The Brussels Post, 1906-3-22, Page 5stirliesa J• WINQHAM BUSINESS cou.EGE 18 2 Illgliltrade Commercial School, Three Utithrsee t Commereial titenograohy Telegraphy Write SED. SPIYErod, Principal, OPENS APRIL. 2 SPRING TERM gELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. This School stenos to.day Lefore 6 the public) with it Menu -out ,rueortt for ji• work tiolie 'ion success uoinevad. it • tine surpassed all previous records in# 141 at tooditnee, 1'1+1°114 graduates iii Dons and doing goad work. Enter now and be ready to accept it good [g position fit the Fall. College open eo. tiro year. Our circulars are true. Oen, Y0181118 0i11 ALmuainizik ere. W. J. 111..wiuTT, 1280101.1,21. iledFWEVear-Tr..9t16'e5411t MEOICAL CARDS. 1)411. R. A. J3URNS— ____ Sileeefitior to Br. J. A. Meaux/item camels, °Mune Graduate of Polyolinio Post Gra dilate School of Biedleiue and Surgery, New 'York Member of College of Physicians and Sur. 0800 01 On Carlo. °glee and residence mune no formerly or. envied by Dr. MoNauglaton, Diseases or ttottleu a specialty, 'Phone No. et, BUSINESS CARDS. NA7 Id. MoORACKEN— Y V • Looter of Mar ittgo Licenees. Of floe ex Orocory, Tomb° w street, Bruesels. C. co.c Court PrInesse Alexairdria, No.24, 0. 0. F., Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room, slue. hill Meek, ou tbe find and Met Tuesdays of UILOil 01011th, c o'elook. Witting brethren always weloome. JAS. titlittilaSS, 0,10. A, E. tdDLLikiii, 10, 1.0. M. NIORRISON, Issuer of Marriage LiCen Bee, WALTON, ONT, ROSENT OHNNINGHAMi nmatoon, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- -a. • nun, will sell for better prices, to 18 better men, in lees time and less charges 111818 0,11' other Auctioneer in East Huron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders lien always 810 ftreauged at this Moe or by personal application, ROBT. 11. QARNISS BLUFIVALE ONT, Anotioneer fur limn Connty. Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at the °Mee of 12118. Poem, Rowels,, 2218 VETERINARY. (-2, A. CUNNINGHAM— • Honor :I itiltuto of the Ontario Vet - e. arinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated annuals ill a 00a1008 out manner, Partivular attention pain to Veterinary Dentistry aud 011111 Pov,ir. Galls promptly attendant°, Office and infirmary —Pour doors North of bridge, Ternberry Bresaele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B. MACDONALD— Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Etc, Successor to 0, P. Blair. Mae over Stan- " nerd Sauk, !immune, Soliolter for Metro. politan Beak. W.M.v • SINCLAIR— ft Barrister, Solicitor, illonveyaneer, buts.ty Publio, Ofllee—StevyarVe Blook 1 door 21,rLb of °antral Rotel, Solicitor for the Stannard Bank. ,..... paourwoop, HAYS & BLAIR— _ BARRISTERS, SOLIOITOBB, NOTARIES PUBLIC), ETC, . ' W. RItoODIM0T,It. O. R. O. LIAYa G. V. Brawn, Cfllees—Thofte formerly °coupled by Mestere • Cameron & Halt. Gammon, Onwauto. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FE11.0, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental 8112110020 01 Ontario and Fliwt•elelie Honor Graduate of Toronto 1Juiversity, Office next to Brewer's Photograph Onllery, BRUSSELS, irr___sc.....u.-41=sta#INt4==t=2 j/ Spring Term Opens April 2 2 CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. wily should yOU eontent yourself in theirt ordinarw y alks of life when you i 1,) can bettor your oondition by tatting n course laMSawa? itt S? Wo ewe a .la a010,0, Dr„.... education and ria• eist ow' graimatos to go id poidtioes. tt Connivance 1.0101'eourde 11012, Write for parte:adore. ELLIOTT & RoLACRLAN, *Wapitis, l'elf=rzgi=1Att=f=1=i.