The Brussels Post, 1906-3-29, Page 5e. ........._,.....,.........,....._. WiNGH.4M BUSINESS COLLEGTE is a Higb.grade Oommoralal 6obaol. Three Courses' t Co noioralul Stenography Telegraphy Write tlEO. M1'OTTON,-Principal. 41.04.AMSIWOMMila* 4.0.0•011,..1 2 SPRING TERM it E OPENS APRIL 2 n ELLIOTT j �J1 TORONTO, ONT. This School stands to -day before the publics with a olouo-ant ,record for Work done and success achieved, It has surpassed all previous records In attendance, placing graduates iu p0sl- Cone and doing good work, It titer ! now and be ready to accept a good v position in the Fall. College open en- tire year. Our circulars are frau. spry,, W. 3. EL,.IUT'T, Priaoipal. `r eon Yo000 AND .1La1ANDEn CTs, MEDICAL CARDS. R. B. A. BURNS- Isuene9aer to fir. J. A. McNnui;hton Brussels, unfold° Graduate at Polyclinic Post Graduate Sohoo! of Medicine sad nursery, New York Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ootario. Mice and resiuopou same as formerly oe- copied by Dr. MaNaughtoo. Diseake0 of womou u specialty. 'Phone No. 20. BUSINESS GAItOS. '% lis MOUE AUICLt'N- V V' • limier of Marriage Licensee. 01 Rut at 1,rouery, Turnberry ttret, Brussels. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MA1tii1AGE LICENSES 011100 In the Post OIIIec, Ethel. 30.4 C. O. F. court Priuoese Alexaadrla, No.24, 0. 0. 1'., B ru80elt, meets in tueir odgu itoom, B las- hill 13r00u, ea cue that and Inst Tuesdays of eacu mouth, at8 o'clock. Visiting 11,0111000 always wel0ome. Jai S. r3UlttIl.Bd, 0.10. MIbL01011, 00, B. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. 1NODRANO1, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. 1.0 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • 14010, will sell for bettor prions, to better men, In less timu and leve obarges than any ether Auctioneer In East Boron or he won't charge anything. Dates and onion Dau always be arranged at thle o1Boe or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLIIEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged tan at the aloe of Tan Pon, Brussels. MI VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM- kit • Honor aladuate ul the Ontario Vet- er1ary College, 10 prepared to treat all dis- eases Of domesticated animals in a 00mpet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milo e'ever Calle promptly atceuded to. Uthae and-ivarmary -Pour doors North of bridge, 'Purnberry at., Bruasol0. - LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD- • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. 8000ome00 to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro. politan'Baak. WM. SINCLAIR- • Barrister, Sull,1001, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. Uffloe-Stewart's Stook 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. pktOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BAR1tISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIU, ETO, W. PROvn0OOT, !i, O.BLAm. R, 0, HAYS G. P. Olflcel-Those formerly occupied by Masers Gamma & H011, 6001016100, Omrem0. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D. Eirmrser Graduate of the Buyul College of Dental M111000110 of (Ward, . and Fi1'et•eiaee Hutto, Graduate of Toronto University, OLUee neat to Brewer''a Puotograpb- u -abort,' bltekbEL8. - Brewer's i'irt Studio 41.04/ Headquarters for First-class Photographs. Life Size Portraits, Crayons and Watercolors finished in A 1 etyle. Family Groups a specialty. Call and see samples. H. R. BREWER ii)istrict lja3sh. o-,.odtorte tt. GODERIon'o NEW Ounecu:-The opening of the sew North street Methodist Church woo honored by the presence of Dr, Carman, General Superintendent of the Methodtot Church, and Rev. Joseph Philp, B. D., President of the Louden Conference. SorOIOee were held morn• mg, afternoon and evening, and were at. tended by numbers of Iriende from oat• side the town. Victoria Btroet ahnroll was °lowed for the 000aeto0, and the eveuiog aervioe 10 Enox obaroh was with drawn. Mr. Philp eddn-seed afternoon, eervioa. Dr. Cermon was iu the dedi uat0ry eervt0e0thfoughout, and preacher in the morutug. The new ohurah hue been iu the