The Brussels Post, 1906-3-8, Page 5Para'areatatraiLlaaaral"
Is a Ifigh.grade Oeunneroial fiebool.
'ree Ileums
Commercial Stenography TolegraphY
Write W4) sPorrole, PrIne1P111.
11 Calls from Business Firms
tor Steiingranh re, Book •iteeuerft,lo•
Ib vole. clerks, eta , 11000 lately been
retie yea by the barium,
We Ailed aloe ef Um positions and
hod no one oleo ready to send, If you
00 want to get O. mention alto,. unman.
tlon come to One school that can blip
you A. large number of 011.801111 00
ui other runtime Colleges ure now lu
attendance. ()allege teepee the en -
(g tiro year. Commoners now. Circulate
W, J. BLLIOTT, Principal.
cor,,,„No. 0141) AL011ANDRIT1 eTe.
Fee5R-7e)-r0_J". g ea• et- Eta PIF
SuceeSsor to Br. J. A. 310laugliton
Itrinisete, Ontario
Graduate 01 Polyclinic Post Graduate
School of Modiolus and Surgery, New York
Member of tiollage or Pbyeiciiaue and Sur•
geone of Ontario.
Ufliettand realileuee 110010 00 forruerly oc-
cupied by Dr, Moisuustiton.
Listless's ut *0100010 specially.
r111/110 No. 111.
W FI. &laCRA.U.K.EN -
I' • limier oi Merman Licensee. 01
nee at ter0o0ry,1'110/1110000 0401101 n11186016
Court Prineeeu Al 01,1010, No, 24, 0 0, a' ,
Broaden+, 'miens lu their itoom, Blue.
inn Ilook, ULI 0110 21 and tarn Tuesdays ul
1004 0.101, 10.11 o'elock. Visitnig licethree
alweye weluorue. J04. LiUktiltisS, 0, It.
A. 34. al ILL LISS, 14,0.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
can. will eon for bettor prices, 1.
bettor wen, in less tilne and lase charge.
than any other Auctioneer in Nast Huron 01
10 111110 oLargo anything, Dates nod °rile,
can always oe arranged at MD office or is%
personal application.
iiLtisvaLu - ONT.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged to.
at the °Mae ot 11011 P000, Brussels, 220.1
A...A • Houur of the voted° Ve,
enuary College, is prepared to treat all do
eases of domessloated attiniats In 10001000
0110 manner. Purtinular attention paid 1,
Veterinary tatatuary and 21.110 waver 0.101
proloptly 10001100 00, Wilco and iniinuao
-Four doors North of bridge, Unlimber* at.
-Ex. • l3arrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc
Successor to F. Blair. tinloe over Stan
dard Bank, Brussels, 6011010er for Metro-
politan Beak,
• Reuniter, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, dm. Uniee-Stewart's Block
1 door North 01 Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
PUBL1O, wro,
W. VItnODIFOOT, K. 0. R. 0. Rare
O. F. Bleu%
Ofneet-Thorie forinerly ucoupled by Moms
01000001 & Holt.
00001110111 0100.10100.
Graduate of the Royal tiollege of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Pirst•claes Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. °Mee
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
• 13100185EL3.
IIto b011901 La 1000100100 leading
0. iLmtireati tieliool in the West. so
at ehniltir institution is doing more to
1,9 ihnioughly equip young people ior tig
E111; edible p11011110110. Our ouureee are al
thorough and practical while th
1.1 teaching is dune by txperieoued in.. ri
atriniture, All al athlattni get tteutt tank
if Awns, You may 00100 at any Mt)
in. c
Write for oatutuanu.
ELIA() t tr & MoLAOHLAN,
Principals. 4.
I;Zilt=.4ITIi=ggC:tifi=4tk= ..,1
To think that Warta Can't be removed.
Why Putnam's Watt & Corn Extractor
will remoire any 110110 WIt11000 pain in 11
few day h. Try "PrItatuitia" yothself and
sea if thio 10010 80,
Art Studio
Ilvailquarlera for First CluBS
L.fe Size POI traits, Crayons
mita Watercolors fini0hed in
A 1 style.
FiniUy Gronps a epOciaity.
Call awl 800 Bilinplos.
tt ttear5.
