HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-3-29, Page 1Vo.i34. No 88 New Advertisements. Cord—Bank of Haneinon, Mil Seery—Pato. eleKtulay. Formitlaelictle—Jainew Fox. Pawnee—Sweet & Stewart. (Mover Setio—W elittbiedien. Bartuerehip—W Seen & Homer, Page Wtre 'enee—J. Utbbona. Semite Goode— D tide & liabkirk, °ream Separetore—Pece Fat endow Boody to wear Elete—R, C. Dame. Change of 111.3liinene—Pritutoo & Faeheetable eltilintire— Slew Btraohen, 20t1 Oetnery Bratiti—Dunfote & Son 3111strui gzros. 1-309attb terse. NOTES.—John klobbuy heke engaged with John Srailjek ot Grey, tor the BM:0MM Menthe. Mr. flobbley 03 from Waleit and is the right kind of etnigrante for this aountry.—Julin 00e081 um Imo petal:lased a peir of mandard bred mane from V. gentleman in Iudiana. Me. Ma Callum has s parnoular along tor good horitee.—Among Wow prepering to era large then barite OM coming Stemmer WO mows the following :—Idetto MoGawn, Riobard Robineou, Allred 00eW154, Wm. Hudie and Ja Simpson MOBillep 1arrnert3 tiro 1101 behind 10 imprositig the twee of their tarais.—The young people around Isere ietenti taking in the wow, TO Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan SPECIAL. TRAINS FOR SETTLERS With live 'Cook and abate, from Toronto at 0.00 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY DURING ' MARCH AND APRIL COLONIST CARS ATTACHED NO EXTRA CHARGE Settlers travelling without live etook should use 1,45 p.m. lo-ain from Toronto daily. TOURIST CARS on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sat. ardays. Coat of sleeping -berths as f Winnipeg • 14.00 Regina • 0.00 Moose Jaw • 6.00 Calg587 - 8,00 "Settles? Guide" and "Western Canada• booklets of practical use and interest tosete tiers, with rates and tull information, tree Upon application to nearest Canadian Pacific A.gerit, or write to (1.00. Foster, D. P. A., C. P. Be Toronto. rtt BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 29. 1900 next Monday 'welling in the Muthodiat cherub Waltou 011 "Wooing and weddieg in 100 minotee " Remember the old adage that trays, "Marry in haste end "repeec at leisure, SEttilftsetti41. liftWeV NOTIM—Grippe (0 811 the go.— John Bete:memo epeel a few days of Min week voting ine daughter, Mrs. Robert 13 aok, bitters he telt for Me new home 113 Betbonealli. elan —Jet/. awl Zs Robert eon re ut tied to kliwittent, tam woos —It is reporten J, nu re-iey, of Bet) hod, form rly al Huevete, te to wry pow Wraith — tire Deer, uf Bt. Catharesee, me in the vii see un bagmen wet dey 3800 week.—Mise Eva Patereon, of Win. ham, %dented ovet Sammy with Bluevate frieurts.-41ex. Bryaue and Mtge lem Bryant', f Jamemown, visited iu flew. 138(0 00 Thersday of Met weelt.—Obaii. and hire, ()fruiter) left for the Wein te• Mouday.—R. N. and Dire. Delimited in Andrew Gnoornill'e 38. Turoberry thie week. -00188 Mend Paril, of Wroxetelito omit a few days Wm week visiting at he bume 10 HInevale, 3. Iamb wad Will,, Done of Chariot r, left on a trip to the Wein on e Wo hear ono of the boys will situation and the other take up They should do well awl we hope von, M. D., London, Eve and rgeou, will be tst SMith'a Drug Bruseele, ou We first Tneeday In ,nth. Hours, 8 et, ra. to 1.80 p M. t, squint, fai,ing 0105313138, awl easel eittarrh treated and properly fl,ted. Next ',Jilin, Tees. rIl itrd. Ea. la rurtda. Next Sabbath Eli Smith will be th preacher hi the Methou et ehuroh here. The pastor will be in the Sabluall whew et Binssele. Weenemley of Ian week Wm. M. Tertibm, ttod Mies Attar PdeLlertery, With ot Grey Tewitehip, were united it marriage at. the Meese here by Rev. 13.13. MoRae, The many (Helens of the ye eta, couple wieh them hmeputees and ewe parity in their new reetteteohip. Monday of thio week A. J. Haan wen, to Winglotra to Stm3 hie neether who %we stricken Thuradey Meerut:wit of last week with earelysie in tho Noe vv, dt atienclitte a 031183811113 .11 the Lad,re' Ant at the borne of Mro. J. Batten. She 3. considerab y inter .ved we are wowed to hear eon att ehe hau been a wmperewye, hearty woman we two her reetoratior may be speedy. Piano Tuning R. S. Shaw, Pia1,4, 'flirter ltlld Rep tirer, is her. from Torituto All orders left IV R. Leatherdale & Son's will be attended to web Cetera grafi/ day, Ai Mine be reaa Jae. etvey to they Wi Wells of God fiteerrie'i We at wee an Met}, 80 (008 On Last w named ows. 0 M. Un aueeda e Many eking a ottld ettriate m well. A BAD A 38.0 Oriel es ening, 13 Ile lent an Ae‘q Ban l& VXapital, tBebe 41 80 BRA 1 .Pvrejoilepnrte, 3 .) O. •• 10, es of the km/eel:op Council my this hem. elehmen aud Wm. Woodrow are the Weet thie week, We expect prewar. Sharp and Mrs A. Cameron, rioh, were 8101018e at, Jamie) iniang 3)38 133301 week, plowed to hear that John family remitted Saekatoon iu d were fortunate to intone arrival. ek James Sherrie, 4th lino, three thoro teed Y .rkehtre ie Weill 00 Jame Davie, oust to dill anti utie le Neil Bleak. George Da .0, 8311 tine, joined likely young men who are me in the great Woet. lle 33 as be is needy g 'leg, 10 d level headed. We eieh MEET —While L. C. tdoCitit bonne a held the other as te eulge way throwu uff tit 03 3110 weigh anemia the ET 1 Art EA! rfc, DepOldt r.Vterest 133 canned D%Neel , feuding 4910 Notee made t , Draft Li6g6COat NV ei'*24±54?54t5E/"ItS+ f Hamilton 'edit up, Ciammetee ve Fund. $2 60 POO tnt Asset*, $29,000,000 .3613,8 CANADA 80 EON. WU. GIBSON dent de nee.r..1 manager, talCs TURN DULL EL AGENCY pertinen▪ t—▪ Ample seaway ire, 8100 and onwards at ourreet rates and hall year.y. ado to Partnere for k. oted and lido/woes Mit and sold, VloR cfMaGENT g4gRt‘aikaa5411rY W H KaRR13Prop ground eo foroibly as to roc:viva eevere injuries about the tape, Ho wee takeu a neiglatior'e house in an unoonsolous state where hie wounds were droned. Although hie Noe ie badly awollen he hi gettifig along se Woli e3111 be expeoted. Damp Lamont, of Rwiebush, is visiting tier parents, Wm. auci Mr, B4t13 Wee, at present. Mr. lilihnidd:nnte health has not beett very good to( the past few mouthy bat we hope to hear of him feeling better when the warm Spring weaiher conies. Feed 8..81D.—Wm. Clark, the well known township Clerk, bas disposed of Me fine farm, 9t03 eon., to Robert New combo, formerly of Morrie, now a resit dent of Newark, New Jersey, if. Et. Mr. Clark has been a mildew ol the eleneriettla ity tor many yeare and the fausey will bo greatly missed. It ie Raid they ratty bovine &mane of Belgreve, Mr. Clark rotaining tho Clerkehip Be hes annonuo ed his auction Hale for Friday afternoon of not week, April 6813, au nil et St() -038 J. D. Miller is at preeent eufferiug from an attack of grippe, Chat; Lamont, of the 8th aon. of Grey, Oohed at Geo. Banner on Sunday lam, A epeeist a00tone:1n wag tekee in aid of the etarying Japaneee at the Bableeth 38130011,, Vietoria Hall on Sunday lest. Mi s Margate% Vilinon, who has been visiting her unele D. Taylor, returned to her home in Herrow, after a pleasant •nj0rirta in nor midat, Richard &Wain, 4111 con , has about oompleted the Reason's trepptag. His renal te consisted of 9 mink, 42 ekunke, 6003013(33808 and 2 worm. 24 ot the highly smelling SW ry were captured in five Masa Mr Jeoklin, mid his two pet foul% to Amnon Ban. 6th Oon. Grey towtiab.p. H had three lunette eel:taped. Dr Ovens, U. D , London, Eye end Ent. Surgeon, will be at Smith'e Drue et ea, eruseeis, on the Bret Tueeday is oh month. Boors, 8 8. ra. to 1.30p. to. SMITH & STEWART House, Sign and Carriage Paint- ers. Ornamental and Scene Work and Paper Hang- ing a Specialty. Quotations Furnished on Application SHOP l'uritherry Si.., Brussels zwaeitvittlimitAnrcawmtrizztrozrargl.›, 02, 0.1) Ready -to -Wear Hats olen.190,06.11011..honenon,01.01,00011no ASHIONABLE alinery ON FRIDAY MORNINC of this week we place, ready for your fmspection, our Full New Range of Ready=to=wear Hats This selection is compaed of' the 'Latest Importations from New York aid other Foreign Markets It will be to your advantage to call ear- ly and make your selection while our range is so complete. We will consider it a pleasure to have an opportunity of showing you the Ex, ceptional Values which we are offering in these NEW IMPORTATIONS eletteditete..11.11Ventitleatanlint R. C. Davies & Co. Openin • tomers Hats a AI ; Straws, Grt new goo i! and vici - A dispensed with our formal Millinery Spring are now prepared to show our many ens - our Elegant and Fashionable Display of Dress d Ready -to -wears. o carry a full line of Ribbons, Flowers, Fancy he. teful fur past patronage and assured that the a will please we ittvite the Ladies of Brussels aity to call and see the new styles. P4 101 63 It; deggesCeeep ss Strachan HOLMES BLOCK ' 'W.AMMZU WX.FX9M 8Z33 16:T4XMSX,53?6,—W4Wie Spring and Summer ILLINERY oUR Pi hot, and vicluit, As we Ladies to e A chi brnidery and Frills, Sze., has be to see theut than will be plea e New and Fashionable Spring stock is to awl ready to adorn the L-tdies of Brussels Will not hold a formal Opening we invite the 11 and see our goods any titne. .0 stock of Fancy Goods in the line of Ern - its, Table Centres, DON ties, Sofa Cushion Tops Point Lace Patterns, Braids, Threads, Rings, ;t11 added to my business and Ladies are asked the public for the past year's. patronage and ed to share in this season's business. McKinlay Oatareet, spiel, failing eyeelght, clealneas and +meal Patera] treated Aud gleams properly fitted. Next vie% Tueaday, April lird. V'a33 ton. Tboe, and Xre, Owls, of Morrie, spent Sunday with Mende in town. Rev. Dr, Medd, of Heiman, will promo)) in the Mothodiet cherub next Sunday at 315 p. 131, 011 Monday evertieg the Ladiee Aid yid3 provide a New Eibitand Diener at 6.00 p. ni. to be foliowee by a *men and Dr. Mold's popular Lecture" Wooing end Weddtng." Dr. Ovens, M. D., Loudon, Eye and Ear Burgeon, wee bo ex Bmith'e Drug tiktro, Brnesels, on the first ',faraday in each m tech. Hums, 8 a. M. (0 1.30 p. w. (lateral'', squint, faiLing eyeeight, deaftiese arid uanal catarrh treeted mid glance properly fitted. Next visit, Tuesday, April 8rd. Mks. EMMET ElgellEd Ltroo 813131/E38t1. —The settaini getniee ei Mrs, Robert Hughee, of thie placte, 033100 80 e sad etir prise Ittet Monday. She bad beep laid up for Herne weeke from a broken Wien butte, ovateed by a fall on the hay side mak but it was hoped ebte would rally. The end mune suddenly. him Hughes was in her 69rh year tied wee a retident of Morrie township for a good many y Bare before removing to Filth, hire John Wheeler, of Morrie townebtp, le daughter and ether children live in the U. B. and the Northwest. Deceased was a flee woman, kiwi, eatuxons and in dentures tied Workmen will be oitteerely regretted. She died iu trustful coma. dome in her Lord and Master. The funeral took place On Thursday afternoon w Brueeels uemetery, Rev. 51r. Auderson oonduatiug an appropriate service. Mr E1aghes will be accorded the eympatley o the 003880:0809 in the removal ot bits life's partner; EtheL The card of the Henkel Hamilton may be reed in somber 001nrion of Tan Pool. this weals relative to the agency opened in Ethel, Rev. E, F. Armetrong, B. D., awl Andrew aoRee 38600 .380 Toronto Ole week attendwg the Provincial Temper. acme Convention. LEOT131311,—Mciuday evening, April, 2eu, Rev. Olr. Armstroeg w.L giye a Lemons Cm "Getting (113 00 Semmes" In the hlethodiat (Mundt here. A. eilyet era onion will be taken. Proweds in aid of Epworth Leagne. The Epworth League Anniversary 13.-0131800 sri.1 be heid next Sunday April ldt in a 803 me uhurdies 00 Echel air twit. Whit K. rr, (30801(10318 011 the W ing- nem Dietriet Epworth League, will tette obarge 03 1135 eerveme. Ail are 000d16113 invited. Dr. (Deena, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Sonth'e Drat; &ore, Braesele, on the Bret Tueeday (01 mob mouth. Rome, 88. co. to 1.80 p m. Cataract, armlet, fatting eyseight, deateese end pawn catarrh treated aud glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tueeday, April 3,d, Oonnunentat.—The following resolutiou Wae pe-tedo by Ethel Orange Lodge :— To Bro Robert Barr, Ethel :— ESAU Sia Agri RIM at the Wirth of L. 0.14, No. 681, Ethel, that their Martine sympathy tie tiouveyed te you and your family in the ed trial you have,. been milted upon to texture iu the mulden-deetle of your beloved wife, and we pray that the Lord May Eineltalli you arid your &roily on tee iseavy burden laid npon yon. We exhort you to be reoonoiled to the words of the prayer Wilitth you have 00 03100 repeated "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven," Roam:neer your lose is her OM arid may we LA 1 0038e80000 311 time we Wall Meet 10 lOrw oise twbroken oirole In the world beyouri Jordan. Signed on behalf of L. 0. L., No,, 681, 0. BLYNARD, D. M., 0. 00811138814L, REO Bat, G. W. POLLARD, Treas. Ethel, March 27, 1906. 11800335 8111111138 —The ead news of the &mete of Peter Reiter came lake a thunderbolt. He wise ahem his home North iet 16, eon, 7, ahem rail. West ut Ethel, on Tue•aay ae genet and ague, 5p. re, watt found lying on the grontet 311 0. p13801 Wo,,r1 near the delving shed 10 an onouneoioue aoodltion. He wee carried to the house bot dentine all lbat Mud be d,ne be Med at 11 that night, never regaining annunurniness. Demesne was born in 'Vaughan townehip Y..rk lio , and was le hie 60th year. He l3a.0 Dent3 a resident of Grey for the pan 83 30800 80(1 was well known to many readere uf THE POST Re is survived by hie wife, who was elute 8131e31 A.. Keifer. Putty brined their only Maid a number of yearo ago. Apoplexy (0 .133(1 to heye beee the souse ot Refferte death. The eubjeot of thio nonce wee ate i11. rinstrume man, fond of obrapany and took quite au eceive intereet in puttee elf ors. Ele wart 0 Liberel in pothice, Ott wo 130e.1000 000tteione, mem about 8 years ago and agaiu au the early part of the peon Wetter, he had taken weak needle but they wore not acmidered to limey reenit fats ly 138 000(1 se this. The Weenie took 13180e on 'Intraday after. ' neon to Oranbrools osinetery, Rev. D. B. McRae acentuatitig the serviee Mrs. Keifer wIll share in a large meanne the, ay repachy at the commu1)1. y this Isudden bereavement she bee been called upon b. meet. "Be ye 3300 ready" iu martinet3 ilfuntrateti in thie newel:tied winutone to Mr. Reffer. Nawsc Morns Dobtion bas engaged But ateNtahoi for the $118080e0 and Intends going heavily itito minim MUM0 beets.—We are pletwed to see Miele Dlary MoDottalete smiting Noe behind the warder agate after being atid up tor over a week %Mb itt grippe." -Dr. Hell, of Mot:weal, vieited big aratuiparoolt, a. and Mre. Raneont, here Met week.—Jtte. Leishman, Of Blrievale, wee willing on old frtende here last week. He left Tare. dity morintw for Manitoba, — Bohol Dockett, who heti beau at St. Joseph's /wand 333, Winter, reletrned home last sveek. He dleposed of Ins teem ot br000ttott Wore lettifielt.—Xlsa Eva .1,1°' Allister, of tlookbern Island, ie triatOog relatives and 'deride here at preempt.— R. 0. Davies sang at the Odd Eellowe' At Home in armies's lam Pritlity night. Ripe, bee mane gooa eingere bat 1101.111 of them ottn touch Obarlie,—Jno. Lamont ingi rotted the old Dilworth remittance aye la now nicety nettiedie„„ sanae.-11. R. surd Ottre. Sperm, oleeworth, spent Suliday Iset at A.. P. Mellee.—Mre. Eaernter epent a few days lain week weitteg irietide in Litit0Wel.-0ee, Bolt inser, who has hew working iu Drape. the pain few mouthe, ie home agate end intends entering a Bloom College.— Jew Hinehly, of fieutorth, vent Bauday et Jae. and Mrs. McCalitim's,—Olere McIntosh and Wes. Heath had a gam, supply of 3835801 (0 from ot their pewee on T000day osseng to the town eewer beteg ebeked. At oue time it yew over 2 ieet deep and running norm the roan. —Nibs 011Ve Rayuard Wiit Ding at the Epworth League Lemur., next Mouday JornirE1011, Of Marton, te Vieiting his father, Jon. Jamieson, tene week. 10 M 10 yeare inflect George tett iterw—D. Panne leas MOverl the bowie tiontle of the mer over to hie farm where he will add it to hie owe wbieb 388( 13(98 lam a good lenge residenoe. He intende intokieg ta—S, e. Cole Maned the eats mill up twain on Weduesday, Bie Ime a large supply ot togs, 1-0 AL lb Le V. Wm. Dooglase, of Tarnberry, a3iLl oon• newts very 311, Peter B. Wallace, of Toronto, ia the 40000 01 Dr. Britten. Mr. U. I. feroderaon returned to UltnlInoIl 1081. week. &twos Georgie Howe and Effie POWell ispein BIluclity in Ethel. B. F. Carr preached in Victoria Hall, JanientOW13, Emurlay evening. airs, R. Miner waited relatives to illotesworth fur several days Met week. hare. P0. Hemphill returned on Fri day from a few they& visit In Teeywater. Misses M. 7080333 Bella Smith 1100 Nesbit Laug are uuder the dootor's oar. .8 present. Sew Ringlet and family, of Ternberry, Jai lasii Wednesday for Wein Bretton, Miehigan. A rank of Gerrie ourlers visited the tamers here ou Friday eventng and bed o friendly game. The A. F. aud A. M. Lodge purpose booling so AL Home in their lodge Monte Buesday eveuntg. The 313801101800 of the village will hold Weir anneal assembly to the new Tow% Hail Friday eventog, Odwie Smith hue recurnd from Owe, 6uund where be bee bow Wittig e. wore. 13tnitiese 001Ie33e. A. low youtig peopie from here attendee a party at tile inane of John Weir, oi klutylek, lam Braley evening, Wroxecer aud Wingham tnterneediatee In hockey payed a draw, am all, at, Wingbard Wednesday night ot Met week. Joint and Mrs. Rebertn0o 33000133139038e by Menem Mary, Jeau &Mt Margaret Robertson, went to 80188080310, Manitoba, loot Friday. The twitted of the late Moe. Miller, formerly of Wingharn, took piece on 800(183 0388081000 to the Wroxeter Milne &My from the residence of ber soo•hatew, Jew 'Underwood, Of Howitik. It was learned wale ranch regret bj Many that John Gibsou had tendered tne 00813351338088 Oboir leader in the Preeby • tartan church. Mr. Gibsou has been to &Mite anu faithful worker end bee abiy &lied the mistime %shad% he bee held for a number of yeare. Da 13114ALS 2138000 AWAY —Dr. S. "B. Swale, wee Ler 13(138 9000 forty years tem been 131 practice here, 11.031 01) Monday 011 his 69t13 year. Het teem was of only a week'e duration, 113 eaters 01811014 of peen mount being the canoe of death. In hie pretence be was mum erumessful and Me etwomone friends %vie 03,8 01318 kind sun 0811183 face. He wad very quiet in hie manner, never tinektug for honors of soy kuni, quite satiated to devote hie kW awl euergy to the relief of the Mk. The dootor, while a strong Cloneervative in mentos 310080 80033)31 to force hie viewe upou any one. He win a member of the Episcopal (Mural. Rio widow, One nen, me a manor, and min daughter, hire. Ohne. Melman of Riralinghatn, Alsbams, serene Wm. Hievernents %MO laid to eest io the tiew oeneetery here ou Thurs. day ettern0011, Rev. T. B. Farr, conduct. 1114 800 merviee... Tne bereaved wel efeare In tale sympathy of the community, The rumor about mew of glandere among tbe hordes oti the 12t13 and 14,31 ootto. was tante. People 133080 00 bowmen to spread stab yenta. The anottou ode of farm stook, ini• pletnents, eta., on the farm of Joe (RAW, Mk 9 eon. 6, will tette plates Frldny after. erten of Wm week, F. 8. Seott Wiii be the anutioneen Tumidity Abort Carter took train at BrUeeeili 011 a, proapeatem trtp to the Great Wool, If he Buda what onto him he will likely invent. Mrs. Carter and femily 38,30 oontinue to reside on the 12 h this RUMtner. Tlae Rpwortn Leagoe Anniversary services will be held LIM Eictuday April let. in all of the (Manatee on Elibel otr• rent. Jew Hem Prettident of the Wine. halm Lemma Epworth League, will take &vireo ot 6134 8010.30034, A I are eortheny invited 0111TIIARR.—Abone 11 o'clook Tuesday Meet the eplatt of %Shiny Ann Ilabbere, reign of the (.0(8 303800 O'Coueor, Itich cow, took in flight. Whtie the old lerly had never been el a very robust 8013388.013 she attained her 89th year twd Wan 33b13. for about a weak before, her death. She Wan born in Pe:Meting, Ontario, wb, re she wee oleo married to eir O'Oeu• uor, who predeoweed her by 22 }mob, They came to Gray 86 years ago par ohasing lot 5, eon. 16 bum timart Doug. les, upon winch property they lived tend died. Mre. O'Oontior is serviced by three eons (Ralph In !be Weet aud Mao. 313300 'Bhoe. In thio townaht(3) and two datightere (61ra Robot Bennett, near Waken, Mad Mies tom 383 holm)) The funera. Will Mlle p.afte On Prarlay utter. noon at 2 o'etoult, orrvioe using coodneted a bolt bout earlier, irbertnent will he made in 'Brown, cemetery. Deceased 3808 3831 industrious, Mud hearted W01311130 Vibe Woe eetet133041 try au 391.0 allow bor. PRATTY *IMMO —Tile PteltiOrd (Mien.) Ular1014, 04 Annuli 22nd speulte 310 itelowe of the raarrlage of a lamer resident', of Grey toweehip, A.. Bee, it eon of Riohard ena film Roe 3.- (10003 pretty weadwg 000arree yesterday after000n at lour &mock t130 the nome uf Robert Oratv• RIM when Dia daughter, Alien .1190018., Wrie dotted 30 0130030030 00 Adam Roe, the (.3300, 00. 21. Baetv pronomsting kile worde 11151 mace were huelmtud two wife, using che interwove rieg oeremoey of the Methodist Emecopet oilmen. The beide wore 0 beautitol gown of trotave etuthmere trimmed with %Orme milt itini 18118 500005. panted by Mies Ruby Paineer. Frank Orewford, 10 bruther of che Wide was groocomso. A. meet party of frieurie et both bride and groom settneeeed the ceremony. The brioai wove 38818 the 0601(10083800 many preeents. Atter oon• eratelatione the party wee seated at the enititg toble and h dainty itilpper Wee .erveu, The newly wedded <maple are with well kreowli end tenthly reepeoted, Mr. sod Mrs. Roe will be at bome to their amity friends at thew rettieenee on Pieasant avenue after Marob 25. The re11ent:1n %mina them meals joy anti beppinees end a long Wedded 10e. 0110113 ENTERTAISSZENT.