HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-3-8, Page 4NxIxos.elo VOat, THURSDel Y 112AR. 8, 1906 Tna starving Jape will fled the latch string cif the Dominion of Caunda within eaey mash end already the belief in the brotherhood of mankind has Seen very praatioelly exemplified; THERE is s loud ooto5y dor houses to rent in the oily et Toronto, the supply is in nowies bails equal to Ibe demeod- Building operabiou promise to be lively ibis year even in the advanced prime in buildiug material, Panner AaTHDR, of Connaught, will be e welcome visitor to this ooautry ae huo royal predecessors have always beau. B. will arrive at Toronto on Saturday April 21s1 and will be the guest of the Lienlenent Governor, The Prince aril open the 12th Canadian Hare &bow ou Wednesday, April 25th. His presence will prove a good drawing nerd no doubt Phennole Government Id to deal with the rural telephone a ong the line of public oontrol, the idea tieing to expropriate the exiettnp linea and add to them eo as to give the farmer a einem to hello I to bis ueighbu, for smut, fig.r.. thetown near bya e u or o Little fault can be found with the toee and if the same principle were developed in.0otario,onthe probona pabiiae plan, great good would anomie, ONE of the signs of the times is the inoreased specie being given in the daily press to reporting Ooriveutione and other gatherings whose oouveuing is in the in. tenets of the better morale of she peop'e and the stirring np of the masses to the world's needs. The credit for thin oanuot be taken wbolly by the prase but is indiaative al an awakening m, the part of the people wbo seek for in. telligenoe of this oharaoter that thee may be prepared to take a share fn the betterment of the world. THE expenditure of the Preview of Ontario for the year endiuu D oembe, Stet last was $5,896 016 74, and the revenue $6,017,1715.42, leaving a inhume on the right side of the ledger el 3620, 159.68, aoaordiog to the Nana wenn: were presented in the Legislature by Provincial Treaeorer Matbeeou, T'aeeday afternoon of last week. The eetimeL.0 receipts for the year were 85,515.266 52, and the estimated expeuditare 95,079,- 789.62. The expenditure in 1904 web 36,267,458.02, a000rding to the pub.ia acaoonte of that year. Peeeeaerfoee are being made for a big boom iu the Northwest tine Spring, In Edmonton tonality 18 new eoweebpe have been surveyed for settlement and ae they contain over 2500 homeeteade some idea may be arrived at as to she wide range of the poseibibtiee of the West. There is no use disguising the taut that the targe emigration from ou- terio bas been a heavy dram on oar Provinoe and if she had not been wed bested the modem might have bad a very deliterna m effect but with so many avenues open ee o an to careful and Boo oum.cai management Ontario has and wit, weather the blast, proving her right to enjoy a foremost plane in the great Dominion of Oenada, QDITa an intermit le being mtmifeeted in the Temperance geoid ou 10 the Prov ince. The commensal travellers Liam been interviewiug the Provioaial Secretary relative to a demaud for gond s000mmodation wbeu Loots! Opiou oumee into afloat in the numaruns muuiaman ties. Premier Whitney otntempiatee thehotel lineuee fees es iaoreaein of ho e B peoially in the intim. Mr. MuNaught, the new M. P. P. for North Toronto to m• trodaoing legielation to abolish the trran• ing system and Iaet bat not levet the Dominion tithedoe Mee leaned a gall for a Provioaial Convention to be held in Toronto this month to push °errant pro• posed advauae plane of work and own: paigo, What the result of all this agog. tion ie problematioal at this stage bat the probabilities are it will mean moss* reebrigtion, heavier penalties for wilful infraotkon and better methode of meeting the new order of affairs where the traffic is being oat off by the vote of the eleotor• ate. Is etrikes ue ae a very anbaeineee like and noueeneiaal siboation often ex*nbiog in oonneetion with the opening of Parliaments that the session i8 commend- ed before the Government is half ready with their program. The reenit of thin ie.