Onureeof erectiou for et year and ooet $19,000, g Spring aa --Term ��yyOpens April 2 B ULE4HtL STRATFORDO ONT.' ai0tt.10t•fh. THE Lava ANDREW YOUNG -Andrew Young, 0110 of Bealur,h'e °meet and moot prominent buomeoo men died very eco dimly Thursday night of last week Aithungh be bad not bean in the best of health for the past week, he wee able to attend to bneinee• every day. Thursday white sitting at ,roakh,at he was taken with a seven. pain in the region of the heart. Nothing eerione was antaipated, but' he went lin Oen, and that sigh;, shortly after 11, n. complained of a 0evere pain in hie heart find died al0OBt immediately. Decease,. was a native of Bleuuelm, Oxford Goon ty, and bed been in buswees to Seaforth for over thirty years. He wad 69 year of lige. He Woe for several yearn a mem ner of the pubtlo Bailout board, took e deep interest to public affairs, was a prominent Liberal, was Vioe Preo,de,o of the Bell Engine & Tbreoher Compauy a Presbyterian in re1igiou, and a mem ner of the manogiog board of First Preebyterian Church for over 1000013 yeare. Et. leaves 8 wife Rud Hirer daughters, .TO STOP A CRYING (BART. Babies pry because they are siok. 1 may be a pain in the etomaoh, colla, 0 0rampe,-but to auy often a few drops al Nervdme soothes away the dietreee an" snows the baby to ;deep penoe(uny. Where there are yan0g Obtlaren thee- ehould 11100 be Nerviliue. It 08rea at the minor ailments j00t as promptly lir .hn doater-and not e0 eapenetve. Fut nearly fifty yeare Poleun'B Nerviliue ha, been the great 110ueehold remedy to Uauada, Sold everywhere it, 25o bootleg. WO011, uta you eaate11 yodt'00(1 in • lh'e'orutuary walks or life Wueu 3001 1'9 mu; better your 0,110,on by taking a 00copied iu 01110 School? Wo stye a�y taorougn, Praotinal Minea0iou.aud es- . Mat ourgraduatum to no ni positions.lt Uommouee your course now. Write ddd fff for parh0alurs. ELLIOTT & MOt,AOBLAN, Prinulpale, rr lil1 s�alawGdfdif f it stV•;Y A.00 W 0041. Mies Maggio Tindall, of Toronto, it, the 10080 of the Mlseee Mina and Mary Grah,m, 8th OM. West. I'he Ekardt faculty 01 bell.ringers ap- peared in the Methodist church miner the supine of one Ladies' Aid 800181). Mr, John Diakeon, Soh con. West t not improving m .health lie rapidly lie tier (sonde would like to Bee her do eo. She has had a crying tome of it. Rev. Dr. Louglord, of ()moral Church, Stratford, chairman of the Sorattoro district, occupied the pulpit of the 1 Sabbath evening ounroh sat B10bba Robt. Riohmond has been engaged to sell the stuck of oho new Enna Tem peranoe Hotel Go. The Co. ie capital 'zed at $40,000 in shares of ten dollarr eeoh, Mr. Richmond is meeting with good e0codragemeut 'thus tar and it's hoped that the amount of stook win 13000 be eubeeribed. The death took' plane in Atwood ou 1aturday 17th inst., of John Crenate', t the remarkable age of 91 yeare. Mr. Cranston had not been id for auy ieugth of time, though hie sight and bearing hadbeen failing for year, He wag of very active disposition and was well informed, being a great reader before hie eogbt began to fail him. The funeral took plane on Monday to Douega 0emotery. k;< ,'Y7^, i jggV ,r,#?,'r44xi1'flVy''. Booed of'1'rade dealing with all matteto that are of general hitoreet to the town and the ratepayers, • W rile: haiku. Mee. Alex. Ritchie, formerly of Wing Liam, left for Winnipeg, where he bae a good 0(000)(010 Juba rryfogle, of town has purohaerd the desirable property ou Minute etiet, owned and oeoupled' by Geo. 0. Hanna. Wm. Nmbolbon wee m Guelph last week atteudteg the annual meeting of the Grand Camp of the Woodmen of the World. Mr. Orr, of the Hotel Brnnewiak, plucked one et the rope oranges on the orange tree growing in hie dining -room and handed it to the Advance. J. B. Forgotten, Town .Oterk, wee able to be at hie office for the drat elute on Mobday of hist week Elle many (fluids are ple18ed to Hee bio able to be around again. The old station building et the G. T, R. le taken down. G. G. Venttone has had the materiel moved to hie lot on the. oorner of Patrickmid1Prandie streets and win use it in 0r801111g a dw0111115 during the corning