In color, and the pink color of Lull nail -beds is nbsenl.. But pallor 15 501116 tines deceptive, anti may be present even Mum there Ly Mlle or no real anemia. This oemirs in certain cases in which there is an unequal distribution of the blood, the surface of the body be ing poorly supplied, while the central organs arc congested. Other signs of anemia are irritability of the heart, palpitation ocourring on slight provocation; Indigesltan, loss of appetite, constipation, shortness of breath, nervousness, weakness and ability to do any hard work witti caber brnln or muscles, swelling of the feet and ankles in the evening, headache, dizziness, ringing ,J1h Iho ears, and sometimes spots before the eyes. All these signs point to an impoverishment of the blood, and the suspicion is con- firmed by a direct examination of u drop under a microscope. In the treatment of anemia, which f very frequently a secondary aoudition, the first care Is to discover and remove, if possible, the underlying cause. The cure is 'helped along, however, and hastened by certain measures which we may briefly enumerate. The diet of every anemic person must be carefully looked M. it is usually the quality of Ilia food rather then its quantity that needs regulating. Tender, not over- cooked meat, milk, eggs, and other al- buminous articles are to be preferred to vegetables and starchy foods. The Juices of fruits and of lettuce, celery and other salads, without the woody sub- stance, aro useful as promoting diges- tion and accelerating the nutritive changes in the body. Next to food, fresh air and sunlight are the most powerful stimulants to the blood -malting functions. All exercise that causes fatigue should bo avoided, but a quiet stroll, a drive over smooth roads, and especiaily sit- ting or lying in the open ate, occasion- ally In the direct sunlight, Lho head be- ing protected, are of great value to the anemia invalid. 7f sitting outdoors Is Impassable, the chair or sofa should be continuously by a wide-open window, and, at night, ail the windows In the room should be open. Cold douching or bathing Is of great benefit, but the judicious adaptation of this curative measure to the individual needs calls for medical skill, as does also the prescription of Iron and other blood - making drugs.—Youth's Companion. HOME REMEDIES FOR BURNS. Burns are such frequent and painful accidents, says a writer In a recent household magazine, that simple hone remedies which are immediately avail- able are among the things which every housekeeper should know. Serape or grate a raw potato quickly and bind the pulp Into a poultice on the burn. Or mance a paste of cooking Soda and water, and bind this on the burn Both these remedies are cooling and will draw out the fire. If care is taken the blister will not break. The water in the blister helps Lo form a new skin and should be kept as long as possible. It is a splendid plan to keep a bottle of linseed oil end lime water on a shelf where it can be -quickly procured In case of a burn. This is a well-known rem- edy, though not as cooling as the firet mentioned. 1-IEALTtl RULES IN BRIEF. unman iN SPRING. NINE MURDERS FOR MONEY. Nature Needy Aseielmn'a in Making New 1 Father and Brother Among Vktims of Health -Giving Blood. Assesstn. Spring is Iho season when your system The whole of South Africa lute been rents Loring up, In the spring ytlu talking of nothing but the appalling re - must hove new blood, just es the tuts volutions which have followed up the Wrest have new sap. Nature demands disinterment of the body of a tanner• Sloss, a student, 22 years of age, who It Without new liloud you will fowl 01 10(1 Srhaeter, which wns found burl- was eta'ged with causing bodily injury, wed( hurl languid; you may have cel In a fowl house an the premises r ( public violence and theft. 