HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-3-8, Page 1Vol.. 84, No, 88 1i1 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1906 New Advertisements. Removed—Downing Broa, Gold chain lent—Tao Posr. House for aalo—A. J Lowtoit. Opmoal Parlor—F, R. Smith. Mortgage nate—M War & Sime, Applioatioue—Melvi,le Uburob, Stowe for cele—Alex D Lamont, Ooakerele for dale—John Wright. may not be Mole to point out a aurglo im• provemeut. Our only ooneolation Is in the maul hope that their planes will grow elow in time. .174tr11>HCO w rt. Elder John Btreobau attended the moettug of Preauytery in Winghem, ou Tuesday of tine week, Lest Saturday Charlie Eakat arrived home for a tour weeks' visit to relatives and tweed(' in Algoma. He lied 00 en � �+t • 1 s, joyable time. Mr. Belot has u farm on ,tBXr4I1".l.C,X �.,C.i13S• that Northern oouutry but will continue 10 1081118 here. "Resolved that steam i0 more meth] Lomeal) ter sy, We welcome .R (Matte and family to McKillop. They will be greetiy ennead in Grey. Mr. Comte hue perobaeed the Brown form in thin township. The re port Irom their old home le moat nom. mandatory, 10 ran lorOofS• Miss Mabel Menzies has returned home from Fordwioh. Mre, Beacom i8 n visitor with her eieter, Mrs. George Sperling. Toe Poer is after 100 new eubsoribera in lieroh. Are you willing to push 7 Rey. D. B. MoRee etteuded Maitland Presbytery lest Tueeday at Wingham. Mise Alfie Switzer, who nae been visiting at Atwood for the peat week, hoc returned home, Leet Smiley afternoon George Bate. eau took the Berme in the Methodist March here. Thu pastor will preach next Sabbath, If we could arrange for 5 telephoned st 1120 each per ammo the company would build a line to Brueeele. Alt eab earthen' would have the free use of Brussels oiroul0. Can't we do it 7 L04 week George Sperling, of Oran brook, met with an accident that might easily have proven fatal. Hu watt iu the sot ot drawing a eonvey0uoe into the barn when a great goat of wind blew cue of the doors abet with snob violeoae that be was thrown uff the gaogwey Otto in hie fall upon a stone heap had several rho broken and has einoe beau laid up. His con also received a bang, Mr. Sperling baa been partionlarly au fortnnste with en:damn' bet we hope be will soon be o. k. .V ret Cost. M• Morrieou stilloonti0uee poorly. Look out for the New England dinner et Walton on April and. Mien Jean Ferguson bits returned from a visit to Mende in Atwood, The Raw mill oommeuoed operations on Friday last end will naw out both loge and heading. The Young People's circle will told a muetaa! evening et the reeideuoe ot Hugh Fulton on Tneeday neat. The bleeds of Dr. and Mra, Irving in this Iooality will be mtereeted to bear thin the Dr. has loomed In Btrathoono, Alberta. Mien Bertha Poole ie visiting friends in Welton. Mies Poole, who is from the Eastern portion of the Provinoe, hoe beet. in this locality 'nowt of the Winter. Den. MoCel,am bee moved into the cottage, and as he has resold the farm he lately purchased, will probably remain u resident of Walton for same time longer George Candler and John Grimoldb) held a Bale of pommel effects on Monday They will leave for the West on Tueedat next, the former for anathema, and the latter for Griswold. We wish them sun 0888. The three Methodist oongregatione of Walton Oirouit on Sunday leer adapted, by large majorities, a resolution eoudemo ins gamnling end borne raping at out annual Faire, and pledged 11enleelvea to oppose any legiolatiun welting to remove the restrietioua upon these evils. The matter was brought to the attention of the oongregetioue by the pastor. $3In©veoIe. Thomas Coulter+ is in poor health. Charles end Mre. Walcott intend going to EJmontou'bbie Spring . There wee exoelleut skating on the pond, Tneeduy of feet week. Over $110 ,vas oollooted in Blaevale and viololty for the Bible and Trach Buoiety. Mrs. MaoASioter, mother of Mre. Jae Meager Mud Ere. Witham Unmet is poor ly, Mre. David Patton's brother, Bagb MoDougell, was one of the two mor, drowned while working on a dam in Loudon last week. The baby daughter of David Irwin, of Morrie, while playlug at the well foil into it wh80 her weight broke a decayed plonk. Very strangely indeed Che did not part with the piece of plank but wae found by her rescuers sitting upon the floating fragment and hugging the tog of the pomp for deer life. There were several feet of water in the well' end it eeoms nut being short of mireoulaone that she was not drowned. A large number of friende from Wing ham, Wroxeter end Btuevale, together with