HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-3-22, Page 8New
Wall Paper
We have received our lepring supply of
Waft Paper and have our rumple
Hooke arranged for showing. Our
dtook title year embraoee a larger
number of patterns and meal great-
er variety than is the past,
If you are thinking of doing eome Paper-
ing this Spring dome to and we ebell
be glad to ebow you our Semplee.
Now ie the beet time to bay while onr
Wall Paper stook is at its beet, We
have a groat many exceptional velum
to offer you this year.
Before deciding where
you will get your
Glasses we ask you to
eitll and inspect our
ways of examining
your Eyes and furnish-
ing Glasses,
No charge made for
eo11TEeaN eXTaN9ION W. 0. & 0.
Teafne leave Brnseele Station, North
and South, asfollowe;
Genie 800T0 GOINA NORTn.
Mau 70 am; I Afisod... ....,... p110 eau
Llrxed..•11:20 e.m Atoll 1:44 p,m
Bxprmem a:02 p.m 'Hairnet' ...... e:61 p.m
gaca1 11635 Pius
A abiel'e amang ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he'll prem etc,
TUE Pose gives the news.
Ottawa are makiug their appearance in
goodly numbers.
Tea past Winter has been marked by
a rotted of 90mai parties uoc often equal
MoNTnee Horse Fair Tbared•ty, Apci
6th. Brussels takes no second plane for
Horse Faire.
Two gentleman's driving gaontloe
found. Oen ue had by paying for thin
notfoe. TEE PoBT•
¬ion sole of E ma farm at Ameriaau
Hotel, Bruasele, BOtnrday of the week.
Bee the edvt, in this Bene.
BRUSSEL% le always behind in not pest
ering the ufe of the Whitney Government
to have the propoeed new Normal `Job000
located here.
Last Saturday was the 17th of Ireland,
more commonly kuowo as St. Pausing;
Day. A few remembered the aay
by sprigs of sbamrook and green ribbeut
mud ueektiee.
G. T. R.-Tbe following was ebipped
from Brussels station during the poet
week : 1 oar of cattle by Geo. Beet to
Toronto ; 1 Der flour by W. F. Stewart
to Seatorth ; and 1 ear of hoge by A. 0.
Demes to Iogere011. Iuward -- W. F
Stewart, of the National Flour Mill, re.
calved a oar of oorn.
A FLOWING welt woe streak by George
Edwards on the property of Walter
Lowry adjoining his stable. 27i feet, aro
of wbioh with the exception of 8
feet being rock, were drilled ill 6 boars on
Saturday end ou Attendee, the darn was
pat down 8 additional feet wbeo the
gusher was streak. A well of this abar-
aotor is worth a good deal.
Dn. Dealva, of the Dealve Medicine
Company, was arreeted at 'Tilbury ou
Friday by Chief of Police Westwood
by authority of Provinotal Medical De-
teotive Oherlea Bose, and was brought
b tate 1
afore Magistrate Us 11?aud an a r
g Outgo
of praotioing without a lioenee. He was
fined $30 mod mete. Dealva paid hi,
fine and went on doing bueiueae as
ueeal. The above was in Braesele
about a year or so ago wltb,hta company,
and wad known as the Irteb Doctor.
WEDNESDAY afternoon of this week a
meeting was bell ill beetroot PROeeoper
Agent MacDonald'e offtoe, Union Station
G. T. R., Toronto, to arrange for the
train service in oonnsation witb the an
Dual excursions from Huron and Brno&
Counties to the Model Farm. Time. Mo.
Millaa and W. H. Kerr attended from
East Huron. The date fur the exoarsoon
on the Kioeardioe line will be Saturday,
Jane 23rd, the tiokete, being good to re.
tern on the following Monday. nue wilt
make an extra good trip this year.
GRANGE OF BDOINEse.--,Monday of
this week Robert Frauole, who bee been
employed in the •Uarriage notarial' of
Cober & Sons and Ewan & Go., ainoe
coming to town, has purchased the
bneioees of Edward Speiran, Fiore
Street, Brne&nle, and !e now in ebnrge,
We have not learned whet Mr. Speotan
purposes doing but hope he uta bee
family will not be removing from Brus
Osla. TUE POST wishes Mr. Preuoe
0000009 in hie undertaking. 81r. Ewen
has seemed the Bertha of T. Frteneeh,p,
formerly at Bruesela, to take oberg.-
of the wood work department of hie
QUIETLY WEDDED. -0o Taeedey ot
this week the glarriage of Mrs. Batuee
and Mr. Hawkins, both highly eateemad
Mileage of Braseela took ptaee at
1'alahaemee, the beaulllol home of I. C.