„18 and 20 minute sessions a dey and the killing of lime by the majority of the members at the country's expenee for sometimes weeks. Thin hie been tree of the; Local Legiele:nre thie Religion. It surely ebonld be eomebody'e business to gee that this sort of efface thou,d not Deist and one way of obviating it world be to delay the opening of the Benne anill the Work was enffoienlly advanoed to enable the M. P. P'a to get at it 51 MM. Thio dillydallayfng would not be permitted foe a single day in the per - Lionel affairs of the members of the Cabinet and yet beoaaee the Detente)/ ie toobine the bill they seem to .tbiuk it le a I right, The Dominion Government le e memo just ae laat es the Legislature in this .matter. If boeissee were pre seated iu proper time aid dealt with 410 it should there would be little needed long tiresome eeeetons or a Dry for inoreesed ienanity. Paying by the Ware iu the Hones might be a oorreotivs for the bit outtny and often nothing to show for it A TRIP THROUGH THE WEST. Dean EDITOR—Our little boy (Wilbert) atm I arrived home ou Feb. 20th from au eoj,*vabie trip of two mon be. Mrs Mummy end qua of her brothere were smug. Leaving here on Jan. 2nd vee went to Winnipeg end having tiokete with atop over privileges we opeut a few nays there. From tbte important metre we went o 0' Paul, dttuneepteie, Some et. t, OmMa, S t t Lake pity, Red Lanor, L3 . ,51r8, Steno Park, Peeaden., Ban F, eeaeon, Sacredleute, Portland, Bent' t V (linrte, V.tloouver, Weetm'nxter, &u We left !Vire. Alnouey with her sister et 8 event.on, B O., and name home by th Oruw'a Nee. road. Is eaoh of the otbtet we spent a day or more and had a great time sighbeesing. 6.11 these ooantrie. hove their woe thing , busy ohms, 8. e meuntnttle, rich mines, Bunny, Meer, ea's weather, with their loads of iron, flee eeeparLe end greet foreete, but w. arrested home very moth tmpreeeed with the feet the; we hove right here ID ,e8Rarohewaa n country for health and p ireperIty that caiuot be surpneeed. I •110 believe that for a heal paper THE nk iROe*saL8 PORT -*indole the first re Out of warty a dozen pa pere the o1.• Pose was the one that I touted out firer iter setting borne, Euoloaed you wit (2.1t1 oar enb.or p ion hoping that the pro primer may long enjoy the best blessing, i l.fe. Years Truly W. T. Bloom. 'trend Culee, Feb. 28, 1906. How To Make The Most Profit On a Farm. The following First; prize essay was wnt'en by Jas. MeoFedzeau, of Rae Huron, Out., in response to un offer of a prize by the Directors of Beet Huron Rimers' Latium, to the young farmer writing the been may 00 the above topic, the mimes so be read at the lusttute meetings. I take it for emoted that what our ,uetitnte wants might be termed, the goad farminging of a former to average Oir •nmecaneee depenniig upon the proclaim .5 the eon for a livelihood, and with a view to maintaining the fertility of hie and. We cony* hare a definite parpoee before lie, and the fa, mer's ideal should be to proms en abuudaioe of good and suit ao a fodder ae cheaply ae poeeible to be fed upon the farm Hon. John Dryden .vera- even young farmer, againen the fetal mistake el trying to farm with tun t a be p, awn to this era of aurae ash .012.1810r, Syetematiomethods and earotting fail• MD plane con a characterize all our M- oots, and we nine* bring tnLeiligenoe to bear 0e every branoh of our work. We mu t make a practical Bendy of the methods wbiob nave been encoeeefnl, and e•.peotally of the principals which under - ie them, that we might understand the awe of nature, wbwn govern the differ. ant voile, plaute and animate, and know s.,met tine of the reietionehip of the food ,bey eaoh require. The one is ae impar Lout ae the other, and all depend upon each other. There is then the re a,iuuehip which transportation bears to the Soiehed preduot. I believe the first and most important thing connected with good