HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-3-29, Page 8New
Wall Paver
Wo have received our Spring supply of
Wall Paper and have our Sample
Booke arranged for ehowing. Our
stook this year embraoes a larger
nnmber of patterns and mach great-
er variety than in the past.
It you are thinking of doing some Paper-
ing Ode Spring come in and we shall
bo glad to show you our Samples.
Now is the beet time to buy while our
Wall Paper stook ie at its beet. We
have a great many exoeptional values
to offer yon this year.
Before deciding where
you will get your
Glasses we ask you to
call and inspect our
ways of examining
your Eyes and furnish-
ing Glasses.
No charge made for
Pal gam Items
A abiel's amang ye teak ' notes,
An' faith he'llP rent lg.
COUNCIL meeting nest Monday.
SUNDAY will Heber in the month of
Hone keep up well in price. $6.70 was
paid oo Wedueeday.
A tune awniug has beeo pat up al G.
N. MaLaren'e Dry Goode store.
Sze the fine mtllioery displays et the
three stores to Breesele. The etylee are
very neat and attraotive.
Moraine Horde Fair Thursday of this
week. Tele le the last for shim anaeen
but will be renamed neat Fail. •
Durex forget the male of miloh cows
Saturday afternoon of this week at 2
o'oeoak. Sale at Central Hotel etablre.
CONSTABLE OLIVER is now in charge of
hie dames ae town ulfielal. In currying
out the various By•lawe. He ohen,d be
s000rded the hearty eappert of every
LAST week Hugh Hammy and family
moved into Brueeele from Grey town
ebip. We bid them welcome so 6owu
and hope they will enjoy health and
Tam alelghing of the past week was well
Utilized in the teaming of wood, loge &a.
Monday's rain eeltled it however sed
wheels are once more rn evideoce. This
bee beeo a very peoaliler Winter.
FEIDAY evening 0f next week, April 71b,
will be the regular meeting ..f the A. 0.
U. W. id Brussels. W, H. Mal/molten
delegate to Grand Lodge, wilt present,
big report and every resident member In
asked to be peanut.
EDOOATIoVAL.—The Spring term of the
well 11u0W t EJiott Badiueee Oulieee, el
Torouto, opeue April 2nd, 004 many new
0tndeut0 will be euroned ou teat day.
TheEllioe8 college le a wide awake sed
male proddoing school and puplro feel
thoro0ghly at home in tine "Hive of In•
duatry. '
Da. Ovate, M. D., London, Eye and
Ear Snegeuti, will be at Smuh'e Drug
Store, Brueeele, on the first Tuesday in
Eaoh mouth. Hoare, 8 a. al. to 1.80 p. m
Cataract, egolut, feallug eyseaget,
deafneee and natal °stereo treated and
gleam properly fitted. Next vinic,
Tuesday, April 3rd.
FOLLOw2N0 pence's were ticketed by T.
Farrow 0. P. R. agent Brudeete, tele
week to the Went:—Wm. Switzer,
Oranbrook, to Manor, Baek. ; Edgar
Switzer, Oraubrook, 80 Saskatoon, Seek.
Mise Nettie Riabardeou, Jamestown, to
Winnipeg ; Mre. McKinnon and Aire.
Oliver, Brueeele, to Wiuoipeg,
WHAT about Football re•orgauizasioa in
Brueeele for 1906 2 Is le time IDhd was
looked after. Quite a number of lest
year's team are probably avatlabie and it
new material Is to be worked op the
sooner arrangemenle are made the Oester.
A meeting enoaid be called as au early
date. Brueeele received oonelderable
prominenoe daring the peas three
manna by the championship 11000re
coming Chia way.
TUESDAY evening the Retail Merchant's
Aeeoolatlou met for the tlaunautiou of
business. There was a good at8eudauoe
ands live insereet. In eeveral town,
this style of organization has broedeued
he objects by inviting all or soy of the
baeineae men to become mnmbern and
established a local Board of Trade deal-
ing with the general intereete of she mar
inanity. What do the o0ioere fay anon;
this in Brueeele
Tai residence of John Tait, Queen
'trent, bac been Bold to Mre. Thos. Oak.
ley, of Walton, and ehe will get peasant
ion in the amine of a week, Jnr. Tett ie
en old resident of this looality having
lived here for over 40 yeare. They have
not fully deoided as to their totem but
may remove to Haueae where Mre. Tall
Lae relatives. We hope they will remain
in Brneaele. An auction este of ldrmture
&o. will be held Saturday afternoon of
next week at 2 o'clock.