Riobarde, the bride'& meter, Rev. T. W
()mane, officiating. Was Minerva Jouee
presided at the piano and Mies Verne
Walker performed tae duties of flower
girl. After the ceremony the kind Met
Bae served a tempting lanoheon and on
the afternoon the happy couple took the
train for Jamestown N. • Y. where they
will remade, followed by many good wiehee
of Mende in Brunets, and locality in
whiob'Tne Poet cordially joine,
OBITUAEY.-Jsmee McAlpine, formerly
df Jeruoeere, and known to tunny of our
towooptopie died at hie home in Hop
worth on Teeoday March 18th. Ho Woe
horn in Maoabline, Ayrehire, Scotland
id 1840, coming to Canede 1869 and
-rpehding moat 01 his life in Huron and
Brace mantles. 16 oan be card of htm
that be bad many Mende and pew enemlee
For hie kindgenial tol000er and hie
/Meet upright beeineoe dealings won
the respeot Mat eon/Menem of tell, He
/eaves three 'sons and two danghtere,
Will, of Toledo, Robert, of 61. Merye,
Bohn, df Butier, and Aggfe and Mira,
$aeohlin, of Iiepbeorth, The decimated
kept a grocery In the Store naw odoepted
by John Herhay. Tbe leerily have the
eyeepathy cf the 0omtnanitee
0, F., Brussels, will meet oast Toeeday
Mhz, RUN -It ie stated on good aaib•
natty that the Salt Works in Brneaeie
wail be put in operatiou. With as Ane a
quality end so abuedan% fn quantity it is
tuo oed alma the works here Mould not be
run with the old time vigor.
Teat Stratford Barium Says :-It is
reported that the wilt of the late William
Batteroball contraltos ie bequest of $100 to
Rev. W. T. Oluff, rumor of 8t. James'
obureb, tMr.Olaff nae Waited the de.
0eaa-.5 in hie llluaae and won hie regard.
SALE of Oows.-Saturday afternoon of
arm. Wena another wicked of cows w111
be aced by Pubtio Anution at the Central
Hotel, Brgdeele, at 2. o'clock. Tsey
will be brought Isere by Tboe. Walker
and $. 8 Boutt will be the auctioneer.
BY advertieemeut on page 4 of tbu.
iee06 it will be seen Chet the 100 store
farts. of Geo, A. Hart, Lot 8, Oou, 14,
Elate, will be offered for sale by pubtro
auction, on Saturdsy, 24th ins/„ at 11
a. m„ at cue American Hotel, Braesel,
F, B. Scott will be the auctioneer.
Du Ovago, 81. D., London, Eye and
Fear duraeou, wilt be at Smith's Drag
Store, Bruesela, on the first Tuesday in
Each m
outh. Hoare, 8 a, m, to I.80 p. in
Cataract, 030101, failing eyesight,
deafueee end nasal uetarrh treated ams
g,aeeee properly fitted. Next visit,
y'ueeday, Aprit 3rd.
HAVING dtepoaed of my business in
Bruseate to Robert Francle I take title
opporbuntty of thanking my many one
.opera I or their kind pabroneee in bbl
peat. 1 can honestly reaommeod my
euooeeeor, Mr. Frannie, to all my friends
add onetemere as a capable and honest
wurkeean, ED, BrafneN.
bete of l41elvitle obarub ubutr, and a few
mean, were a000rded a hearty welcome
to the beats of Dr. and Mrsp Geaham on
Muuday evening to enjoy several iooile
mere 0n the eve of the departure of T. A.
Hawkins from decimals. Mies Joab
fiabktrk read an sppreoiative address
sod Mise Maggie Stewart permeated Mr.
dtwkine with a neatly framed photo of
he members of Melville oboir daring hle.
Hawkins' inoumbenoy ae orgautet for the
past 6 years, 40 in alt. The address wee
.s follows :-
To Professor Hawkins :-
Dna Stn, -We, the members of Mel.
vile Oberon Choir oonlemplate with feel -
logs of oedema end Borrow your impend
tug removal from Braesele and eepeoiaily
regret that the relalioae existing between
ue d organist and0
a Noir for man
moat barmtuatn. Your conduce lowarde
ae bee ever been obaraoterized by court.
