HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-12, Page 1Vol. 34. Ng. 40 WNW BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1906 New Advertisements. Looal—John Long. Looal—Jae. D. McNair, Looal—Tboe. MoGrogor. Onoe again—John Wright. Bull for Service—O. Rowell, Money toned—A. J. Lowry. Seed Grain—Wrn. J. Jaoklin. Dog teat—Richard Cunningham, Tenders for dredging --Fred Galina°, White Wyabdotlee—Mrs. John Brown. l:rtanlot r(tit tc. Oranbrook Sobool report may be found on page 6 of Tau Pon. The remei1e ut the lute Henry Sunray were interred bare on Thursday of this week. Alex. McDougall, of St. Thomas, le renewing old friendships here. Be pur poses taking a prospecting trip to Cal gory, N. W. T„ and if be finds what ante him may become a permanent reeideot. Mr. MODubgall wee also viest> log his slater, Mrs. J. D, Hinobley, of Constance. 13luta vale. R. N. Doff visited Dnblin and 8eafortb last week. Ashton Mason, of Stratford, is visiting - friends here before going Weeb. Mies Money, of Weitou, visited Blue - vale Bud Morrie Mende last Week. Promotion and teat examinations were held in the school Thursday, Friday and Monday. The second Social of the Preobyterian Guild pained off successfully, in the Foresters' Hall, Tbnreday evening of last week. There was a guessing oouteet, abort program and games, auto refreeb• manse. Before departing the company joined bands and Bang "Auld Lang Syne." The morels have been pleasant meetinge for tbe young people. MAPLE SYRUP Persons wishing Maple Syrup may have any amount by dropping a postal to the undersigned who bee 1200 trees tapped. Tee Syrup is put up in $1.60. $3.00 and $6.00 Dane, or 10o. per Ib. any amount. All orders will be filled as they come in and will be held for people in the country until the roade aro better. Customers in town will be supplied early in April. W. R. B ELD EN MOLESWORTH. Roseell McKinney gave a very enjoy. able dance to a largo number of hie Mende on Friday evening last. A Mission Bend hag been formed among the ohildren of the Presbyterian' church and ten Oente of "talons money" bite bseen given to each member, At the end of the year nob ohild will give a report of the moue used to Monne hie or her talent. Bo 1 grave. Dame Rumor Saye there le a wedding on the tapie. "Sunebine" will provide the bride and groom, Harry MoOree, who hes been in poor health for some menthe is otilll poorly. Eie many triende hope he will Ston be better. Mr, Barkley ie real ill despite all that oao be done for him. He ie reboot 78 mune of age and bee beau a rugged mac. We hope 0. change for the better will soon en0Oe. Belgrave le to have a resident Vetere. cry in the pereon of H. F. Kirkby who paned a most eno0ee8fnl examination et the recent Mooing of the term of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, 'eking hone In atmoat every subject, Mr. Kirkby expecte to take op prank's here next week and will no doubt do well as he in a most competent hand. He will treat all dteeaece of domeetioated animale in a modern and eoieotiffa method and will make a epeoialty of Dentistry, We wieb him well. 2Ara ANNIYEnoADY,—The Women's Missionary Idoot.ty celebrated the 2601 ennivereery of the society, Tharaday afternoon, April 6th, in the Uelgrave Methodist north, there being a Targe attendances of ladiee of the nowt end outer Society, A very emortainiug program was given, the chief feature of which wee an excellent addreee by the paesor, Rev. A. E.Jooee, on the glorious privilege, and condition of life enjoyed by women in a Obrietian land ; the entrain ot women in heal11Bu tande; and the solation of 111., question—"Curiatiau• ity." The Heralde from the "Watob Tower" gave their reports, oonoiee and interesting, of the work of the Society SMITH & STEWART House, Sign and Carriage Paint- ers. Ornamental and Scene Work and Paper Hang- ing a Specialty. Quotations furnished on Application SHOP rl'nrnberry St., Brussels , t�.. , ST T DO N OT D ELAY! Now is