-.4 JAPERY ROOTOR'S EXPERIME Ti lb, him that num corm you Mat MTh PO t Can 14w81nder Whieli 1.108 bei,i) 118' ,tie gate rasedy for Aft,' Ynerts. Putotini)e area painlessly in ttrentY fear halve, Brewer's art Studio kvatetta Headquarters for pirst.chts., Photographs, L'fe Size Portraits, Crayons and Watercolors finished in A 1 style. Family Groups a specialty. Gall and see samples. H.R. BREWER i'tztritt 4o35, I. ederie ti Halsey Park ie makiog preparations to urea twoutory brick taidence 081 South atreet. Rev. James A.. Andoesou left last week for Moutreal to attend the allnUal meet. mg of Frauds evangelization. The eatimatee entanitted to the Home of Commons loot week contain the itp propriation of 650,000 for Goderielt her bon MISS II. Graaf, Polley loft on Tuesday to join a party of friends in Chiaago on a 'rip to the Pacific Coast, Mise Polley wni visit friends in Butte, (demobs, Minneapolis and Chicago on her home ward way, and in Chicago will spend some time in the further study of art work. Exeter. It le proposed to hold a Decoration Day in town in June. The baseball enthueiaate aro already talking up for the coming nation, Samuel Smith received word of the death of hie father, who died in Man amino% Miss Edna McCallum left for Toronto to commence her 'Intim, with the Gordon Mackay Co. J. P, Rues and family, of Toronto, formerly ot town, are about to 00111090 the West. Jamee Creech, or., who has been con fined to hie room owing to 1.1.00040, 111 irn proving annewhat, and in now able to sit np. The subeeriptien oomudittee, working ,award a Deninnetration on May 24th, have met whit excellent succour sufficient tO ensue the imam of the celebration. Choc. Cann hoe Bold hie reeidence Sandera street to John Mitehell. Orton inteuda going to the Northwat for the Bummer and may poeeibly decide to raids there later. P. Frain was made the recipient of e, beautiful chow by the congregation, Sun day Sobool and League of Jarnea Street Ohara] iu recognition of ON faithful tier vices in these ecenectione. Ja..t mat) vv iie I . John Henderson left for the Guelph Hospital to undergo treatroent. Quite a number of onr 'Torte are min• temPlating Organizing a baseball team ie the near !mere, Cul. D. D. Campbell has returued to town ttee spending a month in Toronto visiting hie daughter, Mrs. Williams. D, Hitiner was ie town ranking ar rangemeate for buildiug the new addition to the 0841r factory, which ie to be 40 by 100 feet at d three arida higb, riming tue eomiug 041.010108. Joseph Walker, County Master, and Rev. C. LfZ. Beekland, Deputy Master, represente I the Comity L. 0. L. of Natal Perth at 11.40018nuoi meeting of the Orange Gram) Lodge of Ontario Wool, in Gode. riot), A'meetling of oitizena wag he'd in the gown biA which had been celled for the pnrpoee Olt considering the advisability 0, mending a', delegation of Toronto to plea L1,1.owol'o claim] for a Normal School before 11248 Goverumeut. The re peotive patronage distributors ot Oxfordl county having been unable to agree reglardiug on appointment to the Epileptic' l Asylum, the Government Ian traneferred John Ronan from the Pinto tangniahate Aeyium to Wooriatook, Mr. Rananracemor to be EL J. Spence, of Painters Ise, at a eatery of $1,100. , (.1 WORST OF it COLD Is how 6118140011' it oomee. No time to hurry tip the drag store, croup develops the lunge fare effeeted.with pneumonia or taberoultadie and it's to late. Keep Ottarrhcazone on hand,—it kille oolda instantly". Something magical about ihe way it mime °Mardi and Bronebitie. Catarrh ozone le the beet remedy became it ouree•in eature's way ; it beale, aeotbee and angora permanently. Carry s daterYthozOne inhaler in your pocket, use it oowitstonally and you'll never eatch cold—that'a worth remembering, Ja..tary eon. Rev. Mr, aleVicar and Rev. Mr. Pon• had exelaringed pulpits hot Sudsy. Alex. and MN, Cameron and daughter Alma, left ott Tneaday of laid week for their new home near Belgooia, Seek. R. J. Walker, butcher, purchaeed two fine bullocks fatal John Murray, Blind line, whisk were delivered and tipped the soda at 2500)0e, Chas. Venetia, 12th con. West, he gold his farm to'his brother John, who lives on the 10th eon. Ones, has decade(' to go West with a carload of bases. Jeo. will 12600 269 Rome of land, but will sell 69 aora ou the gravel, thus leaving him with 200 aural towork. The direotore of the Elliot Format' Mutual Fire Inetirance Co. Mid a tneet• ing m the Agrioultural Hall, Atwood, 9160011 