Bey, kiuduean and toleration, our inter -
000500 cue wan the other, baa alweyo
been pled toot, harmony mud good wile
being ooneptououe turooghoat. We ;leo
desire to express onr appreoiallon of your
teaderehip and abitily as a 80010ieu and
tram you may long be spared so ate your
talent in the Master's service. It le our
wieb that you acneptthis photographic
group ae a email momenta of one esteem
whims will no doubt aeaiei in calling up
remintecenoee of the pleasant relatioue
Met exiabnd between yourself cud Mel.
villa choir. May our kind regards go
with you and we earnestly hope that
ehuudenee of peace, jay and prosperity
may attend you in the new relationohip
in which you are about to enter.
Signed ort bebeil Melvrtle Mbnrob choir,
JEenIe MOLAnontttz
Braesele, Merob 20, 1906.
A brief yid moat sellable reply was made
by the recipient in which he warmly
thanked the members ut the choir for
their highly prized gift and complimdut
ed them ou Mete ability, tailhtuine8e and
oourtoay, Games and a numbed pro. 1
gram precluded the serving of 0. tarty
,snob. Tbe Moir bade their late lender
LI regretful good bye with many words of
uunneel, .congratulation end aommenda.
tion onterepersed, Hearty shooks were
ernurded the genial hoes cud hostess for
the delightful evening afforded them.
Mr. Hawkins acme to Bromide trim
dtaff4, Perth Oo., 14 years ago mud me:
With a large meeenr5 Of mamas in teach
ing mesio. At one time, Wber1 h0 Owed
Walton as weal, he bad ae m0uy aa 70
pupils, Hs wad 8 years urgauiet of St
Johu'a oharob, Bruteeis, then 6 menthe
uo Iio. Thumae march, Seatorth, duo
wait at Met time placed in oberge ut the
organ and choir of Melville oharob here
wbtun po01 be Ailed for the past girt yeses
reeigain5 on a000nul of hie intended ro•
moval from Brooms, In addition to
giving iaetraatlone oa the organ and
plena Mr, Hawking wag ambitious to ad
vauoe in the profeseiun,of hie puoe0e and
to it re,nit he has eaecaesfauy peened 4
examtuaiious iu eonneation with Torun
to llouoervabory and to Still prooeouting
his MMadero. Ha will be greatly misted to
eboial oiroe0 where hie vocal and inetru•
mental ramie on both the memo and
Mama) glamees in addition to Ole homer.
ours reading. made Otto ageneral favorite
and always weloomn. We hope to clam
gee Mt, mod Atte, klawktnit in Brneeeio
Ind when they get tired of living in
Uaole Sum's domains the novo no heat.
noose in saying they Will be entwined
back to thio inea,ity. Some of the other
boobelore tt town are mood to have mane
palmier) relative so the oneedietme army
eruct Tumidity, bat more Rana.
Standard Bank of Canada
SURPLUS. 0R 1tEORBVI9 FUNp ,,,,,,,,I 1,000000
TOTAL Aa91LTe 0V1511 15,000005
A General. 18 0,ftlzio,gg' letu luerttla r.L'rtlortacted
Acerned Infereet is added to ueasonts every els menthe antibecomes pri00fps1.
Jolut Aepuelt Aecouuta-A 8Prt03,A.L 000 VBAIilNOE in nee in our 8avlugs De.
pertinent is the "Jett Deposit" uoouunt, Money may be deposited or withdrawn
Ly either ot the two members of the household, nun eyetew is to great ounVou.
tense to many residing In town, btt0 more pnrtamme35 00 to (0rmeee, 00 i0 the latter
000e whotbtr moon or wife somas to town either oat, attou, to the bunking. An..
other feature of the system be that in mise of WO death of either peaty the money
can be wttudrewo by the survivor without cost. We will telt yes more about our
methods if you will kindly sail or writs.
Married Women and Amor* may make and withdraw deposite without the in.
terventinu ut any per0ua.
only for wbiuh no uharge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and courteous attention.
Wet. Beam dove one ot hoe knees a
twist lest Saturday that gave bim te
ootiasable Mop for a few days.
Caere lost between Oranbrook and
Brnesote, Hew a hook on each end.
Finder will much oblige the uudereigoed
by leaving it at the Centre! Hotel
Brussels or Long's Hotel Oranbrook,
TEN witneeeoe from this looality were
stt Goderiob Met Monday to the ease
againot the man Rotd charged with help-
ing himeetf to a gold riug and pair 01
for gauntlet mite. Mr. Reid appcard be.
fore Judge Doyle and the recon of the
trial watt Reid was blind guilty on the
1 awe (Merges but as another Daae from
Ashfield townebip Was oleo registered
egai001 bine and be eleoted to be tried be-
fore a jury it will not coma up aunt Jane.
AT Hvnn.-Tbe aeuaal At Home of
Western Boar Lodge, No. 149, I 0. 0, F.
8000010, will be bed in their epaalo14
Hall, looaued in Tam POSIT block, nI
Friday mouton, 98rd. luta., Oommeuoing
at eigbt o'olook. A Mum program wool
be rendered atter whish leouh will be
served. Three gatberiuge are always
enjoyable and well managed and thte
one will be no exuepnon, Several
()committees have the arraugemeutt in
Hooxer.-Leet Friday evening a pick-
ed up team drove over to Gerrie and had
a game with the puck ohaserd 01 Chao
town, The home team wuu but had not
much time to Bleep 0005 it, Bt11811016 p10g•
era were :-G, Norman, R. Brown, J,
Carrie, L. Kerr, S. Lawry, G. Rosa and
8, Scutt. At bait lime (Write was le0d-
,ug by 7-8 and ill the second halttook
the testi by anon of 7-1 making a tote;
of 14-7, The abeeaoe of a covered rink
pate bookey eat of the 900001ou here in a
Winter as mild and ahtngeame as thee
one nae been. With 50350165 preatloe we
could have a l000key team that multi
make it lively for the best of the loon,
omen, Gerrie boya need the visitors in
a vary buapitable manner on Friday even•
The following reletee to the rather of
Rev, 8, Satiety, B. 0., of Brookville, for-
merly pewter of the Methodist oharob,
Brusaele;-John Battery, of Kiecardine,
one of the pioneers of Bruce manly died
on Tuesday morning at the home of bac
laughter, Mrs. Ira J. Fisher at the age 0f
88. He came to Canada from Gtaeguw,
with a wife and three abiodreu, in the
year 1842, and eeited to Osrletoe Place,
where he lived for 8 yeors std then
moved to the townebip oI• $mcardiue,
and settled down on a term three miles
Nom the time of $fneardme, where 26
years of bis life were epeut, and the lest
80 peers be lived retired i0 $ineardiue
and Toronto, Hie wife died a0veubeen
years ago, He teems a homily of seven
sone nod tbres daughters. Hie Bons -
John, William, Robert and Eremite, love
ie pastor in $7noardine. Samuelr of wap!
Street MettradiBt Chetah, BroakviNa ;
James and Alfred live in the United
states. Hie daughters, Mrs ire J. Fisher
and Mre, W. G. Temple, reside in Kin•
cardiae, and Mee. Wm. Flemming iu 1'o.
rento. He,leavee 47 granduhildren and
12 great grandubttdreu. Tun funeral
will take plate on Wedneoday from the
Methodist March, at 2, p, m' to Rin.
sardine cemetery, aider the Abepioee of
the Marwick Lodge, of wbioh be wan a
charter member, and for 25 pears he
honored Treasurer.
CIIURUii reit let P B.
Easter Bauday comes on April 1610
Mk year.
Rev. Mr. Daley, of Brookville Preer
bytery, will be the preaober iu Melville
oharob next Babbatb.
grate a large olase is preparing tot
uouformetion in aeoaentton with Bt1
Johu'o bhurob, Brnseele,
Tbe Ladino' Aid of Braeeele Methodist
obareb are enamour{ for a handkerchief
Bazaar, to be bald on or about May 24th.
Sabbath morning last Rey. T. W.
Coaeus diseoareed on the annum of the
loaves and Aebee end ill the evening dealt
with the topic, "Oberaoter Bmidieg."