'Those these " lilt murderer, PierreBasson, neer' Cape' charges were represented by Sloss, 11a1, mg 1 av- mgt cut ill the heir of sixteen young girls In the streets of Berlin. Evidence was given that Sloss haat passed all Ills examinations with hon- ors and that he had special talent as d, matheutntieten, lie 0015 1111 indUsLrieus, well-behaved student. When gceslaomed by the presiding judge, Sloss said !hilt his taste for beau- tiful, long heir was so intense that ha ruuld not resist IL. tie began culling off pil'Is' hair the day the Cruu'n Heiress made her public mahatma) into Berlin, "1 cannot explain why 1 could not re- sist tentptat tan lo cut off girls' halt',' he A STt'UENTd An Extraordinary Case Aired in A Ber- lin Court, A most exh'aordinery story is told 'n Me Central Criminal Court of Berlin, Germany, the other dray, by Hobert Iwin„ o.!1 nt rheumatsun nr neuralgia, oc- casional headaches, a variable appetite, Ninnies n1' eruptions of the skin, or 11 pub!, pasty complexion. These are sure aigny that the blond is out of order. A Town, It is now established that Reason, who slot himself on seeing his Oehler; hody exhumed, Is responsible fur at tenet (onto. is needed to give new energy. f7r, nine murders, two of his vietirus being \‘. imams, Pini( 1'1115 ore the wee, tuna: hie father and his brother, BASSI') wn18 nli the world. They make new, nett, only 25 yen's aid at the time of his blood -- your greatest need 1n1 spring. death, Thu mall vu was in curry case They clear the skin, drive out disease and same, The 111111I101.01' SDI col Obi a vie - and stake Ilrt.l depressed men and wn- ten who WAS pressed for money, lent ,'1011 Ilright, uc.lJve anti strung, hh's, hltn a fairly large sum, and obtained his Chas, Ahtsson, Yatunchlehe, Que., proves Insurance policy us a guarantee 01 troy. the great va1110 of Dr. Williams' Pink Eluant. Pills in building up people who have be- There seems little doubt that he wns come weakened and rim down. She says:—"hl the winter of 1005 1 was very }melt run down and lost flesh rapidly. Aly blood was poor. I suffered both lndigeslinn, severe headaches and gen- eral debility, In 11118 eniadilinn 1 decid- ed to give De. Williams' Pink Pills a Wel, and thanks to this valuable moll - 00 1 am again enjoying perfect health." Dr. Williams' Pln11 Pills cure at the ailments due to poor blond or :Matter- ed IlOOVCS. Tho 1 is why they cure an01. foie, rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney trouble, Indigestion and the secret ail- ments of Women and girls. Sold by nutdlcine deniers or by plait al 50 cents t' box er six boxes for 02.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Breathing through the nose is an ex- cellent preventive against colds. Earache may tray bo caused by a bad tooth, the pain being transmitted, or -by a foreign body in Iho ear, or by rheuma- tism. Warm fomenlations of poppy heads or poultices will afford relief. Deafness is often caused by collection of bard wax in the ear. Remove the cause by dropping into the ear a few drops of glycerine at night -lime, and syringe in the morning with warm water. Blnelthelds.—Th0se who suffer from blackheads should steam the face' occa- sionally and rub in some simple oint- ment. Face massage and strict atten- tion to cleanliness will effect wonders in had cases., Neuralgia, or brow ague, should be treated with a mixture of quinine when due to malarial origin. Defective sight is a fertile Source of the trouble, and the only treatment is tate wearing of pro- periy-made spectacles. For Croup.—One teaspooeftll of pul- verized alum, two tablespoonfuls of honey, one-fourth teaspoonful of borax, and ono tenspoonlul of camphor. Give hall a teaspoonful every fifteen or twenty minutes. Put the patient in a hot bath. ' Chilblains may be prevented by avoid- ing extremes of beat and cold, Don't toast your feet over a hot fire and then go out for a walk on cold pavements. Wear woollen soaks and stout boots. To alleviate pail rub the feet with cos. for -oil: Before Breattfaet.