DAN. MCNA001TON gays be parpoeee
removing to Mooaejow, N. W. T„ getters
three of hie sone are located and are
engaged in house brltding and auu6raot.
lig. In view of this he will bred en
auction sate of household luruiture, eta,
on Saturday April 14th, at 2 p, m., to the
North apartment of the Terraoe Turu•
berry street, Brueeele, It is about 66
years elllOe Mr, MaNanghton firer omen
t0 t1ie locality and caring the peat hen
had a wide eoquainta00e with bmld.
ing. He is a flre6.elae6 workmen.
New PAR Ritelu le,—The ownership of
Benguela Mania and Granite Works boa
undergone a ouauge, B. Cochrane, of
Wingham, disposing of hie interest to Joe
Hunter, of Brueeele, who ban been in the
naeobanieal department for eevoral yeart.
S. O. Wilson mama hie standing in the
baeinees and the new firm will ue deeign-
sled ae Wilson & Hunter. The former
will oakum to look after the ardent and
M. Rumor Will attend to she lead . de.
pgrtment. Tiley ebould do wed ea both
are reliable men with a wide auqualutauoe
RIM competent, to turn out Bret.0ls80
Work, The old eland neat the ponteffloe
Will be retained, Mr. Coohraue will
devote all hie time to the Wetness in
Wingbem, R, Johnetooe having retired
from the firm to enter span the boat acid
Oboe bueinoee in that town,
TRE POST gives the news.
Banter Bauday Domes on April 16th
this year.
P. So TT will take hie speedy roadster
etalliun "Hainan" to the Fair to be halo
6 liutuu on edaeeda of neat week
a 0 P, ,
for exhibition purposes.
SATcBDAi of this week the monthly
me8si,.g of the Howiok Mutual Iueurauei
Co. will be herd at Gerrie, Meeting is
held 11the 0. 0, F. Hall and is always e
baey day.
A NSW smoke clack woo placed in
ponttieu et Broeeels Balt Works on Wed.
ueeday. Maunteature of Balt will be re
enured 8e Boon as the Deeeesery repairs
are 0omple6ed.
THE Council should have the outside
plank removed from the oemeut Bide
walks and thereby permit the Overflow
water to 'Nampa rather than oo0ree down
the walk to the dineemlort of pedeetri
THE Pare Food Show le en at Toronto
6hi8 week. George (food, formerly of
Brueeele, le the Beoretary and a
very eoergeti0 worker iu its interesse
A fi„e =moat program le being present
ed it 00unee010n Mill l6.
T806IB CUT—Charlie Hingston is tak•
log uncleared hulldayo owing 10 8 Oat ou
me end of the Ihumo of hie right band.
rhe ]asap' wee dons by a saw in rue
&meet mill where he wail working. We
tope be will ewe be o. k.
•1'bomee Henry, of Brueeele, has moved
to Ltetowei. He has parebosed and ie
uu0upytug the reeidenoe of the .ale J. W.
Large, ,u Biemark ward. His daughter
.0 boueekeeee• for bim. Llncowel pe.•p,e
wd, fled Mr. Henry a woriby citizen.
Last Monday's Luuduu Free Pres.
.peaks ae fo,lowo of " former Brueseute :-
Rev. Dr. MoOree, Weeimiueter, hag lent
returued from a twit weeks' stay at
Ultimo Sprtuge, New York, where he
wee r,-uaperatmg trim a severe anima o1
8 grippe.
G. A. Powell, former y a merchant it
town, now .0 °barge of the ulirsam de
partmeut ut the Beton attire, Townie, in
away jail 008 ou 8 008lueOe trip 10 Win
uipeg eluoerDiug the oempauy's etore ,u
that o,ty. Tee miters wait In the
Eaton private 088.
(:DETRACT LST,—Robert Thomeou bee
,06 the 60utre01 60 Peter MoDooald for
his um 0018su6 d,tvmg earn and elabie
to be planed in the rear of the Cold
Storage book ihi8 Spring. Bmlmnge
will be 20126 feet each with iron root.
The edt,maled 0881 will be $800. blr.