801300I• 8E11 /111 -Following is the re -
pori of S. S. No 9 Grey for February ;
the mimes of the mils in the various
olasees arranged in order of merit :-Sr.
IV. --0. Schnook, W. AttNatutht, (13.
McKay and A., Mann, 0)00) 10. Harrison,
Jr. IV. -A. Speiran, W. Noble, E. Mo•
Naught, W. I•lielop, R. Oumminge, M.
(lemmings, F. Tarr, P. Horrierin,11.
Bray, G. liodvee, A. MoKoy, F, Mr.
Naught. Jr. Solinook, J. Mann,
D. Tarr. Br. III. -10, Flood, B. Snel.•
mg, B. Memo, B. MoNautiht. Pt. IL-
L. Speiran, L. Harrison, H. N .ble, F.
Hodge, EL Livitioetone, R. Crawfore,
13 aloQuarrie. Pt. 11.--3t Livitientone,
N. Sohrmak, G. Snelling, L. Molloy.
i11.13411TA NIONA00/1T,
Soaoor, 81100110 - ehe following is the
February report for S. S. No. 4. Sr. IV-
Exonnitad .iu La., Geo., ,-to
.10 108, 395 ;3 Speir, 442 1 3. Thum
819 t W. MoOnicheoe, 260 ; 0. Bomb.
209 8rd.-E11urnined in Gro., 3,
Thuto., 756 ; 3. Jordan, 013;
11. MoOtitohron, 604 ; G DONN, 578
Jr II. Exert] , i• , Comp , ,
34 NitiOuiolleort, 605 ; W. Thuell, 486.
Pt. II -W Burt n, 307 ; H. .tit
..htioneen, 288 ; .1 Tinton, 275. Pl..- J.
iivot, 243 ; Thuell, 231 ; M. A.m. ,
212. I. Mono, Teuollei.
Gilts, ries.
lire, Jae. MoLaactiiin ie 110W 111001i g
to Wingham where ehe heti pureheeea a
house and lot and mit reside.
Andrew Alien 0111 011,. bride alter
an; friend- in New Y ik returned Mel
week to (Input, tu the 010011 realities cl
100 on hie farm near Laanet.
A. new eteei bridge is to be ereeied 01
Herillgeye Iboo 1310110001'! 40 0081 8700
ind to be oomp•eted by Aug. 20 h. Bfr
fii 1, of 1110011014, has the contract
Wm Bud000k, of D.o tteur, 111., ano
.bor,iu, of Batista Pa., and Mille N
of Nov Liekeerd, Out., are attending 11 e
nernode of their lather at preeent.
1 -tot week J. A. Strong and Nan 1,1.
moved to Ss. Catharines where 21,
cone hoe a good sitoation Irtim the
Mason & Bleat 101P110 Co., of Tomtit
In mama to St. Oatharines Mr. Strong
is to 11 more antral location to baud.,
.118 territory that bee been aeogned
Mtn. In this (anti y's removal from
town WE, lose tome good citizens and oe
many rasidnuta are very sorry to se.
.aem leave. A.11 addrees was 0,104 to
Mr and lire. Strong on Monday eyei,ing
trunc wangrelotion of the Methodut
atturtiti prior to his remoral.
Neeleoted 0 ,tarrh aooner or ,111.3
.•10080 oonsuroptioe which deetroye 11011
11000,10 1/0inge than famine end aVia,
combined. 'rhe way "Catarib,,gonel
urea oaterrh to very simple it fito
eloa the germ. abet 00000 irritation
•I1,101 by soothing thitay the 0011 100 1 1011
and inflammation (0. 01009 the dienhar
inimiti,14 and dropping in the threat
1I Huffer, d en OnntInClally from 10000
111101 00111 writes Ernest 13, Dakin,
Ettmemout, that I seemly knew what, it
woe to be free tam headache and paiti
ver the eyea. Catarrhoz MB 00000011'
Me lit 000B uud.made a tborough mire."
No other remedy cares like •00atarrh.
zone" ---try it for year nest add.
3 no. Armour hoe parehased the milk
roam business from F.E. Dennis,
Ex Conductor John Qairk le again orit,•
fined to his bed Buffering how rheama• •
Jae. MalKelvie has eold bie tobacco
and billiard room busitiese iit Sarnia and
intends teking a trip to ()antenna.