farming is to eeOere a salmi's mutat and to have end not unkind y dry niderdraiued. Prudent expenditure is wise economy. Drained Boil is drier iu a wet year and d 1E freer , tuludry oma tie here m a , admits a oireniati.0 of air, giving capillary at. treenail re better ohence to supply ergo table lila with ueened manure. Em r- aw •aye, "Man was made mob wttb Burne trtumphane superiority." It a mau tad 8 5pem8l .fame fur a certain alias f amok, hie ohueose of sadness wnl be better with that than any other, and be should neta0 ate at the outset to provide for their r.glnremen15. Yet, eh* r I ti8 fete lit epeoial does, we anon deaaop8 aide brauohee to dieir,bute our labor eoondmtowly thronghune the year, teed to 03ntz8 what otherwise might go to waste. For example if beet reiei.ig in the main object, 10 or 12 uowe oald he kept, and in thea days of near labor, hell the °owe coned eaokle e coupe of oalvee twice a day. The other nett could be milked, the oream could be ut.ized at the house, or sent to the creamery, and the .him milk fed to a tew young pigs or some pantry, wbiob eiuce better laoilitiee are provided for trans• porIetlon, to beaming a very profi able branch alarming A few cheap would mit ae sciwougere in Bummer, rummege *hrougb some, pea straw in Winter, and with some roots and a itle grain about ambing LIMO- would yield a fair profit with bee ittle tabor. We *should etrive to have our lands on). civet d orplowed in the Fall, with some respect to the different o46e88a of sod. Draper Boil wiil stand deeper cultivation, ao that it i* might he enbjeat to the pat verizeg ieflueene ut the Winter frost, and be in a pool lou that we might spread hreadoaet upon the land the miners se it come from the stable through the Winter. We should utilize leieure home in Winter to make every poeeible prepare tion for the work in Bprfng and Summer, For example Beed grain should be gleaned and ideated for venue, if timed be, and• let on.. emphasize Lite import/woe of a careful and ByStematia ee'ee lon Of eeed, Do not be mteled by glittering advertteements by .ntereeted eeademen. Study the reporte of the espartm.ntel station, wbiob are oondaolyd with no other end in view than to benefit the farmers who take ad ventage of it, 'select 'the kind most entwine to your Boil and requirements, and remember that experiments and eh. 885vatitm neve exbabhebed the fad that need taken from that portion of the field Met is most *enured and stands lip beet will give the most eatieleotory re - stilts the following year. A proper ey0581 of rotation of crops le e-eerltial to con intted echoers in term mg Inhume it 8s8iete in maintbinitig the fertility of Ibe Mad. Ria while eortain 0o1I0 are better adapted to oertehl i me feel like new. No better medicine arope than auy otber8, we should try all i exiete. far tie practical, to rotate the nitrogen. I (:tire.) L. P4, atoning, Slduey, 0, B. gathering grope, snob gee olover and peas, ' 13y reline oa Dr. Hamntou!e Piffle With ronto,00rn and other eereale, Our you ere sure of string vitality, Peoria ). experimentaletationebaveolearlydemon ;mg blood, bright cheery apirite Tile titrated the feat that growing olover net , marvel of the nediolne ie that it peeps s0 often as poeeible is like the hey to you well--prerente and seerds off etokueee xuo0e efal terming. It is not 00'y the menet approeoh to a ba'aiged talion of any of one rough too is for moat kende d stook in Winter, but after a Lou of 8 1-1 fed, the meteors ie worth from 34 to $8 me a furtherer, No other ordinary farm orop adds eo much nitrogen and vegetable matter ae the soil when turned 'coder, which iuoreaeee he capacity to retain moisture, and Boil oet,Laining lots •1 humus gives off the water by evapore .tan more alowiy. The large taproot* .5 the clover ilea tend to improve De - feature of the soil for subsequent arope, and in olay laud are good enbeoi•ere. As Spring and seeding approaob e e , we mast have everything in readinexe, ane .1 our Beed t owrt tie e•rly ae