The Junior League gave a program at
the Wsdneeday evening prayer meeting
,11 the Methodist church here thio week
that wee Emil done and full o! interest,
Rao. Fr. Corcoran took 4114 corvette ill
he R. 0. church bere !set Sabbath
morning and gave a floe sermon On Lent
end also an intereetiug reference lo 8t,
'There watt a wiry large attendance
sat Sunday afternoon in St. J,etin'a
gnarl% at the funeral service of the late
etre. Jae. B, attrition. The Rotor Walt
n charge.
Bert. Lott had organized a Jttnlor
League at the Inattention tor the i3 iud
at Brantford among eome of hie oompou
tone, Bert will do hie part to make 16
love aud Boarish.
An Easter Praise eerviee le in comes
of preparation by the choir ,f the
ele►bodist March, It le entitled "Love's
'triumph." The evening of Exeter
dttneday Will be the date of its peeemeta.
The names of Rev, Mr. Ford, of
Geinem ; Rev, Mr. noon, of Theradele;
and Rev. Mr. Going, of Exeter, are al.
ready mentioned se p000ible oandidatee
for the Presldetb, ohaor of Landon
Contorene° for neat year, Ouoferenos
will meet at Wutdtor the first week of
J alio,
Loot Sabbetb Rev. beam Skene, al
Mies Jamie MoLenohlin precided at
the organ in ;Uelvilie obnroh Met Sabbath
in the absence of T. A. Hawkins, ane
will ale° of$oiate oast Bauday. She
pertorme very acceptably.
Business Locals.
HOUSE for sale, on John street, Apply
to A. J. Low10k.
Box wanted ter Bakery wagon, Apply
Seta DRka0rNo.-Switches made ont of
aomban�- Dun um hair.
MRs R. EINosxoN, Mill et. Went.
TUoeo'DeaD White Wyandotte Cook.
erele for ba,e. John Brown, Lot 19,
con„ 30, Grey.
Saws -We fie sews that are bard to do
Sou tau give a 00x110 touch that will
renew, T, BIaGRaaoa, Mill St., Bramble,
CUotok Bead peas for Bele. Alco a good
Grade Durham Boil 16 menthe old. Ap
ply to .3, P. MoIwroau, Lot 21, Ocoee 19,
Grey, Craubruuk P. 0.
WANTED, -50 calms meg and a ton of
Muter weekly. Alio raw furs and
10,000 tat eking. Geo. E. $Im
tv tupbam.
FDLL est of mason's tools, wheelbarrow
and usher eoefui oracles for Belo. Apply
to MIes JiAIteuER(Tle MORAY,
Etizabeit etra.t, Bruasele.
Two Short Mora buil mime for sale.
One ie 9 menthe old andebe other 18
month, ; one a red and the other a emu.
Ateu Uulbe papa for ease. Let 22, Cute
13, Grey, Jas. D. McNair, Orenbrook,
P. O.
The Fordwioh toot ball.boyo organized
(or the coming e0ason on Friday eveueog
Leet, Juo. Argue was appotuted preao•
dent ; Wm. Warfare, vee piesiueut;
Morley Ayieewortb, secretary end Thus.
.rlu$ne, treasurer. A oomm,teee weir
eppuruned to try and forma league takiog
In the earroundtug bowue.
Coot, -Ill Morria, on Maruti 9th 4o Mr,
and Mrs. W. M, Cook. a u ei:beer,
GREwAR.-In Brnoesie, uu Match 150,
tMr. and Mre. W. A. Grewsr a dau
ghter, (Stu; born.)
Lome -Ill Morris, uo Maeoh 5131, to
Mr. mud Aire. Wm. Logan, a
BARRTE-DAVIDB0N•-In Blenheim Twp.
Oxford Co., ou Tharoday, March 15,
by the Rev. Mr. Tbumsot, Ayr, W 0t
ter Barre, sou of the late Willem
Barrie, Morrie, t0 Mete Begets
Davidson, Rioter ut Richard David
tot, lecturer oto Orientals in Presby
terisu U .ie n
u Montreal.
K. Montreal.
Hewkt00,-BeINEe-In Bruasele, et
'tl.a.abaeeee,n ou Merob 20th, by
Rev. T, W. Gomm, Mr. T. A. Hew
kine to Mre, F. J. Babes, all of
Bif2Tn-ROBERTSON, -- In Wroxelar, on
March lath, by Rev. L. Perlin, Mrs.