nearer neighbors, swooped down upon Dooglao Freeer end femily 01 their home iu Turuberry on Tuesday 0001,1118 and presented Mr, Fraser with a puree of money. Tbeoompany proved themeelvee e, lees formidable surprise than they at first appeared at, Iauoh time by producing well !mien boekets. The Envier family leave shortly for their new home et Pilot Mound, Menitoba. They are Well known here, lblr. Fraser having taughtfor. years in two motions of Tnrnborry, besides farming, The beet wiebea of a very largo utlmber will follow them to the Wpat. The annual exodus to the West is again almeet oommeuoed. In ooneelUence of the Weedy drainage of good Ontario people many of our town§ and villages each year grow a little fewer in pophla tion, a little poorer, a little elower and lees public) epiritied. While admiring theee people'e ambition and courage we often feel the tinieet bit of jealousy when they,00me back well dressed, well bap• plied with quickly earned money, end Intl et entbueieem about the great tbinge they had otheta do in the Weet, wipe we tf than eteutrioity," le the aubleot of the debate in Vietorie Hull, on Wednesday Maroh 14111. Mr. Rae and Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter, will uphold the negative, and the affirmative will betaken by Jae. Hogg and Mr. Wright. An in meeting program, along with a very spirited debate, may be expected. A. cordial invitation to all. The Goderioh Signal Of last week opeake ea foliows of persons well known here Au anuonnoe01ent which Was received with ouneldereble eorprtee by many is town was that of the Dale of G. M. Euhotide grocery boeiuete to Mo Ewan Brae., the naw proprietors aeonm• „ g charge feet Friday mOruiag. Mr. Elliott Ins been iu baemeee in Goderioh for the pest eighteen yeare end bee built up o large trade by hie honeet dealings end oonrteooe treatment of oaetomero. Among the crude he wee looked moon to one of the laireet of oompetitore. Mr. Eiiiotl is not prepared to mike any 0u• rlbanOement at pre0eut ea to hie inte0• lions tor future, beyond oho statement that be ie not leaving Goderioh, which will be welcome nerve to the townspeople. The num firm in obarge of the Map e Leaf Grocery and Chinn Hall are yuuug Merl of path and energy. The member.. of the firm are 13. A. HaEwaii, wbo Duma„ from Sb. George, Out„ and W. 0. bioEtvon, wbo for the paet two year,. has been aeeooiated with hie brother J.J. Maiilwan, in the grouery bueineee Iu Goderioh, I:thaet. John Eekmier iuteude going West this Spring for a trip. U. 0. F. oyster supper iu the Township Ha l Tharedoy evening of this week. The next meeting of the Township Gomm' will be held on Friday, 16cb fMet. Three drain By•lewe were dteonoeed mod passed upou at the Council here 1001 Monday. The Kreuter hardware store will be .eady to start liminess about the first of next week, W. F. Heath intende fixing op hie ember shop the Bpriug by patting in a targe glees front. The Beek of Hamilton, which recently opened here, ie doing a good bueiueoe anti es well pleasod we bear with the pros Emote. Wm, Shiele moved to our village this week from the South of Grey. We hope •ba family wit , ujoy many happy yeare m their Mew home, Daring the mouth of Maroh THE Pun wttute to increase its oironlotiou uy 100, Will you lend your iu$aenoe 7 It lulu be teppreaiuted, Ltudeoy Bros,, formerly of this looslity, wilt likely try the Wen rte they hive sold out their livery baeinees in Listowel. We cope they will 0o well. New.on 110080iey has Bold hie house to the village to Jeoeb Kreuter eud has moved to etraeaee8, Mr. Kreuter will t ,kt puseeseion ebony. A Demure le promised for the week atcer next, under the aaepioea of the W. Ir. M. S. Further pertiomare in next wreltie teens of Ton Pun. Mr. Rothwell, 12th sou•, telt from a load of hay ou Tuesday and reoetved serious Injuries we are merry to hear but we hope ue will soon be allright, Lem Rothwell is home from St.Joseph Leath where he hem spent the Winter in the lumber camp. He ie looping fine. Uookiug must have agreed with him. John Ritchie i8 going to Hamburg to eugage in the livery bnriueee along with hie brother in late, George Gramm, We will be glad to hear of Jobn'e 00ooee8. Wednesday evening of next week au eutertatumeut will be held iu the Town ebtp Hall under the, a08ptcee of the Nub 10 Library. The Betl Ringers will furnish the program, the Bible S.oiety collector° have immolated their work and paid over to ,.be Treasurer at Bruseele over $25.00 Bah' p ople do welt toward thte epeeedid Meuse end the lady O011eOtore Bee that no one ie alighted. Rev, 1L. Newoombe, of Olinton, former• ty of Ethel, says that during hie length tined mmtelry, he has uffimated at double w0ddiugo, and doubts ohdeteniuge, bot no; until last week did he ever have a ,rouble funeral. He was waded on to officiate at the burial of two Inmates of the Howie of Refuge ; they were Interred aide by eide, one burial service auetvorinp for the two. Smoot, REPonT sun FEBRUARY.