poseib r •,.trim the land 1+ Se for anitiva1iou. A. exceedingly ,important lemon may h• earned front the resell or as experiment to Ontario Agriuul ural Colletsd, , wise haws that for every one day's delay iu .ceding, after the first week there wax x average deore•ee in yield per aore of 56 Ibe of este, 58 Ibe, of barley, and 28 Ibe, of peas, and the chances of rues eraunellr bora sed. Generally epaukn'* t .s Spr ng a0'tivation should be shallow Get the manure inuorponated tutu two 0• three inches of the surface soil with th gang plow, dieo hallow or en ovate,, and euw the groin in about the Gam depth The neer the seed bed, the m r plant food ie liberated, end we have ih ae'f1 possible 553 .nice for holding the fee queue showers i' b tiro. es 15, null euo :cowing pl.tnte nen make use ut the moisture. I0 a dry eeaeon, if we have two or three Moho of a looser soil mix ed with manure to keep it open at thr eadtaoe, 51 will tend to oheok oepinare evaporation et a plane where the root. of the pianfe are searching for moi••tare, and they will have the firet chance o' aging it, In the ease of the aorn and rout orop, it ie important that th,e Mulch should h. kept stirred and open to conserve ae mach moisture ae poe-ibis. Bac even with euon cultivation as ie qr neeary to make an ideal Beed ben, noxious weed,' will dixpa.e paeeeeeio0, 0309505 un0000seary work, and eappiie she vitality of the mallet crop, sod for their mord ietion it ie important to know something of their nature and growth ane govern ouree•vee aaoordingly, and have as many as poeeible r•move•l from the cowrie.' gram, as well ae the own inn root crop, to order to keep them from going to seed, As the haying eeaeon approaches, we must be reedy for another rheh of work, h oared '• s'a time for a tar iq in goed gg Y ilia on the green side makes the bee. fodder. The clover, especially. ehooid ben ant, tedded out, and o And up again be tore the dew falls, to be earned out and •irawo in a day or two later, if the weather is favorable. The grain crop may be left 00ti1 it ;8 well matured be fore it le enc, end tbeo left in the •hook hent th•irooghly dried before it hi homed, Met the grain may grind well end keep sweet and fr• eh. As anon se the grai n ie off the fields that we not seeded to grass, ehoald be gang•plowed or onitivated to enounraee he germination of weed eeede and to destroy °there, each as wild grass, sow thietle,twild oats, «to. Frequent 3011i vetton will also improve tee 000ditione of most soil.. Plant food a reedy exist• fig will be liberated, .end is thus pre. pared for enooeeding crops. The oxygen of the air is allowed to get in and through the soil, the healthy ahem iaai tuition ie increased On a oomparatively olean field, 8 to 10 ibe. of clover Beed ehoald be sown with the Spring arop to be plowed ender the GEMS Fall. It would add a ooneider able amount of vegetable fibre to the soil, with all its benefits. A omen vegetable garden, jnat what ooa d be kept mean and well ooitivated, Weald provide a luxury ai first °amt, and wonld add very materially to the health n perils:re, to this in of the family, and e Y P Pr direot way would add to the prelim 0u the farm. As the erase begins to fail in early Fall, miloh own, in foot, all kinds of ,took, Mould be provided with 801Le sa0 °tilent food, se 00511 or mangafe, to • keep the cows mi king well, and the ooh'r •stook growing, Mich onwe and °elves should be, comfortably bone d tie .he 80,.umu weather gets bleak and. end, and I miht add th- term imp entente 18100 Otter stock may rough it a little longer, but it ie poor enmu my to let them fail in Hash During the Waiter eeaeon, all the stook tnuet be ennead in well.veutilated, rmhmtOrtable buildings. An abnedanoe of ennlight ie essential to thrift. They mu+1 be regalerly and jadIOi.Oely fen, Witham mob reepeot ae poseible to a esteemed ration, paying attention to a'1 the Mile detaila in ooeneotien with lied fug whatever etoek ie oar choke, and all will prottabl reepood to our nten at