—Always pelt, on your boots before hr0nkfestr—if you have to go out immediately atter it, Bending down to lace or draw en boots after a good meal may produce faintness or syncope, caused by pressure of full sto' Inech on the heart. Ent fruit for breakfast. Eat fruit for puncheon. Avoid pastry. Shunmuffins and cruinpots, end buttered tonal. flat whole -meal bread. RotuSi rice pud- ding. Decline potatoes if they are served more than once a tiny. Wash the face every night in warm water. Sleep eight Milks a night. Would rho woman aid her digestion, dear lip a muddy skin, and secure aB round health, let her heconic an apple eater. Pears are health aids, but better when cooked. Peaches are calculated to beautify, and gropes aro declared the healthiest of all fruits, Cherries, an authority soya, freeptontly restore health and l tren tl to 018 weak, ;Strawbeeeles, though a Cold fruit, have. the virtue of heeling rheumatism, Ph* ,apples ere said to be the,hest cure for Iiyspepeja kneep i. QUEEN TUAMAR, Legends Say That She Was "Mightier Than the Mountain Ararat." In the twelfth century lived the great Timmer, Queen of Georgia, anti as worthy of lasting (nine as Queen Eliza- beth or Mary Stuart. She began to reign In her twenty-third year, and ell Georgia fell In love with her. She was a beautiful woman, ot''rure personal charms, but above all, she desired to ad- minister justice and mercy. But In spite of her deserts, she was not more fortunate than many earthly princesses In her choice of a husband. The grandees of the court and church act to deliberate upon that momentous subject, but they could think of no one worthy of Timmer. Finally one of them said, "I know a sen of a Russian sove- reign. who was hanished after the death of his father. He Is a Christian and a prince." The Russian prince was sent for, and when be came ho made a good impres- sion on the people by his manners and his beauty. But 'l'harnar sold : "We know nothing about his temper, his habits or his character. Try him." The assembly could not wait. The army needed a commander, and Tim- mer must give It one by marrying. Conquered by the stubbornness of her friends, s113 yielded, and the prince was made her .onsort. But as soon as he was settled in his new position be be- came a drunkard, and began to act in every way like a barbarian. Timmer tried for two .yea's and a half to bring hint to his senses, end then she appeared before the assembly and an- nounced her intention of leaving a man so vile. Without the least hesitation the annals tools him to the shore of the Black Sea. put him on a ship, with a large sloelc of 0101105 and precious stones, and sent him to Constantinople, Bet without waste of time he was back again with a Greek army, seelcing to regain the throne. Twice lie made the aiteinpt, and twiee he was defeated. Than he disappeared from the story, and Thamnr became the wife of an ob- scure prince, David, whom she had known from her childhood, and who loved her very much. After this Queen 'rhmnar won -great military tame, and by the excellence of ler armies and their generals 'she suc- eceded in repulsing all attacks upon the integrity of her possessions and pre- served them intact. And when the Ma- hnmmedens attacked her Christian sub- jects, site visited retribution upon Mem. In the evenly-cnghth year of her reign she died, and the chronicler says "So disappeared the sun which shone for more than a quarto' of a century for the glory of Georgia." A DEALT!' iN TUE 1108,1;. torn -a erir innt of the worst type, ills frillier, a fine type of. the Cape ilugue- stud. "1 perP51ra15d the, seecn(1 offence not, despaired of his son's vteious ten- ii, November Inst, when the King of dudes when the 15115' wns only 12 Spain arrived 1n Berlin, and the girl yenrs old. it Is related lint he been whose hair was 0111 o(( did not notice want hal been done," "\Vhet olid you du with the hair?" ask- ed The judge, "1 look it hone and kept it In a box labeled 'lleminlerences,'" replied Sines. "1f you were lilr0raled would you pro- mise never again to cutoff girls' hale?" asked the judge. "1 cannot promise; i cannot say whe- ther 1 could resist the temptation,' was the reply, Sloss slated lint he had Berl each tronhy with a rlbhnn and lithe led B with The dole on which he obtained pos- 55SS11111 nl i1. The court discharged Sloss, his rein - lives promising Lo place hint under ra strabhl roasted a cot. alive over a slow fire, and Ihrnughnul his childhood was guilty of Ilnnlerous acts of atrocious cruelly to animals. His father, a man of rotund henith, who hod never hod nn Illness In his life. died suddenly on Ont, 15. 