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No Glancier$
A rilleler was oireelated that heettee le
Brogliela aodGrey had glendere, re' ie
falso ia the eXtratne, not e einglootwo Ints
istblii eithoF Mertioipelity,
Vol. 84. No. 39
New Advertisements.
For Sale -Geo, Robb.
Sold out-fieo, Walker.
For Emitter -F. R. Smith,
For Sale -Jas. A. Turnbull,
Maple Syrup -W. R. Belden.
Card of 'Eliauke-Geo. Robb,
Wall Paper -Fred, blot:molten.
Boys wanted --G. A. Deadman,
Carpets &o,-Leatherdale cb Son.
Do not delay -R. 0. Davies & 0o.
Eggs for he.tohing-Wm. J. Shiele.
Homestead Regulatious-W. W. Cory.
Noma OF INTEREST -Oolleationa In aid
of the famiue (suffering JAhediefie will be
taken up in all the Methodist ()hutches
of Sitievale circuit next Sunday.-Miesea
Ethel King and Aunie Elliott, of Wing.
horn, vent Sunday with Blaevale
frieuds.-Mrs. Pilkie, of Wexford, visited
her mother, Mrs. eleAllieter.-Frank J.
Scott went te Bookstore' this week. -Vire.
(Res) George Baker is et the beadde of
her mother, td.re. Halt, of Ethel, who is
seriously 111.-Miesee Annie Oliver and
Atteie Thome) name up from Toronto on
Mouday for a sheet eleit.-Contraetor
Haney bad the towhee of the Parsonage
torn down this week, preparatory to
building a new and targer kitchen. -
Jobe Gardiner'e horse got frighteued on
Tuesday tilterneou and took a fast run
through the village. Mr. Gardiner we
thrown out but kir. Sttudereou, who was
riding with htm, kept in the Wagon.
Mr. Gardiner has numerous runaways. -
J. J. Messer of Hamilton, wee in the
villege lust week. -George Aitaheson bas
Capital, Paid up, 80,500,000
Reserve Fund. 82 501„000
Total Assets, 825,000,000
President, - RiiN. WM. GIBSON #
Vice President & flourrill !Gemmel'. ur
Ban,lb of Hamilton,
Savings Daperttuilut-Amplo seaway
for Depositors.
Demi sits of 51 00 and upwards received
Interest allowed at ourrent rotes and
compouuded heir year y.
aDVINOES made to Verniers for
feeding stook.
Sete Notes collected and advaueeti
made thereon.
Drafts bopght and sold,
t,ic3 4i-kraceteailgtaoe
returned from Strathroy Dairy 'cahoot. -
A number of farmere aro making maple
ayrup,-J. W. and Mrs, King entertained
it large number of friend e at a datum in
their home on Friday night.-Mre, W. J.
Johneton, of Morrie, went to London on
Friday tem to oudergo an operation at
St. Jouephectiospical. The operation wee
sumwesfaily performed on Monday.
Mimi Nettie MoNaughton, of Turuberry,
returned from the MoDunald Iumitute at
Guelph last week. -Next to grippe
shaven upper lips are the height of
hishion.-A number of improvements
will be made in remodelling the interior
of the Paresnege.
'1707111 r. es .
NoTE13.--Blra. Wm. Hairnet], of Wiarton,
is visiting at Geo. tdoKim'e.-Rev. R. 13
Baker exobanged pulpit() with Rev. Dr.
Medd, of Herniate last Sabbath in the
interests of the Etlaoational
Monday evening a very stwoeseful dinue,
and ootwert was given oy the Ladieer-Aid
Society of the Methodiet °Minh. Alter
the lavish supply of meat, hot vegetables,
mikes, pies, eta., had been (carefully die.
potted of, Rev. R S. Baker took theohair.
Two beautiful organ taloa wore rendered
by B. V. Forrest, Div. Engineer of G. &
G. R.; the Walton male quartette sting
two eeleatione, and Dr. Medd gave hie
popular lecture "Wooing and Wedding,"
which tetteentbasieetically rtheived. Dr.
