HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-3-8, Page 8deftrenseaenstamenelataseaimmeeeenesamtameenate,arenesentroefeetteta..e,.esim,•sna,saaymucva .......,.,.............„..._________,_ NEtt PTC L PARLORIet„,,.._ We have had fitted up in our store an Optical Parlor, and put in a first-class stock of Optical Goods. Glasses scientifically fitted and our aim will be to ad- just every pair of Glasses exactly to the wearer's needs—to have them distinctive in quality and ap- pearance. Have recently returned from Toronto where I spent the past month in attendance at the Empire Optical Col- lege. As this is the only College of its kind in the Province whioh is under Government Legislation, the course is a most thorough one and their methods the most up-to-date. If your eyes give you trouble we extend an invitation to you to come in and have an examination made of your eyes. ru DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. eigym F. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & R, Trains leave Brueoele Station, North and South, as follows; Genie 8ocma Goma NORTO. Mail 7:05 min I Mixed 0110 eau Mised.........11:55 0.m Mafl ....-1:44 p.m Express 1:02 p.m !Express 8:51 pm, goad ei» 7t.en A ohiel's amang ye fakirnotes, An' faith he'll prent it. WHEELING is good. Sawa Board Friday evening of this week. 100 SUBSCRIBERS wanted tor THE Pine in Maroh. C. 0. F. met Tuesday evening. Next meeting, 27th inst. THESE has been skating on the outdoor rink a few eveninge this week. Le ovists has been bothering a goodly number of people in this looality. DON'T forget T. A. Hawkins' concert Friday evening of this week in the Towu Hall. FOURTH Division Court was held here on Thursday of this weak before Judge Holt. The dooket was light. Waerzaa Star Lodge, No. 149, 10. 0, F,, Brussels, voted $5.00 to the Graven. horst Consumptive Sanrteriam.last week. M&LVILLE obnrob t2 adverse/lug for e pereoo to lead the ohoir and act ae organ. fat, ae etmeee800 to T. A. Hawkins who has rendered efficient nervine for years bat who has resigned es he purpose0 shortly removing Crum Broeeele, H. R. BaswER has diapoeed of his Photo, studio at Blyth to T. B. McArter, who has been in oharge for tame time. Mt. MoArter 1200 moved to new and up• to•date quarters and will no doubt do well, We wish him eaooees. Mr, .Brewer has all he van attend to iu Brussels. MONTHLY HORSE FAIB.-Brussels taken no second plea for its mouthly Faire for the sale of horses. Thareday of Iaet week veva a good one both far payers and sellers, Thera was a large atteudauce. The next and lest Fair for tine seas. n will be held on Thursday, April 5th. This Fair will be one of the beet of the year no doubt, Keep the date le mind. Tag editor of the Western paper has printed the following list of rates for "puffs.” For telling the pablio that a man ie a samara' citizen, when every body knows he is ae lazy a9 a govern- ment mule, $2 80 ; referring to a deueeeed eitizeo ae one who is mourned by the entire community, when we know be will be missed by a poker circle, $1.13 ; re• !erring to some gallivanting female as un- eetimable lady whom it is a pleasure to meet when any bueineee man le town would rather see the evil one oomnug, $8 palling an ordinary pulpit pounder au eminent divine, 60 atone ; sending a 0innert0 heaveu,$5. Tao D. D. G. M. wee 13Bo9.-Tuesday evening of this week D. D. G.. v1. Dr. Mo Laren, Of Paisley, paid his oflioial visit to 8t. John's Lodge, A. F. & A'. 100., Steatites, when a 01001 enjoyable time was spent. After the bnsines° was over an adjourn. moot was made to the Ueutral lintel where a firot.olaee copper wan served in the beet style of the hoetlery. Covers were laid for 45 people. A few im promptu opeeohee tnterepereed by 60990 brought the 000aeion to a close about midnight. A .number of the Wrox eta brethren were present. The members very highly appreoiated the 0tett of Dr. McLaren, A oxasn Miasaxo s. -A Braeeela N N aorreepondenttothe Wiaghem Advauoe this week sage :-Thareday, 8th met., Poetmaeter Farrow e0tere hie 74.12 year, The Dominion Parliemeot Deena this year on that date, and tine will no doubt remind him of days past and