HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-4-5, Page 5r"
le to IfIgh.grade Oommerolal flohool,
Three Cour/Met
Commercial Steuography Telegraphy
Vfrito GEO. U'OTTOH, Prinefpal,
0•1•••••ffletwommegeggy.,,,. Row•woosogo.•
il, This School ataxia to.day before
m the nubile with a clean-cut ,reoord fur
(..o work uouo and eitoo088 uOluovoil, it pe)
1100 unnamed ail previous records in
ace, plaolgraduates iu 0,001.
thins uud cluing good work, Butur
now raid be reedy to tomtit a good
cg positiuu in the Fall, Ooliege openw
tire year. Our welders are free.
l Con YoNclit AND 40100.100.01111 Orli. pe
W. J. Bia.auTle, Principal h,
kie5.7e--7eVret-rept 8±s-ereriEFE§-eil
R. R. A. BURNS—.
Suceeelifir to Br. J. A. MeNautditen
Brussels, Ontario
Graduate ut Polyoliute Poet Graduate
School of Medicine aud Surgery, New York
1130111,0008 Oulleue of Phyoloittue and Sur.
«0000 0! °uteri°.
Dineen:1d resident) sumo us formerlyoc.
oupieu by Dr. MoNaugnion.
0)1001.001 0! wunion 81 epeulaitY.
'Phone No. At.
BUSiftr.63 GRIM.
UJ AtoOltAtiliEN—
Y 18 • issuer el Marriage Licenses. 00
co at &err:eery, Turnuorry fitroot, hrussetb,
0111ee tu the Post °Mee, Ethel. 00.1
C. 0. F.
Court Princees Alexandria, No.21, 0. 0. F„
Brussels, meets in their Lodge Seoul, Was
hill Smelt, ou tho 2ed uud met Tuesdays of
aural tuuutli, its o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome. JAS. BUittiltisid, 0.10.
A. 111.1811111111411, R. a.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
• EMIL, will sell for better prices, tu
better men, in less time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer tu East Buren or
he won't pillage anything. Dates and onion,
eau always be arranged at this 010100 or uy
perilous' application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Tonne leueouliblo. Sales arranged fOi
at the office of 'Pint POliT, WI
• Honor ul 1110 0000010 Vett
urinary College, is prepared to trout all diet
eases of domestleated annuals in a compet-
ent manner. Parthular attention pale 00
-Veterluary uoutiutry and 01801 Vever. Ualie
promptly at tended to. Ulnae and infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, emrnberry et..
Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Rte.
Successor to 13. 18. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard Bunk, Bruseele, Bonottor for Metro.
.polltun Sauk,
• liarrleter, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Sutton rubife, .lel, uniee-etewartls Block
1 door North 01 Central Hotel,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
11AB101e181211e, euLlacetiB8, NOTAIttele
PUBLI0, Wert.
W. Puounroow, B. C. . 11. C. liars
G. 0`. Braga.
Offices—Those formerly ououpled by Memo
Cameron a: Boit,
001313111I013, ONTanio.
• DR. R. P. FEILD.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
'Ourgeonsul Ontarioand Piret.olase Bono:
01100011000 01 l'orento cuter:ratty, (Mkt
next to Brower's Photogrupu Gallery,
g Spring Term Opens April 2 11
ithoWohruh.71wdayno.0 e.ofnifin: 50000088InB
eau better your ciondition by toeing a
mune 181 this &Moot? We gtvo a
tbmouen, ernetteal education mud as.
elinour granuonee to go td positions,
. Coixtraimee your worn. new. Write
for partiontara •
B 241 w others mu malto one hundred oftsli to I
S Gun only Mine fifty.
robT 010111010.
Art Studio
Headquarters for First-class
Life Size Portraits, Crayons
and Watercolors finished in
A I style.
Family Groups a specialty.
Call and see samples.
Front 1{ev. J. 1. Stewart, 11. A., form.
erly of 1.1t100l.
Could one oarry himself back io thou,
sand and more yeare into our own /tome
hietory, he mighl eee 111 some mettetme,
the 0101011 preeented to 01000 WB 10014 out
upon thio great laud arid people of petro
lied customs. Look where we will, the
what 10 aud what ought to be are barna
no upon us. In Agriculture men ere
still touting the Boil ;viol' hoes, or with
out trace, and oue handled
plough, gutheaug the grain with eicelee
and threshiug by lashiug the :na heads
one edges of big board buses. Li,
architecture the hooses of the 0)000001000
mud wattle, 021101 Soon aud soraw thatch.
ed roofs, while ttle beet are mainly one..