Medd le a fine lecturer with a splendid
lecture and delighted hie audience,
elf ateneeeneo w al.
Last debate of the eeesun, on Thar,
day April 12th. Brassies mound Tees
water, this time. The best program, the
beat speaking and everything the beet of
the meson, Set the date Riede, and oome
and bring everybody else. Come early ,
aud eeoure a good seat. AtiMIBBioll 6 /
O/ -.,Ito.
Newey J reTING8 -Lost Babliatb
wig Rev. W Went, M. A., of Bwevale,
preeohed in the Hail here end gave e
doe iterrnon.-We are sorry to hear that
Jar. D. mud Mrs. Miller have been 11,
with la grippe bat we hope they wilt
eoou be art right -& sou of Dona
House, Sign and Carriage Paint-
ers. Ornamental and scene
Work and Paper Hang-
ing a Specialty.
Qt,otations Furnished
on Application
Turnberry St., Brussels
Carpets, Matthias, Linoleums
Oil Cloths and Rugs
Our stock in the above lines is now complete and
ready for your inspection and comprises all the new ideas
iu Colors, Styles and Patterns and for variety to select
from is greater than all the stocks in town put together
8 -Ply Wool Carpets ; 2 -Ply Wool Carpets ; Velvet Carpets ; Brus-
sels Carpets ; 2I -Ply Wool Donets ; 2 PIy Union Carpets ;
Tapestry, Wool, Union and Hemp Stair Cat pets.
Linoleums 2 and 4 yards wide aud a gri at assortment to select
Floor Oil Cloths iu the following widths -1, 1/, 1i aud 2 yards and
a lot of patterns to choose from.
In Velvets, Wools, Unions and Tapestrys from 2i yards by 8 yards
to 8 yards by 4 yards, at prices that are right.
Carpet Lining in plain felt and padded, also Stair Plates and Pads.
Ai Word About Shades
We are experts in the Window Shade business. If you want shades
for your house let us give you an estimate of the cost.
We use Hartshorn Rollers and will replace any one that does not
give satisfaction.
teleileilintewitritalieterilsobler melees.
Leatherdale & Son
Stewart, of the Brd oon. of Turnberry,
died last Friday and woo burled on
Toesday.-Preeident Dallier and Vice
Preeideut Bryane attended the Howioe
Go., Ineurauoe monthly mooting Wet
Friday at Garrie.-0Resolvedthat alom•
ited Monarchy le bettor than a Republic).
an form of Government'. is the subject
for she debate in Victoria Hall on Thum
day, April 12th.
NEWSY WAINIMEB.-JOh0 J, Gibson, of
Barrie, is the 'west of hie tester, Mre. F.
V. Diokaute-Mrs. E. Lewitt will bold
her Millinery Openieg on Wednesday,
April nat.-Mies Jeeeie Gibeou left for
Durham this week from which piece ebe
',apatite to leave thorny for Mooeejaw,
Seek. -John Hartley, of Blyth, was in
the village Wet Thursday attending the
federal of Dr. S. 13, Smate.-B. F. Garr
moved to his reeidenoe lately purohaeed
from George Heins, Hotviok etreet.-
Oewin Smith lets last Wednesday for
Baddison, Sask.-Witham Gibson has re•
turned to Paewege.n, Sask., after spend
mg three mootha at hie home -Mrs. A.
Wallace hae rethrued to Toronto.-Ildien
Kathleen Rutherford 0 serionaly ill with
pneumonia, we ere sorry to Meta -Miss
Semite Lovell entertained a Humber of
her young (Heeds Friday evening,-Mre.