kindness. In breeding, we mint use pure bred eiree, with ancestry of the beet blond. It we bay one feeding stook, the man who, by close observation and study, kerne to recognize the good qualities end avoid the ohm, will greatly menage hie prate In all one prodao clone, whatever they may be we moot eater to the tastes of the consumer. Got New Vitality increased Appetite Tree Strength, Viger and Buoyant Health Qatekly Followed the Use of DB. HAMIL'1'SON'st'ILLy. By purifying and nourishing the blood Dr. Hamilton'e Pr11e quicklyimpart new vigor to all weak organa. The kidneys and liver are stimulated, disease brood lug poisons are parried off, the entire body renewed and restored. Look of appetite ie ohaoged fete keen zest for food. Digestion and seeimiletion are made perfect. Thna, all you eat ie turned iota nourishment and building material. R ad the evidence pnbliehed here, it telle jest how Dr. Haoai tot's Pilia ogre the sick and help the week ;— Vital Energy Increased. "I always fele draggy and tired," "When I arose in the morning my limbs ached arid I felt doll," "I didn't enjoy my mettle and oonlde,'t digest properly,". Dr. Hamilton'e P Ile etrengthened my etomaob, purified my blood, made, of every ked. Dr, Hamilton's P111e bleep thousands t people healthy. Won't you use rh m .100 7 Sold everywhere in 26a buten, or five boxes for 91 by mail, front N. C. Poison tb Co., ging eton; Out., and Hartford Conn., V. S, A. NOT SLEEPING WELL. Withont a eel, there can be DO bodily or mania' vigor, oonergeeritly a eepleee Tragi is a dang'roue condition. Nothing so surely 50etoree sleep Re Ferrozw'e 1 5t'e harmless—jest a nourishing, strength ening waist. Ferrozone vitalizes every part of he body, maitre the oera hardyd Y completely rebut d+ the system. The aeae f sleep eeeh0se ie removed—hsabb ie restored— you can work, eat, sleep,— •1101 like new alter nerds Fertozone. Dunt put off--Ferrozone ousts 50u.. per its e, aft deniers ; get i1 to•day. A lumber train ran into a freight et Brsoebrtdge, amoebae a tot of roiling loth. Ube stores ou Ontario et., North Bide, i.ratford, oo.upted by Jamee Dow and 13. White de Co , have been bought by Walsh Bros. Fite B•n- 1'e'ephone Compel)) 'a ehere• ul dere' 025/ Lang ae Moutreat, authorized u, imamate In the oapnal stock from ten „ 50 mutton Where. alum. Mr. Brodeur is oontempletiug he adopt on of some plan of mold .tangs l { w stet the loud ' Nowa ewhctw tt P y . O i , t ace of 011 ,a a u '11c hr moa tl •h a aka I ff e 6 .e paned on the meted markete of the D tmt0(0n at a reviewable rale. Postmeeter Richard Johnston, who nae been in obarge ranee Pa mer.tan vas t-'dnded or retauiiehed, resigned and ,he Poeeal Iuepeobor and Looduu rift elate are now to charge. John O'ive, Ind E gm H. Scott are town eppioente, Charles elmith, who eome few week. .go purebaeed the Awty ho m-etead, hie ea.n It to Win. Tear, Mitchell, drepmnb 97110 m, the deal. The Methodist cherub 'Bx since puaahaeed the ravine, which hey intend adding to their cemetery property. Word ham been received in St, alio')' f thedealt ofN,,hemel Devaney, w N w O„tario. Mr. Dempsy formerly reeinrll ie Reims and worked in 0 Sebaetiau'e uerberehop, Downie et., Stratford, for Ilea three month. prier to hie remove to New Outwit). He froze to death. Simple Remedy For C atatr h Just Breathe Hymned Four Times a Day EMI be Cured. Hyomei ha- perf.'rmen almost mireu Mone three of catarrh, aid is to day recognized by leading membe,e of the medical profeeeion ae the only advertised remedy that oau be relied upon to eu just white it amaze. The o- mpiete ou 8 of tlyemel ooeme $100 sue Omixlete ut an ',haler, a medieiue crupper nod a bottle of Hyomei. Breathe Hyomei through the Whaler for a fete minutes four tense a day, teed u will oure the w0ret case of o•.terrh• h ,.outbee and Beale the m. cue membreue of the air peesagee, prevent. ,rrltaten end effeote a complete aid lasting Dore. If yeti cannot obtain Hyomei of your dealer, it will be forwarded by marl, postage paid, on