:storied, morrow, unpatmed, and of
monotonotte eameume. lu trades, be he
painter, earpeoter, maeou,
'saner, ouruer, or Ultimata], hamar or
elver amith,thoueb he work 01u0110013,
atilt the Loners' mole ere thiok, techoos
and poorly tempered. Carrying triode
in the iuterior 00 couflued mi wheelbarrows
mettle back, and eore, marred ahouidere,
58801101:1 open awned cattle, or tedlously
hauled up currents, rapme, and Mailowe
by imoree of breakers harueesect Canal
horses. Dieettses are healed by °hermit
wern or ewailowed, bones and begehais
or devils driven out by howling, to be
deooyed into jars and bhp. &Maumee
is but shrewd experieuce from daily
toil, or for the etudeno a memoriziug of
the acmes erroueous aline of ten
bemired year') ago. The home of the
poor is a one roomed hovel, uooupied by
the weavtug loom, the wheeluarrow or
other implements, the people and the
pig, whsle ru offion, homes they know
uothum ot bookenelvee, paintiugs, mien,
(tarpon:, oraukiiug, &ea and aerofort•
giving (Mame bit 00001008, such 00 make
a bowie home for us. limo cleantinese
being relegated to a, few sweeping beggar)
and dirt bearere, in villages, 00W118 anti
Mine, the streets are narrow and broken
crowded by hnolsetere, doge, hogs, horses
chain, cows, ooulies, paten/moue, and
ateutth moat from staguant ditches,
elope and immi:etre. Ao law the lingento
as in the main at LIM Morey 08 000 Mau,
oo plaoed iu prmou witn others so smile
etempecte like cantle, and le of ten
set free °My whoa the offittial can extort
uo more. In the palmy of their couutry
Me people have no itay but to obey, With
10 outalequeut noinlity of Ignorauee 100111
not one puise•beat of putruniem.
ieligion uleu eta atd of ancestore, ideal
81001000 aud emulating these grow in
Mar image aioa the dorknees momenta
Surely il one wiame 00 invent hie life at
great hioereet tu hie eeneracon hare ie
tab 410010.1 of opporthuitire.
Rut 010 000 1100 forgetful of the taut
11000 0000 home reform 0011 001 mature it,
to eight. Though theiefore, we ere slam.
ily eowing nertl. We 13 008. 10 uproot 0111
wrong, 000 0000 01150010115 layiug 010000 00
a few of the more rampant %widowed tit
this pa Titt'e prattle and proeperity. A
030015 these are the two detitruyiug aaenu
000 of foot biliaing 1)501101.
yUU may Leo how 111000 ore uy the
official° I here umert our present Vicle
tuy'e proclamation. the peutiliar perms
log to Mame may also eerve to show
'though What 1330110013 aud winos they
eeek to exhort their pimple.
,humau hangs born into thio.
world, no matter 101 1.01001 oupuoity they
001, 000 depeudeut tipun ;heir bodies alai
00081001 euergy. If thee° ere .tujured or
impaired; though a man may Move many
orange which he may wish to amomplien
tie ie unable to do them. 01 ail the
thing., which injure the 1011y aud impair
Me main! (teeny uoite• are equal to
001018(115 oplum• and binding the feet,
nleu who anat. 05iu02 mid ;venom] who
bind their feta may be oumpared 10
urippies .00 manned p1011000. Out Of
pity to you pique 1 w011 expressly- pon01
tiet to you the euffern(ge %emelt Minna
the smoking utopian) and the bniding
01 the feet..
"Opium is a poisotioue drug produceo
uy nature. When the puitiououti elements
.are taken into the vimera bythe opium
smoker, to produces nu him a oraving lei
Wu, drug. When obie anvil% eumee oe
eo mama how important the ineAtei
Ina) 00, he must hret matte* hiki appetite
1.1 he cunout 500 0511102 laare 11,008 triau
1000 eyee, wooer chop, fr. m hie manna)
1113 01ho..0 body ie 00 to atom of prima.
etiou. His (moult, ie frothy and lit
lip000 iota 0 titittarif seml•oonsohmeneee.
In the cage of Mon who have itoutrarneu
. gran braving the atudicou is very
much wont,.