R. Miller ie the guest of friends in Wing.
barn. -The A. V. & A. M. Lodge had u
moat enjoyable At Home last Tuesday
evening in honor of Robert Milier, a
member who ie thorny leaving for Tor
onto and to whom they presented
Jewel. Bee further report on page 4. -
The tenantl of the late B. B. Swale,
which wee held Thursday afternoou, was
areely attended. A private service was
held in the rooming and Berme in
tile Episcopal ohuroh et two o'clock in
be ',Aeri:mu, Rev T. H. Farr taking his
Lein from P.eim 102. The pallbearers
w re R. Shute R. Miner, W. Winton, W.
Rutherford, .1. Davidson and W. Me
Keraher.-It wee learoed with muoh
regret on Friday thee David Stewart,
Persons wiehing Maple Syrup may
have any amount by dropping a
postal to the undersigned who has
1200 trees tapped, Tr•e Syrup is
put up in 01.50. $8.00 and $5,00
cane, or 10o. per Ibany amount.
All orders will be filled aa they come iu
and will be held for people in the
country until the roads are better.
Customers in town will be eupplied
early io April,
aged 26 yearn, and third eon of Donald
and Mre. Stewart, of Turnberry, had
paned away at hie home the previotte
night. Therdeath of the deceased wee
not nulooked for se be had been a sufferer
from lung trouble for about Mx menthe.
He epent etnne time at the Gravenharat
Sanitarium but the disease had then
advanced too far to be checked, Be wee
of a quiet dieposition and had spent most
of his life on hie father's farm with the
exoeption of a few yeare whioh were
spent in the States where he held a Frei
tion as book keeper. The !unarml wee der
layed until Tnearitty afternoon to enable
a brother, Wm. Stewart, of New °amine,
to be present. Tbe servioe was concluot•
ed by Rev. L Perrin,13. A.
Mouday °venire, at the horn° of elm T.
Mi ler, Mies Mary Miller, youngeet
rieughter of Robert Miller, who is re•
moving to Torouto, wae presented with
the following address, acoompanied
bv very fine dressing oaee :-
Dear Mos MWor
We, in behalf rif the choir and your many
friends in the Wroxeter Presbyterian eon.
;irrigation, having beard for tome time ot
erwr &within t leave us desire to °spreee
nur eeteare Mr you. You have alwaye
teeth lin aellya interest lo to work of the
Church, espeolally In that department to
whim, the choir belongs, You were always
kind, tactful end patient ; neither wind nor
storm kept you away from oleetitiga of the
opal, or the Sabbath Bervi008. We wieh
you every moues as you prosecute your
study of musk' and believe you ;will occupy
a prominent position in musieel circles.
We ask you to inweet this ertiale of farm.
tur• as a tenet:no evidence of our admire.
tion for you. In saying farewell we cruet
that amidst the lite auil bustle of the city
you will °nee and a while think of your
friends tn the little church of Wroxeter
and vicinity.
//Friend atter friend departs
Who hath not lost a friend'?
Thereto uo nniou here of hearts
Viet finds not here au end,
Were this frail world oar rattly rest
Living and dying noto wore b eased."
(Signed) Mns. nem Amax
awn Y0055 PIMPLE.
Wroxeter, April 204,1908.
Although unexspeoting that anything
of the kind was on the program Miss
Hilton gratefully anknowledged the kind
nese of Oho donors and assured her
frende that it bed been a soothe of great
pleautere and profit to bar to be asecraiat
eel with church work. She wonld never
forget the muny Wroxeter friends and
their good enables.
NOTES -W. R. Be dpi has abont 1200
mipie trees tappet -I. -Thou. Morfoot, who
has been in the United States for the pace
twenty years, wee here on a visit to hie
brother for a few daye Met week.-Joho
Davie, and John and Jae. Grainger pur.
paw going West next week. -61r andalre.