1505. No nnsl- mortenl wns held, though the axlrnnr- cutlery suddenness of the death mused much comment. and there Is Mlle doubt flint he WAS entwined. Ile wns insured for S1?.Ong, the whole of which went to Pierre Rnssen, Early in 11)(13 Pneson rnverted hour one day from n fishing e'nedilinn. and ennmineed nnnellnlnntly that Ills brother :tastier hm1 been wnahed off n reek rind drowned. Jnsner wns insured Inn 417,. ".o.0. and it Is reme't<nhle 11151 nea'iv the whole of this nmeent wns in an nr- c'idenl nolley, so BIM if Jnsner hnd died a natural death Pierre would not have henefted. Baby's Own Tablets are equally good for little babies or big children. If rt child is suffering from any of the mina' Ills of childhood a few doses of the Tab- lets will cure it. And an ocensionnl dose to the well child will prevent sick- ness. Mrs. A. Mercier, Riviera Ouelle, Que., says:—"My baby was Cross, irri- table, did not sleep at night and did nob seem to derive, but since giving her Bnby'a Own Tablets all tlh(s is changed, She now oats well, sleeps well 1111d Is growing fat. The Tablets have proved a blessing to both myself and the child." So soy all mothers who have used this medicine Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all druggists, or you can got them (ram Tile Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 25' cents a box. THERE IS NOW A MASS OF PROOF TUAT LUMBAGO iS ALWAYS CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PiLLS. Quebec Man Cured his Kidneys with Dodd's kidney Pills, and his Lumbago Vanished, Quebec, P. Q., April 2.—(Special).— John Ball, a bricklayer, residing at 57 Little Champlain Street, this city, has added his statement to the great amass of proof that Lumbago is caused by dis- ordered Kidneys, and consequently easily cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Ball says: "I was troubled with Lumbago for two years. i could not work. I had to get up at nights to urinate so often that. my rest was broken. 1 read of cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills and made up my mind to try Mem. After the first. box I could see and feel a change. Three boxes cured me completely." Lumbago, like Rheumatism, is caused by uric acid in the blood. Uric aced can- not stay in the blood If the kidneys are working right. Dodd's Kidney Pills stake the Kidneys work right. - KAFFIRS AND SLAVES. Origin of Two Words is an Interesting Bit of History. Very curious has been the history C the word "kaf lr." The French expire, e-rs who have been opening up the Su - clan and Sahara find tlel they nee called oars by the Mohammedans, while . Sir Iienry Rawllnson once said that the love- liest Oriental lady he had ever seen was n katir slave at Kabul. When she had icosened her golden hair she could cover herself completely as with a veil. This natio of kalnr is as world-wide ns 15- Inmism, for It Is the name of "unbeliev- er' applied by trite Mohammedans to those that refuse the faith. The Portu- guese found 3L applied to the negroes et [last Africa by their Arab predecessors, rind handed it on to the Dutch and to ihe English. The hall)' slave to Kabul tolonged to one of those black -clad mountain tribes In the heart of Afghan - Asian who 1i11 1805 deflect their Moslem neighbors, and on their dizzy precipices gloated on their idolatry. These Afghan kamrs claim to he descended from the Greeks who came with Alexander in his conquest of the east. A remarkable instance of verbal deg- rndn.ijol is