The eat Fall Fair of the Tarnberry
Agricultural Society will be held lo
Wiugharn on Thursday and Friday,
September 27th 1411 28th.
W. G. Paton hoe sold his well•
drilting oultit to 8. W. Lewitt, who
bad it ehipped to Collingwood where ha
will optrate for the comidg season.
80061111 01 the C. P. R. adoiale epent a
day in Wingintin viewing d•ffereot parte
iif the 101111. Everything pinta to the
'abet that a new matfett and other itn•
proverneute are in the whad,
Sunma] Bros. general merehente 4.11
Fordyyee have made on assignment to
34e0. O. Hanna, of this town. A meeting
of the coeditors will be held in R. Van
etotie'e . like, on Thureday afternoon,
Month 811..
Baineito with the Western Foundry
00. of Wfughain ie now in a prosperous
condition, An order for three ear Media
of the Huron etovee and mope 1100 been
received fr 00 Wintipec and the first
ootteiginneut of 98 'doves woe ',hipped.
Work 011 retimite,litig uf the St Pau'o
• heron reotury 6900 oornmeneed last
meek. The two large bay whidowe In
the front of the hones are being removed
,,(d the house will be thoroughly re
rriodelled in the interior. Electric light
axioms will be inetalied. 1160. Mr.
Boyle will tnove into the rectory 100 1100(1
011 the repairs are completed.
0, J. kluguire, Who bee I00 Rome time
0410 Onattgad in the teal estate and in
euranoe biomass in Wingharn has sold
0110 11090(0088 to J, 11, Chieholro, a former
well itnewit Wingham young man, Mr,
Maguire mods a snoomat of hie had
/80 b,.ro INV mode many changee in
•eal notate He te going West to eneage
tu1.0 t4E641111 0010 0,. real mate businees,
nod he should be very eurkiesefuli
Al the organization meeting of the
Wiugham Branch ol the R•tall Min
olionne Aumolation tf tmittle, held in
the °ennui' Chamber, (Moors were aloof:,
ad as 111,110 ea, 11 13. Crowder ;
let Y1110 Pree,, W. J. Greer ; 2,14 Vo
Prea, D. N. Gordon ; Tread., G. 30.
Griffi ; Secty., A. W. Brewer ; Aaditore.
F. 34, Watley i.nri 3, A. Sall.
cticataTv 0-e711.
John Sharpie 11110 011 Lohosvel eiehing
lie father, who is very poorly.
Mrs. Moore, of Peterhof,. , ie visiting
her brother, Edwin A, MoKeo.
Rubies ere getting to be all the go in
his neighborhood, arid now they have
.110 at John Sharposie, a buy,
A ex. Montgomery ie 84181113110(0 11 100011
,0 with ilia eieter'Mrs Geo. Elpsoce,
oefore goitig Went to Edo -meta.
Atm MuDone d bait her house oorn•
p eted and we would prononnoe it one ..1
he fined reeidenoes in the township of
Peter Patrick had a eery autmeesful
Need bee and a party 110. 101(0011, which was
-mended by tbe youth and beauty 01 4110
mrrouuding country,
Sam. Sangster lute rented hie boundary
farm 40 34. Coates, of Ttowbridge, for a
411010 01 five years. While sorry to Ian
r. fiengoter, we welcome his successor,
at he is a good fellow too. a
Clifford McKee met with a bad a001 -
lout while at riabool. He wile up 011 the
woodehed and fell off breaking hie right
irm above the wriat. A Dr, wee eatled
n and set the broken member, which is
loing Maly.
moor 1.4 DEADLY
I most be stopped quetkly. Nothing
oo sure as Nominee. Give it internally,
tud rob it on cheat and throat -amp
.oun vaniehee. No dootor 01111 write a
tom efameut pre•oription than Poison's
Nerviline, wittob reaohea the tronb
a,,d mires (mighty. The marvel oils
41,1100 of Nerviiine will surprise you ;
the beet honeeho d remedy for coughs
ouids, eore attest, amp, and internal pain
f every lund. Large bottles have been
.ol by all dealers for nearly fifty yeare
t 25o.