Stott, y00115001 daughter of Thee.
ata Mre, Bmtab, to Mr. John Robert
000, of Tara.
ARonea,-In London, on Monday, March
19th, Jamie Armour, aged 66 years,
eldest brother of Bra, Thos. Baden,
type, Broesels,
Ben .-la Ethel, on Tuesday, March
90th, Mary Hamilton, beloved wife
of Robert Barr, egad 41. years,, 5
months tad 12 days,
MOALTINe.-In Hepworth, on Teesdoy,
oharob 13th, Jamta M.oAlpine, term
oily of ilruaeele, in hie 66th year.
MCCUToepoN.-10 Grey, on Marob 8th
William John 4Mo0utoh,on, fttfau,
sou ot Jobe' A. and Mee, MoUuboheou
aged 5 months and 22 daye.
BTaavvon.-Ar Be'grave, ou Mareb, 16,
Emma Clark, beloved wife of James
Btretton, formerly of Brussel, aged
88 years, 4 mouths and 6 days.
TArrx,E -Neat Huuteville on. March 10th
hire. W. H. Taylor, mother of Mre
Frank Marcel( of B,yth, aged 69
FRIDAY, MARCS 8013, -Farm stook,
Imp eremite &u. Lot 0 mu. 5 Grey, Sale
unreserved et 1 u'elook. Jcoeph Bh,w,
prop. Ie.8 Santa, anc,
bATDRDAo, MARCH 81ST.- First Oles9
dairy naw., youug Setters nab a unmber
of Snaking aelvee, Bele without reeerve
Mt t o'olook. Thos. Welker, prop. ; F. B
Boots, ata.
f710 '0, b r,5::7,:..,.:.
Fait Wheel - 78 78
Bur,ey 42 48
Pea.............. . ,,.,70 70
Cate- - • 82 88
Butter, time and r0' a,16 18
Eggs per dozen 12 le
Buy pre' too , r 8 05 7 00
Flour, per bbl 4 60 6 20
Hoge, Live 6 60
Wool 28 28
Ida 0, per bbl., retail 1 00 711
otetu5e per cue.,,.,,,, 40 45
Appal (per bol.) 1 60
Baltimore, near OobOarg, preached two .y 711 PEOPLE'S 1'111l�lilir
"(vi crude sermons in Melones aknroG
seting the net on the right aide" wee s
the subject of a 351001ieai denoticee in the �j1IAN 0 TUNING -MO, CROSS
C,1 PITA L-A Ill borized V2,000.000
CA PITA 1, -yard op 1,000.1100
ltI4E11YE and Marplus Profits 1,183,188
uf Nolan
13. n, T1f0Afpa014, 1C. O.
.100N r010008tt0o1
8, J, 01
Taos, 3111000NAw, F,L,14,
03311 AlP,TROPOLITAN AAN31 to open to receive the u000uu fa of
Farmers, %I/twin/nth and lineluoee Community gCaue,ally and to give
hareem consideration to all propose•0 enbmiutotl to 11.
It relies upon ire poet record for eourteoue treatment of its Cue.
tamers, and '+111 extend every cot eltlernt-ou onusieteut with sound
backlog to those who may desire to trauesot business with it.
SaVI 4°QS :; VR Alliffttargover
Interest at HIGHEST (,UR11ENT RATES snowed on all 011030 of $1 and upwards
A. E MELLI8Jf, Man/seer,
Tu,• nuderiigneu , ft int her 100 acre
fatal, be no Lot 20, eon 7 elm, for .ale Or
to ent. Comfortable fronto, lank barn,
oichard, wells, the perm is only i of a tulle
from the utir-113o tillage of 011b,l Fur tor -
tiler pttrttoulsrs apply to F, 9. Boca, Rena.
cele, or Meta KWilIl ROLLAND, 72 Muter
Bt, set, Toronto, 117• ea
A) uuder0igued wilt twee I0r nervier on
Lot 21,Oou, 18, (army, the Improved Perk•
shire hoar, "9 el view Guldflador,"No 16405
Pedigree may be seen on applloutl..o,
Terme-$1,60, or $1 26 each for two se more;
aerk,btre solve $800. All who are 1 tercet•
ed to relates .the Ideal Bacon clog and the
hog that weft make the must money pectin(
bee this bog hefore adlea 0uy other.