receipt of prise. Write to day for aortae 301500 b 8031 stet will emote you to Between 81 our medical department without obarge. The R. T. Booth enmpauy, Hyomei Beetling, Ithaca, N. Y, Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the eetate of John Geiger, late of the Township of Grey, ut of Huron farmer, in the 0uu , Y deceased. Notice is hereby given, remnant to Boyle - ed -tatutea of Outario,1897, (,lamp 129, and amended Aote, that all oreditoru and others having any claims agaluet the estate of the said John Geiger, wh died on or about th 191, dal 0f Mnrech 3905 are ,squired 08 er befere too IBE day of Apr11, 19 6 *o utter- by poet, prepaid or deevxr to •he nutter - tamed their Ohrlgtien Sad surnames and, addressee with tell particulate' la air ag of their claims, the statement of *helm ac- count, ami the 0et0le of the thou hies (d C any) ,geld by them, vhrtaed by eetiefaotory 5 o e n tS iteutatgton. Aud uot,0e it further given that alter the said last me,tloued "ate tee Haul Exeeu- trix will preened to distribute the inmate of the deceased anutlget the parties euta- led thereto, h.viug ie8wd Daly to the >,;(1,., tire also Agents for the "New claime ul %bleb the meati tune have p+ mitten and out tt.e mod hxnuntria writ Idea 10Cent Ge It Pa 1 tiaras. nut beu liable lar dietie r peva or 0.y pert cheroot, ,Loan obeli oo ox pernuaa of felines Call and get a Faah- byher nolle obeli 01 have nano received by her ut the die of noon dlntrlhuEwa von ;;beet. Dated at Lmtuwel LIDO 45th day of Feb- ! ruury, A.D„1909 M. 0., ec ol CART/16W,Eli]I 1 S S E S- HA B K I R K• Listowel P. 0„ Oulwlture for Elizabeth Geiger, 801e Executrix. 54.4 dsoteseteodosomsosossoddoosovoodo STOCK FOR SERVICE.OIG racIG icb . 1 1ri9 t1i ctI 1631-72 BITLL FOR SERVICE. — A Thoro'-bred Dai bum Bun will helmet for eerv08 by the nuder.igord at Lottie, Con 14,Grey. Pedigree May be seen He anpl,0(110,. Terms 61 00. 02.4* DONALD 503105L, proprietor. 'J3ULL FOB SERVICE.—TEE ,L.71 nwlsr8'gund will 50844 ter eervive nu Lot 19, O, at. 10, Grey, u 'luoro'•bred Durham ann. Filigree may be seen on 8tlplloetiun Terme 61.25 with privilege o' reterobia. 90 t1 240. 11110W N, Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE,—THE utldereinued will keep fur Sorvte0 ea Lot. 21, Cue moray, the pure bred Aber. d80n Argue buil,...Loth •I'u..mee ai” aired by Baud 1011 Uhler,” the obuw pine ball of (made. Pedigree mat be seen 011 epplia a• 11011 Terme $2,UU with privilege of semen. ins if ueoexerry, J. as, RN 1040 P, 88.10 Proprietor. IMPURTAt,T NOTICES rr[IEEE+ YOUNG SHUNTER/11N Bulls for bale, eligible fur' reghua• Lou. apply t, JA9. 1P.61l1, Lot 80, Coe.8, Merritt Brueeelu P.O. 29-tt rIIHRL'+'LI' NEW COUNTER Show Oates for Bale, euoh a Leet long• wamut rnw0e ued duuHle thing gime. tip• ply to lag Pune, brueeele. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND 18SUER of MA1tR1AGE LIOEN8E8 . Olnce In the P001 u®eo, Ythef. 80-4 (.7 f OOD TOWN PROPER] Y FOkt. <,JHale on wui0b . largo 'f k 1What aro home. c le dieted and, Joh trait garnet, dna 51 notes or 'aeden Joh - t. 8.33Jams7 sou h Htiv-e Perwe rou 510815 Apwy to JOHN MOE`ADL LrN ou premlBeb ur F. a. 24.1u1"1, re8e01e. .4'A1tM '10 RENT.—THE UN— A_DEBn7oal111 bffete the 100 aorta, known m e uv,.. 9elblce tams, N M 1 Lu*24, Den. 3, Alia/It, t PALL. 00 the pres'bei their ix a woo hue a 8.441 here and 010ea 100V0n, ,etoeb Per ruttier p,rti• Mare apply it, AMU*' •- L.ALat0K, el W t Lot 28, (tun. 8, Aiuuls, or Jameatuwn P. 0. • 88-ef 1)ROPER'IY FOR 'SALE—THE beuereig and oltere tar lade tin aero u, teed upon watch ,8 a oumluneble dwelling house, etwule, , a ort ire, s. good uvei•fluwieg moil, &u. Phupurty 1. 1 tinted 5 el a wile e est of traueruoil Bud eOuyeureet to nohow, (Murcia, p••etu®.,n, ate. Pueeeneluu at 80y a.,. e. Fut puce, tame, &a , app,y au the prounee8 to 011, 1La5.38Nn, 004_ or Uraobruok P.O. G) ti ACIIN k'ASM FUlt SALE G+ bolo, Leta 87 mu 28, con 7, Diet', era. r,aili el mite', 8e aures mewed , 8 Bore• FM wh, at; 5 uure* Luau ; 10 am. Nan ere la. d; uu,ae.e well mended. le well meet" and watered. On prewl,ee are 0um• lot could dweluu¢ house, bane ba. u 501105• LI no outer., driV•ug 81140, 0,1a.5m,1, uuu Ono. L'o,eenblee gtVun Stared 154x. rot prase, femme, eau., apply 0e promisee to L. a, 015elJA, e.tOel ‘� ELL liNuWN FARM FOIL aaLa.