the time for you to decide what style your S PRING B ONNET will be. Before making your selection it will probably be to your advantage to Visit this Store while the stock is 80 complete. Our "New Showa ing" represents Up=to=date Ideas from New York Mar- kets. Whether you are 'PURCHASING' or 'LOOKING': we will be pleased to have you visit this Department. R. 0. Davies & co. ^■ T H El and a duet was well rendered by Mete dames Procter a0oompunled by Mine Pearl Procter. A p060100ee paper was then read by the President, Mrs, (Rev,) Jones, on "Twelve reasons why 1 attend the Mleeionery Maatmg," lite offering was then taken, amo0uting to $0.00 utter withal lunob was served, Daring the snail intercourse, while Benin and partaking lunob, eight new member., were enured, Tbie wee great euo0urege. me0t to the ladies as it is proof that their work of interesting Were and epreadiag the Gospel bas not been lo Valli. The mealtug w88 Mloeed by Biog. mg the duxology, and prayer by Rev. Joon mud ail dispersed feeling well re. paid for their effort in attending, Leadurs[. Henry 8tmorc has moved to hie newly parehsoid term. 011190100 Ouse bee rented the farm of Alex. Seater for the preeeut year. George Hall bee moved to the house on Juba Orozier'e fifty sore farm. Mr. Hall to en old reeideot of Lindberg lice, The different beet rings of an diatriot ere etartlug for the season. The farmers have advanced a 018p ea they now eat the beet quality Iuetesd of the iuferior m01,018, Mies Aline Dundee has returned from Bleubeim where She hail been leading the fringing in 000110Otlon with tbe revive) eerviaeo connoted by Min Seamen. Mies Dundee is annuity gifted iu tine way and hair been highly oomplimented at every eppanel:me both et home and %breed, %V 2.41,,X Otter. T. Hemphill, 0r., woe in Broesels ou Standee,. Johu Munro is the guest of hie eiener, Mrs. A. Biller. 0. F. McLean returned to Birmingham, Ala., last week. Geo. Leckie is eofferiog from a severe attack of grippe, Geo. Peaoning left for hie home in Brunie on luareday. Mise Mary Ssndereon has gone to Tor. auto for mouth'. 91811. Robb. Miller and family leave for Tor auto Junction this week, Mr, Halliday, of Belgrave, visited last week with bis nephew, A. McLean, Robert Rae, of Listowel, is evening a few days with hie brother, Thou. Rae, Henry McGlyuu, of Senora, re re covering from a mere ilmes9 of peem moms. etre: Bpotlon has returned to Wiugham Fier imaudmg a week with Mre. T. G. Hemphill. Sam. G. iffith returned on Friday from Haorevule where he Mee spent the Winter m001118. Owing to the ilium of Min Henry there wee no eonoot held In the juuior de - penmen', two days of this weak, Jae. Barton, of Belmure, bad the min• l:ortuue to beep hie leg brokeu while working in a bneh last Thursday. The yumig ecu of Edward Barnard Med ou S81uldey afteruoon atter 8 abort inns, aged 8 m,utbe and 6 days. The !norm took puce 00 Muudey (Mteruon to 9110 Wroxeter cemetery, service being uonducted by Rev, L. Perdu. Moth eympatuy 19 felt for Mr. Barnard who entered the loss of his wife but three weeks ago and now hie eon, W tat torn. Mro. T. G. Wagborn is ou the siok list. We hope to hear of a epeody re00very. 'there will be an Enter Bung Benne in Duff's thumb' next duudey morning. Dr. 11, A. illorrleou, of Peterboro', attended the funeral of hie male, al. mermen, O° Sunday last, A eoutrngent of uavviee arrived ou Mondey to work ou this section of the railway aid the contract will bo pushed along more rapidly. Gurdon .ioDouald, of Walton, wee 0100100 Oaptute at the Seaforth Sewer Font Ball ''Teem for 1906. He is a great lootbauer and re well kuown epee the green. A Goo» ANnIW.