"le not Mitathe'. tome of..,pUrehaeing
offaing fur (mewl ? At khe Miro
.03011 Of th0'otoot when .all - the .tithigt
5,0510 Ore rest:allyelaping, the opium
molter alone meet Work evenrrnm
Wheu the mu00 high in the heevens'oun
•her'poople are up bud . about their
lintineeathe opium emoiter, at MI" beat
8003 sevettmeldielve, la 01111 iu a mete in
.leatny eleepttintese. Can you 00000000,
lanything more harmful to bushman.
.1tan thio ?
"The student who smokes opium .nett
eine hie studies, damagee hie reputation
aid rarely imikee Ilia Mark. g.'he 'atop
ad./stem who Benton al buopeuted of
10,ioog 605 and uo Monter will engage
nim. The former, &ninon or laborer
who snakes oplurn le only MAO to do a
half day's work. These who shonld be
able to -walk o bemired 11 can only walk
arty. Those woo might be expected .60
‘ttary elle hundred ounces 00.01 only (tarty
atty. .The Open ernolial is not equal to
other MU in making money, Where
'Suffering mimeo by footbinding
atilt of graver eature, All huntan being
have four limbo, bath of whioh le iudis
poinsettia. A man with otie foot <tattoo
wide and le celled a lame peraou.
men With two feet who intrinot walk
polled 0 eripple. Who having 0. perfect
body is wilitug of boo owe 'mord to be
oorne 0, eripp e ? Unforounately, hoed
hearted vaguest bled them deughoers
feet email and Hum aurae them to beam
()ripples. The umum smoker of hie owi
aceord brings on huneelf the etiffertng h
enderee, but iu the case of footbioding i
lo the parent who injures the child. Th
opium smoker ie amply the youth wh
hue no love for himseil and who suffer
by hemming 0001080 in hie old age. 13u
the (Mild whose feet are bouud suffer
from ite infancy. Think of Me emelt
of that !
"The duties of females are the MIRO
agement of household alone. Iu oh
ease of the weaitliter (damn it may 130
be 11000eou1:5 for them to do the mor
menial work yet they ottueot escape soul
bodily exertion. The woman wire bound
feet Ma no etreugo13. She walks with
difiloulty, ban to Wall against the wool
for rampart, toed therefore ill not capable
of any exertion. In the case of poor
wumen who muat work on the feral or do
other work in the Beide if they used to
mend they oanuot (10 00 firmly, if they
bees to walk they are tinehle to do 00, a
they oaunot kneel to du their work they
are obliged to lie prostrete to do it.
Thug the sofferiuge of ;tee women are
much heevier than thoee of the 00e13,
J11811 think of the tigbtly•bouud feet 1
Tile blood 0011001 OWOUlato, and a pain
lake the eating of a knife or the throb-
bing of a sore that cannot be , beetled ie
iocessant, with not 000 10 pity' What
limpidity 8 Having euffered from oltild•
hood anoh man tbemeeives, when they
banana oloohere obey sail mune their
daughter. to pees through the game
buffering, In on:aunty umee when ail
are anuetonted to their suffering they
imootue muitTereut but wbeu o flood, or'
fire, or robbers 00030 11500 QM, anil
they have difficulty in making their
eseape, they win nye their lived with tio
email truuble. Why do yon toe parents
mien) year children to Mole extent ?
"Illse 5000001 0001003 IMO only arisen
because of the cruelty of the human
heart. To have the feet bound by inhere
without their own 0014001, to their sa-
tering not 200081 wens than that of the
opium smoker.
"You people may not have known these
things before, but nulY 1 130000e issued
this proolamatiou and you are aware of
the itijary done to the bony and mental
euergy by :smoking opium and binding
feet, and aim the sufferinge entailed
thereby, I hope you will arouse yoursel-
ves. The imperial resortottoto, more-
over, %Haigh have been realm from tune
10 time, are very stringent, fond you are
expeoted to observe theta. Hereafter
the father should instruct the eons and
the eider brothers their yonuger brotbere.