gone, and bring old Baena afresh before him. He will no doubt think of the obongee time has wrought in the House as well ae le the country, eiuoe he was elected in '72 .o 06900eent what was then North Huron. When the houee meets on Thareday there will be very few present who were mem• here in 1873, perhaps not more then two Hon. Jac. Beggars and Hon. Ooetigsn, itmemory serves ooeruotly. Mr. Farrow represented North (afterwards East) ,Huron aontinnon0ly from 1872 to 1887 pestling through the five general e100tionn. He was victorious in four, and went '---stsl'vn in the fifth, by 61. Votes, beteg deleeted by Dr. P. toioDooald. Was it not rather a ateeinge eoinmdenoe that hie enamor ran the tame number of election°, won four and went down to defeat in the fifth. it the indemnity bad boon then $2,500 ae at present, the fifteen years ehoald have made oar eetnamed citizen quite comfortable financially, Pima of Otherwise, after fifteen yeere nervier, of the beat of hie life. However We are pleoeed to note that ho Ie still vigorone, and hue ooueiderable energy left yet, notwitbetandiug that he hue pawed the three 00ore and ten merit. May ho be spared many years, yet to auu da $raesele' faithful poetmaettr, valoid Bank of Canada a 1 100 new oabeoribere wanted for THE Po T to Maxon. Tura eeyle of weather knooke out the oldest inbabitent. A. 0 DAME,. shipped a oar of Toronto on 'Tuesday. A BAR of bugs was shipped to 0100 Or Geo. Best this week. GRAND Orange Lodge will open in Guderroh on Wednesday of next week. Toe Aeaizes will open he the Court Horse, Generale, on Tuesday et nest we k, MANY from here will take part in the program in Jamestown on Wednesday, Mar. 141h. Au iete0eetiog and lively debate will be given. IN It recent Government report of the Institute for ,he Blind at Brantford the 9101008 of Bert. Lott, of Brame, who is a strident there, appears in two grape. OW/ view is a group in front of the School and the other shows a glees at bead work. Mackie sometimes a doll month for baomeea but THE Pon le after 100 new aaboortbere. 0125 in advance will ee are it and the Weekly Globe, with beaotifnuy intimated xnpplemeot, ep to January 1st 1907. Seed along your eubnoIlptron at mita. AUCTION SALE Or FURNITURE &0.-F. S. Soots duo. has been meiruoted by the uodereigued proprietor to eeh hie house eo,d effents on Saturday afternoon, 10th inst., at 1.30 oIeok. Sale will be in the Uraham brook, next door to Fax'e drug store. It will be without reserve ae proprietor (Harry Mooney) et going West. HYMENEAL. -By nation elsewhere it wile be -oeu thee Mise .tiargeret A., daughter ul the late John McDougall, of Braeeoee, wee nulled in marn0ge to Olareuoe L. Belyea at Sault Ste. Marie, ou Feereary 28th. Rev. Mr. Pioroy tied line matri- monial bow. The many relatives ane old friends of the bride to this locality 9111 be a amt in wishing the happy couple many happy, prosperous years, to alt of whioh The PoeT Saye Amen I KINDLY REAtEt1BER0D.-The membe,e of • astern Bier Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Breese's, presented Juo. Ritchie, e brother 8 -linker, of Ethel, wish aver $50.00 ea a token of their friendship ane sympathy over hie lose in the deetruo tori of the hardware store of Kreuter & R,conie, of Ethel. These kindly re• me01brau0ee au condi to sweeten life and also prove the practiced oharaotrr of the Order whose watchwords are Friendship, Love and Truth. LEGAL. -A suit fa now pending in the Uiruurt Ooort of Michigan between the Adm,uieirstor of the late Jesse Wright a,.d Hansard Wright, both former reeid. sets of the 4te line of Morris towoebip, ae to the origiu0l owuerehnp of N of ler 22, loo. 5, Morrie, now owned by Jolla Bndrne. E, 0 Bebaook, of Sandusky, illietligan, Attorney for the Wright estate, wee in Brussels on Wedueeday takiug the eviden0e of W m. Clark, Towuehip Clerk, John Sherrie and Nathaniel Fiatt w reference to the daft. The evidence was token before Barrister A. B. Macdonald, Brneeele, who 908 appointed Examiner uy the Miohigau Circuit Court. Oast will mime upfor hearing this 8priug. Jesse W,igltt died suddenly a short time ego. 0.d re.,deute of Morrie will re- member the Wright lamuy quite lie. teuotly. RECITAL -Thos. A. Hewkice enlisted by his 0umetele' pupils in the examen ab0ne held recently Hi oouneotion with the Loudon Oouoervatory of Maio, will give a Plano Remind in the Town Hail, Bruosele, op the evening of Friday, March 9th. Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes will Bleu give a Piero Gale, Vocal eeleotlone from Mees Sate MoKmiey and Mite Nora Holmes, and a trombone solo from L. S. Danford. Mr, Hawking will perform on the I gimes and also give somee hnmoron0 eeleotiooe, As Ohio will positively be Mr. Hankies' lac appear race ae a public eutertainer, hie render ing of hie humorous number0 wall ourpaee al, preuedento. Admneoion to any part of the Hall, 25 oen0e and Beate may be re. served at Mr. Fox's Dreg store. Doore open at 7 30 ; Recital at 8.00. 100 New SUDooal86ae WANTED IN MARCS. -Tile Pune deeiree a wetter field of nee. :nieces and se a consequence will push the circulation department of our bani- ueos. During thio month we deeire to add at least 100 new names and by the help of the friends of Tem Poor this ehoold not be a wary ditfloott job. By way of iudneoment to new eobaoribere we will give Tee Pon and the Weekly Globe and ()sada Farmer fur the next 10 menthe for the email .nm of 01.26 in advance. A besotiful itluetratod supple. meat oumee with every ieeue of the Globe. Now is the time to take advenlege of this offer. I1 you have a eon or daughter ebeeut from home this would be a very kindly way of rememb, ring them, If you send them 'Teck Pon it cote you 52 dente toe postage in addition to the trouble. Will every onbeoriber spare ns 10 minutes each week daring Maroh to help as e00nre 100 new eubeoribere. We are always pleased and thankful to re. (dive newsy noose from any looulity and we'll WBloonte oontrib'otione from any reader of thio notice. Sample copy of the Globe may be ewe at Tan Poet. It Wife never better than now. hogs to Pelmer- 37- t3'I,A20Z.,TS Tu1D 11370 81.111.914119, OR RESERVE FUND 3 1,000,900 TOTAL ABUTS OYER 10,909,000 General $aIokkiing 113-usinet?11a Tie anPeat Cited —"-"VSAVIN®B BANK "— Accreted latereet i0 added to aeao0nte ovary six mouths and besemoe prineleel, Joint Deposit ArcounIo--A SPECIAL CONVENIENCE ,u use in our Savings De. partment is tbe "Joint Depoei0" account, Moloy may be deposited or w,tbdrawu by oltber or the two members of tbe household. 1hi8 system is a great eouveu- fenoe to many residing in town, but more particularly so to farmers, as lu the latter et= whether manor wife comes to town either eau attend to the Bulking, An. other fe001l08 of the eyetom is that le ease of the death or either party the money can be withdrawn by the survivor without cost. We will tell you more about our methods 11 pie will kindly call or write. elarrietl Women and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without the 101, 10rv00000 01 any pawn, SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for BAFE•KEEPING only fur whieb no Charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and oonrteous attention. G P. SUHOLFLELD, GEN. MANAola. J. F. ROW LAND, Looet Aetna. Hones for Bale, on John street, Apply to A. J. Lomax. DAVID M00000E6mi shipped a oar of eettfere' effects to Milestone Seek, from Brussels tine week. FRIDAY oveoiog of thio week is the date of the Recital of T. A, Hawkiue in the Town Hall, Brussels. Bee the program. DONT forget the Auction eale of Harry Momiey'• household effeots Saturday afternoon of tine week, at 1.30. o'clock, in he Grabum bleak, RUM HURON Fail Fair will be held at Braeeels on'Thareday and Friday, Oa f4end 5. A vigorous effort wilt he made to break the record of our poet 0aoae6080, It will he a hastier. DRUGGIST SMITH bee taken o worse in Option and has received hie mafioso - from Toronto. He ie now prepared to profeeeionally attend to the needs of the public in eye testing, the fitting of g,aesee, eta., at the option.' parlor iu connection with hie drug more. Musses. SMITII & STEWART, painters, of Breads, o0me in for many well deserves complimeute over their handiwork iu ()animation with stage aerates and wieg0 for the new Town Hall, Wroxeter, J. H. Camerou, of Toronto, sett that "The uureaine were the work of an artist," CARD Or THANxo.