Sootney, of Trowbridge, have moved to
the vacant house on Geo, Roberts...Ft
farm -Quite a number of Woke of
square timber were token from here to
Wroxeter station for A. aleColl & Co
Rook elm le almost a thing of the past in
this vieluity.-Geo. Armatroug and Tboe,
Now is the tiine for you to
decide what style your
will he. Before snaking your
selection ir. will probably be to
your advantage to Visit this
Store while the stock is so
complete Our "New Show=
ing" represents Upstoffdate
Ideas from New York Mar-
Whether you are 'PURCHA.SING' or 'LOOKING'
we will be pleased to have you visit
this Department.
Bennett have purohaeed new Sharpies
anew sepitratore.-fieury Grainger bag
28 thicket:i from hie ant hetet with an
Ceram Iterceolc.
NEWBY NOTES. -George Smalldon a reel.
dent of tine latency, bas been darigerouely
ill with inflammation of the bowels. We
hope he wth than be all right.-Oranbrouls
and 'mutiny retains its good name by
geuerous support to the Bible Suoiety,
The season 3. U. Helm was the
cwilectur who paid $27.52 to the Trsaeuer
last week.-ediee Lulu MoDouald,
daughter of A. MoDonatd, menthaut here
ie not enjoying very robust health
at present bot we hope she will
improve with the (novel of Spring
weether.-learmers are preparing to get
ready to rub early eeediug.-A
few people have been =thing maple syrup
tit tine amnion of Grey towunhip.
990 to e..
Keep the 12th of April Meer for a good
time au the liveliest deuate of the year
at Jamestown. Good program.
Robert Eakin, who has be a good
situation lit Stratford the pant few yeare
re here on 0 teen et the parental home
for it short time. He talkie of geeing tbe
Wein thee Summer as a change, poeeibly
returetug to the (Manic eity next Fail.-
Mre. Smith and Mre. Kribbe, of Eleepeier,
cud Latta Keifer, of Thornhill, attended
the redraw of the late Peter Kotler lam
week. -A new roof wil be put ou A. R.
etuDoreald'e barn, 8rd tioa-Lest Bab.
oath John Kerr, of Wiegliain, Ruth good
eddreseee at Roe'a and Dawn churches.
They were mong Miseiouary lines and
well worthy of attentiou.-The Hislop
dredge goo to work this week in aloKilrop,
-James MoDonald, ex Ounuodlor, hes
been eeriounly but ie on the way to
returning health whioh will be good news
to hie many old friends in this ()ammeter
ity, He chipped 14 oar of settlers effect.
to the West last week one of his sone
twoompareng it. -Roy, son of A. R. Mo.
Donmd bee been Lod up with tonallites
during the pest week but is about all
right again.
Joueuti wid Meet el Ethel on Monday
April 28rd.-A former resident of Grey
townahip in the pereon of James Jaotteou,
wbo now lives ueur Teeewater, was
renewing old friendships last week.
Elle danghter, Mem Pearl, is now teaoh-
lug sohool aL Crandall, itlauitoba.-Wm.
Davidson, lith oon., hae gone to Dena
towuthip Where he will be employed
upon the farm of Robert Baitemytte,
8th ouu. Mr. Devidnon will fel the
bill all right. -The rumor that (MEM
of glanders existed among horses in
Grey ie es rumor Indeed as there is um,
a oath in the mutnummity.-W. Ham -
Iowa 9th eon., ties teased a farm near
Moulton] aud hae moved to it tine weea.
We wish Min BEICOOlie.-Rugh Lamont,
lOtii con., rtheutly diepaued of a flue
corse ristug 5 yeare old to Jas. An:hatred,
of Seeforth, for the tidy sum of 6225.
Mr. Lentout generally keepe s good upeu
ur ma -Robert MeNtighton, w00 bee
beau Making his home for some time at
bis daughter's, Mre. Ju, Lowe, 5th cou.,
was quite poorly during the pant week
with erysipelas In hie faoe. The old
gentleman ie 92 yeare of age and con.
noquently Oalln04 combat pbyeioal
meuo as well as in bygone yeare. We
hope be will awn be gene hearty agent.