— Br. Dept. of Bahl Peblco Buhoul. Sr, V Utase.—Eileen. iu Aritie, Ltt., Gram , Comp. L. Cliambero, 87 ; M. Stenemon, 87 ; N. Simpson, 64. Jr. V Clams :— Exam. in Atith, Lim, Gram., Comp. H. Goatee, 80 ; P. Bremner, 78 ; F. Imlay, 56 ; M. McCallum, 56 ; 13, Eck weer, 80 IV Claes :—Exam. no Spoil„ Let., Gram , Comp. B. Batemeu, 91 ; E. Dauber, 88 ; 11. Engler, 82 ; E..Heine worth, 81 { G Dot,u,ar, 79 ; I. Beath, 79 ; L, Cooper, 78 ; d, Dunbar, 77 ; W. burr, 77 ; S. Ilion tomb, 75 ; L. Engrer, 74 ; R Love, 74 ; E. MuKee, 71 { G. McKee, 68 ; J. M llelatm,87; L, dtraohan, 64; K. vloLeod, 50 ; it, Fraser, 50 •LL Slanted, 46 ; E &winter, 40 ; R. laultmter, 40. Sr III Case.—Exam, in Read., Lit., am Gr., Dump. E. Thu/moon,84 ; U. Heneuld, 89; A. Oooper, 82 ; A. Mo$•e, 70; A. Hemtwortb, 77 ; J. Bremner, 75 0, Dane, 70. Jr. III Clues.—MOtem, in Read., Lit. Gram„ Gawp, A. Barr, 85 ; F. Freeman, 85 ; F. MgOitiiam, 76 ,•I. Engler, 74: L. 1loltitueh, 69'; W. Eck inter, 67 ; L Hoary, 62 ; V. eloOad, 68 ; J, Cooper, 56 ; I8, Luray 54 ; R. 'Sheep' eon, 52 ; A. 1f lebOber, 118 , P, McKee, 88. Average attendance 47. L. A. SHANNON. Principal, Junior Dept.—Sr. IL-11. Smith, S, Hemowartb, V, Pollard, E. Mevbary, A. MoIleolend, 0. Dunbar, M MoNeelaud, 0, Euhmier, E. Dobeon, E. McLeod, 0. Hell, ri, Shrauhan. Jr. II. - 0• Engler, N. McKee, P. Bateman, 0. Cooper, N. Addy, G. Balmier, R. Goatee, 0. Davidson, W. Yeo, H. Saville. Sr. 5 D, Melee, R. Dunbar, M. Ooktee, P. Dobson, F. Sanders, H, Love, Jr. I— L. Longevity, H, Freemen, B. McDonald, L. Dene, G. Hell, MoCellum, G. Pollard. Part I1.—L, MaNeoland, R. Balmier, W. Thompson, R. Hemsworth, G. Cole, C Fergueon, A. Ward. Average attend mule 86, A. SWITZER, Teaober. Grew este. Willie Burke ie home from an enjoy• able visit to Algoma, J. Attwood, ot Galt, was a visitor to the parental borne this week. A maei001 and literary treat at James. town on Wedueeday, March 14th. Come for en evening's free entortaionent. A wood be wee held et Samuel Burk's on Wednesday, 24th alt„ helpers being proems from Howie's, Grey and Morria acrd about 85 code were cut. TUNIon thele ENTERTAINMENT. — Don't Mtge; the ()boa Oouoert to be given Moudsy evening next, 12th inst., under the aaepioea of the Union Methodist church. Au excellent program ie being prepared under the able leadership of Mre, Wilson, Come and briug your beet girl ou the moonlight evening of March 12th. John tJtark, who bought the farm of Robtt. Comate, lot 30, 0031. 11, bee since aced it to Wm. Enaoutt, of Elms town- ship, the price being 34,600. Siooe that Mr. Clark has purubeeeu from Donald Mo"allum lot 7, con. 15, Grey, paying $4,250 (ot it. ltlr. 0outte has removed to his recently purobaeed (arm iu MolSiuop, Dud Mr, MoUshum may go Weet with the big ooutingent from here Mutase he Dau rout e. sutteble property for a term. Mr. Clark is getting to be a great real astute dealer. Sonoor. REPORT.—The following is the report of B. S. No. 4, Grey for February tiamee arreugtd in order of standing formed from written examinations: V, G. Fraser, A. MoDatald, M. Smith, E. Smith, '1'. Smith, N. erfsuDonald. IV.— J. MacDonald, A. McKelvey, L. Frain, G. 1(oQuarrie, J. Hayden, M. Huffman 0. Hayueu, J. MoLe31nau, 0. Lake; D. eluLeunen, J. Berko. III —G. Klug, A. MacDonald, W. Smith, M. Hayden, 81. Juhuean, M. MacDonald, J. Juhneou, f3, King. Jr. III.—T. Goodfellow, A. Jobuoton, E. kkioOutuheon, A. Holt, Sr. 2nd.—E. Burke, R. Huffman, 0, Holt, G. Johusou, J. MoDouatel, N. Agar, W. Agar, M. Welleae, E. Weiaus. Jr, 2nd,—E Lake, 6. Berke. Sr. Pt. II — S MaLeneen, L. Bryane, L. McAllister, Jr Pt, IL—el. Smtih, Id, Jobueon E. Kmg, L. King. Pt. I,—L. Smith, L. Frew, M. Burke. Average utteud- enge 48. T. T. Biases, Teacher. LV)Iorree•t. Township Connell uext Monday. Goon seed peas for Bale. Apply to BORT. 003803x00, 108 28, Cult, 4, Morrie, 100 now eubeortbere weuled by TIE Fun during March. Will you give Ile a beau 71 &tether debate in Jamestown on Mar. 14th. The othere wee'e good and this sue 19111 be u8tter than ever. The Hi81up dredge was moved to Mo• Liitiop thin week where It will be Bet to work upon a contract taken by Andrew litelop, Tti