the word "slave." Ifs ori- ginal, lite Russian "slava," meant giole. ous, being etymologically ai<in to the i;nglish word glory," and was pt'oudly token as -their mune: 11y the Slavonic people. But when the Germans reduced hosts of the Slays to servitude 111010 name, from malice or accident, as thh- bon says, became synonymous with "servile." it retains no more sugges Ilonof Its racial origin now than dues "ogre," which Is really "Hungarian," from a confusi00 of the Magyars with the thins, and of both with Lhe terrible Tartars. PROFESSIONAL GOSSIPS. In China elderly ladles are regularly employed as gossips, and they are paid well, It is usual for Mem to go to the best 1101808, beating a drug] l0 an- nounce their arrival, and to offer their services to the lady as entertainers. 11 theft' offer is accepted, they sit down and tell the latest news, Thu choicest, 'scan- dal, and anything that they think may interest their hearers, Should their stock -in -trade prove very delectable they most likely go away with a very' handsome present, in addillon to their regular fee, which Is et the rate of shout is, an hour, Some of these gossips have a large number of ciients, whom they visit at regular intervals, MA1fiNG PAYMENT, "All 1 have In the world 1 ova to my wife," lnurmure11 the millionaire, who was about to tail, "and I guess I better minim up with her right now," Alli 11e proceeded to put his posses. 510118 in flit wile's nsrno. "Why, Clara, you look radiant' Wliat hos happened?" "i've ,lust received ail invitation to 0 wedding." "Well, there's nothing pnrticulnr in tint to go into raptures over." "Yes, but It, happens to be my own," and sho shoved the new engagement -ring. Doctored Nine Years for Tetter.—Mr. James Gaston, merchant, of Wilkes - harm, Pa., writes : "For nine years 1 have been disfigured with Teller on my hands and face. Al last 1 have found a eure In Dr. Agnew's Ointment. It helped me from the first appllealion, anti now I am permanently cured." -135. "Yes,' said the fair young girl. "every uody says I'm just the picture of mam- ma." "Well." replied the gallant youth, "you're certainly a fiatlering picture." TEF JAPE ,lid it. They a,tpptied the Menthol round to the "D d L" Ole ,than Plater, which re. Booth instantly backache, headache, neuralgia, ehoumatimm and sciatica. The Lady: "Pa wents us to wait len years before the marry; but that will not meter, dear George. You will still be young then." The Escort: "Yes, my dear: but it was not of myself 1 was thinking." Penlight Boap is better than other soaps, but is beat when used in the Sunlight way, Bey Bunlight Soap and follow directions. Ile: '9'd consider it a great pleasure to talk to a woman like Miss Geese - way." She: "What Why, she'd talk you to death." i -le: "1 said 1'd consider 11 a pleasure -to tallc to her, not to listen: to tier." A SKIN THAT BURNS with eczema, and is oevered with orupti ors that discharge a thin fluid, may be made smooth and sightly with w'eave's Collate. Rut this external remedy should be used Biu auniuuation with Weaver's Syrup, Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way, To appreciate the simplicity and ease of washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should follow directions. After rubbing on the soap, roll up each piece, immerse in the water, and go away. Peach: "Mr. Riche says very bitter things about Those lazy sons of his, but his wife is always making excuses for them." Bloom: "Yes, she makes excuses. but he has to nuke allowances for them; that's what angers him." No Heart too Bad to he Cured.