Summer, - fine Woos l0'0 Mieaionary Society in oonneetiou with the Methodist church will oe ebrate its 'Silver Anniverwary" on the evening of Tburedey, March 29.1 (n the ,eoture room of the ohurah Each member who hoe earned a doper sti delebration of oke twenty'd(th birthday of the catmety, will -tell how it watt earned. Ata epeaial meeting of the Wingham brawls of the Retail Meoebante' Aesooin. tion it was decided to admit as members all ratepayersof the town who' may wfah 00j ln1 with the Ateoolatien, What) et they be retail Metabolite or hot. The I munition of the Aoeooiatioh it; t8 80t as a 1i043t,Nttif, J. 0. Stoneman arrived home Irons his trip to Peterborp' and other pointe Eliot, The Heenan Fooudry and machine ;hop will be offered for male on the Sod of April. Miee Harris hoe reterned to town and resumedher p0ei0iou to milliner at J. Welomiller'o. Jamas Beverley it moving his honeo. hold effeole to Exeter where be has rent. ed a residence, Another baeineoo change bee taken place in our town Bawdeu & Sone having diopoeed of their busineoe to Boyle & Wilton), of Exeter. r e v. ADDRE6e AND P1BBENrATION,-Friday evening, 9th Inst., about 76 or 80 people assembled at the borne of Mr, and Mrs. Pickerel to say Guod•bye to Mr, Pickerel and his eon who were leaving for the West in a few days. Atter ependibg a couple of boors or so in eooial chat a suitable program WAN rendered copulating of vocal and iuetromental much), epeoob ee and reoitatione. II. Rlohmoud o010 - pied the chair in bie usual happy and witty manner. A very 0uestantial luuob wan served to which ample joetiae was done. The following addreee was read and easy ohairo and a puree of gold pre, vented. -DEAR FRIENDS 'Through the events of ohanglel time, we are brought to an epoch in our lives when we are called upon in the form of a farewell to yive a tang1ble expreesiou of oar fealiug0 towards you. For years the moat of 010 have bean closely aesooiated with you in Nie many relations of lite, in bueioeee, in the 0001x1 oirale and eepecially Eu ,lhuroh work. Ii ie through the lost that we feel one stronger throb of our neart'0 affection and attachment to yen to what to commonly dished the golden wham of (riendahipe. It is in this' Mee turf] W0 expect to mise you most in the aseernbly of the church aervioe, in the Sabbath School, League aervioe ono Prayer meetings ; from any and all of t b'oe marmots you will be greatly mowed We Dau say from our hearts, we 008001el) regret year removal from amongst or anti we know that to leave nu means to you the breokfug up ,f aesomettion0 that bind our hearts n, 'lhrieti1n love and fellowship. Through he ups and downs of our chards tie, 00 whioh our beloved Zion has been 'object, we have ever found you true, -tett always ready and willing to help in '.ery good work, so that in your removal from oar midst we are Osmg what we may truthfal,y 8140(0 Eu the language of Ile Good Book "polars io the house of our God." Aud now to materialize our ood will and friendehip toward you we take the liberty to preee0t to you hese easy chairs and puree of gold as a -,light token ot,obe reepeot andeateem in .vh'oh you are held by your many friends and web wisher. in thin neighborhood. And while you sit in those chairs to rest, a; you travel 00,e journey of 11fe may you hook of that rest above prepared for the peep a of God, and may heaven's Ames: tesei150 deoend upon you and you, family and at, that make their borne be oath your roof. May the eveutug of von, life be long end pleae,.00 III the future home to whioh you journey alio our prayer .hall ever be, that when for 'tome of life with you ere hashed io the ,ileacs of the tomb, yon may be Nunn with HMI who Say) "Well done." Signed on behalf of the friende am, members of Union church. MRs. D. MAOHAN Mae. IRA Tenon WM. PEET. rhougb the hoot and bootees were taken ,cots etely by eurpriee, atter reoe'vine the beautiful presents Mr. Piokerel to a very fe01105 r.p,y, expr Beed his eppreoia ,00u of the honor done ham and Mre Pickerel. May good wiohee were epoken by both the recipients and the donors. Limits) wtut. Roy McLennan has opened