HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-3-29, Page 4esetteeeetiataareasseasesseCestescaseseetaceetietise 2txaate irs vawAAxnw>v 1 •Ai raraotl,.'.'--'...,.
tl, yty r r$St M , 9,0b,t, hovel oityvathe ro by bereaved W rni
tJ l(1 C q and fatuity the Presbyter Q Oheiatian
sympathy, and basseobiug God that
THURSDAF, MAR. 29, 1906. of the gospel. The motion Wee adapted,
and the clerk was instructed to transmit
the same ou Moe. Warden, It was agreed
that the n•ftt regular meeting take
p Roe in Kumardiue on the third Toes
iu May, at 2. p. M. ANDREW MAONA9,
Ozark of Presbytery.
Walton, Out.
t ey,
may riohly enjoy the ooneolatleae
Morris Council Meeting.
MoanIs caveat, The Connell mel
aowrding to adjourumeut in the Comma.
Doom, on Monday Morph 12th. Mem.
bare fill present the Reeve in the awn
Psthmaotere were appointed at followe :•-
North Boundary W. J. Jleudereou, P.
Fowler, Jno. McCracken, Geo. MuDons
Wm. Robertson, N. Tttorutou, Jee.
Meeier and P. Mott .It, let flue, D. W.
Campbell, Jno. Some, Campbell, A. Ca p p , A
910E wan, R. J. Meihere, Geo. Johnston,
and R. Miller. 2nd. line, %1 i . Fnu+,atte
Jno. Ooeemore, Juo, Prides, L. Jewish,
J, Sellars, D, Agar, E. Pea•e, W. Forret,.
Chas. Forrest, and L. Batsmen., 31.1.
line, - A. Brydges, Geo, Hnuutth, U-
Garneee, W. H. Huta, Jae. Thyue, W J.
South, W. Farrow and R. Mitebell, 4.01
R. Anderson, W. 0 Proctor, R. Pruett'
Jae. Nwholeou, C. Wbeeler, J B. lid.
ney, Jno. Sherrie, Jas. Shut rue, and A
Crooke. 5th liue, G. W. Proctor, A
Oloakey, 8. Jordau, J. N. Marin, J.
MoArter, E. Niobol, D. Sommorvi'te,
Jae. Davie, D. Jordao,aed Jno. Grainger
6th line, E. Ward, Jas, Keuy, Jno. Agee,
Wm. Michie, P. McNabb, J, P. Belly,
R. Smith, Juo. Douglae, and Wm, Thum,.
711 line, R, Vint, Jno, Phelan, Juu.
Graig, Wm. Oanuingbam, W. J. Keay,
A. Howlett, P. McCall, D. MuDuttalo
and F. Smith. etb, H. Fear, J. Rich
mond, A. Laidlaw, J. McCall, Trate
Btelby, J. MaUaaghey, Wm. Skelton, G.
McCallum, H. Jackson, Geo. Moe..
and J. Ardell. 9th line, W tit. Logau, R,
Richm Ta for Tboe. Coulter,
onil 0. 9
Jno. Bhartreed, D, Laidlaw, A. Sholdme,
Joe. Shortreed, and Juo., Lamb. South,
Boundary, Geo. Grigg. Weet Buuudery
Jae, Galley, Thoe. Fromm,
Thee. Goeman, and J. Canting,
Belgrave, Wm. Wray. E. Boundary,
A. Bryane, A, MaLeachliu, Jae. Spear
and Jae. Bolger, Walton, T. Waghuru.
Acconnta were ordered to be peed ae
followe :—R. Vanatone, Morrie abare of
appeal costa re Farrand drainage suit
8297.80 ; Jae. Uaeemore, (Deng an Weet
Boundary $10.00 ; Enos and Game e
repairing and fllliug pier $800; Beau
Bros. drawiug and pulsing in t,1e 84 50.
By-laws No 2 and 3 were duly read and
passed. The (toenail then aajoarned to
meet on the 28th day of May for
court of Revision and other bneiueee.
W.OLAax, Clerk.
Presbytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
Wingham an March 6111, with the Rev.
L. Perrin, Moderator, in the chair. As
Statistical reports had not been received
from all the congregations, it was agreed
that the report of the Statistoal Com
mietee be received at the next regular
meeting, and that capital of it be printed
for dietribotion among the families ut
the congregations within the bounds.
The reports of the Treasurer sed An•
ditore, were reoeived and adopted, and
showed the Preebytery and Synod Fonda
to be in a very eatiefactory oonditiou,
there being a total baleen in both
fnnde at the end of Deoember met
of two hundred and two dollars and
eighty five cents (3202,85) Messrs.
Perrin, Hestia, and tlaoNab were eta
pointed a oommittee to melee standing
orders, and to report at next regular
meeting. Dr. Murray and Andrew
Turnbull were appointed members of
the Synods Oommettee on Bide and
Overtures, with Inspector Ohisuolm end
alternate to the latter in the event of
hie being aoable to attend. Dr. J. L.
Murray, C. M Danu, F, A. MacLennan,
and A. MaoNab, ministers, and Jonathan
Moore, Ned Robert Braden elders were
appointed Oommiseionere to the General
Assembly. The Clerk was empowered
to add the names of two Eiders nom-
inated by the session of Melville Church,
Brneeele, and the joint sesames of
Cranbrook and Ethel reepeotively, when
he should reactive intimation of each
nominations. It wee agreed that t
Summer School be held en Luokuow,
in the month of Jane, and that the 8 8
Oommietee be authorized to make ar•
raogemente for the game. It was moved
by Mr. MaKerroll, seconded by Mr. Bur
nett, and carried that in future the
Presbytery's Miuutee be printed for the
nee of all members ; and on
motion of De. Murray, seconded
J. Smith, it wee agreed that a onpy be
provided for eaoh Elder in the Presby•
tory. Mr. Tait was appoiutea to
move, and Mr. Craw to emend the
reoeption of the report of the Presby
terial W. F. M. S. at their meeting iu
May. Mr. MaaNab reported for the
committee appointed to exemiue the
revised Psalter and expreeaed general
approval of the same, within the belief
that the first Psalm, and game others,
are better in the old metrical form titan
iu the new and recommended that with
some desirable ohaoges the Rsvieed
Psalter be inolnded in the Book of
Praise when expedient. Ou Motion of
Meeere, and Miller the report wee re
calved and adopted. The Clerk repor ed
having granted a certificate of loll ate
tion 10 Revs. S. M. Whaley, and A. U.
Stewart, and that be had gent to J. P.
MaInnee a oopy of a Minute bearing
on the grenbitg of a oertifoate to him
by the late Clerk in 1901. The action
of the Clerk was approved. Mr. Mo
Herron rendered the Report on 8ttbbatll
Schools. and expreeeed the hone that
those reeponeible for filling the 8. S.
reports sent to the P,eebytery'e S. 8.
Convener might in future exeroiee more
oare in doing Bo, ae talent, reports WO
Mined marked inooneietenoee. He
moved the reoepaion of the report, and
that its reaommendatione be considered,
After ooneideration of he reoommendan
tiane the report was adopted. Mr.
Dann reported vigorously on Church
Life and Work. Hie report was re
craved, and after ooneideretion of ite
reaommendetione was adopted. Mr.
Hestia reported on Young People's
800ietiee, elating that daring the year
the 800ietiee in the Preabyteriee had coo•
arihuted for all purpo800 $1050.00, of
whiob $349 00 were for Home Missions,
and $124.00 for Foreign Missions
The report wee received and adopted.
On behalf of the Oommittee appointed
• at a previ0he meeting Dr. Murray
presented a motion expressing appree•
Ration of the 6ervivee rendered the
church by
the late Dr, H. 11. Wooden
in the varioile offices held by barn dor
ing nearly forty yearn ; recognition of
She loos the (thereat Buffers in his re.
Presentation and Address.
The De'oraine (Man,) Times refers
to a preeentatiou made to a hrother of
'Mire, (Dr.) Graham, Bruaeele, ae followe :
Ou Monday evouiog, Maroh 1211),
et the home of John and Mre. .v right,
•. +umbar oftheir friends and neighbore
time to bid tbem farewell end 10 preeenr
hem with ought remembreuue0,
Jae. Putter woe appointed chair.
I the 081011 and he explained
loan to tU o0o a p
•u the hoot and bootees the reason for
the gathering, saying is was the pre
vailing feeling among these preeenr at
he dance given one week before, that
hey coed not let Jaok and Mee
Wright leave the dietriot without pre
se.utiug them with some remembrance.
After speaklog highly of both Mr. and
ylre Wright he oalled upon 00 tee
Hallen to read the following addreee
To duo. and airs Wright,
Deloraine, Man.
We year friends and anquatutaoo-e
.oho have enj eyed your boept'ality and
friendship and eagoalutence for a great
number of yearn, and have shared with
000 the hardships incident to the early
anttInce In thie (Leiria, •earn with deep
regret that you ere bathit leaving this
woallty, and leaving behind you many
.f your old time friends and ueighbore.
Before leavtug, however, we wont,.
leeire to expreee to you in a vete
nambte manner, a alight appreciation
o f the many kind remembrances aha
sekeni of good fellowehip eujoyed
daring your 00)0010 among aa, a130
e e would ask you to accept, from tie,
In the kindly spirit ut wbioh it is given
there tokens by whiob you may in e
e tght camerae keep tee in remembrance.
We wish yon welt in your new honer,
and treat that you may be long spared
to enjoy health, pr'operity and wealth.
Sigued on behest of your friends aro
dei, bbors of Luther end Tbirletene
Geo. Benz,
Jae PUTrae,
Wm. Main, promoted Mr. Wright
with a handsome Morris Chair, while
Mrs. Adam Smith presented Mre
Wright with a silver tea service of
four pieces and one dozen silver tea
!einem and forks. Tbongh botb Mr.
Wright and hie wife were taken by
surprise, Mr. Wright roes to the 000aelon
Ater partaking of an oyster supper
and having a dense, ibe friends Irl
for their reepeotive home°, Melting
"Auld Lang Syne" before departing.
On Friday, Maroh 9th, the Luther
ahi dreu at a concert and social at the
aohool boaee preeeuted Gladys,
Lillian, Jack and Otarenoe Wright
with a few gifts ae rem•mbrano.es for
them, ae they leave shortly for Win
mpg with their patenle. The oon
oert occupied the former part of the
afternoon, at the Mose of wbioh the
presentation took place. Mina Ella
Smith end Master Roy Weidenhamer
mode the presentation while Earueet
Andrews read the following addreee
To Gladys, lather), Jaak sod Clarence
Wright,—We, the pupile of the Lueber
eabool, wish to expreee our feelibee of
regre and sorrow whiob we have at your
saying, in doing eo we deeire to present
to you them gifts which are alight renew
braoeeeof the love we hear for you all.
Needape to say you will be missed In m
among us both by the teacher and our
.elves, Dear departing eohoolmatee,
wit -n you go to your new home in the
city we wish y alt joy and happiness.
'!hough you are leaving oar o.igeborhood
we expeo. to see you to the near future,
and we mil all join in and give you a
hearty we.o me when you oome to vi it
among as Signed on behalf of the
papile ut Luther 0011001 in the vear 1906
MOMS 1001100
After Ibe boaial the eaheri ng broke up
eacb one declaring he or ehe had spent a
very pleasant afternoon. A number of
the parents and friends were present and
eta marl well pleased with what they bad
Food does you leo good. Y itt can't
digest—ooueequently you are afraid to
eat ; tongue ie coated, month taetee bad,
etomaob at bloated. Pretty goon you'll
be overoome by weakoeee and nerv.ne
Beet prescription for your condition
IW+d,.evo__ r-aro: e o:;.•z.aw.ts„ak..:a;iis+.,are
le Dr. /laminae's Pills of Mandrake and
Butternut. For dyep• pate end ludigee•
Ilou it ld doobtfal if a better remedy will
ever be devised. These pille briug new
strength and vitality to the etomeeh and
digeetivo organa ; they build up the
general health and instill such vim and
resisting power into the eyetem that
weakness le imposeib+e; try D.r. BamI tone
?limber of Horses Ilegh'oyed lnlElutn
and Others Under Quarantine.
A serious epidemlo of glaudere hoe
developed among E'me horses, original
Ing in a carload of brouohoe brought by
John Little from the Nem last Fall.
Treoee of the deemed disease allowed in
enme etablea title Winter, and the
1'o a veterin.
ms e r who 1
Governmentpoo ,
ary purge o, was ordered to make iuveeti.
gatiotte. Aa a result he ordered eighteen
t t be kept it,
11 tbe Mot and o are o
Mame o o h
quarantine until danger of infection wee
over. Six of the bargee destroyed belong.
ed to Mr Little, five to Mr. Gaynor, two
to Mr. Holmes and one to R. Walker.
Suepeoted animate are tented with an
hypodermm iu)eo lou, and if they show a
re aoblou with high temperature they are
oandemned. Tile owner hoe the right to
thirty nava respite, but in ogee the and
mai bag flashy to be deetroyed he does
not then get the two•thirde valve of the
horse which ie paid to ell whose berme
are killed at ouoe. The bodiee of the
condemned horse,,, some of them very
fine animals, were carefully and oom
pletely burned in a bonfire.
The official inspeotor returned ou
rueeday of am week and drove out l0'
to the nownehlp to melee a further invee
[i at n. To the Banner be said
Mat the
g 70
dinette wee not prevalent ID Ontario,
these m Elude being the only oaeee be
knew of in the province outside of some
in the lumber vamps in the Ottawa
valley. The dieeaee was reported to the
Domimou inspectors from British
Oommbia, and Hleo from Southern
Alberta, from which latter place came
the oar -load o1 horsed that brought iu
faction into Elam.
He said the theta for glaudere were
retable, and a boree that showed the
presence of the dieeaee under the tee'
0080 iboneh there were none of the out
weed symptoms to be found, wee Danger
Dae. beoauee snob a horse would infect
cohere, and not ehowiog the marks of the
(beeaee, people would not be un then
guard ageinet it.
re. two ooneiete of the injeotion of
outline, obtained from the baotereologioat
department at Ottawa, into the teak of
tate suspected animal. If the horde is
wand the [nj acing produces no effect,
but if there ie au increase of temperature
of three degrees above uormal within ter,
hours, with a ewelliog at point of injee
won, the dtaetee is present and is eure to
develop, as it ie Incurable.
The officiate think they have ibe out•
break nn Elms twin well ander control
and that there is not much danger of it
spreading. The matter ie mach too
seriane to trifle with, and the homeowners
of the towneh'p win consult their own in
Lereete by giving the officials every assist.
arae in their power. Every enspeated
case should be reported at once to the
local veterinary sod the animal isolated
until it can be dean, with. The disease
TUB; be stamped out at any coat, and It
is very furtauete that it is already eo
well in hand.
Word was received Wedneeday of Ian
week from the I...peatore that eix more
boreal, were condemned to be shut at
onoe, five of them belonging to Fr,.uk
Reath, a l the boreee be owned, and one
to Geo. Hilee.
There is tee yet no trade of the disease
In the sent on of the tnwtehip near Lteto•
wel or in the town. Every precaution le
being taken, however, to prevent any po.
eible spread, and it is proposed to at tome
dieiofeot all pnbtio ebede, etablea and
beeakemah Mope in town, eo that if there
nhou" be nue° t• h any 11 Isotton fu
them it will be effectually killed,—Lieto
wel Banner,
Luoknow Bowlers' reorganized lett
week and the following officers were
elected :—President, R R McLeod ; vies
president, Jame. Bryan ; eearetary,
R .bert Jbhuetou ; treasurer, J. G. Mur
dual ; managing committee, Ed, Law•
venae, J. McGarry, Thos. Merton, A.
McPherson and the President.
The simnel meeting of the Mitobe'l
Lawn Seeming Club was held Suet week.
The attendance was good and the Sacra
lary gave a gratifying account of the
matcher' played and the przee won by
the membere of the olab during the year.
The election of offioera moulted an fol.
lowe •,—Bon. Pres„ W. Thomson ;-pree
T. 8. Ford ; vioe-pree., W. R. Oole ;
secretary treasurer, B. A. Hodge ; oom
mittee, E. A. Dunbar and Dr. Burrill ;
skips, E. A. Dunbar, Dr. Burrilt, W
Emote, W. R (1018, W. B. Barley, 8. A
Hodge, W A Davidson, Dr Smith, Dr.
Owing to a change in business a Reduction Sale will be held for
the next 80 Days, during which time goods will
be sold for Cash at
Specially Reduced Prices
In Stock will be found Harvest Toole, Cross -cut Saws, Lamps, Car-
pet Sweepers, Silverware, Cutlery, Stock Foods, Bells,
Mitts, Lanterns, Whips, &c., &a.
ROPE—A quantity of Pure Manilla Rope, and inch, at Cost.
BINDER TWINE—One ton of Standard Manilla, 550 feet, at 12a. 500 tbs. of Pure
Manilla 650 feet, at 18a. Thte is much lees than Twine will be bought at
next season.
GRANITE WARE—Spools'Bargains in Dish Pane, Water Pails, Rioo Boilers,
Sauce Pane, Stove Puts, Tea Pete, &c., &o. A nice every -day Tea Pot at 25o.
Now is the time to supply your wants at Great Bargains
ra-All accounts are asked to be squared off at ouoe.
McKay & Co
.11;44 s b44
a..-:4444eaebebeartiar:lLer..rr040:44-1.146. rsumabbabeY,r .a., b44(biiaw: ra: n.+.>Fn+.r a,r tarmt.R. .r.•• a.: ,.-a. c e .;::y:st.,• .
€ re lar's
Oranges Lemons
The Home of Good Old
Cheese and 27c. Tea FooTT,
Spanish Onions
Dates Figs Fish
and Oysters
High Grade 5c. Cig,lrs
High Grade Chocolates
AUCTION SALES. i l'l1 aRe a ' orpo> ? •6 ffi . GGt 2
TUOx. fireLx01 t33rs Aa.—F. R. Seen,
nuollnn001.111 heed luetrunted by the tat.
doreleneel to sell by public multi •n at Lot 0,
Con. 6, Carey, on Friday, tToroh 00t11, at 1
n'elnuti, the following valtimble property,
viz.; -1 m.ro 12 00004 old eon nand In foal,
1 0' re 10yeirsold 0030001nrnai, 1mire
7 years ,dd annrin0080 10 foal, 1 111 ' 1343 g 2
\earn by Ouatumor 1 driving horse 7 vamn%
Old, 1 epee if anile rising 1 veer, 2 Ilawly
valved wine, 0 cows otlppoe"d t0 he in mall, 1
thoro' bred cow supposed in welt, 4 steers
11-120 2 Yearn, 0 holfelB rislue 2 years. 7
t alvei 01010g 1 year, 2 young calves, 3 brood
sows, 17 piva0 weeks 01.3. 4 Mee 0 months
o'd,1 tboro'.brod Horkeulre boar, 60 bene, 2
geese and s gander,1 pair of lurk -y., 1 wag.
oe, 1 1 ugcy 1 road cart, 1 ml k ,art, 1 cutter
neatly linty n lb polo an
1 eh
is 1 Russet'.
It. binder, 1 Muatewt' e 5 ft.
move 1 Mueeoy Hurr s cultivator, 1Noxon
seed dill', 1 a00dimo burrow, 1 Moder-
wick lO 11. hay
nIke, Wilkinson dew ue
anw, xLea e1, 1 set of hon hon row. 1
plow, 1 gang plow, 1 remit..g mill, 1
pet de; hie Larutes, 1 art single harurBli, 1
vet plow harueee, 1 tm•ubp pallier, 1.grind.
sets 1 wood ruck, 1 bha
ti1uux mesh m
ureter, qua) illy 01 knit, tha, 1 be I -
loot Butte,' 1 6010 and numerous, titer ar-
rlelea. Hale unreserved adprol rietor has
sold hie farm 'rer:un—All surae of 85 and
u ,der cash, over that. am. win 8 months'
credit will b4
o kwon ue tutu, bins approved
jmut cotes • psi taut off tar Cumb ou aro•
aft am0uwle ; grana, bay and fowl to be
i oast. JO i • PH SHAW, Proprietor; 9'. 8.
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the farming community
that they are now ready to do
till kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. All
't•ork will be promptly and care -
full) attended to.
Manitoba and Ontario Flour,
'Iran, Shorts, &c., always in stock
twirl sold at Market Prices.
ThueIl Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building
Horse Fairs
The Monthly Mores Fairs will be held in
Brussels for the seas n ae follows :—
THURSDAY MAR. 1st, 1900
APR. 5th, "
Leading 'metal old °inside
' Bnyere 10111 be Present
A'killean, J Dooeherty, T. 8 Ford and
F A. Campbell. W. R Cole wee 89.
pointed 8 delegate to attend the meeting
ut the Western Bowling A0eootatiou.
Femme beautlee pay uartioeler
attention to panty of their blood, know
ing that nutritious blood means et ft
delicate akin, bright eyee and enduring
'Arvee, Thoee whose looks are eo de
iehtful, nee Ferrozone bemuse it in the
exam food it. eded to tone and stimulate
'he blood. Ferrozone invigorates, braoee
feed -,—it melon those dainty v'vaciou.
w, men so pleaeent to meet. Yun'h have
the rosy bloom of health, dash and spirit
the eattefaatiou and joy of true heath
Hater u-ing Ferrozone. Yoe should get
Ferrozone to day. Sold ,everywhere in
50o. boxes,
Emmet Thareton, of 8tsyner, was
killed in a aohieiou a South River.
Sma'Ipox has broken out at. Seven
Leland° and the Dominion and Quebec
Government, are mending eappliea, phyei•
Mane and normae down by steamer.
A. Fraser Bryoe, of Toronto, a led
hirteen years of age, hag been awarded
he medal of the Royal Canadian
Humane Society for bravery.
Follow Theta and Heallly Happiness
and Prosperity Wall be Y.nrs
If one would be betlthy, Peppy and
proepernne, follow there four simple
rules (1) lo. p the bowels open teary
nay: (2) ()hew your food e.owly and
•horoughty. (8) Avoid indigeotible footle
(4) If there are any eymptone of etomeab
ronblee, take Mi•o•na before eaoh meal
until cured.
No metier bow many years you may
have euffsred with stemmed) tronblee nr
bow worried by eleepteeenees, nervone
.4088, lose of appetite, furred tongue,
peake before the eyes, beadanhee, in
digestion or other isle that are banned by
a weak-tomeoh, you ecu be oared by the
faithful use of Mi oma,
Take one.of the little tablets before
each meal with the fixed determination
to net the most bent$\ out of it.
Mt a ne is not a fanciful . xperiment, it
ecumenic nota auto all. It in a eolenc remedy
recommended but for one trentlle,—
wsaknese of the dlgeetive organa,
When Mi o na bas been used for a few
days, the dlge8tive eyetem will be eo
erectly improved that all the food eaten
'e converted into nutrition, eo \bat
nouriehment end health aro given to the
whole eyetem and there is a rapid Inoreaae
to weight, otteneth and spirit°.
If you't can obtain Mi oma of your
druggiat, 11 will be eent by mail, poet
paid,p of p rite
on receipt ride. a for
W 4
advise onour else tram a leadieg
stomach sp00 031st which will be Bent free
The R. T. Booth Company, solace, N. Y.
11 Bulla for sale, eligible for reglstra-
tion. Apply to JAS. 121116, Lot 80 000, 0,
Morrie Bruesele P.U. 28-tf
11 show Caaee for sole, numb 8 suet long,
t ruw,e and dun hlo ap-
c k 'toe A
b I
Illy t0 '1'HH Pun, Brussels.
Sale ou whiob i. large crick bowie,
taule, Milled 001 , oi0teru, fruit Hardee,
wa ,65 eaves ul tend on Job and Juaoe at.,
Brusse'o Terme roasueablo. App y to
(0E1 MoFADDBN ou promisee or F, S.
hUUl'i', ruoeele,
DMa010NMU nffnte the 100 corse, known
ae Ole ti. to U0lblak item, N D i L0620, thin.
3, Morrie, t res L. Ou the premises Ellam to
g-od hue a mud ban aud ether coiveu•
400000 Fbr tether p,rtl' Mare apply to
HA517/12 . ..AL2IOI(, N W i Let 23, f on. 8,
Morrie, or Jamootowu P, U. 83-t3^
3L Too- uw.eratgueu ' 11. r0 her 100 aura
farm, being Lot 20, Ubu 7 trey, fur sale or
to 1000. Lom,ortable boobs, bank barn,
mallard, wells, .to. Farm loamy i 01 a mile
from the hllr'104 0111 00 of 0luh.l For ,te-
ther purttoularo aptly to F. S. Soots, Bnua-
sels, ur .ultb. KATIO RULLAND, 7$ diluter
bt.eet, 'baccata• 57.1.o
uuoernigued uffnre his bonen mud lot,
situateu Mil street, brussels, ler 0010,
10 ie wolllueeted,a uuuveulonl cud oo,oh,r-
cabtn home Puedea,i,u eau be given 111
ouoe. Will also sell the vacant tut, Conner
or Milt and ails teeth streets, widen would
make a flue tui,dlug bite. Fur hatter par-
tieolarea to price, terms, &Im
u., ply to
FRED, ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford.
wmh• 00-4
LHeen. — rhe uuda•e,gued offers his 9U
uo,0 farm being Lot 16 and 16, amu. 1, Grey,
100 Rain un early terms. churn le u frame
Lou e, bank burn, swell oreeerd and a
pleudid supply of wet, r. Property in locat-
ed lit a flue ueighourh•,0d 15 not sold it
will "0 mesad is hultable tenant applies.
For 10, thee• partluularo enquire at .100
Pon, ,,mdeele, or write W: 11. KGBit.
eudersigJed otters t it sale uu acre 01
laud upon waioh tea oom!, rieble dwellug
hulled, btaule,t0ft trees, good,_ver•flueuug
well, .zit. P,operty is 1• anted 5 us a mile
hoist of LTau•.ro tk and u011ynanut to .011.01,
church, p .etuffiu,', d40. Pobeeoetun 08 any
tau, e. For pried, thrum, lku , apply uu tbo
promisee to 51, BAY .10100,
dao or Oraubrook P. U.
uudmnig.dnd uffere for sale hie cum•
potable dwelling aid 31 arae of laud ioutn
Or tiniestla Torre lb 0 good huge barn,
young owuard,ha., on tit. promisee. Poe -
5000)00 given lit apo/. Poe further patio -
mars ae to price, terms, ded., apply on the
premium to the prOorietur or to h', d. Scuts,
neuoeo,e, HAMU*L I1OUGAI1D.
A 80 -egg Chatham lneuuator and Brooder
for sale at a bargain, Iu good w 'ruing
elope. 04.11
both.; Lets 27 and 28,eon. 7, Gley,
1 wit., haat of Ethel. 65 three wowed ; ,8
acre., Fail vb. at; 6 Ehret bush ; 10 uo,na
vastare Is. d; ba1a0ue well beetled. le well
!aimed and watered. Ou premiere urn cum.
Iortaule dwelling house. bunk Lain 50x105,
hi no stable, driving abed, wiudmoli and
silo. Poseedelon given March .16th. nor
price, mime, stu., apply LAI promisee to L.
A. MAa0N, Lthn1 P. U. ,1011
0011010000 +$ere his 100 sure 1Ormi
being of Luc IG, ou. 4. M n•rid, fwr bale. 70
aures owarod mud al nude. grace exo0 pllug
0 aorta. F'am w• t1 adopted tut pasture, a
never :milts epilog crena room 011001 1, It•
Ohere is comfortable frame house, flue
bank bel a 00 tout equ0re, peg you and nen
110u00 20x50, and tutu eerie; 0wa11 wenard.
Poobeaslou give. any clam. Pox. lit, Cher
parieoulars apply ,n the premise. orad. uross bauotoloP 0. BO +L. HEDuh1(0,
or to F. S. 0ou00, Brus,0le se-tt
HALM, .0)h0 Lot 20, Lou. 15, Gr.3,
ooutuluwg 100 nor' s 01 lr0t•oleea died lin,
tam 10.10 . ,."rad btotc ut cultivation, there
being e0 me... Pun w Owrn, a 11075o tures
ducde•, to Mover and 11)32014, fl Cud u dem.
01 500', five e,otoe Full wheat, nix tiro. ba *t-
weed bun, balance pasture. Pbure are
three euou wells, orchard, frame dwwliug,
intuit !Aru,0armuge house auu other to,
buildings. For price, thrum, etc„ apply t0
DAVI. or WILLIAM bELe;L8, Executers
u. estate, on protium., or .00000010 P. U.
lmderOlgtind 0111 keep for service td1
Lot 19, 0"u. 10, Grey, a lhoro'•bred Durham
Bull, Pedigtea clay be seen on applm,tion
Terme $1 25 with privilege 01 returning,
82 tf .110. 1,110%N, Proprietor,
underingpued will keep for service ou
Lot 21, Co, 12,eky, the pure broil Aber -
Been Anglin bull, Loris '1'0. mas Bf''aired
by "God• fob Chief." the ohsmplou bull of
Canada. P, digree may be teen ou appllo'
thin, Terms 82,00 with prtvnlere of retort
fug If ueoaoerry, J, 51.KN10HP,
80.11 Proprtotor,
anderolgued will keep for me3vlou o0
Lot 21,000.12, Grey, the Improved Berk.
shire 11 oar, "h'ai• view GoldRodor,"N0 15405
Pedigree may be seen on epplioati
tteern s—$1.00, or 01 26 each for two Or Morn;
Borkaltre sows $3 00. All who are of 011•
oil iu r,t a I+
1 h, the Ideal e of
I 1 aeon Rogu
08 thatW111mato rbc moat money andthe
ben thte bog before mond any other.
11711 J,1', MOIN3:0858 Otmubrouk P, 0,
tt Change of Business
The undersigned wishes to announce to the
Public generally that ho., has purchased and
taken possession of the
rs ,
Harness Business r
so long and successfully conducted by John
Donaldson, 131.1188018, aid will be pleased to bo
favored with a continuance of the trade so gen-
erally accorded,
A first•class stock always kept and the
wants of the public promptly attended to.
and Rungs
We are offering some Special
Valued in Watches and Gold
Icings 'We shall be pleased to
show you our
Reliable Honest Goods at Closest,
H. L. Jackson
' Ibn 1if,l
i tl l
To Liverpool
CALLING AT ale \'[LLE (Londonderry)
From St Jobe From Hadtaa
Parisian Sat. Mar, 31 Mom, Apr
Pirgtuian,,,,., Apr. 7 • Apr. A
Tunisian " Apr. 14 " Apr.10
(fates of Passage
First Masa-360 auu upwards, aooprtling
to steamer. hoen0r1 01 1ea-340, 811,60 and
:540 ; Loud n 42,60 extra 'third Cleoe—Pie•
awl all 528 76; Pans= 827 BO; other steam-
ers 3.10 50,
Sardiulao Thorn day, March 29
Sermatnun iuturday, Maroh 21
For turlhor parciol'amo, rates and tickets
apply to
W 11. lililIR,
Agent Alma Line, Brussels.
K7-1PLAN 2.082 and Costumer
Will stand for service for the season
of 1906 at their owners' stable,
I APLAN is one of the fastest Stallions standing for service in Canada mud he is
also a good gaited h 'fee, having got his mark in a race without hobbles Red
only trained by a trainer for 2a mon the. No other horse got so f ret tt mark with so
short training. There ie 00 other horse better bred to produce speed. Eighty of
the horses with 2.10 speed trace to his g. g. dam Clara. Kaplan has a right by in-
heritance to produ80 speed and will surely de so.
COSTUMER—You who have been using him know what he has produced and
those who have nob done se can see what he ie producing, He is bred in one
of the most fashionable etraiue at the preseut day which is the Hambletoniaue and
KAPLAN stands at $95.00 and COSTUMER at $15.00 to insure.
Scott 8: Warwick, Proprietors
S .10 4ZXT
WISHES to thank his Patrons Of the last 80 years for their patronage in his bleok-
enlhhing bnoiue0e and hopes to give satisfaction in the (Maio as he has tried to do
in the past. Partioular attention paid to shoeing both heavy and light borne. He
keeps a Oret•olees man, Mr. T. Ritchie, in his employ to ensure satisfaction to all
When you buy a knife for instance, you
consider the quality of the steel in the
blade. The biggest and hcavicstknife 1' not
necessarily the best, Now there is just as
much difference in the quality arid strength
of steel in fence wire as
there is in a knife blade or
razor. The Page Co. use
a high carbon steel
Wire, Which though it
costs you but little more,
is fifty per cent, (8o%)
stronger than wire in other
fences. The lightest PAGE
fence is as strong as the
heaviest of other snakes,
Notice 111e lock in PAGE
may have noticed also that
others are imitating
it. That is a good recon mend for it.
Where we lead others fuiloW,
All PAGE wire is "COILED,' not
Besides the extra strength lend superior
workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip-
ped in a. special whltepaint, which on
top of the best of galvanizing, will longtheri
the life of wire for years. And, also, this
while coating makes wire
much more sightly.,
Owing to the greet(
strength and elasticity t.
1'AGE fencing, onc-
third less posts are rc
quire[, thus reducing ti -c
cost of the fencing.
As you get he PAGE
FENCES one -halt
more fence strengt: i
greater protection again:.@
rust, bettor workmanship,
better .' appearance, a:.d
less poets, can you affo .1
to use other fences, even though you cot'
buy them for one,half the, price of 1.
PAGE? But, really ours cost, yea
little; if any more. 408
Get prices ces be
placing ngyour r ord •
for r IenreGates orLawn Fence.
N B. GMB,RY, atld ,1 ('U'I'F i 5RTSON, Amw000
ROBT. OLOaE, Ero11ox1 }j;rected b) C. II. IIA1lItI8, VottDWIOUI
A it L.