Relatives and friends should make those
matters of (mama ditieuseion, all am
with one miud and gently entrust their
woman folk, Those of you 11810 0000 nty
good people will DO go agamat this
eerneet exhortation which has been
lamed with uothing but gocd intent by
toe. Do not disobey this 0500101
Originating with the well known home
thought that the smatter the feet the
prettier, 11 is said a certain queen 0011-
00000 ego bound her feet 1.• gain her hne
band's good graoee. To day is eoutintme
a timid eastern, torturing ohe obildttood of
China, oripp Mg her womanhood, en•
(milling her uffepring and bringing help.
lede Old age to milliouo. But all over the
Empire agitet on agaium the onetom is
g 0101115 aggressive. Two of the chief
impedimeine to the movement are that
the mall footed WOCIlau, like the long -
patted mut is taken as a Ingo that she
belongs to the better clan and 00 10 re.
auto of this that the big footed woman is
not warmed 101 marriage. Bat the throne
bee exhorted, viceroys are -Mating pro -
clementine, cottony officials are posting
pataartis, families are forming eoeietiee
tor mutual marriage, go them everywhere,
unless some sudden torn comee, hope is
high that this mamma to China's mother-
houd will slowly yet surely onee.
Opposition 10 058:100 will be a longer,
etei tier struggle. What the aloohul ap
petite autumn to Canada the omelet/ for
opium 000001 0100031 dram mutiplied to
BMus. It plunders. theeoil of precious
plaut food. It crowds out breed girds for
these CAW:Lida intoning thoneande It
robe ohe laud of both the lob mer and hie
labor. Ir dine demi whore in their wily
dreams the worst deed, against moiety
are cievirad ensis from the ealiow
smoker his strength of body till he le as
mpiiie as a waddling babe. It meals
11111 010005181 of mind till student, eoholar
and etateeman alike become oommen son.
It ammo and 'tape hie anneal of will end
gout toll the halting slave will atop at
We have just passed
the first mile -stone in our
business career and we wish
to thank you most heartily
for your kindly co-operation
in favoring us with your es-
teemed patronage. We feel
sure that it is only through
strict attention to our busi-
ness that we have won the
approval of a discerning
public, and we will endeavor
to continue along these lines
and thereby hope to merit a
repetition of your favors.
Wo carry a large as-
sortment of
which we are sure will meet
the taste of all those who
wish to be numbered among
the well dressed members of
the community.
Call and see our stock
as we are anxious to show
you what we have at prices
that are right.
Dodds &
T 00
tiothing, however ely and subtle, to
satisfy his haunting MA boanding habit.
Bot here, as at home, in the atruggie
agaiest the liquor traffic, veined intermits
are at stake. It pap to grow it, pays the
dealer iu the den who sale it, pays the
°Choir:As of every city through whose gates
it poem, paye the proviuoial 00010020
which take eXcise, pap] the impoverished
exohequer that =porta it, pays our In.
dioo Empire that exporte it, It pays °ash
and mines at the pries and rink of the
peril and ruin of this toiling, teeming
people, one.third of onr Father's family.
Even more vital than vested intereste-
an appetite hoe been created. Men not
eo mature in age will tell you yet of the
day when it wee a euriosity worth the
Doane of travelling many li 10 000 a man
smoke the gum from the pretty poppy.
Ales, today, sloven end echolare, trollies
and clerks, farmers, beggare, judges, men
aud women, youth and age smoke it, eat
it, inject it into Moir bodies. At mob
giant amides has the grim ghoul grown.
Against all thio we oftn, of ootiree, speak
our protests, Bunter our pamphlet°, in•
strum in our sohoole, organize into sooie•
10160, eigu petitions and same proclema•
tiong, but though it eeeme raeh to proph.
eey, no remedy appears Adequate save
the complete prohibition of the importa-
tion and.growth of the poppy sod its
Upon no as a British people lies the
odium of having forced opium npon thie,
empire. Be the blame fair or floe, 0008.
ly we, the boasted benefaotor and Mail.
izer of nationa, ehould be the first to take
up ohs white man'e burden. It was once
areued-that opium wae only the omen
able 00000 of a would.be forgotten yam
and that the real cause of °trite wag the
overweening arrogance of Chino'e of.
fickle. Today stieh relations have mots
---■ingolaimu- Spring and Summer -'11111111ftw--
OUR Fine.New and Fashionable Spring stock is to
band and ready to adorn the Ladies of Brussels
and Vicidity.
Ai we will not hold a formal Opening we invite the
Ladies to call and see our goods any time.
A choice stock of Fancy Goods in the line of Em-
broidery Silks, Table Centres, Doylies, Sofa Cushion Tops
and Frills, Point Lace Patterns, Braids, Threads, Rings,
&c., has been added to my business and Ladies are asked
. to see them.