PoeT 1e pleased to hear that favor- able progress ie being make to restored beattb by Mtee Miuuto Walker, 6th line, and her many trieude hope abe will aoou be tonva10808n1. Last week Wm. Ireland, 8rd line, purchased a likely roadster mare colt iu Wiughem. She wag aired by Slander mud fa from it Demo mare and Bhaald prove 8 good one. A mare belonging to John Jackson received a nasty woaod in the breast by the end of a piece of board she tramped upon flying up and piercing her, The wiener' wee about 5 inches deep. We regret to 0313100ne0 the death of John Allister, infant son of James and Alice Nwbul, The child took i11 ou Sat. urday and died on Sunday, the etimeut cuing oronp,ending in aouvuleioue. His age was 7 mouths and 14 days. The funeral took pima Monday afternoon, Rev. Mr. MoDoueall, who wits eapplyiug Melville eburob, Broomall on Sabbath, om,duoiiug the cervica. The wenn wilt be eympalhioed with in the death of their baby boy. PAID NATURE'S DEBT, --Leet Friday John Young au old and highly esteemed resident of Holten paid Nature's debt having tttaiued to about 80 years, For over 60 yeas he had wended in thie wuatity and was respected by alt who anew him. Mr. Young wee a brother to the late Mre. W. R. Wham, formerly al Brueeele Ete home wee lot 11, sun. 14, tire. Young passed away 6 year' ago. Five tone and 3 daugutere survive, the moot of them residing is the Weet. The !novel took place on Mouthy to Borne' natatory, Hallett, oondaoted by Rev. Dr. McLean, Preebyterien minister, of 13.y1h, wbo wag dmueacedle pastor for many yeare. Mr, Yaaug wee a man of integrity and wee alw0y8 found on the right aide of moral and roligiuue g0e0lioua. PAB0ED Awte .—The news 01 the demise of Lottie A , the eldest daughter of Jobe and Steal, Wet/eon, 4. to i nue, two reaeiVed test Monday with no wooed regret. I1 demo en a tied eurpriee to may. Mise Watson had not eujuyed rugged health ter the past six menthe and to the hope of prolonging tier life a medioal operation wad performed teat Friday in the remove' of 98 targe abeuoee, Stte rallied all right but hemorrhage get itt and she passed away about 7 p. in. on Motlday, aged 28 yeare and 4 meanie. Miaa Watson wee beloved by a wide uirele of friende, She wee ouuemcua to the Met and enxio0e to be [teed Irons her suffering, The tuuerat eervloe tette held ou Weduesdayaftetnouh, Rev, W. H. Hartley, of Blyth, o 8(0,1011 tug the det8Vto8. Interment took piece in iiuteehiue cemetery to the presence ut a W. H , K ER R, Prop large oompeny of eympathieing uelgbbore and lrioude wbo greatly lament the early deptrtnreot thio eetlmeble y000g woman, OMT.—Last Snuday Jemea Laidlaw, panted ewe), from tbie ephere of 0utiou, dying at the borne of hie brother, R. 13. Luidtaw, South 71 Lot 14, Ooo. 9, at the advanced age of•84 yeato, There was 110 apparent ailment, ootoide of the expected tailing of powers by inare0niug years. He had auly been ill for a tow days, -De• °eased wee born in Balton 00., where be reeidod for a good many years. Mre. Letdlaw panted away 25 or 80 years ago. They had no children. Dlr. Laidlaw had spent the pest 6 yeare in Morrie fownehip making his home with hie atorementiou• ed brother and hie doter, Mrs, Bobert Sbortreod, now of Blyth. The Inderal eervioe wee held et Mr. Leidlaw'e on Tueeday evening, 000daoted by Rev. A, MaaNeb, M, A,, Presbyterian minister o! Welton, Wedueeday morning the re mains were plaoed opon the train et Blyth and talteo to Georgetown for inter. meet that afternoon, Deoeased Wee it duo old gentlemen who was highly es, teemed by all who knew him. Mole ievvvrth. Mr. Patterson, of Brantford, is vieiting friends in sad around Molaoworth, Jobe Sangster, of the Farming World, Toronto, is vieiting hie mother here. Moe. Montgomery, of Owen Sound, ie vieiting her sister, Mre. George Bpenie. Mien Fisher, wbo bee had a long end tedious eon of eiakueee, ie improving and will euan be around again. Mre. George Elliott, who has been in the 110epital at Stratford, is improviug nicely and i0 expected home in a few days. Wm. Florence is going West. He will be greatly missed in thin vicinity, espeep ally in the °holy of St Andrew'e Church, es he was a very valued member, always taking an active part in the singing. 