KW J. P, MOIN 35,0800, Oraubrook P, 0,
uodera,gned Miers hie house and lot,
eitnate pn dill 0.reet, Breese's. for Pale
It 19 well !coated, a convenient and employ
table LIMO Poe.seb!-,n Dau be Ritmo at
ono°. Will neo sell the vacant 100, eor"er
of Mill mud Elie /bath streets, wbiuh woull
makes flue inn t ding site. For further par-
ticulars as to. pilon, terms, i@o„ aun)y to
FRED. ADA1I3, Rumtoare neater, Ford.
wish. _ 80.4
Tack. IEtpnosoNNTo to. -l'. 0, Roott,
neottm,eer, hu bee l-,Burunt.d by rho nn•
dereieur5 to tell by nubile anotl • n , at Lel 0,
Con. 5, limy, on Friday, Ma•oh 80th, at 1
o'olnok, the following va`u,Ili propoety.
vis.1-1 m+re 12 room 01d 8110/m81 ,1 1n roof,
1 iusre 30 years 0101 sup Ooord i0 anal, 00,00
7 000'0 uad 0Opp0908 In Ina!, 1 91 v rias .g 2
veers by Ouetumer. 1 driving horse 7 veers
01d, 1 wan of eoItR deep_ 1 yea0, 2 newly
calved 00we, 600We anppoe.,d ,o he in 0011,1
there' bred cow egppoeed in calf, 4 steer.
01150 2 years, 8 heifers rising 2 yaare, 7
"elven rising 1 year, 2 young ealve1, 8 brand
Iowa, 17 Mese weeks of I. 4 plot. 9 month.
0.d,1 tboro"bred tterk5hire Soar, 50 bons. 2
geese and a gander,1. pair d' fork. -y 1 wait -
on, 11.0507 1 road cart, 1 mf k',art, 1 flutter
0,0arly 0000 With pain an Rh 014, 1 Mssaey•
Harris a It. !deemr, 1 Mario, -Royale 5 ft.
mower, 1 muses y.Hartit 0ultivtu,, 1 Nox0e
seed drill, 1 'e, 000 Mae barrow, 1 klCCnr-
mlak 10 ft. hat rake,' Wtlkine,n plow near-
iy new, 2 milliner, 1 Fel 0f iron harrows, 1
Flenrl' plow, 1 gang plow, 1 tanning mill, I
set d0^b1e bare esti, 1 art eiogle harntee, 1
tet plow harness, 1 turnip.-pulper, 1 nrind-
0tono, 1 wood ruck, 1 rburpleea mesal Dap•
Orator, F 900 etoty et 0ratu ono bay, 1 beg.
tootrt suite, 1 BON and tumeroUe they ar•
,toles, Bale unreserved a„pro rietnr hag
Aoki bee farm. 0erlit-All 0000.05 as and
,der cash, over that am u m 8 mouths'
'renbt wilt be given 1111 (cru --hang appru0, d
Joint notes; 4 per iniut o8 6,r 0aeu 00 cre-
dit amounts ; al' -,too, bay and fowl to be
cash: ,10'4.1'13 SHAW, Proprietor; P', 0,
OOTT, Auctioneer,
1e prepared to give 1ua80-1e Oa Plane
00 toed cog,m. Terme ue appboatieu,
Pot-totllms a 04, OSE-nrutoole. Romiaeune-
Lot 8 Gou,10, troy, Popila may have their
leeboue RG their own homes lo preferred.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
It is just as well to
title the Latest Styles in
Stationery. We have them
and they coat no more
than the Less Fashionable
Varieties. Our stook in.
eludes many nice linea 1.11
Box Goods but also a
Iltrge variety of Bulk
('inoclb to be sold by the
quire. Paper and Envel-
opes to match at
Drug Store
Owing to a change in business a Redaction Sale, will be held for
the next 30 Dlt3s, during winch time g oda will
be sold for Cash at
Specially Re aced Prices
In Stock will be found Harvest Tools, Cross -cat Saws, Lampe, Cal' -
pet Sweepers, Silverware, Cutlet y. Stock Foods, Bells,
Mitts, Lanterns, Whips, &o., &o.
ROPE -A quantity of Pure Manilla Rope, 3. and inch, at Cleat.