I thank the' public for the past year's patronage and
will be pleased to share in this season's besiness.
Mrs. McKinlay
orl, It was 000e ilrged 181518 opidia Wee
elanny an muse for <nutting La pm
foreign oommene and inter/mune. To-
day the Hoeg of oltiovage are clear. It
woo olio, said that the stopping of opium
trade would •et 8110 001%04 swimming with
emugglere. To•day the onstoun is in
the hands of men of many notions, cath
Of Wbloli know well how to semen
umuggling too home. Surely each pitiless
peddling of ro near:nee rain can only mean
ultimate disaster to the prodagerle ect•
pire also, or tbin world ha nut warped and
woofed by laws of righteouenese. Here
we await Some leaders to arise who per.
(Mann, by meant of petit/ens of miesion•
Aries and peoples rooldoot in this land,
will move the great powere to move their
plenipotentiaries at Pekin, to move the
rulers of Ihio people to prohibit the
poet/Won and growth of doe poppy and ite
products, or thet better day when China
shall ebeke boreal free and, like her
sister, Japan, petaled the nacone by her
prowen in waging pettoe as well toe war.
May some word here written help you
in pleading the men of China.
You surely wou'l slop at a dollar
bill to ours that horrid 'mainline oold ?
Go to auy druggist and get "Oattorrli
ozone" and your oold will be o thing of
the pest. There is Meant witehery iu
the swift way Uatarrhozone kills colds
But when yoa ouneider the penetratiug,
healing and ausiseptie qualitiee of
Catarrhozone perhaps it'a not eo wonder.
ful. Certainly there is no remedy half
so prompt lor oolde and catarrh as
Catarrhozoue. Refuse a aubstitute and
insist on Moving only "Catarrhozone."
Rev, Irl. R. Bloke, of 131. Louie, boo
homed hie storm mod weather fortemete
for A.5011, from whiola the following in•
formaoion ie extraoted :
The pealed efferaa of the earth'e
Spring exquinox will be felt, in dimin
felting force, until alter the Oeutral
Mem period in April.
The first regoiar atom period ex.
Muds from the 2nd 10 the 7th, Moving
he aware on the doh. Tag period ie
also embraced In the bleroury period
which coven tee 1st to the 12181, oen
oral on the 71.13. By the 3rd marked
fall of the barometer will be noted in
Western notions, change to warmer
will be advancing Eestward oat of the
same region. By about the doh these
condition's will grow into oloudineee
end rain. • During the doh, 5th and Sth,
wide areal) ot Woodmen and rato will
pate Eaetwardly omits the ouuutry,
breaking into severe equatle, thunder.
gusts and hail in voriette
A reeetiouary storm period is oen•
tral on the 9th, 1.01h and llob. Tbis
period ie at the culmination of the
Eleroory period, with the Moon on the
oeleettal equator un the 8tb, full on
the OM aud in perigee on the lOolt.
Theee combined fame, all blaming
with the Mercury and the 'Gruel
oquinoxee, will conspire to bring on
very high temperature, low barometer
and forceful storms, beginning on and
ilex% to the Ohio in Western seotione,
aud palming &outwardly acmes the
oonutry from acorn Monday, the 9th,
to Thursday, the 12c81. Chimp to de.
°Mealy muter wentber will follow for
several daye, earunng frost in many
notiotie during the nights ranging be-
tween the Ilth to 15th. Hail storm
will be most uaturai remits, with vio
lent local gusts, durieg the paseage
of these April Muuder Meads.
A regular storm period extends from
the 15,13 to the 19/11, having he maitre
on Monday, the 16th. Ao we enter
tide period a rapid [Mange to much
warmer will edvauce from Western
parts, the barometer will fall earns-
pondingly fast and low, general Olondi-
Dees will Monate from the Wen aud
more storms of ran and thunder will
touch many parte (intim; the Eastward
mareh of norm areas, from Monday,
the 1.0110, in the Weet, to Thursday, the
19th, in the Moat. Anooher change to
retiug barometer and Much cooler will
push the Westeru aides of these stoma,
°taming more very 000l night°, with de.
aided frosts iu Central to Northern etto.
Cons, from about the 18th to 210.