—J, 13, MoLaagblin, of • Walton, hes 0nuently paraha8nd from Wm. Morrison, of eit8ff8, who has a not. able herd of nom, well bred Short Horne, the yu00g and one of the beet bred autumn of sus herd, "Prince Royal- ty." That) animal wet certainly be of great vein to the p.ogressive farmers of tbie uoighburhood and Mr. NI.oLeugh:iu abided be euoQuroged to trying to improve t1t quality of our bards. A WoRTuY Banana50 PASSIM AWAY. i1atthew Merriam, 11016 of the °,deet and beet known 008119010 of thle locality, passed away very euddeniC feet Friday while endue on a ohair lu his home here. There 1,80 uo appeieraa0e of any struggle whatever, everything ind1oated a very peaceful end. Deemed was bore in "Cilium comity of Mayo, Ireland, iu 1827, oumiug t0 tW8 country when 16 yeare of age. He settled in Leen Go. where be ta0g119 0011001. lu 1868 be moved to a term 111 Grey township, and for the met 28 year( has reerded in the village of Walton, following the buni0e80 of Oom• minimise and Ineurauoe agent. He was a man of great ba -these ability, haunt and upright, and mit be math mineed„in gowal circles an he Ivan of 8 obeeelal drepoeitr0u and a good ounvereatlonaliet. In patios he wets it etaane ()en80098 true. He was twl0e married, the first time to Min Mary Ana Beat, of Lanark Go., who died in 1881, and about 21 years ago to Mf.,( Rcbeooa Magill, of Rant Wawanoeh, wbo prodeoeaed him noon 2 ye8re. Deemed 198vee three daughters and live sone, viz.:—Mrs. R. H. Fargo. son, of Walton ; Mre. E. ,NOVIttie and Mre. 13. Moon, of Hallett ; George, Au• drew and William, of Wapella, Seek. ; Boyd, ot Napmka, Men. ; and John W., ' of tine range. Aleo a brother, Andrew, of Brandon, Mete, end 80lete., Mre. Wm, Beet, of Bullets. Mr. Morrison wee a member of the Methodist chard' and 1 tools a great intermit to Ito welfare, hat, ing filled all of the important offitea in oonneetion with the congregation, at his death omng 6 member of the Quarterly Board. The tone! ,o Braseu.a twine. tory en Solidity )tlten,0an won largely ittehded 10011f)1119 to the n8teeln 1'1 Alien he Wee hold by a large oltaie of Wendt) and aomeeinl0noe0, Iiia pastor, Rev. R. S. Baker, B. A., aeeieted by Rev. A. MaoNab, M. A., of Duff's church, Don ducted the oorvioeo et the bonee. Atter the 0808) 08092ce at the grave John Soar - lett, of Le,Idbur,v, Grand Nectar of the Royal Black Preoeptory of Ontario West, minted ey IY1. Mein, of Londeeboro', and B. Geri y, of Brunie, read the beriml services of the Creep and Bleck Orders. Avant 150 Orangemen attended, Blyth, Bruise's, Winthrop, Seaforth and Lon deeboro' beiug well represented. The pall bearers were :—Henry H,mttou, John MoFaddeu, Wm. Dennieou, Wm, Smith, Jan. Fulton and John Berry, all members of Wallop L, 0. L. Mr. Mor - neon united with the Orange order 61 years ago and during that time never missed marching in a proae8eio0 on the 12th of July, The relativee are deeply sympathised with In the an/coked for bereavement. attire eiytown. This has beau a good season for the maple eager busioeoo. Rod. Matheeou, of Luaknne, formerly of Sconces, Wa8 ,n our burg on baldness this weak, Gleu Forrest, eon of Alex, Forrest, we are sorry to say to again in a very pre. 0801008 state of boallb, Mine A. McKelvey, who has been in Toronto for some time, is at present at the home of her paroate. Mr. Carr, of Wroxeter, oonduoted sem vine in hie usual 10tereettug and in080001• the manner ou Sabbath eveiiug last, Albert MaBelvey, who Wout Went on the exoareion teat harvest, returned borne recently to take obarge of hie fatner'e farm daring the Doming Summer. etre. Mary J, Carr and her grsodeou, Jamie Mervin Hanna Davidson, are away to Stratford for an Enter vleit with relative. wire. Box, of the Gann city, is a daughter of Mre. Carr. As the season for loot ball hes again arrived and as it is desirable to keep the game alive in oar vioi0ily the boye ere re108800d to meet for the purpose of orga010811on on the evening of Apr. 16th. This week Thos. Jaoklin and family moved to the farm on the Grey boundary belougiog to W. H. Kerr, Broeeele, which be bus leeend. Mr.Jaoklin is no stranger to tbie locality or the term mod we with him well. BIlo V rlra. Morrie news may be found on page 4. George Meaning, of Wroxeter, ie home for a bouday under the