-Last week Henry Bateman disposed of
hie 100 acre farm, Lot 10, Oou. 5, to
Thomas Vodden, of this townehip, re -
ceiling 08,000 for it. Mr. Batman who
was born lu Grey, has lived on the farm
for the peat 10 years. Be purposes re-
movirig to Waterloo Co., where he hae
bought a farm 3 MUM from Hespeler.
He expecte to get moved about the 15th
of thie month. Wbile eorry to see the
Bateman family remove, their many
friends in Grey will wish them proeper-
ity.-The amnion sale at Joseph Shaw's
lest Friday afternoon was largely atteud-
ed and pewee were good, the sates total-
ing about 01300. Mr, Shaw and tinnily
will take up their reeidenoe in the vacant
home wroth the road, on the MoArthur
farm, for the meantime.
Beet debate of the season in James.
town, on Thriniday evening, Apr. 12th.
Don't mime it. Admission 5 oeuts.
Jae. S. erloCiail le prepartug to move
the barn from the old bomeetead, Al•
though quite an audertaktug Mr. Riley,
of Loadeeboro, has premwed to do 15,
Mri Newsoine will do the frame work mid
Mr, Vint the stone work. Whet" oom•
meter' lir, McOall will bays a good build -
more atablieg and his work more
BOHOOL REPuliT.-The following le the
report of pupae of 8. 8. No. 4 for Maria
Sr, 1V -Exult. in Hiet., Draw„ Arithe
G Jordan, 0590 J. Speir, 528 ; L. These,
461 Jr. III -Exam. iu Gram ,
Geo., R. Timed, 796 ; J. Jordan 700 ; G.
Davi., 608; 111. MoUutokwou, 662.
Sr, IL-Exern, oo Aritb , Draw., Com.,
Comp -W. Thuell, 982; 01. 6100uteheon,
Br. Pt. II -El. 0lO0LItOtie0o, 417 ; J,
Thueli ; 897 ; W. Barton, 367 ; B. Jordan,
332. Jr. Pt. II.- J. Bomb, 410: F.
I. MoNeet, Teacher,
Tit utile 868.
NUTELETB.-Alex. Niubnl jr., has lel
the uoutraot for a two atony cottage on
his farm. South half lot 14, oon, 6, to
George Bartmay. of Bruseels, Oonteotor
Seamy, of Be:mettle, will do tbeearpeuter
work. A. gravel bee was held recently '
fel owed by a party at night.-Evidenoes
of the arrival of Spring are numerous
and the termer') are ready to gee to work.
-Robert Shedden is offering hie farm
for sale. -The material ie ou the ground
for the improvemente to be Made to
ltobt. NiaboVe barn. He has minted farm
and keeps it in Orly shape, -Late Sunday
Jno. P. Kelly, 6th nue, lost a flue brood
mare. He let the team out in the yard
wben the mare rew0ttn:1 a kick whioh
broke ons of her hind lege. She bed to
be killed. It Will be quite a lose to Mr,
Kelly, eepecially at thin sea000 01 the
year. -Mies Maud Jackson, 8th line, has
returned from an enjoyable visit with
Weeds at Clinton and Lonciesboro'
lios Poeg ie pleased 20 0015 the 00000811 01
Berry XIrky et the duel examtuetloo
connection with the Veterinary College,
Toronto, Although he wee st the do
advantage of being oat of school for yeare
before he took op the aroma he proved
his ability to do the work wben the teat.
ing time memo, Mr. Kirkly in addition
to scouring hie diploma took honors in
Pathology, Playemlogy, Antomy and
Entozoa. On even footing be would
hunt:, the medal winners without doubt.
We oongratulate Mr. Knitter end hope be
Will have a prosperous future in the
practice of bis profeseion. We have not
heard where he purpoeee hanging oat hie
thiugle.-Mre. Lamont, of Roeebueb,
Michigan, wbo wae viaiting her pareute,
Wm. and Mrs. Shedden 4th line, tett for
her borne on Thursday morning of this
week. We bope to see her book again
before long.-mrs. Wm, Wilkinson, 4th
line, wbo injured her knee at tbe last
Fall Fair, ie able to get about a little now
that better weather has aome. We hope
she will Boon be as well as ever.
BUSSED OUT... -We are sorry to leern
by a letter from Lorenzo Raven, of
Salmon Arm, B. 0., thee he lost hie
house by fire on the 15011 ult. Five
minatee after the diaoovery It was tote
possible to enter the building. The
downetejth furniture was saved but
clothing, bedding and bedoteade were
coosumed. To make matters woree tbe
insuranee had rou out last January and
had not been renewed. The fire started
about 7,80 p. m. shortly Miter sapper,
Cam is unknown bat is supposed to
have been from a epark on the kitoben
root. As the bandeug WAB nearly all cedar
it burned like fury. A. half hour did the
whole job. Dlr. Raven, and wife were
one time reeideote of thie locality and
their old friends here will regret 00
bear of their loth.
ing apelike for itself :-Deth BRO. Rose.
Rena -Your fellow members of Court
Ethel, No. 175, L 0. F., take thin oppor-
tunity of conveying to you and your
family their eincere sympathy in your
end bereavement. They trust you will
be sustained in your severe trial by a
tlrm relianoe on the precious promisee of
the Gospel. "Burrowing not ea those
wbo have no hope" bat looking forward
,n full aesurence to a bleeeed reunion in
the High Court above. Signed on be-
half of the Oonat.
JOHN al• Deems; le S.
Ethel, March 30th., 1908.
PSEBENTATION.-Jno. Imlay and family
are moving away from oar vintage to
Wiughem next week and in view of tine
the pupils of elre. McGuire's Sanctity
school Maas, of whet!) their dangicter
F.orencie is one, (tailed at their home an,.
preseutcd her with a handsome Bible aeo
be foliowieg address -DRAB CLAMOUR/E.
-16 is with feelinge of regret we tear,
,bat you are about to be removed from
unr ethuoi aud netdat. We will retie
your pleasant face and sunny smile but
as you are not to be a great distance from
us we hope often to see you antoug as as
you may have opportunity. We wish
to ,bow our appreatetion of our friena
ship by presenting yon with this Boot:
of Bootie, trusting ite preoepte may be
your guide through life and we may meet
at lam iu an unbroken Math in that
Greeter School where there is no more
Signed on behalf of year S. S. Masa.
Ethel, March 29, 1906.
The recipient thanked the donors for
their kiDdriess.
Saturday eveuing of this week the
enejeat of debate in connection with the
Society here will be "Resolved that
Etcetera Canada has brighter prospeote
than Western." A Illoleeworth trio is
expected to lead in the affirmative and
Ethel and tooality will support the
negative. A short program of music
&c., will also be rendered. At the !Set
debate the palm wae awarded to the aide
of "Fire." The attendenoe is large and
a deep in tereat manifested. -Last Sabbatb
evening President John Kerr, of Wing-
heM, gave a practioal address in the
Methodist ohureh here to a large andienoe
on the Forward Missionary Movement,
Rev. Mr. Armetroug was at Atwood. -Au
amnion sate of farm stook, implement.,
&o., is anew:woad by Mre. Peter Seiler,
for Friday of thte week. She will be
Weenie tbe farm consequently sale will
be witbout reeerva-George Eakmier left
this week for the Basinese College at
Stratford. We wish hum well and expect
he will give a good amulet of humsele-
Emmo luisy, who has been visit
ing itt Senna and Watford for the past
three menthe, returtted home spin last
Thursday. Mise Imlay is one of our
moat popular young ladies and tae been
OliElliett very mann here in Society oiro es
this Winter. We welcome bar borne. -
Muse Verde Pollard teas visiting her uncle
and aunt 05 Bruseets.-We are sorry to
bear that Mrs. Wm. Hall does not im-
prove 80 quiokly as her many friends
Would paw but we hope the better
weather will prove belpfue-The Lecture
delivered by Rev. Mr. A.rmetrong in the
Methodiet thumb, on Tuesday eveniog,
midsr the auspices ut the League was a
good one. The subjecie was "Geeting 00
in the world." It contained both tint and
wisdom. An instrumental wee nialy
rendered by Mise Bernicie 8(emmon and
well ming aoloe were given by Mines Lily
Simpson and Olive Baynard, Preeident,
Joe Welsh, otionpieri the chair. The
reverend leotarer made three eutedivl-
eione ot hie aubjeot viz ;-(1) The
Crawler ; (2) The Crutober ; (8) Tbe
Climber, He showed the first as the
worldly mate getting all the money he
eon and °arming all be gets. The
"Weather" was the peen who leaned Oh
Ohara and did clothing to help himself,
while the elm:Woeful man with higher
naperatione thee Merely getting this
world's geode, woe ready to lend a
hand to others and always looked np.