1131' tit. E. Livingston shipped a oar o1 bandies end elate to Guelph. E. Bender bee Issued the large hall over his store and is converting 11 into a show room for readymede olothiug and orookery. Mre. W. James Sims entertained the members of the Ladies' Aid 800iety of St Andrew's church 10 a thimble tee ou Tueeday afternoon, J. G. and Mre. Moser entertained a uomb•r of their friende one evening taut week, it being the 82nd unnivereary of their marriage. Philip James bee moved from the Atilt.' bury farm neer the village to the farm he recently porobaeed in Grey townobip. Robert Wightman, who recently sold ire (arra in East Wawooueb, ie now living on the Ashbury tarn, he having parobaeed the gime. Robert Hughes appeared before the 0.08011 and asked for some fioancia aeaistence towards the heavy expeuee be MO incurred lately, owing to the ilhtees of Mrs. Hughes who fell on the slippery eidewalke mad broke ber hip end urns. Moved by Conn. Milne, eeoouded by Con. Bradwin, that Reeve Sloan and Conn. Potter be a 00mmittee t0 investigate the appeal of Mr. fiughea and report to this council, Carried. Wr trx octet.. Alex, McDougall returned from London on Saturday. Mise May Davidson is assisting in the post -office this week, Mr•. W. Rutherford who has been on the eiok list is now improving. Gideon Parke returned fr m a business trip to Ireland last Thursday. A great merry loge came in during the two days .leighig of this week. A maequerede carnival will be, held in the skating rink Thursday evening. Mre. Geo, Allan entertained a number of her friends one evening lost week. Mrs. Lewis left for Toronto on Mon - 494 to attend the millinery openings. &Ira. Quick, of Alberta, spent a conpie of days feet week with Mise 0. Lawrie. Norman Cook, of Hensel], visited over Sunday at toe home of Mrs, G00. Harris 8r. Mise Jean Davidson has returned from n visit at Bluevale , cud Wingbam Junotion. Walter Davidson, of Regina, wee the guest of his uaole, John Davidson, on Saturday, Mre, 0. Sanderson, of Hamilton, is vieiting her father, D. Murtha, and other relativee here. Mre. Darling who hes been vieiting her pnreute 4, end Mrs. Iiongley, of Howmk, lett for her home in Treberne Man., on Tuesday. John and Mrs. Hupfer and daughter Maggie left for their home in Sault Ste, Marie last Thursday after a vita of several months here with relatives. A special deepatoh to the Globe 8ay8 :— Louden Ont. March 1,—Up to a lute hour to day no trade has been found of the bodies of Edward S. Dexter end Hugh McDougall, who were drowned y eterday while working on the dam at Dexeter's Mill. They went down in twenty feet of water, and neither of them could ewim• A great mass of snow . and hoe that had been blocked for some time further up the river euddedly broke away 1 and the water that had been held bank oame down with a rush, sweeping both men away before they had a chance to ottempt reaahi g the shore. The Hugh McDougall mentioned in the above item ie a brother of A. McDougall of this p ace. The bodies of Molls men have einoe been found end the funerals took plicae in Loudon on Stindtiy, The opening oonoert in the new flown Hall was a decided 0000080 front every point of view. The onuuoil spared no expense in getting op the program and their confidence in the liberality of the public was not miepluaod as fully four hundred and fifty were in the Ball, and had the roads boon good he doubt more would have been there, The following artiste took part Mise Mabel Manley, or Toronto Miee Haynes, of Bellevill , J. H. Oameren, and W. J, White, of Toronto, Mies Manley tepee a drat place es a eopt'abo singer, her ooptrol of voice 10 really wonderful and every word i0 distinguishable. Cameron and White need no comment, they being well known all over the Domiolon, Mitre Haynes ae en elocutionist will make her mark. The danoiug of the little Mb ises Walker of Tee8wtiter w.s very much admired, No doubt it was a surprise to loony in this vicinity when they heard the oruheetra. They played a number of beautiful oleo - Mons. The oroheetre 000eieba of Ur, Brawn, 3, R. Wendt, N. J. Rob neon, tV. Carr and Mr. and Mrs, T. G. Hemp- hill. The letter wee the aocompaniet for the evening. The Hall looked very nice with its new scenery and when the full number of fights were turned on, it was s perfect blaze of light. The remarks passed about the ball both by the artists and publ a were very oomplimentary to Wroxeter and we may feel justly proud of it. People We Talk About. Dr. W. 0. Cameron, of Palmerston, spent Sunday in town. D. J, MoLeaohlin and Jno, Beattie, of Obeeley, wpm in town over Sunday. Mise Core Wibfameon, of Belgrave, ie the gleet of her Mater, Mre. Ed. Lowry. Leslie Bailey, of Stratford, was a visitor et the parental home for a few days. Mr. end Mrs. Copp, of Toronto, were vieitore with J. end Mrs. Tait during the peel week. Moe, Levis and son Bernet, of Clinton, spent a ample