Thumdou sol] 6be baro now fu nee to
Geo. Muldoon, of Brn•oele.
OoaaT PRINOEea ALEi8ND8IA, 0. 0. F.,
Na. 24, Brudanio, 'teamed un Taeeday
eveuhng that they. would not Beed
a delegate to Ottawa neat Jane to attend
the High 0am-cowing to Lae twig distance
and ouneequeut heavy expense. Tae
8Wg1e fare uu she railway 18 $13 40. It
to probable the Court will eoud nu proxy
go ae to be represented In voting.
'lean OOe6omery Millinery Opening days
will not be marred this Spring by the
Mitlimere of Bruaeete owns to the large
%mown of work it ensile in a bony see.
sou without the peo0uiary benefits to
0oauterbalauee. Iueeead they invite the
.aches 60 eau and mimeo Ole new fashion!)
any day, when every a6heuttan wi,i be
trivets. The Sprnug d,ep.ay in now ready
for iuepeotlou and a very choice exhibit
,t in aim well worthy of the et s.aoo of
he pnrohaniug publlo. In tine week's
rent may be read the oar08 ut tee three
wen kuoeo Midway stores in Brunnei°.
WEDDING.—Tee Beaf°rth Newt) speak.
ut a yudug 0u0ple who have tak. n ap
reeidedoe l0 Brueeele ae follows
"A quiet wedding took place on Tuee.
day muruiug at the Egmuodvllle Meuse
wino Ray Neit Sutter uutsed to mar.
riage 81. Woodley, of this town and
Mtn Nettle, douebter of Wm. Aber.
bars, of Egmuodvllle. After the
eeremouy the happy ooaple left for
Scituate where they intend to recede.
Mr. and Mre. Woodley are well known
,n town and The Newe joins In rm.
gratulation° with beet wising for their
future happiness." Mr. Woodley has
taken a peet/lon wuh R0b6. Thomeun
I. 0. 0. F. Ar Heim—Last Friday
evem0g the auunel At Hume of Weetere
Star Lodge I. 0 0. F., No, 149 Broeselu
880 be,d in the 0omfortab.e and oummodi
cad Lo ,go room and wae largely attended.
The program was of a Very happy
ouaraater and everybody taking part iu
it did well. It wee as follows .—Solo,
Mra, B. 0. Wdeou ; ioetrumeutal duet,
trombone and piano. L. S. Dartford and
Miss Begley ; hem„ro0s reading, Mies
Joele Bnahauau ; Solo, James Jonee ;
speech, W, H. MoOraoken I Bolo, Mies
Vitae Oard,ff ; eoag Percy Richards ;
piano duet, nate. W. E. and Mies Gerrie
Duncan ; eulo, Jno. Habkirk ; recitation,
Mise Minnie MoN8agbloo ; eolo, Miee
Oareie 810388ta ; welromedtal duet,
L. S. Duutord and ,dice Battey ; colo, R.
0. DAvlee t rat:minmu, M,ee Baobauen ;
colo, Joe. Hunter ; National Autbem. A
vote of Dubin wad pee ad to ai1 who
aeeoeted 811 01018.,0 of N •bee Grand Wutoi,
and P.a. grand Ho,Idereon, ,Hisses
liebkirk, Bailey and 81oLauublio were
tee a00ompantete, Deride an inter•
11111111808 a neatly prepared 'Meth was
eerved. W. 0. Kerr ..coopied the chair.
Western Star Lodge 1088118 twee), Lane.
day 'wetting i it ham 142 members on it8
r DTI, 12 u1 the eppireallo16 being reeeived
18 tee past mouth; it hse a ttp•6up cul•
Standard Batik of Canada
810TA,9iT..SEIXTre7d 015%0
.A Qenerul Sahli rigs YEtAfwlnee ee TI-tanaette'ted
Accrued Interest le added to amounts every els months and b000mes principal.
Joint Deposit Aceounle—A. SPECIAL CONVENIENCE in use to our Savlues De•
gartmeet is the Jo,ut Uepoelt" account. Motley may be deposited or withdrawn
by either of the two members of the household, This station la a groat 000ven-
ienoe to malty residing In town, but more particularly so to farmers, as in the latter
once whether manor wife oomee to 10wn either eau attend to the Saukiug. An-
other feature of the system is that in ottee o1 the death u1 either party the money
can be withdrawn by the eurvivor without cost. We will tell you mere about our
methods 11 you will kindly °all or write.