pareutal roof. The an0011 wood bee and dance wee green at the residence of Samuel Irvine, Tharaday of last week. John Sherrie, 4th line has parohased a shore' bred Dinh.0) ball from James Spain, also of Morrie Towiehop. William, 01de81 eon of Richard Mttonoll bae gone to Saekat000 where be will prospect, He ie a blackemitlt by trade and may follow that 000upation if he finds a imitable opening. We wish him 8euaee88. Last week W. R. Mooney lett for Fort W,ldamwhere he hassucepted itBluestein in a hardware store. We wish him pros. parity, Mr. Mooney was a teacher iu the Methodist Sabbath Bohooland Moo played a flute in the 000beutre. Rev. Ernest Maniders Is home from Holland, I:Iruois, where he hae been pear:Mug and al80 taking op his course of study. He wil. Speed the Summer on the borne fatal here re0061109 hie studies next Fell. ear, Maaudere is greatly p+eaeed with hie work. C8m. and Mire. Robinson have mooed to the farm lately occupied by ()Merles Procterjr. Mr. Robinson bee been en• gaged in the cattle baeineee with R. J. Clegg, of Belgrave and will now add !arming to lila minion. We wish him every therms i11 his new enterprise. SODDEN GRAMM —Tbe news of the de• mien of Tina. A. Smith, formerly of the 7111 line, who with hie wife left Brunets for 110 Northwest on March 21a1, came with great enddeuner's. Ploerlay was rue nese, laking ill; Sundny he died on Thursday of Met week and wail buried ou Saturday. Mrs. Smith is a daughter of James Gibson, of Brueeele. She and the other relatives will be a000rded einem eywpothy. Mr. Smith had gone Weet with the idea of 100811ng there and engag- ing in farming. Deemed had a oaid before leaving dere which wee mussed on the trait. On arrival at Saskatoon he waked 11 mime to Jno. Kelnnstou'8 where he mule ill and from whnuoe the tenet molt plane ou dulurd87 last. It Was expected teat She rentable would have been gent hero for interment but the fauera1 was over before the telegram from here wee received it is said. De. oeaaed was en indnetriole, 0uaeeaming marc, who owned 100 Strop here. He wee 44 years of age,- His parents era deed but three brothers end two sisters ear. viae viz: Frank, of MOrr19 ; Jamie, or Chown ; Jno., of Toruotu ; Mrs. Bond• Meese, of Blyth ; and Mia. 13 Paye, of Jamestown, The oall was a eoddeu one and should be a loud warning, to every• body, A Jolene GATHERING -4Tndroday twee log of teal week note wad !4. 61880 enjoy • sin family gathering at the oomfortabie horns of William dandereon, 18th eon. of Hallett towoehlp, .he 008681ou being the oeleeration of the 70th birthday of the host. There were 11 children, 6 sone in• law and 7 graudohhdren in the corn pany. The aone•in law are Wm. 819'). ton, Wm. Tamer, Jae. Smith end Albert Howlett, 811 of Morrie township, Sud W. Dempsey, of Blyth. The teeming ed. dreee wee read by Mre. Howlett 1—Dein FATHER AND MOTHER.—We, y0ar eon8 and daughters, eroa8semuled leve tit% even- ing to show our best reptile and love to on pennon this 19nnivereary day of oar father, Ae a alight token of love we prison tide upholstered nen to father and 'bit nub to mother, hoping you may long bo spared to enjoy the comfort of nob. We trust that by and bye We may all meet ae an unbroken family, where parting is no more. Signed In behalf of the family, MRS. P1ntyrETT, MRS. TAM.R, The presentation wag made by five 0008 The hoot and nos0ea8 were taken by Bur- W.H. KERB, Prop prise but responded thankfully to t hied reelembrees% of the Sone an dangb/era. Gamete, meek' and goof obal filed the fleeting hours together wit an elegant supper atter whiob the gun departed for their reepeotive homes wit the expression of many good wishes of the Did folk, I1 ie about 60 years eine Mr. 8audereon looatod in Halton and for over 40 years he bee had the oompanion• ship of his good wife. Mr. and Pere, SBuder8oa not only enjoy the love of their kindred baa have the good will and high *mom of the community in general and all unite iu wishing them man