/114 ki wrth-
NItos 01008 McKinley bee been en -
owed as teacher in Brae Mum,
John Rubb, of Tuokeremith, hen por•
mono the eianderme of J. R Richardson,
Immo 81725 for it
A oit of good ioa was put in from
he Egintindvilie dam lea week. Is
0110 drawn in wagone.
W 13 Cline he accepted a poeitiou
n the Grand Trunk Rai way, at Lon
1.,n, and %yid likely rerouve from Beaton]]
1'. E. Hayti returned from Cayuga,
iN Mumma aunty Met week and
wonaht with him two oar /nada of steers
44 head, to pueture on his farm in Mo
01 llop
401008 NoMioltael, the veteran preei•
0,0 0? the Seaforth Bowling Olub and
.1 ihn Shine and Wm. Bergott bad a
one of Bowles on the bowling amen on
February 23rd
Niel Maggie Moran left last weelt
or Saginaw, Mich., where she will euter
Mary'a hospital in that pity to tram
se a name. Her Mem, Mine Sarah, hoe
juet groduaroff 110 protesional name
trent the same hoepital.
13 odericts.
The Hera county assizes for the
twitting f jury ait.eti will commence a
tueeday March 1301,
The next tou.nament of the Hamm
R•fle League wet be held 01 9110 Goderich
moo on the 24 h of May.
G M. E iutt, for so long the proprietor
0 the Mitple Leaf Grocery and Chitia
bon sola 0111 80 MoEwan Boo,, the
1 known grocers 01 Bedford blook.
Judea Doyle, Sher ff Reynoide, Police
0.j -trate Humber and Otera of the
r'e oe Se .ger d Afted the jury panel for
on coming June Seseicioa of the Poaoe.
Col. Leyhurn, ot Loudon, 600.0 in town
making an inopeotiou of harem) for
manor9 purpoem and sainted a sour e of
.quale Col 'Yana hag ab8rge of the
,eteotion 1,1 10 eimiliar number, forty
•tiontde being required
We are pleased to be able to tiongrat
ate A. berwCarey, 6011 of our townsman
0 I0 Oarey, au bie remit marri•ge 01
ieattleohe lady of hie choice betng a
Mote Downey. Ibir Carey in now with
:he Delmer Woollen Oct, of Seat -be. •
Tbeepleodid new church of the North
4treet Olethodiet congregation will be
ledioated on Sormay, March 18th by
Rev. Dr. Carman, general superintend
ant of the Methodist obnroh, and Rev.
Joseph Philip, B. D , of Alymer, pregi•
dent 01 010 London conference On the
following Sunday, Maroh 2503, the
a.020008 will be aouduoted by Rev.
da.,per Wilson, M. A., of Leamington, a
former mutter of the North street °bomb,
and in the at ernoon a Babbeth school
ally will take .
Oo March Illth tile R. W. Grand Black
Chapter of Ontario Wool will convene In
the Odrifellowri halt, and the Greed
Oreille bodge on Wednesday, 140h, in
Victoria Opera Rouse. Ou Vileduesde)
evening there wili be R pubiin meeting, to
whioh 00013111047 will be weloome.
extract 1 0.
The evening with Ra pb Oonnor given
by the Y. P ta, of ()linnet oburoh proved
intereetiog and eduoative.
Mr. Ross who recently purobased
Junta Bonthronat form on the aod, line
hoe been offend several huudred in
0006.00 on hie bargain.
Lou, NleAr•bor, who hoe been holdine
a pathos) LIF the sovereign Bank,
Medford lase been quarantined owing to
a alight attack of mall pox.
The local committee of the Farmers'
Inetitute meeting.beld here have forward•
ed the sorplue taken at the eyeninii meet
Ing here, (010 00 .0 the Sick Obildren'a
Hospital in Toronto.
Mrs. Pope'e little ohild while looking
for a drink mune aorom a preparation of
Gillete lye and emmonia diluted with
water in a oup and took a mallow of ii.
Her amber promptly gave her milk and
goose of and e,nt for a doctor and
though the child had her month throat
and stornaoh badly burned yet tbeprompi
aotioo in all probability saved he life
3, H. Rogers boo been appointed Town-
ship Trefteurer.