Married Women and .Mlnure may make and withdraw deposit° without thole-
668v8n11,,u ui Buy person.
only fur wbioh no charge in made.
YOUR BUSINESS will re0eive our careful end 0008teone attention.
formed Degree Team and bac ooe of the
motto up to date Lodge remit in the
Province. Tho At Humes given by the
I. 0 0. F. are alwaye looked terward to
with a great deal of plesoure end last
Friday eVeutog'e gathering compared
.ery favorably with soy of its predecee
PONT BORIPT8: The Hari 100 acme
farm, E.ms tuweehtp. was not Bold net
Saturday by nubile 6001108 00 the reserve
o,d wee not reached but B. Gerry, of
trueflels, afterwarde purchased it paying
32,800 for it. Tans property is ooated
nea8 the oil field oweed by the Broeoele
O.. Co. and was ooe of the leased proper
lea held by the oompauy.-THS P. ST
eoknowledgee the reonipt of a 3ueet'8
cadge for the Bea and Stook Show to he
held at Clinton on Wedueeday of neat
meek. The Committe ie leaving nothing
undone to make it k saooeee.—Archie
&slop, M. P. P , of Ban Heron, warmed
ap the government in a epeeob on Tees
day afte,noou. We will give it plane Hex
wane. —Metiers. Dodde & Habkirk have
entered upon their eeoond year of buei•
nese and are well pleased with the
levelo9ment of their trade,—Etat Heron
Litman Cowmlesi .Hera me8 1. Btuseela
act Saturday. Juo. Cardiff wag elected
Uh.trman and Inepeotor O'egg, Seoretary.
A meeting will ue held in April to deal
with the renewal of hotel Itoenees —
Pelephunee are beide p coed 'hie week in
W. Nea. & Sou'e afore, Walton, and R.
rhomeon's and G. N. MaLaren'e places of
uuaincae le Brands.
011I11t11I1 1111 1,11 ES.
Monthly Mieeionnry day in the Metho.
diet Sabbath Boboal neat Sunday after
noou. The Junior League will supply a
abort program. A contribution of $8 90
is asked to make up a total of $80.00 for
he year's oolleotiaue.
Rev. Mr. Daley gave two profitable
.ted well considered •ermone in Melville
rhoroh last Sabbath "I will 00 softly
R 1 my years because of the bltrerneee
of my soot," Is. 88 and 16, wall the
-et in the meriting and in the evening
the words chosen were "Sorely I Dome
grata e, even so came Lord Jest.,"
R -e. 21 end 26. The reverend estate
,n,,, stand.. well in the Bruokvi le Ptea•
binary to which be belongs.
We have just passed
the first milestone in our
business career and we wish
to thank you most heartily
flu your kindly co-operation
in favoring us with your es-
teemed patronage. We feel
sure that it is only through
strict attention to our busi-
ness that we have won the
approval of a discerning
public, and we will endeavor
to continue along these lines
and thereby hope to merit a
repetiti •n of your favors.
We carry it large as-
sortment of
which we are sure will meet
the taste of all those who
wish to be numbered among
the well dressed members of
the community.
Call and see our stock
as we are anxious to show
you what we have at prices
that are right.
Dodds &
Neat Sabbath Rev. Dr. R'.ee, now of
Tureen°, recently of Erie, Pennsylvania,
will be the preaober in Melville ohuroh.
He ie oleo expected to remain for the
encoeeding Sabbath.
"Three Abiding Gretna" was Rev.
T W Ooeeue iotereeling theme in the
we,hodist ohoroh last Sabbath morning
l'he subject in the evening wee "Timone
from the life of Judah,"
Business Locals.
GOVERNMENT proof olover Beed at Me
HAIR DBEeeIN0. 8wituhee made out of
Oumbing ane 0111 hair.
MRS R. HIN06TON, Mill et. West.
(•00I081 seed peas for aisle. Alec a good
Grade Durham Bro. 16 mor'he old. Ap.
p y to J. P. MaINToara Lot 21, Con. 12,
Grey, Oraubruuk P. 0.
Two Short Horn bull amens for Bale.
One ie 9 menthe old and the other 18
months ; one a red and the other a roan.