up a barber shop in the Grand Central. F. Howes has purchased the hardware business of Zuliax & Sarvie. Wm. BradleyWae in Toronto attend- ing the annuameeting of the Grand Lodge of the A 0. U. W., as repreeenoa five of Liotowel lodge. Teddy Ryan of town had the mishit, tune to have two of hie fiugere taken off at the Bret joint on Monday by the eiranlar saw et John Keeeo's mill. While going to church Mre. J. R. El chards slipped on the ice end fractured one of the lionised her ankle. The in• jory has proven a very painful one. On Sunday afternoon 18th inst. Mise MutildC Chamney went down cellar to look after the furnace, and finding it low lie0 Chamney resorted 'to the oral oil can. When the oil came in context with the hot ottani the fire gushed opt into her 'poet Catching the sleeve of bet waist and burning her arm very severely. She we.; u e0 very badly burped around the face, Jobs O'Grady, of the town line Earn, met wpb au incident while driving by which hie Dollar bone was broken, He is able to be about with hie arm in a sling. The Hoepital Committee composed of the hiding of the town, report that the tent haw arrived, and le now stored in the 'lbws. Hall, It to the intention of the committee to have a cornett in the Town Hall on April Glob to rales money to pay for the above furitehioge, Before soiling for Europe, Sir Thema° Bbaagh0eeey, Proeident of the 0, P, R. gave out a Montreal statement Of the 00001800110n work on hand by hie Dom pany. Tiia year therm will be 8671.2 miles under oonetraotion in all parte of Canada. In acnneobion with the Guelph and Goderioh line, i0 is announced Ihat the ootnpany intend to oonetruat a num. bar of branch fires in the different oouutioe, the most of which would be one to Stratford and Listowel, The oompaoy intends making a Summer resort of Goderioh by giving a new feet aervioe to and from Goderioh. Another report of the preeideut'e remark, nye Om these branoheo to Stratford and Listowel are "in contemplation." Un. official reports from other quarters in- choate, however, that the 0. P. R. fully intend to build to Lietowel next Summer. The Listowel deputation composed of Mayor Watson and H. B. Morpby, J. W, Scott, J. H. Gunther, J. N. Hay and A. it, George Hawkins, went to Toronto on rneeday afternoon of Ise► week and or, Wednesday morning had an interview with the Hun. Dr. Pyne, Minister of Edooation, iu reference to having one of ohs proposed new Normal Schoen; erected at Liotowel. The deputation woe intro. doped by James Torrance, M. P. P. for Nortn Perth, who had arranged the in erview. L'etowel'e case was presented by Mr. Morpby, who read the document which had been previously prepared, setting forth the town's claims and which .vee a0oompanied by a blue print, pre. pared by Architect Binning, ehowing he geographical position Listowel 000n pies in the very centre of the aix mummies of Perth, Wellington, Waterloo, Huron Bruce and Grey. IS TOUR CATARRH ANY BETTER 't Probably getting worse all the time. Why not give up that oiIMB and atop Mooing your stomach ? The one ewe treatment ie "Catarrbozone," erre to cure because it Bose where the disease really ie. Certain to cure in your in ease beoanBe it baa restored tens of thousands worse than you are. Catarrh ozone is a thorough euro because it de. tarot's the oa0ees au well as the effects of the disease. Relief is prompt, erre is gm00 with this powerful remedy which ie guaranteed to cure Catarrh in any part of the rose, throat, bronchial tubae or targe. Perth County. The Horee Shoe Quarry Om, St. cage, hoe cloeed a cornrow with the mty of Port Huron, Mich., so deliver 900 °orloede of Crushed stone. Should the new County Counoile boll, ee proposed by Hoo. Nelson Monteith, pass, there will be an increase of three members in Ole aonnoil for Perth County. Sneak ehievea elm e a )amber of articles from a olothee line on the premises of Mao Oliver, 8t. Marys about 9 u'oleek on Monday evening of est week. A pulley in Carter's mill St. Marys norms, a portion of it etrikiug Oliver Stevenson, the head miller, below ;be knee and inflicting a severe gaeb. Several etiohee were required. - In Ole Dominion estimates brought down in the Howe of Commons there appeared the item "Bt. Marge public outidiog $10,000." Bt. Marys bae now figured for 8 yeare in the eetimatee. 