Geo. Totten is confined to his bed.
The old aentleman is very weak. Be
ie in Ms 9411 year.
While chopping wood, a obip atrack
A. Spence, neat Newbridge, in the eye.
and now he is nurelog a very sore mute
Beginning holt Sunday evening Rry
Jaa. Husser, 218.. B. D., will give a
.seriee of eermone on the omen sayinge
of Ohriat on the Cross.
A. 8. Strome hae sold the base now
occupied by Geo. Walkey, er„ to John
Tilker, who will take possession as
noon tie alr. `Mikity ciao varinte the
While driving South on Tuesday of
last week, the tale of the Bev. J. Hue.
ser's cart broke and deposited the rev.
trend gentleman oo the road, bat for
onately be was not hart.
Word was received on Wednesday
of iast week of the death of Alex
vloLauablin, brother of Mrs. Robt.
Gibson, at &Mime. The tonere
took:place on Friday at Bowmanviite.
Toe old gent en:ian wan 86 yeare of SO
and spent a Winter in Fordwiab ohm
7 yeare ago.
Building operations promise to be
motive in Fordwieb during the Sum
mar of 1906 W. A. Edwarde, E. Wit.
4000 6110 W Baird will midi ereot a
new residence and W. Baird will oom
piece the oue he Inat began and W F
Wade will renovate his dwelling.
There ia talk of more, but preparatioes
KU being made for the Imildings meu
8. J. Andrews has been nominated for
the poeitiott of Pollee Magistrate of town.
In the nei..hhortiood of 610,000 worth
of boreefleeti was shipped to the W. et
r m here last week.
On Sunday, Marob 11th, anniversary
services will be held in Wesley church
Rev. Mr. Graham, of St. Maya, wid
he preaober.
Rae. a M. Manning, who has very
auceptably filled the pa pit of Wesley
obuich for nearly four yeara, hes received
en Invitation from the First alethodi-t
(March, of Peterboro', to beorime its
pastor next year, and the official board of
tbis chord], bae extended at. invitation to
Rev. Mr. Jolffe, of Peterboro'.
An itieurtunie adjoeter was here and
La looking over the damage done to the
;nook of Mr, Ba lard, by smoke, mad,
him au allowance of 4450 thereon. The
fitting of the Illaeouto lodge room above
were also injured by arnoke, and an a •
1091t0108 of 425 mode therefor. Mr.
Seer e woo allowed 4100 by the adjuster
for damage to the banding
Mr. Glad, one ,,f the Inapeatore an
der obe Fruit Aot of the Dominion Gov
ernmetit, was in town to investigate
charge against a roan of town for feleged
violation of the Print Make Aot while
pecking for Mr. Heury, of Oshawa Thr
party camerae() proved to Mr. G.fford'a
satiefaotion that he had nothing to 13.
web the paokrug, only looking after the
Rev. Haag. Manning and Wade am.
dated a re Woe° servioe at the Organ
taolory on Friday, Feb. 28rd The
epitoione office had beau kindly p coed a
the disposed by Mr. Doherty, and at 12 40
noon, about one hottdrsd of the employee
gathered there, and were arldredied by
Mr, Wade from the worde "Choilee y
this day whom yo will Gave". It woe
abort brit impressive diewaree, aid wit
ettentive4 liateited to.
Nevgfilli Dre Goo
New Pzints, Gingham
Magnet Twills, Shirtings
Cottonaaes, &c., 8ce.
Also March Standard Patterns, Fashion Sheets, Cata-
logues and Designers now to hand.
A Fashion Sheet FREE to those calling for them.
The Snhscription for the Designer has been reduced to
only 50 cents a year.
No Fancy Prices. Everything Cheap.
A. Strachan
teneseleneeenitemenatetterneettsatnewtnatuntolttet...04aemtentateeteneecntanton,...,.. nadeettLatetto
Thorroit Watt, who is employed with
444m, 4.44.1,044a41,4.4,44
Thoreau lloo35oOj,01 met with au itaident E A LARGE
o Badly painful, though (ortuo
ate); ig ester/tied with clarions mane.