Alae Conte pupa for ea'e. Lac 22, Con.
18, Grey, Jae. D. MoNair, Oraubrook,
P. 0.
ORANGE 08 BusI nna,—A new partner,
able heti been termed in no..neatlon with
erueee e Marble and Granite Werke
whereby 0. A. Hunter takes the plain of
Bryson Cochrane, and the firm will now
be Wileen & Ranter. The latter bus
been in the m obsnioal department for
eeveral years and hie work speaks for
itee.t. Mr. Wilson, the eeoior partner,
has been ealeemau for the past 4 yearn
and will emotions to take °barge of this
work. All orders entreated to the firm
will be carefully end promptly attended
to. The new firm 0000pie8 the old stand.
Wilson & Hunter, Marble sod granite
dealers, Branco,
03�vss=1.5 Art a ax'w
Fall Wheat 78
Barley 42
Pea,. 65
Oete 82
Butter, loos and ro e..,, 17
Eggs per doz»u 13
Hay per bon 6 00 7
Flour, per bbl 4 60 6
Hoge, Live 6 60
Woe' 28 28
8a t, per bb., retail 1 00 70
Potatoes per ens 40 45
3t,, wn wen
OA PITA L—Ant horizod $9,000.000
CAPI'f'A11--raid Bp 1,000,000
RESERVE nud Surplus Profits 1,188,188
8,1, M00RE, D. E, THOMPSON, E. O.
President. Vlco•Preeldont
Tion, DRAWBAR', 8,0,8, 829 8008011 Mn, w. morern1180 CLAIM, 8,0 1180, nrile
9*0183 081158'31811008
TIED METROPOLITAN BANE le open to melee the mounts of
Partnere. Murohaote and Realness Community generally awl to give
careful aonelaeralton to all proposal() eubmltted to it.
1t relies upon its peat mord for oour'teoue treatment of Its Otte -
touters, and vitt extend every oo eltlerut'ou onestetent with sound
beating to those wee may desire 8, truueuut beeline, with It.
Sisay.w s, Bowie .!.(gra Ed'irmarT
Interest at HIGHEST 0IIRREN'T RALES allowed on all oums of $1 and npwardo
BOR 6',
BEAT.—In Bruseels, ou Marob 19th, to
Mr. and Mre. Geo. Beet a eon.
• ALLAN.—In Brueeele, on March 19111,10
Mr, and Mre J. L. Oalluu a e n
(shit born.)
ROE—CRAWFOon,—In Piokford,
on Mara] 2148, by Rev. E. 8. Soot.,
Mr. Adam Roe, formerly of Grey
township, to 81iee Myrtle, denebter
of Mr. end Mre. Robert Crawford,
all of Piokford
1'IIRNBDLL—M00ASTNEY—At the Mange,
0. dobnmk, un ,he 21-t ion., by Rev.
D. B MaRNo, Mr W. M. TurnbaU
o Mein A --toe McCartney, both of
G ey.
Wo"DLRY—ABBRuART.—At the Mance,
E_m.00 h le, uu Mural), 20t1. by
Rev. Nei: Shaw, Mr. M,loolm W,od•
ley, 01 Seelorth, to Mier Ne.tie Aber.
halt, 01 Egmoudville.
BRowe.—In Scotland, South Dakota, on
March 16 h, Alfred Brown, former•
ly of ,Norris township, aged 70 years,
8 months and 16 ]aye.
Bueau',—Li Blyth, on March 26•h,
Olery A., beloved wife of Ruben
Baghee, 1 rmerly of Morrie town.
ship, in her 69 h year.
Kerrea,—I. Grey, on Marob 27,h, Peter
£«ffer, ,, hi 60th year.
0'000008 —In G• ey, on March 27th,
Mary Ata Hubbard, re1101 "1 the
late James O'Connor, in her 89th
SmALE.—In Wroxeter, on March 26th,
Dr. S. B. Smile, aged 68 years,
FRIDAY, Menem 301b.—Farm etoolt,
Implements &u Lot 9 ooe. 6 Grey, Sale
unreserved At 1 o'olook. Joseph Shaw,
Prop. F S Seen, eco.
831800081, 8810H 8188.— First olaee
dairy nuwe, young barter,. and a number
of soaking oelvee. Sale without reserve
2 o'clock, Thoe. Welker, prop. ; F. 6.