— 'elug Lout 20, 11.11 15, Gr. y, Ouetaiul11E 209 urn, a .1 052E-333,52 ,a,.e. T0e ia,w Ib 10 . 1,00u btuSs el cultivation, thele beteg 25 enter 1,411 p Owes, , (0Ved nares aeoueu w O1..Vnr cud Llmu1hy, $ teen 0028n 01 Let, OVe 11.01eS Fu,l 11100a1, NIX auto. lie•d- wuud 01180, ba.wu00 gaotute. roars are three Igoe well., oarhero, aroma dwmliug, t,010a bale,oetr'lage Mule tutu other Out. uuudlug8. 135 ptiue, Lune%, nut., apply to DAVI Or %'1oLLinat e311eLa, Executor. 04 0033(1.0, Ott groomed, er .raebromi SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MILLINERY Felt Hats for The Home of Good Clothes "In the Spring a Young Man's Fancy fondly turns to Thoughts of Love" and New Suits. WAVING just received a. large consignment of all the Latest Novelties in ospring Goods we only wait your inspection of same, feeling confident that we can please you, bi•th in price and all that dii.tit,gui.•hes the well dressed man. ciz • Change of Bu-...iness R Phe ullclerF'gued wishes to announce to the ( Public generally that he has 1. urchllsed and a taken possession of the "tri 0;1 • liafl ness Business z John b , J 1 i ass -full conducted I n anti s c 80 0 11 g Y a • Donaldson Brussels, and will be pleased to be favored with It continuative of the trade so gen- ernll,Y acoorrled. A first-elasa stock always kept and the ( wants of the publicpromptly attended to. e.'4 a GEO. STEMN A.1,,�q��y��a� ryy� �y� yam• gyp' �,p•�y �t,��r•�,Q�q,��y'�j,�-rye(. J"i.1`l_.l'`Yt� `etuo . tifu !"a3"I.J'li'J'•'.�..a`iJ''�Y eciN and Binge We are "fferiug some Special Values In Watches , a.nd& Gold (tinge We r.hall be pleased to show you our BARGAINS Reliable Honest Goods at Closest Prices. H. L. Jackson LEADING JEWELLER. 3RAIN .Hupp N3 The undt•l'*igued beg leave n uotift the farming community hat they are uow ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and .crushing at lowest rates. All aol•k will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, Bran, r+horts, &o., always in stock and sold at M:trket Prices. ThueIl Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building il1ti 1 Steamers To Liverpool CALLING AT11111I4Ln (Londonderry) From Rt John From Ha ilea Tarisisu Sat. liar 10 sou ;Mar 2, 4)011411 M.tr 17 Mar 10 en.tori+", -�" Mar 24 ......... •Mar. 20 Parisian " 'tour 91 ..... ' Apr, 2 Hates of Passage Find Olea,—S00 evil upward., 6 0 rdlne to ttenm8r, second (1118N-845 nowt 842,50, Loud •u $2.80 extra Third 01'•11—Teuiaiau a,.4 Purl MIL. $17.00 other eteemers $2859. BURTON TO GLASGOW Meir olian Thu tree y, Unroll 8 IIAL11t8X TO LONDON and 11ATRE Hermitian .... •81urday, ,Unruh 24 For farther purtioula. e, rates gaud tiokete apply to W 11, x116, • Agent Alae, LIIte, Suisse's, MONTHLY Horse Fairs BRUSSELS The Monthly Hm•ee Faira will be held in . Bruesele for the seas 0 an follows t— THURsDAY MAR. let, 1908 APII, 5611, " Lending 1,111411 1111d 44111;ide Buyers Will be present F. S. SCOTT, CLERK. SALT Fanners or Storekeepers by cunning to the B ussels Salt Works can get arty kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. Hexing iuve,ted in a Hot Water Heatiugapparatual am now in a position to offer you Hot Coffee, Beef Tea, Tomato Bouillon, and Chicken Broth at our Res- taurant on two minntee' notice. Thanking you for peat patronage and hoping for a continuance of your trade, I am, Tours Very Respeetfnlly, J. W. KERNEY TELEPHONE 5 Oysters Served Hot or Cold. CLEARING AT COST To clear out the balance of our stuck of Hand Sleighs they will be sold at Positive eost Prices We do not purpose continuing in the Fancy Go do and Toy Bli.einess so will clear out everything on hand Dodds Habkirk FOK Leading Tailors 1t�tPOaT TORE Y.l ,if