—Tbe Union eherels Own, leru eon. Drry, ander the tearterelew of ars. Cleo. Watem, gave an tAgellent mamma entertainment cm Aloe. Clay eterilug 12%b MM. M11013 0)3110011 it 00 be eou))rattnated on hayiug wet% a fine choir. We think we Uhl) wifely Bay We never heatd better mum from rurai talent and uy the way aoquitted thernseivee throughout 08 p0034111133, it is redweet their wader is mute capable of training a ohoir. Wilsou's instrameetaie on the 13138110 33000, were well worth ;he ad. mission fee. Pdisa MoGiliyary and Pere, Wra. Whitfield also contributed to the eyeeingie eetertatumeut by recitation erni solo. Yonug and old, nob aud poor '0038 00803 poen of the wiropttee were .hare to hewn, 50111 the onurele was erewdea trim the ptilp1,1 c0 the door, and judging Irene the appmese and en. oeree ail et.joyed neemeeivei) trunleneely. Hugh Riebitiond premed over tbe pmeeedings very good leemoredly tuterspering the seleottens with his ne- wt, Irian wit. renewing was the pro. grani—Authetn, by the obwr ; quar- tette, male ; waste cent by Mrs. Weeon ea Ly uu Beane ; vueel sum, putt:limed oy ra. WUtiOs,o ; &natant by the ohoir ; rontatitni, Mrs. Wunfiteri 1 'elate quar,ette ; %Meal who ; anteem, the Own; , Moe Bele, ktre. WIMOU ; 0010 by ars. .0.005e00004 With 0000 ifaitatieu by quartette ; reeitetiou, altee vioGil.vary ; vulo, Mr. Armstrong ; 123308 quartette I authem, ahem People We Talk About, Thos. Walker was a visitor in Tees. water tor a few daps, Banister Sims, of Berlin, wart in Bros. Me laot Satureay on legal Mimeo. W. E. arid 813s, Deuean were vieltore with Hensait frietwe for h few daye. Mrs. Seam, of Port Heron, is vieiting har Mater, 'Ars, John Wtight, Mill street. Wm. Waft, Oi Toronto, Wee a miter in (owe this week. He wee e. former eesideut. 0. H. and Aire. Broadfoot and daughter were sieitors in Boatmen for a few dive Wei week. Robert 5logenzie left town on Tuesday ro/ Limbo where he win (sestet the Comae Bros. ou their sheep rencb. Arthur Taylor, 38110 bee been at Strat• 0,031 said Mitchell, la renewing old fmend• ships in Breesels looelity. Will. ilioLeunau, who has beer, in Winnipeg, 38a0 oalled to the parental uome tu Louden owing to the serious eluenfi of his father. A. welcome visitor to Western Stab Lodge, L 0. 0. P., Bressele, Tburadaq of ,aet week was Past Greed Maeter Wain son, of Thameeford, Ont. Pates Haze, Crone and her brother, Orval, who leave been visiting relatives at Caueington, armed home latit week, Their tether went for them. dn. Richard ROES has beeo under the docitor'e owe frurn ea amok of legrippe mid pleurtey eat we are pteesed to etate eise tin 13030 11339100i034 nieely. J. D. Warwick, V. S., who spent tits Muter in Bruesele, left for his eheep much1» Itteho on Tuesday. Re Lute tioue wail bet we hope 30 000 11103 book to Unmade. Mrs, P, D. Illellineon and deughter, Jeniee, And Mee. James Wirer, the turn:wee mother, left Pueeday atternoon ou the retarn trip tO Winnipeg after au e113033380ne visit bete. A note from T. A. Elawkine says he and Ate • Elawkius arrived iu Jemeetowe, N. Y., tu due poem. He played 11 piano egit) at a chetah eutertainueent whiele was enshustatitioally appended the puper say& 1183800 Thomson, who has been in Dee non tor a year or wore, in Wane on a wort vexation before 90104 3.. Toronto to bake ti amine 60 38 Beeitiese College. Ile te the tweeted 811.1 Of Geoege and Mrs. l'homeon, Sruesete, W. a gaunt -104a left town on 'Nortek afternoon for Idaho where he will ertieto aitotp rattoroug Wo wieb him an enjoy, awe and preemie oue sujunrn. Mee.. 0280,34800 1015(1 deughters win 0003(008 to matte thew home ie Breese's. James Stswart and slater, and the tittle deughter of , the 00003013 3088 new maiden's ot Broome, reeitiwg in tile a nage reoeutly mental, by R son and family. They reclaim ne tetra. 00031043 Se they were (0, 3850 Brueselitee end we are jammed to see them Musk. Reseal Z Mmer 10 esteemed hotne the early (33818 311 next week from 80. alioinvel's Hospital, Torouto. We appreentte the kindly tAttention of nurses mad ;Aquitaine while the patient wao under their &luso for severe: weeke. Mutton's matey Old Mende iti 11110 %octane will 390100038 bint back after Me sedutie 10133080,