6011. Bimetal' were all meet% Fitty•eix app.iaatione for Insurance were aneepted amounting to .4115,721. Meeting adjourned till Theeday April fird, The direotore of the Publics Library met for organization ort Monday 011811)0)4 01 last week in Do, Langrill'e office, A. eommittee was appointed to 80- 01.1160811' and label the books. A eativaee. ing sorommittee was appointed to solioit new memberaen the different conoeeeioee awl in the vil'age, Membership tvIll bo as folloWo'—iliegle ticket') 40o to Jan. let 1907, and .fartlily tioltate 75e tei Jam lea After Jan. let the price will be al, for family tickets tot one year and single I, 1 tickets 60o. The Woke will be funsigeted before being Wiled tO the readers, New tuba' will be drawn op tied etraitly ltd - heed to end the library will run on up. Iodate prInelpiee, In regard to the epidemic of Glad" dere 80(110884 hornet) at Atwood, it La stated that two Clevernment inepeetore have been inapeeting the honest in Atwood and viola -thy. Wedureday ihey Agit six for John Graytior ; Thursday they ,her five for John Little ; three rot Rom, Flakier and one for Wm, (halter. They have several auto, quarantined. The diatom atione to have originated from it carload of brouglsoe from Calgary. • 4 - Jae Harris, of tbe 9nd hoe, will build a new brunt reeidenee next Bummer, &Ilse Nellie Carnetl bee accepted II poettion In a millinery 01086 10 Clinton. A. few motteat, onmtertah e housee for 'eating purponee ehould prove a good lamp:nem for any wools with money to inveet. Mies Noma Cook reterned home on Wednesday of lea week from She' low Lithe. Robt. Cook in spending a few dope at hie home here, McMichael Brea, shipped four oar loads of hors, e to the West on Tneeday of lea !Moak. They have levee 02 e (dolma' in Qu'Appeile. There were 72 mares and gosd young stallions in this ehipment. Laid. week's Record says ta.i There day eveniug last a goodly number of ratepayer!' aseembled in tiro Foresters' Flati to nominate oandidates for the ate, of Police Tama of Fordwieh. Al 7 80 p, m. sharp the returning olJioar, Wm Wattere, took hie place and willed for noininatiotia. At the wow of the hour the f.dlowing nominations; 10080 1000088110 ed :—A. C. autabieon, Jno. Mataughltn, S. Jammu, Jae It swe, Jno Argue, A o. Sotheren, R. Dennin and I. Waketord. All withdrew not Mame. Hutebieon, Mo Laughlin and Argo-, who were duly declared eieetedlor1906. HALF SICK P Sortie. The World (0 10,1. of them. Juot eiot sootigh to be lazy and liettese ; to have o appetite ; to sleep poorly. Qiiite often you're ha.laielc youreed. Magma are it.,- ,roOble jo in thee oomph and bowies' Bee, preeoriptiou le Dr. Hamilton's Pole they 1008 04 the entire system,etrengthea the stomach, elevate your spirite, 6110 make you well in one night, Dr. Hunt then% PiOe work wonders with loots 111 Your oondition. Mild in notion, effeetiv and easy to take. Get Dr. Hammen', Pille to da, 25c per box at all dealer. 11, medienie. !baton. John Macfarlane, ot Mo.ple Grove' Stook Perm Stanley, has purchased a watthine for shearing sheep. Dr. Bert Jaokaon, who bae been home all Winter, owing to Hinson, returned to his dental praotioe et Lethbridge. The members of the B. A. brasband, fourteen iu :intoner, drove to Heneall Tuesday evening of last week and gave a namieal entertainment in the Methodist °Moon. Mr. Pinner, for some time book keep,' for Hedging Bros„ ha' tease 8(04 8(81) MN) position with the Winton Thresher Co He is succeeded by Male Nettie Statism:, of Toronto, daughter of 'Lima Steven , Base Line, The amain' servioca whioh bave beet. in progress in Wee•ey church for the paw mouth, have been well attended and a number have professed eonversion. Thursday evade'. a meeting 000301en5,11 at 8 o'olook and oonttuued u,iIil sunrise next morniug. Jame. Moltiath aud Arthur Tyndall have formed a partnership to tioncluot to furniture and undertaking business aud have bought the vamuit lot be, wean the Elliott Moult and N w Era dace mem wbieh they will area a building sixty. five feet in deptb. Wesley await congregation had been a4ted to contribute the 011113 of $600 to warde rednaug the debt on the church, and they allowed their prectical eym pathy with the object in view by sou tribusiug 9720 on a resent Sunday, which was very gratifyiug indeed. A temperance rally wee held in the Methodist church on the 19th. J. C. Stoneman went to Peterboro, lam week to attend the Grand Cuunoil of the Home Cirele. &team of our lady hockey pinyere went to Goderioh Met week to play with 84 681003 of that Matte, The °tory of Jean Vet Jean as told by Rev. Solomon Cleaver in Carmel church delighted all who hefted it. The Obeorver Says :—aince our eleetrio lights have been run by the metric system it makes quite a difference in the appearance of our bnainese plane as the Beige are turned off mnoh earlier in the arming, People love darknese niftier than light Immune it pays the beet. Joe Cook, who has hoop rnaning 81 harbeett ettOp here for some years, has rhepoced of Ws bnaleses to Albert MeBrine. Our rink of outlets which Wept to BouthaMptOn to play to the Glen Trophy were not not pio enecesetui as watt hoped for. They were defeated by the McAuley rink by 12 ehote. A meeting of the Directors of the Bomb Huron Agrioultmal Floolety wet, held et Blaottitll's Hotel, Efenealli nn EtatOrday, Maroh 10th, far tbe purpose of arranging for a Spring show at Brnou field on April 94. A delegation from the Stephen and Tiaborne beatnik waited upon the South Rdron Boolely 10 make arrangements to hold the CotlotY Fair 81 conjunetion with the Branch to Exeter this ra I, to which tbe direotors ()emptied. A Seaforth delegation wee 'deo 1)28,001 and asked for a donation of 9100 toward their building fund as a 0,0111168 a010001 had baso given Steph, n end lieborne braneh last year. This regneet Watt 1000 complied with. lila els. John Denham and Wm. Bell left with two care of heroes for Neepavra, Mau. P. 01. Denglae be gone to Winnipee where he has accepted 80 position lo tbe Northern Bank of Canada. Miss Hood bee arrived in town and will have charge of the millinery department Poplestone & Gardiner for 111)0 008800. Iilylh Epworth League entertained the members of the Londeeboto' Epworth League on Tueeday evening 01 1.80,01 week. There wan a good musiol and literart program, followed by refreetiments. Friday evening the Blyth league were the 0800 of the Westfield league. ?dim Agnea Babb, sister of Mrs. Met e.if, has been lying at the home of her sinter for the pact week very ill whit a bad Mina of neuralgia and at present there ie very little hope of her recovery During the peat year Mrs. Metonlf hap not enjoyed the beet of health herself and threw additione, efflietiene will make, the peg nt sad for her. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mre. John Shortreed on Wedges 'at evening Maroh 7th, when her adopted ‘lauehter, Miee DiZabeth Ellen Riatiard• non, became the wi'o of John Gowning, of Morrie, son of 21, and Bare. Claming, of lityth. The eerendony was performed by Rev, Dr. McLean in the preenee of a .arge number of gueeto, tbe house being ontutifully decorated with Bowen. The Midi wore a beaorning dress of °react, erenadine. At the Mose of the ceremony a well prepared wedding dejenner was •ierved, followed by goatee, after which the happy couple drove to their 120030111 Morrie, followed by tbe heat wishes of e large mole of friends. TINE THIN MAN's DANGER. He eant redo oieettee germe,—that'e why he's such a mark for consumption. 1.0 this land 4d plenty, thinnees in wieked noes, eepedially when it's ao easily over. come with Perrozone. Thee, remaritabl, tieetie makes you fat quickly ; it dose so y forming blood that'e rioh, nourishing and health giving. Ferrozone (entities 'he nutriment needed by worn oat nerves tionetroots m000le end fatty tinsge. The f.,rtn tide ono the cheeks redo proving that the weight 1.o beiog edded Po be wen and stay well, nee Ferrozone Fifty chocolate ousted tablets in a box tor fifty mute or six for $2 50 as all dealere. 