-Mrs. John Forbes, and family oeeire to give thauktnl expreeeion to their feelings for the mauy sympathetic words and kindly deeds be. stowed upon them in the sorrow brought by the demise of a beloved member of their home circle. The forethought mud kindness was most highly appreciated a.,d will never be forgotten end their 01no00800 wish is that all the kind frieudegmuy be long spared from bereavement. WRITING the Editor of THE PORT from Zion City, DI., Mies Mary Mortes Saye of her late mother : "Mother seemed to he growiug gradually weaker ,hrouoh the past year and mareaeinely so in the past few mouths. The liras week of the new year she took 109019pe and on Jan. 5113 a strange epeli oeme over her her and 10 days later a stroke of paralysis ensued affecting her right side. Ci,oulation was partially re.tored but aha was so weak she wax nimble to shake it off and like a ripe sheaf of wheat she lased peeeefol.y over to the Heavenly Garner on Feb. 24th," She was i0 her 781b year. Mre. Movies ie survived by a son, Ben, and a daughter, Mise Mary, who will be sharers in sincere sympathy of many old Irieude iu Braooele and Wingbem where they are well known. Ube deceased was a person of flue parte and was highly esteemed. Oreea01 0100.00.-A meeting of Grey Bretton Ag. Soo,ety Directors was bele 'set Saturday afternoon in the Commit (ham• her, President Spent in the chair. Wm, Wilkiieon and Barrister Sinclair appear -d relative to the injury Mre. Wilkeneou reoeived to one of her limbs et the Fair last Fail by falling through the fluor, 0000 00 bad been ached ae damages bat Mr. Wilkinson stated that be was willing to aceept 0400. After die - canton the Dirootoro pawed a reeolotioo proffering $100.00 rather than have any ate over the mutter elteongh they denied any reepoueibility in the question tied made the offer without prejudice. Mr, Wrikineon eaid the offer was no good so other people will likely have to decode the matter President 8Eeir, Vine Preei• tent Leokie and Secretary Kerr were ap pointed ae a OOmmittee to look after the •ntereete of the Society if a suit were instituted. A report by the delegates to the Fairs' Association at Toronto w09 elven. Another meeting will be bald shortly to take pre„mioary steps for um Fall Fair, whioh will be basil on Tbar& day and Friday, Oat 4 and 5, DID HE CAUSE THE FIRE 7-Inapeotor 1 W. Murray of .be Provincial Detective Faroe bas lust saooeded in aoaompiieh,ug soother good piece of work, In the twang of Brae, Boma time ago, there were a number of iuoeudiary fires, and on February let, in the village of Ripley, at about 5 o'olock in the morning, an uat break occurred which resulted in the demolition of almost a whole block. Amongst the buildings deelroyed was a barber glop occupied by Augne MoLean, and after the 000fiagration the inveetige. tion woe oeotred chiefly o0 then premie• iu ea. Here tiara had been a talled a new hydraulic barber'e chair, wbilet ae older chain also formed part of Mr. Mo Lean'e stook in trade. The iron,' of the old obair were found amongst the debris, bat allltr0oe of the modern apparatus lied mysteriously disappeared. About two dozen teem bad also vanished, though an old one whioh had been lett by a onetomer to be sharpened wee found in the ruins, Mr. M,Leen, it appeare had bought the shop from a man named Geo, Fletcher, the son of a farmer living seven or eight mi109 from Ripley. Fletcher had resided for some years in the United Stelae, but returned to Canada a few years ago, Inepeotor Murray, who was sent down last week, thought enepicion pointed towards Fletober, so he started off with Constable Tom Moore for Flew oher'e reeidenoe. Upon arrival there George Fletcher wag asked if he know anything oon08rning the fire, or di regard to the mieeing property, but he denied all knowledge of the whole affair, Inspector Heresy, however, arrested him and then eoardbed the premises, In the room (coupled by the prisoner the whole of the missing razors, together with eloope, brushes, towels, tied other perephernalia inoidental in a barber's bueineee, were foetid. There was however, no