Soot, 1000
SATURDAY, APRIL 7 —H ,noehold Fnroi• 1
ere, &a.. Qaeeu 0280e1, Brunets, at 2
o'0 oak. Mrs. John Tait, preprietreae ;
F.13 So •tt, ono.
6ATDRDAY, APRIL 14x8. — Household
Furniture, &o., io the Terraoe, North
apartment, Tornberry at., Brueeele, Sale
a 2 o'clock. D. MoNaagbtotl, prop. ; F
6. Scott, auo.
Misses Habkirk
sea -
Wish announce�that they
Wish to they
will not have any Special
Millinery Display this sea-
8on. Our Spring stock has
arrived and ie ready for your
inspection any time.
With many Thanks for past
favors and hoping for a con-
tinuance of the same,.we
shall be pleased to show you
the latest in Spring Millin-
ery fol' 1906
late of Nurdirelner'e, 1 w iu t.wu.
Work gunrautee I. O,dere left at P1118
POer will receive prompt attention.
0R TO 1.EABR —'elle omte'sle. ud
offer„ h,s 100 amu f,tr u, Lot 8, Ono.11, Wine
Sur ea a or to . e„t. 00 nore off ured, 2 bur .11
dwellings, alible drilled well, tki 00 p em•
lees. Fairly well Mooed. Poeeoe,lou at
ouoe. Apply to or N, OERKY.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
ConserlPatory of Music.
Someone some ! eoaeone go 1
eme11 serving Ito own goad pie. -
pose, but the go 0 old seed time
wink] logo mm'11 of its value
were 1 sot f•,r the ins-tinutble
good derived from the ueo of
the moat powerful of all germ
killers. Year after year we find
it being more freely used and
with the very beet poi -eagle re-
sult". Our new supply is just to
hand this week and we claim for
it the very best quality procur-
able, Put up in halvee and
pnuode at 20o aud 400 respective-
ly at
Fox's Drug Store
Is prepared to give 10,00 10 op piano
or Reed O,geu. Terme ou anplioat,ou.
Poetnttae add, os0—Nruaeele. Henlaence—
Lot 8 Con.10, l,roy. Puplle may neve their
108,uun at their own homes L preferred.
a la
T IF; l ,I. t-1 Ai, I Di
There are, in this neighborhood, agents for several
"bucket howl" Cream Sepuratore. "Bucket bowl" Sep-
arators are the kind with big bowl,, full of paras, set en
top of their spindles. Theta uge„ne 009 to farmers in-
tending to buy a Separate'. "Loox one Eon THE TUBU-
LAR," 01' "0018'!'rl,8 THE TII0OL8)1," 01' '' 1311.881111 OF THE
Ton8LAe." To hear them Gant you would gneee right
away that
ie the beet Cre„n Separator made; and that these "buc-
ket bowl” fellowe are afr,id of it. AND THEY ABB AVIIAID
OF IT. The Tubular,arpastes every other Separator in
eves y psrticnler, and 8011 Ba2IILD TAKE 0110088 000D 0811E
10U D0 0E11 A'l'DHOLAe . efere you bey a Separator.
Machine may be been at MoKA.Y & l:o.'s Hardware
S ore, Brussels. 88-4
When a Man Leaves
_e. Off His Overcoat
Ie'lee,Pb•4A11,11 la'll,'IP'IIlUA4d4
Having Bought out the
Carriage Busiaess of Edwar 1 Speiran
We are prepared to attend to the wants of the public
in First-class Style.
Full range of Buggies, Wagons, &c, kept in stock
and sold at close prices.
Repainting and Trifnming looked after with neatness
and dispatch. Have engaged a First-class Painter to take
charge of this Department.
he feels the need of a New Sack Suit.
There are many little points of difference that dis-
tinguish this year's style from the one in vogue last
It is by comparing the 20th century Brand of
Men's Fine 'Tailored Garments with the ordinary kind of
Ready-to-wear Clothing that you see just how much these
little points of difelence" mean. If you aim to be well
dressed they mean much to you
If you realize their importance you will be quick to
appreciate the new Sinule-breasted Suits we are offering
this Spring at from $10 to $20
We also have acomplete line of New Spring Hats
and Shirts just opened
E C. Dun ford 4:fc Soap
C.J"" Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers,