HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-3-22, Page 4ght twoodo past. ° TRIMS AY . MAR. 22, 1906. 'replete the Ontario aegielature inter. Wee With the preettut County Contrail Amt the better for all oramerned. Tem pot Winter bee beau a herd one on many lime of bestowal owing to *be w114 oleereater ot the weather aud oa a result quite a number of failures are reported. Wholesales are put in au awkward box aa well ae retail mem Bra MORtniztit Surfebta Otte deolined to retain the leadership ot the Conservetive party in the Semite and bit e000eeor will be eppointed after the Easter <motion There's not nearly the eaten tau tor the Oppoeition now in that Chamber ulnae *be whirligig of time hes obauged the majority into the Liberal comma. ROTH Toronto and Moutreat we/ have teams in the Baetern Bate Bell Ewe° e. lion far 1906. Beaton opens en May 26 ti The mangers of these diamond Ouctei should Weed in a bottle of ketchup eerie in the race 60 ae to relieve the strain 0 the tail end of the medals of the Oana- dime Willow wielders unless they do ranter $ban they did iu 1905. EnPalinteNTAL farina had to ran the minutiae of where and often untie led ter opposition and aritioism by the oppois.an in the various Governments bat to des there ie general wooed that the wore done by them is of praatioal benefit luta their seope of neetutluees should be broadened. Two additional farms w. be established this year in the NorthWes by the Oraninioe Government. Beene sive that Sir Wilfrid L turiei was offered e sees in the Scheele Bono to Lords in 1902 whiob he detained out 'Mot the correspoodenoe may be Deepened, If Sir Wilfrid dew not see hie way opet. to aooept probably there are from 2000 to 20,000 other good Liberals in tin Dominion who would be willbtg sacrifice themselves on the altar of the lend motors the sea. TOMMSY and Wednesday of next week, Hardt 27th and 28th, a Province. Temperance Conventien will oonveux Aesociation Hall, Toronto. Spots, railway rates are offered to delegate* Tbe past year's work will be reviewed reports of Exeontive preeeeted ; Low. Option and proposed new legieletiet. diewased and the year's work Integra out. A large attendanee is baked for 'Deo expected. BANKING iustitattons are tweed:Aug se commonplace thew days the lik.lihood it that one may be looated at every hem - tea The Farmers' Bank le among the latest ot the newly organized, the capital being fixed at R txiillion dollars. A Member of wall known Ontario men ar,. on the direatorate. Ae a result of the Multiplieation of berate and the sharper competition the high toned top.lolty sty e of management assumed by some of tht genet hag largely disappeared and ordinary people clo not need to alirra telephone pole easy to say "Good day I " to them, So long at these new ineti u trans rest on a solid basis no particle at harm will! be done bot we fancy owe i4 them will have to "womb gravel" to ebow a good balauoe thew to the Wave - holden. Ossa 5,000 people eenteibuttti 902 000 to witnesa 0 prize fight between Mo Govern and Nelson itt Pitiladelph mei week. The letter received 910,000 tut orapointing hie adversary who tout, 67,000 to solaria hie weanded feelings aim battered body. It looks a good deal as if the foreign Miesion field eheald be abeed• oned and the workers turned into the home land with a view of civiezing the inimbitente. There would not be a poe. tibility ot such heathenish practices it the voters had the propel. Moe and idea of tree manhood. The emealled bottlo. bent ie it tratitions name in this Oao tdie at oars for a eet,to betweeo thugs to tee to enerade the law. Oar legieletere shout Web up the Statute to meet thio die- ereperiay as the Mamie !emirates ie bed from A. to Z and moat debating to i influenoe. Any mayor who pennies thew exhilatiene should be routed from hie poeition on the double' qaieft and wou d d ee many people did not say their prayers to Old (Meaty, Good citizenehip de. mends a waking up on this ;potion ee ettiegdard to the rising generation. Aid. Thee. Holly, of Peterhof), it dead. The steamer Soveteiga Was burned to the wetted edge at Intortine, The new Nardi Sweet Methodier Oratteh at Gocrarieh wee formally opera ed. Thos W. Butler, Governor of Norfolk County Jail, died at Simcoe, aged 62 Yeare, A, bete theatre and hotel are to be rate' at Wintil6egt to wet hilt et Millen a. larei. Ode tel the lama !Motion ettleri bald le this Nett of the province totsome limo was held at EifItton Wedneeday ot lititi week Ott the teems Of James Beatty Mr, Beatty 18 giving up hirwing on erationet ot all health and (twitted to ram of hie etook of thoroughbred burets nettle eta. , Orate to thottaand people Were it, attendance leoluding te hero number of buyers who land aorta thirty or Rorty meet to attend the retie, The pr000de amounted to Over 66.990. Grey Council Meeting. Council met pareortet to order iu the Trathelop Het , ibtl, a itioaday March 5th, at 10 a. all. Metabere al( preeent, Reeve it, the °hair. Menutet 01 itet wentiog read tend approved. A petition pretended it R. Oloce and 21 Other relepayer • milting oherity for ef,ches Didier woe presented Ou inOtion cf Grant and Jaime -on efil) wee greeted to M. 34aket. Movea by John Brown, weanded by duo. Outs, tat the E.Ittineer'e Report on tee Love aluompal dram ea read be adeimed tud thee. a By law be preparers and eerved on parties intereeted. ()heeled. Moved by Joe. Grant, Dummied by dno. Bemire that the Engineer's Report tin the r thircier0 low eyeteeth drain ye read be adopted and that a By aw be ,ticaerprielertiect, and eetved on pawee intereetea, tiovere by Juo. Grant, ocionded be Cued u Johnston teat the Eugineer'e Aeport on the Jeuk.in elaidemai drawl be thopeed and that a By.lw be preparea thd ',tweed on part.te interested °netted. Moved by Jno. Brewn, mended be tea- ter tut Di At the LOW Muniurpal ..man By lew, No. 251, ue reed firet atee o wed time Mon be provieioaalty 'Wooed Cerrird. Moved by Dutton Johnston, woondea 'y Jou Qum teat the Silver ()mere' Improvement By tow Nu, 284 be rem, ti. t and tooled tone and provanoutthe . meted. .0erried, lived by Jo. Outt, metaled by Jou, 101,014 ltd t ttlitt haittit) 'Wartiotpal doe - it naw N 289 ee reed Bret and Bine id ,itne arm provemouatly adoptee Moved by Dutton Johnston'secondea Juo. Brown that the Townehel. •titoonots au the Standard Batik 1 emmete, Bruwels, be transferred to tie Beetk of Iletniitou, Ethel. Cerried. F•venhog P..thmastere Were appoiut • ..1;—North Bdy. George MoDonaia, (lento Ala:wrong, Henry Artastroug, J-.maph Ouroan' in.e Barone) hloGeorge mow 1 itit,, 2, Wellato Willis,. Semler :threw, Eeemed Beyaue, Joe. Kula, 1110 MuDenaid, George Brown, Geer..., Goats, Annie. Smith ; cons, 3tied 4. Canoe Taylor, fi.ex. 210Druold, Ww. Lowe, Jusilb Revnard, Jae. Portion, Vm. Bremner, Demist lapilielt, Davin OU/100O OV00, 5 and 6, John °thee .14. age 'Wobse, 8 gem 8,ew, Petr 111 - Lukash, Phoned.: Vo do, Joshua-, Pam, lame Clerk, John 1' Beirnee ; 00118. 