bumpy years together iu their borne. be 4,N OLD GRayjrR P08900 Aw02,—Word d wee 080018ed here ou Tuesday by Jno. H. al Brown of the demise of a former well h known resident iu the person ot Henry to Buttrey, woo departed this life that day h at the home nine daughter, Mre. John Binder, of Vaughan, aged 87 y8190e, 10 mouths mud 14 days, Toe nun r,1 hie death wag due more to old age than any Haug Mee and he bad been gaito poorly for the peat 3 months. Deceased was born in Euglaud where he was also married to the tate Sueau Lill, who paned over to the great majority Si y years ago. They were reefdeote of Grey. township for boo 45 years and both Mr. and Mre. Buttrey were well known. On giving up aotiv0 term life they spear u number of years retired and shortly after the decease of the wife Mr. Buttrey went to live with his daughter in Vaughan He woe a very active man for hie years, Ie polill0e be wee a Conservative. D0. owned 1e survived by one eon (Wm. of the 12th Don. of Grey) and three dangb• tore (Mrs, John Snider, and Mre. Wm. Snider, of Vongban, and Mre. J. H. Brown, of this !entity) Eardly, mother BOO Was killed by a fail from a barn while he woe working in Vaughan townobip. The rennin of Mr. Buttrey were brought here o0 the evening train on Wednesday and taken to the home of Mr. Browu, from where 8110 Jansen) took plume Tharaday afternoon to Oranbrook cemetery. Rev. D. B. McRae condoned % service appropriate to the 000selon. Thos has paned away another link in the pioneer 8ee0oiations of Grey town. ship and removed hence a man who energelioally Bud indoetrioaely did bis part in promoting the development of the Country. 30thei. All who wieb to read the sohool report may flud 1t on the 5111 page. M1ee Edith Freeman bee been holiday- ing with old triende in Seaforth. Mirage Sbannoo and Switzer will epend Easter at their reepeotive parental homes. An Easter service will ue held in the Methodist church next Sabbath evening, The Debating Society very generously donated the Som of $6.00 t0 the Japoneee Famine fond. Charlie Hanneald hue been laid op with am attack of la grippe bot is now getting better. Will. and George Eokmier are home from Toronto and Stratford Beduins Colleges for Eaeter. S. B. Cole has bad hie saw mill that down for Some demi owing to tbe delay of getting et new pinion for some ot the maohiuery, Wednesday evening of this week the League from Union obarob visited the League here and presented an entertain - lug and preamble program. A eaaial evening under the Women's Mieeiouary Boolely will be held in the Methodist thumb on Monday, 23rd inst., when a choice program will be rendered. Oar flour mil: woe abut down Monday owing to a break in the engine. Mr. Henry went to Galt and had the parte repaired and they got going again an Tuesday, Thursday of tine week John Imlay and family removed to Wiugham where they purpose making their home. Mr. Imlay le employed as engineer in one of the faotor,ee. We with the family every anooeee, Robert Close wiebee to inform fence nee he can furnish fence with or wino. oat wbite paint from 30o to 860 per rod. Get bie prices before ordering. A pard will receive prompt attention, Rebt, Clone, Ethel P. 0. Vioo President Noble A. Milne and Direutor° David Mune Bud ()brie. Eck• mier attended a meeting of the Directors of East Huron ana Grey Breech Agrl• cultural 800101080 in Brunets on Three- day etteruoon ot last week. By noti0e in another anima it will be observed that a baby boy has come to the Dakota home of Geo, end Mre. Bernath to be s oompauioa to tbe deugnter, Tbe proud mother wee Mine Erna Raynard, formerly of Ethel. Oongreanlatioue. The debate on the West versus the East w80 well attended. Moleewortb aouli0gent did nut materialize. S. 13. Lamont lead the affirmative end Sam. Uampbell the negative, e8oh being re. inforoed by helpers. Good epveobes were made. D811ei00 was given in favor of the Weot. Mies Alive Davies gave an in8trameutel and Mise Olive Rayuard a vocal solo, both doiug well. This wan the oloei0g debate, Provident, N. A. Milne, oocepied the chair. Teen debates hem) done good and will be resumed, we hope, nest Fall, ENJOYABLE EVENING.