—Tes- firrlony could be piled Mali in commen- dation of ihp wonderful cures wrought by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the i-Ieart. No case stsnds against this great remedy where ii did not relieve the most acute heart sufferings inside of thirty minutes, it attacks the disease in an instant after being taken. -131 He (on his knees)—"Darling, t love you wllh all my heart, with all my soul, and with all the strength of my being." She—"Are you in earnest, Clarence?" Ole (rep roaehfully)—"ln earnest? Do you think I ash Nagging my trousers in this way for fun?" A BROAD STATEMENT I'hie announcement is made without any 'notifications. Been hold ie the ono pre- paration iu the world that guarantees it. Dr. Leenhardt's hem -Reid will euro any .0.80 of 1 ilea. It in in the form of a tablet. It is the only pile remedy used int. molly. It is impossible to aura an established case of Piles with ointments, suppositories, injeotious, or outward appliances. A guarantee is issued with every package of Dr. Lonnharrit's Hem-Roid, which con- tains a month's treatment. Go and talk to Your drug1istabout 1t. The Wilson- yle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. TRY SINGING. An eight-year-old girl, with a cut in her hand, was brought to a physician. It was necessary for the best resells to take a few stilettos with a surgeon's needle, While the physician was making preparations the little girl swung her foot nervously against the chaff', and was gently admonished by her mother, "That will do no harm," said the doc- tor, kindly, "as long as you hold your hand still, adding with a glance at the strained, anxious face of the child, "You may cry as much ns you lilts." "1 would rather sing," replied the child. "All right, 11tat would be better, What can you sing?" "i can sing, 'Dive, Give, Said the little Stream: Do you know That?" "1 am not sure," responded the doe - 10r. How dohs it begin?" • The little patient proceeded to illus - trete, That's beautiful," said the doctor. "I want to hear the whole of it." All the while the skilled fingers were sowing up the wound, the sweet, childish voice sounded bravely through the room, and the only tears shed on the occasion came' from tine eyes of the mother, It is, i believe, a physiological mol that 501110, expression of onno's feelings tends, to lessen painn. Stone weeping and groaning aro distressing to one's friend t, how "itvoiiidlit do for us ail to rtik 16yd �. a will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if -washed in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. Equally good with hard or soft water. Lover Brothers Limited, Toronto SAL1l5- JUST ARRIVED AND FOR i' sole 34 n,portmi Clydn+dale of sire c act il.-0. S.t: fano 21 toile, Onto Dud of street sal. line. -0. ,SORRY, Guelph, Out- APPLE TREES. Before buying write us, or see out agent near you, for prices. \Ve hav1D the largest stock of bruit trees to be found in Canada. We pay the freight. Drown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited, Brown's Nurseries, Ont, WE LL DRILLING MAOHINES and DRILLERS' SUPPLIES, Write for prices. W. II. UOIN Saf1, London Ont, COULD CURE THAT. Dr. Younger—"You're a little bit un- der weight. You don't eat enough." Mr. Mussel—"Nonsense! if I were to eat more I'd have dyspepsia-' Dr. Younger—"I know, but that's my specialty, you know." DO NOT ALr,OW yourseIf to become alarmed because you have last your appetite and aro losing flesh, but commence taking Ferrevim " the Leaf tonic. It will build you up Quickly. REFLECTION. The photographer was thoughtfully surveying a row of pictures the had taken of a number of patrons, "There is no denying the fact" he muttered, "there are some ugly features in this business." flow long have your Kidneys been sick?—Here's South American Kidney Cure evidence that's convincing : "1 am a new man—three bottles mired me," "Five bottles cured mo of Diabetes." "I never expected to bo cured of Bright's Disease, but half a dozen bottles did IL" "1 thought my days were num- bered, but this great remedy cured me." It never fails, -134. "My deer Rtiss Kempton," remarked Mr. Ciifflonville, meeting the young lady by chance, "your new hat is simply di- vine. i crossed the street especially lo get a better view. However, I shouldn't lilcfs to sit behind it at the theatre." "But, then, you needn't," retorted Miss Kempton, with an arch smile; "for you are