'What: lawatiac Peter Talbot, the new Senator from Sankatchewan le an uncle et Ala. A. 510Callomh of this town. Mrs. Emilie Duffield and eon Mater Alfred left lam week tor Berkley, Celi. fornia, where they intend residing in the fntnre. A. M Robinson, an old Wineam yonng man has been transferred from Port Rowan to be manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Teeewater. Geo. McKenzie intends erecting au sthittion to his block on Josephine street North of the premien occupied by M. E. Zurcrigg, photographer, and will arrange the seaoud story suitable for a ban for 800101104, The young people of 81, Andrew'a Presbyterian Charon held a very seams, ful farewell social, H.B. and Itire. Wight. man, who knee beau .00nneoted with the ;Moron ,or some time are leaving shortly for Brandon, and A. R. Smith another valued memuer is leonine in a few day° for Clinton. Rev, D. Perris delivered a short address in whioh he expressed re• Bret 01 seeing the members leaving Wingham. A good program was render. el and refreahrnente were served, Those present epent a very enjoyable evening. The regular monthly meeting of the High School Board held on Monday evening of last week with all the tnembare preseet exoept Dr. Kennedy. Henry Simpeen, architect of Toronto, was present and addressed the B.,ard re Mane ter the new wildcat building and atter !Removed To New Premises mismomme Downing Bros. Have Moved their Fine Stock of Boots and Shoes to larg.-r premises in the HOLMES BLOCK Next to Gerry's Hardware Where they will be pleased to receive the continued Favors of the Public, A Choice stock of the very Latest and Best Goods. Repairing Attended to Promptly. Call and See our New Store 111110°' 1 OefvPi"Aecewtoetoov~~"A#FoWtwg4okow4eiaAeyvvk"AAokrv.vftkAAyv4eohtO BRUSSELS NEW DAYLIGHT STORE G. N. McLaren Here are a Few Specials in'Pants We have been fortunate enough to get Five Lines of Pants away below Regular Values, THIS IS THE STORY Lot 1 Men's Pants at 1.00 —2 dozen Men's All Wool Dark Oxford Grey, Homespun Pants, well made and well trinamed, all sizes from 32 to 42, 1.00 waist measure, at per pair— ..... Lot 2 Men's Pants at 1.25 —1i dozen Men's Extra Heavy All Wool Dark Oxford Grey Homespun Pants, well made and well trimmed, all sizes from 82 to 42, waist measure, at per 125 pair Lot 3 Men's Tweed Pants 1.75 —5 doz. Men' e Pants in Extra Good Qual- ity of Fancy Twed, neat Patterns, well made with side and hip pockets, good quality trimming and perfect fitting, all sizes from 31 to 40, waist measure, regular values 2,25 and 2.60, at per pair tJ Lot11 Boys' Knicker Pants 35c —5 dozen Boys' Knicker Pants in Serges, Plain, Check and Striped Tweeds, lined throughout and well made, for boys Q 5 from 4 to 10 years of age, at per pr. Lot 5 Boys' Knicker Pants 115c —5 dozen Boys' Knicker Pants in Serges, Plain, Check and Striped Tweede, lined throughout and well made, for boys 45 from 11 to 16 years of age, per pr. • New Hats and Furnishings for Men and Boys —Call and see the New Hats, Ties, Shirts, Collars, Underclothing --A complete assort- ment of Furnishings for Men and Boys. Everything New We will be Pleased to Show you our Stock of Boots and Shoes AND QUOTE PRICES WE ALWAYS PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Money Refunded for anything not Perfectly Satisfactory ® N. McLaren ell•••••01.11.11/I NEXT DOOR TO AMERICAN HOUSE ,,onte dismission it woe agreed, an motion of Dr. Macdonald and W. F. VanStoee to engage Mr. Simpson to prepare plans and ,•pecifications for the High Sobool Mr. Simplon is a tnemner of he Toronto Board of Education and itt Chairman of the Property Committee and Ida had many years experienc. in ..,uperinteurling the ersating of sobool buildings mid will be frilly competent to fill the position. A FAMILY' NECESSITY. Ilia a remedy capable of affording immedinte relief 10 the hundred and one aliments; that oonstantly arise, It may be a cold, perhaps toothache, neuralgia, pain 1.0 the book,—use Poleon'a Nerviiine it is penetrating, pain subduing and powerful. Nerviline is at !inlet five times etronger Men ordinary remedieo and ito vuorth in any household oan't be over estimated, For men or beast Nervitine se *panacea for all pain and costa only 25o. per batt e. Bay Nervi ine today from your dreggiet, DISEASES OF WOMEN OFTEN 1011E TO DERANGED KIDNEYS When the 'Kidney's aro 'Weak It Is Itii- y08611)10 for Any Woman to be UMW, or Healthy. If the Ririe and women who are ei. lently suffering with what they 004. 