—A very enjoyable evening was Spent at the home of Mre, 8. S. Cole on Friday evening, when the members of ,Nies Oole'a clan and also Mrs. W. Slemmon'b olaes of boys met, about 20 altogether. After epeuding the evening in games and social that Min Lizzie ()banners read the following 8ddreea to M180 Myrtle Imlay who was remodl0g to Wioghsm, and Netts Stmpeou preowned her with a very pretty gold ring in the name of the teacher and 0189( 1— gin Myrtle Itnlay,— DUB CLASSMATE.—We the members of 8. 8. Claes, have met together tonight with the thought that 'hie may be the last time we 8:1 may meet together an unbroken Claes. We (menet help but have a feeling of regret that you are about to leave ae. We will miss your pleasant fan and helping baud bot as you are not going tar away we may often see you a0Onget ne. We ask you to accept this ring ae a alight token of our 8iuos,e affeatroo for you. As you wear 1t may you many time -think of es as we will often remember you in your new aurronud'nge, Though your removal will make a break to Oar Diane may We meet an unbroken man in the Father's Home above. Signed on behalf of the elan. E. 0 CHAm0aee, JEANETTE 91)00805, MARCOR; ,ilIJALLBII. Mist Myrtle Imlay tinned them very kindly. Then Earl Eokmier read an address to Gordon Imlay and Bert Mone preeentad Mim With a handsome gold chain. The address wee me tonne Gordon Imlay.— Dina GUBDou.—It is with leeling8 of regret thin we hear 01 your depert0re from our midst. We will mien you in the oh0rob bat more enpeoially will we miss you in your elan et Sunday Sobool where we were always sure of greeting you. We auk you to 8o0ept this watch chain es a meme010 of the many happy hone (pent there and also as a eight token of oar good will and friendship, We hope that you will 81111 retain your interest in S. 8. work end tint God'e blessing may rent on you wherever your lot may be oast. Signed on bebe.t Of your B. 8, ol8se, E. Emma, P. SsrTn, B. Malian, While taken completely by enrprieo Gordon thanked them alk and expressed his sorrow et leaving hie olsee. Mies Cole passed a tnety lanoh which all seemed to enjoy. After mos music end Dinging all joined in singing "God be warn you till we meet again," and the ooniony re• paired to their separate Mimeo, Gar 0,v. Page wire fencing and gates have been pat ap at Reeve Fraeer'e by Robl. Close this week. Owing to the absence of Albert Carter in the Wen Daniel Glassier bee beau ohoeen trustee for 8. S. No. 1, known as Shine's Bebop', In hie stead. The 100 'ore farm of David and Wm. Shie,a, tut 20, 00n. 15, bee been parches ed by Juo. Lamont, eon of the late Archie Lemont, 7th 0012. M088:0. Sbi010 have moved to Ethel. We wish Mr. Lamont 000oeee with Me new poseeeeion. Lorenzo Frain and John A. Bryaue proved very s000eaaful 00110010re Met Tuesday in their novae for funds so penknife a new organ tor Roe's ahnrob, About $80 were 000tributed. A commit. tee purobased an iuetromeut on Weduee• Clay from R. Leatberdale te Son. This week Henry Bateman and family removed tram this towuahrp to their new home 10 Waterloo 00., near ammeter. Mr. Bateman purohaeed the 100 sore farm of Joseph Elena, paying 94,200 for the'ams. The many old Zenner' of the family here will with them many happy, prosperous years In their new home m %Minh THE PoeT joins. Last ween Jon Shaw had to have the baleen of hie disabled finger amputated 8811 Wee found the boos was splintered and the flesh and mosolee damaged with bad remits prom Sing. He le doing well now we are p1860811 to state and his many old friends hope he will soon be o. k. even d he ie mines a digit on one baud, Hsttexenn.