trace of the new hydraulic *hair, but Ieepeotoe Murray e0oertained from Fletcher, senior, thee the prisoner had bad a chair of that de Odription on the premigs&, end had taken it to pieoee in the stable. He was taken before Magistrate Anglo Martin on Saturday evening, and re mended to Walkerton Jail until next Friday. LOST io Brume's, last week, o gold ohein off a locket. Finder will please oblige the owner by leaving it at THE POST, Du Ovels, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Bureau, will be at Smith'e Drag Store, Brnseele, on the firet Tuesday iu Each mouth. Hours, 8 a. m, to I.30 p. m Oataraet, egniut, failing eyesight, deataeee and penal oatarrh treated and 9,00080 properly fitted, Next visit, Tueoday, April 8rd. Couaom—The regular monthly meet tug of the Mumotpel Council was be d last Monday evening. Several aoao00ts were passed. The ease of Ethel Burton is reference to the Ohitdreus' Aid Aeeon. i0tiou will come up before two .000) M•.gietratee. No action vette taken re reference to building the foot bridge more than that the Livingston estate will be naked for right of way on the Wed% side of river. The loan to the Heisting Fac- tory Sae di.ouesed and a special meeting al the Oonneil will be held next Monday evening to deal with the matter. Care- taker Oliver was reported still on the sick ,tet and Oooetable MoLaoattlin substun,. ng. Reoeipte from weigh eoalee for February were reported by Treasurer Streohau as $29 00, EPwowTo LEAGUE ANNIVERSARY --Very euoaeesln, and must enjuya08 wee the Epworth League annivereary of the Methodeat °Murch. Rev. Jae. Loewe 6tone,the popular poe,or of Woll,gtou street ohnrah, Loodoo, 988 the preacher and gave two fine termone on Sabbath He's always welcome here bat will be more heartily reoeived after his efforts on Sunday loot, Hie moroiug - theme wee 01oug the line of 06hiug up th, oharaoteriatice of Mark, Mary, Martha, Lazaroe and Seem) a0 contained ,n pts text. Io the evening "The Shadow of Peter” opened 0p a wide path in a nearly nutroddea field of thought sea many helpful leeeone were add000c. The (Muir rendered antheme antic 0d "Even Me" and "Earth's Little While" in good voice. There were large and interested audienoee. Monday avenin, Rev. Mr. Livingetoue delivered hie notable looters oo "Imegivati..o" and did it weal. He showed the important. part it playa in Education, Science, Art and Religion and illoetrateo his remarks by ohoiae selections td poetry and prose, with considerable humor thrown in. Mauy fine de9ariptive 900004ee were given and word p.otures painted that will live in memory'e ball for a long time. His peroration wee a magnefloent effort. During tie evening the Orchestra gave a number of ohoiae selections ; H. L. Jeoksou eon eributed a fine violin 0010, accompauieo by Aire. Jaukeou on the organ ; atm quartettes were eang by Misses Gerry, Hingoton, Sharp and Bunker and W. Griffith, R. D. Oordiff, Joe Hunter anti W. H Kerr, Mies Bailey presiding as aocumpeoiet. A few timely remarks were made by Rev. R. Smith Baker, 'M A., of Walton, and Rev. J. H. Oe%erhont, B. A., et Wroxeter. Before the pro gr001 woe oonot0ded, Rev. Mr. Living stone recited "The Creed of the Belle," by epeeist repeat and everybody was glad he did. A hearty vote of thank') wan paeaed to the reverend lecturer and all others who aeeieted. The pastor, Rev. T. W. Ooeene presided. The financial reedlte of the anoivere0y were 0ter $32 00. Admission tee to leo tore was 10 and 15 cents. Rev. Mr. Livingstone left for London Tuesday morning. We hope ,t will not be lone before he coulee bank ae he fa a sun shtue bearer all right. Business Locals. A Fow Buff Orpington cockerels for ea e yet. Jona WRIGHT GooD olover Beed, Governmeut prom, at McCracken's. Seed peas for sale. Apply to James B, Shaw, Broeeele. 31-4 COMFORTABLE dwelling 000019 to let over More. Apply 1 to I O. RHA IORDa. HAIR DDE98ING.-Bwitohe9 made out of combings and out heir. Mee R. HINoeTON, Mill et. West, TH0R0'BRED White Wyandotte Oock erole for ea e. John Brown, Lot 19, con., 10, Grey. WANTED. -50 caeca eggs and a ton of batter weekly. Also raw tura Rud 10,000 rat eking. Geo. E. KING. Wmgham, FULL eel of mason's tools, wheelbarrow and other useful artiolee for eats. Apply to Mies MA60UEaIT6 McKAY, Elizabeth street, Braeeela. DsseetiAEoNo.-Mise Maggie Beam le prepared to attend to the woote of the ladies at their homes or at her own home, Lot 29, Oon. 8, Morrie, Broeeele P. 0. ADDED 0100000108.-I WW1 to intimate to the nubile that I have added a chum (took of gro00l'tea to my bunnies and vole be pleased to have the public share in thie department. G. N. MoLeneta Two Short Horn bull 00,089 for Bale, One ie 9 months old and the other 13 menthe ; one a red and the other a roan. Also Collie pope for sate, Lot 22, 00,1. 18, Grey, Jas. D. MoNair, Craubrook, CUelZ11 BeneenO,--11d00t have room for 160 now buggies t0 be built One Bea eon eo wel, offer the balanoe of our out tete at a kneels downprice, Now ie your chance, Cab and see them Bud get 908000. D, 1u1AN & Oo,, Braeeela, METROPOLiTAN CAPITA L-A uihorizod $2,000,000 U4P1'1'AL-[ sial up 1,000,000 RESERVE and Nurphta Profits 1,133,103 Directors S. J. MOORE, D. E, rr$omesoN, ]i, 0. President, Vloe•President, 90000, 50000aAw, F,L,l, ata 009010 MR. w. MORTIMaa OLAax, 9,0. TAO, RYRI0 Tenn 000001110002 THIS METROPOLITAN DANA le opal to receive the accounts of Farmers. Merchants and Business Community gI{onorelly and to give careful consideration to all proposele submitted to it. It rouse upon its peat record for oourteoue treatment of its fiuo- tomers, and Bill extend every eousiderat,ou eoueieteut with sound baultiug to those woo may deeire-to trane0ot business with it. Intorent at HIGHEd'1' UU1tLtEN'T RATES allowed on all BOMB of 31 and upwarde BRUSSELS BRANOH A. E. MELLISH, Mauegor. LOGGING chain Mond. Owner may have it by proving property end paying for this notice, THE P000. SAWS -We fix saws that are hard to do and eau give a magic tooth that will renew. T. McGee/eon, Mill St.,Brueeele, Ont. Ullfilf1111 0111151105. Tuesday Maitland Presbytery met in Wiugham in regular seeeio0. Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Shakespeare, will 000duat the serviced to Melville (March next Sabbath He is a nephew to Ehler A. Stewart, Queen etrret, The Remail Obeervor of last week soye :-Rev. Mr. C,een°, of Brussels, oo copied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday, preaching two good sermons. His even. Mg effort had a fine martial tread. Jou. Kerr, of Wmgh,im, who ie the energetic President of the Wiuglam Dretn0t Epworth League, will be present at the Sabbath School and Epwortu Lea. gee of the Methodist (hero'', Broeeele ,ext Sabbath afcernuou and evening. He will likely be accompanied by F. Buchanan, also it ventaa ohuroh ,vorlter of Wrngham. "Bmdu, es at e, throne of Grace" was Rev. Mr. Mollougall'o theme last Saler day afternoon at the preparatory eervioe w Me,ville ohuroh. Sabbath morning he dwelt en "The corrective of pride" aud in the evening his sabjeot was "God shall supply all your 0ee0." A large nameer partook of the mom/mien at the elute of the eermOn ,n the mot mug. Rev. A 0. Tiff,u, of Trowbridge, form erly of Walton, haeuOospted au iuvitat oo io Milverton for the n.st conference term, eobjeot to ratffloation by the beatioumg Committee. Ile has done good work et 'Trowbridge for the past three years. The Trowbridge circuit has invited Rev. W. A. Smith, of Luokoow, ,t 0e said to enacted Rev. Mr. Tiffin. $6 17 was the amount of the monthly ylie0muary 0oueatlon in the Methodist Sabbath school last Sunday. The record of the past 11 months to owl $70 00. ,thea Miuuie ikloNaughtoo gave a very timely reodiug ; Mi.eee Edith Bailey and May Wood sang a duet in good style and Rev. Mr. Livtugetone made a abort addroee that greatly pleased the school, the April oolleetoe will complete the year's Miaoiouary oolleotiont for the aohool, A BueY PAR00N.