1.11. 1011, iv,..tkirig at a bond saw iu the
eetiood etorey ; immediately behind him
wee 14 trap door, Another workman
mime along and opened the trap door,
without tattling Wattai attentiou to it,
and AB he attained beckwards 111 hie work.
ite fell through 4110 open trap to the floor
telow, 4 pretty eevere abaklog 03, VW
the extent of hie itijoriee.
Boum, Rama, -The following is the
01)1(101 of the ntanding of pupae of 8. S.
No. 2 Grey for the month of February,
(0(0 111103410 in order of merit. The ether
Isis attaohed to a pupil's Maine 1141o0,
absentia during part of the examinatioria
Jr, TV Liam -R. Quoioughom, M
airmen. Sr, III Cause -N. J
Ouelak, 0 Stewart, M. Oliver, I Berrie.
Jr. III Ciaes.-0. Stelae,. Jr. Pt. II
011000.-L, Oliver, I. Cunningham, Ir.
Pt, I 0i066...-.13. Ramie, R. MoNote.
8011001 1214110100. -The following to 4114
standing of puma of B. B. No. 8, tor
month of February, sis arieertained by
axaminettou.-0,eag V-Jeseie Mao
Donald. Sr. IV-Roee McKinnon, 00 ;
Willie Cardiff 61 Sr III -Hugh Smith,
67 ; Runge. Wilbee, 56, Jr. III -Tom
MeeDolluivi, 77 ; 35'M° (laroiff, 70 ;
Omni MeKinnon, 50; Burdett Smith,
50 i Linde Calytan, 52 ; 'Martin A.bbey, ,
46. Sr. II-Jeau South 118; Oliver Dui.,
66 ; 31 1 101.1 Lowe, 65 ; JULIII Cote, 86.
Pi. II -Jimmy Oliver, Katie MaoDoita ti,
Freddy 0oie, Edna Leitienure. Pt. 1 -
Bosom Switl., Edgar, 21,1200,
,011441, Herne Bbaw. Average 11400010.
once, 20. Those marked with au a mho
ed part of 410010, 13. B. Lox .1110,
Rayon for February of S. 8. No. Ri
Grey. Names are iu artier of meri•
eased on gement! profiweney. IVOtase,-
F. Wbitlield, Denman, S. fialohn-
eon, 0 Buttery, E. Rath well, J. Cheap
bet, 111 Oxtoby, (1, Sperlau, M. Oriaby.
Sr. 111 (A) grade. -K Demuth), A
Sperian, sd. Taylor, 0. Oxtuby, 4.
Hotteubeok, 0. Baker, W. Sperm', (13)
gratte.-1. Speriau, 20 Sperian'G. Eviler
W. 3401,1104, J. Doull, E. Hamiltoo.
Jr. Hutobieeon L Evans, M.
Meehan, E. Puntrell, Wnitfleid, R.
Piultrell, P. Ward. Sr. H -B. Speirati,
M. B. laluohao, L. Taylor,- a'
0 x, (4. Whitfield, B. Hamilton, W
Ward, Jr. II -G. Spartan, II Detimoe,
Yi. Love, M. Cox, 341 Oxtoby, E. Ptoltreil,
E. Retbwell, R. Harailiou, Hollenbeok
IV, Baliaetyue.. Pt. IL -E. Taylor, b.
Holleubeok, J. Ward, C. Ward. 1,,t
Cass. -n a.m.., 8. Sperian
Average attendarme 47.
BOEIOOL REPOnt-IleP0f4 for 8. 15. . N
6 Grey, , fur the math of February.
Examieed in 1./11, H164. Gram. aud Geo.
T Lai 400. Sr. Fourth. -G. Hutchinson,
300 ; P Brewer, 926 ; L Brewer, 199 ;
E. Pearson, 143 ; G. Hutabineon, 130 ;
1.3 Blair, 75 ; M. Bohr, 52; W Jeoluirt.
44, Jr. Fuoriii -G. Jack in, 164; P
Stephenson, 106 ; A. Close, 98. Sr. 8rd.-
F. broeitzer, 208 ; 13 Mitchell, 165, 10.
Botemeu'115. Jr 3rd. -G St; pheogan,
171 ; D. 13,01., 187 ; W Brewer, 75 ;
1. Jakiin, 42. Sr. 2ot1.-E
101 ;k1. RUeb, 90 Jr 2itti,-8, H114011 1 10
too, 83 ;L, 74 ; M. ROE18, 22.