1t may, therefore, be inferred that we are actually going to have a new poet office. A number of neighbors palled at the residence of Peter Whaling Ellice, and preeented him and hie' wife, and grand. 0111, with obaire and addreefl, Mr and Mrs. Wheoling ereWhaling leaving g for Strafford and hie friende took this opportunity o Stratford, expressing their feelings of friendehip. The addreee was read by Robert Scott. For some months a daughter of Wm. Rieman, West Ward, Mitchell, has not been in good health, and imagined that there was something alive in ber etomaoh. At timee she could feel it nrawltog uphof throat and would have to take food to send it back. 3130 een• Ration was, anything but pleaeant, but relief came one day lately, when file young lady was vieiting in the country and drinking a glass of oream which did not agree with her, took a fit of coughing and top came a milk snake measuring 14 ljernovd-! To New Premises - 1111111111111 Downing Bros. Have Moved their Fine Stock of Boots and Shoes to larger premises in the HOLMES BLOCK Next to Gerry's Hardware Where they will be pleased to receive the continued Favors of the Public. A Choice stock of the very Latest avid Beat Goods. Repairing Attended to Promptly. CaII and See our New Store S'RUSSELS NEW DAYLIGHT STORE G. N. McLaren Here are a Few Specials in Pants We have been fortunate enough to get Five Lines of Pants away below Regular Values. THIS IS THE STORY Lot 1 Men's Pants at 1.00 -2 dozen Men's All Wool Dark Oxford Grey, Homespun Pants, well made and well trimmed, all sizes from 32 to 42, waist measure, at per pair...,..... 1.00 Lot 2 Men's Pants at 1.25 -11 dozen Men's Extra Heavy All Wool Dark Oxford Grey Homespun Pants, well macle and well trimmed, all sizes from 82 to 42, waist measure, at per 1.25 pair Lot 3 Men's Tweed Pants 1.75 -5 doz. Men's Pants in Extra Good Qual- ity of Fancy Tweed, neat Patterns, well made with side and hip pockets, good quality trimming and perfect fitting, all sizes from 81 to 40, waist measure, regular 1. 75 values 2.25 and 2.50, at per pair v Lot tl Boys' Knicker Pants 35c -5 dozen Boys' Knicker Pants in Serges, Plain, Cheek and Striped Tweeds, lined throughout and well made, for boys Q,F from 4 to 10 years of age, at per pr. • Lot 5 Boys' Knicker Pants 115c -5 dozen Boys' Knicker Pants in Sergei, Plain, Check and Striped Tweeds, lined throughout and well made, for boys ,4 from 11 to 15 years of age, per pr. New Hats and Furnishings for Men and Boys -Call and see the New Hats, Ties, Shirts, Collars, Underclothing --A complete assort- ment of Furnishings for Men and Boys. Everything New We will be Pleased to Show you our Stock of Boots and Shoes AND QUOTE PRICES WE ALWAYS PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Money Refunded for anything not Perfectly Satisfactory G. N. McLaren NEXT DOOR TO AMERICAN HOUSE nohee in length, and still alive. Judg- eg from the size JP the reptile, it must have been in the vi0tim'e etomaoh about ova yeare, and no doubt was swallowed while drinking from a pool of water. Awarding to representations which have been made to William Weir, St. Marys, bae a splendid ohenoe stilt of securing the Oauadlan Flax Cordage Co. At a meeting of the executive of the Western Ontario Weather Insurance Company held at Stratford ineurauoe for the. first month's operations to the amount of 6100,000 was put through. Only one loee hail been epetained, that of Tbomae Armstrong, of Avonton, on a windmill, $15 00. The other day Wm. Johneton, River Road, Blowhard, received aletterenoloe- ed which read :-"I Mole a turkey from you yeare ago when yon lived on the town line and feel that I ebould make restitution;' The letter was uneigned and undated. Mr. Johnston hag no idea who gent it and be bae long since forgot- ten ot- ten all about the IDet turkey. It moat he say@ have been taken 15 yeare ago. Three yeare ago the Woodham L. 0. L. bought's big flag from a Toronto