welcome to sit beside it." What could the poor boy do? MONTH Airrun MONTH a cold stloks, anti Seems to tear hales M your throat, Are you aware khat even a stubborn and Wag -neglected cold is cured with Allen's Lang Bedsore 1 Clough and 'worry no longer. To avoid "catching" cold keep your room at an even temperature, don't sit with your back to a warm fire, and avoid draughts, Cure the Nerves and you will control almost every disease that. flesh is heir to. The foundation of health is a perfect stomach and good digestion—these right and you are insured plenty of nerve force, perfect cirouletion and pure blood. South American Namibia is a wonder= worker—gives nerve force—makes rich blood. TVs a veritable "Elixir of Lila." —132. Mrs. Green (who Ihinks of engaging) -- "But is the girl honest? Can she he trusted?" Mrs. Brovn (the girl's former mistress)—"You need not be in the least alarmed. She is perfectly honest. All the time she wns with rile T never knew her to take a thing—not even my advice as to how things should bo done." For 33 Years Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, has been before the public, and tl1s, together with the fact that its sales have steadily increased year by year, is the best proof of the merit of Shiloh as a cure for Coughs, Coids, and all diseases of the lungs and air passages. Those who have used Shiloh would not be without it. Those who have never used it should know that every bottle is sold with a positive guarantee that, if it doesn't 01110 you, the dealer will refund what you paid for it. Shiloh �a Cured thousands of the most obstinate cases of Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. Let it clue you. 'Lott winter i douched ler dues months and the0ahe I war seine into Cotleumptien. 1 look ell *oda of medicines,y but noth(na did me 00y rod un!il i toed Shiish'. Cossumenen Cure. r;ou[ Wks cured ase. 'Ilk tiler 1 had ay.' 5511 cold, was not puta to rpeok, my lui,W b rote an the side and hack, Sit tonics of Shaoh mad* ono well with,. 1 here often fl le several 500 tie , awl eves .one of Steal time bran caroti"- . Joseph, St. H wcibdne, flue." dot STEIL Sa, with uamntea at ell Two thousand designs suitable for all classes of work such as Churches, Schools, Stores, flaks. Also special designs for Houses, Kit- chens, Dining -Rooms, etc. Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped- lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm Rouses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crack or fall off. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. Made to 111 any size room and can bo nailed on by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses painted all ready to apply. OUR CATALOGUE, NO. 44 G, DESCRIBES MANY DESIGNS. WRiTE FOR IT. 1T COSTS YOU NOTHXNO. WRITE TO -DAY. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE MGIITREAL QUE. 07TAWA, ONT. I TORONTO, 060. 1.1105513, aNT, 707 Graig eb 420 Suseex SL 11 eolbon,e 81 60 000696 at. WINNIPEG, VA0 000vER, D.O. I WitlTS YOUn Runner 090105 70 Lombard at. a16Pondar bt. Head Office and Works, - - Oshawa, Ont., Canada f(1 --/'ire afttoRtto We Own The Largest Steck Food Factory In The World. It covers over a eltyblock, contains over. 18 acres of floor epaee, cost $500000.. Size of our office 360x120. 300 office people, 150 typewriters and' we use fifty minion letter heads and envelopes every year. A car- load every 30 days. Our chemical laboratory is one of the best. Our office is one of the great sights of the baroness world. Many very small concerns advertise large buildings. We Invite yon to visit our 1' factory and dee that we have eve,ythine we Manufactured and Guaranteed by International Stock Food Ce. "Internelioaal Sleek Food" "International Poultry rood" "lulernatiooei Heave Care" "Inlnraeltonal Louse Killer" "International Worm Powder"' I "Intern:atonal Distemper Coro- "lolo,eati000l Gall Core" International root Remedy" "Silver Pine Healing Oil" " Inferno t1oaal Colic Cure" "lalernetioaet