7 the 8. ',Legate Oardiff, R.thert Lig& tettra L ymeut, Mum 'nun:mute Berea, Oeteeou, it,•bert Bremner, L. A.. Moot .1 wept* Eger, David Carsuu ; aura 9 +rid 10, Winton) Bemingway, Joe hoar jr„ Jno. Seiia, Wm. Swaim, matrate Wright, Lome Lege, J. E Beier ; Blind Line D1.1E11013, Marie.. I eiereun; clone 11 tinct 12, James Beet ilugh Lamont jr., Alex. Perrin, 11nt 3-trnotoe, Wm. Luc meg, Levi Wb Jam eDeuenan ; cons. 13 and 14 David &Coble, Robert Coolione, Doetti.' Syravert, John McNabb, Jacob Zeighe melee McNair jr„ Thomas Wileitimme, Joseph Weiefte•d ; Sara Road Divierau Robert Milite; wine 16 and 16, To Nolen, Heigh Siewert, Jet. Human:, ,Its. Perrin, Geo. Dunlop, D. K. Liviee teth, George eluSey, ; not. 17 and 18, Joseph Bentiett, Thou. Williamson, Jobe imelie, Wm Dunuauson, duo. W ▪ ilintineon, Jute William, on, Aare:. emith, Wm. Meehan, Thomas Me. e'ettex. an ; Gravel Road, Samuel See , lea Suwon, Jae. Parr, Geo. Idull'ar arm, William Rands, Wm. Simkins , i4rahams Survey., Hugh Bliiott; Waltot. Pelage, R. H. Forgetter', Moved by Inc. Chat, seconded be Canon Joheeteu, and carried that the ...meowing accounts be paid Ohrietian Eektnier, aoramuration Statute Labor. • 9 7 00 •Iangee Mager, Dimity 80 tit Hebert .1feezieu, Reeve' 6 8t. imam tettetrack, ferm Breige L.,11.1o.11 drelim, 17 00 Jae. Mtwara, Farm Bridge, Linet drain 17 00 4:0, •thsIthoeh, ptepariug By•law N . 244 ell,ver 0 .r,dirs' beret, we 36 00 N•brInumb, prep-tr;r,g By .taw 289 J teethe theist 20 85 .tielntoelt, Bt law 261 Love came 11 40 r'rn.oifoo 0 tor. Lw Llositi, re E.rrand suit n Lemont main Orey'd portio 182 65 mutual then tecijourtied it, meet at oat; of Reeve. JOHN Mol Clerk HURON SPRING ASSIZES. the jury ratting of tee Spring term ol he High Corot al JnatiOe opened 0, l'eseday %humeral of Met week e .ietiertell before ilin Lerdeleip, Hun ifivoioe AloGoe, and as there were ut enamel owe on the record there wee e.) grand jury, se the einl oases conemetio ad et (wee Ratan e ve. Collet, seri Pigott et al ve Ti Imperial Clement (Jo Imitil, wer **timed std next Min jury sitting of ne wart, coaneal. Tbe first named to to Smitten to re cover halftime of pay. meth on it etnitteat to build a cement pier on the Mathend, on lot of No 6 deitlaud blow, MAMA, and the seaman .9411 1 thuoVer a swat due for impel. a maul bags returned to the Gement Co. Protulteet asked that Hamilton et. 'Oration be put on the non jury list, bee Ar. Diekineoa aeked that it be adjourned end predated ell1lavitie showing thee .4,ma 01 bid witnethes could not attend Lortiehip dittoed *het the case ke el tithed to the County Court tilting oi haw 13 b next. r. Tehrietan, of Thomeoh, Tilley eg Jehinaute ,retito, for defendant its T» G..derieh Seethe and Btoyle Go. ve. &mania, tkpp led to have shit paned of he tont jutv ha, a earning that tiler were two lea,1111geeintri ili ib end shat thee were both legal ones which shoela b. decilded by the colet. Proudtoot, C. Oontra, held that there were two mein questions, end that ae the evidenail on theme palette given by the partiell to the ti wee athwart, the citme tehnald go e Nee In amt e the (piratical of lam, en, H e Lertiehip en Mended. Town Nip ..1 Melte 11 ve Penton et a ee araiou to Reimer 61150 fur ,000•Inl. Mimeo qt oontract to atg a dote, the CM being mate Op itt to penalty of 95 pot day tor no iluiehing the work. Tim phelutiff township alto asked for en order of the Chiert, ettropelling eleteedente 10 complete the abutract, The defeadeute pleaded thet there were 1800 yards of earth more to be excaveted than the epecilleetione celled for, sod that the townehip.eogineer had Medi" a mistake in toe eat Mate Tint drain wee was continued all Wedneedey, and at oonolueton on Titureday meriting jorignteut wan weary ad math a report in made by all ludepend. set engineer, The Goderloh Engine 00. te. Menzies eme ettneroarated on Tberedey moreeng. It le ect option 1,0 recover the prim oI machinery set the value of the o.d machinery put into a yacht owned by d•teudent, who it a resident of Termite, the influent at risk being shoat 65000. A pry was demo:teed vvhb, 11 s Lorrarap after looking over the pleadinge, no encoding. The defendant Waimea thew the yeasel. Was never deemed, Mouse 11 toe Mot eactoteed by a Mr. 61, John ; that it wee not delivered at the proper 'ime, and he tweed 91,500 as a pentt-te -00 each delay, and it wee deo °minute .bat the vessel was nut finished. The p aiutiff company in answer said thee be yacht wee delivered in Agate to the leteudant, that there was no agreement re:artine peneltiee Ir delay ; that tie. eleudant ionated on the °able wore 0.0.1 boiler beteivetto parties tiorninat ed by himself ; that spy delay, if ther. was anv, wee ceased by these sub oun ;moans not oompleting their oontrnote li .me, and that the masel was precitioall) finished when handed over. Cate not v •.otuded. Hutchinson ve. The Grand Truett Railway, en aotion to re°. tar $150, the value of s bores killed, IWO for damage to harness and 91000 for personal ii.jurit4 tiliettled out of wort, the lank.1/0113 wing 950, the pries of the beret kiliee, ,nd the the oasts in the case, although he G. T, ft. oohed the cam it. their iefenee they contended that ni der 16 V.aterea, Chap 27, Sera. 21, and Raiiwai of 1905, See. 242, they were, no. 1 able The 'maiden', that caused the happened et the triad of the Godericit .1.-,thor /Amber On., and wee ceased be it train freighteniug she teem, who lie hones ran against the engine, wheat elided them a ong a short dietanor, 'tilting one of them. The plaintiff we toneirierably liken up end braised 'he awident. COUNTY COUNCILS. In Ontario it municipally organized 001.tuty m.tens a group of inuiliwpao are:tamed kownshipe. For many year* their the intreduation of the Imitative y-datis into Upper °soda the aunate 'Mullah watt met up ot repreeeniativee of octal manicipa hies—Reeve° of tuwu hipe, Otago and towed. A °rude ett . rapt at providing representation He. .11ring to marathon was made •nareeeing the whither of representatiew, leder the mune of Deputy Reeves, whit, he disparity in popatatiou among the emsl rannicipatheee became too great fit order to effect the tenalizetiou 'Aunties a twit of pope anon was isrb 1.ratily fixed, tom representativr bump, meowed for each snob nit. Reevee teeth O pity Reeves were ex einem member et local maniaipal Oaaticate, and were elected tie each by popuiar vote. Midei his eyetem there war muo speotal eieutioe ..)1 members of °entity Otamoilm Long experithee developed two gra,. defeats in the aeuety (Menai' ; an ne • ecesaary increase of memberebip and at goeusive tendency to wationa.iem. I moat counties there were a few sowitehip Jot it speak of lemma, wraith emit I. on. wo to (Our repregentative, to the wan tIonuoile, white other townehtim two mu. ageshad only their Reeves to reproof, there. In a large majority of conutiee itt membership boom) so great tie sive riga so widespread agitation for re- Ia it few (menthe the Wernher. ore manatees enough for a stosilPailta• not, and ehe hake:althea aud traveethe wanore mede the galena tete emee, xpeneive. I. is libelous that under tuel. eyeleize retaliate of internal betweet, ilferent Mellittiee were ware to be ag trevated by the predominecing it gave to the larger othnielpatittee. To remedy tide uneetisteotery abate il Whore the Legislature ten y.are eg, cte.lettel of at:interning heed with it the membership et !toothy fJountitle by '• eroding the tind of population, mom e melt, abolished the tad eyetera atm placed le by the one now eu germane Ceder it the twenty is divided lute dwiet.:, the ember of wheat is de 4.1mtned by population. -Oath distriet eptesented Ly two menthere, elemed nietimaity at a speteat eleotton. rbiit mange appears to have latitlgrated t, mole extent the prevalent liectIonolieth and Wend a better medic into ooaume munleipal politica. L has oerteinly greatly reduced the number of &lettee . ore, end bas correeponditimy out d -wit tit wat et county aritniln la11110/). it 1e, therefore, not at itit surpriaina that. pubis apinton te by 90 means uuteuimuue iu savor of reverting te the old eyehole of townehip tepresentation, and that thow in each locality who art the strange's: edvoentee ot lite -preemie aytabm ee thew who have had expertnee 01 its worktng. 'Cho Geveriiment's proemial, °whaler' n it measure already submitted to the aesembly, ie to teeter, to local criutikopiti. 'ma the right of represeetateen Itt the ilounty coattail, but to limit the member hip of the letter by inert selbe the non of population repreeented by a single member The effect of trail would be to materially inereme the not:ober of mem new, but not so ea to make 11 u&e 'are° iu auy country itt it wan berate the °hang° o 1898 Ott the other heed it woutd teed iu put the larger municipalities on a par with the smelter in the matter at in Ilitenee, wraith world be not merely nte• popular but bj.oimoneblt. Ueder the present eystm the diveetithe represented are tes nearly email in extent se may be, the etrateiv.sieu of the County having beets entrusted in wale ogee to a board of Dorn attemionere, eating ander epeotlio matte gone, and enipower, d 1 Mange repro. entations and beer testimohy, The 'Hamel devieloite of 1896 were to ache. .nioy rad iilelIiwtiikmy made that eom. ;delete at nnftetrnese love been eragulart .y tow, tt seeMe trait merely needled° aniviee 1 'Week up a genera wbioh has been to erateeeetul in he operetione t.811 it hie been aao,,rtarined that Alleged -Welt,are irtemedieble. The raw. Imporitera, °Fme urged eitathet the prewid etcetera Retract ender ui its members of twat nrattirapal Oraen. ram are invisible Tike tow the doable effeet of whine the pommel Mame°. sumo between the entity Coutioll and the local °Dundee, and ot limitieg tbe °holes of the ratepayers et moiety Council eteatione, There ie reason 10 believe that but for the' profil. bition a 1 11080111y to the syllteni Wield have by thin itut tiled ora, and AHD it the prohibition were now repealed the agi- tation fur 1,50 restaraclou Of any , 1130d114 Whoa of the rad eyetem would graentioy wave Whether that au or tiOt, .1 011,11 do no herrn, now that the (luveremen" Meagre le before the Legislature Arid the country, to ollOW the whole menet tO Otanmi over for tt year in order to give the people a 01/11.40B tO tom opine:me op .0 it The subjoin ia tortunetety outaide ot the rogi011 01 political merlissi situp, mid there It no nee:mashy for haety settee. BREATHE HEALING BALSAMS If yowl, the Medicated. it I 'Mar h i nee, Endorsed by 1 hysienties No one should cordoned Hyomei wdl. the patent medietnes that are advertise, to Duo catarrh. It is as superior bem ell ete the diametral ie more veined. • tiau chap elan Their composition Pot et, hit Hyomei Rivet. its formula ail reputable phyetoiens. Its base is the famous euealyptue of ',tell known for its antiseptic qualiii Thio te combined with aromatic itt healing game and bahame, making pure iquid wrath, when used in it Hyomei pocket inhaler fills the air yet breath with warn killiu,g, diacatie death y mg and healing powere .lutt restore heal,. to every part of the throat, now am neve Hyomei is endowed by physioian eenetally. May ot them use it then. ereves to break tip a cold and preeai priecnnonia. 16 ie the On y natural ai rational way of wring eatarrh, Would it be a eommuu reuse treatmeie to try and aura a wen by stomach du. ing 7 The only notate! way to cure %hie disease and all diseases of the respirater, embers ia to breathe Hyomel. If you omen obtain By, mei of your • 'elder, it will be forwarded by moil, p. et a e paid 011 receipt at price. Write tonna for oonsultatiou blank that will antic!, v a to services ot our medioal depart meet wuihoi ahem, The 11. T. lieeti Go 'Hymnal Building. Dacha, N, Y. Eno N. Armunr, H. A., wise eleoten Pr -evident ot the University College Lit erary and Soienttfio Boni( ty. &elopes ot the Queen's Own Bit, Toronto, were the gueam et the sergeants or the 74th Regiment at Buffain. Sir Mackenzie Brawn hese definitely de 'tided to Withdraw from the leadership of the Otenservetive petty in the Senate, teed a ballot through the mali will be ken for the esleotion of hie eacceaser. 4ORTG80]3 BALE OF PaRM IN TBE TOWNSHIP OF ELMA— Under and by virtue of a power of sale oentalned in a certain mortgage, given by ne George A Hart, there will 13- eff.reri for tel. by Penh° en, . t.e ti on to VII cD 4Y, ,he Nth DAY of Di lRJ0b 1980 at 11 ci'a ck u the foreuo in, et the Ain rieso Rote, 111 the Village of Brussel , the followiug vein - able farm property, viz. : Lot Non:ober Three in the Fourth alt Ooneession of the Conn hip of 1411 da, in the Gotatty of Perth, cwitaluing 810 sexes 1 ore or less. The trio 1, 910 utiles from Aterorl and about the same from Ethal. It le about twelve wiles f OM 811188018 and 11.18111111.118 (11888,110. from 1lttwel It la cued ad under e ‘1. Myna, on meat about a° ea .0 boo. an the East a ftv tore.' there ie a frame dwelling Loot-, with woodshed and milkhouse attached, Is a log atatne, • he Went fifty Berea theta IS a frame 0089 aide frame stable. The soil lea clay loam aid produces good (woo, 'I be fan in 1, COU Volli.ut to °burettes red athoni Tut 8111.88 All Webb Lames will be offeled for Bole sepal at.-iy iced also together, ice ilet to a reserved bid. TO41/14-10 par mutt fu mesh, the balanee iu thing.1..ys when 'possession may be had. Tenni; tu utter reap. to made 1111,,WU on day of aide, and meanwhi way e e ascertained ou application to cue under. Dated at Berlin, Atwell 1st, 1905 AIILLan & SIMS, So.loitore for the ales • B. Rose% Bali itt Anotteueer, Brunei Ha 9 STOCK FOR SERVICE. )TILL FOR SERVICE, — A ▪ Th .ot'-broci Denham flub trill bekept tor aery ea by bit nuderdened at 1,01 24, on. 14, Grey. Pedigree may be seen on 011,1 00(00. Terme 61 00 92-4.1 DONALD loNBIL,.Proprietor BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep tor servioe on Lot 19, Dem 10, they, a Thoro'darad Durham Bati,1111,1 Pettis, ee way be seen on application Terme at. 26 with privilege or returning, re 0. laROVI 8, Proprietor, nULL FOR SERVICE. --THE LP Undersigned will keep tor serylee Ou Lot 21,00,, 12,lirey, bit .tire broil Aber- deen illogUa bull, "Lite, rime 0," sired by "God 101 Obief," the ohatupiou bell of Canada. P. digree mat be seen on aeldic • .10 Tann% 82.06 with privilege of retnrn lug If neoonarry, J 1.21010219 14 tt Proprietor. raOttemetearwuent glErMIIPM.9111104., 4 V1A 1.8./88ohlempcsasououu8888algamausanttaale88.u.o.018.1.880/88011.880.88818818.8.888.8augarreumacovei IMPORTANT NOTICES 9-111.11BE YOUNG SHORTHORN ea. bulls for eale, eligible for reaffirm - teen. Apply 00 119, srunt, 1.01 20 non, 0, Morris Orlistiels P.O. 20.11 rEIHREE NEW COUNTER Show th/1108 for sale, with 4 feet loug, walnut Irimes and double thick glass. ap- py to Tug Pon, Brunets, ri'Wo 'YORKSHIRE SoWS port eania—p., Wig 10 Ma 0 weeko nod the u bey nue to 1 ors ow ',boot tort let Plan dee sell an Inapi•ited Yorkshire floe. AL, D. Lat1112'. 394 Lot 29, C. ow 9, limy, 12 thei 10. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCES AND IS blJER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES oak» la tiro roil anew, Elliot, 30.4 GOOD TOWN PROPERTY FOR Sole on whleh le large Mick house, tnile, drilled welt, oiatero, fruit eardem, v. ,94 aortae it laud MI .1011 and Tawas et, drUatio t Torras reaflunithlo, App y to Johe 010PADDON on proMiseu or F. 8. 017 ,rttutlo 1.4`AliM '10 RENT.—THE UN - a. Pgasiongn offers the 100 acres, lenenti h the tie.. thelbles hum, N 15 4 hot 54, Con, I. Morrie, tt rei,t, Ou the premises thereto g-od butt 0 and barn and other convect. t0014 Por furter perteruiare apply lo ateatrai, UALBIOK, 0 W Lot 28, 09.13, turns, or Jamestown P. 0. 9341 1..`ARM FOR SALE OR TO L Lamm—rho owlet signed offera bin 00 'cit Iunn bolug Lot 15 Rod AO, Coe Gm, or sale on easy tame Vetere la a frame ou a, bank bath. small °reward and it Annelid supply Property letwat- 1. a thin ueishoortwod lf net sold 11 hi e leased t imitable tenant applies tem.10 ther parelouners enquire ut Tant Poo, ,,tiesolu, or write W H. EtigIt, DROPERIY FOR SALE—THE noueralg ied toners 1:dale an acre it itt upon Wb1011 18 a comfortable dwelling tionse.encOlo, raft thin a good over-flowiug teal, 8.a. Property 18 1. Gated f ole mile net of Vranbrook and eouveuient to echuul, church, p,doto0001....th. POBIffititiltItt ttt auy 'awe. For price, toms, 8.3 , apply ou the utWfttt to AL hat tan is, 80 or Oraubrook 1,0, P1.10PERTY lSALE—THE SALE—TH=dewlap. uti often] fur sale his own . ruble divelliug and 8,1 acres of land douth 01 ..russele Torre ie a good Imp barn, young oroinercloke., on the %trembles. Pot. n.doe given iu April. For further portic- o ars au 10 00, harms. 80, at, ou the prem,sea to the proprietor or to IP. 1,8.11, onlege.s. HAMLIEL HOODARD. 60.egg Chatham themmtor mid Brooder tux fano at a itarat1414. 11, BOOd w oting ktlispo, 9441 20i) ACRE FARM FUR SALE V bete, Leese') two 28, eon 0, Uty 1 tt,l. Inabt. ot Ethel, 1, acres Wowed • 8 omen. Palo trlt. ; 5 auras LAM • 100. ortee.ure lui d; Minto.te well heeded! le well Mimeo and watered. Ch., prewines er, com. fellable dwelaue house, Intuit bo..1; bOx105 It rso Manic, titivate them, simian!) moo silo. Podietsiou revers &torah .i64, r ot prom, ternie,ete., apply en proLuon18 to L. a. 01800A, .b.thel P. u. xiht I., ARM FUR SALE.—THE UN • DE110ION00 'Iboa his 100 mire IltrIn union at Lad, .6, ou. 4 111 •rrie, fur este. 71 aorta cnear.d owl red nutter grass ezcieehua fi Otr,t 0,10, w 11 au..pteu ior peetUro, Lever taillug ap,i,,0 arena 0181 ttnallAn it 11118111,1 113 t Otattlotbr Munn bOnsu, fine //Pat tot u 80 net endure, p,g poo it LL ue flumes 20300, and siren noc40; 81118.11, Ul guard 21)ah11881.1u have., tttl) that). .eur 111,31.un pummeled% apply on Dian prendees or ed. U1888 thuesels P.O. 0,0dr, e.,11.01.1D1th, Propriethr. 110 tf ' ELL KNOWN FARM FOR SALE.—delng Lot 20, t en 15, Gr. y, coutitioittg 100 per- e of first.c10,e .a..d. TM. 1130 iu 11, tow State 01 oultivatien, there being 25 110.10, 1h1.1 p 0104,1, t1eVou antra deed°. to °lover and timothy, 11 than acre., of oat, cave carte ran lancet, tot torte V/1100 nosy, halation pasture. _Nieto are three (woo wells, orchard, aroma dweilii.g, tottrk intso.ourriotio bottle Old Other 04" buildings. F. r mien, terms, ute,, apply to O 71 or WiLL1Ast haeouture • ostato, tat premises, or 41.ttatbrOJIL O. O. Notice to Creditors. LI. the matter of the estate of Joint Geiger, late of the Township of Geey, in the County if Huron, farmer, deceased. Notate is hereby given, nuranant to Rev's - ed ..tatutes of Outario,1897, Oliap. 129, alt ameuded Acta, that All oreditors and °there having ally clatina agalust the estate of the said Jobe Umer, tyla ltd on or about th 101 0,» of teerch,19es, are leguired or boforo the 1st may of Atirtl, .19 0. to send by poet prepaid, or deliver to the tuner- algued theft Claiistian and aurnaulOS ono eddiesinis with Mil artlaulara lu writhe - of their ola.nia, the etatemeut of their ao 00(101 abs) the bonne of the sett thee (ti ally) ,.eld by them, Yenned by antis/ad.)* Otlellir841011. A.ad t01,t 11 farther given that after the mud itt titoto itt, toe said Enema tria Will proceed to dlatrIbUte 11.10 01 the deceseed imouget the particle Gott. led thereto, hevlog refund oily to ttt olialo . of eland* the ttall thee hay. within and that ti t said haecutrix wilt mut 1. liable for the smote, or itoy par therm, to an,' reou or person. 01 tallow eIottm 1.1uttoo Snail not have been received tot L1011111E118 811.4t1 Of atIOU dietribution Dated ot Lietuwel alio 24t1 they of Feb rutery, A D ,1900 'KNIT 8 LittOwol P 0 , eel alcove for Ellizehot Geiger, Sole Haceeutrig. 50-4 The Home of Good Clothes "In the Spring a Young Man's Fancy fondly turnr, to Thoughts of Love" and New Suits. WAVING jut received a, large consignment -11—s- of all the Latest Novelties in Spring Goods we only wait your inspection of same, feeling confident that we can please you, both in price and all that distinguishes the well, dressed man. Doilds Habki Leading Tailors Alici-liGoiRiRaoTRocanGQ.c4GIRoGG/IR2 Change of Business The undersigned wishes to announce to the Pub'ic gent rally that he has purchased and taken possession of the Harness Business 7) ;4) a e4) a GEO. STEMN Ciletez.itguyeeuez.v.R.P3e:uuublueU so long and succes.folly conducted by Xolin Donaldson, 13russels, and will be pleased to be favored with a continuance of the trade so gen- erally accorded. A first.class stock always kept a.nd the wants of the public promptly attended to. and nings MONTHLY r: 'Horse Fairs We are offering sone Special *Values in Watches and Gold Rings We shall be pleased to show you our BARGAINS iehtble Honelit Goods at Closest Prices. H L. Jackson LF,ADING. JEWELL-Olt. L1RAIN I-10PP.N 3 The undersigned beg leave o notify the farming community bat they are now ready to do .11 kinds of Grain Chopping and • !rushing at lowest rates. All i.ork will he promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, trait, ',bolts, dm, always in stock toil sold at Market Prices. Phuell Bros. Ail! at Electric Light Building. BRUSSELS The :Violably Horse Pairs will be held in Brume, for the heat; n as follows :— THURSDAY MAR. let, 3900 APR. 5th, " Leading boreal and Itttlsido will be Present le. S. SCOTT. Creme Fanners or Stora keepers , by entnnig to the Brussels Salt Woks can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. SPECIAL BARGAINS —IN Alldiltligi';EMERY To Liverpool cmaiso 47 HOVILLS (Londonderry) From Fit Sohn ?rein Ha ifax Bialltan ..... ,...8st ,Mar.1.7 .........Mon. 01.0. 10 ea -tort -tie " klar 24 " Mar. 00 .risian " Mar, ill .1 Apr a V Apr. 7 1.. Apr. 9 Rates of Plumage Pint Oines-560 and nowanie, athoedinic to ate •mer. Souniad 01. as -840, 44250 1101d 545 . 10111111n 92,60 extra. Third elhh8—V11, gi,alto 828 76; Farman 627 SO ; other shw:t- ele $2080. 1101T0N TO GifeteiloW ithsrlan Touriday, March 22 HALIFAX TO 1.000010 and HAVRE ;emotion iaturday, March 24 For further parameters, rates And tickets total, to ly 11, 11111111, Agent Allen Line, 13131103e111, Pelt flats for 50 Cents We are also Agents for the "New Idea" 10 Cent Patterns. Oall and get a Fash- ion Sheet. AINSES IIABKIRK To clear out the balance of our stock of Hand Sleighs they will be sold at Positive east Prices We do not purpose continuing in the Tenney Goods and Toy Business so will clear out e ery thing on hand. THE POST BOOKSTORE