Pert 11 Bateman, R. Brewer, G.
Roes, W. Moonell, Pert I. -M. Blair,
15 Voditeu, 3 Vadden, E. Lowe, G. Hail.
Average 00100o8ea 24
F081141200 AIINSTRONO,
ta_ A vw <wort.
Frank Bollantyne left for Jarvie where
ha ha. noured a good position in a
Wore has been mourned at the oement
works, preparatory 10 getung everything
08 ship Miami for the making of cement pleased to report that John
Morason,a Newry, ie improvIng fruit)
his relineb alook of bronohial pneumonia.
He Wee Li pretty sick mau for to few daye.
Dr. A.13, Laoorill hart turmoil 11 part•
nerehip with Dr D, Murray, . f Newton.
Dr. Murray was born in the township of
Murningtou and his people live near
Tne.,09.1 Option meeting held in the
naaernent of tue Preebyteriati charob on
Monday afternoon wee largely attended
and malt enthusiasm was manifested by
those present. We noderetand that it
earned to be the feeling of the meeting
to do all in their power to Meare the
doortegefrn operation of the Leal Option
Law in our townehip. Defiiiite organia•
anon will be nod; rtuken 00 mom.
Townehm Clera, '1', G. Rotalffie, wait
iu Stratford attendom at the mat home
fur examination for dieoovery itt an old
ooio ot B•illie ye. Rime, for damages 00 10
drain The suit woe instituted in 1903,
but for Boma reason Wee laid iteirle, auct
is now bring preeeed to a conaluaton.
Tina is in addition to the suit for dem.
ages Ma tuned by Bantle againat, the
townehip, the donator and °Datable
Gilchrist for the 11001(0) 0) and ;massive
6010040, Baillie antimiug that he offered
to pay Me taxes, tete the roman's puttied
againet hie farm for engineer's inepeotion
of a drain which Baillie Maimed wee at
completed anti for which he had no right
to pay. alito the drain been completed
Mr. Brunie eave that he would willingly
bave paid for the Mime:thou. The
amount for engineer's itopection wee
66 84.
1..,t11ttv role
Lewis Bolton Wee in Toronto last
week attending the animal meeting of
the Ontario Laud Surveyore.
()barna Porter, a workmen in the Mimi.
tura Immo', was ao unfortnnete as to
have hie baud asverely out about the
Homy Thiele, who 1.10,9 been earryitig
00 /I Murmur batilese 011 Dodd street,
hos bought G. P. Porter's anchor bnai.
nese, anti has taken poeiteernou, ambit).
ing the 0010 businesi,ee.
John Kamp lute sold hie fifty aore farm
111 the lea 0011. 0/A6111110e, eboth a mite
Haat of Lettowel, to MoReev r & Bassett,
61r, Klapp town& going Week.
TUB young permit) of Knox church have
organized a young peep o'0 Guild of
Christian Endeavor, whiell will meet
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clook.
Tbo farming aro the offirairs ;-Pres ,
H. Best ; Bon, Pree„ 4r. Hardy ; 303. G
MoDutiaid, A, Yule ; Roo. See., Moeo al
laloffelosie ; Trent , Frank M. McKay ;
pianist, Mies ir 0138000410 and Miss A
Bright, ueet,
1-111 R W
Owing to a change in business a Reduction Sale will be held for
the next 30 Days, (luring which time goods will
be sold for Cash at
Specially Reduced Prices
lu Stock will be found Harvest Tools Cross -cut Saws, Lamps, Car-
pet Sweepers, Silverware, Cutlery, Stock Foods, Bells,
Mitts, 'lanterns, Whips, &c.,
-Cross-cut Sawa at $1.95, 0801011y (08,00,
-Lampe at $2,50, usually $8.75.
-Carpet Sweepers at $2.25, usually 48.00.
-Silvervvitre away down.
-Cutlery must be sold at Very Low Prins.
-25 lb. Pail of Stook Fuud for 61,90.
-12 Ib. Pail Animal Regulator for $1.50, regular 42.00.
Now is the time to supply your wants at Great Bargains
ea"- All ammonia are asked to be moored off at once.