of Jaye with friends in town this week, J. F. Kerney wee off duty for a few deyn•threegh Muesli bat we hope be will soon be o. k. Mieeee Armee and Margaret Fulton, of Detroit, mud Mre. Wm. MuOubbin, of Fnikire, are 'halting at Mrs. Jae. Fallon's. Eddie Lowry left for Toronto on Tueeday afternoon of this week wbere he will be employed, We wish him well. Mre. Leokie, of town, and Mra. P. D. MoKiunoo end daughter Janice, of Win nipeg were visitors at Waterloo thio week. Rueeel. Brown arrived home from the Busineee College, Toscana, on Wedoee day of tine week, having completed hie eon Be. George Howlett, of Rooheeter, N. Y., spent a few Jaye thin week with bis neicee, Mre. A. Barron, of Grey, end Mut. R. Hotline, of Brussels. J. J. Gilpin made a boaineee trip to St. Marys in prosecuting his boeioese in the cream eeparater line 1100105 made several sales in that locality. We ere pleased to see Maggie MoNab book to her position in the afore of Mesere. Fergaeon-& Rose after nndeeirod abaenoe of 6 or 8 weeke through illneee. Jco. 0 tear, of Palmerston, will be the new poetmaeter at that town. He is a relative bo Mre. Fronk Oliver, of Brea eels. We wish him a pleasant 00' aupanoy of offlae. Mies Mabel Colvin will return to Crediton bavtng entered into another engagement se Milliner. Tbie epeoko well for her peat reoord. She leaves Brueeele next Monday. R. H. Green has been reappointed as Dairy Ioetraotor for Brantford Dietriot and will shortly return to hie home in Cayuga to etteud to his datiee. He and Mre. Green have been vieiting here for some mouths. Bert. Gerry arrived book to town thio week after a buskins trip through the Went ae far as Catery, The probabil• ities are he may re-engage fn the bard• ware handling in some Ontario town yet to be decided open. We are sorry to nate that Mre. J, Y. S. Kirk has been on the eiok list dila week. She had a fall ab her home the ooneequenoee of whiob left her in poor shape for worm time but we hope she will Boon be oonveleeoent. W. B. Thompson, ebeeeemaker as Brussels cheese and butter factory, wilt leave for Woodburn, near Hamilton, about the let of April, where he will pre. gide for the doming season, We will be sorry to have Mr, and Mra. Thompson remove from this locality. Thursday of neat week James Menzies, an old and highly esteemed reeid801 ut Broosele, will -attain hie 78th birthday. He is bright, motive and sweet, (matinee eometlmee not possessed by elderly poop e and we hope hie life may be prolonged for a good many yeare to come, A letter tram Thae. Watson, of Wind. nor, Out., formerly a well known Bran Balite, Bays they are all enjoying good health and that hie father le woudorfelly well for a mat of hie yeare being able to enjoy hie mettle and rest well et nights. The old gentlemen is well advanced iu life. TEE POT welcomes W. H. Maunder', and family to town. They have taken up residence in the brink cottage formerly onoupied by 8 Walker, T8roberry street. Mr. Maunders has leased hie farm in Morrie township and will leave shortly for Liebe, where he will take a hand at sheep teething, Conductor Dune. McCallum the genie. and a000mmodating ticket puncher on the London Huron & Bruin railway, formerly of the W. G. & B., has been roiiroading for the peat 85 yeare. Re started 0e porter al Walkerton and bee worked his way to the front. Condootor McCallum is a favorite with the travelling paltlia. Mn.a Winnie MOGgire will aee0me a pontoon ag Milliner et Iionderboro' tbi. season. She haejest returned teem .the millinery openi,ige at Toronto. The L lndesboro' people will find Mite Wtnnie en artistic developing headgear and also poeseeaed of numerous oche' arta, euoh ea unusual elocutionary ability. George Thomson, who has been on the rr or ti t Metropolitan Bunk b e t s ff of the MecropoEa f the past three veers, has been traoefored to the Heed 00.loe Toronto., From there he will probably tae Sent to One of the branch offline. We with Mr, Thomson memos and believe he will °artfully and with oapabiltty dtedharge his dntie• wherever he ie 6ppolhted tie i0 the aid. 80t sou of our well know toWhemtIu George Tltomeon, Mies LtlOole Woods; who hoe been on the ejok list, is able to be out once more we are pinned to notice. Tent Pin extends oongretulatlons to Poetmaater Farrow on hie 74th birthday. He is es lively es the proverbial kitten yet and hustles about from early morning to late at night. We lame little doubt bat this activity le 10 him the elixir of lite. Many people droop and die beams') they dont keep pane with the activities of this fast traveling age. Mr, Farrow does. Wednesday of thio week Mra, Albert Gerry and daughter and son, of Indian Head, N. W, T., who have spent the past lets mutrtbe in en enjoyable visit amuug relativee and old friends, started ou the homewerd trip. They purpose calling at Paris where Mre. Gerry'e meter, Mre. d. Y, Taylor, resides, Toronto, Fort William and Winnipeg 8000018. We wish them a sate and pleasant journey W. H. Kerr, D. D_ G, M., visited Olio ton A. O.D. W. Lodge on Tueeday even iag and will self on the Dungannon brethren Friday evening, Clinton bee a good oontingeut of former Breoeelites. Among the number are :—Dr. 3, W. Shaw, John Shaw, Jas. Danford, Obits, Barna, Jubn Prior, J. M, Martin, Geo. Wharton, Wetter Coats, John Hill and Rev, W. E. Kerr. i. EDITORIAL NOTES. Game interest is being aroused in the starving millions of Japan. Tag IOeara000 Com• mission will oom. minae baeiaeae along the line of their iaveetigation on Wedueeday of next week. We hope they will vitt thinge to the bottom, THE Poet uomplim• ente the Whitney Government in its appreoiatiou of T. W. Gilman, formerly of Wroxeter, in his re. appointment se Deputy in the depart• meat of Mines, &o. He will do his part in up to•date style, E0et Huron is proud of him and wisbee bim alumina, HON. Mn. TEttPLEl[AN wag eleoted in Victoria, B. 0., in a triangular political tight by over 700 majority He will be Minister of Inland Revenue in the Dominion cabinet. He is an old news• paper man and wee born in 1845. In 1884 he went Weet where he hoe done well, • GODEBIOH hockey team made a good fight for the intermediate championship and gave it a obese but were beaten out by Peterboro'. The lade Zoom the Beet appeared to bete more etick•to-ativeneee in the eeuoud halves. We oongrotalete the Go. town on their record and they have et least bud the salielsetio0 of get ting their picture in the Toronto papers. They ere a good looking Mauch tun, DOMINION Parliament opened On Thur. eday of this week. East Haron'e re- presentative, Dr. Chisholm, left Wing. ham for Ottawa on Tueeday. This will be an important 0808100 but we hope none of the M. P,'e or Seoaiore will be foolish enough to work themeelvee into an untimely grave. Brace me gentlemen and keep a good heart remembering tint dead men cannot banl in the in. creased indemnity. Tame may be an op▪ portunity for come Mem railway travel shortly es a rate war ie probable between lines doing buaineee between Chicago and New York. It the regulation fare were reduced to 2 mote a mile regularly we do not believe the railway oorpor0tione would loee by it. The reduction of postage sod the inoreat80 revenue following tbie popular stroke is eu ihastration in point, We believe the Telephone and Telegraph Computes could Dome dowo in price sud not gaffer financially in ooueegoeuoe. • WEir,e in Btrattoed on te reoeot date, with a few boars of leisure at our die. pantt, we had the ple0earo of a look through the flue Y. M. 0. A. building, The urbane end whole Bottled Secretary Ward showed us apetaire and down etaira and in the ladies' parlor end really the place i8 worthy 05 the very beat the good people of the Classic City can do for it. Roomy end modern in all its deparbments ; es olean as It new pin ; well lighted ; coldly heated mud everything apparently looked after with the greatest pare, it affords a delightful spot for rest, reoreetion, im- provemeut of the mind and medal ad vantages difficult to estimate. The Grand Trunk Railway Co. has been the eonl of generosity in its gine of a splendid library, recreation grounds, eto. to the institutionend we have no doubt they reap large rernrne in the advantages and eoraforns afforded to ire employees under the roof of such a de. Oreille boon. Good work ie done in the evening classes ; the eymneeiom and bathe ere well patronized and the intefleotaal end religious is well looked after by lectures, addressee Bible oleese° and verion0 eooial gethoriuge, Mr. Ward is epeoielly adapted for the work he i8 entrusted with, Nature haw the endowed him with the attritional gualities plan the aognired e000mpliob• mettle end we aped after en 0Ogaaintr. 