—Wednesday of 'hie week, at emu 0000, Rev, D. B. Malice, o! Oran. brook, tied the matrimonial bow between Roy Beatings, late of Moroington, now of the Silver Corners theme factory, and Mise Munni' May, 3rd daughter et Wm. sun Mre, Buttrey, 12th eon. Ceremony was performed at the home of the bride 1n the preeenee of a select Company of reletivee end ohne friends, Tbe bride wore a moat booming costume. Mr, end Mre. fleeting(' Will take ap residence et Silver Cornet% where they commence married life under very fevurable ltoapi0ee and with the good wellies of many friends, Ab0RE80 AND PPEBENTATION.—Taeeday evening of last week 8 merrymaking party of old neighbors and friends 8e• eembled at the home of eX.Reeve Jae. Turnbull, 8rd eon., to enjoy a few social hours wish Jno. G. and Mrs, Tomball prior to their removal to the 5111 con„ where they have purchased a 100 sore farm and to wbioh they have eine moved. John Strachan was called to the ohair and gave a abort, appropriate ad. nese after which he called upon Jno. T. Bennie to read the following address after whiob and 81eg800 0000h and model cooker were presented by Robt. Oen aid Alex, McDonald :— To T. 4 and Mrs. Turnbull :— Bunt M' xn i e.—We, your friends and segmentations, who have enjoyed your hospitality daring there yearn, learn with regret of your intended removal trona our m1d80. It i8 a pleae0re to as to know that your removal from no will toot completely a9parate me from eaob other. and that we may be petinittsd to gee you oaa8ei0oally. During the years we hove lived and labored together we have learned to honor and reopen yon and the straightforward pri0oiplea you have ever advocated. Ton were willing to help in every good thud noble nen which pre- sented ,teeth We will 122168 you from our immediate neighborhood and it is riot without feeliege of sorrow and regret that we have aoeembled together to hoe. or you ere you depart. That We may not be forgotten by y00 and as a remota brauoo of your sojourn among your lrieod, in tbie vicinity we risk you to ace Dept this ooaoh and model rocker tram your (creeds here assembled. May prom purity be years and mem a smiling Provi. donee edit continue to hien you in all your varied interests. Signed on behalf of year friends. Aram. M ODotuam, Jona Lem, Ronan CARR, Mr. Turnbull did nob weary the oomp8ny with lengthy remarks yet spoke words befitting the 000aeion in babel! of lien• self and wife. The program was then oonti0ued and ooneieted of the follow. ing :—Maeia by J. Doig ; epeeehea, A, MoDoneed, Jno. Lake, Robt. Oars, ex. Warden Bowman and 48e. Turnbull violin telootione, Jas. Bowman; polos, J00, Rnffmen, Juo. Straobau, D. Taylor and J. T. Bbraoban ; instrumental duob by Mines Bowmau and Bryan' ; harmon. 109 duet, Alex, and Robt. Carr. Other epeeebeo were on the program but owing to the masoalarity of the orators they Were not delivered. Altar the program came d800109, main being supplied by Mies Bowman, Mre. Wm. Bowman and Jae, Bewm80 and othere. An elegant supper was open to which all did ample juetioe. Tbe company separated with many good wiehee for the Inure happi• nese and prosperity of Ale. and Mrs, Toenail in going to their 081, borne and the awesome ot eontiaued joy to the in. mates of the homestead. If yon want a good time there ie no place it inn be had In better style than at ox•Reeve Turnbull's, 011019011 1.311ME14. Servloe will be held in 'St. John's church on Good Friday at 10,30 8, m, The annual Vestry meet119 ot St. John's obarob will be held next Monday evvuiog at 7.30 o'olook. Rev. Mr. Welohart, of Beaverton, will oo0apy Melville obarob pulpit next Bab. bath at the usual hours, ',Leeoone from the Trauollgaration" was Rev, Dr. Roes' subject last Sabbath morning in Melville ohurah Sod "Moen" was the character from whiob a good die000ree wee given in the evening. The name of Rev. David Rogers, of Thorudale, a former j00ior pastor of Brueeele Methodist church, ie freely mentioned as a likely nominee for the Freoideul'e o11air iu the London Con- terrnoe. Heewould all the position with credit and cinema promotion. We would like to see him