McKay & Co..,
Lindsay Bros have sold their livery
0000000 011 VS/abate street to A. 51oTav
tab, 10.8., of Mount Format who is nee
00 poeeession. Mr. MaTevish will &leo
upeu a veterinary allot iu 0011 1140411,11
with .be livery. Hie family will remove
to town alertly. 'armee.y brotbern, we
understand, intend going West.
Mrs. Kate A. Howe, mother of the
Howe /3000, well h 110W11 01410.011B of that
wwn, died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. A. A. Bamford on Saturday murn-
mg and was buried iu Fatrview oemett-ry.
Itra. Hews was in the 64th year of her
Age, ttud bee beett more or leee of au in.
vend for a uumber of yeare. She ono
smarm a avere amok et grip on T0l000.
1 y 22ud olt, whioh carried her off an
Saturuity morning,
It your bowels WOO. 1130410 lor 1wtelc
you w; 0.13 be p oatrated. IL more Onto
1)100 009 gum, by yon feel languid, biota
ge o bau, breatb horribly offeueive, you
tent molt 4000 over. To remedy thin 41102
DC. flamilio&oPilts seboob regoiate the
UOVInd and Imre otmatapatirm. Taken at
moth you are well by morning. They
tautly and 03401100 the spawn, prevent
tatuoauhr, unioueuese .and sick stomaoli.
Prompt and ()indent are Dr, fiarniitou'e
Pilot of Mandrake and Butternut, 25o.
per 1110 00 tee for (0100 at all deatere.
Tnesdey was the morality horse fair
day in Brytb.
Woo. Jorinstou left last week with 11
car load of home for Regina Basket*.
await. He will be abeam. hi; May let.
Hamad and 61re. Ai xamier sod
daughtei, Marjory, left on Monday after -
imam of Met week for them home in
A McNally Bae Bold hie handeome
1100110000 00 the corner of Maley and
Witeuis 0400018 to floury Beaty for the
Bum of 81800.
'.1:be Buck sortie! given in Industry hall
by the A. Y. P. B.., 01 Tuohy uhuroh
ormolu to be as suoceneful as it wee
enique. The hall was crowded to its 00,
03081 oaptteity the proarms amounting to 670.
Appropriations to provide for twenty•
.out uttvigatiou at the leading Ontario
.ake porta will be spread over a, period of
eix years.
At Stayner while Dr. Jakeway 600.8
iesdiug bie horse his lantern exp oded
igniting the straw and smothering him ill
.he lott.
The 15 year torl eon of Thomas Bash,
Idend, skated irrro O. hole in the
ice and was drowned.
Toronto nag and
Metal Co'y
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, '
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Hides, &c, Ste.
Highest Pr/des for Al!
Mi ii st. West, Brussels
Oranges Lemons
Spanish Onions
Dates Figs Fish
and Oysters
High Grade 6c, Cigars
High Grade Chocolates
The Home of Good Old
Buse and 27G, Tea
KAPLAN 2.O8 and Costumer
Will stand for service for the season
of 1906 at their owners' stable,
4PplN iser feeettStai I ionasta tor sor r oeiOrntaXlteiEKaeoagooBare11 ,tseeinggotbis10100010 iaAraoewllhoueihnd
only trained by a trainer for 2i. months. No other horse got 00 300. a mark with eo
short training. There is no other horse batter bred to produce speed. Eighty of
the horses with 2.10 veal trace to hie g. g. dam Clara, Kaplan has a right by in-
heritance to produce speed and will surely dit so.
008TUNER-You who have been 00011(0 110082 know what he has produced and
those who have not dune so oan see what he is proclaim?. He is bred in one
of the most fashionable attains at the present day whioh is the Rambletonians and .
KAPLAN stands at $25.00 and 008T0373ER et $15.00,to insure,
Scott Ea Warwic, I"I
3P. SPOT 1r
WISHES to Mini* hie Patrons of the last 80 years for their patronage in his bluelc-
!mittling business end hopes to give eatoffeation in the tutor° its he has tried to do
in the past. Pationlar attention paid to shoeing both heavy and light hotel% He
keep% 11 litstmlass man, Mr, T, Ritchie, in his employ to ensure patiefitotion to all