BINDER TWINE - One tau of Standard Melanie 550 feet, at 72o. 500 Iba, of Pure
Manilla 850 feet, at 18e, This le much lose than Twine '11 be bought at
0501 9eaatm,
GRANITE WARE Special Bargains in Dish Pana, Water Pails, Rice Boilers,
Sauce Pane. Stove Pete, T, n Put &u., &e. A nine every -cloy Tee Put et 20o,
Now is the rimt-t to suPply lour wants at, Great Bargains
1•^A11 Recounts aro aelied to be ,geared t:ff s.t once,
A LavisV Sprillg DiSplal
You remember wo told you that our new stock of Spring Wearll,bles was awaiting
your consideration. The subject is important enough to demand another reference. We are
particuhl.rly anxious that you shall understand that these goods bear the stamp of style
authority. The skill of the World's Leading 1)-8/gum of Fashion's Fancies is evident in
every yard we have to sell. If you'll please remember that it seems to us that not much
more need be said,
We'll just add here that these are the identical goons that are being shown to -day in all
the large cities. We bought them from the fame source at the same prices and we're sure
you'll find the selection ample.
Before you finally oh„ose your New Summer Gown, no matter of what material, and no
matter bow much or bow little you intend to pay, will you kindly give us the pleasure of
displaying the goods for your examination. Please read on.
-6 pieces only All Wool Serge, 86 inches wide in
Cardinal, Brown, Navy and Greens, real
value 26a -Special at 20
-5 pieces 86 inch Lustre, extra flue glossy finish,
in Cream. Curdivat, Grey, Light Blue and
Reseda Green reel value 30o -on sale this
weak at 22
-4 pieces All Wool Cashmeres, 44 incites wide, in
Navy, Brown, Myrtle, Green and $hwk, real
value 66e-Oleariug at 40
-4 edema only extra fine Ohilion Fioioh Venetian
in Blown, Navy, Green and Black, real value
00o -Special at 69
-15 ends Fancy Tw ed Effect Dress Goods,,
worth regular 76o, .900 and $1.00 -Special
pride to clear 65
Staple Department
-80 pieces Extra Heavy Canadian Print, 82 in,
wide and all go, d Patterns and Colon, real
YAMS, 12io-Your choice for 10
-25 piece0 Standerfl XXX Shirting, in Cheek'
std Stripes, real Indigo, warranted faetcot-
ers, worth to -day 14o -Your dlloiee for 11}
-20 pieoee only 85 inch Extra Heavy Factory'
cotton, goad rooted eV n thread, worth regu-
lar 7c -On gale at 6j
-2 pibeoas 72 inch itnbleircheo 'Pelee Linen, extra
heavy quality, regular plica45e- Special at,. 82
-5 pieces 10 oz. Cottonade, all good patterns and
worth regular 25u --Special at
3.00 111 Wool Homespun
Skirts for 1.65
-8 only Women', All Wool Haonespue Skirts, in
Dat•!t Wood Grey only, nude extra full suit
prima eetiug, assorted sizes, regular mine
$8,00 Y •ui' choice for 3. 65
3.25 Union Serge Skirts, 2.00
-15 only Women'. U"inu Serge Skirts in Navy
ane Slack (keeled Effect, til tizos, regular
value 08,26 Ou sale while they lust at 2 00
Boys' Readymto=wear clothing
-24 only Childeeu'o Suite, new patterns in good
quality Tweeds end 8ergea, extra etroug lin.. -
lege, surae 2- ince, entre Sailor Collars and
8 -piece Suite, for Boys from 4 to 8 years,
worth regular $8.00 to $4,50-Oloariug price 2 00
-20 Bnyo'.3'pieoo Seita, Light anti Dark Tweeds
trod Mope. well lined tend leteet style, regu-
lar vele. $4,50 to $8,00 -To clear at 8 00
--10 d, zoo Men's Heavy Wool Socice, good quality
road Ptbberl tope, wortlt,egullr 200 an tate at
15e per pair 00 2 pairs for 26
r• -"Put our Prices to the test and snake your Comparisons before buying,
neor0ln3 and is the evening hie subject Late of Norehelmorel, unw ht t.,wu DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, TAILOIbINt+ AND DRESS
wag 'Ramona for the hope witelb ne,' week. guarantee 0, Orders loft et 'lel; LNS NIA KING,
Ht is a mein to J, G. shone, of Remote, P0$i writ reaefya itrowpt atteotiog.