elected. "Tree Freedom" was tee theme of the p08tor'8 discourse in 1118 Methodist church last Sabbath mor0iug, Twenty five, were welcomed into membership aid the annual none were renewed. The evening sermon wag a continuation of the arise on "The Ten Command. merits" the text being "Thou ehalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." Enter Sabbath will be obeerved in the amnia churches by appropriate services. Io the Metnodlet ohnroh in the evening a Song service entitled "Love's Triumph" will be rendered, 0000iethng of choruses, reottati000, reepu08ive reading, duets, g0artette, primary Song, addreee by the paetar, &o. Mree Jessie Stradhau will meg 8 solo, The 000080 offering for the Choir Fund will be taken at this eervioe and liberality ie eujoi0ed, ETwoaTH LRAGOE.—The minuet meet. tag o! the Epworth League was held in the Methadtnt obarob on Monday even- ing. Very eatiefaotory reports of 111., year'e work were received from the c,ffereot departments. The following uffioere were teemed :—Honorary Presi- °ent, the Pastor ; P00.10861, Carrie Hingoton ; let Vtoe Preeldout, O1oeler Armstrong ; 2nd Vooe•Preo,deut, Fanny 'lhompeon 1 3rd Vice -President, David Mother ; nit Vice President, Joe Hunter; Secretary, Pearl LOotberdale { Treoonrer, Thum Gerry ; Representative to Die. tr101 Executive Oommtttee, W. H. Herr; Junior League Superintendent, Dolly Baeyer ; Aeeietsot Jenne League Superintendent, Thurea Gerry. THE BRUSSELS OIL COMPANY, LIMITED, The above is the name of the Company now being incorporated, to premiecl for petroleum iu the township of Elam, in the o000ty of Perth and who have, for this purpose seared 2000 acres of valuable` lands in that and adjoining townebipo, upon most advantageous term8. The resent d1800001g of petroleum wart made during the Summer of 1906 he drilling a water well upon the lands of one Whluatu Saiwe when at tbe depth of noon 60 feet, very pronouooed ehowinge of the ornde prodnot appeared and steps were then taken, looking towards a thorough development but the right to do e0 was questioned by the owner of the property, and an anion wee at 01100 brought by members of the preeen1 comm pany tar the purpose of 00880rnng their rights under the lames they had obtain. ed. The action was disposed of Rt the Asdizee m Stratford and remitted in a judgment in the plaintiff,' favor for 0861agee, and a perpetual injunction re. Straining the det,udaot from further teterte0en08 bat 'tom tine judgment the deteudaut appealed, and it wee not until raisin date that the appeal was abandon. ad, Bo that with regard to the property upon wbioh the oil was flrat dimmer. ed, ae well as the reef of tbe Mode covered by the aompeny'e leases, their validity has now beau fully established, Sud uu further beanie is now to be anti - The Ournpany has been oapatialized at $100,000, iu eharee of $1 00 eaob tally paid and non.8eeeesable atook,1 $16,000 of witch has been platted emit' the market for the mveetiug mobilo, and the proceeds of which w111 be deed for the perpoee of developing this new but very promioiag fled. A large portion of this stook has al. ready beau tune up and it le 0oufldontly expected teat by the 16th of May, the bo min will be eabeot'bed, the Oom• pony's plant and ma8111nery pinned upon the ground mud dt'i+;iug operation in full awing. There is no preferred or watered etock, and moreover not one dollar eau be made by the promotate until etch times as the company bee been pot upon e. dividend paying baste, neither Dan the interest In the project wbioh the promoters hold !la eold or dealt with in any way, anal oil lute been kind in p8ytng quantities. The nine and direotoro of the coon. parry are well Ituo0O Internee men in tea village al Drumm and the public can depend epee It that under their manage. MOM the n110r08t8 0! the 0hereboldere will be properly eategnerdod. All orders for noels should he addr808. ed to the tienetary of the Oumpauy, at their head offloo is B0uen0le,