Compound Meorti0nt" "International Sheep Dlp" l.! "International Pheno Ellipse" "lolernattonul Hoot Ointment" "Dan Paled Stable Disinfectant" "International Harnoss Soap" Alco "Jewel Incubators" cod Groodore, and Jewel Chick and lien Feed. DAN PATCU Tie3T( MAILED FREE. We have a Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our Champion Pacer, Den Patch 115511, size 16x24. Free of advertising, fide picture for framing, gives all the record 8 made by our pitting wonder. We will malt you one free, postage prepaid, it you wilt write us how much stock you ova and name this paper. Write et once to INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO., Minneapolis, Sinn., U. S. A. i 3 71 130) 1/ ell Two camorinee od lin Western G nada ands iu Saskatchewan, only a miles from two railways, C.P.IL. J: 3.3.10„ Strong soil, 00 per aunt- plough lama, aprin .crook, uo slough*. About 40 mils, N.E. of Lathan Head. Price $10,30 per Rare. Write for map and full particulars. R. PARSONS, pi Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada. BOOKS. '53101 1'Y BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS FOIL 51,00 by express, published price about ;to uelu1ing to peat Life of William \Vallaoo and Stray Leaves from English and Scotch History, too pages, cloth, published at 5.1.601 mailed for 83 centst Begone S110d Atyste0es of Paris, 00 cenA' 1 Paint's Ago of Rotteon, 00 cents 1 Inger• ten's Mistakes of Moses (abridged), 1001 Adroit, tures of Sherlock Holme,, by Conan Doyle, 20o, inagatines and novels, four board novels in each ufrmbel; 230 songs, 1501 "Hoylo's Games," 11 o; Popular Sootch Songs, word, and muelu, 10a- I1. lustratod London Dews, Tit Sits blurray'0 Dr,".dstdos, Ole, eta hooks specified moiled. postpaid, at pdoos quoted, anywhere to Postai Union, or the whole lot together by expross for 81, Canada only, Catalogues free to ,nustomers only, others must ondte'o stamps, Montiou this paper. Norman Murray, 210 St. Demon street Montreal. Dyeing l Cleaning! rorthm rare bmdmend root work to eke "BRITISH AMERICAN 01f51101 00." Stan for mamas 1. rear town, or mood alrmsL Montreal, Toronto. Ottawa, Quo ac, RH EU EVIATIS In any form and cold poreptring foot positive!, lured within 80 days, by our newly patented uta nolle Dines or money promptly refunded. Balled anywhere 51.00. Write fur dosariptivo 0001(05. Agents wanted: 1IAttNi(TX0 WISH, tt Att'Xsht CO UR CO., Sherbrooke, Rueboo, Canada S1AI R'S MAGIC c4ilo paced t0 ,,etre lltocli1, tisy}, Acme, 1n-. RNEUMATIC ole)onxalgia,Scl03oa', Lnmbegn, and all Md. CURE nay troulllos' 10190110» (1,10 AOid Sloe b!1. from tl,e aydtom, glvbt tmtdeltlalo relief, Dant suRor, but mond for a bottle n.t once. ,, Onheme Remedy CO, 178 Tonga St„ '.reroatd, Canaan. 81.00 per bottle.. American Poultry Farms. we Brawl for Color, Vigor, and Heavy Egg Production, Our Leghorn» and Wyandotte hone h'YYerecorda al over 100 eggs per year. 5'ggo nor liatetlng from fort4. Breeding Perim an Barred anal Whlte Plfoloalls Rooke, White and Sliver wysadottOn, White end Drown Leghorn, Agan 601,0 bot 13, 86.00 nor no, 610,00 per 100: Drente Turkeys and Jersey Cattle. a0 years' ea oorion00 In Rreedt O. Clroubir sod Truces Proa P,11..1kt1NI)0tt A 0ON9,, MINAS, HI d 1ll�l LL IONS IN -- CO BALT --_COBALT We will shorty offer for subscription a limited number of Founder's Shares in a Company recently incorporated. Investors, this is your opportunity, Take Russell Sage's adobe and "buy when stocks are cheap." Act quickly. Write for particulars without delay. THE S. S. NIESBITT COMPANY, Brokers, Etc., Confederation Life Building, Toronto. Plenty of Land Southwest along the n Land of plenty Not as much unoccupied land as there was five years ago, but enough for your needs anyhow, ' Ten mo what section yen aro most interested in--elther Kansas, Okla. home, Texas, Colorado., NOW Mina - to, Arizona or California. F wIfimde00riptive literaore that wtl 11lyi,gqoT8.(1y„ Railway Ruching*, alnig ISSIM NO, 14 .44. ,,,"4,.,4,44.;,.