firm. They paid 657 for the flag. Oa the very first common it woe need the flag ripped badly. It war sent back to Toronto for repair, and the very next year it went wrong again. The Lodge sent it brook again and entered an action against the Toronto firm for the prow paid. The Daae was first tried at St. Marye and then taken to Toronto for adjuetmeot. Monday the suit oame lip and Meeere. M. Brethonr, Sawyer, Creighton and Ballantyne, of Woodbam, were on hand to give evidence. The wee went against the lodge, but the Toronto House mast repair the flag and pay the 00818 of the snit. Your "Fagged" Feeling is Spring Sickness This Unhealthy Weather Will Intense Ify Isior Exhaustion Haden Von Have (rood Medicine. Time won't help ; matters grow worse instead of better it your eye. tem isn't rid of its poieonope burden. Your blood ie oot' only thin, but ie oontamivated with a whole Winter'e accumulation of wastes. A stimulating blood Looks is re. gnired. What's it going to be 7 Not bitters or aleoholio dope, but concentratedware in the form of "Ferrozone" which is known as the beet of ell Spring rejuvenators. It mime keen appetite. Prodnoee prodigieue digestion. Converse food into 0onriatlment. Gives richness and vitality to the blood, Makes strong nerved and hardy muscles. Vern zone p80800Bee power that oao'1 be doubted, It Will do for you whet it did for Walter Wood, of Beaufort Car Co., N B., who writes i1I can gay that Ferrozone bae given mea new lease of lite. A year ago 1 suffered much from nervone weak. nese. I 80100 really eoaroely able to drag myself around, My appetite 110108 gone, I had no color or anagram and telt generally need up. The Bret box of Ferrozone started me bark to health. I took a number of boxee, but it was worth while as my health was completely restored." Get back to health with Ferrozone. Your druggist Belle it, 500.. per box or boxee for $2 50. By mail from N. 0. Potion & Co., Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., and Kingston,' Ont. A well attended meeting was held in the Queen's Hotel, Listowel, last Friday night for the purpose of reorganizing the football club. It wag deoided to enter Ile intermediate eeriee of the W. F A. and also tne junior eeriee, and endeavor to hold the cup now bald by them. The oHaere eleoted :-Hon. President, Mayor Wateon ; preeident, Geo. Bray, B. A. ; vice president, J. M. Campbell ; moo. agere, A. Bamford and Ed. Stuart ; eooretory-treasurer, J. J. Montgomery captains, W. Ramsay and B. Bamford ; executive committee, G. Bray, A. Barn.. Ed. Stuart, Ramsay and J J. turd E . B y Montgomery - delegates to Berlin, A. Bamford end Ed. Stuart. The Corinthian Association Football Club of London, Eng., will visit Canada daring the owning season. The time of their arrival bae not been definitely settled, but it ie expected that the itiner. Cry of the club will include Quebec, Mont. real, Ottawa, Hamilton, Berlin, Toronto, Galt, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Bran. Ann. Some game will also be played in United Staten, at Chicago, St. Louie, Pittsburg and New York, with possibly a game at Detroit, The expe0008 of the trip have been guaranteed by Sir George Armstrong, the proprietor of Tbe London People. The team will be captained by Mr, Wreford•Brown, the famous centre half.baok. Toronto Rag and Metal Co'y PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &c , Sts Highest Prices for All H. ROSEN K. LABEL. Mill st. West, Brussels SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. Good Goods at Right Prices Are, no doubt, a source of interest to you. We have received some of our new Spring and Summer Goods and there are more to come. New Prints New Shirtings New Cottonadea New Underwear New Hosiery New Shoes These goods have the stamp of Quality and as our expenses are light and we have bought our Cotton Goode and Shoes before the advance in Cotton and Leather, we are in a position to give you the benefit by low. Give us a call -we can interest you and save you money. Best Manitoba Flour for Sale. taniighest Market Price for Produce of all kinds. M/VMnn% MacDonald Brosa JAMEST OWN