Rev. Mr.Armstrong is at Mote on the
platform and has Ole happy knaok of
holding theattention of hie andieece by
his matt:trios' powers iuterepereed With
hamor, Wo nederatenci 11119 tette hie
drat attempt but eve hope it win not be
hie Wet se he te one of the ollothere
Who iiteare to be eneoeselue-Township
Connell will be held here on edouday,
28rd inet., when four drain By.lerve will
be read. -Velma, the bright littledaughter
of W. E. and Mee. Lucite, of Belmore, le
recoverwg nicely after a oompinettion ot
anmeute, luolodiug a broken arm. 111re,
Lawn is a daughter of 0. and Mrs, .Ray.
ua,d, Of Ethee-The °Matte factory will
MAI be ready to miter upou the Spring
aernpaign under the oeptiote =thither:abut
.ct J. K. Brown.-Jno. McDonald made a
buintwee trip to Toronto Weduesaty for
tr. few days. -All the tie poets in erunt of
our bussieees Maus have been Mena
washed here ea a preuannon against any
danger of glendere that 15 BO prevailent
Emit of tue-Severel of one young Wise
started a eketobing and paiuting club.
-Harold Menzies and sisters, Mabel and
Annie, of Oranbrook, were venters at
thew nnole's, Jno. Eakmier's 011 Sunday.
-Miss Lizzie Eakenter, ie viaiting her
auole, Geo. Rammer, in Jamegtown,-
Mise eilueon, of Torouto, is eliciting her
Ithale, L. A. Meson here. -Geo. Hull, of
Manitoba, and Aire. Mauro., of Toronto,
are visiting the parental home. -See R.
0. Davie & Co's" Millinery advt. iu
this weelee imbue before you put Tun
Pace aside. Mrs, (Rev.) Baker, of Blue.
yaw, eves here OMB week.
Easter Sabbathepeolel music will be
rendered by the °how of the Methodist
onarea "Lone@ Triremph" will be
preeented iu the evening. Mese Jamie
recreaban will contribute a Bow and menet
the Meter on theta othesion,
Rev. J. J. Liddy, M. A., at present
pastor of the Hartietou Methodist uhurah,
use received a ariammousinvitatiou from
the Quarterly Board of the Methodist
Oilman, Pomace, to Mourne their pester'
tor the euouiug year. !leis .Rev. 01. W.