-The following clipped qua a Kansas n.wspaper refers to a former Brueoeiite :-Rev. George McKay was grime aurae on Christmas day. He went to Oak Hill, where he offCoiated at limn at the wedding of Robert Aiesunder to Mies Crook, then returned by tail a. far as Aurora, drove ebuut three miles and married George Maroote and Mide V.utoria Leveque in the late afternoon, rid from there drove bank tof the city in time to be present at the entertainment at the Presbyterian 'March in the even. tug, Cx,nadia.r N e wet. The local option bylaw carried in Bua10oe by a majority of 11, Dr. Hermit hoe Oonoluded bib expert. melte in electric smelting at Sault Ste, ,Marie. Lieut. Col. J, A. McGillivray was slanted Preeideot of the Industrial Exhibition Aesowatiou Toronto. Bishop MoEvay and Rev, Father Ayl. ward returned to L aidoa, Ont., this week after an extended visit to Rome. Joseph Tremblay wee swept over the dam at alterably Falls and drowned, while trying to dislodge an ice jam. It t0 announced that the Domi0iou dtosmehip 0 .mpeny have oontraoted with 04 Convoy firms for five large ocean freighters. The ee9 laundry in connection with Grupe Hospital at Toronto was slightly nomaged by lire about 2 o'olook Mon• d y. A protect has been filed alpinist the return of Hon. J. H. Lamont, Attorney General in the Saekatohewan Govern• 010116. A girl named Tremb ay and a boy nam Oorvey were choked to death at Montreal. Theg irl swallowed awhistle and the boy a button. The Senate of Manitoba College have uuanemous,y agreed to confer the degree of D. D. on Prof, Ballaulyue of Knox (Magi-, Toronto. A big iron cylinder, weiuhiugt, severe' tone, was blown through the roof of D. oarlelo brick foolery at St. Henri, Que , by an exploeion. Oanuda'e mineral production duriu. 1905 aggregated over eixty•right and a half mi,lion dollars, as compared with 060,073,897 for the previone year. 1. F. Hetmoth, K. C., and Aid. G. R. Geary, al Toronto, will be tbe represent• ativeo of the Provincial Government be. fore the lneurauae Commte•ion. Two women claim to have been mar. Tied to H, A, Walker, the oommeroial traveller, who died at the Emergency Hospital, Toronto of an overdose of ob oral, Rev. W. B. Nevin, of St. Barnabao' ohuroh, 80. Oatharinee, dismissed the lady membere of the ohoir, and is in trouble with the ohnrah wordeuetu oonee. quence, 1'he Inearanoe Oommieeion held their Bret hedneeee eeeei0n at Ottawa ou Tuesday. Mr. Shepley, K. 0,, hag been offered the position of counsel to the 0011/01i0010n, Sad awe reached Monkton aenpg010inv the death of Mre, Stoeve, a resideht .,f e1 nkton. The d0oeobed, a'0nlf WW1 her husband, were spending the Winter mill Wade in Wellesley, Carpenters in Welland have gone on strike for an int/ramie of wagoe to 30 conte an pour. The Michigan Central will establish a new e0atiou on the main line eontb o1 the Welland river, and will name it Proust, after Beau Fraser, M. P. P. Ewart Bell, Geo. Dennis, Goo. Beware and Thomas Wilson were oogo,lted at Woodatook on the charge of murder of the late Isaiah Wright, in Ingersoll. Ari Italian running a attain drill it, the Bherketon atone go,rriee at Niagara Fella attack an unexploded dynamite oartr,dge. He was blown up but will probeb•y recover. Eugene Sylvain, who pleaded guilty on hie first appearance of personation in the vlaieunuenve election, waif acquitted by Judge Choquette et Moctreal, owing to un error ie the warrant. The 0. P. R. is experimenting with what is said to be the Iarueot locomotive 0,430 built. It is (loitered to hum the transcontinental treble, Dud to handle ,rains of twenty passenger coaches, oxase BLAcer -In Wroxeter on Saturday Maroh Sid. 1906 to Mr. and M,'o. Scott Blank a son. :0,0.RRIED- BELY0A - MODouGALL, - At Sault Ste. Marie, o0 Feb. 28th, by Rev. OUaras Pioroy, Mr. Clarence L. Belyoa, to Mise Margaret A., daughter of the late John McDougall, formerly of Broeeele, DIusim. LAIDLAW -In Morrie, an Maroh 4t1,, 1900, Jamas Lord,aw, formerly of Halton Oo., aged 84 years. Nl0pore-In Morrie, on March 4th, John Agister, infant eon of James and AtioeNichol, aged 7 mouths and 14 days. WeesoN -In Morrie, on Marsh 6th, 700116 A., eldest daughter of Jim. Bud Susan Watson, aged 23 years and 4 menthe. Tam -In Hallett, on March 2nd, John Yueug, aged 80 years, A0-TCTX01°- THURSDAY, MARCH 15a. -Farm stook, imph moots, eta., Lot 15, Oou. 14. Sale uureoeved ae proprietor has sold fern], t 1 p. m. Alex. Souter, prop., Thos. Brown, ane. mmt Fall Wheat 73 73 Barley 42 45 Peas 70 70 Oats 32 33 Butter, thea and roi e15 16 Eggs per dozen 12 10 Hay per ton 6 00 6 00 Floor, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live 6 50 Wool 23 23 Ba t, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Potatoes per ens 40 46 Apples (per bbl.) 1 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. APPLICATIONS WILL BE RE - 00I001 by J G BEENE, Peorotary or Melville Church, up to March 19182, for a competent Organist, qualified to load a Choir. Applicants to name salary and to lend the Service of Praise for one Sabbath on trial, By order of MELVILLE MICROS SESSION. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. CHOICE S 1 a t 1011 e 11 y It is just as well to use the Latest Styles in Stationery, We have thele 0.nd they cost no more than the less Fashionable Varieties. Our stook in- cludes many nine lines in Box Goods but also a large variety of Bulk Goods to be sold by the quire. Paper and Envel- opes to match at -1% X'S Drug Store C1$ rp•\To YORIISEIRE SOWS FOR SALE.—One has 10 pigs 3 weeks old, end the other dna to farrow shoot April 161 Will also sell an Im ported Yorkshire Hog. A Ltx D. LAM(NT 85.0 Lot 22, Con. 8, Grey, ELhel P, O. I)ROPE RTY POR SALE -THE underoig„od offers 100 Bale bit 0oin- fortablo dwelling and 91 sores of land South of Brussels There iso good large barn, young orolaard,,0o., on the premises. Pos. 90P81011 give. in April. For further gnrtic. u.ar0 as M pries, terms, Se., apply on the premises to the proprietor or to G. 8, Scott, 1, 000010, SAh10EL HOGGARD. A Mew Chatham Incubator and Brooder for sale ut e. bargain. Lt good woridng shape. 04.15 /rOR'1'GAGE RALE OF FARM IN e.V..9 THE TOWNSHIP OFELMA- Under and by virtue of a power of eale container) in it certain mortgage, given by no George A Hart, there will be offered for kali by Penile au•tmu t0 SATURDAY, the 24th 0 VY of Mtg. :H, 1900. at 11 off/ionic in the fereno.in, nt the American Hotel in the Village of Brussel., the 70110/0100 vala- ahle farm property, viz.:- Let Number Three In ,110 Peneteenth 00000 1100 of the Town hip of I81n11, in the County of Perth, oo•,taiuiug 100 a00ee more or loos. The f-rm le nix miles from Atwood and about the same from Ethel. 1110 about twelve miles t om Brussels and the same dietauce from Listowel. It.10 cleared and under cul- tivate) 1.1 ui- 110 10n except about thirty-five 00 00 of bneb. On the East fifty aurae there lea frame dwelling Louse, with woodshed awl milkhnuso attached, also a log staple, On the wont fifty acres there is a frame house and it frame stable, The soil isa Olay 10001 aid produces good crop.. The farm is con• veulont to ohurohee and school. Tue Seat auu West 000000 will he offered for sale separately and also together. 400i001 10 s (0,101ve0 bid. P801330-10 par cent. iu 00811, Lee bal n0e to thirty days, when 10seea010u maybe had. Terme in other reep0.18 made 001570 00 day 0t sale, anti meanwhile may be a0o0rtafuod on application 1. the auder- 0igu0d. - Dated at Borliu, March tat, 1900. M1LL0lt & aIMB, 8olioilora for the Mm•t;ag000, F & Soop', Berlin, out. Aaetlnneer, Brussels, 55.0 T6 Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan SPECIAL TRAINS FOR SETTLERS With live stock and effects, from Toronto at 9.00 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY DURING MARCH AND APRIL COLONIST CARS ATTACHED NO EXTRA CHARGE Settlers travelling without live stock should use 1.45 p.m. tra10 from Toronto daily. TOURIST CARS on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Fridays and Sat. mxloys. Cost of sleoping bertha as follows: - Winnipeg - $4.00 Regina • M000e Jaw - 6.00 Calgary - 0.0000 "Settlers' Guide" and "Western Canada" booklets of practical 000 and interest to set. tier.', with rates and full information, free upon application to nearest Canadian Paoiite Agent or write to C. B. Foster, D. P. A., C. P. R., Toronto, • rte_ 1Remov 1 To New Premises Downing Bros. d0 Have Moved their Fine Stock of Boots and Shoes to larger premises in the HOLMES BLOCK Next to Gerry's Hardware Where they will bo pleased to receive the continued Favors of the Public. A Choice stock of the very Latest and Bost Goods. Repairing Attended to Promptly. Call and See our New Store I `ws1111P-" • --neginiarr sa d rl