008 ie "female trouble," would look to tbeir kidney') they would goon And the some of their ill health, The kidneys are very closely allied with the female mane and if tbe vitality of the kidney° ie in any way impaired, great suffering ie sure to ()near. No better medicine ie known for the kidneys than Dr. Hamilton's PON of Mandrake and Buttermilk ; they stimn• iota and etregthen the kidneys mai T Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan SPECIAL TRAINS FOR SETTLERS With live stook and effiesta, from Toronto 841 9.00 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY DURING MARCH AND APRIL COLONIST CARS ATTACHED NO EXTRA CHARGE flettlere travelling without IiVe stook shottld bee 1,46 p,m. train from Toronto daily. TOURIST CARS en Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Priclaye and Sat. urdays. Cost or sleeping berths AS fOROVra:... Winnipeg • $4,00 Regina • $.5,9_0 Meese Jaw • 6.00 Calgary - 0.0l0 'Eettlem' Guide" nod "Western Canada' booldeto of pmetital 8180 and Interest tont. Dors, with mtee and fell information, free upon applieotion to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent. Or write to C..13. Foster, D. P. A., CLP.111.. TOronnia thereby assist the other oreaos to do natnre'e work. Listaet benefit and tier. tato once are guaranteedi in every case. Sufferer, don't wait, begin treatment with Dr, Hamilton's Pills at once ; they will owe you as they did Mre. A. B. Coburn, a well known resident of the town of Portland. Read her experienoe "For two years past I have been sickly and weak, My color wee dull and Bellow and 1 felt exhausted and weary, as if ell my etrength were being eaten ep with some hidden trouble. I heard of Dr. Baruilton's Pine and decided to use them. The ehange in a few days woe air. prising. They regulated tny kidneys and cored all my Heifer- ing body, today I am perfectly well," Every womao eau take Dr. Haroilton's Pills with today and benefit. Their 000aahnial nee keeps the eystem in healthy, well regulated oondition. No more gentle or more prompt in remits. Now is the time to get Dr, Hamilton's ••••1•01. Pills, 25o. per box or flee boxes for $1, at ail dealers, or by mail from N. 0 Poison & Co., Hartford, Con., II. S. A., and Xineeton, Ont, Toronto nag and Meta' Co'y PAYS OASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &c &c. Highest Prices for Al! H. ROSEN K. LABEL Mill st. West, Brussels WELL, BRED STALLIONS KAPLAN 2.08i and e0StUffler Will stand for service for the Reason of 1906 at their owners' stable, BRUSSELS ONTARIO KAPLAN is one of the faeteet Stallions standing for 06812100 1.12 Canada and bo ie also a good gm ted h trse, having got hie mark in a race without hobbles and only trained by a trainer for 2 montha No othet horse got so fest a Mark With so short training. There is no other horse better bred to proclaim speed. Righty.of the horees with 2,10 speed trace to his g. g. dain Clara. Kaplan has a right by tn- heritanoe to produce speed and will snrely dii so. nOSTIIMER—You who have been using him know what he lute produced and kj those who have not done so can see what he is prod tioiug. He is bred in one of the most fashionable strains 111 1128 ptesent day Whiell is the Ilambletoniards end Morgans. RAMAN stands at 925.00 and COSTUMER at 915,00 to insure, Cott & Warwick, Proprietors scowr WIF321ES to thank hie Petrone of the last 30 years for their patronage in his blank. andibing busineee and Inure to give tatisfaction in the ftitont tte be has tried to ole lbe post. Partioulite etterition paid to shoeing 11,,th heavy mid light horsee. He keeps a:drat-elate matt, 94r. T. Ritchie, 111 his employ to ensure satiefootion to all onstomere, .0oityto, soorr.