0008 of many years. If the Stratford people give him end 'the Y, 115, O. A, the loyal 8upport they richly deeorvo we will guarantee the benoflte to be derived in the time to mom will far ootehine the splendid record ot the past. We were pleased to hear from Seoretary Ward of the timely and highly appreciated help afforded by many in the city end hope the number will repid• ly inorease and that the work will be signally blessed. A anoST seseio0, '000pying possibly 6 mouths, with another whirl at it next Fall may be the program in commotion with Domihion Government. It ie hinted that the tariff Menge', will not be taken up at thie aeeembliug. The Lord's Day Alliance ie pushing for le0'l4bion along the line of remedying doubtful clauses of the Aot and to meet exige0oieu nob tow covered by law. A yew more of the brethren have:enter• ed the atk of safety and Mead no longer fear the contrary politioal winds nor rising tides. Ott Wedueeday live new Senators were appointed to warm Beate in Ottawa, They are R. Jaffrey, of Toronto ; end Dr. Dangles, Dr. Deveber, P. Talbot and Philip Roy of the North• west Territories. Probably nil are good men but we do not believe the whebls of the Dominion monist eland still or even the axle get red hot it the whole Senate were wiped out of our Ooueticution but if it is to be perpetuated aotive men, both physically and mentally, should be placed there and no others. Perth County. County Judge Barron is interesting himself In a humane cease. G. Golighcty two enter into partner. ehtp in the boot and oboe betimes with Alex. Oberman, et Mattoon. Stuart Brea. of the Al Itched Flour Mille, have joot received an entire Mew chopping piano which Wtel be installed at once. Mtee Leua Fraucie, Follarton, left for Peuoe, Seek.. where the bas accepted a poalttou es teacher in the Potato tohool. Rev. Jamee Abery, former,y of Monk - ton, nae received a Dalt from the Presby- terian church of Granton• He will likely A eBandmaster for 28th Regiment. '01'.0.00013.:0; arey, of Bei,eville, renetvee the eppotutmeut. Reorganlzatiou is almost uumpl8tad. Gibeou Mahaffey, Fullerton, killed s large snake. This is a m081 mama' thing to duct snakes orawlmg about in the mouth of February. Lest Batardey eveuiug a very pleasant entertainment wise elven to the mutates of the House of Refuge, Streteord,"- Urn. Bathes and Jooapb Skinner arranged a very oce8ptabte program. Rey Montgomery, Erie street Strat- ford, reoetved Severe braises on hie right leg through the tailing of a totems of toe from the.ioe chute et the pork factory, efter it bad been carried pert of the way up tbo obnle. H. Ubelaoker, of Stratford, arrived home after a three weeks' visit to the South• western States, vteioiug Sc. Louts and Kaneae any, the most of the time being spent with Mra, Ubeieeker's sister ao Harry 0•.Iquboou arrived from Soot. land lest 'week bringing with him four floe Olydeedeie etalnoue and two brood mares. They are all well pedigreed and maybe eeeu at his fether'e sienna just outside the oorpuratiou of Mitchell on lbs Fattarcon tied. Tutt J5xvoamve of the Stratford Old Boys' Ae000iation closed au arrangement with Mom Jeoeie Maotaohlon, oho great Soottieh prima douus, and probably the 0108E popular Binger who hoe ever visited Stratford, to appear there under their amputee ou the Might of St. Patrick's. Day, Saturday, Maroh 17818. White Thumae McLaren, sr., wait com- ing down the Steps leading Iro01 the upper storey of nee blaokemitb shop at bluebell be lust hie bttlauoe and fell to the groaod, reoeiviug a very bed r•haking np, a18o a emcee injury to his ehuulder and cheat, At first it wee thought he had Molten acme bone,, but au examenatiOn showed that that wait not the cane. He suffered eoueiderable pale at first, but i0 doing nicely coueidermg his ego. Hie many frieude look for a epeedy recovery. At the annual eougregatzouat meettug ot the Presbyterian °berth Berlin, Rev. W. A. Bradley, pastor, formerly of Mitchell, the reports abowed a good year. largest aooeeeiou to the membership, lergeet eouortbnttons to the Bohewee, lergeet lumber of families to connection with the oongregetinu, largest revenue and largest surplus in the half mouthy of the obnrche's bietory. A present of 360wtiy $l the pastor an hie salary increased The Dominion Parliament mot ou Thursday, Guy Ktmbte, of Bnbooygeon, tonMMb(te ed suicide in a Vsnoonver hotel. The;berm of G. E. Roger°, of Thorold, wee bnrned with four horses and Mine Cattle, Janie B. Graham, of Fort Brie, commit. led Micah by hanging himself • bat to. A medlcal student has olaimett the homau bones found nn a box et ai rail, way baggage room in Montt eel, W. i3 WI eon liveryman, o1 lfidiar.d, bue B• oared a vendlot of $100 against W. FI. Demon, M. P. for wander. Robert Jaffray, De, Douglas, Dr, Deveber, Peter Talbot and 1)r, Roy were appoiuted to tate Satiate Tories day. Mre. Fredorlok Klingbelt wee pounded to death near Beeeville, and bet Milhaud,. o welt to do farmer, ie under at'reet. ohatgod wish mutatr,