Avisou's etemlather.
who preacbed in Melville Mouth lest
tieboath , gem two flue disooursee. "Man
e leidteg plane," was the eubjeat in the
Mortiths and to the eventug "The ideal
,tfe," from the teen "One thug I du,"
wee dwelt apou. le souuded quite taw-
nier to beer of Rev. Dr. Roue being in
the pulpit tincl reminded matey of olden
days. Next Babbate the same Rev.
gentlemau will effitnete.-Last Sabbath
Hey. T, W. Comm °p0100 iu tee morning
on "The bitter waters of March" and in
the mening oemmenotea a items 'of die -
internee on "The Teu Oommanoments,
teeing the let Commeudment from which
ue preauhed a very prautioal Chlacoaree
Next einuasy win be Reim Sneaky, and
-tiers will be service io the Catholic)
°numb Brus.eis at 10.80, a. m. aua 7 p.
ot., with Leuteu sermoue et both Beirviotia
00 epeolat Leuteu 'Detractions on BUM ••-•
day evening 007,80) -later 6,411(11,4 Watt
a- monthly Atinaltiaary Say 111 IMO
ðernet eabbath Sohuol, the Junior
lethene giving a thartprugrem in addition
te a few word's from the pastor. The
eulteetiou Was 630 90, 920 of tide amount
.reing odutribuisti by Mrs. Game' cliaBe.
reis was the 12th or thuoinding collection
rur this Ormference year and brought
tbe Misaionary total tor the eobuol rip to
0102 00, a very worthy record. The
auutrihation gam to the forward Move.
1080010 support of Rev. G. H. leeway,
ultneieuery at Kt temaat, B. 0.-A
reception service win be held in the
dethodtet ohnrch next Sabbath morning
aud the annum membership tickets re•
uewed. The pastor will take the 2nd.
Commandment for his evening tomo. -
W. H. Kerr will go to Sear:1th on San•
day next for the Sebbach School
Auuiversary servieee in the Methodist
obaroh.-Meiville church is being rano.
Brussels Council.
The monthly meeting of Brussels
Jouueil was held on Monday evening in
the Got:moil Chamber, all the roeuthere
preeent, the Reeve in the chair. Min-
utes of last meeting read and passed.
Following a000unte were prertented
Rolm. Oliver, town aonstable....9 33 88
niniell Bros., eleocrio ligiot, 102 15
'cloyed by H. James, seconded by Jas.
Joann that accounts be paid if A. Mc-
Lthohlin reports as to the aorreoteese
ut the lettere teamed. Moved by H.
James, seconded by Jae. Ballantyne that
wouiee be pant by Tretteurerne!o
,or three foam, from Sink'.gEttd
reed, The Reeve ana Kerr report-
ed ea to Ethel Burtou. Ottretelter Gayer
Nal iustruoted as to hie dutiee. The
question of eleatrio rtgbts aud &00e on
the street nghte wad deloused by the
tiounau and the proprietors and ae to the
eorreet wording 01 tee ley•tew tri an aui-
mated manner. Tile uouteutiou by the
°tweed was that the tights were to burn
800 nigute Le a year; Wtille Tetuan Broe.
,0.d that the moutoiget nighte were to
Q. auumeo out. The By law eoufirmed
nue °outwit'. ounteution. Srus.
Stated they had ordered elobee but they
were not here yet. W. H. MoOtacieen
addressed the Ocianoit relative to the pro -
putted foot bridge et the fluerumil. He
stated the neoeseity of this oruesing us
they were prepared to pay balance of the
mon if the Connell would grant 9250 to.
ward the work, (Wailed had written to
Mr. Livingstone foe ogles of way but a
rapier had uot been reueived yet. There
was a worm disciatunou on the aubjeot
during wbioh"hot stuff" was dispeneed
as to the louatiou, style of bridge &o.
Nothing definite was done pending the
receipt of a letter from Mr. Invingatone,
Iu response to aepitcatiou from Geo.
Cline, of Wtughant, the weekly tlee Ot the
°outwit Chamber wee granted for it
meant for reheereele ot a (Mutate et 95,
Toe necessity of attention to improved
drainage to 0505681 loomitiee mnae up for
review but se Otte work muet uo done at
the wish of the permute in•
stild they will have to be the pro.
motets. °outwit adjoarned at a ifite
At Sault Ett, Marie Alex, Mitchell was
fatally burned through the berating oped
01 (5 clout in an iron Melanie.