• A reaotionary storm petted is central
OD 1110 22ud, 23rd auci 24;h. This period
will be burned in De development by
the paseage of the Pdoou across the
oeleettal equator on the 2let, it will be
intensified by the new Moon on the
23rd and prolonged by the Moon in
apogee on the 25th. A aeries of threat.
ening to violent thunder storms will
be quite enteral fur three to five days
01 01108 11020, 009 from about Saturday,
the 21e1, to Wedneeday, the 25th.
A iegular storm period extende from.
the 26th to the 80th, having its oentre
ou the 27o13. The Moon is at extreme
North dernination on the 29th, indiniug
aimeepherio minute from the South.
Benue very high temperatures will pre.
vall, with low barometric preeenree ;
threatening storm amide will gather,
and thunder storme, with heavy rain
and hail loo many !mutinies, may be
expeond, passing, Eaawardly over the
eountry from Friday, the 27th, to
Pdouday, the 30th. Hieing barometer
and ohauge to muoh cooler will fol.
low op these etortne from the North -
nyomel Ceres by Breathing' Medi.
cated Air.
The popularity and inorettee in the
ealee of flyomei are unique in the annals
of medicine. Such astouishing mute
have beau made by this remedy that 800
gale is steadily increasing every year.
The complete Ryomeo oath costs but
31,00 end maim of au inhaler that can
tie carried in the volt pocket, a 11:3,110iite
dtopper, and a bottle of liyomei. The
whaler loots life.time, and if uue tame
done not oure, an extra bottle 0000 be ob
mined for 50 °onto. 11 18 the rooet eorin•
°Miami of an remediee advertmed for the
euro of catarrh, and te the only one that
toilowe Nature in her methode of treatiug
118e/030e of the respiratory organs.
Breath through the Whaler for 0 few
minutes four tomes 0 day, and your
eettorrh le cured. Moen all.
If yon Gannett obtain Hyornei of your
dealer, it will bo forwarded by mail, pos1.
age paid, on receipt of prioe. Write to.
day for ooneultation blank Met will en.
title yea to (onion of our inedio0i de.
pennant without charge. The 01. T
Booth °mummy, Hyomei Balding,
Lobito, N. Yi
Having dispensed with our formal Millinery Spring
Opening we are now prepared to show our many cus-
tomers our Elegant and Fashionable Display of Dross
Hats and Ready -to -wears.
Also carry a full line of Ribbons, Flowers, Fancy
Straws, &c.
Grateful for past patronage and assured that the
new goods will please we invite the Ladies of Brussels
and vicinity to call and see the new styles.
Miss Strachan
.. ,
,,,,N..eg,t,:g.15xg7,3=ww,sy.o..to.vraw-wym.x44t., ammo.
Owing to a change in business a Reduction Sale will be held for
the next 30 Days, during which time goods will
be sold for Cash at
Specially Reduced Prices
In Stock will be found Harvest Tools Cross -out Sawe, Lamps, Car-
pet Sweepers, Silverware, Cutlery, Stock Foods, Bells,
Mitts, Lanterns, Whips, &c., &o.
ROPE -A quantity of Pure Manilla Rope, and inob, at Cost.
BINDER TWINE -One ton of Standard Manilla, 550 feet, at 12e. 500 lbs. of Pure
Maoilla 050 feet, at 13o. This ie much less than Twine will be bought at
nest season.
GRANITE WARE -Special Bargains in Dish Pans, Water Pails, Bios Boilers,
Sauce Pans, Stove Pots, Tea Pots, &o., &o. A nioe every -day Tea Pot at 25o.
Now is the time to supply your wants at Great Bargains
IS -All accounts are asked to be squared off at once.
McKay itt co.
Having Bought out the
Carriage Business of Edward Speiran
We are prepared to attend to the wants of the public
in First-class Style.
Full range of Buggies, Wagons, &c., kept in stock
and sold at close prices.
Repainting and Trimming looked after with neatness
and dispatch. Have engaged a First-class Painter to take
charge of this Department.
Good Goods at
Right Prices
Are, no doubt, a source of interest to you.
We have received some of our new Spring and
Summer Goods and there are more to come.
New Prints
New Shirtings
New Cottortades
New Underwear
New Hosiery
New Shoes
These goods have the stamp of Quality
and as our expenses are light and we have
bought our Cotton Goods and Shoes before
the advance in Cotton and Leather, we are
in a position to give you the benefit by
low. Give us a call—we can interest you
and save you money.
Best Itamitoba Flour for Salo.
la -Highest Market Price for Produce of all kinds.
MacDonald Eros.
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